I hope folks don;t mind me putting in my two penn'orth, even though I am not currently involved with Squadops games...
I'm a veteran of the S3 games in Warbirds, and a bit of a "realism" nut. I like flying no-GPS (I'm a bomber specialist, specifically LW/Axis bombers), I do not like having any kind of radar when airborne, and I like to be given the chance to do proper flight-planning (essential if flying no-GPS).
That means I like to be told asap (pref a few days before, if pos, at a pich the day before. Tell me half a hour before and I'll grit my teeth at you but get the job done anyway) what my target is, and any considerations HQ would like taken into account, then I get back to HQ asap with suggested flight plan, including time at target and various points along the way, etc. This worked very well in the S3's. What I don;t like is being handed a flight plan by someone who simply doesnt understand or have a "feel" for the finer (and more interesting) points of buffing... generaly such plans have us flying full throttle more or less directly at the foe with close escort. Generally those plans result in many buff casualties.
In short, I'm attempting to make a case for allowing non-dayfighter specialists do what they do and enjoy best. I'm also in favour of continuity of command, where possible. Over time, in the S3's one became aware of who was good at CO'ing, and who was not, and occasionally one might make (cough) "slight adjustments" to ones orders in order to achieve the effect desired by the CO. This was widely understood to happen, although outright disobedience was, of course, very much frowned on. But then, good CO's tended to know what they could rely on from each unit. At the point I last flew in S3s, IIRC, we still had a new side CO per frame, generally, but there was some trend away from that.
I and the rest of KG2 very much want to take part in organised, realistic unit-based games, with chain of command, proper orders, etc. Our numbers in AH are slowly picking up. If Squad ops can offer us what we are looking for, we might well be happy to sign up (if timing allows), as a full-time Axis bomber unit (don't mind flying fighters in "defence of the Reich" type scenarios. They tended to stuff buff pilots into fighters towards the end in RL)., although if there's no place for such in a particular game, we don't mind flying other stuff for whatever side occasionally. Flying fighters is not EVERYbody's idea of the best way to have fun in AH.
As an aside, it's the fact that AH, in common with most games of this type, has in the past been too skewed in favour of fighters (especially late-war ones) and clear blue skies and getting lots of kills that buffing isnt as much fun as it could and should be, generally. It's only within the confines of organised games with tolerably realistic conditions that buffers have a chance to shine and actually have fun, instead of just being fighter-fodder.
As for numbers, etc. - ultimately what counts is what the scenario needs in order to be fun. Sometimes having even numbers ruins a game (like BoB, or "defence of the Reich". The defenders SHOULD have lesser numbers in those; and there SHOULD be rather more buffs than fighters in both). For most of my online WW2 flightsim career, I've been flying against the odds, sometimes heavily so, and I can honestly say that some of the dullest games I've been in have been ones on which I was on the side with the largest numbers.
I have to be frank, though.. the lure of the S3's in WB is still very strong, and with WBIII starting to look like it might be something I'd be happy to fly again, I personally may just stay with the odd general event over here and get back into the S3's over there.
Feel free to try to persuade me I'd be happier signing up here... :-)
Geschwader CO, Kampfgeschwader 2 "Holzhammer"
(Douwe is our Gruppe CO in AH).