Graphics for my geforce 2 TI, did suffer a lot when flying over trees and grass towards fields and also at higher alts towards fields and over grass lands. Bump maping has a large part to play with frame rates for myself for the geforce 2 card. Though turning on Bump maping, I never get bellow 32 fps, when flying the P51D. This ennds the Benchmark test on flying the P51s and ac over Areas.
Graphical Glitches
All keystrokes and all mouse and button presses will be recorded, for this area. When ever a graphical glitch is found, aces high will be restarted and the proccess will start all over again. Got to love these beta reports. The layout will be as follows for this section!
ID Number of Graphic glitch.
Keystrokes pressed to achieve Glitch.
Can Glitch Be re-created at a later date, following the same proccess.
Yes or No?
Picture Of Glitch: