Author Topic: "You might be a leftist if..."  (Read 1501 times)

Offline rpm

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2003, 06:51:43 PM »
TY Rip, I could have gone on, but had to give myself a Time-Out...does that mean I'm on Self-Probation?:confused:
« Last Edit: October 10, 2003, 06:53:57 PM by rpm »
My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives.
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Offline AKIron

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2003, 06:52:54 PM »
If there are no further entries?

As the only nonpartisan and unbiased observer on this board I hereby declare the winner to be...........Ripsnort!

Please collect your Aces High, The Board Game on yer way out Rip.
Here we put salt on Margaritas, not sidewalks.

Offline strk

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2003, 06:57:50 PM »
At *least* rpm didn't have to do a google search (strk)

oh great Google thy knowledge is vast!

you think Im going to write something for you lunkheads??  I only have a little bit of time here.


Offline medicboy

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2003, 08:13:08 PM »
Originally posted by rpm371
You might be a Right-Wing Zelot if:

-You believe John Ashcroft poses no danger to America or Liberty.
    No he doesn't

-You think President Bush did not lie to the nation and the world.
 He didn't

-You believe President Bush is the answer to all the worlds problems, Arnold Schwarzenegger is a godsend to the People of California, and the Dixie Chicks, Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin, Barbra Streisand, Eddie Vedder and Jeanine Garofalo do not have the Right to Free Speach.
   They have the right to free speach, they don't have the righ to be heard

-You believe all liberals are Communist, but do not think Millionaire's can ever succeed without Tax Breaks.

You shouldn't be gang raped by the feds because you work hard and make something out of your self.

-You can't decide which is worse: the Clintons or the Gores.
  Its a tie.

-You believe George W. Bush was fairly and democratically elected, and the majority of the popular vote should be ignored.  Ok, then I want my congresonal dist's electoral vote to go to the guy we voted for.  The electoral should be divided up into districts, not states.

-You root for prisoners when they are convicted, but oppose allowing poor conservative talk show hosts to share a cell with them.

If he is guilty then put him in jail, simple as that.

-You support no kind of "diversity" on campus, especially political orientation.

no comment

-You support banning the smoking and legalizing of marijuana.

No, I believe it has a legit purpos in medicine, but the general public shouldn't have access to it.  Morphine is illegal to use with out a script, mary jane should be too.

-You are enraged by the acts of "terrorism" by Tommy Chong, yet stand idly by while Bush Administration Officials leak the name of CIA agents that disagree with your motives for war.

If this happened then they should go to jail.

-You cannot find where the right to an abortion is in the Constitution but can find where the Constitution provides for a right to keep and bear arms outside of a well regulated militia.

In all the other amendments the term "the people" they are refering to actual people, so do you think they changed this for one amendment?  No, they kept it as simple as possible so we wouldn't need some court to interupt the actual meaning years later...  "What do you mean by is?"

-You belive George W. Bush went to War over human rights.

   Yes I do.

-You don't believe the former Governor of a New England state with 608,827 people is adequately experienced to be President in 2004, but the Governor of a Southwestern state with 21,325,018 people wasn't completely unprepared in 2000.

Unprepared for 9-11, yes, anyone would have been, What do you think Gore would have done?   (Oh god that thought makes me sick)

-You belive Bill Clinton is responsable for our economy 3 years after he left office, but George W. Bush has no effect at all.

Yes I do, it is going to take years to undo clintons mess and the false boom he created by artificialy infalting the economy.  It was already headed down hill before the election.

-You believe Don Rumsfeld .

I like Don, you leave him alone.

-You don't feel threatened by evangelical Christians or State Supreme Court Justices placing 10 ton religious statues on the Courthouse steps.

Ok this is where it gets scary, I agree with you, religion has no place in Govt or the court room.  There is a freedom of religion and no one should be forced to accept someone elses views.

-You support people voting a recall of an election they didn't vote in to begin with.

Yep, people have the right to vote, or not to vote.

-You support American troops being used as "Beat Cops" halfway around the world, and want to send more.

Thats our job as the only super power left.

-You see nothing wrong with only former Bush Administration members lining their pockets with warbucks.

If this is true, than fine, no one else would support him, why should they profit now?

-You are not concerned where the largest Budget Surplus in American history went.

Nope, I think it was just manipulated numbers and it didn't exist in the first place.

-You don't care One in 11 families, one in nine Americans, and one in six children are officially poor.

Nope I don't care, I was poor when I was in college, I worked my butt off and now I am doing just fine, its their fault fot being lazy, they need to carry their own weight.

-You don't care the most affluent fifth of the population received half of all household income last year. The poorest fifth got 3.5 per cent.

See above

-You don't care the official poverty line is an income of $18,104/yr for a family of four, but a single parent of two working full-time for a minimum wage would make $10,712/yr.

See above, and what is a person doing having kids if they can't support them???

-You don't care.  About your liberal extreamist views of a normal world, no.

-Your car sports a Bush-Cheney '04 campaign sticker.

Only sticker on my truck is "National Rife Association, life member"

Offline majic

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #19 on: October 11, 2003, 12:35:19 AM »
"-You believe President Bush is the answer to all the worlds problems, Arnold Schwarzenegger is a godsend to the People of California, and the Dixie Chicks, Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin, Barbra Streisand, Eddie Vedder and Jeanine Garofalo do not have the Right to Free Speach. "

How is it you don't understand a basic concept like free speech?

Offline Erlkonig

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2003, 01:13:18 AM »
CTRL-C CTRL-V flame-bait.  What would Skuzzy think?

Offline capt. apathy

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2003, 01:20:35 AM »
doesn't matter if it's hidden.. your kid knows where it
is, trust me

no they don't, it's well hidden. in the perfect hiding spot, with the whisky, porn, and the keys to the dirt bike.

Offline FUNKED1

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2003, 01:38:44 AM »
I didn't know any kid in Jr. High that didn't know where to find his dad's stash(es).  :D

funkedup <- former pickup drivin, gun shootin, whiskey drinkin 13 year old :D

Offline rpm

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #23 on: October 11, 2003, 02:00:54 AM »
Please bear in mind that I took 90% of what Mr. Levin said and just reversed it. I don't nessessarily lean as far left as you think...but a couple rebutals kinda scare me:

-You believe John Ashcroft poses no danger to America or Liberty.
No he doesn't
-You think President Bush did not lie to the nation and the world.
He didn't

Your kidding, right? I guess the hand IS quicker than the eye.

-You believe all liberals are Communist, but do not think Millionaire's can ever succeed without Tax Breaks.

You shouldn't be gang raped by the feds because you work hard and make something out of your self.

Neither should those that can afford it least. Shouldn't taxes be equal percentages without loopholes only for the wealthiest?

-You believe George W. Bush went to War over human rights.

Yes I do.

 :rofl  If that was the case, why did he wait? Plenty of time before 9/11 for him to take that stand.

-You believe Don Rumsfeld .

I like Don, you leave him alone.

The guy give the term "short fuse" a whole new meaning. Archie Bunker is a pinko compared to Rummy.

-You support American troops being used as "Beat Cops" halfway around the world, and want to send more.

Thats our job as the only super power left.

No, it's not. That would be The United Nations job. You know, that little club WE formed to do just that. (sidebar: There is that lil ol China still out there, they are just being quiet right now)
-You don't care One in 11 families, one in nine Americans, and one in six children are officially poor.

Nope I don't care, I was poor when I was in college, I worked my butt off and now I am doing just fine, its their fault for being lazy, they need to carry their own weight.
-You don't care the most affluent fifth of the population received half of all household income last year. The poorest fifth got 3.5 per cent.

See above
-You don't care the official poverty line is an income of $18,104/yr for a family of four, but a single parent of two working full-time for a minimum wage would make $10,712/yr.

See above, and what is a person doing having kids if they can't support them???

[RANT]Not everyone in the US is as fortunate as you. You at least had the opportunity to attend college to begin with. The Wal-Mart corporation ALONE has caused more unemployment and economic recession in small town America than should be allowed. They come in and drive the Mom and Pop stores out of business, then raise prices while the average wage has been reduced. They stop the "Buy American and save jobs" campaign in favor of "Buy Chinese and boost profit". But hey, they have a smiley face for a logo now, and if you have a degree you might make Assistant Department Manager pays $10 an hour, so it's all good.

Not every poor family in America is made up of a Mom watching Oprah and popping out kids to get a bigger welfare check, while those kids run wild and sell crack down on the corner. Once you leave California, you may get a better view of what's actually happening to our economy. Small town life ain't easy, especially if the only job available is at Wal-Mart.[/RANT]
My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives.
Stay thirsty my friends.

Offline lazs2

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #24 on: October 11, 2003, 11:04:51 AM »
rip.. it's much simpler than that... you are a liberal if you think women should vote and you vote for the same things they do.

If you are a woman then at least it makes sense.    If you are a man.... then hopefully you will outgrow it before you say too many things that will be a humiliation for you in the future.

Offline 10Bears

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #25 on: October 11, 2003, 01:12:56 PM »
You are a conservative if you deny women the right to vote.

Right Laz?

Offline strk

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #26 on: October 11, 2003, 01:50:30 PM »
you are a liberal if you think women should vote and you vote for the same things they do.

   Are you still pissed at the sufragettes? lol


Offline Torque

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #27 on: October 11, 2003, 01:55:05 PM »
Originally posted by 10Bears
You are a conservative if you deny women the right to vote.

Right Laz?

I thought it was proper healthcare?

Offline Mini D

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #28 on: October 11, 2003, 02:04:27 PM »
HAHAHAHAHA! That was a great post Rip!  Quite the dig on dumbocrats! HAHAHAHA!

Errrr... wait...
Originally posted by Thrawn
Rip, travasity of logic there.  Many of the statements present correlations that are flimsy at best, non-existant at worst.
Pretty much spot on.

Too bad so many used the fight fire with f... I mean... fight stupidity with stupidity strategy here.


Offline lazs2

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #29 on: October 11, 2003, 03:46:16 PM »
I don't know if you are consevative or not if you realize that women shouldn't vote but you most certainly are liberal if you vote as the women do.   You are liberal if you condone much less encourage women to run your lives.
