Author Topic: Another antidote  (Read 643 times)

Offline Vermillion

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Another antidote
« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2000, 05:11:00 PM »
Tour 8:
- verm has 3 kills and has been killed 2 times in Me109G10.

Sorry I dont believe you in that statement.

Here let me give you the rest too.
Verm has 0 kills and has been killed 1 time in the P-51D
Verm has 7 kills and has been killed 5 times in the Yak-9U.
Verm has 23 kills and has been killed 2 times in the F4U-1C.
Verm has 3 kills and has been killed 2 times in the Bf 109G-10.

Now most of -1C missions (my first since like tour 3), were two sets of ground attack missions on airfields where the ack was knocked down, so admittedly I got ALOT of vulchs. Probably 5 of those were legit air to air kills. I can remember two 5 kills vulch missions in a row one night.

In the G10 of my deaths, one was a lawndart, and the other was versus StSanta. Afterwards we both thought the other was warping, but neither could figure out which it was, and it was still a close fight. We both agreed to relog, and left it at that.

So if you want to go purely by stats, the G10 is a much more effective fighter than the P51.

easy, because then the P51 will run away and you wont catch it in your life. What you ask is to let go ANY P51 that dives under 8K?...sorry,but I find this quite surprising.And unbeliable

Let him dive to the deck RAM, once he gets there his speed will bleed down to the normal non-dive speed (367mph), and you can stay above 5k, where your speed is better than his and you will run him down. Once he can't dive no more, and you are fairly close (within 2k distance) you can slowly dive down but intentionally keeping your speed below 450mph. Plus you have more WEP, and at 5k your non dive speed is 400. 450 (or 400) > 367 right? You will catch him, it just takes patience. But you WILL catch him.

Come on Verm, this is ridiculous. People in this BBS have said SEVERAL TIMES that the 6x50 cals on P51D are EQUAL to Fw190A8's 4x20mm (ridiculous by itself). So 3x20mm MUST have less hittin power.

Ram, the only people that has said that, is Fishu, and its been repeated by you. No one else has. Period. And like I said before, I don't trust Fishu's word unless he provides us with some scientific testing. He has proven to be just too bias'd when it comes to Luftwaffe aircraft in the past for me to believe him.

Systematic scientific tests done by other players have shown the exact opposite results.

All I can say is, show me the proof and we can debate the gun issue intelligently, without it... *shrugs* I will reserve the right to disbelieve.

sustained? yes. but with flaps a well flown P51 will be able to turn inside the G10 quite quickly. I know it. I have flown both quite much.Of course if he misses the chance, then E will be a problem, but the position is won and he has his enemy's 6.  So, all in all P51 has the edge in turning fights.

Please explain to me why you are engaging P51's in the horizontal plane (flat or semi-flat turning fights)? The G10 is one of the best (if not the best) vertical fighters in the game. If your turn fighting P51's, your not flying your plane to its strengths. No wonder your getting your clock cleaned by Ponys.

30mm is not next to useless in fightervsfighter role. 20mm gondolas? above....

30mm is not a good fighter versus fighter weapon, agreed. But the Gondola's? I have flown every one of my G10 missions with Gondolas. True they degrade performance, but once you get use to them, they are worth it in terms of firepower versus the performance you lose. And you can still outperform a Pony with them.

You like looking at the stats, so with gondolas I have a straight out 3/2 = 1.5 to 1 Kill/Death ratio with them. And if you disregard my lawndart, and or my fight with Santa (no blame, just an admittedly warpy fight) I am either a 3:1 K/D or a 3:0 K/D. So gondola's suck huh?

And yak has 2 12.7mm monsters, while g10 has 2 13mm peashooters. Yak hitting power is BIGGER than G10's.

Again,   Prove it with numbers. The tests I have seen show that these two aircrafts relative hitting power is almost the same. While I agree that the .50 is more powerful than the 13mm, I believe that the 13mm and the 12.7mm is quite similar.

bring the Fw190d9 With Mw50. And the runstand will stop running and start fighting

No it won't IMO, read my response in the other thread. It just means that Pony pilots will fight you differently (just like another Pony), and those changes in tactics will generally negate the speed differential.

RAM, I admire your loyalty and your enthusiasm. And I think your a good pilot too.  But try to look at thing objectively and rationally, without the passion sometimes.

It is much more likely to gain you the respect that you seem to want from the community.  

**MOL**, Men of Leisure

[This message has been edited by Vermillion (edited 09-22-2000).]

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #31 on: September 22, 2000, 05:19:00 PM »
Hristo.. you payin; or just here trolling?

In answer to your question: No; MW50 Dora don't scare me...

In fact has anybody ever indicated they were 'scared' of the Dora.. The LW's fabled and storied 'Other White Meat'??????

Further; has anyone suggested they didn't want a Dora? Where are the raging frothing opportunist running dog lackey mob led child-pilot amerikansky objectionists??

Hell yes; we wanna Dora. Then mebbe you'll plunk yer money down... so I can kill yah. In whatever you fly.    <<< obligitory

If you wanna play ; yah gotta pay.


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Offline Hristo

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« Reply #32 on: September 25, 2000, 02:16:00 AM »
Hang, every time you sound like this, you get shot down soon after.

So, I gather you are ready for some more ?

Do not cheat next time.

Offline Torque

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« Reply #33 on: September 25, 2000, 02:39:00 AM »
LOL you haven't flown in 1.04 yet have ya histro heh

Offline Hristo

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« Reply #34 on: September 25, 2000, 02:56:00 AM »
Originally posted by Ice:

Hristo....If it were up to me I'de give you whatever you wanted just to keep you quiet.

In addition, I think you lifted your skirt here for all to see...once you do get your silly D9, then you will began to incessantly cry for the 262.

Maybe you should start round one of a Venture Capital hunt and start your own online sim instead of constantly whining about this one.

BTW, are you even playing still, or just crawlin up our shorts on this board?

Your a good sim pilot and always have been, and for that I respect you....but this silly whining and posturing you do(you've always done this over the years)gets old  

Just get in the game and let your flying do your talking....or are you afraid we might see YOU are not as UBER as you think you are?

I'm Out!

Ice, both 262 and D-9 were 1944 planes, just like the P 51D was.

In real life P 51D was likely to meet them in the sky. In AH it doesn't have to worry about them. Fair ?

Hmm, remembering me over the years ? Dunno, maybe you are mistaking me for someone, I am in online flight sims since first day AH beta. Before, only WB HTH.

The reason why I don't fly now has nothing to do with the game or my pilot ego. More like real life though.


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« Reply #35 on: September 25, 2000, 05:54:00 AM »
Hi allieds and axis pilots!

i'm a pure G10 driver and in my opinion, the
p51-D is a far better fighter then the G10.

g10 is good, but i think lot's of "allied"
pilots will suck in it (no all!). you must
really hard work for a kill in it. in a pony
or hog, you can spray from 600+. in g10, you
have to see the eyes of the enemy pilot, than you can shoot.
for me, 3kills in 190 are the same than 1 kill in 109G10.


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Another antidote
« Reply #36 on: September 25, 2000, 10:07:00 AM »

I think the Dora should fly here...not the Jets...If anyone needs jets, perhaps a boxed sim is in order. I would hate to see the sim suffer should jets get introduced.

I'm Out!

Offline Tac

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« Reply #37 on: September 25, 2000, 02:38:00 PM »
Habicht, you are experiencing the very same thing Galland commented on when comparing the US fighters (specifically the P-51) against the 109 and 190.

He said the US pilots had a superb advantage because of their guns. A LW pilot had a very limited ammo load and could not afford to waste ammo. A US pilot in contrast, had a LOT of ammo and could afford to spend 200 rounds on one fighter, while a LW would be an idiot to waste more than 50 on a fighter.

I fly the P38 and P51 mainly, and when I get on the 109 g10 I find it to be a difficult plane to fly because of its reduced high speed handling and because although I always wait to be inside d400 to fire, I find I run out of ammo very quickly. And that cockpit is plain ANNOYING   .

The Me-262 SHOULD be in AH, the same with the ME-163. They both flew in combat and were produced in enough numbers to deserve a spot in the game.

The way I see it, the ME262 and 163 would be anti-buff planes mainly, as it was stated earlier in this thread, a piston engined fighter only has to turn to completely blow the firing solution (or hope more likely) of such high speeders. Besides, if the 262 slows to dogfight, its DEEEAD.

IMO, the 163 and 262, if introduced in a controlled way to maintain playbalance would be very fun to have.

I would suggest HTC to add a RANKING system based on kills per "life". Say, you take off, get 2 or 3 kills WITHOUT dying or being captured, then you would be upped in rank.

So this way you could have 0-1 kill you are rank1, 2-3 kills rank2, 3-4 a  rank3, etc etc.

If you die or are captured you go back to rank0  

Say only rank 5's can fly the 262 and 163's... with the coming of player controlled carriers, you would also need rank2 or something to be able to command a carrier.

[This message has been edited by Tac (edited 09-25-2000).]

Offline Fishu

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« Reply #38 on: September 25, 2000, 04:35:00 PM »
Tac did just mention one of the reasons why I don't like much of Me262 in Warbirds.

Can't slow down to shoot.

For buff killing it is fine, when they are big and does not execute 300mph split-s out of your plane which might travel 500mph.
You try to pull for shooting angle and you'll blackout.. fun.

Though, if not scared of higher enemies and theres furball ahead, Me262 will be fearsome for those furballers.
SA is not so perfect in furball when you try to see all around you, then someone comes 600mph behind you and blows you into bits if you're even a bit too late to avoid him.

There are still few things that makes Me262 bit weak on fighter versus fighter fight, it's 30mm guns. (has to get close in and deflection shots are difficult.. and that plane does not offer much time for aiming while that close)

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #39 on: September 25, 2000, 04:55:00 PM »
I flew the 262 every day it was offered in WB's.

And I spent my time in it hunting other 262's.

Very realistic.  


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Offline Dusky

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« Reply #40 on: September 26, 2000, 05:48:00 AM »
No 262s! It just would lead to the point where all pilots (dweeb or not) fly it as the fastest, best plane. I refuse.. I hope others do too.
