Author Topic: SWING.....and a miss, looks like we're missing the point folks  (Read 529 times)

Offline NUTTZ

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SWING.....and a miss, looks like we're missing the point folks
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2000, 01:26:00 AM »
RAM ,,,, F*%K you... you've turned every positive post into your personal vagenda <S>.. If you didn't understand English once again F*%k YOU...


Offline Westy

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SWING.....and a miss, looks like we're missing the point folks
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2000, 08:06:00 AM »
" someone connected with esprit de corps is beta testing now."

 If that isn't ironic I don't know what is. LOL!


Offline RAM

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SWING.....and a miss, looks like we're missing the point folks
« Reply #17 on: October 29, 2000, 08:15:00 AM »
Originally posted by NUTTZ:
RAM ,,,, F*%K you... you've turned every positive post into your personal vagenda <S>.. If you didn't understand English once again F*%k YOU...


A good example of a civilized guy that knows how to respect others' points of view, and their right to say them in public .

Yes, civilized guy, yeah. Salute for your clear and open mind towards others' problems and views of the same questions.

Yeppes, you are a model, an example for all us, sure. I wanna be like you, really, you are my hero.

(now I'd have to lick your boots and applause you, right?)

Poor moron  

Offline Maverick

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SWING.....and a miss, looks like we're missing the point folks
« Reply #18 on: October 29, 2000, 12:46:00 PM »
Originally posted by NUTTZ:
RAM ,,,, F*%K you... you've turned every positive post into your personal vagenda <S>.. If you didn't understand English once again F*%k YOU...



One comment, GROW UP.


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SWING.....and a miss, looks like we're missing the point folks
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2000, 12:51:00 PM »
Well said Humble


Offline Snoopi

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SWING.....and a miss, looks like we're missing the point folks
« Reply #20 on: October 29, 2000, 04:32:00 PM »
I Agree Humble.
New Prices thanks to HTC !

For the rest of you "I want $10/MONTH" Crowd..
Great.. every "Gamer" dweeb in the world will be flying AH. (if the price is $10)

HTC: Please Keep the gamers out AND keep the price reasonable WHILE making a good profit.

Offline air_ReCoile

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SWING.....and a miss, looks like we're missing the point folks
« Reply #21 on: October 29, 2000, 05:50:00 PM »
It's a very simple concept. The only one that knows if they can reduce the price of the game to compete with other sims on a price quallity basis is HT staff. They know how much money they make on a years basis, nobody else. For me that is not the issue here. What upsets me is the fact that new players get a better offer, and not for a couple of months, for as long as they play.

I bet that a lot of players ask themself every month if they can still afford the costs for this game. I played a lot of different flight sims, believe me this one is expensive. But that is ok, I made that choise and I can afford it, but I want to be treated fair then.

If this price discrimination is really going to happen, I'm out, not because of the "too" high cost but out of principles.

Offline bowser

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SWING.....and a miss, looks like we're missing the point folks
« Reply #22 on: October 29, 2000, 06:41:00 PM »
Bye now.  


Offline Sunchaser

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SWING.....and a miss, looks like we're missing the point folks
« Reply #23 on: October 29, 2000, 07:05:00 PM »
Hey Snoopi,
Have you looked around the main arena lately?

The "Gamer" dweebs have been here, oops, I mean there, since day one, their ranks have swelled with each little marketing vs flightsim reality concession and I am sure the price reduction will add more.

The major difference now is that the average income of the "Gamer" dweebs is lower.

AH and any other online dependent game will not survive without "Gamers", there are not and will never be enough hard core simmers to support them.

That is unfortunate and with several companies competing for the same
 cash we will probably see less simming and more gaming from all of them.

When did they put this thing in here and WTF is it for?


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SWING.....and a miss, looks like we're missing the point folks
« Reply #24 on: October 29, 2000, 07:16:00 PM »
I agree with Sunchaser on what he stated.. however remember one thing:

Hard-core flight sim addicts will always be better than the average gamer. Why? We, or atleast we should be, taking the time to research the aircraft we fly/fight against and study ACM to the point of it being an addiction. The way I see it, the more gamers there are in AH, the more kills for me to get! :-)

LJK Raubvogel

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SWING.....and a miss, looks like we're missing the point folks
« Reply #25 on: October 29, 2000, 09:00:00 PM »
The major difference now is that the average income of the "Gamer" dweebs is lower.

Hard-core flight sim addicts will always be better than the average gamer.

What a couple of arrogant self-righteous statements. Really pathetic.


Offline Sharky

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SWING.....and a miss, looks like we're missing the point folks
« Reply #26 on: October 29, 2000, 09:03:00 PM »

If some people being able to play at 14.95/month makes ya mad, this will really piss you off.  Some people are playing Aces High for free!  Yep that's right free!  

The trainers and CMs don't pay a monthly fee to fly.  They provide HTC with a service and are compensated by not having to pay for their account.  Why would that be differant than anyone else providing HTC a service?  

The people that responded to HTC's marketing servey are being compensated with a lower monthly fee, plain a simple.  Why is this so hard to understand?



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SWING.....and a miss, looks like we're missing the point folks
« Reply #27 on: October 29, 2000, 09:20:00 PM »
I gotta tell ya that I've got a negative opinion about this "special" pricing promo thing that HTC has come up with.  But, make no assumptions.  I give a huge <S> to HTC from an awesome sim with great possibilities to come. And on top of that a leader in pricing at 30 bucks a month.  All I have to say now is that I sincerely hope your right humble.

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Offline hazed-

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SWING.....and a miss, looks like we're missing the point folks
« Reply #28 on: October 29, 2000, 11:05:00 PM »
AH is my first online sim and i havent tried others so i would probably be a typical example of who HTC aims its products at right?(well back 10 months ago!wow its flown by)
I used the web a lot i played games and liked flightsims(EAW etc)
It was expensive as far as i was concerned but was hooked and paid the subscription.
Now i congratulate HTC on a brilliant game/product but if i find another game i really like i would only be able to afford 1 online sub.(i end up paying £21(HTC) a month+phone bills as it stands)
 Im looking forward to seeing other games like WW2 online and im tempted to try WB so i think if HTC does manage to reduce the price it would be a big plus in their favour
and who knows maybe i could afford to keep open more than 1 account.
 Im not disloyal to HTC, on the contrary ive tried to get friends to try AH, im being honest.For the moment i have no plans to shut my account but other games do sound tempting! and after reading about the lower price offer I was a little annoyed even though I thought it was a reasonable business move.I just think that it was executed in a strange manner.A news item on the BB would have been ok by me.Instead i heard about it whilst playing hearing i was paying $10 more than the next guy.Not good i think you'll agree



[This message has been edited by hazed- (edited 10-29-2000).]

Offline humble

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SWING.....and a miss, looks like we're missing the point folks
« Reply #29 on: October 29, 2000, 11:49:00 PM »

Look how quickly and openly they've responded to this issue. It's a pretty good indication that they believe in the course of action they've choosen. Based on what I've seen so far I'm certain they'll act logically...based on what results they get from their "survey".

Now lets look at the most reasonable alternative...WB's...they've had the luxury of a large income stream for how long? What benifit have the long time subscribers gained over the last year?

Has the overall product been improved over the last year?

Has the server/connect issues that apparently exist been reduced to any degree?

Has the product been updated to reflect user desires? If so, how often?

Based on what I've heard I'd say no to all the above...but please correct me if I'm in error. So either WB is not really profitable or they're not reinvesting at all in the product. Now I know that AH has to still be in a "boot strapping" mode. Cutting subscriber fee's by any significant amount might really hamper continued evolution of the game...but then again, maybe it could be offset by greater numbers. That's what I believe they're trying to resolve here.

I do have 1 question...and an observation for the AH community.

Question: Is supporting the pace of development worth paying a premium for (the $5 difference in current pricing)?...this does not condone permanent "tier" pricing and assumes setting of a single rate after "survey" offerings are finished.


I have seen no indication that AW or WB is actually committed to ongoing development of essentially mature products. This is inspite of the fact that the initial expense of development has been recovered and the base infrastructure paid for. The other new offerings remain "teasers"...long on eye candy but not even in open beta yet...SO...with the old gaurd committed to maximizing profit and minimizing outlay while the "new breed" is still months or years away...why not give these guys the time they need to settle in to a reasonable BUSINESS model. We all know they're committed to the game, give em time to prove they're committed to us. I seriously doubt they'll make the same mistakes the WB folks did. By the way, all you WB folks that read this BBS ought to send a 1 time donation to AH....they did save you guys a lot of money...didn't they  .

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