Author Topic: Bush is Great!  (Read 242 times)

Offline 10Bears

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Bush is Great!
« on: September 08, 2003, 02:06:17 PM »
Originally posted by Grunhurz
10Bears your officially a nut

And so I’m flipping around on the tube last week and happened onto a two part  X-files on TNT.  Haven’t really been keeping up with the X-files in recent years so I decided to watch for a little while. These episodes are from (guessing) the latest. The premise seems to be “Invasion of the body Snatchers”

Apparently, the aliens are kidnapping people to their ship, torturing them, planting them with an alien virus then leaving them for dead back on earth. After a gestation period, the people come back to life except now the alien life form has taken over their body. Of course Agent Mullder is one of the folks kidnapped and a very pregnant Scully finds Mulder’s stiff body in the woods.. It’s an emotional scene at Mulder’s funeral, we see his casket being lowered into the ground.

Three months go by..

Night fishermen shine their lights at a floating corpses and take it to the coroners office. The body looks like it’s been in the water for weeks and Agent Scully identifies the body as their friend Billy.. In the coroners office the body “twitches” and so is rushed to the hospital where he miraculously comes back to life!. Immediately they dig up Mulder’s decomposing body and he too is resurrected.  

Meanwhile during each commercial break they’re showing an ad for an upcoming Nascar event with a great rockin’ tune in the background. I’d like to download this song but don’t know who it’s by or what the name of it is. The commercial features Kyle Bush the Nascar driver so I assume the band is “Bush”. The next day I fire up WinMX and take a chance downloading a bunch of “Bush” tunes.. Didn’t find what I was looking for but I DID find several very good Rock n’ Roll tunes and discovered a great band. So if your an older rock fan that has trouble finding new good rock, give “Bush” a chance.

Here’s a list of songs I got.

Greedy Fly
The People that we Love
Everything Zen
I don’t want to come back from this Cloud
Machine Head
Mouth (Remix)
Chemicals between Us

Offline Tarmac

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Bush is Great!
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2003, 02:16:12 PM »
Bush is a real hit-or-miss band for me.  They have some great stuff, have some stuff that sucks arse.  "Little Things" is another good one.


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Bush is Great!
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2003, 05:04:54 PM »
There is nothing...absolutly nothing Iraq could've done to avoid this invasion.

I said that youre "officialy nuts" after you wrote the stement above.  This bizzare rambling stalking new thread of yours only reinforces my judgement of the same.  Nonetheless i still kinda like ya as one of my BBS buddies of sorts and I hope you really rethink your behavior of late  so we can stay friendly and i dont have to write you off as some wierd crazy person.