Author Topic: Poll: Which put you off WW2OL more - launch or fanboy posts?  (Read 4360 times)

Offline Batz

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Poll: Which put you off WW2OL more - launch or fanboy posts?
« Reply #105 on: October 16, 2003, 05:55:17 PM »
First line of your 3rd post Dsty2001

How do you know the game has not changed much since you have not played it? You sir, are an *******,

That was your reply to this

Wrong. Tried it 3 months ago. Came to the same conclusion I did 18 months ago:it's a POS. Try again.

They guy said wwiiol was a pos and you called him an *******.

No one insulted you and you werent defending yourself. You were waving the CRS flag.

Your first post in this thread was fanboi'ism at its finest. As I said before no one here needs a fanboi to lie to them about how great wwiiol. Most of us have 1st hand experience with the game. So like like it, some dont. Folks dont get mocked because they like it, they get mocked for being lying fanboi spammers. If you like wwwiol great for you. Not everyone likes it and they dont deserve someone like you calling them an "*******" over it.

Now tell me again how you werent offensive. I bet one could consider you denial a "lie" but we will just assume you forgot.

Offline Merciful

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« Reply #106 on: October 16, 2003, 06:00:44 PM »
FYI I have read every post in this topic.

Hi guys, I appologize if people have have made you sour about playing WW2ol, but here is the deal. While many of you may have trouble accepting this, the game has changed, a lot. I mean, even I was skeptical of playing it at first and waited a year. However, when I think about how far this game has gotten, and is still getting, it truely amazes me. Though, granted, I have never played AH, and I am sure it is a great game, WW2ol just does it for me.

I read your forum post, I was given the link to it in the hangar. I can understand if some of you are not interested in playing the game, that's fine. I am not especially interested in playing your game. However, I would not post on these forums, or our own, telling people that your game sucks. That is just bad class. Perhaps some people would be interested in playing WW2ol that are on your forums? Why make THEM sour as well? We would not do that to your players.

I am an active member in the WW2ol community, but I am by no means a fanboy. Perhaps I enjoy informing people about the game, and trying to recruit people, I do not push it on them. I understand that you might percieve this as bad class, and so would I. However, you must understand that these people are only trying to help. Maybe YOU are not interested in WW2ol, but Jack of there might be. The only problem is that he see's the posts that you make about it, and assume it is still the same bug filled game that it once was.

I will continue monitoring your post after I make mine, and if I feel it is nessicary for me to respond once more, I will. I am glad you guys are enjoying your game, that's great. But don't poison peoples opinions about ours, let them form their own. Anyways, I am just asking you to stop bashing our community. We do not bash yours, so please, do not do that to us.

Thank's guys, take care and have fun!
« Last Edit: October 16, 2003, 06:05:32 PM by Merciful »

Offline LtReiben

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« Reply #107 on: October 16, 2003, 06:02:47 PM »

this thread is funneh.

I don't even know when I started playing AH anymore... it was like, a version before the Navy was introduced...

During my trial I flew gooneys a lot... cuz C-47 just plain kick ass

after my trial ended I was never able to resume live server play, cuz of the $$$ but I stuck to H2H like glue, and hade ages of good times there between dogfights, air-ground games, territory capturing and air races

AH died out w/ me after a while. I kept up with versions to see what new came around ... and it took years for another free trial to open up... so eventually I stopped installing AH all together...

I was with WWIIOL since before release and have had an active account since... WWIIOL is in no fuggin way perfect, but its not bad enough to be publicly subjected to the kind of BS that this forum seems to indulge in.

WWIIOL, I had to take breaks from it at times for many reasons... sometimes out of pure frustration, but I don't go running to my old (or new) communities kicking and screaming about how much it sucks and why we should hate everyone affiliated with it... why? because im not ten years old, and I have better things to do with my life then make it a personal goal to hate a software company.

Every thread like this seems to shave little shreds of respect that I once had for this community off, especially for the moderators and staff which shouldnt condone negative discussion of other games (although im sure they love the negative publicity).

Inane threads like these would be better suited to be a naturalistc psychology experiment portraying "Self-Serving Bias."

But i know why you do it... you take gaggle of people and you group them together and give them a name, they'll stick together and defend their name, and drag the name of their opponents in the dirt... So You "Aces High People" will always be at odds with the "WWIIOnline people."

whats the solution?

don't even start threads about WWIIOL in any way shape or form here. No matter what the purpose, people can't resist the temptation to come on in and start tearing the hell out of it. Is it because their stupid? maybe, but more likely its because they want to conform with the group and be "accepted" in a way...

I don't monitor all of the WWIIOL forums 24/7, but the only Aces High related threads I can ever recall seeing are ones alerting the WWIIOL community about threads that knock WWIIOL that the "AH People" started. there may be others, but I havent seen them in the 2 years I've been there.

So I ask you people, whom I used to have a lot of respect for, to think before you post... you know damn well a topic with "WWIIOL" in the name is going to start something, so why start it?

If it so just that gratifying for you to drag other names through the dirt, then you seriously need a life. Common courtesy is a rare commodity online, because everyone who hides behind their computer feels bigger and ballsier when they dont have to talk to peoples faces. I mean, half the things I read on this thread about WWIIOL isnt even true... two years and I've never seena single picture of a B-17 with pretty bullet holes and seat covers... sounds like someone got confused with B-17II: The Mighty Eighth.
proving that some people are just ripping on WWIIOL for the sake of doing so without any real knowledge of what their talking about. Is that fair? no... and dont use the negative AH posts made by a few of WWIIOLs community members in the past as a way to justify your hatred. if you judge a whole community by the actions of a few, then you probably don't get along with many people in real life.

I know after I leave i'll probably be just either brushed off or be called a fanboi or something, likely because such posters lack either the intellect or vocabulary to provide an intelligent rebut. I know because I try to make stupid people STFU all the time on WWIIOL boards using tact and logic and it doesnt work on people who have already made up their minds that they're right and everyone else is wrong. But it's worth it as long as a few people listen.

I can't sit still and let WWIIOL get bashed by biased opinion and false statements without trying to make some people understand, but I'm sure that those who are capable of understanding didn't post here to begin with.

Go ahead and post your replies. I may be back to reply to any intelligent ones.

Offline Batz

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« Reply #108 on: October 16, 2003, 06:12:28 PM »
Another couple of gems from the wwiiol martyr bridgade.

If you read every thread then you know vulcan was asking why some ah'rs are put off by wwiiol. Nothing Vulcan asked about needed any comment from the wwiiol crowd.

If you read the posts its the wwiiol guys who came over here insulting folks. No ah'r went to your forum (well only those who have an active account over there) and insulted you.

Its you all who keep framing the "arguement" into an us vrs them. Folks here here are saying specifically 2 spammers are/were the problem. You "heros of wwiiol honor" come over here and but into discussions that have nothinbg to do you. Not only do you do that but you come over and throw insults. Then run back to your board and point fingers at those bad ah'rs.

I dunno why you waste your time here. Go play your game.

Offline Dsty2001

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« Reply #109 on: October 16, 2003, 06:28:14 PM »
They guy said wwiiol was a pos and you called him an *******.

No, I did not call him an ******* for that, I called him an ******* for this

Dsty, your rambling fanboi comments about WW2OL are no different than Zeroace's were a couple of months ago.

Its you all who keep framing the "arguement" into an us vrs them. Folks here here are saying specifically 2 spammers are/were the problem. You "heros of wwiiol honor" come over here and but into discussions that have nothinbg to do you. Not only do you do that but you come over and throw insults. Then run back to your board and point fingers at those bad ah'rs.

Your assuming we are, I've not seen anybody here except for maybe one or two people post anything bad about "Those bad Ah'rs" and I am not a Hero of WWIIOL Honor, I am just trying to tell you guys that CRS & The WW2OL Community is not a bunch of assh0les or liars.  Also, I did NOT throw insults at anybody that didn't deserve it.  Your hatred is clogging your logical thinking, please calm down and read all my posts before making un-true comments about me.

Offline Dsty2001

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« Reply #110 on: October 16, 2003, 06:29:59 PM »
If you read the posts its the wwiiol guys who came over here insulting folks. No ah'r went to your forum (well only those who have an active account over there) and insulted you.

I didn't come over here insulting folks, I came over here to explain that Zeroace and Hardcase wasn't the majority of the WW2OL community.  Besides, your telling me if we said something bad about your community or game that you wouldn't come to our forums and do the same thing I am?  Of course you would if it was possible!

Offline Dsty2001

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« Reply #111 on: October 16, 2003, 06:32:23 PM »
Oh yeah, I remember when this community insulted WW2OL before, and that is what caused alot of people to come over here and do what they did.  But two wrongs don't make a right, so bashing WW2OL, CRS, and its community just because some jerks came over here doesn't mean you have to bash us.  I've said NOTHING bad about your game OR your community, I like to play AH when I want to play with a variety of planes and loadouts, and fly bombers.  Although I don't have a suscription, I do fly in the H2H arenas and offline alot, so please don't tell me I came over here insulting your community or game, cause I DIDNT

Offline LtReiben

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« Reply #112 on: October 16, 2003, 06:47:14 PM »
Batz you seem to be a very Aces High biased person.

"If you read every thread then you know vulcan was asking why some ah'rs are put off by wwiiol. Nothing Vulcan asked about needed any comment from the wwiiol crowd. "

The question didn't need to be asked to begin with. It was starting something that you know would attract attention from the WWIIOL community... if you DIDN'T know that then you're either new to the AH boards, or don't frequent them.

If you tell me that doesnt make sense to you, revert your attention to the top line... I assumed ahead of time that it didn't sicne you posted that line in the first place, so I started my post off with said top line.

"If you read the posts its the wwiiol guys who came over here insulting folks. No ah'r went to your forum (well only those who have an active account over there) and insulted you. "

I'm not one of those people... deal with those people directly.

"Its you all who keep framing the "arguement" into an us vrs them. Folks here here are saying specifically 2 spammers are/were the problem. You "heros of wwiiol honor" come over here and but into discussions that have nothinbg to do you. Not only do you do that but you come over and throw insults. Then run back to your board and point fingers at those bad ah'rs."

it is Us Vs. Them. take all these people and throw them in a room together and they'd probably get along fine as long as they didn't know the other guy was playing in the other game... arguments would start as soon as they figured it out. group Vs group conflicts are studied all the time, and this is a good example of it.

as for the people here saying two spammers were the problem; well, im literate and have read more than that, so dont overgeneralize things to the point where you discredit my post. I posted for the benifet of both "sides" because, quite frankly, they look like children going back and forth, not just in this post but in the others I've seen resulting in these flame fests.

take off your AH jacket for awhile and view things from a 3rd person view... we human beings play these games to have fun, not start at each others throats.

I replied with that initial top line because you're standing by the Vulcan like his post was some perfectly just and meaningful post, when it really has no effect than "why we should hate WWIIOL" and you know it. I come here and try and simply try and make all this crap that ALWAYS happens end, and I try to be nice about it, and im just thrown into the group of "WWIIOLers" and immediately told to go away.

Too bad...

have a good one

Offline Batz

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« Reply #113 on: October 16, 2003, 06:47:16 PM »
DiabloTX made a reply to you after you made 2 posts already.

DiabloTX said this to you

Wrong. Tried it 3 months ago. Came to the same conclusion I did 18 months ago:it's a POS. Try again.

Then you called him an *******, not before and you had already replied to his previous post. You dont need to lie to me.

Like I said folks can say they dont like ah or dont like wwiiol. They dont need to explain to you me or anyone else. If you cant tolerate someone not liking your game thats on you. I dont like it eirther dont bother telling me how great it is I know 1st hand.

you all have your own "bash ah" thread going on right now

But you see there lotsa stuff posted their thats lies and untrue. But we cant correct it.

Heres an untruth you can correct

Posted by killer in that thread

ltdata, I see that head view system as turn off. It lets you stick your head out through the glass, or up through the controls/gunsight/windshield.

Like this which seems to be the "over the shoulder" view if I'm reading this right and not mistaken... the viewpoint is in an impossible position, with head at least a foot forward and spun 180 degress and inserted halfway through the side canopy glass....

Tell killer the pic he linked isnt a shot from the cockpit but an offline shot in external view zoomed in. Tell him to learn to read as well because right at the top it says "VM EXTERNAL".

Offline Batz

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« Reply #114 on: October 16, 2003, 06:48:45 PM »
I dont even play any more so dont tell me about biased. Theres lotsa stuff that sucks about ah. I have said so often.


oh and the deal with you crap, I dont have dealt with you read your previous post my reply covered it.

Offline LtReiben

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« Reply #115 on: October 16, 2003, 06:54:43 PM »
"you all have your own "bash ah" thread going on right now "

you do realize that the hostilities in that thread all came from one of our community members finding THIS thread right?

Cause and effect

all it takes is a stike on the match from either side, and it results in a flame fest somewhere... noone cares about which game is better anymore, just about draggin the other one in the dirt.


"oh and the deal with you crap, I dont have dealt with you read your previous post my reply covered it."

please fix that I cant understand the message you're trying to convey

Offline Merciful

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« Reply #116 on: October 16, 2003, 07:01:56 PM »
Alright :(

I thought I could come here and maybe straighten out your opinions. I guess I was wrong. Sorry for trying guys, eventually you will understand, but until then it is pointless.

Uribien, stop. Dsty, no more. This thread is going no where, lets leave it be and let them think what they want. At least one or 2 people will read my post and understand it, instead of misinterperting my words.

Offline Dsty2001

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« Reply #117 on: October 16, 2003, 07:06:09 PM »
Since you OBVIOUSLY cannot read Batz, I will go over this one more time.  

Dsty, your rambling fanboi comments about WW2OL are no different than Zeroace's were a couple of months ago. Is the game changed that much since then?

My reply

quote:Is the game changed that much since then? I really doubt it

How do you know the game has not changed much since you have not played it? You sir, are an *******, I didn't say ANYTHING bad about your community or try to promote WW2OL

There, if you can not put 2 and 2 together, you need to go to school.  It's called typing a reply while somebody else has already replied, it happens ALL the time on forums.  Nice try at trying to prove me of lying, but it blew up in your face jerk.

Offline Batz

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« Reply #118 on: October 16, 2003, 07:06:19 PM »
you do realize that the hostilities in that thread all came from one of our community members finding THIS thread right?

and I am sure YOU realize that to a good many folks in ah that their attitude came from "other" posts by wwiiol types spamming this board right?

You see its a 2 way street. But your own biased doesnt allow you to grasp that.  As I said the negative comments toward anything wwiiol over here is a result of previous wwiiol types posting here.

Offline DiabloTX

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« Reply #119 on: October 16, 2003, 07:16:53 PM »
In before lock!  :aok
"There ain't no revolution, only evolution, but every time I'm in Denmark I eat a danish for peace." - Diablo