Author Topic: Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing  (Read 732 times)

Offline Beegerite

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« on: October 28, 2000, 02:06:00 AM »
OK Boys!
You unhappy about the pricing plan HTC put forth to others and excluded those of us who have been faithfully paying $29.95?  How about we stop talking and show them how we feel?  I suggest an AH Free Day during the entire 24 hr. period at your location on Wednesday Nov. 1st  This means that for us on the US East Coast at 23:59 on Tuesday we pull the plug and don't reconnect until 00:01 on Thursday morning.  This will be a very clear indication of the following;
a. Who feels that all should pay the same.
b. Who supports their move.
c. Who is so addicted that they would pay $100

Tell your wife that being such a nice guy you're going to take a whole day off and spend it with her.  Might get you some of that thing they call err what was that? Oh yes, sex.

Pass it on!


P.S. For those that feel strong withdrawal pangs I would suggest coming into this thread and posting how you feel but support the cause.


[This message has been edited by Beegerite (edited 10-28-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Beegerite (edited 10-28-2000).]

Offline JoeMud

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2000, 02:10:00 AM »
<lights the torch and starts yelling and waving> Oh damnit I cant be of help I cancled my account again  

lol this toejam is funny from a distance

Offline Animal

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2000, 02:23:00 AM »
I like your signature Beeg. I really do.

But your plan will fail miserably.

Offline gatt

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2000, 02:29:00 AM »
I initially was very pissed off about it. But cool down and wait for HTC decisions and/or announces about prices. Give them one month after the expiration of the offer, the end of november that is. Then you'll be entitled to take any decision.  
"And one of the finest aircraft I ever flew was the Macchi C.205. Oh, beautiful. And here you had the perfect combination of italian styling and german engineering .... it really was a delight to fly ... and we did tests on it and were most impressed." - Captain Eric Brown

Offline snafu

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2000, 05:14:00 AM »
Hi I agree with Gatt on this one. I too was initially a bit pissed to start with. (I think it would have been better if the word "Unlimited" hadn't been part of the inititative).

But HTC have never failed to produce yet so I for one will trust em on this. A no play day would be a good idea if you payed by the hour but why increase your cost per hour ratio by staying away when you have paid up front?

Perhaps HTC should charge in local currency. I see the cost change (By an insignificant ammout) each month because of exchange rates. I'm glad the pound is not yet tied to the Euro.


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Offline RAM

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2000, 05:52:00 AM »
I was (am) completely pissed by this thing. At all. 100%.

But I have paid my 30$ again  ...I am giving them some time  .

Offline Beegerite

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2000, 11:09:00 AM »
Maybe a little reading between the lines lesson is called for here

Originally posted by Beegerite:

how we feel?  

a. all should pay the same

I love Aces High but I don't love what a baaad business decision has brought on.  Multiple tier pricing which by their own words and promises to the recipients they can not withdraw which means that unless they want to face legal action those who got an offer for $9.95 a month will continue paying $9.96 a month in perpetuity.  Likewise those who got the $14.95 offer and those who got the $19.95 offer FOREVER!!!
Those of us who pay $29.95 are the only ones who don't have a "FOREVER" offer.  Which one should we have?  Well the lowest offer given is $9.95  This is the only level at which democracy will return to our skies.  The only level at which EVERYBODY PAYS THE SAME.
Now, is this an unreasonable level?  I don't think so cause I came here from FA and that's what I paid there.  $9.95 fills the Zone's coffers with hundreds if not thousands of players.  Don't believe me check it out.  The downside from the players perspective is that at $9.95 you're gonna attract the "Goobers" of the flight sim world, servers will become over taxed, lag will prevail and game play quality will suffer greatly.  This possibility isn't good but we didn't bring it on, HTC did by an ill advised market research campaign which has now turned our community against itself.  The purpose of my protest then is to tell them that I for one want $ 9.95/month pricing now because I've paid $29.95 long enough.  
One last point, some of you must be extremely young and naive, the word incorporated means that HTC is a person in the legal sense.  This isn't about Hitech and Pyro and other nice guys we know and love.  This is also about those money hungry backers they've got who may just be putting the squeeze on them to turn things around pronto and who don't give one hoot about the quality of the game itself.

Bottom line simple:  I think it unfair that anyone should get lower pricing than me. I support the game but will show my displeasure by not playing it for 24 hrs.

So, let's tell Mr. Johnson and Mr. McNamara (for the youngsters - Viet Nam president and secretary of defense); HELL NO, WE WON'T PAY UNEVEN PRICING!

Offline CptTrips

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2000, 11:51:00 AM »
I was reading this wondering: what is this idiots problem.


>I don't think so cause I came here from FA
>and that's what I paid there.

it all became clear.

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline Beegerite

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2000, 01:05:00 PM »
Ah! Congratulations Wabbit you used the magic word "idiot"  You've just taken a perfectly legitimate right to post an opinion and made it a personal attack.  Again, congratulations.  To answer your question, I have no problem.  $29.95 is absolutely fine, no stress at all for me to pay that.  What is the problem is that somebody else gets to pay less.  How does it reconcile in your books that under this program you will be paying $29.95 and others $9.95 for exactly the same thing?  You better crack open a dictionary and look up the meaning of idiot.  While you're at it try moron and imbecile.  Believe it or not they are all degrees of the same thing.  As far FA, me and two other Tigers left but we left 21 squad mates behind.  So I stoop up for what I thought was worthwhile instead of blindly listening to their corporate crap and lies.  That's being a man not blind followers that's being a Nazi.
Thanks for giving me an insight into your personality.

Originally posted by AKWabbit:
I was reading this wondering: what is this idiots problem.


>I don't think so cause I came here from FA
>and that's what I paid there.

it all became clear.

Offline Cobra

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2000, 01:16:00 PM »
You are out of line here AKWabbit, period.

Musketeer Escadrille

[This message has been edited by Cobra (edited 10-28-2000).]

Offline CptTrips

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2000, 01:26:00 PM »
Don't embarrass yourself by proving my point.

HTC is operating in good faith.  They are exploring the possibilities of reducing the rate for all of us.  If the price of that is that a select group of test cases get a special deal, or get the reduced rate sooner than me then thats ok by me.

If thats unacceptable to you then by all means, pack up your toejam and get your bellybutton back to fiter arcade.  And take your boycott freak show with you.  Moron.

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline CptTrips

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« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2000, 01:28:00 PM »
>You are out of line here AKWabbit, period.
>Musketeer Escadrille


I've simply had it with some of the roadkill I've seen on this bbs the last week.

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline kidcol

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2000, 01:54:00 PM »
Beeger, I understand where you are coming from, BUT, I am truly in support of HTC & the decision they made with this. This move will enable them to determine whether or not they can give the rest of us lower pricing.


There, did that get through? If the schmuck down the street is paying $5 or $10 less than me, yeah, I want the same thing, but I'm willing to trust HTC. And as far as anybody can see, that's what HT, Pyro & the rest of the guys (even the suits. They don't want to kill the game, they want it to grow) are trying to do.

That said, yeah, I got the $19.95 offer. No, I didn't take it. As crappy a flier as I might be, I like my name, some even know me by it (& a very few, respect me by it from my FO days). Besides that, I've got the money, some don't. I e-mailed yankee & asked her to send the offer to somebody else, so maybe some other guy that didn't sign up last time will reconsider. Before anybody asks, I believe I got it because I tried to abuse the 2 week thingie, I wouldn't do it now, & would advise others against it, but, I was just looking for a cheap thrill at the time. HT, sorry, but I did what I did. That's the way it goes.

- kidcol -

BTW, beeger, the Johnson/McNamara reference at the end of your post is uncalled for. Debating the issues of the sixties is for the OT forum, but besides that, comparing HT to the largess of government ineptitude (which is implied in the quote) is just unfair.

[This message has been edited by kidcol (edited 10-28-2000).]

Offline Beegerite

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2000, 02:41:00 PM »
Damn!  I hate flame wars but if there's something I hate even more is an adolescent who thinks he can match wits with an adult.
Let's see "HT is operating in good faith" Maybe yes and maybe as I've alluded to they're under financial pressure.  Considering the crap feast this has caused wouldn't you think they would have run this little exercise by some of their most rabid fans while at the conference in Texas.  I didn't hear anything from those I know that attended. Good faith?  Only time will tell!
And as far as going back to FA and taking my moron boycott freak show with me, we'll what can I say.  So well and intellegently put.  No sonny, I ain't leaving cause the money isn't the issue.  I'm still paying my $29.95 and will continue to do so as long as AH offers value to me but that doesn't mean that I will not politely and in good form express disdain at what I consider to be a real screw up on their part.  What do you consider a sin worthy of calling me a moron?  That at one time before I discovered somethiing better I flew FA?  That I had the intelligence to find something better and am willing to pay three times as much or that I have the temerity to imply that if AH is willing to offer $9.95 pricing to one they should do it for all?  Do I expect them to do it?  I don't know but foolish is the man who doesn't ask and a single day boycott (your words) is probably the best way for those that aren't as vocal as you and I to show them how they feel.  No harm done, no money taken from them, just a day spent with our families and a message delivered without calling anyone a moron.


Originally posted by AKWabbit:
Don't embarrass yourself by proving my point.

HTC is operating in good faith.  They are exploring the possibilities of reducing the rate for all of us.  If the price of that is that a select group of test cases get a special deal, or get the reduced rate sooner than me then thats ok by me.

If thats unacceptable to you then by all means, pack up your toejam and get your bellybutton back to fiter arcade.  And take your boycott freak show with you.  Moron.

Offline Udie

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2000, 02:54:00 PM »
 Bottom line is that everybody here is paying the ammount they agreed to pay.  If HTC offers a better price to somebody for market testing or what ever reason, it's non of our business.  Pyro clearly stated the reason behind the price, do you think or are you saying that he is lieing?  I realy don't understand.  They are trying to see if they can lower the price for everybody.

 You talk about them operating in good faith, where the heck does that come from? This company has the best Comunity Service out of any online flight sim out there and with only 6 employees.  We just got done w/ the first anual AH con which was nothing less than a pure example of good faith.  I know the prize that I won cost as much as I paid for the con fee, and just about everybody at the con won a good prize.  HTC spent alot of money that weekend, I bet they didn't make 50% of it back.

 Anyway, have fun with your walk out. I personaly hope too many don't follow you as I will be flying again this weekend   and I need some targets in the arena    Also I hope to see this topic gone off of the UBB soon, it's getting real old...
