Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: ->OD on August 29, 2004, 07:47:04 PM

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ->OD on August 29, 2004, 07:47:04 PM
Hey, I was curious if anyone here is an old hand from the AirWarrior-AirWarrior 3D days? I was hoping someone with a sense of nostalgia would revive AW3 some day, but I don't think it will happen. I would like to get in touch with some people from the old days if there are any in here and possibly start flying again. So if you used to play AW3 please reply and let me know your old AW cpid and squadron.

"WidowMakers Squadron"
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 68DevilM on August 29, 2004, 07:47:40 PM
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: -ammo- on August 29, 2004, 07:50:27 PM
Only a Marine would mispel *Lejeune*.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 68DevilM on August 29, 2004, 07:51:04 PM
Originally posted by -ammo-
Only a Marine would mispel *Lejeune*.


Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: killnu on August 29, 2004, 08:06:20 PM
yes OD, was FTBS in AW.  welcome.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Murdr on August 29, 2004, 08:32:02 PM
Some nights I cant swing a dead cat in the main arena without hitting a few old airwarriors :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: KdF on August 29, 2004, 08:35:18 PM

Yes old. sigh.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: JTs on August 29, 2004, 08:54:12 PM
All of the Dambusters played AW.  we all kept our names. Tatertot,999000,Cody,JTs,Mutt,dedalos,B52G. most of us flew with the wolfpack
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Estes on August 29, 2004, 08:55:42 PM
Flew with the 82nd Intruders.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: akurion on August 29, 2004, 09:24:00 PM
Got started in the original AW back on Compuserve in '97.  Founded the Nightmare squadron to help poor B-land stand up to the evil C-landers and their damned sheep.

I think I was 17 at the time.  I'm now a 25 year old Air Force Lieutenant, something I couldn't have imagined back then.

I honestly can't think of anything I'd rather be doing right now, though.  Worked out very well for me.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: FDutchmn on August 29, 2004, 09:53:24 PM
Originally posted by akurion
Got started in the original AW back on Compuserve in '97.  Founded the Nightmare squadron to help poor B-land stand up to the evil C-landers and their damned sheep.

I think I was 17 at the time.  I'm now a 25 year old Air Force Lieutenant, something I couldn't have imagined back then.

I honestly can't think of anything I'd rather be doing right now, though.  Worked out very well for me.


Sleet????? Is that really YOU???  Our Founding Father!!!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Halo on August 29, 2004, 11:39:39 PM
I see a Fencer now and then in Aces High.  Are you THE Fencer whose WarHawks occasionally dominated early Air Warrior?  If so, you are a main source to answer the originator of this thread.  

Which means, yeah, I used to play on the earliest expensive Air Warrior via even more expensive local long distance to GEnie.  Stick airplanes on Atari ST 4k memory.  But it was fun even then.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Horn on August 29, 2004, 11:43:09 PM
Originally posted by Halo
I see a Fencer now and then in Aces High.  Are you THE Fencer whose WarHawks occasionally dominated early Air Warrior?  If so, you are a main source to answer the originator of this thread.  

Different Fencer.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Horn on August 29, 2004, 11:45:00 PM
Originally posted by ->OD
Hey, I was curious if anyone here is an old hand from the AirWarrior-AirWarrior 3D days? I was hoping someone with a sense of nostalgia would revive AW3 some day, but I don't think it will happen. I would like to get in touch with some people from the old days if there are any in here and possibly start flying again. So if you used to play AW3 please reply and let me know your old AW cpid and squadron.

"WidowMakers Squadron"
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DREDIOCK on August 30, 2004, 12:22:08 AM
/IT\ KILLS!!! ///oo\\\
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: zabe on August 30, 2004, 12:27:43 AM
Originally posted by akurion
Got started in the original AW back on Compuserve in '97.  Founded the Nightmare squadron to help poor B-land stand up to the evil C-landers and their damned sheep.

I think I was 17 at the time.  I'm now a 25 year old Air Force Lieutenant, something I couldn't have imagined back then.

I honestly can't think of anything I'd rather be doing right now, though.  Worked out very well for me.


Bz's sheep were easier!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DoKGonZo on August 30, 2004, 12:39:11 AM
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: FiLtH on August 30, 2004, 12:53:14 AM
Hi I was there..that bloody war.

  BTW Bz won the war...we put the Az in labor camps, and bred the Cz for their young.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: FBRaptor on August 30, 2004, 12:59:16 AM
I was Raptor$ 2256 with the FREEBIRD$ squadron.

Many of us survived the change from AWMV to Warbirds to Fighter Ace to Aces High :D

We decided to make home here.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Flossy on August 30, 2004, 01:38:46 AM
More of us than you might think!  ;)  I was Flos in AW, playing from July 98 until the end.  Member of the Kraits (remember SAC?) in FR, and the Black Sheep Bombers, then the Hell Gods, in RR.  Welcome to Aces High.  :aok
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: rpm on August 30, 2004, 02:26:30 AM
I was JAG. Flew with the Black Roses for A-Land.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Ghosth on August 30, 2004, 05:10:56 AM
"They're everywhere, They're everywhere"

Grin, duck, run
Title: <---- was CPID one of the squads anyway ;-)
Post by: DieAz on August 30, 2004, 07:37:39 AM
was in hmmm lets see. on AOL AW had 7 different IDs 5 different squads, main one was DieAz in ~AirStrike~ . on GS, ID was DieAz..  squad BlackWidows, I think it was.  hmmm maybe I need to get out the old puters, get them running and watch the loads of films I have from AW . oh something to do when I retire, hehehe ...

see below for  ID in AH and squad. oh this WM squad is from AOL AW mostly.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TheDudeDVant on August 30, 2004, 07:59:01 AM
was kappa, i am kappa.... flew with the 52nd in AW..  8)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shane on August 30, 2004, 08:02:37 AM
was Oopsy (FR, Cz) -->OP (RR)  then Shane (FR, Az usually)  when had 2nd acct near end of AW to easier fly as Az as they needed some help. Kept Shane when came to AH.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: gollum on August 30, 2004, 08:08:25 AM
I was NOFX with the (V)urderin' (V)ules squadron, and later was with the Nightmares.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: slimm50 on August 30, 2004, 09:08:50 AM
Was "slimm" with the 69th Shepherd's Fold in A-Land, and with the {WildCards} in B-Land.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: slimm50 on August 30, 2004, 09:11:27 AM
Originally posted by Murdr
Some nights I cant swing a dead cat in the main arena without hitting a few old airwarriors :)

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: doc1kelley on August 30, 2004, 10:14:27 AM
OD old bud !  Geez I still remember you guys and how us Skillets would call you guys the "window dressers"...heheheh

Great to see ya here and you know I was always DOC1 from  3-96 until it died.  I took the AW designator so my old buds would realize it was the same old quack.

All the Best...
Title: Air Warrior Classic
Post by: TalonX on August 30, 2004, 12:12:14 PM
Amazing how few of us made it through to Aces High.....

I flew as      "CWA"

Long time ago, but fond memories.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grits on August 30, 2004, 01:30:28 PM
3089 on GEnie
1256 on CRIS

I was in the Gunfighters then too.

I had a number on Delphi for a month or two, but I cant remember what it was...4550 or something like that.

Handle was and is Grits, just 'cos I like them.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: hyena426 on August 30, 2004, 02:02:26 PM
flew with the nighthawks in aw3,,callsign underdog. flew under the bz's mostly<~~till 3d drivers got to far ahead and my controller wouldnt work in air warrior anyomre,,but would work with every other game,,lol,,support flew out the window thats for sure

aces high is 5 times better,,but air warrior was the start of massive multiplayer flying games,,still remmeber the rockin music  when the game started up,,with the old war footage and bombs droppin allways enjoyed that,,got ya pumped up to shoot down or bomb somthing:) air warriors
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SunKing on August 30, 2004, 02:04:25 PM
I played a game for about a week or two that was through AOL ... I just remeber we were all gunners in a bomber. Was that AW? I then decided to wait , played some EAW then found AH during the beta days.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: mudder on August 30, 2004, 02:54:09 PM
I have a vague memory of being in a squad, Baders Bus Co., Darned if I remember my handle, something intimidateing like "guts":)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DREDIOCK on August 30, 2004, 03:46:08 PM
Speaking of AW

What ever happened to the AOS Squad?

anyone know what became of a Az went by the handle of Wayne?

Or EvilX?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SLO on August 30, 2004, 04:22:24 PM
Slohd in AW

also -->Slo in WM's

now Slowhand in AH and WW2
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: twitchy on August 30, 2004, 04:53:32 PM
Originally posted by rpm371
I was JAG. Flew with the Black Roses for A-Land.

If you remember ddawg, he died recently in a gun related accident, I think he was black roses.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Elfie on August 30, 2004, 06:22:01 PM
My cpid in AirWarrior was -Elf- and I flew for Armageddon :)

In AH my name is Elfie and I currently fly for the Nomads :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: AWRaid on August 30, 2004, 07:21:29 PM
Raid from GeniE, AOL AirWarrior... played AW2/3 on ocasion.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: AWRaid on August 30, 2004, 07:23:32 PM
AirWarrior didn't have warhawks and the real Fencer was a 51 driver.

EDIT: Didn't want to make a new post. I remember you Kappa, also you too OD if you're Oddball.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grits on August 30, 2004, 08:02:58 PM
Originally posted by AWRaid
AirWarrior didn't have warhawks and the real Fencer was a 51 driver.

Warhawks was his squad not his plane, which along with the TurkeyHams and Gunfighters (and one other I cant remember, maybe 666th Internet Daemons?) made up the 4th FG.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: jconradh on August 30, 2004, 08:35:07 PM
Wow, I was there on AOHell in 1996.

I flew as Luke% (Coolhand Luke).  I flew with the Skulls as a CV based squad with DPDG and Nancy DeGroat.  

I flew mainly C land and had a few 20K + duels with Mav and saw Whels and many more names I recognize here.

Later I joined the SKBG in AW3.  Almost all of those folks are floating around here as well.

Salute all!!

:)  :)



Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: FiLtH on August 30, 2004, 10:10:46 PM
While on the subject of AW squads heres a few I flew with the most...

JG26 Abbeville Kids

also the 327th near the end of AW after I bounced around a bit.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: akurion on August 30, 2004, 10:49:29 PM
Sleet????? Is that really YOU??? Our Founding Father!!!

It is me :)

I jus got back into the flight sim world a few weeks back, so I'm still getting AH2 legs.

It's great to see people from the old squad still flying.  I had no idea when I started the Nightmares that they'd still be flying strong 7 years later.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: AWRaid on August 31, 2004, 07:38:06 PM
My why says she knew you in ww2ol Filth.

She was Catalyst. Actually I was for the first 6 months until i realized ww2ol is gay then she took over from that point. :/
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: BGBMAW on August 31, 2004, 07:47:43 PM

Grim Reapers..Pappi was our CO

we flew for mighty Cz....and always ruled the pond

mostly RR Euro

but did screw around in BiG PAc...and usally always flew with the MAW

now  I fly for 40dogs  Marine Air Wing

btw loved the SAC Kraits terrains and skins...always flew in the snow

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Hornet on August 31, 2004, 07:54:44 PM
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Steve on August 31, 2004, 08:12:43 PM
Hey OD, I was   ->HOG   in WM's

In here, I'm:  Steve    although  I;ve taken the last 6 weeks off to play JO.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Murdr on August 31, 2004, 08:25:43 PM
from the old 38 specials site

Geez, I have alot of old crap on this server....

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Ack-Ack on September 01, 2004, 03:36:53 PM
What's Air Warrior, new game?

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shane on September 01, 2004, 03:42:13 PM
Yep.  And due out in 2 weeks.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Ack-Ack on September 01, 2004, 03:45:57 PM
Voss Vaporware Studios putting it out?

Title: Hey OD :)
Post by: kellys26 on September 01, 2004, 05:18:23 PM
I remember flying with the Widowmakers for a time in AOL AW.  My name was LaLuz back then.  I haven' t  flown for years, but recently found AH, and decided to try it out.  Just got a new pc that can handle it, and today UPS delivered my new CH joystick and peddles.  I'm going to fly offline for a while before I show up live.  Yeah, I'm a chicken, LOL.  
I never was very good at AW, but it was so fun, and I think this will be too.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ->OD on September 01, 2004, 05:21:21 PM
LaLuz, How ya doing? I do remember you as a matter of fact, vaguely but it is still a memory. AOL AW seems decades ago. I am currently flying offline with a mouse and keyboard since I have discovered my computer doesn't have a gameport just ubs and my stick and pedals aren't ubs. I havent had a stick and pedals hooked up for about 4 years now, so it came as a shock. Is there an adapter that will change the connection from gameport to ubs?

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shane on September 01, 2004, 05:34:50 PM
Originally posted by ->OD
Is there an adapter that will change the connection from gameport to ubs?


Hiya, welcome to AH.  You may recall me in AW3 (on gamestorm) as -->OP not a window washer, a grave digger.  :D

here ya go...

trust me there's quite a lot to deal with simply setting up your stuff to feel comfy in AH with.  do a search on the BBS for head position files, joystick keymapping and view toggle.

i'd do it for ya, but on my way out for softball practice. perhaps when i return later...

anyway, welcome.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ->OD on September 01, 2004, 05:55:32 PM
Thanks -->OP, I remember you vividly as a Gravedigger. I am hoping to get everything set up and start flying soon. Although in my absense from flight sim games I forgot that you actually had to pay to play some of these games on the internet. So for the next little while I wont be signing up, just flying offline. Thanks for all the help though.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TheCage on September 01, 2004, 06:27:52 PM
Flew with the Nazgul, and later the Rebel Air Force.   CIPD was =CGE=, and flew for Cz land.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: BowTy on November 16, 2004, 03:28:02 AM
Aww the memories of Air Warrior.Oh yes I was /CV\ in Euro & BowTy in Pac.Sure miss my A26s :(  Those were fun years,yes YEARS :D 1997 until it ended. Was even on the last day to say farewell.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: AKDogg on November 16, 2004, 08:12:26 AM
Hey -->OD.  Good to see ya.  This is #Dogg (-->DG when I was GD's)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: EN4CER on November 16, 2004, 09:35:00 AM
Flew as N4CER in AW and AWII.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: midnight Target on November 16, 2004, 09:41:47 AM

Started in '96.

I kept a jpeg of my favorite mission score, but danged if I can find it... Scored exactly 1 (one) point. :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: edge12674 on November 16, 2004, 09:42:15 AM
Flew as TShark with BRU (Buff R Us) in Genie AW days then the squad changed names to ACID (Agents of Common Intent Destruction).  Went to "Confirmed Kill" then Warbirds beta as Edge.  Now I am here as TShark again.  Boy am I feeling old now!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Stang on November 16, 2004, 10:36:07 AM
Joined AW in '99, cpid was Mustg... flew with WU a lot (man he could spin a 190  :D )   Joined JG27 after a couple months flying with Soup and the boys.  Ah, the memories :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Stang on November 16, 2004, 10:39:17 AM
Originally posted by Shane
was Oopsy (FR, Cz) -->OP (RR)  then Shane (FR, Az usually)  when had 2nd acct near end of AW to easier fly as Az as they needed some help. Kept Shane when came to AH.

You were Oopsy?   Bwahahah!!!!!!!!  Man no way!!!!  I used to love having your 30k F6 dive in on me and pwn your but heheheh  :lol :lol :rofl
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: humble on November 16, 2004, 11:02:53 AM
Originally posted by akurion
Got started in the original AW back on Compuserve in '97.  Founded the Nightmare squadron to help poor B-land stand up to the evil C-landers and their damned sheep.

I think I was 17 at the time.  I'm now a 25 year old Air Force Lieutenant, something I couldn't have imagined back then.

I honestly can't think of anything I'd rather be doing right now, though.  Worked out very well for me.


Hehe...the "original Air Warrior" was DOS based on Genie...went to AW on AOL in 94? and devolved from there:)...I couldnt afford the $12/hr on genie so had to wait for it to go to AOL before I really started to play...was humble there and same here...played AW till 99 and came here during open beta in 9/99
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: humble on November 16, 2004, 11:08:00 AM
Originally posted by AWRaid
Raid from GeniE, AOL AirWarrior... played AW2/3 on ocasion.

Raid from RR#2?...flew with me laghead, yes and the rest (JG26?)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shane on November 16, 2004, 11:39:38 AM
Originally posted by Stang
You were Oopsy?   Bwahahah!!!!!!!!  Man no way!!!!  I used to love having your 30k F6 dive in on me and pwn your but heheheh  :lol :lol :rofl

i was only up there huntiing soup and zazen.  i guess you were one of the horde of tyros they were using as bait/cover.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Wurger on November 16, 2004, 11:46:11 AM
Lets see...  started out in AW on AOL when it came out, formed 'The Misfits' as Jok`r with Fang+ and Kill`r; after awhile changed my CPID to Quax, then a few years later we disbanded from The Misfits and formed 'JV44 Experten' in AW3, changed CPID to Bazi, and eventuallly left AW3 for AH just after the AH Beta.  Flew mostly in RR and did a few tours in the Axis/Allies RR :)

Formed The Flying Circus in AH with Vati (formerly Fang+), shortly after arrival, which was disbanded when AH2 came out.  Now flying as a free agent :D

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SFCHONDO on November 16, 2004, 12:21:09 PM
Hiya -->OD, AW HONDO here.  Hope to see ya flying in AH soon
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Elfie on November 16, 2004, 02:21:02 PM
I was -Elf- in AW flew with Armageddon for about the last year or so, RR big Pac mostly.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ManeDog on November 16, 2004, 09:20:05 PM
Bring back the MOTS  >G<

=S= ->OG

Flew as -->6K  as a GraveDigger  In  AW AOH*LL / AW Gamestorm/AWII

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: StarOfAfrica2 on November 16, 2004, 10:18:33 PM
Good gawd, no MOTS!!!!  lol
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: FiLtH on November 17, 2004, 12:41:27 AM
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: crowMAW on November 17, 2004, 01:43:49 AM
Man, that seems like a loooong time ago.  I flew CZ in RR.  I was Ender... CPID: ndMAW

Title: Was
Post by: Tinpot on November 17, 2004, 07:45:55 AM
I used to Fliy with the Knights of the Iron Cross ( KIC)

My handle was KIC+7zulu

Mainly flew dive bombers 88s and 87's in the Allied Versus Axis arena. Was a good squad and nice to be part of an organised unit flying in a relaxed  but historicaly based arena where people actualy fly. Something AH lacks as the CT does not get enough players.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: RedDg on November 17, 2004, 08:27:28 AM
Flew as RedDg in AW with the 56th FG.  (With a nice guy named RAGS). :D

We started in RR Europe and went to Big Pac, and eventually FR.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: FT_Animal on November 17, 2004, 12:48:57 PM
Originally posted by zabe
Bz's sheep were easier!

You must have been an AZ ;)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DYGCaps on November 17, 2004, 04:37:06 PM
Flew as Caps from AW on AOL all the way till the end in AWMV...

RedDg, I was in 56th for awhile as well, any idea where Snner or RAGS is?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Spongebob on November 17, 2004, 08:46:50 PM
Too funny Murdr, saw where the last guy to kill you was TEKKO. He was a worthy opponent in AW classic - I usually lost. Anyone know if he's around?

I was ~W^W~  in AW Classic. Some buds of mine at work got me hooked up with a decent PC (486) and pointed me in the general direction of Gamestorm and I was hooked. Who new that back in the 60/70s when I was building 1/48th scale models of every WWII plane they had that I'd be able to fly those same planes on the internet and kill people in virtual dogfights!

Switched to AW3 full realism and played as Magoo (JUGZILLA!)

Came to AH as Magoo

Had to open another account recently due to a "ahem" credit card issue and am currently flying as BluMeeni.

Anyone remember that old strategy board game called "Battle of Britain"?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Murdr on November 17, 2004, 11:36:06 PM
Originally posted by Spongebob
Too funny Murdr, saw where the last guy to kill you was TEKKO. He was a worthy opponent in AW classic - I usually lost. Anyone know if he's around?

I last seen TEKKO  -->here<-- (
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Murdr on November 18, 2004, 12:37:32 AM
Hmm, I dont seem to have a capture with the kill board anymore crowMAW.  Familer faces on there.  Closest thing I could find
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: AKDogg on November 18, 2004, 05:06:13 AM
That 1 guy I haven't seen in awhile.  Ruaml.  Where is that putz at?  I loved killing him and watch him whine saying I cheat in me A8.  "A8 can't do that, U cheating", Rofl.  Boy I miss that.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rasker on November 19, 2004, 02:06:38 AM
Started out as Rasker in AOL AW, messed around before joining a PacRR squad called the Rug Merchants, after AOL went pay per hour, moved to Gamestorm, joined MAW in Pac as RkMAW, have been that ever since AW and here.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Arlo on November 19, 2004, 12:50:16 PM
I'm naked as I read this, btw.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: yoyo_boy on November 19, 2004, 02:07:06 PM
hmm... that's too much information arlo, really!!:o

Yep I was in AW 'C' lander.  Always flew FR (99%) of time.  It was fun.  Remember nme's Cusco, Emerald, Kappa, Hispd, Coors, and +Dead+ along with a bunch of others!  I still have some +Dead+ P38 films, heh.

Good times.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: xHaMmeRx on November 19, 2004, 02:28:51 PM
+HMR+ on AW Classic on AOL, AWII, AWIII. Have been flying for the =GHOSTS= the entire time. We were the + guys
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: StarOfAfrica2 on November 19, 2004, 03:46:22 PM
Hehe, wondered if you were the same guy.  Ive got at least one film of you from AW.  

Btw, what ever happened to Who7?  He flew with you ghosties I think.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: AWMac on November 19, 2004, 04:16:32 PM
I flew as Mac with the DEADEYES in Az.

*Update on RuMaL*

He dam near lost both eyes in a tragic masturbation accident. He is healing well and there's a 75% chance that the would you say....reattachment and skin grafts will heal nicely.
He can now eat with a fork.

Will keep you all updated when possible.

Title: Was There
Post by: Zaphod on November 19, 2004, 09:11:41 PM
Flew as Rex31 (RR) Pac and Big Pac arenas with Sea Serpents, -Rex (FR) with Wildcards.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: RTSigma on November 19, 2004, 10:32:27 PM
MtlSn in AW2
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Dead Man Flying on November 19, 2004, 10:58:09 PM
Originally posted by yoyo_boy
I still have some +Dead+ P38 films, heh.

I've made quite a few new films in AH and AH2.  :)

-- Todd/Leviathn
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Mayhem on November 19, 2004, 11:07:15 PM
CPID MAHEM and MAHYM AW Geni Delphi AOL GAMESTORM AW2 Bigweek beta. AW3 beta Gamestorm. AWMV EA.Com WAS a Game Op for aw Classic on gamestorm and a Gameop and CM for AW3 on Gamestorm. Never really got big into AW untill AOL went unlimited (couldn't afford it before that)

Was in 33rd Strike Group and A.C.C.S. on Air Warrior(s)
moved to AH beta with 33rd when 33rd Died I Joined The Damned
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Guppy35 on November 19, 2004, 11:40:37 PM
Originally posted by xHaMmeRx
+HMR+ on AW Classic on AOL, AWII, AWIII. Have been flying for the =GHOSTS= the entire time. We were the + guys

You might have been the ++ guys but the Nomads got there a bit earlier as the +Guys :)

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Mayhem on November 19, 2004, 11:42:19 PM
Originally posted by Guppy35
You might have been the ++ guys but the Nomads got there a bit earlier as the +Guys :)


+TIFF! Long time no see! you still doing hystorical research if you are I got one I can email you some time
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: J_A_B on November 19, 2004, 11:43:29 PM
Played AW as J_A_B.  AW is still my favorite video game of any kind.

Played AH as a variety of handles.  Not currently active but may return in the future.  

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ROC on November 19, 2004, 11:55:57 PM
Heya OD  good to see you

< ROC >  :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: NUKE on November 20, 2004, 01:53:22 AM
WOW, ->OD?

I can't believe I missed this post originally.

I was ->SUN in the (/\)idow (\/)akers

Man, even though I came into the squad at about it's midpoint, I will never forget you guys. The most fun I have ever had in a game was in AW flying with the WM's
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SLO on November 20, 2004, 06:47:59 AM
-->Slo in WM...

and Slohd...

now in WW2 pounding the pavement(cause the planes just absolutly suck)...

Hiya OD
Title: We were there
Post by: TheflyingElk on November 20, 2004, 07:32:01 AM
Well if memory serves fist squad was 120 th ZZ man ZZ-3 was a dork, then joined Serial Killaz with ACYR He  is still here from time to time my last squad assignment was with 6dan and Ramjet in the Tiger squadron, we were AZ in RR arena some of us came here. others went to WWII online. :cool:
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Lizard3 on November 20, 2004, 09:12:24 AM


Flew with Gunfighters or Gunslingers for a few weeks.
CO'd JG2 for a while and ended with the DoverDawgs.

I remember fightn Coors and Yoyo allot back in AW4W.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: RTSigma on November 20, 2004, 03:10:01 PM
I remember the ZZs, I even remember changing my ID and cpid to confuse them into thinking I was their leader.

It only worked for about 5 mins.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DrDea on November 20, 2004, 03:32:26 PM
Flew in AW rr as DrDea with 4th ACW as cz, */IRONMEN\* with Dburt as AZ    In the BOP's Experten' with Bazi and +Fang as BZ and then AH in the Flying circus with same
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: FiLtH on November 20, 2004, 04:50:34 PM
I remember Lzrd...I dont think its the same Lzrd as posted before this. I'd goto the dueling arena, or whatever arena it was called back then and he'd come in and fight. I'd beat him pretty bad, and finally he asked wth I was doing. So after so time showing him he got better. Eventually he got as good as me, and a KOTH tournement of champions we were in, it came down to me and him. I won, but by the skin of my was that close.
   When I started AW back in 1996, it was on AOL, and had just gone from pay per hour to a subscription. Then it went to Gamestorm. I started out flying with IKO and AgentRX(Jag15) in the Knightz of Khaos as PutzX. Then we flew for JG26 under a guy named Jag26. After a while me and a local friend who originally turned me onto AW, formed >RATTLESDEN< Heavy Bomber Group. We had a blast.  We were really into getting a bunch of buffers together. The Nighthawks under WILD, with guys like JSO,and Gunahurl were great to fly with.
   When AW3 came out we decided to fly Full Realism arena. For the longest time thru AW and AW2 the FR arena was manned by few people, and I was always intimidated by the name of the arena, thinking it would be too hard. But after a bunch of us, me, Vette, and Jag23 tried our first low level B25 raid of a CV we were hooked. Eventually all the others in the squad came over, followed by alot of others on all sides.

   >GDI< (Ralph) was a great guy. He passed away a few years back. Gman (Gman52nd in here) flew together alot. We had a lot of great guys in the squad. Wezmn, Ditch, so many I cant remember them all. We would often hold joint ops night with other Bz squads like the Nighthawks and Nightmares, the 52nd, JG27, the CAF, and many others.

   I eventually started flying fighters more than bombing. Hlbilly who was a Cz, got me learning slow controlled flight by weaving thru structures at an empty base, full flapped and barely moving to get the feel for it. Then deadh or +dead, cant quite remember the one, taught me alot about merging. After that it was just practice and I got quite good at it. Some of my favorite opponents were XooX(bandit..or bandito :), 9bals,kappa,TC in his 51,Drano in his 109 and Cuzco (who hated to lose when I beat him) although when fighting any of the it was anyone's match.

   I played in alot of events in AW, Longbow being my first, in culero's spec op A26 flight, and Cartwheel my last as a F6F Group leader. They were alot of fun. Countless hours involved in them. At the end of my AW run, I played Stick's KOTH competitions alot. I managed to win 3 titles, and got a shot at the KOTH Tourny of Champions(which I won..barely see above :) and won CH products stick,pedals and throttle. I just took them out of the box this year to play AH2. Wow...they were dusty!

  Other than hemmoroids, and higher blood pressure, the most I got out of AW were the friends Ive met, and many I still see in here. I hope to play many more years with all of ya!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Dlord on November 20, 2004, 04:57:59 PM
I was in AW also, same handle, flew for Cz. I gunned ^666^'s battle buff if any of you remember him. As for Ruaml, he was in my squad up until he quit. I think he just got tired of playing although towards the end he did have another account so he could still be flyin with a different name.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Tilt on November 20, 2004, 05:13:59 PM was all part of the great cz conspiracy.........

We made the bz crazy with envy and poisened the az gene pool with infected sheep..........

the cods wept with laughter and blessed their favoured sons (and daughters)........:p
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Joc on November 20, 2004, 09:13:21 PM
Was JOC in Aw,and always Cz,and always fought Bz,hardly tangled with Az,spent most of my time at Hol,Sha,and the odd trip to Fen lol,also loved my NOE Mossie/A26 trips to the Spit factory,I miss the OC rooms most of all in AW,spent a lot of time lurking in em,recruiting,gathering farmyard animals.....
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: FiLtH on November 20, 2004, 11:50:29 PM
My favorite fights in FR Big Pac were around TIN, RAN, and the island west of RANGER...started with a G I think.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Guppy35 on November 21, 2004, 12:25:14 AM
Originally posted by Mayhem
+TIFF! Long time no see! you still doing hystorical research if you are I got one I can email you some time

Feel free.  More then happy to help if I can :)


E-mail is
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SpiveyCH on November 21, 2004, 12:52:48 AM
Was Spivey in AW.  Flew with the C HAWKS.  There are about 26 of us in the squad in AH.  Only about 5 did not play AW, the other 21 were all AW C HAWKS.  Also, alot of C HAWKS are in WW2 online and dont play AH.  This could change.  Have heard the WW2 online is having problems and this could lead to more old C HAWKs coming over to AH.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SpiveyCH on November 21, 2004, 12:59:03 AM
Oh yea.      Check out the forums under AH C HAWKS.  Might be a few you remember.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Lizard3 on November 21, 2004, 08:47:50 AM
Originally posted by FiLtH
I remember Lzrd...I dont think its the same Lzrd as posted before this. I'd goto the dueling arena, or whatever arena it was called back then and he'd come in and fight.

Yep, he was an ignominous usurper. He came to AW long after I did, but seems to immensely more popular and well rememberd. :p

He was Lzard. I was Lizrd.

If you flew with JG26 under Jag26, you probably remember me as <-JG2. We flew allot of joint ops. JAG69 is still here off and on as Alaskn I believe.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TBolt A-10 on November 21, 2004, 12:22:56 PM
Originally posted by ->OD
Hey, I was curious if anyone here is an old hand from the AirWarrior-AirWarrior 3D days? I was hoping someone with a sense of nostalgia would revive AW3 some day, but I don't think it will happen. I would like to get in touch with some people from the old days if there are any in here and possibly start flying again. So if you used to play AW3 please reply and let me know your old AW cpid and squadron.

"WidowMakers Squadron"

My first online game was AW on AOL.  AW2 and AW3 followed.  Switched to AH when it first went open beta.  Have come and gone ever since.  Flown under so many names (I changed my handle  too many times) that no one would know I've been around a while unless I told 'em.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: FiLtH on November 21, 2004, 02:10:53 PM
Yeah Lizard I know Joe from day we were flyin in a buff together and as we approached enemy airspace I told him "Be on yer toes...we're in Injun country now!". He replied"Your always in Injun country when I'm aboard!". I said "Oops!" :)  He's a fun guy. Say hi for me if u see him.
Title: AW
Post by: Cutta on November 21, 2004, 07:16:25 PM
Played AWIII and moved on to AWMV.  Flew with the RTC in RR maps.  Finally made it to the Insane Clown Posse ( advanced fighter sweep wing).  We ruled the Pac.  Was crushed when they stopped AWIII and won't play EA games again.

Name? Cutta

Played AH for a few got tired of the same ole thing.  Moved to WWII online, but miss the flying.  Started playing EverQuest made it to lvl 67 High Elf Enchanter. Tired Fighter Ace ( ancient grapics)

I knew a few of you guys and DB82 and his mom will always be in my mind.  Had her fly past me to get the Genrl one night and she let me go :)

One night 36+ kills as gunner in B17

Take care all, might be back sometime if they have made AH better than when I was there over a year ago.

Title: omgggg
Post by: Male on November 22, 2004, 05:42:47 PM
omgg lol this is "Male" from Aw classic and aw3 i flew with misfits nd GhostRiders ayyy TEKKO u remember me ???  anyone remember me ? lol this is crazy i was thinkin bout you guys the otehr day so i decided to look online for a forum....
Title: Air Warrior
Post by: go4maw on November 23, 2004, 05:44:20 PM
Joined the Marine Air Wing  as "G4MAW "in 98 on gamestorm.
 Still Flying-Still Dying-Still MAW -
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: krazyhorse on November 24, 2004, 02:36:33 PM
Thanks yall for some fun reading ,haven't been in AH for awhile , but stop by and see what yall are up to, i was in AW  started as BEER then when my son got old enuff to ask why i was called that i changed cpid to KZYHS ,  this thread brought back some great memories
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: eh on November 24, 2004, 07:28:11 PM
One of the things that made AW great was the Officer's Club (?) where guys from all sides could meet and chat with one another. One night, in FR arena, there was this guy teaching everyone who wanted to know how to fly the A26 Invader as if it were a fighter. He was awesome at it and killed me a lot in that bomber. So I took his tips and practiced and practiced and got pretty good at it myself. AH desperately needs that kind of community building feature... even your "enemies" were your friends.

By the way, that guy's handle was "filth".  I wonder whatever happened to him?  :aok
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: eh on November 24, 2004, 07:40:46 PM
quote:Originally posted by yoyo_boy
    I still have some +Dead+ P38 films, heh.

-- Todd/LeviathnI've made quite a few new films in AH and AH2.

Holy cats! I had every p38 film you ever made and watched them all the time. What a help they were!

Are your Aces High films accessible?

[EDIt] By the way +dead+, did you know the P38 J in Warbirds flies exactly as it did in Air Warrior? And it looks like they use the same basic flight model for the P38F and L also. Anyway, good to see you are still active!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: FiLtH on November 24, 2004, 08:20:45 PM
Hiya eh :)

   (Sung to "All in the Family" song)

Waste the night in ooooold BIGPAC

Tried FR and got the knackkkkkkkkk

EMERALD was such...a...cracccccccccccckk. ..

Those were the DAYS!!!!!!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Ack-Ack on November 24, 2004, 09:37:28 PM
Originally posted by eh

....did you know the P38 J in Warbirds flies exactly as it did in Air Warrior? And it looks like they use the same basic flight model for the P38F and L also. Anyway, good to see you are still active!

The P-38L in here pretty much flies just like the P-38J in RR AW, no joke.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Murdr on November 25, 2004, 12:15:15 AM
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
The P-38L in here pretty much flies just like the P-38J in RR AW, no joke.


Cept for that vicious inaccurate nose down accelerated stall that snaps into an instant maple-seed spin.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: eh on November 25, 2004, 12:31:33 AM
In my experience, the 38J in AW was way more nimble with 4 notches of flaps, and if you hit 300 before going into a fight, you could perform a double immelman with it. Boy that maneuver got lots of kills.It was the consummate low E fighter in AW (next to the Zero or the Ki 43), and if you could learn to handle it with 60 degrees of flaps at 100 mph or less you were king of the hill. Also, dropping flaps caused the nose to go UP if you were vertical. That got you many a kill at close to stall speeds. It also allowed you to loop at very low speeds, to hang from your props for what seemed an eternity, and to get a ROC of more than 2 at 75mph going straight up, practically. I saw +dead+ do that in one of his films ... awesome.

The L in Aces High is good at hauling ordinance and delivering it, but it can't dance as it does in AW or WB. At least, it won't dance with me. :(  

Actually, for me, it flies like a brick encased in cement, and the flaps are not nearly as effective and very dangerous... if they are still down when I try to come out of an immel, the nose stays down and the Lightning becomes a lawn dart. Maybe it's me... but I find it so different than the 38 in AW (or any of them in WB) that it's a big puzzle. Any tips would be appreciated.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Murdr on November 25, 2004, 01:31:20 AM
How's it going eh, eh?

I have to agree with akak to a point.  The ruleset on when and  what you can do aginst particular planes are different, as is how (in the way control surfaces) you get it to do what you want.

That said, Ive had near stall speed loop fights with spits that have gone 20+ concecutive revolutions.  Ive hung on my flaps climbing roc 2.5 at ridiculously slow speeds watching that la7 400yds away realising he cant nose up to me, looking for an exit strategy.
Just looking at some personal stats for this tour.
N1K2  21:1
SeaFire  10:1
Ki-84-Ia  10:1
Spitfire Mk IX  11:3
P-51D  12:4
La-7  19:6
80% of my flights are P38L
The boards are littered with 38 tips just from the 479th squad alone.  There are also 38 films in our Library (
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Murdr on November 25, 2004, 01:44:53 AM
Originally posted by FiLtH
Other than hemmoroids, and higher blood pressure, the most I got out of AW were the friends Ive met, and many I still see in here. I hope to play many more years with all of ya!

Well said.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: FiLtH on November 25, 2004, 01:45:34 AM
In AW the 38 I was either no flaps, or full. With full flaps u could "float" vert, hang and drop back down on the guy. Its hard to compare here because there was no HOs in AW to speak of, and Im sure if there were we'd have flown a lil differently.

   The KI84 was the best floater in there. You didnt fly it, more like guided it thru the fight. Very lil stick input. Eventually all the planes felt the same save the P47, which was a pig. Low merge wep, double immel,full flaps when I hit 100, and float thru the fight, trying to stay nose up longer than the other guy. Cutting throttle and loadin da ruddah to let him pass in front of yer guns to get a deflection.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: dtango on November 25, 2004, 01:55:35 AM
I'm showing my age...

I flew AW back in the days it was on Genie (anybody remember that???) - when the planes were just plain polygon shapes (maybe like 10-12 polygons!!) with no color but a solid tan paintjob that sorta-kinda resembled the different planes especially if you squinted enough.

My how far we have come!

Tango, XO
412th FS Braunco Mustangs
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DoKGonZo on November 25, 2004, 02:05:30 AM
Originally posted by dtango
I'm showing my age...

I flew AW back in the days it was on Genie (anybody remember that???) - ...

You mean GrEednie.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ATC on January 14, 2005, 01:07:31 PM
Kevin!!!   It is me ATC.  Hope all is well.  Give me a call 303-423-2466, email

-> ATC
widowmakers AW
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Don on January 14, 2005, 01:33:40 PM
I was Str58 and then Strider of the Cactus Air Force. I flew AW4W, and all other variations after that; RR for the first month or so and FR all the time after that in B-Land unless the sides needed evening out in FR.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: bustr on January 14, 2005, 04:49:05 PM
My roomate was slider and flew AW for the damnd back in 87-88?? He used to let me use his account since I didn't have a PC untill 91. I started flying AWII during the online beta with my own account and PC as bustr. I flew "C" land. I remember Leviathin's ID was deadf during that beta. Untill 99 I flew RR mostly as "bustr", "bust_r", and MDuce. I flew with the Thunder Riders in AW2 and AW3 RR. I think we were the only squad who could fly 12 Mossie's NOE for 4 sectors, then auger at the same moment into the enemy feild. I tried FR in the big PAC AW3, but I kept ripping my wings off. I was always one of those players flying in the background no one talked to. I always liked the Gra Sha wars past the big mountain and across the river on the small europe map.
Title: AW CPID
Post by: TalonX on January 15, 2005, 09:47:26 AM
Mine was CWA
Title: Re: AW CPID
Post by: culero on January 15, 2005, 12:26:55 PM
Originally posted by TalonX
Mine was CWA

Wow, blast from the past!

~S~ sir :)

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: RedBeard on January 18, 2005, 08:50:38 PM
This is setting the wayback mahine a bit, but...

#5111 - GEnie
arbe -  AOL

Red Beard
CO of 666th Internet Daemons

I had one of the mid '90s Con banners in my office until last year, just burned a CD archive of the old CACTUS AirWarrior site files, and still hold an original of the following that I look through occaisionally:

And since it seems appropriate with the recent net problems, here's one of DoK's old quotes

"Thank you GEnie ... vile, seeping pile of phlegm that you are."

Some things never change.

Btw, Jazzman is flying with me too, usually Fri or Sat nights.  Might be nice to get a vintage pilot night going at some point for all us old farts whose arms are too short to reach the stick when we sit back far enough to focus on the screen.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: NoBaddy on January 18, 2005, 09:26:36 PM
Hi Redbeard. Long time. :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Flossy on January 19, 2005, 01:59:07 AM
Originally posted by eh
One of the things that made AW great was the Officer's Club (?) where guys from all sides could meet and chat with one another.
Yes that is one of the features I miss from AW.... in fact there were about 10 Officers' Clubs as far as I remember, so that groups could go off and chat in relative peace.  Often, I would log in and hang around in the first OC, watching players as they arrived; sometimes, I'd end up spending more time chatting in there than actually playing, and formed some great friendships.  Nice thing about it was the lack of radio chat in the background - as was the case everywhere in AW on the ground.  Popping into the 'radio room' was the only way of communicating with those 'in flight'.  :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Chitownflyer on January 19, 2005, 02:20:40 AM
I flew in AW in compuser was

was in about three squads as i can remember.


any rate those were hedey days

that was back in 1995 or 1996 belive
and got in to Aw by installing the
game from the Computer server
cd disk that came with the service

I sure miss the day of 150 dollar per month bills

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TheDudeDVant on January 19, 2005, 09:43:31 AM
hehe A26.. Ammo for days and days and days and days and days and days...  lol

We used to mount 15 pep a26 raids..  That was pretty good size for AW.. We'd level the entire badguy base and then vulch.. omg the times.. That was w/ the 52nd and friends.. Was a hoot!

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: NomadRip on May 20, 2005, 09:08:35 PM
I haven't played anything in years...but I recognize a bunch of you:D  Lemme see if I can get this game loaded here...

Was only ever in one squad, started on AOL a "little while" ago.:p
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Wind on May 20, 2005, 10:17:33 PM
Originally posted by NomadRip
I haven't played anything in years...but I recognize a bunch of you:D  Lemme see if I can get this game loaded here...

Was only ever in one squad, started on AOL a "little while" ago.:p

EEeeGads!  Not aNOTHER Nomad n00b!

Silat, calling Silat!  You better get this guy in quick-like.  The plus guys need new bait fast!  Your k/d is already suffering.


Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: CHECKERS on May 21, 2005, 12:34:27 AM
I was CHKRS in AirWarrior   flew with `Cucas Squad` and later with SeaSerpents .......100% CZ .

   AirWarrior was pure fun .... I miss it big time .........

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shifty on May 21, 2005, 10:01:12 AM
Originally posted by dtango
I'm showing my age...

I flew AW back in the days it was on Genie (anybody remember that???) - when the planes were just plain polygon shapes (maybe like 10-12 polygons!!) with no color but a solid tan paintjob that sorta-kinda resembled the different planes especially if you squinted enough.

My how far we have come!

Tango, XO
412th FS Braunco Mustangs

Yeah Tango I remeber those days. I was jagr in JG-3. I was paying long distance charges to play AW on Genie. I remember I was about to quit and they added color. I believe it was just to a couple of aircraft at first. The spit was suddenly green and the F6F suddenly blue. That kept me around another month, then I left until I got stationed somewhere where there was a local connection. By the time that happened Warbirds had come out and I moved there. I wish I could remember my 4 digit ID number but can't. I remember a few names from those days. Drum, Totn, and Tomminator. Hehhe long time ago. :aok
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Don on May 21, 2005, 10:35:28 AM
>> was all part of the great cz conspiracy.........

We made the bz crazy with envy and poisened the az gene pool with infected sheep..........

the cods wept with laughter and blessed their favoured sons (and daughters)........<<

Hehe, I recall many of the Cz made liberal use of psychogenic drugs back then; caused them to think they were winners :)
It's also where the Cz conspiracy histeria originated:rofl
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DREDIOCK on May 21, 2005, 11:22:17 AM
Originally posted by Don
>> was all part of the great cz conspiracy.........

Hehe, I recall many of the Cz made liberal use of psychogenic drugs back then; caused them to think they were winners :)

heh. musta ben on drugs if you think CZ ruled anything.

Oh they had their moments but As a Bz I remember Az being the larger threat.

Az were my sworn enemy (it was personal) But I usually went to the area where the larger threat was reguardless of country. which still ended up being Az most of the time.

I always viewed CZ being an occasional neusence. But nothing more than that.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Captain Virgil Hilts on May 21, 2005, 01:07:24 PM
I only flew FR, was there for a year or three. Always Az. I remember when AW Classic died . I remember when AWMV, the final iteration, died.

I left AW about a week before THOSE people pulled the plug. I had to go to a trade show that weekend. It was a quiet night that night, not the usual rowdy barhopping I do at the tradeshows. I remember drinking a LOT, and being VERY dark and illtempered all night. I went to a dozen bars or so.

I've never stopped cursing that company whose name is not spoken, never. I've never even tried another piece of their software either.

The last year or so of AW was sort of strange for me. I'd left the only squad I've ever flown with early in the year, so I wandered about in A land, just flying, and only when the mood struck me. Only at the end did it truly come to me what AW had been for me. The last year was pretty painful for me, especially the end, and I was VERY bitter.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: killnu on May 21, 2005, 01:13:11 PM
i started with Cz, went on a 6 month deployment and when i got back i went Az and joined up with the 38 Specials.  i stayed Az with them till they went to the evil Bz, so i  joined up with the Wings of Terror.  always thought the Az had the most talent across the board, but each country had their good sticks.  just felt so sorry for the Cz, they had to deal with Rice1.:lol
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: doobs on May 21, 2005, 03:13:32 PM
same as here doobs, flew bz(hated the MAW in a big way back then)

Flew with Malena squad first, Then merged with the VF-63 Hellcats.

Anybody remember the Philadelphia experiment in aw.

Link to list old squads (
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Alky on May 21, 2005, 04:22:03 PM
Originally posted by ->OD
Hey, I was curious if anyone here is an old hand from the AirWarrior-AirWarrior 3D days?
"WidowMakers Squadron"

There are a few from the good ol' DOS days too :D
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 345 on May 22, 2005, 09:07:16 PM
Started End of 96 once AOL went flat rate for games as I tried flying for one month in 94 on my Dads Genie account and got baned from the computer until I was able to pay him back the $210 bill I ran up due to AW. :)

CPID was 345 on AOL and GS. Handle changed many times. Moved to FR after starting in RR due to getting hooked on FR scenarios. :) COed two and GLed in all I could. Flew AW till then end of 99 constantly until I joined the Navy. Flew sporadically till the end.

Came to AH about a year ago and am now flying with the Shillelagh as z345.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: culero on May 22, 2005, 10:33:55 PM
Originally posted by 345
I tried flying for one month in 94 on my Dads Genie account

94??? Damn, Carl, you had to be all of what, 12 years old? :)

culero (no wonder, NOW it makes sense!)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Wind on May 22, 2005, 10:41:23 PM
Originally posted by culero
94??? Damn, Carl, you had to be all of what, 12 years old? :)

culero (no wonder, NOW it makes sense!)

Hehe, and now you're feeling a as old as you are!  ;) :p
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Clip121 on May 22, 2005, 11:53:02 PM
Originally posted by killnu
i started with Cz, went on a 6 month deployment and when i got back i went Az and joined up with the 38 Specials.  i stayed Az with them till they went to the evil Bz, so i  joined up with the Wings of Terror.  always thought the Az had the most talent across the board, but each country had their good sticks.  just felt so sorry for the Cz, they had to deal with Rice1.:lol

Gawd I remember Rice1!!!  Irritating doesn't describe him well enough, he took it to a whole new level.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Seeker on May 23, 2005, 12:32:57 AM
I was Z000456; for one night at least :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Ack-Ack on May 23, 2005, 01:13:23 AM
Originally posted by Clip121
Gawd I remember Rice1!!!  Irritating doesn't describe him well enough, he took it to a whole new level.


When most of us came over during the Exodus, he came along with too but only lasted 3 days.  I'm being serious when I say it took him two days to learn how to take off without crashing.  On the 3rd day he kept whining on how messed up the flight model was because he kept stalling out when he tried to turn.  So he gave up and went to Fighter Ace to play in the RR arenas there.  Think he and RAGS finally settled down together in a double wide trailer somewhere in Nebraska and had some kids.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: culero on May 23, 2005, 02:26:17 AM
Imagine when the kids get old enough to log on.


Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: culero on May 23, 2005, 02:27:28 AM
Originally posted by Wind
Hehe, and now you're feeling a as old as you are!  ;) :p

That's no poop :)

Err, wait.

I meant, no BS :)

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Murdr on May 23, 2005, 04:34:47 PM
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
Think he and RAGS finally settled down together in a double wide trailer somewhere in Nebraska and had some kids.

Just seen Rice1 the other day in the chat room.  Was mainly chatting with Aces&8s and FedEx, and didnt really get the chance to converse with him.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Guppy35 on May 23, 2005, 07:32:53 PM
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
When most of us came over during the Exodus, he came along with too but only lasted 3 days.  I'm being serious when I say it took him two days to learn how to take off without crashing.  On the 3rd day he kept whining on how messed up the flight model was because he kept stalling out when he tried to turn.  So he gave up and went to Fighter Ace to play in the RR arenas there.  Think he and RAGS finally settled down together in a double wide trailer somewhere in Nebraska and had some kids.


Lets not even go near RAGS conversation. LOL makes me shudder just to think about it....:)

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Ack-Ack on May 23, 2005, 08:11:29 PM
Originally posted by culero
Imagine when the kids get old enough to log on.



Imagine what the kids of Rice1 and RAGS would like like.


Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: crims on May 24, 2005, 11:08:46 AM
Maybe If everone sent me a Dollar I could get AW up and running Again:rofl :lol Oh wait thats been done already:D

Ack Ack you think He could get his head in a double wide:eek: :p

479th Raiders FG:D
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Arlo on May 24, 2005, 11:26:05 AM
Depends ... how double wide WAS he?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: reacher15 on May 24, 2005, 06:07:59 PM
I Was kReacher

was BZ and started when it was AOL, my first joystick had rubber bands for tension.

first squad was the Iron Dogs started by Duece.

founded the Sick Puppies in AWIII.

Macro was You have been Reached and Feel the Sick Puppies Rabid Bite!

my freinds thought i was a nut becuase of the obsession with they ask me if i'm gonna be flying or would i like to go

What A Long Strange Trip It's Been

Reach Out
Title: yup...old timer
Post by: ofer on May 25, 2005, 12:48:13 AM
I was in AW when AOL went unlimited hours...
good days

I flew with Outlaw...P51s formation

very cool when AW went 3d...with custom skins etc.

jeez I guess it was...95?

Title: Re: yup...old timer
Post by: popgun on May 25, 2005, 02:38:02 AM
Originally posted by ofer
very cool when AW went 3d...with custom skins etc.

jeez I guess it was...95?


...I think :confused:
Title: Re: Re: yup...old timer
Post by: culero on May 25, 2005, 02:43:19 AM
Originally posted by popgun
...I think :confused:

thas right - beta announced at the Con, Imagic boxed release in December.

I'm pretty sure ;)

culero (its hell getting old, eh bud?)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Ichabod on May 25, 2005, 09:21:57 AM
Been playin since original AW on AOL when it was free.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 68ROX on May 25, 2005, 12:14:47 PM
Same here.  Air Warrior free on AOL...the OLD days.

Flew with Iron Eagles, and then the WarHawks.

I have always been...


Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: crims on May 25, 2005, 06:13:53 PM
Remember when you had to Pay to PLay AW on AOL. I remember getting a 150 dollar bill from AOL on my credit card. It wasn't pay to play it was just Pay to be on AOHELL. I remember when AOL went unlimited would take me an Hour just to log onto AOHELL. Then another 20 min to AW. Lost a Joystick after a DISCO:D

Ahhh  the Bad old days.


479th Raiders FG

PS First CPID in AW was Irish Was in a Squad called Blackbirds then went to Crims  < King Crimson >:aok
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Guppy35 on May 25, 2005, 06:25:39 PM
Originally posted by crims
Remember when you had to Pay to PLay AW on AOL. I remember getting a 150 dollar bill from AOL on my credit card. It wasn't pay to play it was just Pay to be on AOHELL. I remember when AOL went unlimited would take me an Hour just to log onto AOHELL. Then another 20 min to AW. Lost a Joystick after a DISCO:D

Ahhh  the Bad old days.


479th Raiders FG

PS First CPID in AW was Irish Was in a Squad called Blackbirds then went to Crims  < King Crimson >:aok

150 was your worst? :)  I remember the $300 bill showing up one month and having to explain that one.  I know other guys were worse then that :)

+Tiff in AW
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Ichabod on May 25, 2005, 07:42:49 PM
LOL My $726.00 one was the one that almost got me a divorce LOL!!

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: iKo on May 25, 2005, 08:03:26 PM
Yeah yeah yeah I ended up here to lol. Took 5 or 6 yrs off and now I am in AH2 still knocking of some of the rust, hi  all :(
Title: Nostalgia
Post by: Airmigan on May 25, 2005, 11:16:06 PM
It makes me feel old to talk about this, but then, I am old.  :-)  I flew Air Warrior on the first campaign ever, along with Dok Gonzo and several others whose names I would recall if I looked at some of the old score files.   I still have them saved on floppy disks somewhere.  I remember a lot of names, but don't remember who all was there on the very first campaign right now except the two of us.

Those were the days of the Amiga and Mac and Atari ST.  PC's couldn't cut it yet.  I started playing on an Amiga 1000 with 256K, not M, but K of memory, and booting from floppy disk.  I logged in on one of the first nights of Air Warrior existence using a 1200 baud modem on the GEnie network, paying $6.00/hour.  The Internet was just a twinkle in Al Gore's eyes at that time.  The handle I picked came from a combination of Air Warrior and Amiga merged together to form Airmigan.

Accurate flight modeling was not a reality.  I remember very clearly taking a P-38 into a vertical climb, running out of upward momentum,  and falling backwards, tail first, firing the laser guns at the target above me.  Bullets didn't fall with gravity.  They went in a straight line.

I heard some of you talk about big bills.  I don't know what the record was for the largest monthly bill, but I do recall a couple over $1000.00 that I paid.  I was rolling in money back then and it was excessive I know, but I enjoyed every dime of it.

GEnie was $6.00/hour for non-primetime, i.e. 5:00 PM to 8:00 AM and $12.00/hour during primetime.  I remember logging quite a few primetime hours but most of the time I would try to get home from work at 4:30 PM or so and get set up so I was dialing GEnie at 4:59:45 PM and would connect just as the rate changed to non-primetime.  Now THAT was addiction.

We flew at half-time.  That means everyting took twice as long to happen.  If you were flying at 250 knots, you were actually not going somewhere at that rate of speed but half of it.  I think it was because the modems couldn't keep us updated at full-speed enough to make it playable.  It was quite some time before technology advanced and Kesmai ever offered a full-time arena, and it quickly became very popular.

I have to give credit to the father of Air Warrior, Kelton Flynn.  He founded Kesmai and wrote the first versions of Air Warrior.  Even though it was crude, there was nothing like it anywhere, and for a WWII warbird buff like me and several others, it was pure heaven.  He had a hell of a job to do, running the company, writing code for the next version, and putting up with the shenanigans that went on in the game.  I remember he would get quite flustered when people didn't play the game like it was intended and used loopholes to "cheat".  My hat is off to him for starting it all rolling.

I could go on for hours here but I've already written a tome.  And I know I've forgotten probably more than I can remember.  Dok has a lot better memory than I do and when we finally met several years later at a Houston convention, we sat and talked a while and several times he would make me say, "Oh yeah, I remember that."  I enjoyed those conventions thoroughly, hashing the past with guys I'd flown with for months or years and finally meeting them face to face.  I hope to make the next  Aces High convention in Dallas and seeing some of my old buds again.  Whether I do or not, I will never forget the experiences of my tour of duty in Air Warrior.  It was one of the best times of my life.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Don on May 26, 2005, 09:59:42 PM
>>I could go on for hours here but I've already written a tome. And I know I've forgotten probably more than I can remember.<<

Hell man, I wish you would :) I have known of you and Dok ever since I started AW years ago, but well after you guys were active; I began offline with the box version of AW dos, then finally went online in AW4W. By that time you original hands had gone away, with the exception of a very few of you. I joined up with the Cactus AirForce, a squad formed in the waning days of genie. Hehe, I saved some bucks :) I flew outta Delphi and paid 2 bucks an hour. The wife put the kibosh on that as my bills reached 300 bucks in one month. Then Delphi went with a monthly rate to keep customers because of AOL.
And so on etc. One of my squadmates (Bullethead) told us of the exploits of you guys, and the newer guys our squad felt as if we missed something :)
I am glad to have seen your type in here, I have been wondering what happened to most of you guys. I am glad to know that you are well, and still interested. I have had an interest in things WW2, and WW1 since I was a small boy, and am glad to know there are more out there like me.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Horn on May 26, 2005, 11:20:57 PM
OK, here's some old names here. I believe this was from camp two. I started around Nov/Dec '87, IIRC.

Teams as of 13:07EST  03/03/88
  Score   Team    Name
 1063520  5940 The Bastard Squad
  876908  6437 Flying Circus
  319891  5592 SPIT'n'FIRE!
   66915   765 Squadron 765
   51970  1774 The MOD SQUAD
   42822  5327 Squadron 5327
   27622  4220 Cutters 4220
   23917  4433 Spanky's Raiders
    9546   373 Black Sheep
    8938  1188 Squad 1!
    4458   933 Birds of Prey
    2503  4586 Squadron 4586
    1408  3750 Flak Bait
     850  3276 Squadron 3276
     846  5738 Top Gunners
      43  4823 Squadron 4823
       6  4726 Squadron 4726
       5  4624 Squadron 4624
       5   683 Squadron 683
Aces as of 13:04EST  03/03/88
Rank   Kills  Country  Ship    Handle
   1       20    A      523 RamBone
   2       18    A     4064 Airmigan
   3       18    C     3741 Cap'n Trips
   4       18    C     1176 NICK BIGROD
   5       17    B     6437 Group Captain Biggles FC
   6       16    A     4803 Pan
   7       15    B     5717 ShoeString FC
   8       15    A      715 715
   9       12    B     3584 Wolf
  10       11    C     4967 Nester
  11       10    B     6918 Baron Von
  12       10    B     6443 -Pax-
  13       10    C     6000 The Major
  14       10    C     4692 =MAX=
  15       10    A     4495 LongHorn <---lil ole me
  16       10    C     4278 TEBear
  17       10    A     2111 BUDMAN
  18       10    B     1442 Lt. Zeque FC
  19        9    B     3881 Spahzz
  20        9    B     3799 TANGO CIRCUS
  21        9    C     2515 Y-Death
  22        8    C     6730 Reginald
  23        8    C     5940 Doktor Gonzo
  24        8    A     5568 spook
  25        8    C     5184 Veg-O-Matic
  26        8    B     4068 Lt. ROOKIE
  27        8    C     2169 SSR
  28        8    A       70 JWJr
  29        7    A     5875 Falcon
  30        7    C     5186 Flush Garden
  31        7    A     4855 PLASMA
  32        7    B     3619 Uno
  33        7    A     3400 Quagmire
  34        7    C     1817 Flying "V"
  35        6    B     6737 Maj. Rookie FC
  36        6    B     6335 Skipper
  37        6    A     4686 Boomslang
  38        6    A     3914 RENEGADE
  39        6    B      292 Ridge Runner FC
  40        6    C        4 Glideslope
  41        5    A     5904 Texas
  42        5    A     5327 Tex
  43        5    B     5151 skymaster FC
  44        5    B     3046 Lord Kalvan
  45        5    B     2820 Random
  46        5    A     2133 Eddie
  47        5    A      765 DB
  48        4    A     6986 Laz
  49        4    A     6667 Last Dance
  50        4    B     5742 CRUSHER
  51        4    A     5592 Squad Leader Timo
  52        4    A     5466 intruder
  53        4    B     4248 Trinity
  54        4    C     4121 BONES
  55        4    A     3382 dah
  56        4    A     2351 Ajax
  57        4    C     1774 Spaceman Spiff FC
  58        4    C     1735 Panama Jon
  59        4    B     1682 Pvt Hugmuk
  60        4    A      262 Hoser
  61        4    C      254 Death
  62        3    B     6854 MG.BLADE
  63        3    B     6783 mutton
  64        3    B     6756 BARNEY
  65        3    B     6434 Sakai
  66        3    C     6431 Lord Baltimore
  67        3    B     6185 Purple Worm
  68        3    B     6119 Capt. Kirk
  69        3    A     5748 GS
  70        3    B     5716 butch
  71        3    A     4531 THOTH
  72        3    B     4458 OLD SMOKEY FC
  73        3    B     4194 Sidewinder
  74        3    A     4082 BULLIT
  75        3    A     3966 Auger
  76        3    A     3668 Clark Kent
  77        3    B     3237 Petie II FC
  78        3    B     2842 Sky Diver
  79        3    A     2654 Split-S
  80        3    A     2371 gdp
  81        3    B     2362 LT-5
  82        3    A     2094 Lambda
  83        3    C     1755 Glutton
  84        3    B     1301 Baron Von Richthofen
  85        3    B      840 GRIMM REAPER  FC
  86        3    C      689 Ice Man
  87        3    C      599 Lord Bill
  88        3    C      487 Dr.Smith
  89        3    B       19 Techrat
  90        2    B     6743 ROD
  91        2    C     6282 Riddler
  92        2    A     6192 lazer
  93        2    C     6096 Voyger
  94        2    C     5760 Flash2
  95        2    A     5682 Gunner
  96        2    A     5542 G.P. SUYA
  97        2    C     5480 RAF
  98        2    A     5361 Runnin Scared
  99        2    A     5007 Illwind
 100        2    C     4959 Dr. Rocket
 101        2    A     4808 Red Fox
 102        2    A     4744 Coyote
 103        2    B     4730 -=>ZardoZ<=-
 104        2    B     4695 Madd Maxx
 105        2    B     4664 Lt. Ryder FC
 106        2    B     4433 Spanky
 107        2    A     4220 =Col.Slicer=
 108        2    A     4197 Alex Smart
 109        2    A     4157 Sky Pilot
 110        2    A     4142 NightBird
 111        2    A     4127 Smilin' Jack
 112        2    A     4059 Capt. Cook
 113        2    A     4037 Rowdy Yates
 114        2    C     4000 Scout
 115        2    B     3724 TIGER
 116        2    B     3630 firefox
 117        2    C     3508 -=MN=-
 118        2    B     3433 DeathWind
 119        2    C     3408 D. in Flames
 120        2    A     3319 Killing Machine
 121        2    B     3131 King Corum
 122        2    C     3066 THUNDERCLOUD
 123        2    A     2982 Wiseblood
 124        2    A     2851 Parsifal
 125        2    A     2815 Sparky
 126        2    B     2739 Crash Jockey
 127        2    A     2722 Bader
 128        2    A     2662 ScottsMan
 129        2    A     2383 Galland
 130        2    A     2279 SpLiTiNfInItY
 131        2    A     2150 Capt Bodi
 132        2    C     2146 Pyroforex
 133        2    C     2017 Apache
 134        2    B     1910 Admiral Zen
 135        2    A     1898 buzzard bait
 136        2    A     1879 TEMPEST
 137        2    C     1838 Barfly
 138        2    A     1773 PROJO
 139        2    A     1651 Pappy
 140        2    C     1623 Veet Voojagig
 141        2    B     1126 mackrel
 142        2    A      933 FalconScream
 143        2    B      917 =kc=
 144        2    A      796 Bader
 145        2    A      735 Blue Fox
 146        2    A      379 Raven
 147        2    A      373 Phantom
 148        2    A      126 fuzzy
 149        1    B     6798 Cap ZardoZ
 150        1    B     6692 mad dog
 151        1    B     6657 epman
 152        1    A     6608 Maverick
 153        1    A     6592 Photeus
 154        1    A     6285 Roland THT Gunner
 155        1    A     6124 TAG
 156        1    A     6101
 157        1    C     6046 Gabby
 158        1    A     5960 Snoopy
 159        1    A     5923 snort
 160        1    B     5770 One Eye
 161        1    C     5738 Top Gun
 162        1    C     5571 RedWing
 163        1    B     5502 zZANMAN
 164        1    B     5420 Time Pilot
 165        1    C     5384 Flying Fish
 166        1    C     5329 Roarke
 167        1    B     5310 rookie
 168        1    B     5208 sled
 169        1    A     5126 Mousetang
 170        1    C     5003 Jester
 171        1    B     4703 Cpt. Chaos
 172        1    A     4586 Nightrider
 173        1    B     4548 Blue Max
 174        1    B     4530 Lt. Sabre
 175        1    C     4517 AirWolf
 176        1    B     4502 Falcon
 177        1    B     4468 Maverick
 178        1    A     4463 Cap'n D
 179        1    A     4429
 180        1    A     4319 mAce
 181        1    C     4303 NightFly
 182        1    A     4261 AirRunner
 183        1    B     4241 Big Red
 184        1    C     4226 Wingnut
 185        1    B     4134 Tango Mike
 186        1    B     4084 Photeus
 187        1    A     4012 Mike
 188        1    C     3971 the FLY
 189        1    B     3961 bit
 190        1    C     3931 Spider
 191        1    B     3879 Viper
 192        1    A     3838 Mephistopheles
 193        1    B     3750 CHIBOY
 194        1    B     3735 Cpt Screamer
 195        1    B     3716 harp
 196        1    B     3665 Crimson
 197        1    A     3593 Black Ace
 198        1    A     3573 Scratch
 199        1    B     3517 Lancer
 200        1    B     3388 Biv
 201        1    C     3255 Bomber Jockey
 202        1    B     3171 Tills
 203        1    C     3102 Dunner
 204        1    B     3097 "JAWS"
 205        1    A     3082 Cat's Meow
 206        1    C     3040 Bomber
 207        1    A     2891 Silverfish
 208        1    A     2882 vendar
 209        1    A     2872 Shadowdancer
 210        1    B     2733 Blackjack
 211        1    B     2667 Hotspur
 212        1    A     2601 SOB
 213        1    B     2598 CDR RIKKER
 214        1    C     2575 Red Ace
 215        1    C     2556 Roark
 216        1    B     2512 Rookie99
 217        1    A     2252 New York Ranger
 218        1    A     2179 fletch
 219        1    A     1899 Net-Dog
 220        1    C     1828 Mike
 221        1    A     1552 Max Plaxx
 222        1    B     1550 Goose
 223        1    C     1536 Mercenary
 224        1    A     1533 RED BARRON II
 225        1    C     1522 Lone Fighter
 226        1    B     1400 Big Veidle
 227        1    A     1361 Interceptor
 228        1    A     1199 tracer
 229        1    C     1188 Matt Coffman
 230        1    B     1166 Joker
 231        1    A      999 Baron
 232        1    A      985 Ryan
 233        1    B      981 Dr. Fuzz
 234        1    A      980 THE SCOURGE!!!
 235        1    B      812 The Kid
 236        1    C      774 SATURN

  Download complete.  Turn off Capture File.

Title: Remember the Alamo!
Post by: kid on May 27, 2005, 11:38:40 AM
Remember the Alamo!

AW had a nice chivalric flavor ... it also was only place you could have a memorial fly over for a member in the main arena   … ahh the good ole days.

(now AH Damned)

BTW - kid and zippy had the only 2 man squad to ever make it to the top 10.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 345 on May 27, 2005, 12:02:54 PM
Originally posted by culero
94??? Damn, Carl, you had to be all of what, 12 years old? :)

culero (no wonder, NOW it makes sense!)

13. :) Dad finally got access at home and I didn't realise he was paying per hour for it.  Dad didn't leave account info stickied to the computer after that. :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Airmigan on May 27, 2005, 10:35:14 PM
Aye Strider.  I remember your handle and the Cactus Air Force.  You guys had a good thing going on there.  Probably still do in AH today.

I also remember you too, Longhorn.  And thanks for the scores listing.  Seeing some of those names makes neurons fire for sure.  A few things I remember about some of them.....

Cap'n Trips - One of  Dok's buds and a good pilot.

Group Captain Biggles - One of Dok's enemies.  He died several months after Air Warrior started.  He was a good organizer and formed the first squadron I ever became a member of, The Flying Circus.

Pan - damn good pilot

715 - Hehe, that guy never had another handle.  Always used his ship number.  Was a good 51 pilot.

Budman - another good pilot

Tango Circus - Perhaps the best pilot in the early game.  I swear he had to be cheating to do some of the things he could do.  :-)

Doktor Gonzo - do I nead to say anything?  :-)  Leader of the Bastard Squad and a great pilot.  He shot me down quite a few times.  I liked to tangle down low and he had a knack for killing me when I would run out of ammo and be limping back home.   He was like a hawk.  Sat up there and waited for something to swoop down on.  :-)  That wasn't the only way he could kill me, mind you.  It's just that he did a lot.

Flush Garden - a great pilot in the game and a real pilot otherwise.  He was another of Dok's buds and was good at lurking around and taking advantage of situations when he saw them.  If I remember correctly, he got under Kesmai's skin a time too many and was banned for a while.

Ridge Runner - I don't think this guy ever slept.  He seemed to always be up there in his Mustang somewhere.

Lord Kalvan - that was Kelton's handle.  He didn't get to play enough to get his scores up but he was a decent pilot.  I do know he was bombarded with chat every time he flew.

Many more there I remember well but too numerous to expound on.  It was a tight little group at the beginning.  There are no points shown on those first scores, but most of those people rarely flew.  There were, I'd guess, about 30 regulars that were on frequenly in the early campaigns and you got to know each other pretty well.  

I remember it was kind of disheartening later on when the AOL thing happened and the game was bombarded with new people.  It kind of lost the closeness we had earlier.  Not complaining, mind ya.  It's good that it was opened up to more people, but we all knew it would never be the same again.  That's when I started losing interest in it.  I think I enjoyed the close camraderie almost as much as the flying, and it was near impossible to achieve that with the heavily populated arenas.

Enough for now.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: WMLute on May 27, 2005, 10:53:06 PM
was that was list of people from Gamestorm AW? or AOL.  I have noticed some don't make the distinction here, but there was a huge one.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TequilaChaser on May 27, 2005, 11:06:52 PM
Originally posted by WMLute
was that was list of people from Gamestorm AW? or AOL.  I have noticed some don't make the distinction here, but there was a huge one.

notice the date:
Teams as of 13:07EST 03/03/88


The Damned
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: WMLute on May 28, 2005, 12:28:10 AM
Originally posted by TequilaChaser
notice the date:
Teams as of 13:07EST 03/03/88


The Damned

eek  good catch.  (smacks self on back of head DUH!)
Title: Re: Nostalgia
Post by: NoBaddy on June 01, 2005, 10:25:15 PM
Originally posted by Airmigan

I heard some of you talk about big bills.  I don't know what the record was for the largest monthly bill, but I do recall a couple over $1000.00 that I paid.  I was rolling in money back then and it was excessive I know, but I enjoyed every dime of it.


I know of an AH programmer that melted more than one credit card winning camps in AW. :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Westy on June 02, 2005, 08:16:16 AM
"I remember it was kind of disheartening later on when...the game was bombarded with new people. It kind of lost the closeness we had earlier. Not complaining, mind ya. It's good that it was opened up to more people, but we all knew it would never be the same again. That's when I started losing interest in it. I think I enjoyed the close camraderie almost as much as the flying, and it was near impossible to achieve that with the heavily populated arenas. "

I just wanted to say I enjoyed reading your post Airmigan. As I have of those of others who recall those times from the 80's and early 90's: players such as Vermin, DoK, NB, Horn, Sharkbait and so many others who've wandered in here at one time or another and shared "the early days" of online aircombat.

Anyway.  I do have to say those words of yours that I quoted above sure ring out loud and true. For the same dubious "phenomenon" had occured here in AH also.  Ironically (imo)  it was the demise of AW that brought that about.

Last.   You left yourself out in your recollection so permit me to reprint DoK's words posted in Category 6, Topic 16 on Jan 30, 1993....   ;)

"Airmigan - A consistantly great player. Good at everything, always a threat, always makes positive contributions in RT, fun to fly with."[/I]

Title: Thanks
Post by: Airmigan on June 02, 2005, 06:19:18 PM
I appreciate your kind words there Westy and it's good to know that Dok said such good things about me also.  He and I always got along pretty well except for one time I remember when I was flying on an alt I had made and shot him down, ending a very nice streak he had going.  I think he was in competition with someone he didn't like much, perhaps Biggles, and I blew it for him.  All I remember well was that his rath poured out on me in big heaps and I couldn't apologize enough for it.  :-)

Nobaddy, I think I know who you are talking about.  I do know for sure that my credit card wasn't the only one that had burn marks on it back then.  :-)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: VGhost on June 02, 2005, 06:31:39 PM
Lived It, Loved It!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: NoBaddy on June 02, 2005, 11:13:32 PM

I will never forget the Saturdays dogfiting you in the towns of old Iron Bottom Sound. That was definitely the best time of my online life. :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: AWmoggy on June 03, 2005, 02:14:41 PM
I will never forget the Saturdays dogfiting you in the towns of old Iron Bottom Sound. That was definitely the best time of my online life.

More fun than being the virtual boss of umpteen volunteers?

I'm shocked

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Alky on June 03, 2005, 02:27:24 PM
Originally posted by AWmoggy

More fun than being the virtual boss of umpteen volunteers?

I'm shocked


Can this be the one and only Moggy?
This place is becoming the retirement home of old Air Warriors :D:D:aok
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: AWmoggy on June 03, 2005, 02:29:16 PM
Can this be the one and only Moggy?

Who else would want to be?


Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Don on June 03, 2005, 02:32:31 PM
>>More fun than being the virtual boss of umpteen volunteers?

I'm shocked


Hiya Moggy!!!:D

Gee manetti! Long time, and good to see yer type. I hope life has been good for you and yours.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Lye-El on June 03, 2005, 05:39:27 PM
Airmigan & Moggy I remember you both.:aok

I don't remember my handle from the Dos/Genie days. I do still have my Amiga around, I should fire it up and see whats on it.:D

After all the changes to AW and folllowing it to AOL, it was like Airmigan said in an earlier post, it just wasn't the same.

Pretty much quit after that. Flew a little of Combat flight simulator but quickly got my  fill of that. It was kinda like when AW went online on AOL. Clubbing the baby seals.

I found this game a few months ago, found I liked it and have been here since...except now I  am the baby seal.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Airmigan on June 03, 2005, 07:41:16 PM
I will never forget the Saturdays dogfiting you in the towns of old Iron Bottom Sound. That was definitely the best time of my online life.

Haha, that was always a lot of fun for me.  It came from flying one of the earliest versions of Flight Simulator and then moving up to Air Warrior.  Flight Simulator was kind of boring back then (still is in a way today), and I would go down low in the cities and fly in between the buildings.  It just carried over to Air Warrior and was twice as much fun when you were doing the same thing and dodging bullets at the same time.  :-)

Moggy!  Good to see you again.  I remember you well.  Always a good warrior of the skies.

Vghost, were you Ghost,  or Ghost Rider, or someone else altogether?

Gotta tell you all about the day I had today.  It was a great one.  I had the pleasure of making the day for one of the real old air warriors from WWII.  As I mentioned before, in another topic, I discovered that one of the people who work part-time for the city here along with me was a B25 pilot in the pacific with the 13th AF.

The last time I talked with him, I gathered info about which group and squadron he flew with and then I came home and put Google to work.  I checked out almost every website that came up on the searches I did and downloaded about 60 pictures of planes, pilots, crewmen, and targets.

Today I had about 45 minutes to spare and took my CD over to the place where he works and sat him down in front of one of the computers there and pulled them up for him to look at.  He was like a kid in a toy store.  He doesn't do computers btw, so he had never seen anything like this and was really awed by what he saw.

There were pictures of planes from his squadron that he recognized and he also named some of the crewmembers in some of the other pictures.  But when I pulled up a picture of a museum plane that some guy owns in New Mexico, he lit up big time.  "That's one of the planes I flew!" he said.  The gleam in his eye absolutely made my day.  I watched him out of the corner of my eye as he looked over the pictures of "Heavenly Body", one of the B-25's he flew back then.

I promised him that I would print all the pictures of his old ride that were on that website and bring them to him next time I was over to visit.  He was thrilled.  I tell you what....pleasure comes in many ways to us all, but lighting up this old air warrior from the past really did it for me today.  It's a shame that these guys won't be around much longer for us to talk with and admire, and I plan on making it back over there as often as possible to chat with him some more.  He's in pretty good shape for his age, but when you are as old as he is, today could be your last.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Horn on June 03, 2005, 11:24:44 PM
Originally posted by Airmigan
 I tell you what....pleasure comes in many ways to us all, but lighting up this old air warrior from the past really did it for me today.  It's a shame that these guys won't be around much longer for us to talk with and admire, and I plan on making it back over there as often as possible to chat with him some more.  He's in pretty good shape for his age, but when you are as old as he is, today could be your last.

A rockin post, Air.

An admirable thing you did there.


(oh and PS--does Moggy stilll know how to fly? )
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: NoBaddy on June 04, 2005, 12:12:19 AM
Originally posted by AWmoggy
I will never forget the Saturdays dogfiting you in the towns of old Iron Bottom Sound. That was definitely the best time of my online life.

More fun than being the virtual boss of umpteen volunteers?

I'm shocked


Hiya moggy....

That was one of my worst decisions. All that crap really took the fun out of the game. Much better to be here and just be another one of the peons. :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Oddball-CAF on June 04, 2005, 01:00:43 AM
  I was "4776" back in the old days of AW.

Cactus Air Force
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: NoBaddy on June 04, 2005, 09:31:09 AM
Originally posted by Oddball-CAF
  I was "4776" back in the old days of AW.

Cactus Air Force

OD as in OverDog?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on June 05, 2005, 06:28:49 PM
AW handle:  Brook
GEnie AW player id:  5965

Excellent!  Even though this topic isn't all that new, I just found it.

My first flight in Air Warrior was in 1988, with most of my heavy-duty AW flying occurring from about 1992 until 1999.

I'm looking forward to reading through this topic.

For AW folks who are interested, I'm putting together pictorials and after-action reports from old AW scenarios.  I'm only part way in, but the results so far are here:
Title: OD!!
Post by: PK1Mw on June 05, 2005, 11:25:31 PM
Hehe OD ltns.. Lots of us here from AW. Gumby and Kimmy are trying to make a come back, Steve is here, some 479th, OL'ONZ,
-=MW=-, 367th, some rogue 4 wing, 52nd, Nightmares, SOGs, MAWs, NoseDiggers err GraveDiggers, 327th, JB# guys, and lots more. Definitely worth you tryin bud, but all I can say is this game is a lot different than AW when you first start, but once you get the hang of it, its the same. Flight models, learning curve, and community is a lot different here, icandy is too. This is the game AW4 should have been, but never was. Look forward to seein ya up bud.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on June 06, 2005, 05:08:03 AM
OK, now I've gone through and read all the messages in this topic.

As I wrote earlier, I started in 1988 -- very briefly.  Horn posted part of campaign 2, but he didn't go far enough down the list to find me (ranked 527th with 8 whole points!). :)  I remember that first time on a Mac SE, taking off in a P-51 with 100% fuel, knowing nothing about flaps or air combat and getting shot down again and again and again.  I think it was Biggles who kept shooting me down.  It didn't matter, though -- I loved it.  I loved it so much that I quit after that first time because I was in grad school and knew I'd easily get hooked on the game and blow all my money (it was $6/hour or higher back then).

It was several years later when I was able to get back into it.  I got a position as an assistant on GEnie in the writer's roundtable.  I administered a writers' workshop, and they gave me some free time.  I used it all on Air Warrior, and I got totally hooked.

I remember my transition from dweeb to good pilot.  It was through lots and lots of fights with WildThing, who I also saw here in Aces High about a month back.  I remember in the early days fighting Ghost Rider, Bushwacker, B-Man, DeathWish, and Airmigan a lot, and 715 once in a while.  Airmigan was a wizard in the P-38, and I remember fighting him a lot one on one, P-38 to P-38 while he taught me his technique of using rudder and flaps in the P-38 at the top of steep high yo-yo reversals in angles fights back in the pre-SVGA Air Warrior days.

I remember lots of participation in the GEnie discussion areas with (in no particular order) Blue Baron (whom I remember from when he first joined), Eyeballs, Cookie, Quarters, DeadDuck, Rapier, Pangloss, Airmigan, DoK, Vossman, Moggy, Gypsy Baron, Gray Eagle, Rocketman, Black Hawk, Bug, Chick, and Volstag (who was hilarious and who sent me an e-mail a couple months ago), among many others.  I remember annoying personalities like Slyman (although his annoying nature sort of wrapped around to endearing in some ways).

At one point, starting in 1991, we had a squad called the "Werepigeons," which consisted of me, DoK, Airmigan, J-Wolff, V, and Commander Merkin (and I think Anvil, but I'm not sure about that).  It didn't last long, as most of the members moved on to focusing away from the main area (such as in scenarios or just drifting away from the game), but it was devoted to energy and B&Z fighting, sort of as a statement against Air Warrior becoming "Spit Warrior".

I remember when DoK invented scenarios and what it was like to play in my first one (Indian Ocean in 1992).  I remember becoming a trainer in the start of the Air Warrior Training Academy (which Airmigan managed for a time) in 1993.  I remember the start of the Scenario Masters' Guild in 1997, a group devoted to putting out more scenarios for Air Warrior.  Others in the founding of it included Rocketman, Black Hawk, Cookie, and Quarters, among others.  I remember meeting GMan, Acid Mentality, Rapier, Fencer, Velcro Fly, Gray Eagle, and Blue Baron at an Air Warrior convention in Los Angeles in the 1990's, going with some of them to the Planes of Fame air museum in Chino (which is excellent), and remember meeting Moggy (Moggy, that was you, right?) at an Air Warrior booth set up at the Reno air races in 2000 or 2001.  He gave me an Air Warrior hat that still sits atop my computer monitor today.

Ah, the memories.  To see old Air Warriors coming out of the woodwork and congregating here in Aces High is excellent.  I'm working on getting DeadDuck and Blue Baron over here.  Blue Baron probably won't, but I have hopes for DeadDuck.  Looks like Moggy might be on the verge of getting back into virtual skies if he can get his setup worked out.  That would be great.  And Airmigan . . . holy crap!  I haven't talked to him in over a decade.

Airmigan, do you remember me at all?  Are you going to get back into some on-line flying, especially scenarios?  You should! :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Wulfmen on June 06, 2005, 05:53:08 AM
Squad: BlackAdders
Cpid: ede
B-Land (i think)

Winner of one "King of the Hill" contest against Kappa :D
was a great time in AW.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: wldmn on June 06, 2005, 07:34:35 AM
Got started in late 90's, $ACE$ kept after me at work until I gave in and got hooked.  Flew FR with DDZ Az until AW went under.  Remember lots of low level stuff with FiltH and getting my Arse whoopped a lot by him.  

Went by wldmn in AW same now with AH.

ol' aw dudes
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on June 09, 2005, 11:38:28 PM
Crap!  Haven't seen a thing here from Airmigan since I asked if he remembered me.  Air, don't worry if you don't remember me -- it was more than a decade ago!  Come back, Air! :)

Also, Moggy, how's that setup going?  Did the setup guide help at all?  If not, give me a call 425-827-2486, and I'll see if I can help.  I've got all CH Products gear.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Toad on June 09, 2005, 11:55:08 PM
GEnie. Toad. 5279 or maybe 5729..... don't remember. I do remember big bills and playing a lot on Sat morning.

Good game. Addictive as hell........ good times.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on June 10, 2005, 02:53:40 AM
Originally posted by Toad
GEnie. Toad. 5279 or maybe 5729..... don't remember. I do remember big bills and playing a lot on Sat morning.

Good game. Addictive as hell........ good times.

You were 5279. :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Toad on June 10, 2005, 01:13:09 PM
Thought so... thx!
Title: BTW
Post by: PK1Mw on June 10, 2005, 04:09:15 PM
Gotta get some things straight...

1: lol Rice1 = Ruaml's newphew. Seriously.

2: KillnU, Special Eds were never Bz, they went Cz. VMPR could never make it on Bz cuz no one liked him over there. Especially me :)

3: Cz didn't rule crap , Az were the "horde" with little skill, and Bz had the better quality of pilots.

Now as to me flying..
Started in '97 on AOL shortly before we went to GS. Flew all the way til AW died, and been in AH on and off since. In AW I joined a lot of squads, and built a lot too. So I hate the pleasure to meet and fly with a lot of good people. Guys like Marar, WATEV, JMV, Shagr, NEV, and of course Caps and OLKEG. (Me and Caps been wingmen and good friends since AW2. Still to this day talk to him on a regular basis.) For those of you who fought me on a regular basis always knew I was up for a good fight in my A8, and would turn with any of yas. :)

to all my old friends and foes of AW, was truely a fun time. Just a dam shame it had to come to an end.
Title: Re: BTW
Post by: Murdr on June 10, 2005, 04:15:40 PM
Originally posted by PK1Mw

2: KillnU, Special Eds were never Bz, they went Cz. VMPR could never make it on Bz cuz no one liked him over there. Especially me :)

38 Specials had a policy of being on the country that needed pilots the most.  Bz was never seriously in the bucket during that time.  Skillets were Bz, and many of them got along with vmpr just fine.
Title: Uhh...
Post by: PK1Mw on June 10, 2005, 05:16:24 PM
No they just tolerated him :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TheManx on June 10, 2005, 05:53:19 PM
Just a FYI since he was brought up here....Nev is flying in WWIIOL these days.
Title: Hell yes I remember!
Post by: Airmigan on June 10, 2005, 06:03:25 PM
Sorry for the delay in posting.  I've had a bad week here.  Way to much going on and haven't had time to sit in front of the PC hardly at all until tonight.

I remember you very well, Brooke.  I would venture to say that you were the most prolific writer in the game back then.  And fun to fly with also.  Good to see you again my friend.  

And yes, if I do anything at all in this game, I will definitely be signing up for the scenarios.  That was always my favorite thing to do.  I would plan for those for days, printing maps and drawing all over them and making customized lists that I taped to the monitor for use during the scenario.  I goofed around a lot while just flying AW, but I got real serious about the scenarios.

I am probably going to start paying for AH again soon.  We are trying to finish up with the deal on our old home and remodel a kitchen and get ready for a party next Saturday and, and ....  It's just been real hectic here and will be for a while longer, but after it slows down, I'll most likely renew my account and try to learn how to fly the unfriendly skies again.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: BTW on June 10, 2005, 10:26:31 PM
And you think you would be getting some royalties for all those stories of your bombing feats in them old days :D

I remember a few times you parking a tank behind a runway and blowing up eveything that spawned. That takes patience !
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: killnu on June 10, 2005, 10:27:42 PM
2: KillnU, Special Eds were never Bz, they went Cz. VMPR could never make it on Bz cuz no one liked him over there. Especially me

umm yes the did...and when they did go Bz, i stayed Az and joined Wings of Terror.  ask murdr next time you see him on, he was Bz with them, remember him killing me once or twice. :D
Title: Re: Hell yes I remember!
Post by: Brooke on June 10, 2005, 11:48:53 PM
Originally posted by Airmigan

I am probably going to start paying for AH again soon.   ....  It's just been real hectic here and will be for a while longer, but after it slows down, I'll most likely renew my account and try to learn how to fly the unfriendly skies again.

That is excellent!  Air, it is great to see you around again, and when things slow down some for you in real life, when you are ready to get going in Aces High, drop me an e-mail or give me a call if you'd like, and I'd be glad to help get you up to speed with the AH settings, environment, etc.  My e-mail is brooke at, and my home phone (Pacific time zone) is 425-827-2486.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on June 10, 2005, 11:49:50 PM
Now, Moggy, how about you? :)  I know you are ready to try it out if only those settings will cooperate!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: culero on June 11, 2005, 08:13:48 AM
Originally posted by Brooke
Now, Moggy, how about you? :)  I know you are ready to try it out if only those settings will cooperate!

He's, ummm...otherwise occupied :)

culero ~goingtohell~

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: GooseAW on June 11, 2005, 08:20:52 AM
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
When most of us came over during the Exodus, he came along with too but only lasted 3 days.  I'm being serious when I say it took him two days to learn how to take off without crashing.  On the 3rd day he kept whining on how messed up the flight model was because he kept stalling out when he tried to turn.  So he gave up and went to Fighter Ace to play in the RR arenas there.  Think he and RAGS finally settled down together in a double wide trailer somewhere in Nebraska and had some kids.


He was actually in our squad for a short time at the end. His real time play by play commentary of his own flights where the most hilarious thing you've ever heard! And then he'd auger and be quiet for about 5 minutes! :rofl
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Mayhem on June 13, 2005, 09:31:19 AM
Originally posted by Brooke
and remember meeting Moggy (Moggy, that was you, right?) at an Air Warrior booth set up at the Reno air races in 2000 or 2001.  He gave me an Air Warrior hat that still sits atop my computer monitor today.

That May Have been Stilleto, I think he went to the Reno Air Races and Had a booth (AW and RC Planes If I'm not mistaken) I Haven't seen Stileto in years.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Sox62 on June 13, 2005, 11:06:25 AM
Originally posted by killnu
just felt so sorry for the Cz, they had to deal with Rice1.:lol

I believe it was Rice1 that had landed an A26 at the end of a runway,and was shooting everything that spawned.The guys that had actually de-acked the base were just a bit upset,and he didn't seem to care.

I being the helpful friendly sort,augered and logged in on my shades account,switched to A-land,and spawned a FP and killed him.

I may still have the film somewhere,lol.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: GrimMOT on June 27, 2005, 02:27:20 PM
Hey -> OD !!

I started playing AW on AOL June 97...played mostly RR up untill 2000.

Cpid was motley and frozz the first few months..gunned for a guy named TONG for a bit before joining up with the ??nd Flying Panthers.

Changed cpid to Maxco and went to RRE and joined the Purple Hearts (POP45 AIROW..) for a while..then co-founded the Hired Guns with DUI.

Changed cpid to `GRIM & MOTXO and formed the Motley Aces Nov. 97 Actually we had quite a few good RR pilots, Alster, Jonesy(later JoMAW)  ,Term8,Homey,Olfox (R.I.P.)Yahoo,Ctchr....

Most of these guys went with me a few years later when I formed the 17th TFS Metal Militia..AW was aging, lot of these guys gave up and played other games.

Me and Nosho joined your squad (/\)idow (\/)akers a short time later ->GRM and ->NSO..was fun flying with you guys! I remember going back to AOL AW3 to check these new Widow Makers Lute had formed. Great my $1.99  an hour worth at their expence tho..took my kills and went back to Gamestorm/EA.

About this time I was flying with ACCS in FR and you guys during the late evening hours...then AW died.

Just came back to online sims a few months back and got a invite to the C-Hawks:aok

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: AKDogg on June 27, 2005, 03:17:51 PM
Longtime no see Grim.  Welcome back and hope u stick with AH.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: GrimMOT on June 27, 2005, 03:28:07 PM
Thanks Dogg!

I plan too..I'm having a blast here.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: WMLute on June 28, 2005, 09:13:46 AM
Originally posted by GrimMOT
I remember going back to AOL AW3 to check these new Widow Makers Lute had formed. Great my $1.99  an hour worth at their expence tho..took my kills and went back to Gamestorm/EA.

AOL WM's were several years old when I showed up.  IIRC they and the GS WM's were formed within months of each other.  +WM1 Spidr (used to fly AH as DmdSpidr I think, and can be found lurkin' in H2H land) was the fouder of the AOL WM's.  

I cam to AH during the AW exodus, lasted my 2 week trial, hated it, and quit flying for almost a year.   Came back, hooked up with the WM's that were on AH, and the rest, is history.

Good to see you Grim.  Those were fun days.  I 2 recall heading over to G.S. to fight some of the G.S. (/\) (\/)'s and had alot of fun hunting those guys.  

(sigh) good times.....
Title: Re: Re: BTW
Post by: doc1kelley on June 28, 2005, 10:41:48 AM
Originally posted by Murdr
38 Specials had a policy of being on the country that needed pilots the most.  Bz was never seriously in the bucket during that time.  Skillets were Bz, and many of them got along with vmpr just fine.

Yep I was a Skillet and never had a problem with Vmpr.  Geez I miss old SKT and the rest of the frying pan gang.

All the Best...
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 715 on July 28, 2005, 11:05:08 PM
Sorry I'm late- Brooke pointed me to this thread.

Wow what a flood of memories!  I remember so many of you guys.  Horn: thanks for the list of ship numbers, amazingly I remember lots of those as well.

I was ship 715, handle 715 (and I still am: 715B in AH2).  I started with either the tail end of campaign 1 or beginning of campaign 2 of AW ver 1 on the Amiga on GEnie.  Man that game could make a serious dent in a charge card.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: BTW on July 28, 2005, 11:41:34 PM
Its no coincidence that Air Warrior and Dicover Card took off at the same pace :(
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: popgun on July 29, 2005, 05:16:46 PM
Just for kix, some of you reeeally old timers oughta send your mugshot here.

AW Mugshots (

This could be frightening !!

...Immel still on top o' this ??
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on July 29, 2005, 05:49:16 PM
Shaky Stick -=*TH*=-
GEnie Tail# 3278

Just getting started here on AH, getting used to the model off line and setting up some new toys. Would be real interested in hooking up with some guys from the 4th FG  if they're still out there :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on July 29, 2005, 06:21:54 PM
Popgun, that is awesome! :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grits on July 29, 2005, 07:35:20 PM
Originally posted by Shaky
Shaky Stick -=*TH*=-
GEnie Tail# 3278

Just getting started here on AH, getting used to the model off line and setting up some new toys. Would be real interested in hooking up with some guys from the 4th FG  if they're still out there :)

The Gunfighters were in the 4th FG along with the Turkey Hams, Warhawks and the 666th Internet Daemons right? Its been so long I forgot, but I think those were the squads.

I am the only (other than Pyro of course) that is in AH to my knowledge. DD wont come, something about the 3D terrain giving him vertigo. I saw Black Hawk a few months ago, but he was on the two week trial and I dont think he stayed.


GEnie Tail# 3089 (I'll never forget that number)
Delphi Tail# 45xx (dont remember, only had it couple months)
CRIS Tail # 1256
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on July 29, 2005, 07:58:44 PM
I don't think the 666th was in the 4th, I thnk it was just the TH, WH, GF and one other whom I forget at the moment.

Thats a shame about DD, I'd love to hear the "QUACK" over ch1 (or the local equivelant) again :) As it is, I'll have to ressurect the "SNORT!" on my own....after I doe a few hundred times here no doubt ..hehe

Just got my new CH stuff hooked up and and mapping stuff out. I'll be up and about in the next day or so...where can I find ya and who should I fly for?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: culero on July 29, 2005, 09:18:59 PM
Originally posted by popgun
...Immel still on top o' this ??

Yeap, send the pics he'll post 'em :)

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: NoBaddy on July 29, 2005, 09:35:55 PM
Originally posted by Grits

I am the only (other than Pyro of course) that is in AH to my knowledge. DD wont come, something about the 3D terrain giving him vertigo. I saw Black Hawk a few months ago, but he was on the two week trial and I dont think he stayed.


LW (Lone Wolf) was a GF. He is here with the Damned now.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: AWkrull on July 29, 2005, 09:50:09 PM
Was KRULL am KRULL....flew az for most of my journey back in '98
then flew with cz in the end.

Anyone know what ever happened to LPN?:confused:

-->OP man i used to hate you well as much as you can in a sim game lol. I learned a lot from you and red elf thru your schoolin' me all the time. AW'ers!:aok
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grits on July 29, 2005, 11:20:59 PM
Originally posted by NoBaddy

LW (Lone Wolf) was a GF. He is here with the Damned now.

Ah! That is good to hear I'm not the only one still left. :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grits on July 29, 2005, 11:24:48 PM
Originally posted by Shaky
...where can I find ya and who should I fly for?

I'm usually in the MA in the evenings, almost always on Sat night, and the squad I'm in flies for the Rooks.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Murdr on July 30, 2005, 01:10:11 AM
Originally posted by culero
Yeap, send the pics he'll post 'em :)


What? You dont have to go through the two weeks of hazing in bigweek now?  It just aint right without disorderly conduct, indecent exposure, and public drunkeness!  :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: WindX on July 30, 2005, 09:12:39 AM
yup...  Same name in AW too. And im still Talkin Smack!:aok
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: culero on July 30, 2005, 10:10:18 AM
Originally posted by Murdr
What? You dont have to go through the two weeks of hazing in bigweek now?  It just aint right without disorderly conduct, indecent exposure, and public drunkeness!  :)

Sure, we abuse everyone, and not just for two weeks.

But having flown Air Warrior is all that's needed to get your picture in the Mig Shots page, the abuse can come later :)

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on July 30, 2005, 08:11:54 PM
OK...I'm flying and I SUCK! .

Died about half a dozen times, spent a lot of time flying aroud loking for a place to die. Did managed to kill one b-24 though...was beating the hell outta him with my 38 when I got a reminder that collisions are modeled here...does ramming count fr a kill if you both die?:D
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on July 30, 2005, 08:29:06 PM
Hey, the important thing is that you're flying and having fun.  The ol' flying skills will come back.  Gunnery for me is taking the longest to get back (probably because gunnery in AH is more realistic).
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: BTW on July 30, 2005, 08:29:17 PM
Hey Shaky, I know you didn't ask for it, but I offer some advice (advice is great cause you can take it or leave it).

Spend time in the MA, TA, and DA.
I also find meager goals and lots of beer helps :D

Seriously, I was decent in AW. AH is different for the simple fact its a lot harder to hit things. You gota forget the 800 yard deflection shots, and fly in close- real close.

Oh - and if you use reading glasses - put them on. It makes a difference.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on July 30, 2005, 08:36:16 PM
Right now its mostly refelxes and the flight model.

In AW I knew exactly how hard I could reef into a turn with each plane I flew, and what more, I knew the capabilities of the planes that were against me so I KNEW where I could pick them up in my visual scan.

Tonight I found myself losing my opponent frequently, not that i would have mattered much since I couldn't out fly him .

It'll come back. I'm just not used to being on this end of things.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Yippee38 on July 30, 2005, 11:20:55 PM
Yippee in AW.  I started playing in the free AOHell days.  I flew for Cland most of the time, but didn't fly much until I joined the Cutthroats Mercenary Company shortly before the demise of AW.  I flew just about every scenario that I could get in though (except for Somme, for which I got roped into being a CM - ugh).  I was in the stuka group in Operation Husky that launched for our second flight just as the bombs from the B-25s overhead were hitting the runway.  We all died as soon as we launched.  Red screen.  Ugh.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Flossy on July 31, 2005, 01:15:54 AM
Originally posted by AWkrull
Anyone know what ever happened to LPN?:confused:  
She was here for a while, but I've not seen her for some time.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: culero on July 31, 2005, 09:32:43 AM
Originally posted by Yippee38
I was in the stuka group in Operation Husky that launched for our second flight just as the bombs from the B-25s overhead were hitting the runway.  We all died as soon as we launched.  Red screen.  Ugh.

Ahh, yes, you were in Gnatz's Stooka groop :)

After making what amounted to a milk run for your first mission, he and I gloated to each other when he reported in...and we agreed he'd take the group out for an immediate second run.

Moments later he's telling me he's got 9 dead, LOL!

If I recall right, that was the same frame a P38 flight managed to go NOE straight to an airfield where we had 109s upping, and the 109s were slow to they got the crap vulched out of them :lol

Lesson learned: when in a crowded combat environment, send out a scout before launching all aircraft ;)

Title: Air Warrior
Post by: xtyger on July 31, 2005, 10:45:10 AM
Air Warrior, later to become Air Warrior 3, is a WW2 flight combat sim much like Aces High. I joined VMF 525 during the later stages of their time in AW3, which was some years ago. We left AW3 mostly because of the constant boots. You'd regularly get booted and it might take fifteen minutes to get back to the game, if you could get back at all. Actually, being the newbie at the time, the others decided to leave and I followed.

We went to Warbirds after that- another sim like Aces High. I forget exactly why but the squad became unhappy with that one, as well, and ended up in Aces High. I didn't follow as I had just bought a new computer and didn't want to load another game on it. One of the other guys stayed at Warbirds. I ended up giving up on the flight sims entirely, albeit with somewhat of a heavy heart.

When I won this new Alienware gaming computer, I decided I just had to get back into the flight sims and tracked down the old VMF 525 squadron through their forum. So, here I am.

As someone alluded to earlier on this thread, I don't know if AW3 is still there, or not. I believe Warbirds is as one of the squaddies suggested doing a free two week trial to participate in some big special event they had going on a few months ago. I wasn't going to load a new game up just to play for two weeks. Aces High is fine with me.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on August 01, 2005, 12:00:45 AM
Geezus.....I just saw NetAces used my stallfighting lecture on their site. Damn, I hope they don't see me now .
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: RookieCAF on August 02, 2005, 07:53:30 PM
Hiya Shaky, All. The Look At Ewe Page never fails to elicit a chuckle, and I made sure I saved a copy of that new Moggy Sighting Pic:rofl
Title: Re: Air Warrior
Post by: Wind on August 03, 2005, 05:55:43 AM
Originally posted by xtyger

When I won this new Alienware gaming computer, I  

Someday I'm gonna win something.

I'm hoping for a real life...   :p

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: jazzman6 on August 03, 2005, 06:21:16 AM
Jazzman <666th>

Started life as GEnie tail 5157 in 1993, when I got a CRIS account was something like 3671 or something.

Actually RB (Red Beard) and I still fly together in AH on Fridays.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: AdmRose on August 03, 2005, 10:02:37 PM
Originally posted by ->OD
Hey, I was curious if anyone here is an old hand from the AirWarrior-AirWarrior 3D days? I was hoping someone with a sense of nostalgia would revive AW3 some day, but I don't think it will happen. I would like to get in touch with some people from the old days if there are any in here and possibly start flying again. So if you used to play AW3 please reply and let me know your old AW cpid and squadron.

"WidowMakers Squadron"

I was X-Fil.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DamnedRen on August 03, 2005, 10:19:16 PM
Ren #795, a dweeb. Cris account. Cland ruled.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Quarters on August 09, 2005, 06:14:10 AM
Quarters, 2791. Used to have the privledge of telling Shaky what to do.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Vortex on August 09, 2005, 10:39:29 AM
Originally posted by Brooke

I remember in the early days fighting Ghost Rider, Bushwacker, B-Man, DeathWish, and Airmigan a lot, and 715 once in a while.  

I'm still on the old mailing list for the Musketeers squad. B-man popped in there some time ago, and Stiletto shows up every now and again. If memory serves Velcro-Fly made an appearance many moons back as well. Bug is still an avid poster there, as is Rapier. Haven't heard from Bushwacker in ages though, going back to the GEnie days.

Many are still in touch though. Amazing after all these years. Says a lot for the community that was forged around that bit of code Kelton created. Look what it started. If there's a gaming Hall of Fame, that guy should be on the short list.

I'll drop a note to the Muskie mailing list and point folks in this direction for their yearly blast of nostalgia. There's still a few dusty old farts reading it I think. ;->

Oh...and *waves* to all the old AW folks. Great seeing so many familiar faces!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: jazzman6 on August 09, 2005, 10:52:15 AM
Originally posted by Vortex
Many are still in touch though. Amazing after all these years. Says a lot for the community that was forged around that bit of code Kelton created. Look what it started. If there's a gaming Hall of Fame, that guy should be on the short list.

Ain't that the truth. Anybody know how he's doing - he was in tough shape last thing I knew.

How about BB - what's he up to?

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Vortex on August 09, 2005, 11:20:35 AM
Originally posted by jazzman6
Ain't that the truth. Anybody know how he's doing - he was in tough shape last thing I knew.

How about BB - what's he up to?


OH, didn't know that about Kelton. I certainly hope he is ok!

I think Rapier might still be in touch with BB. Not 100% sure though. I sent him an email anyway suggesting he point him in this direction if he is.

The last time I exchanged some emails with him was a few years back. He was working at Microsoft at the time if I recall right. He'd picked up a small recreational plane of some sort as well, I just don't rememberl what make/model now. He was enjoying the heck out of it though!

Hopefully we'll see him wander through here.
Title: wow
Post by: b-man on August 09, 2005, 11:42:57 AM
Amazing, I recognize many of your names and fondly recall other names mentioned in this thread.

Thanks for the trip down Alzheimer's lane!


...what's the plan tonight?
...the plan is everyone to A6; fly thattaway and kill
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Quarters on August 09, 2005, 12:42:30 PM
Kelton's still down in C'Ville plugging away on stuff with John Taylor.

BB hasn't been at Microsoft for a few years now. After Microsoft he did a short stint at SOE in Austin, then some stuff with an outfit in Toronto and now he's back in TX.

He own's two planes at last count. A Luscombe, which is really fun to fly, and a Bellanca which I have never seen in person, let alone had a chance to right-seat.

BB wrote a neat piece about getting his Bellanca. You can read it here (http://
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 1527 Stiletto on August 09, 2005, 01:20:11 PM
Wow, as has been mentioned before..alot of names I remember.   Damn we're all a bunch of old farts now, lol.

I don't remember what camp I started out in, really never got too "into it" until I joined the musketeers.  I do remember Airmigan was my idol.  Everyone else was worried about alt, speed, getting the advantage....he just flew in and made stuff blow up, lol.

The Muskies should have followed BB's advice and renamed ourselves "The Flying Keg Party".   Some of the best times I've ever had online have been with B-Man, VF, Rapier, Bushwacker, Buck, et all. (and Ghost Rider, wherever he vanished to).

Good memories, thanks for this thread :)

AW: 1527
"Icon dead guy"
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on August 09, 2005, 01:29:37 PM
Originally posted by Quarters
Quarters, 2791. Used to have the privledge of telling Shaky what to do.

And I used to have the privledge (along with the rest of the Hams) of shooting QT in the back towards the end of every squad mission :)

Old TH tradition, ya know :D
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on August 09, 2005, 01:38:08 PM
Originally posted by Quarters

BB wrote a neat piece about getting his Bellanca. You can read it here (http://

Looks like a dead link QT.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: jazzman6 on August 09, 2005, 01:58:08 PM
Wow - lotta old names here.

OK, so good so far. How about Twisted? Caligula? Fencer? Mullah?

moggy - what's Rocketman doing these days?

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: b-man on August 09, 2005, 02:58:05 PM
Stil, i'm still waiting for those rare earth magnets for my testicles! :D
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 1527 Stiletto on August 09, 2005, 03:16:02 PM
I wouldn't know about that B... I'm married now so I'll have to ask the wife for my testicles back to test the magnet out. ;)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Quarters on August 09, 2005, 04:02:18 PM
Pffft, UBB doubled the http:// for some reason. The link to BB's article is:

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grits on August 09, 2005, 04:03:46 PM
Originally posted by 1527 Stiletto
(and Ghost Rider, wherever he vanished to).

GR played in Half Time for a bit in '95. I remember him because he said he had quit for a while, and was from St Louis, where I lived at the time. I think he quit again soon after.

GEnie 3089
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Quarters on August 09, 2005, 04:04:23 PM
Twist is some high muckity muck at Sony Online these days. Dunno what happened to Cal after Cornered Rat had their layoffs a year or so back. I'd assume Fencer is still married and living in Indiana, although I haven't heard from, or about, him in ages.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on August 09, 2005, 04:35:27 PM
Originally posted by Quarters
Pffft, UBB doubled the http:// for some reason. The link to BB's article is:


OK, got it...ya forgot the colon :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Sniv on August 09, 2005, 05:04:30 PM
Well for what it is worth

Snivly Dweeb (6112) Genie AW Dos ,I was one of those who got in from the first box set.

Alas (sorry BB) I lost all of my AW info on various HD's  which I seem not able to part with. (one of these days...)

I sucked then and for quite a few years thereafter thought I did have my moments......and I can still find the Visa receipts :eek:

I was curious what happened to AW ,I left finally at the end of the Gamestorm era , only to find out that EA had pulled the plug a few months later.

Nice to see that a lot of you are still kicking around, and it does seem like the rooks text messages seem awfully like B-land chatter.

Still nice of HT and Pyro to provide us with this ,Thanks and
Nice job Gents!:aok
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grits on August 09, 2005, 05:19:26 PM
Everyone that had a GEnie number in Air Warrior, and that now plays Aces High should form a squad called the Old Geezers, or OG's for short. :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grits on August 09, 2005, 05:21:35 PM
Originally posted by Sniv
it does seem like the rooks text messages seem awfully like B-land chatter.

You know, its funny you mention that, I've thought the same thing myself many times.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: BTW on August 09, 2005, 05:27:40 PM
Originally posted by Grits
Everyone that had a GEnie number in Air Warrior, and that now plays Aces High should form a squad called the Old Geezers, or OG's for short. :)

They'd never get anything done. They'd start a mission and start reminiscing and just get drunk on the runway all night :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on August 09, 2005, 05:29:18 PM
Originally posted by Grits
You know, its funny you mention that, I've thought the same thing myself many times.

Being that thats all I've been exposed to, I took it that all countries chatter was that way. Guess not, eh :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Stang on August 09, 2005, 05:37:28 PM
Originally posted by Grits
You know, its funny you mention that, I've thought the same thing myself many times.

There a a huge number of former Bland guys flying Rooks, myself included, so no coincidence there.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Quarters on August 09, 2005, 07:20:14 PM
Originally posted by BTW
They'd never get anything done. They'd start a mission and start reminiscing and just get drunk on the runway all night :)

So, it'd be just like GEnie!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: MAILMAN on August 09, 2005, 07:43:43 PM
Wow, just reading some of the names brings back many memories.

Shortly after purchasing our first PC and after seeing how much my son and I enjoyed the AW2 demo my wife bought the game.  I think she learned to regret doing that.  The bonus was AW4WIN for online play was included in the CD.  AOL was all you could eat.   In April of '97 my Air Warrior odyssey began starting with the beginners arena for a day then into the RR Arenas of the Pacific.  Within 3 weeks I tried FR and never went back.   :D

In RR a squad snapped my newbiness up.  They suggested the cpid of -MLM-.  It stuck through all the versions of AW until it became -)MLM in AW3.  Originally in AW4WIN FR PAC Arena I was in C-Land.   Quite a while after being in the FR Pac Arena I joined a squad in which TC was the CO.  Night after night it was constant battles with Dragn, Rapier, HeBee, Madda, Clay, Kumori, Kanth, HW, RM usually with me on the losing end.   I stayed with C-land through AW2 and into AW3.  By the way Zazen was a Cz at the start of AW3.  I got a glimpse of his tactics back then.  He called for help at hi alt and when I joined in he took off and left me to take on his former multiple adversaries.  One of the first fights  that I remember occured at the beginning of AW3 in the BIG Arena.  ME-262's were abundant.  I was in my usual HOG at 20+K north of Henderson getting a feel for the new version of the game when I got bounced by a 262.  I kept dodging the passes until he misjudged my "E" and I whipped around and got a snap shot.  Message was "Moggy killed"  "A Kill has been Recorded".   Sometime later in AW3 I switched to A-Land and remained there until its demise at the hands of EA.  

I've flown off an on in AH & AH2 for the Knights.  It always seemed that when I joined the Knights we were always outnumbered in large numbers by both the bishops and rooks.  It would degenerate into nothing but vulchfests by air and ground vehicles hiding in our hangars.    It was a "pincer movement" night after night after night.  I still have an account for the purposes of H2H play because it cost nothing to play.  Last week I flew there for the first time in over a year and got tired of dodging "Comets".

If some of the Muskies start to fly in AH2 again then I might consider taking to those virtual skies, but for now I'll just stick with hosting Pacific Fighters Games on Hyperlobby (free) for my flight fixes.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: BTW on August 09, 2005, 08:03:00 PM
Originally posted by Quarters
So, it'd be just like GEnie!

You bring the Becks, I got the hotdogs :D
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on August 09, 2005, 11:08:57 PM
Wow, it's great to see more and more AW old timers showing up!  Folks I haven't seen in about 15 years!  Stilleto and B-Man, are you guys flying in AH?  Quarters says he'll get around to it as soon as his soon-to-be-born child is about 6 years old.  Shaky Stick just started getting back into it.  Sounds like Vortex is getting back into it!

I didn't know that Rapier and Bug were here already, or 715, but I saw a post by him about a week ago.

Sniv, I saw you up one night and said "hello," but I'm not sure if you remember me from those ancient GEnie days.

Airmigan and Moggy have been poking around but not flying yet.  They might for a scenario, and there are other old AWarriors who might come out for the next scenario.  There will be a scenario starting in the next 1-3 months, so maybe we can get some more folks in for that.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: b-man on August 10, 2005, 12:25:56 AM
Hey Brooke! Good to catch up, been a long long time.

I haven't been up in the skies in a couple years at least.

Everytime I have tried to recapture the experience it just hasn't been there for me; the insanity of Buck (or was it Shep?) claiming a C-land carrier as an A-Land possession, catching the Warhawks as they take off in perfect formation (grin), the Highlander Tournies, Dok's campaigns, ShepDies, etc etc. Was a special time indeed, one that can bring us back 15 years later to smile and reminisce.

I have Fencer's email & phone buried in my  email archives, will try and get in touch with him tomorrow.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Vortex on August 10, 2005, 11:10:49 AM
Rofl, that was shep that claimed the CV B-man. That was truly priceless. Lotsa good times on those squad nights. Good to see you Muskies made it over.

Oh, btw Stil, as long as the wife is still interested in those testies, you're in good shape. Its when she loses interest in them that you need to worry about. ;->

Thanks for the update on BB and Kelton, Quarters. Glad to hear everyone is doing ok.

Brooke, looking forward to that next scenario! Until then I'll keep padding my adversaries kill totals in the MA.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: hedbang on August 10, 2005, 07:03:52 PM
Howdy all

ID was hbang, B lander

Cant remember the year but started with a new squad, I think was the 62nd.  Started by a kid (found out later) name Wax1/Waxer.   Merged with the Dover Dawgs lead by Ratt, Lnstr, maybe a couple others.

Anyone else remember a guy named SNA?  He could stir the pot like no one else.

Also remember when they encorporated Roger Wilco, everyone seemed to have a souther drawl.  ;-)

AOL timer was a pain.  Sent a guy $2 to pay for his cheat but they always became outdated in a couple of weeks.

There's my nostalgia.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ATC on August 11, 2005, 03:36:41 PM

All is well my friend.  

->ATC of AW
The Original Widowmakers Squad
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: slimm50 on August 11, 2005, 04:14:31 PM
Originally posted by MAILMAN
They suggested the cpid of -MLM-.  It stuck through all the versions of AW until it became -)MLM in AW3.  Originally in AW4WIN FR PAC Arena I was in C-Land.   Quite a while after being in the FR Pac Arena I joined a squad in which TC was the CO.

Hey MLM, I remember you in killed me many times. IIRC one of the best fights I ever had was me in my P51D against you in a F4U. I think we dueled to a stalemate...both limped home empty of everything and smokin like chimneys.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: MAILMAN on August 12, 2005, 05:36:21 AM
Hello Slimm.  I remember you as well.  You were one of the nice guys from the game.  It was always a lot of fun when we tangled.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grits on August 12, 2005, 08:50:20 AM
Anybody remember the kid (old $6 hour AW didnt have many of those) that always wanted the Me163 put in AW? Was it Shadow Demon? He used to crack me up on the GEnie BBS.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Vortex on August 12, 2005, 12:15:28 PM
Originally posted by Grits
Anybody remember the kid (old $6 hour AW didnt have many of those) that always wanted the Me163 put in AW? Was it Shadow Demon? He used to crack me up on the GEnie BBS.

Ooooh, yeah, I remember Shadow Demon. Funny kid on the boards. His posts went right from brain to keyboard with no stops in between.

Mad Duck springs to mind as well. Similar sort of fella. But i think you're right, I believe it was SD that was always wanting the 163.
Title: Long time no see...
Post by: BushWacker on August 12, 2005, 01:28:03 PM
Wow it's nice to see so many old AWers active! At our ages that is saying something! B-Man called me the other night and mentioned this forum so I thought I'd stop by. All the great flights, AW Cons and fun times started coming back. So what is the online flight sim to play these days?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on August 12, 2005, 01:51:55 PM
Hey BW, seems like there's a lotta AWers playing this one, including a lot of people I've never heard of . Prolly ex-RR types, their transition here musta been ROUGH.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Zazen13 on August 12, 2005, 02:11:29 PM
I was Zazen in AWFR from 1990 until EA killed it. I also had numerous 'shades' accounts, too many to list. Moved to AH, and am still Zazen.. ;)

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: hitech on August 12, 2005, 02:26:54 PM
Greets BushWacker:
Greets B-man
Greets Quarters, Oops pizza is here got to go.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: b-man on August 12, 2005, 03:03:04 PM
Yo HT :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: NoBaddy on August 12, 2005, 03:45:44 PM
Originally posted by hitech
Greets BushWacker:
Greets B-man
Greets Quarters, Oops pizza is here got to go.


What HT said....'cept about the pizza. :D
Title: Re: Long time no see...
Post by: Brooke on August 13, 2005, 02:00:55 AM
Originally posted by BushWacker
Wow it's nice to see so many old AWers active! At our ages that is saying something! B-Man called me the other night and mentioned this forum so I thought I'd stop by. All the great flights, AW Cons and fun times started coming back. So what is the online flight sim to play these days?

Howdy, BushWacker!

It's an easy call:  Aces High is the one to play. :)  Excellent flight model.  The most ex-Air Warriors.  A company built by two ex-AW players who know what is good in this genre.  Good general action.  Lots of people playing it.  The place to be for scenarios.

I've also played WWIIOL, but I like that for its ground action, not its air combat.  For air combat, it has a good flight model, nice looking terrain and clouds, but -- horrible visibility out of every airplane and a bad visibility model.  It has low availability of planes, and you can't fly anything decent (not even any bombers) until you've played a lot in the worst planes.  Fights have small numbers of particpants, and there are no scenarios.

I haven't played Warbirds or any of the others -- just read about them when checking into which air-combat sim to fly in.  I remember concluding that Aces High was far and away the best and that a lot of the others were unrealistic, had few players, or (very importantly to me) had no scenarios.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: culero on August 13, 2005, 07:48:43 AM
Quarters delivers pizza now?

culero ~g,d,rlh!~
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: iKo on August 13, 2005, 08:36:21 AM
iKo here from FR was with JG26
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Heater on August 13, 2005, 08:46:31 AM
Originally posted by b-man
Hey Brooke! Good to catch up, been a long long time.

I haven't been up in the skies in a couple years at least.

Everytime I have tried to recapture the experience it just hasn't been there for me; the insanity of Buck (or was it Shep?) claiming a C-land carrier as an A-Land possession, catching the Warhawks as they take off in perfect formation (grin), the Highlander Tournies, Dok's campaigns, ShepDies, etc etc. Was a special time indeed, one that can bring us back 15 years later to smile and reminisce.

I have Fencer's email & phone buried in my  email archives, will try and get in touch with him tomorrow.

--)-B-Man-------- Lives
How the hell are ya B-Man, it's been a few years.
Tell Fencer to at least stop by and say Hi!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: b-man on August 13, 2005, 01:50:16 PM
Yo NB! Man Think I am gonna have to plug a jstick back in my puter for the first time in eons; see if i can get a plane off the ground lol.

Heater!! I remember the first time I met you at the AW Con in Ohio;  My first impression of you was some laid-back country hick until I asked what you did for a living. The change in your demeanor was  stark, instaneous and forever burned in my  mind:

"I fly high performance figter aircraft for The United States Air Force"

Tripped me out lol.

I also remember talking to you on the phone while you were somewhere in Europe. Connection was ****tier than hell and ya said, give me a minute, ill call ya right back. Then mysteriously the connection was so clear, sweet DoD lines lol. The NTSC / PAL convert transfer was smooth sailing on those lines at 2400 hehe.

You still flying for Sony Inc. I think it was?

I sent Fencer an email, he hasn't responded yet. Wonder if the address is still good.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: NoBaddy on August 13, 2005, 06:37:28 PM
Originally posted by b-man
Yo NB! Man Think I am gonna have to plug a jstick back in my puter for the first time in eons; see if i can get a plane off the ground lol.

Welp, you know if I can do can. :D Got a call from Fence about 6 months ago. He left a message, I never got an answer from the phone number he left.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: AWmoggy on August 13, 2005, 09:49:56 PM
Originally posted by jazzman6
Ain't that the truth. Anybody know how he's doing - he was in tough shape last thing I knew.  

Last I heard, Kelton was doing fine.  I saw him about a year ago and he was the same as ever. I think he's making games for casinos now - hopefully raking in the big bucks finally.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: AWmoggy on August 13, 2005, 09:53:20 PM
Originally posted by jazzman6
Wow - lotta old names here.

OK, so good so far. How about Twisted? Caligula? Fencer? Mullah?

moggy - what's Rocketman doing these days?

Twist works for SOE in San Diego (he was EP for Planetside).

Talked to RM a couple of days ago - he's planning for his wedding in October.

-moggy (I'm gonna steal your little daemon graphic!)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: WindX on August 13, 2005, 10:06:14 PM
Anyone know what became of HK, KRSCO, SIXER, and LPN just to mention a few?
Title: Old Airwarrior
Post by: summereel on August 13, 2005, 10:18:41 PM
Well Ill be....I sure remember you..god its been years;
I was [ID]
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Flossy on August 14, 2005, 06:12:24 AM
LPN was here for a while, though I've not seen her recently; in fact I've not played much myself recently, I really need to get back into it.  :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Lone Wolf on August 14, 2005, 11:29:59 AM
Just stuck my snout in this thread.
Damn you guys are old :>
2300...Lone Wolf
Flew with Gunfighters and ...the greatest troll ever carried out....

Good to "see" some of you guys-Brooke, Air, Grits, Quarters...Moggy (nice to see you back from Russia :>)...Culero, Vortex.

Supposed to see BB in about 2 months and RM's wedding is end of October-

Started way back .......I think Methusala was my first kill (and maybe only one) in DOS AW.
Wasn't good then....still not good, but enjoy the game and the company!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DREDIOCK on August 14, 2005, 12:00:07 PM
Originally posted by hitech
Greets BushWacker:
Greets B-man
Greets Quarters, Oops pizza is here got to go.


Why does it scare me to think about what Pizza might be like in Texas? LOL

So as not to be too far off topic.

What ever happened to the AOS (Ace of Spades) Squad From AW?

Had many a good fight against those guys
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Vortex on August 14, 2005, 04:08:11 PM
Hiya LW, great seeing you again!

...and howdy to moggy too, great seeing you again as well. Thanks for the update on Kelton!
Title: Who is that Fencer Guy?
Post by: Fencer51 on August 19, 2005, 08:27:48 PM
Greetings all!!

Bman, Bushwacker, Quarters, Heater, HiTech, NoBaddy, Brooke, Moggy, Airmigan, LoneWolf, Stiletto, Vortex, 715 and Shaky!!! How is everyone?

Yes this is the real Fencer.  Who is that other guy?

Anyway I started AirWarrior back in January 1990 after seeing it in a small article in CGW.  It was the most fun I have had in computer gaming.  It was the people who made it so interesting.  God knows the graphics only got good when AWII came out.

I hadn't flown a flight sim since 1999, until last weekend.  My CPU went out and I built a whole new system.  This one has a game port on the back that fits my CH throttle and flight stick.  So I was tustling with some Migs for a couple hours.

Got Bman's email a couple days ago and downloaded AH2.  Boy did I enjoy taxing that Mustang out onto the runway.  Now if I could just program my controls!

Went to England in 1999.  Visited a little place called Duxford.  But the highlight of the trip was a stop at a small village called Debden.  Talked to a local antique dealer and found that the old 4th FG base was down the street inside a British Army UBX base.  Alas I was able to see it and got my picture at the end of the old runway.  Just stood there and let the wind blow across the field.  Man what a moving moment in my life.  Wish I could have seen it in 1944-45.

So is anyone actually playing this Sim or are we just stealing HTs BB space?

Speaking of BB it has been a year or so since I talked to him.  He was staying at a friends house in Texas.  If anyone wants I can try and contact him, I believe I have his cell number still.

Well it was great to see you all.  So to speak.


Fencer >>WH<< 1386

Fourth But First!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on August 19, 2005, 08:50:21 PM
Fencer, I've just six words for ya...

Damn glad to see ya, boy!

Yes, I been flying here for 2 weeks...its a lot different from AW...not harder, necessarily, just different. Major differences are engine tourque and gunnery. but those two kinda cause me to suck here .

Better news is that I'm getting the hang of it. The old manuvers are starting to work again as I learn to incorporate a finer degree of trottle management than was needed in AW. Gunnery is coming back as I get used to the smaller target and the need to use rudders at all times, even if its just enough pressure to keep the ball centered. trim control os becoming automatic, thanks to some real life pilot training.

You, sir, would have fun here, I think. AH2 would reward your patient, stalking style of fighting well, its certainly more suited to that than the old yank and bank furball style fighting. There's enough old FR AW players here to sate that old appettite for sure, and the loudmouth dweebs are as enteraining as always.
Title: Re: Who is that Fencer Guy?
Post by: Wind on August 19, 2005, 09:22:41 PM
Originally posted by Fencer51

Yes this is the real Fencer.  Who is that other guy?

Well it was great to see you all.  So to speak.


Fencer >>WH<< 1386

Fourth But First!

I remember bombing an airfield named Fencer (again, and again and again..).  Did you feel the pain?  :D

Welcome back to the virtual skies!  

Damned Wind
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grits on August 19, 2005, 09:54:54 PM
Howdy Fencer. I quit AW in '95 and didnt play a game of any type until for some reason I tried AH in '04. I did not have much trouble with the flight model, but my SA took a while to get up to speed. Gunnery was the largest challenge for me by far, I could put myself in a position to kill soon after I started playing, but I couldnt hit anything.

Shaky is right, you would do just fine after a bit of time scraping the rust off. The thing that is needed most in games like AW and AH is the ability to think in 3D and visualize what is going on. You already have that, and as Shaky is finding out, you just have to get yourself sharp again.

Grits Genie #3089

PS: The P-51 is much....MUCH better than it was in AW. :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Kurt on August 19, 2005, 10:33:10 PM
There are no former airwarriors here... now stop asking.

(formerly Gunzz of AW)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Booz on August 19, 2005, 10:44:33 PM
I'm an AW boat person, took me 2 months to adjust to icon ranges, view differences, and lead shooting.
But now I can nail any plane that breaks on my jug 400 out.

the P-47 is 4x the plane in AH that it was in AW

btw..FU Fencer, I ended up CO of 4thFG for too many years :)...why did you leave?!?!

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grits on August 20, 2005, 12:22:08 AM
Yup, the P-51 is better than it was in AW, but it was a good plane there, the P-47 in AH is so much better than the AW P-47 its like its a totally different plane.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Paintbrush on August 20, 2005, 03:12:32 AM
Wow! What a great read! Brings back old memories. I don't go back in AW as far as some of you but I do remember some of your names.  

I flew for about 4 years , then Ea squashed AW.  Not even a notice. Just tried to log on one day and AW was gone. Pretty sad, and pretty bad buisiness by those bastages to not even fore warn people who had been paying customers for years.

Anyway, I flew bz as RMS, and PNT over the course of my time in AW.

Started out with the ^Flying Skunks^.

BTW, while looking through my AW stuff I ran across this pic. I don't remember where or how I got it but some of probably remember these guys. I remember LPN. She was tough but a lot of fun.


Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Chitownflyer on August 20, 2005, 04:38:01 AM
I flew in AW  from  1996 to
about 1998 when I went to
Warbirds until about 2003

In AW I flew in FR with
a number of squds

Sharks, Damned, Warbegles, nomads ( i think the memory is faded for those times except the 400 credit card bills)

IN AW i flew as Chi  and in WB i flew as Maddog.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: hitech on August 20, 2005, 08:45:51 AM
Greets fencer.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Heater on August 20, 2005, 10:48:02 AM

it been a loong time how the hell are you?, as for flying some of us try to everynow and then, Hitech & I still get each other killed a lot and hes is still the PUTZ that he allways was but other this is something we need to live with...

Hell as I am writing this, I just remembered something, back at the AW CON in Dayton... we are all in one of the rooms drinking & flying, and Hitech said somthing on the lines of hell, I can write a game like this....Look at where it gone to.

Anway Fencer open and account and give it a shot,
we may need to start an "Old Timer's" Squad.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: culero on August 20, 2005, 11:14:23 AM
Originally posted by Lone Wolf
Just stuck my snout in this thread.
Damn you guys are old :>
2300...Lone Wolf
Flew with Gunfighters and ...the greatest troll ever carried out....

Yeah, that as rich :)

culero (hiyas Rex)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Vortex on August 20, 2005, 01:00:16 PM
Great to see you made it by Fencer! I think Shaky and Grits summed things up really well. Their comments are bang on regarding the transitions from the old to the new.

I too have recently returned, and am quite enjoying it. Er, but I am stinking up the joint. We've been trying to convince B-man and Stil to come back as well. For me the motivation is entirely selfish...I need someone that sucks worse than me up there ;->.

Oh, and if you can manage to track down BB by all means give it a go. It would be really good to see him pop in here.

And greets to Booz as well! You ole Jug drive'n devil :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rufnek on August 20, 2005, 08:20:53 PM
Howdy, Brand new to Aces High. Great to see an active arena again!

I used to fly AW, Death from Above, Handle was Wildcat. I remember Mullah was my mentor, great pilot and trainer. I'm hopin' he's gotten a more PC handle at this point.;)

Anyways thanks for having me and don't shoot me from behind.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rufnek on August 20, 2005, 08:27:51 PM
Originally posted by jazzman6
Wow - lotta old names here.

OK, so good so far. How about Twisted? Caligula? Fencer? Mullah?

moggy - what's Rocketman doing these days?


I flew a lot with Mullah. Back in about 89-92 time warp. He was nothing but a cool guy. I wonder if he still flies?

AW was also a Mac platform which was really nice at the time. I don't know if there's a Mac flying sim out there now.

I was pumped when I spent $600 bucks for my new, blazing fast 9600 baud modem trying to keep up with the flying Jones'. Things have changed.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Lone Wolf on August 20, 2005, 09:46:49 PM
Originally posted by Rufnek
I flew a lot with Mullah. Back in about 89-92 time warp. He was nothing but a cool guy. I wonder if he still flies?

AW was also a Mac platform which was really nice at the time. I don't know if there's a Mac flying sim out there now.

I was pumped when I spent $600 bucks for my new, blazing fast 9600 baud modem trying to keep up with the flying Jones'. Things have changed.

Hehe..RM is doing quite well.  Owns two planes, but has had a serious mental breakdown (is getting married in late Oct.)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Lone Wolf on August 20, 2005, 09:47:56 PM
Culero...good to see ya!!..and Fencer-boy you need to get in here and get your wings wet!!
Wonder if we could have pulled off something along the lines of the TOP GUNZ here???
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Steve on August 21, 2005, 02:58:21 AM
VMPR could never make it on Bz cuz no one liked him over there. Especially me

I flew bz quite a bit.  I liked VMPR.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on August 21, 2005, 07:14:44 AM
Originally posted by Vortex
I too have recently returned, and am quite enjoying it. Er, but I am stinking up the joint.

I saw ya up the other night, and actually tried to hunt ya down for a bit, just to see if you sucked as bad as I do . Would be an interesting base for comparison:D
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Fencer51 on August 21, 2005, 02:01:56 PM
Originally posted by Heater

it been a loong time how the hell are you?

Anway Fencer open and account and give it a shot,
we may need to start an "Old Timer's" Squad.

Well Heater that's a long story.  I quit AW because I got married and it was just not as much fun as it used to be.  (Sorry Booz but I too got drafted into running the squadron)  I also had problems with my hands.  Carpel tunnel.  Finally had surgery for that in April and May of 2003.  

Trouble is that I also had a condition called Congenital Spinal Stenosis.  To sum it up I was going paralyzed from the neck down slowly for years.  Things came to a head in June 2003 when my left leg went numb.  Had surgery for that in October 2003 and was off of work for 3 months in a neck brace living upstairs in our house unable to move much.  Fortunately the surgery was successful, although I still have the condition in my lower back as well.  Some days are better than others.  Can't turn my head much or look up but I can walk again without a cane.  Had this all my life, since birth hence the congenital, and looking back it explains quite a bit of weird things that happened or I felt over the years.

I will get an account soon.  Just having too much fun playing WoW for now.  Also, I am having problems programing my old CH stuff.  XP sucks.

NoBaddy! I can't seem to get an email reply to you, something about an invalid email address.  Send me that information you were telling me about.


Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on August 21, 2005, 04:48:21 PM
Howdy, Fencer and Lone Wolf!  I like it very much that more and more AW old timers are showing up.

By the way, some folks have asked about Mullah.  He is already here in Aces High and goes by the bulletin-board name "RDSaustinTX".

I corresponded with Blue Baron via e-mail about six months ago.  He wasn't all that interested yet in getting back into on-line flying.  Same goes for DeadDuck.

However, there are some others who said they'd show up once the next scenario begins.  We'll know soon if there is going to be one in September (starting maybe as soon as the 17th).  That might provide the leverage to get Moggy, Airmigan, and some others on-line.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Westy on August 21, 2005, 07:47:45 PM
XP and CH analog, gameport gear don't get along well in the least.  Take a peek at the forum link below for a possible solution for you.  My Pro throttle would not cooperate so it did not for me. Otherwise your other options are to program the CH gear on a PC still running Windows98 and then moving the whole shebang to your game PC.  Or configure a dual-boot (Win98 and XP) system on your game rig and just program in Win98 firstm then boot into XP.  Good luck
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Lone Wolf on August 21, 2005, 07:47:50 PM
Brooke-good to "see" ya  are still around :>-was hoping you'd make it to Dallas in October

Fencer-sorry to hear about your health problms, but glad its working out

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Vortex on August 21, 2005, 08:16:46 PM
Originally posted by Shaky
I saw ya up the other night, and actually tried to hunt ya down for a bit, just to see if you sucked as bad as I do . Would be an interesting base for comparison:D

That could be a pretty entertaining fight. If you're gunnery is anything like mine we'd probably just run each other out of gas :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: NoBaddy on August 21, 2005, 10:36:00 PM
BTW Fencer....nice hat! :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on August 22, 2005, 07:35:05 AM
Originally posted by Vortex
That could be a pretty entertaining fight. If you're gunnery is anything like mine we'd probably just run each other out of gas :)

Then we'd have to resort to ramming...after all, the plane goes where I point it......usually :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HL117 on August 22, 2005, 09:06:18 PM
My cpid in AirWarrior was -Elf- and I flew for Armageddon

He also had funny little pointed elf shoes
he wore when he flew .........
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Paintbrush on August 22, 2005, 10:13:26 PM
BTW Airwarriors, I have lots of old films from 98 thru 2000 but I'm having trouble getting them to play right in XP. Any of you guys had the same problem? I suspect that the NTSF file system doesn't like the old file system. I don't know for sure though.  

Also, does anyone have a copy of AW MV that was downloaded off EA? It would be greatly appreciated. All I have is an old boxed version of AW3 put out by Imagic. I'm thinking that that may be why the problems on playing back the old films.

Thanks for any help.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Robert on August 22, 2005, 10:20:18 PM
Moved from another thread

Airwarrior Con99 Pics

First off sorry about the Tripod thing but i need alot of space for
these, should bring back some memories for some old timers. CPID on AW Aol was a # then RWY back in 98-99 played til aw was no longer on aol. Went to bigweek as RWY til it died. Left there for warbirds a couple months as RWY. Played Ah1 as RWY for longtime til i completely burnt out. Started back in Ah2 other day on 2 week free trail. Hope you guys like the pictures

Edit: Hell i meant for this to be in the old aw thread but i guess this will have to do. here are some pics from Ah Con

Old airwarrior page
i havent kept up with any of these pages and they have major errors in them sorry. but they should bring back some good memories.

Last edited by Robert on 08-22-2005 at 05:32 AM
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on August 23, 2005, 01:37:50 AM
Originally posted by Paintbrush
BTW Airwarriors, I have lots of old films from 98 thru 2000 but I'm having trouble getting them to play right in XP. Any of you guys had the same problem? I suspect that the NTSF file system doesn't like the old file system. I don't know for sure though.  

Also, does anyone have a copy of AW MV that was downloaded off EA? It would be greatly appreciated. All I have is an old boxed version of AW3 put out by Imagic. I'm thinking that that may be why the problems on playing back the old films.

Thanks for any help.

I have been able to play films generated in AW from 1994 onward.  The earlier ones need SVGA AW v1.20 for me, which I run on Windows XP using Dosbox.  The later ones can use AW ME, which I can run on Windows XP if I select to run the exe using Windows 98 compatibility mode (right click on the exe or launcher icon and select compatibility mode).  Some middle ones required regular AWIII (i.e., not AW ME) running on a Windows 98 box -- I couldn't get those films to run on Windows XP.

I have SVGA AW v1.20  and AW ME on my ftp site.  AW III, I've got the original disks for.  I might be able to zip it up and send it, but it I'd rather not unless you really, really want it.  Let me know.

I'll send you e-mail on how to access my ftp site.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: MAILMAN on August 23, 2005, 11:55:12 PM
Originally posted by Fencer51

I will get an account soon.  Just having too much fun playing WoW for now.  Also, I am having problems programing my old CH stuff.  XP sucks.


Fencer go to the CH Hangar Forum.  There is a thread on how to program the CH sticks and Throttles with speedkey in WXP.   He creates a dos boot disk which lets you program your flight rig in DOS and since the stick and throttle have a memory you can just boot up and go play.   There is a guy there who made it his purpose in life to do this for a while.   Only thing you can't do is make the Force Feedback work for the CH Force FX (which is what I have).  So I multiboot my machine and use WME for flight sims like AH2 so I can run speedkeys and WXP for everything else including FPS games.  Hope this helps.  If I knew how to add attachments to this thing I would put in the link.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Alaskn on August 24, 2005, 11:02:54 PM
Hey OD     JAG69 here  Hope to see you up  :aok
Title: Status
Post by: Fencer51 on August 25, 2005, 07:18:08 PM
Good News.  I got ahold of BlueBaron and gave him the address of this board.  He should show up soon.  

Also, I am going to get an account tomorrow.  Once I get a working 3.5 drive.  I mean really, every last component of my old computer is now dead.  When it went, it really went.

So, where and for whom do I fly?  What side is everyone on?


Title: Re: Status
Post by: Wind on August 25, 2005, 07:40:49 PM
Originally posted by Fencer51

So, where and for whom do I fly?  What side is everyone on?



No matter what ANYONE else tells you...

The good guys are over here (green), and the bad guys are over there (red--both other sides).

There you have it!

Welcome back to the virtual skies, Fencer!  


Damned Air Group (DAG)
Title: Re: Status
Post by: Grits on August 25, 2005, 07:43:04 PM
Originally posted by Fencer51
So, where and for whom do I fly?  What side is everyone on?



I already Shanghai'd Shaky into my current squad which flies Rooks, lots of old B-landers flying for the Rooks it seems. I'll keep an eye out for you.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Buff1 on August 25, 2005, 07:54:08 PM
I'm still here, just keepimg my mouth shut and my bellybutton bandaged. The BREWSTER BUFFALOS are still active but nothing like the days of yore...... We marked our 10th anniversary as a continously operational squadron this past June. And I'm still the only CO it has ever had...... A sharp AW salute to all the old Bz and a bottle of flat beer to the Az and Cz.... Well, maybe a wink and a nod to ewe guys too....... ;)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on August 25, 2005, 08:50:12 PM
Welcome, Fencer :)

Lets see if we can get the old juices flowing again.
Title: Re: Status
Post by: Heater on August 26, 2005, 05:05:29 AM
Originally posted by Fencer51
Good News.  I got ahold of BlueBaron and gave him the address of this board.  He should show up soon.  

Also, I am going to get an account tomorrow.  Once I get a working 3.5 drive.  I mean really, every last component of my old computer is now dead.  When it went, it really went.

So, where and for whom do I fly?  What side is everyone on?



Cool.... look HT or myself on-line and we will hook you up,
I am 6 hours ahead of the East Coast but HT is 1 hour head of you so it should not be a problem

welcome back

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Don on August 26, 2005, 07:49:29 PM
Jeez! I rememebr this post from several months ago! It is revived now and who do I see responding but, some very oooold AW types :) Nice, very nice:) I started (as I posted way earlier) that I started online in 97 with AW 4w. Most of these guys were lore types, talked about by the squad members I joined up with (Cactus Airforce).  In AW2 I fought over Shaky and fencer (fields) a lot, was a nice touch in the game to have fields named after prominent playwers who advanced the game. I also heard loads about HT and Airmigan, and flew against Fletcher one night in AW2, and managed to shoot him down in a 1v1. My older squaddies at the time made a big deal about it, I took it as business as usual but, since then I have realized the importance of the history of a thing; in this case of the air combat sim.
I feel priviledged to be a part of something unusual, requiring a level of skill unlike most other games. The air combat sim, IMO, transcends the usual notion of games, and gaming. It is competitive, intense, and requires a level of cooperation which is different than most games, kind of like sports. And then there is the community, which I have come to know, makes the entire experience.
Everybody has to be from somewhere, and many of us are from 1 or 2 of three places or communities; AW, WB, and AH. We all wound up here because of the vision of guys like HT who started out in AW, and fell in love (or addiction) with the aircombat sim.
This is for me, one oif the better threads in here. We get to reminicse about perhaps, how we all came to be here.
I propose a toast therefore, to all of us, and a toast to our addiction!! :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Buff1 on August 26, 2005, 08:12:33 PM
All I have to say to you Strider is 'Longbow' and 'Operation Cartwheel I and II'. I mean need anyone say more... ?
Title: Old AW Sticks
Post by: MIShill on August 27, 2005, 12:27:41 AM
Many of the AW SHillalagh squad CZ "Shills", the ORIGINAL "Keepers of the Sheep" are here. -GF-, -IG-, -DK-, -MO-,-CL-, -DO-,-MI-,-MZ-,-NM-,-SK-,etc. Most started AW before or just after the move to AOL. I have 'winged" on & off with this crew for more than 10 years. Amazing to have friends with a shared interest, few of whom you may have met, for such a long time. Sadly, some have died during that time, and are missed.

MI (-MI- Shillalagh)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on August 29, 2005, 01:26:52 AM
Originally posted by Buff1
All I have to say to you Strider is 'Longbow' and 'Operation Cartwheel I and II'. I mean need anyone say more... ?

Buff1, if you are interested, I have pictorials done for all of Longbow from my (Luftwaffe) persepective here:
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Mayhem on August 29, 2005, 07:51:42 AM
Originally posted by Paintbrush

BTW, while looking through my AW stuff I ran across this pic. I don't remember where or how I got it but some of probably remember these guys. I remember LPN. She was tough but a lot of fun.



That was Awcon98 in San Fran.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: FBRaptor on August 29, 2005, 08:38:17 AM
This is pretty cool.

My online flight sim addiction started around 1996-97 in Air Warrior.

callsign - 2256$
handle - Raptor$

I joined the Freebird$ a few months after finding the game while I was out of work following surgery for 6 weeks. We used to love classic squad P-51 Mustang raids!!!!

I remember when AWMV came out it was like the coolest thing of the time.

My bomber co-pilot never would talk to me though. I think maybe he wasn't a real person :D

The Freebirds wondered through several different sims after AWMV death and finaly came to rest after a few month stint in Warbirds here in Aces High.

>S< all old AW guys.
Title: Yaks, Lavs, Nikkis and Typhoons Oh My!
Post by: Fencer51 on September 02, 2005, 08:30:54 AM
Well, is it possible that I have lost my edge?  Could it be?  The answer is YES.  I am a flying deadman.

Flew yesterday afternoon a little bit as a bishop.  Tried to change but could not do it.  Didnt see anyone I knew up so figured would try it out.  Was not impressed with the group I was flying with so I logged to read more.  Could not figure out how to change countrys.  Strange that a program that is so mouse intensive has that as a typed command.  

Anyway, I finally read enough to find it.  So I join the Rooks on Shaky's advice.  Flew a bit more after some WoW time.  They seemed like a good group.  Got a ton of "Fencer check 6" "Fencer Yak on you"  "Fencer got a few friends there?"

You get the idea.  This is NOT AW CIRCA 1991-1994.  Boy Howdy!

Now, I can fly.  I still have that down.  Heck I even got so I can take off without crashing.  (Don't have rudder pedals anymore so I had to learn how to use a button on the Throttle)  My gunnery seems as good as it ever was.  I mean I can lead a target and get hits.  Now getting BEHIND A TARGET.  Now that is a problem!

I flew mainly to the NW of A22.  What ever set of bad guys that is I don't remember.  They were purple.  My guys were Red (Hey after so many years it seemed a good idea to make the friendlies the same color as Bz of old!  Still have those reactions built in)

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate HiTech and his team on a wonderful sim.  The advertisements on the Mil Channel don't do it justice.

Anyway, here I am in my.. yes my Mustang.  BTW, why don't we have any 4th FG Mustang Skins?  WTH?  People still hate us that much?  I mean really!! I would even take a nice 357th or 352nd P-51D!  The P-51Bs are almost as bad but at least CE Anderson's B is in there.  Alas a few less than there were before I got on.

So.. anyway.. Here I am fat dumb and happy, cruising around, figuring out how to save views with F10.  Just enjoying myself.  Climbed up to 18 to 20k. (Old Habits die hard)  And cruising around admiring the commuication on the voice channel.  Somebody somewhere was with a bunch of friends in tanks.

Cruised over to "bandit territory" and saw a lone "Rook"(B) with a couple baddies on his 6.  Decided to assist.  I mean, serve as bait so he can run.  Well either he died horribly or he did run because it got real sporty.  (BTW, why dont you see when people die?  Is it because there are so many people on?)  Here I am in my Stang, doing the "Look at the dweeb" routine.  And I gots it all under control.  I am Using the Vertical and making a few runs.  Heck I even got close enough to shoot once!  Next thing I know I get a message to check six and lo and behold there are TWO LAVs 600 yds back.  Didn't even know they were in range, hadnt seem them.  Now on AW I always divided the range in the rear view in half due to lag.  (Is that true here?)  Anyway these two proceed to enlighten me to the airworthiness of a Mustang without one wing.

Repeat about 6 times...  I did actually hit a FW and a Spit once!  I had that FW bastage to rights and blew by him at 400knots. (sigh)

Did get 1 asssist on a Typhoon that was running from another B (er Rook) on the deck from a Furball.  I had about 5k and was able to overtake and knock him down.  Then I got pilot damage and while trying to land passed out and augered in.  One other time I had to dead stick in while wounded.  Lost all my oil.  Put that puppy in purfectly to land and PASSED OUT. Sigh... I did manage to pile it in on the runway, but that bird is going to need some sheetmetal work and a new set of main gear!

See you all up sometime.


Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grits on September 02, 2005, 09:37:52 AM
I'll keep an eye out for you Fencer, what is your handle in-game?
Title: Re: Yaks, Lavs, Nikkis and Typhoons Oh My!
Post by: Flossy on September 02, 2005, 11:09:09 AM
Originally posted by Fencer51
Strange that a program that is so mouse intensive has that as a typed command.
Like many commands, the typed dot command is just one way.  There is also a mouse-click method.  Click on the Officers Club on the clipboard and you will find the option to change country there.  :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grits on September 02, 2005, 11:24:20 AM
He's in B-land (er Rooks) he wont need the country change command again. :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Fencer51 on September 02, 2005, 06:58:06 PM
My handle is Fencer51.  Seems Fencer was already taken...
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Don on September 02, 2005, 07:28:12 PM
>>heh. musta ben on drugs if you think CZ ruled anything.<<

LOL! Nope I wuz Bz, and agree with you about the "true threat"; it sure was fun keelin' Az :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Don on September 02, 2005, 08:03:55 PM
>>AW handle: Brook
GEnie AW player id: 5965

Excellent! Even though this topic isn't all that new, I just found it.<<

Greetings! I recall flying with you/for you in one of the last AW scenarios, I had a blast. We were racetracking back and forth in our FW's looking for the inevitable intercept of Allied Buffs. Knowing we were also the hunted by their 38's. It was a blast, including the frustration of having to land, re-up once or twice before ever seeing any action. Hehe, when we did though, it was fast, furious and extremely intense. I think the scenario was BOB although I am not sure. I think Kid was with us also.
I didn't know you were back and flying in AH; I am glad that you are.  
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HB555 on September 02, 2005, 08:12:11 PM
I was Bz always, and the handle was HdBgl for the longest time, until the 555th F/BS went to 2 letters follewed by 555. Upon being promoted to Squad XO, I was bribed and threatened into changing my handle to HB555.
Sometime after the demise of Air Warrior, and after an unhappy TOD in wwiionline, I got an email from and old squadmate who invited me to Aces High. He said he kept his AW handle, so after figuring out how to get into the game I signed in with my old AW handle as well, and joined the -=1st=- N.A.S.T.Y.
Currently flying in my squad is the former AW SX555 (now SOLARMAX), MX555, TS555 (now Smoke555), ZJ555 (now Jazbo), TX555, and the AW handle I don't recall, but the now known as is Lowdn.
Snoopy Bell
-=1st=- N.A.S.T.Y. CO, Knights
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: RTR on September 02, 2005, 09:12:20 PM
Blast from the past.

Started in AW in 99 and rode it out to the end. To this day I never have anything to do with EA. Them bastages broke alot of hearts.

Flew as AZ with 1CAC in RR and 441 in FR. (ASW was CO of both, and is still related to me, but only by birth hehe)

CPID was rtrhd untill I finally just shortening it to RTR in the last 6 months of AW.

Man, I was such a target then (still am now lol). eh? , /IT\ , and just about every other CPID I recognize here used to hand me my butt regularly.

I remember everytime I saw a dora, I would go tearing off after it hoping it was SOD.  LOL That guy used to give me nightmares. To this day I still have a complex about dora's. .

I sure miss BigPac.

AW was the most fun you could have with yer clothes on!

Cheers, and thanks for the memories.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on September 03, 2005, 02:31:40 AM
Originally posted by Don
>>AW handle: Brook
GEnie AW player id: 5965

Excellent! Even though this topic isn't all that new, I just found it.<<

Greetings! I recall flying with you/for you in one of the last AW scenarios, I had a blast. We were racetracking back and forth in our FW's looking for the inevitable intercept of Allied Buffs. Knowing we were also the hunted by their 38's. It was a blast, including the frustration of having to land, re-up once or twice before ever seeing any action. Hehe, when we did though, it was fast, furious and extremely intense. I think the scenario was BOB although I am not sure. I think Kid was with us also.
I didn't know you were back and flying in AH; I am glad that you are.  

Strider!  Hello!  Yes, indeed -- we flew for the Luftwaffe in Longbow, an awesome and enormous scenario that ran starting in March, 1999.  You were the Group Leader of II/JG3, and I was GL of I/JG3.  Man, that was a blast.  I've got my writeups and pictorials on it, and here is one frame that I know you were in because you show up in one of my screen shots (landing at the end of mission 1):

Strider, great to see you in Aces High!
Title: Re: Yaks, Lavs, Nikkis and Typhoons Oh My!
Post by: Shaky on September 03, 2005, 07:05:06 PM
Originally posted by Fencer51
Well, is it possible that I have lost my edge?  Could it be?  The answer is YES.  I am a flying deadman.


Take heart Fence.

I got a couple of assist's my forst day or so, wasn't until my 3rd day I got my first fighter kill here. I'm working on multi kill sorties now, and with my gunnnery, that aint easy .
 Thing is, I can  deny shots to the bad guy just fine, I just have major problems taking advantage of it just yet.

I noticed the same thing you did about rooks, thats how I ended up on em...they seem the most like the Bz of old. As far as I'm concerned, since the rest are green, they're Cz!:lol

Give me a shout if ya see me up, we'll give em 2 "deadmen flying" to keep em occupied.
Title: Re: Re: Yaks, Lavs, Nikkis and Typhoons Oh My!
Post by: Tumor on September 04, 2005, 02:58:54 PM
Originally posted by Shaky
Take heart Fence.

I noticed the same thing you did about rooks, thats how I ended up on em...they seem the most like the Bz of old. :lol


NOO!! No no no NONONONNOOO they are NOT!!!!!  Yeauchk!!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Flossy on September 05, 2005, 02:04:21 AM
Originally posted by Fencer51
My handle is Fencer51.  Seems Fencer was already taken...
Fencer, is there any chance you may have tried the game in the past?  If so, it could be you who has taken it...... give Skuzzy a call and he'll free it up for you.  :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Heater on September 05, 2005, 03:40:41 AM

There is a fencer in the game....the first time I saw it I asked...but it was not the "old man" but a "young pup" :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Flossy on September 05, 2005, 06:36:53 AM
Awwww..... OK.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 1ijac on September 05, 2005, 12:43:22 PM
I kept my same cpid  "1ijac"  from Air Warrior.   It's translated as "one-eye-jack.  I'm also known as Lijac, Lilac, etc. because that "1" is misread alot.  :)    Most of our squad, "Pigstompers" flew in korea arena in jets in AW but also flew in the Europe arena and in the scenarios.  With all of you talking about the old times, it brings back many fond memories.  It's good to see that so many of you made it to Aces High to create new memories.      :p
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Fry on September 05, 2005, 02:39:49 PM
Hi everyone!

It's me, Fry, and I've been "forced" by Mrs. Fry to find some "me" time and for me, it's flying.  With all my time at work and all the time I spend with my two 3yo boys, I've been getting stressed out some.  The wifey said "do something on your own and get away" from it all.  So since there's no AW, it's AH now, Hehe.

In any case, I plan on signing up tonight and flying my first online sortie in AH....wish me luck, hehe.  I think the cpid of Fry is still available and if so, that'll be me.

See ya up!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on September 05, 2005, 03:30:57 PM
Hello, Fry.  This is definitely a fine place for some "me" time. :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Fry on September 05, 2005, 05:03:23 PM
Originally posted by Brooke
Hello, Fry.  This is definitely a fine place for some "me" time. :)

Thanks, for the welcome, Brooke.  I can't wait for some high pucker-factor causing scenarios either, hehe.  Oh, very nice scenario information page too:)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Bronk on September 05, 2005, 05:19:07 PM
Originally posted by 1ijac
I kept my same cpid  "1ijac"  from Air Warrior.   It's translated as "one-eye-jack.  I'm also known as Lijac, Lilac, etc. because that "1" is misread alot.  :)    Most of our squad, "Pigstompers" flew in korea arena in jets in AW but also flew in the Europe arena and in the scenarios.  With all of you talking about the old times, it brings back many fond memories.  It's good to see that so many of you made it to Aces High to create new memories.      :p

Sentimental bugger aint he.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 1ijac on September 06, 2005, 02:25:35 PM
Welcome Fry,  If ya see me online (Knights), I'd be glad to help you out with anything I can.  Cya in da air!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Fry on September 06, 2005, 02:37:24 PM
Originally posted by 1ijac
Welcome Fry,  If ya see me online (Knights), I'd be glad to help you out with anything I can.  Cya in da air!

Will do, One Eye:)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Tex on September 12, 2005, 02:53:36 AM
Originally posted by Vortex
I'm still on the old mailing list for the Musketeers squad. B-man popped in there some time ago

Wasn't B-Man's brother stationed at Belle Chasse NG base at one time? 1995 or so? He crossed my mind last week when they mentioned using the base to stage supplies for Katrina relief. Can't recall handle or tail number but recall his dang kill macro, go figger. It was Kriiiiieeeeeegggaaa! heh He only flew HT iirc.

if that's right tell Eric Tex said howdy through B-man, please? unless I've lost the last grey cells and am completely wrong  :)

 Also, if Katana shows up smack him for me. Though the last time I typed at him was probably 1989 On FIDONET so he might not remember me.

968 Genie
5883 CRC
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on September 12, 2005, 03:06:55 AM
Howdy, Tex!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Tex on September 12, 2005, 03:55:50 AM
Originally posted by Brooke
Howdy, Tex!

heyas Brooke. Can I bug HT about skip bombing yet? you think? :)

968 GEnie
5883 CRC
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on September 12, 2005, 12:38:46 PM
Originally posted by Tex
heyas Brooke. Can I bug HT about skip bombing yet? you think? :)

968 GEnie
5883 CRC

Absolutely.  Just think of the skip-bombing fun we could be having in the A-20. :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Paintbrush on September 16, 2005, 10:04:30 PM
I have SVGA AW v1.20 and AW ME on my ftp site. AW III, I've got the original disks for. I might be able to zip it up and send it, but it I'd rather not unless you really, really want it. Let me know.

Could ya, would ya?  You may not have to zip them though.

Try this: (

It's free.  Just  use their browser and find the file and upload it.

You could upload them there then everyone who needs it can just download it.  There is no limit on file sizes, or the amount of files you upload there.

Could be a great place to exchange old videos as well. Anyone got an old video of me shooting you down? ;)  J/K
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on September 17, 2005, 05:33:03 PM
Originally posted by Paintbrush
Could ya, would ya?  You may not have to zip them though.

Hmm.  AW III requires the CD to be in the drive.  I guess I'd have to make a disk image of it somehow.

Also, there is Air Warrior III, and there is Air Warrior III Millennium Version.  Are you sure you want AW III and not just AW III MV, which is the last version of Air Warrior produced?
Title: Re: Who is that Fencer Guy?
Post by: DoKGonZo on September 17, 2005, 05:47:08 PM
Originally posted by Fencer51
Greetings all!!

Bman, Bushwacker, Quarters, Heater, HiTech, NoBaddy, Brooke, Moggy, Airmigan, LoneWolf, Stiletto, Vortex, 715 and Shaky!!! How is everyone?

Yes this is the real Fencer.  Who is that other guy?


Hey Fence ... I haven't heard from BB in a while, not since he left The Evil Empire and moved to TX.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Paintbrush on September 17, 2005, 08:55:15 PM
I think the Air Warrior III Millennium Version would be the best bet. The one I have is a retail boxed version put out by I-Magic for Win 95. The MV might be just what I need.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on September 18, 2005, 03:06:06 AM
Originally posted by Paintbrush
I think the Air Warrior III Millennium Version would be the best bet. The one I have is a retail boxed version put out by I-Magic for Win 95. The MV might be just what I need.

I have that (AW III MV) already on my ftp site.  I'll send you info on how to get it.
Title: Re: Re: Who is that Fencer Guy?
Post by: Brooke on September 18, 2005, 03:12:10 AM
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
Hey Fence ... I haven't heard from BB in a while, not since he left The Evil Empire and moved to TX.

Howdy, DoK.  Turns out BB is living right near me again (Seattle area).  I'm working on having dinner with him this week or next.  I'll see if he'll come over here to say "hello."
Title: Re: Re: Who is that Fencer Guy?
Post by: Fencer51 on September 18, 2005, 08:06:26 AM
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
Hey Fence ... I haven't heard from BB in a while, not since he left The Evil Empire and moved to TX.

Hey Dok, good to "see" you.  I emailed BB 2 weeks ago and got a reply that he would be here soon.  It was  rather an abrupt email, and I have not heard anything from him since.  I did have his cell number but lost it in a phone switch.  I think he may have given me a new number, but its at my work email.  I will drop you a personal message if I have his number.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Kassi on September 18, 2005, 12:15:16 PM
I had to post after reading this thread. So many names and squads I remember flying with and against. Widowmakers, gravediggers, 555th, + guys, (wow no merc sheep posted yet) etc etc. Quite a few memories :)

I only played for about 1 1/2 years in the RR arena. I had a few tags I used; Kassi and Tasha when I freelanced (which was most of the time) and -->NA (or was it -->TA) when I was with the Diggers for a while. I think I flew all the countries at one time or another, think I settled on Cz though in the end. What other way could I fly against the best pilots? It was a lot of fun and to all those that took the time to teach me the tricks of the planes they liked the most. I still remember Dogg in his a8's and oopsy's F6 teaching me a few things here and there. There were quite a few others that I don't remember, but thanks all the same.

My planes of choice were the g2, k4, and F6. The g2 for its finesse and the k4 for its blunt power. The F6 was just easy street (my personal spit in a way since I could never learn to fly spits). The k4 really was a funky bird to fly but it could really put out some crazy manuevers like triple immels (ok so the third wasn't so much an immel as a flap and rudder flop-over, but hey). I really loved the plane, despite its short ammo load. Too bad so few people flew it because it could do a lot more than people thought it could. Probably a lot of my kills were from players underestimating the plane *grin*.

Maybe I'll give AH2 a try here sometime, though it's gonna be so different not playing in 2d super-low graphics mode. (I don't suppose there's a 2d option :lol )

Thanks for the time to reminisce in public ;)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Tex on September 22, 2005, 03:09:36 AM
Originally posted by Brooke
Absolutely.  Just think of the skip-bombing fun we could be having in the A-20. :)

lord, can you imagine the coding headaches that would be? Heck, ought to push it for that reason alone. Payback for all the Kesmoids suffering. ;p

GEnie 968
CRC 5883
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Fester' on September 22, 2005, 04:05:03 PM
Wow, cool seeing so many old names :)


Flew for the Cactus Airforce in the FR
Title: Re: Re: Re: Who is that Fencer Guy?
Post by: Fencer51 on September 22, 2005, 05:56:20 PM
Originally posted by Fencer51
Hey Dok, good to "see" you.  I emailed BB 2 weeks ago and got a reply that he would be here soon.  It was  rather an abrupt email, and I have not heard anything from him since.  I did have his cell number but lost it in a phone switch.  I think he may have given me a new number, but its at my work email.  I will drop you a personal message if I have his number.


Dok you get that information I sent you through the BB's message system?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Wampus on October 08, 2005, 02:07:49 PM
WOW!  A little late getting to this thread.
Was Sarge in the ACCS.
Had a hell of a time with AW.  Couldn't fly back then and can't fly now but like to see things go BOOM!

I remember flying with Raven, wh6 and many others that I can not remember.  Loved the P-51 in FR.  Now with the Knights.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ZULU6 on October 09, 2005, 09:32:10 AM
Was ZULU6 in AW3, same as here flew with the Wolfpack in AZ land...
Title: OLD A w 3
Post by: JJ on October 09, 2005, 01:32:05 PM
HI I use to fly AW3 as JJ for the BZ we Had a Sq 52 Kiwi and we Still fly in AH as 52 Kiwi staunch friends PBear the Co.
the Old Kiwi sq was all Kiwi now we have a mix of Kiwi + some USA base Players and some of the Sq got togeth in Reno 2003 for Air race was asome meet Pople who had just be mate flying online.
It a great way of meeting other folks with same intrest:)
Need more imf plz email JJ:)
Have a nice DAY:)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: lazs2 on October 09, 2005, 01:39:22 PM
played dos AW... quit when it went windows and a holes on line.

was lazs

am lazs
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: lada on October 09, 2005, 01:40:35 PM
Originally posted by Shane
was Oopsy (FR, Cz) -->OP (RR)  then Shane (FR, Az usually)  when had 2nd acct near end of AW to easier fly as Az as they needed some help. Kept Shane when came to AH.

Umm you forgot one part of your AH past.....

Sure you were Shane... but then you become *magnet for rockets* and later on you became shane again :D


[with MbirdCz laughing on teamspeak :) ]

ps.: i know you love this story!!
Title: AW3
Post by: Chimmer on October 11, 2005, 04:50:34 PM
I was thier off and on for a few years.  Just found AH2 and getting used to it all over again.......

I was with the Black Widows, but cant remember my cpig.
Then I was with the Warbirds as WB21f.
If I can remember right both squads fell apart prior to the move to EA games.
After that happened I just went as I am now Chim1.

After flying again I have decided that I really did alot better and had alot more fun when I was involved with a Squadron.

Thus I'm seeking that out.

Title: WOW what a long thread
Post by: KCDitto on October 12, 2005, 08:13:47 PM

I flew in AW from Feb 96 till it died  or was killed I should say.

I was Ditto and flew with teh SPECIALISTS as Bz in RR Europe  we flew Cz in FR.

Lots o names   has been a fun ride and think of all hours we have spent sitting on our ever growing large prettythanges wasting away our lives just to say I killed you!


See you in the unfreindly skys!

Post by: JJ on October 12, 2005, 11:07:09 PM
I just had a flash you Guys and Gals rember the Rush to shoot down
the C47 wich flew on there own to base.
and if you got it right kill all the ack u could vulch them on runway and get heaps points was a bit a fun:)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: MrSpanky on October 13, 2005, 10:25:50 PM
Lone C47's are still my best chance for getting a kill.  The only thing thats changed in ten years is that I gave up chasing Soup around trying to learn the 190.  Now I just film my death and replay viewing from nmy's seat and imagine its me flying.  Thanks AH.  :D
Title: Hi
Post by: JJ on October 14, 2005, 03:05:52 AM
I join that club to when I join AH kill more than getting Kills LOL
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Bama on October 19, 2005, 11:59:14 PM
I realize, like everyone, that I came to this post a bit late in the game, but I'm here now!

I started on AW4W beta, back in the AOHELL days. I was Rival, flew with the Ogden Aces for a bit, then the Skulls for a bit. I changed my CPID to Bama after a time, now with The Damned. Did a bit of Training as well in FR.Had some good times in AW, lots of good people. I miss those furballs in the FR PAC arena over the center island!

 Haven't had the time to get into AH yet, I live and work in Shanghai, China right now.

I've seen a lot of names I remember, glad to see everyone is good and well.

Damned Bama
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ROC on October 20, 2005, 12:04:49 AM
Holy Cow Bama!  Hiya

< ROC > here :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DogFart on October 20, 2005, 11:38:53 AM
i was **** in aw flew big pac

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Dradz on January 13, 2006, 08:58:18 PM
Originally posted by TheDudeDVant
hehe A26.. Ammo for days and days and days and days and days and days...  lol

We used to mount 15 pep a26 raids..  That was pretty good size for AW.. We'd level the entire badguy base and then vulch.. omg the times.. That was w/ the 52nd and friends.. Was a hoot!


Kappa! !  What good times, with Pbear and Earl and Rjohn, etc.
I guess Pbear, Tara, and a few others are still in the Aces High guys still do squad nights?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: %apach on February 05, 2006, 09:39:48 AM
Hi all you AW nuts that are still breathing...LOL  !!!

I started AW in '95 on the AW Mac version. I got smart fast and bought a PC to get to the real action...and stayed until EA shuttered the doors and windows (a sad day). I flew entirely in RR, mostly europe but spent some time in Pac.

My CPID was %apac during my tenure with the A.S.B. (air superiority and bombing) where I was the tactical bombing wing commander. Flying my trusty A-26 undar from cz to wreak havoc upon hapless bz and az.

I moved to A.I.F. with a couple buddies fro the ASB (Cuce, Bigtime). After the AIF broke up (we were deadly in Pac, with only 5 of us) I freelanced for a bit after that, then joined the Motley Aces for a while. I had a good run with them  (I most certainly remember you MOTXO :aok ). My last year with AW I belonged to a fine bunch ...+KIC+ or the Knights of the Iron Cross. My budy from the ASB and the AIF Bigtime invited me to come on over and see if I liked the place. The +KIC+ was the epitome of my AW career. The organization was superbly done...and they were a fun, friendly bunch to fly with.

I truly loved AW and the great times I had there.

I will rattle off some names of my old squaddies:
ASB - Tazz, Duck, Bombe, Cucumber, Bigtime

AIF - Cuce & Bigtime

+KIC+ - Zcat, Steam, Helga, Big (Bigtime),Mrlyn, Frtzy, Geezr

To any and all former AW pilots that I flew with..I salute you. I have no idea where the winds spread them after AW ended. I wish all of you good health.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ridley1 on February 05, 2006, 02:21:02 PM
Only reason I signed up for AOL.

Quit when they started charging $2/hr.

Still didn't stop me going bankrupt
Title: Az Rule
Post by: Kaw1000 on February 06, 2006, 01:54:18 PM
I was Kaw1 ..I was an AZ......I flew with mafia!!...I flew the f6..and was on AOL when it was $1.95 an Hour...I used to run up a $300 a month playing the game!!  
  Anyone remember opie??  he got me kicked out of the game for 2 weeks..what a dweeb...I still want to punch him in the mouth for that!!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Murdr on February 06, 2006, 05:09:31 PM
Originally posted by %apach

I will rattle off some names of my old squaddies:
ASB - Tazz, Duck, Bombe, Cucumber, Bigtime

Was it %Tazz?  He flew here for awhile in like 2002, but eventually quit altogether.  Met him at a 2003 airshow.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: %apach on February 06, 2006, 07:05:05 PM
Yes, %Tazz...the % was the ASB's identifier. He was a farmer from Pennsylvania.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Murdr on February 06, 2006, 07:20:15 PM
Yep thats Tony in Reading County PA who has a Christmas tree farm. (standing in the middle)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: CalDe1 on February 07, 2006, 02:51:19 PM
Oh those were the days! I started playing on AOL and got the son involved, then it was a fight to see who would get to fly! LOL Stick planes and long road trips in gv's. I flew with the Sacred Cows, don't ask I dont remember, and later the gutter dogs or something like that. Call sign was Calde. I just wished HTC would add a few more planes like the B-25 and a few fighters. oh well I'll do with this till I find what I want.

Good hunting
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: %apach on February 08, 2006, 03:36:30 PM
Hehe...thats him alright...we talked quite a bit on the telephone (easiest way to go over squad stuff), boy he was a lot of fun to fly with.

Thanks for the pic :)

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grayeagle on February 09, 2006, 03:04:49 AM
Hiya Warriors :)

finished my first AH 'camp' .. what a blast :D

Fencer not quite the 'deadman' he makes himself out to be ...still pickin me outta furballs now an then .. and I still seem to find him now an then with a faster, heavier armed plane -evil grin-

Yassir .. I still dweeb out a lot, make a lotta submarines or mow the lawn with Hamilton Standards ..I swear most of the trees show an aluminum sheen after I been up awhile due to all the times I smash up an airplane on 'em.

I guess I passed a milestone called a cheater cause the guy on my 6 at *zero* range couldnt seem to land a round on me ..been called a HO by storch (even though it was a cockpit shot on *my* front end ..interesting to note that hasnt changed from AW days) ..and the whining on ch200 is amazing entertainment :) Heck I even do that *land* thing now an then ..when I run outta bullets, gas, or targets :)

It's a real treat to see some of the old guard up an about now an then.
The voice coms and level of immersion ..well ..I stay up wayy too late and have wayy too much fun when I log in. -looks at watch- -double-takes- -realizes school starts in 6 hours !!

Gotta go . . this 'Nurse' thing I am gettn into demands alert perception for accurate assesment ..sort of a detailed SA :)
I am lovin it.

-GE (tickled when AOL AW is described as 'old time AW' ..sheesh)
 (wonders if Moggy and some others will come and be chew toys -evil grin-)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Max on February 09, 2006, 09:16:40 AM
The Mog-ster was alive and well a couple of years ago, for a short while. Haven't seen him since unless he went shades.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Horn on February 09, 2006, 09:46:03 AM
Originally posted by Grayeagle
(wonders if Moggy and some others will come and be chew toys -evil grin-)

You may taunt him (and many others) @  - bigweek.general

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: MotleyCH on February 09, 2006, 07:14:41 PM
Originally posted by %apach

I most certainly remember you MOTXO :aok ).

My CPID was `GR!M then MOTXO starting around Feb 1998 or so. There was another MOTXO a year later when I left.  I had lot's of fun with that squad for a long time untill  I had to cut down on play time some..and then gave control of the squad to MOTCO (Blaster).

What was your cpid then?
Title: Old farts is right
Post by: Otter on February 09, 2006, 09:46:42 PM


"Air Strike" B-Land when CMC was RR dweebs

"441 TFS" A-Land Still miss ya Rogue and DoW's as we battled the AOL refugee Shills

"A.C.C.S." Howdy Sarge! and the Damned

"1CAC" with the raging Basque brothers lots of time in Big Pac RR flying with the Mafia against HB555 and the WarBeagles.

And finally in AH "Knights of Airwarrior" KAW! KAW!

heart attack this Xmas and quad by-pass so I definitely qualify for Old Timer (minus DOS) status.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: culero on February 09, 2006, 10:15:25 PM
Originally posted by Grayeagle
Hiya Warriors :)

Wow, cool :)

culero (glad to hear yer enjoyin' it, man)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: xanax on February 10, 2006, 12:21:42 AM
Xanax checking in. Started in AOL beta days late 95 or so?

 I see alot of familiar faces here. Some not though because the memory fades.

 Anyone remember the 98 Con in SF?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on February 10, 2006, 12:59:33 AM
Xanax, it it's the one I'm thinking of, it was held near the San Francisco airport.  I was there only part of a day but remember meeting up with Blue Baron and some other folks during that time.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on February 10, 2006, 01:06:37 AM
Moggy is still around.  He was thinking about getting into the AH skies about six months ago, ran into some troubles setting up his flight controls and so was delayed.  We should pester him until he gets back over here and in the air.  He shows up on the AH BB once in a while -- his BB name is "AWMoggy".

GE, it is great seeing you around and even better to hear that you are having a great time.  Most AW old timers I run into here really do enjoy it getting back into on-line flying here in AH.  I think it's a great place.
Title: Re: Old farts is right
Post by: Brooke on February 10, 2006, 01:18:08 AM
Originally posted by Otter
heart attack this Xmas and quad by-pass so I definitely qualify for Old Timer (minus DOS) status.

Yikes!  Otter, hope you are doing well after all that.  Best wishes!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: AWRaid on February 10, 2006, 03:24:46 AM
edit*** wow this thread is still around lol
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: xanax on February 10, 2006, 06:33:40 AM
Yup, that's the one. I may have met you but ETOH induced memory loss from those 2 days may prevent me from ever knowing.

 A fun time it was......

Originally posted by Brooke
Xanax, it it's the one I'm thinking of, it was held near the San Francisco airport.  I was there only part of a day but remember meeting up with Blue Baron and some other folks during that time.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HardRock on February 10, 2006, 01:48:09 PM
How did I stumble in here...  oh a link from BW by nasty boy:)

HR here or HardRock (my original and only AW handle)

Air Warrior 1992
FR only after halftime (was there another)
CO Angels of Destruction (ret)
5761 Genie (long live genie:)

Started with SVGA Dos as one of the 10000 tadpoles as Dok called us (hya Mark:)

Actually have had an account here for a few years but rarely flew but did want to support the game in the name of all here.

Wow! I didn't realize there were so many old AW faces here.
Saw my buddy GE up and can't resist (hya Frank:)

So looks like I'll start flying in earnest.

Too many AW memories to list but they're there.
Hi all. Nice to see ya all around. Love ya all and thanks for all the memories.
Oh and putting up with me;-)

I didn't ever do macros but if you see "A kill has been recorded" it's me:)
Must hang onto something of the past yanno ;)

Now where's that tricycle :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Gypsy Baron on February 10, 2006, 02:05:54 PM
Originally posted by HardRock
How did I stumble in here...  oh a link from BW by nasty boy:)

HR here or HardRock (my original and only AW handle)

Air Warrior 1992
FR only after halftime (was there another)
CO Angels of Destruction (ret)
5761 Genie (long live genie:)

Started with SVGA Dos as one of the 10000 tadpoles as Dok called us (hya Mark:)


Hiya's about time you found "you're" way here :)

Hey GE...good to "see"you here. I recall my first days in AW on the
GEnie boards when you had a whole "welcome wagon" there.
I checked in there and got a good welcome and later on hooked
up with Paul "Holmes" Jordan on the training a few tips
and then went off on my own, rtunning up $700+/month GEnies bills.
Talk about an addiction !! :)

Not flying here much except for scenarios but if more of the "old crowd"
continues to show up I may have to get airborne more...

 -=GB=-  4580   Aland  Angels of Destruction

   GypsyB  Knights of Air Warrio (KAW)

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on February 10, 2006, 07:18:52 PM
Originally posted by HardRock
Now where's that tricycle :)

Ya gonna insist on parking that 'Cat in front of my guns here like ya did in AW, Pete? :D

How ya doing, bud?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on February 10, 2006, 07:21:17 PM
Originally posted by Gypsy Baron
Not flying here much except for scenarios but if more of the "old crowd"
continues to show up I may have to get airborne more...


Yo, check out the AvA arena....some good, coordinated missions happening there.

Fencer's running ops for the 4th, but he could put ya in touch with some bombing guys if ya still prefer that kinda thing  :aok
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HardRock on February 10, 2006, 09:13:45 PM
Originally posted by Shaky
Ya gonna insist on parking that 'Cat in front of my guns here like ya did in AW, Pete? :D

How ya doing, bud?

OMG! I can't believe it! Look who it is!  How ya been my friend!! Still in PA?

hehe you never forget that parked plane I see :)

Lets' rock n'roll  ;-)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grits on February 10, 2006, 09:34:36 PM
Buncha old farts

Oh yeah, howdy HR. :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on February 10, 2006, 10:25:14 PM
Yup, same as before, same place :)

Been here a couple of months myself...flying times a bit limited, but I'm finally feeling some of the rust come off.

Couple of tips for ya....most of these guys in here live for the T&B, and they're gonna be better at it than you for quite a bit :p  so try for some good olf fashioned E-fighting.

I aint talking about no "dive in and extend 2 sector" crap that we both hated even in AW, I mean the stuff I loved to pull on a when I was in the hawg and you in the zeke...ya know...always RIGHT over yer head and out of reach :D Most dweebs here are real suckers for that, even more than in AW. From what  I see only a few good pilots work em that way...most, like I said, grab a spit and T&B, or grab a LA-7 and dive and extend.

In other words, fly like I "tried" to, and like Ho, Killer, and a few others did so well long ago.
Title: So this is where you all went
Post by: KayBayRay on February 10, 2006, 10:25:48 PM
Hey Everybody :cool:

I flew as 8ball and 8BAL with VF-63 Hellcats in AWII, AWIII and AWIIIMV. We flew Bz in Big Pac. Really miss that game.

So, how is this game? Any good? I tried to post a bit ago but didnt seem to work so I am trying to reply again.

Title: Re: So this is where you all went
Post by: Brooke on February 11, 2006, 01:21:58 PM
Originally posted by KayBayRay
Hey Everybody :cool:

I flew as 8ball and 8BAL with VF-63 Hellcats in AWII, AWIII and AWIIIMV. We flew Bz in Big Pac. Really miss that game.

So, how is this game? Any good? I tried to post a bit ago but didnt seem to work so I am trying to reply again.


8ball, all of the returning AW pilots I've talked to love Aces High, and there are more of them every month, it seems.  In Air Warrior, we loved two things:  the game itself and the community.  Aces High is a wonderful sim -- no question about that.  As for the community, I think that's excellent here as well.  You should get back into in-line flying, I think! :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HardRock on February 11, 2006, 03:20:29 PM
Originally posted by Shaky
Yup, same as before, same place :)

Been here a couple of months myself...flying times a bit limited, but I'm finally feeling some of the rust come off.

Couple of tips for ya....most of these guys in here live for the T&B, and they're gonna be better at it than you for quite a bit :p  so try for some good olf fashioned E-fighting.

I aint talking about no "dive in and extend 2 sector" crap that we both hated even in AW, I mean the stuff I loved to pull on a when I was in the hawg and you in the zeke...ya know...always RIGHT over yer head and out of reach :D Most dweebs here are real suckers for that, even more than in AW. From what  I see only a few good pilots work em that way...most, like I said, grab a spit and T&B, or grab a LA-7 and dive and extend.

In other words, fly like I "tried" to, and like Ho, Killer, and a few others did so well long ago.

I'm up in NH now. ( I think we beat some PA teams in football nuk nuk)

Yeah..that's what I do right now..the E knife fight thing.
I can TnB alright but  these people that yo yo real slow and float give me some fits.

I can't shoot for crap. Dunno why. The lead shot isn't the same as AW and man is it hard breaking old habits. Not sure I ever will.

I can't evade the HOs either. Slightly nose left or right doesn't seem to help. Beats me.

See ya up.

Oh..I still hunt Bz ;-)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on February 11, 2006, 03:52:08 PM
HR, great seeing you here.

The hardest thing for me getting back into on-line flying after years off and coming from AW into AH was gunnery.

For head-ons, what works for me is first to judge if the guy is going for the head-on shot or not.  If he isn't, I just get my nose slightly off him.  If he is going for the head-on shot, I get my nose off target (right or left and generally aimed below him).  Also, as I get within guns range, I start maneuvering (turning slightly, barrel roll) -- something with not many g's (unless I'm going for the lead move), but enough to make him have to pull a decent number of g's if he wants to get the shot.

If I have a very sturdy plane or one with great firepower (especially if his doesn't have it), occasionally, if the enemy is coming to me for a head-on, I'll go for it myself.  Usually, I evade.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on February 11, 2006, 05:26:14 PM
Originally posted by HardRock
I'm up in NH now. ( I think we beat some PA teams in football nuk nuk)

Yeah..that's what I do right now..the E knife fight thing.
I can TnB alright but  these people that yo yo real slow and float give me some fits.

I can't shoot for crap. Dunno why. The lead shot isn't the same as AW and man is it hard breaking old habits. Not sure I ever will.

I can't evade the HOs either. Slightly nose left or right doesn't seem to help. Beats me.

See ya up.

Oh..I still hunt Bz ;-)

ya...the very slow float thing is something I've been trying to figure out too...what I have figured thus far is throttle management here is very just don't T&B at full WEP! What I see a lot of is the throttle chop and high barrel roll to force an overshoot...if you wanna keep E a high break in the direction of their roll seems to get you out of their solution and you in a position to resaddle.

Aim will come in time. Drop the convergence of yer guns to 400 MAX (I'm at 350 and thinking of dropping to 325 for the Pony-D) and dicipline yourself to fire at that range only. Off line, bring up the target (.target xxx   where xxx is the distance the target appears from the plane) to get an idea of your gunnery pattern...the target appears north of yer plane. One thing to remember, your convergence setting is in the vertical AND the horizontal, in other words, a setting of 400 will cause your shots to fall on the pipper at 400 no need to estimate bullet drop if you are firing at your set convergence rage. Estimating lead is a bit toughe, but drill is same as it and see why ya missed :)

HO advoidence is easy...just keep some angle 90% of the time, and 15 to 30 degree off is usually enough.

See ya up there :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HardRock on February 11, 2006, 07:21:37 PM
Thanks Brooke!
HOs are still hard for me to avoid though. Unless you lead earlier than we did in AW. If you led to early in AW your belly was a prime time shot.

Shaky, not only is the gunnery hard but because the flight model is so wobbly its hard to aim with the thing doing a jitter bug. If anything WW2 were very stable gun platforms.

I set the convg down to 200 and 175 at the suggestions of others.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: outbreak on February 11, 2006, 07:50:23 PM
500yrd Convergence has worked like a Beauty for me today with all the HOers that tried to get me, And that in a P51, Got 1 Spit14 in a HO and he got part of my wing, I flew to his Airfield and Got Another HOer a C205 and killed him before Ditching :O, Gotta Lover Convergence. :rofl
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Dead Man Flying on February 11, 2006, 08:02:07 PM
Originally posted by HardRock
Shaky, not only is the gunnery hard but because the flight model is so wobbly its hard to aim with the thing doing a jitter bug. If anything WW2 were very stable gun platforms.

Check your stick settings.  The flight model should not be wobbly, and if you have things set up correctly, it should be extremely stable.  I think you'll find that aiming improves once you hammer down the wobbly flight issue.

Also, consider setting your convergence to 225.  That's what I do, and it seems to work for me.  :)

-- Todd/Leviathn
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Alky on February 11, 2006, 09:09:59 PM
Originally posted by HardRock

Shaky, not only is the gunnery hard but because the flight model is so wobbly its hard to aim with the thing doing a jitter bug. If anything WW2 were very stable gun platforms.

Hopefully you're not using the Logitech 3D, there's no hope for un-wobbling that stick :(
I bought one when I got into AH and now it sits on the shelf, went out and got a Saitek X45, much better but my gunnery still stinks but without wobble LOL.
They tell me the Saitek X52 is a good stick, waiting for the X45 to bust and I'll be trying it :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HardRock on February 11, 2006, 10:21:20 PM
Thanks Todd. Will do.

I use the CH pro throtte/stick USB with simped rudders.

Hey Shaky. I see ya got yer Avatar up. Congrats on the SB. I know it's been a long time coming. Luckily you didn't have to face us shifty Patriots;-)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on February 11, 2006, 10:28:36 PM
After what they did to the Colts, I don't think the Pats woulda been a problem :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grayeagle on February 11, 2006, 10:58:25 PM
Was purty awesome seein ya up HR ..and Oldman :)

Kind of a shock not to see ya in an FW ;)

I am usin 300-ish for convergence . . closer on my T&B rides ..further on my bomber busters.. I have gotten kills at 600 out with convergence at 300 ..notably in the spit II over the channel against a non-manuevering 109 that held still 'just' long enough :) He thought he was out far enough
-evil grin-

Them 4 .303's per wing will saw wings off now an then all by themselves.

Works with the Jug too ..even with convergence at 300 ..I have sawed apart B-24's at 800yds out just because them 4 fifty cals on a wing eat up wing roots.

I just wish I could fly more .. school takes a big chunk.. once I graduate, I will be workin full time and doing certs and pre-reqs and then finishing RN followed by BSRN so will be a bit before I can really dive in here ..lovin it tho :)

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HardRock on February 12, 2006, 01:57:20 PM
Sheesh GE if you aren't the eptitamy of jack of all trades!
School?! ;)  The few I,graphic artist, P51 flyer:)
What happened to the concrete steel rebar job? You still in Arizona?
Thanks for the tips buddy. Will try some ;-)

Thanks too Brooke.

Shaky. So glad to see the Steelers dismantle the Colts. I hate them.:)

We oughta hook up in some duels to Shake things down ;-)
As a matter of fact that 3 base duel spot would be ideal for old air warriors to get a little furball fun in. Like once a week or every other week would be cool. What says guys?

Todd, Do you have a stick setting that would be good to cut down the wobble? I suppose it depends on stick..I have the CH. Right now its all set to default.

Anyone know what climbs better..A5 or A8?
Always liked the A5 in AW.

Hya Grits ;-)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on February 12, 2006, 03:15:33 PM
HR, I have a CH Products Flightstick, all with default settings, and it's fine for me.  I'm wondering if the wobble you are talking about might be the inertia effects in the flight model.

In Air Warrior, there were no complicated effects dependent on angle of attack, so when you pulled back a little (but quickly) on the stick, the nose generally would move up a little quickly, in a straight line, and stay there.  In Aces High, there are all sorts of more-complicated, more-realistic flight dynamics modelled so that, when you pull back a little but quickly, you should notice the nose do more than move up quickly in a straight line and stay put.  It depends on the plane, but many will have the sight move up quickly but oscillate slightly, briefly up and down and sometimes even side to side a little.

The magnitude and duration of the osciallation generally aren't large  -- maybe a second or so and amplitude of half a gunsight or less.  It depends on the plane, too.  However, it is enough to need getting used to compared to Air Warrior, and it contributes to the aspect that, in transitioning from Air Warrior to Aces High, gunnery takes the longest in which to become proficient.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DoKGonZo on February 12, 2006, 07:40:50 PM
The "wobble" could be the same one that HT put into WB ... or was in there as a result of the physics model. Not sure which, but there's always been a "floaty" kind of effect that you just have to get used to.

The A5 handles better than the A8 - which is like saying a Winebago handles better than a dump truck. Neither is the zippy-quick plane you expect right now. Try the La-5 - guns aren't as good as the 190 but below 8K it's an animal. If only a Fw will do, stick with the Dora - at least you have the speed to break away when you run out of manouever options - it's one of the best climbers in the game too.

My hobby these days is rocket vultching ... since I'm usually in a P51D this is the best way to vultch and not come away with just assists. Though the 190F8 also excels in this mode. I'm also trying to fly without tracers now - so I pulled in all my convergence to around 325 or so.

Base capture is fun if you're working with a crew of folks committed to it for a while. Otherwise you find yourself late to the party or hung out to dry.

If the Pats hadn't totally choked against Denver they could have taken down the Steelers. Note I said "could have." They sure as sheep would have managed the game better than Holmgren did. I expected the Colts to blow it - I didn't expect Denver to.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HardRock on February 12, 2006, 10:23:06 PM
read a little on this link posted later.

Maybe the A5 might fit me. Me being more an E fitr than pure BnZ.
A little more nimble to loop should the opponent not be so hot;-)

Yeah Dok..its that warbirds wobble feel that bugs me.

Tough to say whether NE could have beat Pitts the way they were playin but it would have been at foxboro which would have helped. I think we could have beat them if we play mistake free. But isn't that always the way it is. Alas 5 turnovers was too much to overcome. Seems Brady and company were pressing a little to hard in an effort to get back to the SB.

The colts got smeared. Thats a good thing;-)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grits on February 12, 2006, 10:27:42 PM
When I fly a 190 its either the A-5 or the D-9, only rarely the A-8 and never the F-8. The A-5 can actually turn decently, and the D-9 is fast, but other than firepower the A-8 has few redeeming qualities IMO and the F-8 has none. Well...I suppose the F-8 is a decent rocket vulcher. :)

Actually, if you want to E knife fight some of the best are the Ki-84, the P-38J/L and the 109K-4. The Ki-84 (my current favorite ride) OWNS the verticle, it can do a climing spiral at the top of a rope that only some of the perked planes can hope to follow. In addition the Ki-84 is a great TnB plane, once it gets slow and gets its flaps out, can out turn everything but Zekes and Hurricanes. The only drawbacks of the Ki-84 are poor high speed diving ability and average firepower/ammo load.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DoKGonZo on February 13, 2006, 12:42:02 AM
The Pats always have a game or two each season where they just suck - bunches of turnovers, bad tackling, weird play calling. Sadly, this year one of these games came in the playoffs. And also sadly, the officiating throughout the playoffs was even worse - bad calls in the first quarter in many games which altered the flow of the game and ultimately were the deciding factor. Not just Pats games - a LOT of games - and many sportswriters agree.

But the Pats will be in a foul humor next year - handing the game to Denver and then the Steelers fans booing Brady at the SB coin toss will set the tone for the season. New coordinators, probably some interesting new players, and Rodney Harrison back and rested.

I don't know how Manning and the Colts bounce back from this year. They dominated the league all season, they had a defense, they had a running game, it wasn't all Peyton like the last couple years, and they didn't even have to face the Patriots. And they still choked. They'll probably chalk it up to the tragedy that hit the Dungy family - but Belichick's Dad died during the season too, and he was much more involved with the team than Dungy's son - and it didn't affect the Pats season.

The more interesting football question is which NFC team won't suck next year. I saw some article that said a Patriots-Cowboys SB next year is likely - I'm sure everyone in the Boston area would love to stomp The Tuna in a SB.

But anyway ... the 190F8 feels somewhat more stable than the rest of the A series. Maybe its just cuz its slower with the racks. Who knows? But when you see someone rolling a flight of 17's for AckStar duty at a CAP'd field, having all them rockets sure do make you smile. The cannons are good for normal vultching or taking down towns. And it's quick enough to get outa Dodge if the situation starts to collapse. I only use it when there's good odds.

The Ki-84 is a great ride, but the high speed handling is something you really need to watch and probably the biggest reason you don't see the plane much in the MA. I prefer it for base defense over the N1K simply because it is a generally more capable plane and people are more interested in killing the N1K's for the obvious reasons.

If you like the 109K then you owe it to yourself to try the Yak-9U. The ammo load is a little worse than the 109 with the 20mm so you need to be a good shot. But man - for a plane with no WEP that little crate can haul. It pretty much works angles and the vertical well, accelerates and climbs great, and is more stable than either the 190 or 109. A lot of people won't worry about the Yak behind them because "it has no WEP, so I'm safe" but you only need a little dive to grab a pile of speed and catch people.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Juntts on February 13, 2006, 03:59:07 AM
Hello all,

I have my roots in Air Warrior as well. Played the original Air Warrior off-line before moving to AWIII on Gamestorm somewhere in late '98 (?). Flew there for 2-3 years before moving to WarBirds in 2001, retired from online dutiesin early 2002 at the tender age of 21. Now after 4 years break from flight sims I made a comeback here on AHII, I also tried WWII Online and WB2005 but it looks like most of the people are here so I think I will settle down in Aces High. Got my arse kicked kicked during the first 2 nights but im getting my gunnery and flight skills back slowly Also im starting to recall what Situational Awareness stands for :O

It's great to see legendary names such as Fencer, BlueBaron etc. (although I never got to knew them) )making a comeback.

CPID's I used:


+Wolf and variations such as:




Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Oldman731 on February 13, 2006, 09:08:22 AM
Started AW in October 1996, when it was first available on AOL for those of us running Win 3.11 (or 3.12?  one of those pre-95 versions).  Moved from New Pilots Arena straight into FR - hey, who wouldn't?  Figured that I'd almost certainly be the oldest person playing (visions of spotty-faced teens as the target audience), so I put "Oldman" into the box for CPID, not having read that it would only take the first five letters.  Consequently I spent the next four years as "Oldma."

FR Fightertown was my favorite arena; AW was never the same after they eliminated it.  Spent most of the rest of AW's life wandering around FR AvA, hoping Yoj or someone else would stop in.  Came here in December, 2000, after the December 7 Final Memorial Flight in FR.

- oldman
Title: Re: Re: Old farts is right
Post by: Otter on February 14, 2006, 02:41:46 AM
Originally posted by Brooke
Yikes!  Otter, hope you are doing well after all that.  Best wishes!

I'm doing pretty good. Lot's of calls from ah/aw dudes while I was in the hospital. It's why I cherish this community.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: MarAr on February 21, 2006, 05:54:37 PM
So many old names and some I probably have forgotten. It has been a long time since the old Air Warrior Days. Some of you may remember me and others may not. I used the Cpid of “MarAr” since the dawn of “AOL-AW.” I have flown with many squadrons in AW and would have to say my favorite was the 38 Specials. The squadron was filled with many talented pilots. Like most pilots in the beginning I started out with a spit9 and man was it a forgiving plane. Times changed and I moved on to the 109’s which I had a blast in. Though my true calling was found in the P38. It was not a forgiving plane, though if flown right was a killer. I won’t forget the many dogfights and countless furballs that I had enjoyed flying it. I lost touch with a lot of friends and people after the AW days and still miss those times today. It is just a shame that the game could not be saved.

and my best wishes to all.

Title: Well I'll be...
Post by: PK1Mw on February 21, 2006, 10:43:59 PM
Marar u old fart! Shoot me an email, got a lot of catchin up to do.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 4510 on February 22, 2006, 10:40:13 PM
Soup de Dweeb
Cactus Air Force

Man what a read this thread has been tonite !

I didn't even know that Moggy still existed !

I ran into GE couple weeks back in the MA... had to ask him if he was the real deal.. and remember how thrilled I was when he asked me about my car and it being stolen... (only the REAL GE would have known).

Salute fellow AWers... good to see each and everyone of you again.

(Yes EVEN you too HR)

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SirLoin on February 23, 2006, 03:33:31 PM
I was BEEF flying A'z with the Dirty Dozen
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: RacrX on February 23, 2006, 04:04:22 PM
AOL Mega bill days - RacrX

Gamestorm - MOTRX - Motley Aces Live! C- Land Forever!

Currently - RacrX Proud Knight flying with Damage Inc.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: yayyyy on February 23, 2006, 04:08:41 PM
i was durkadurkadurka
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: jayd on February 23, 2006, 05:17:35 PM
Hey -->OD ole  -->JD here i flew with the Gravediggers for a long time till the diggers moved to AH ..Then I moved to the Most Wanted squad with Doody and the crew ..After flying for a few months I droped off for a while,to play Raven sheild , and Call of Dutyuo and Call of Duty2..About 2 weeks ago I got the stick fever so now I hang out with the Arabin Knights as AKJayd ..Hope to see ya up soon if your not already here  >S< Jayd
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: mr yelnif on February 26, 2006, 07:05:06 PM
GunR here flew with czzzzz in RR#2 from around 97-99 - those were some fun days.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: louman on February 26, 2006, 07:27:58 PM
LouMn........69th-SE...(Screaming Eagles)...........Hell Hounds.........Compuserve , then AOL.......Classic, AW2, AW3...last squads name I forget but the CO's cpid was VET
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DFinch on February 26, 2006, 08:53:52 PM
Started my own thread before I saw this one. Great reading!


AW: 3441/3575
CK/WB: -kat-

Immortalized in the WB FAQ trying to explain the radio system. :aok

Nowdays I'm re-married, riding my Harley every chance I get, working too much, and spending my computer time playing WoW.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 4510 on February 26, 2006, 09:45:32 PM
Heya Katana !

Salute !
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: mr yelnif on February 27, 2006, 01:33:36 PM
Hey Louman!  I remeber you,  I flew with Vet an the 69th also for awhile.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: MotleyCH on February 27, 2006, 02:16:14 PM
Originally posted by mr yelnif
I flew with Vet an the 69th also for awhile.

Is that Vet who also did customer support for Kesmai? I wonder where he's been?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: louman on February 27, 2006, 04:01:18 PM
Hey Yelnif.........was that your cpid?  MotleyCH, ya thats the guy...VET stood for corvette,  he had one and lived out in the south west if I remember right....he was a good spit driver....and a smart guy......I lost touch with him.....we don't run in the same circles :) hes a chief and im an indian:O
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: MotleyCH on February 27, 2006, 04:22:28 PM
Originally posted by louman
VET stood for corvette,  he had one and lived out in the south west if I remember right....he was a good spit driver....and a smart guy......I lost touch with him.....we don't run in the same circles :) hes a chief and im an indian:O

corvette32 at aol was his old email address. His 86th Eliminator webpage and Tech page was hosted there also, but no more.

Ya..he was a smart guy:aok
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: louman on February 27, 2006, 04:26:46 PM
86th Eliminators!!!!  I'm gonna be 58 in a month, I can't remember a whole lot anymore....but ya thats the squad...had some good peeps in that squad!  We had a lot of fun.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: mr yelnif on February 28, 2006, 01:31:24 PM
Yup thats right the 'Eliminators' I couldnt think of the name either - just knew 86th. Vet was a very good spit cpid was GunR loumn flew mostly P-38 after I spent a few months bombing everyting
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TheManx on February 28, 2006, 01:50:26 PM
Lou :)

Remember fighting against you and Vet's squad back in those days. Was a lot of fun. Just a FYI, I believe No1/4 is in WWIIOL if you're ever looking for him. Or at least that's what I've heard.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: louman on February 28, 2006, 02:32:50 PM
Hey GunR! I remember now  :).................... MANX!  Heh the other guys gave you competition I gave you fun cause you shot me down on a ratio of 99-1  :cry I tryed ww2 bur couldnt get a decent frame rate....no1/4  ya i miss him and his wife too  :) we all met once down here in south of the squad members owned a bar:aok was a fun night.....good to hear from ya MANIX  and GunR!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: MarAr on March 04, 2006, 05:12:35 AM
hehehe lot of old names for sure.....Glad to see everyone is still around for the most part.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Mister ED on March 04, 2006, 11:44:15 AM
I beta tested AH, left AW3d, when AW closed, the entire 327th Air Group migrated to AH, and we are all still here.

Mr. ED
327th AG
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: AWRaid on March 06, 2006, 12:41:35 AM
Manx, GunR.. I remember you two... well along with many others but specificly you two from my time in RRe2 on AOL. Whats up?

I remember SOUP from FR :P

I play AH2 from time to time but no game has captured my interest and dedication like AW not even AW2 or 3. Maybe it was just the time and place or the people I'm not sure but theres not been a game like it.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 4510 on March 06, 2006, 07:30:54 AM
Heya Raid,

I think there is a certain level of "infatuation" with a game like AW or AH that takes place only once.  The formation of a squad and the chemistry of a new squad.... hard to replicate after the first time.

Give the Axis vs Allies a try... it is similar to the old AW.  Smaller bunch of folks in there and a lot more civil.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TheManx on March 06, 2006, 12:22:54 PM
Raid!!! Good to see you again man :)

Yeah, Airwarrior was a great time when it was in it's prime. Near the end it was really showing it's age though.

I few AH for a few years and had a great time, but the game started becoming "same old" after a while. It's a great game with the best dev team in the business, but sometimes it's time for a change.

We're in WWIIOL right now and having a good time. The game's changed, and I don't find it to be the memory hog it used to be (although you have to go through a bunch of tweaks to make it work right). It's a different game though.

Stop by our website and say hi sometime Raid.
Lots of old Airwarrior players that you'd probably know.
Title: old AirWarrior
Post by: AWt0mmy on March 06, 2006, 09:42:29 PM
oh sheesh,

here i go again.

recognize a bunch of names in this thread, usually had something like ,"you have just been shot down by ......" attached to 'em.

Cya round guys


ps...bigweek still around?
Title: Re: old AirWarrior
Post by: culero on March 06, 2006, 09:45:57 PM
Originally posted by AWt0mmy
ps...bigweek still around?

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: AWt0mmy on March 06, 2006, 11:30:16 PM
thanks culero
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: daMIG on March 09, 2006, 11:03:10 PM
Old, yea, old tru that...

mig, =mig=, mig$, MOTMig or was it Motmut, Mot old, somethin Mot...

Now its da one, da only, DaMig. (I must defer to the original Mig, a great old stick at that..)

AW is ded.
Long live the old farts that are in here!! Younguns too, Have fun AH is the bomb...
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: nark on March 21, 2006, 05:01:25 PM
4821 nark
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DoKGonZo on March 21, 2006, 05:26:07 PM
Originally posted by AWRaid
... I play AH2 from time to time but no game has captured my interest and dedication like AW not even AW2 or 3. Maybe it was just the time and place or the people I'm not sure but theres not been a game like it.

It took me a little while to get the old feeling back. Wasn't until I started flying with a bunch of other flight sim geezers that things started to get fun again.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: nark on March 21, 2006, 05:28:03 PM
I still have some films of the old kursk scenarios on some 3.5s those were the days-s
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Gypsy Baron on March 21, 2006, 05:51:47 PM
Originally posted by nark
4821 nark

 Hiya nark...long, LONG time!  You still in the DC area?

 Some of the old troops were asking after you some time ago
 over on news dot bigweek dot org. Stop on by and say hello.

 DeadDuck hangs out there.

   =GB= 4580
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: nark on March 21, 2006, 06:13:47 PM
jesus i still remember your callsign #
DD also

Im going to be on here in a few days-figuring out the interface (if you could call it that) and waitin on stuff in the mail

IM still in DC, working the same job :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: AWmoggy on March 22, 2006, 05:58:35 PM
Originally posted by nark
jesus i still remember your callsign #
DD also

Im going to be on here in a few days-figuring out the interface (if you could call it that) and waitin on stuff in the mail

IM still in DC, working the same job :)

Hiya Nark and Soup.  Been thinking about Nark lately - as my office is next door to your colleagues in Charlottesville.  If you ever come down on business, let me know ;-)

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on March 22, 2006, 08:19:37 PM
And Moggy, when you are going to start flying here?  Huh?  When?  Needs to be sooner than two weeks!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: AWmoggy on March 23, 2006, 12:35:53 PM
Originally posted by Brooke
And Moggy, when you are going to start flying here?  Huh?  When?  Needs to be sooner than two weeks!

Not sure - having left the hell that was AOL, I'm now back in the game development biz (as opposed to web development, which was all I did at AOL - I managed the design, development and launch of the ( area, which was interesting, but not game dev), so I'm pretty durn busy at the moment.

No, I can't say what I'm working on yet, but it has nothing to do with airplanes ;-)

I gave AH a shot a while back, and while it's an awesome, amazing game, and my tactics were still there, getting the mechanics (making the plane do what I wanted and the bullets go where I wanted) back online was going to require time and effort I just didn't have at that point.  Getting those mechanics back to at least the point where I can join up for some scenarios, though, is on my list of 'things I want to do'.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: nark on March 23, 2006, 12:59:30 PM
hey moggy!-long time :)

I went up last night and found the game pretty cool-esp the vox

trying to figure out which plane to stick with and figure out what planes to aviod in certian situations...
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Vader on March 23, 2006, 04:22:46 PM
Wow,  I didnt know this game existed, saw a patch for it on gamespot and came by to check it out and what do i find, a bunch of old Air Warriors still hanging around.  I start reading this thread and I see a bunch of old cz and bz hanging around, and so many names I remember from my air war days.

I wonder if any of you remember me from those days.  I originally started on compuserve when it was there and moved over to Aol when it went free and eventually to Gamestorm up thru AW3 or so.  When I went to aol I started the 69th Screaming Eagles (69th SE) in Az land.  I remember having a great time killing you nomads and the others that hung around.  My cpid on compuserve was Vader, on Aohell and gamestorm it was ussually Vadr or +Vadr.

So how does this game compare to the old Airwar days?  Before gamestorm that is.  I really started to dislike things after it moved there.  Many people online and playing nightly?  If so I think I may just download and see how the P-38 flys again.  LOL, although I'm probably back to dweeb status after all these years.  

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Alky on March 23, 2006, 04:36:05 PM
Originally posted by Vader

So how does this game compare to the old Airwar days?  Before gamestorm that is.

Hey Vader... it's like ol home week here, nice to see you.  I recall the handle.  Myself and "JetDoc" had the VMF-696 Diamondbacks in FR at AOL flyin Cz only, never cared much for them Az, much less the Bz  , anyway, join up, this is somewhere between AW and WB in how it feels, you'll love it, most of the ol Air Warriors are lurking here somewhere :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: louman on March 23, 2006, 05:40:29 PM
Hey Mike aka VadR aka Whirl  :) how goes it.  Mike AH is better than AW....but differn't too!  CWA has a top squad here...and you will see some other 69th-SE here too!  The 38 comes in 3 versions here...38G, 38J and planes!  LouMan aka LouMn
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Vader on March 23, 2006, 06:03:49 PM
Holy $$$$ Lou, how are you!! Man its been a long time.  How goes things with you?  

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ROC on March 23, 2006, 10:44:01 PM
Good to see you Vader :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ROC on March 23, 2006, 10:50:44 PM
Yes, %Tazz...the % was the ASB's identifier. He was a farmer from Pennsylvania.

Met Tony when he came out to Sacramento years back.  Great guy!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: AWRaid on March 24, 2006, 04:09:28 AM

Yeah, I believe that as well. Despite the bad graphics of AW I did trick myself into saying how realistic they look on several ocasions way back lol. I guess everything in life is like that plus Air Warrior was such an amazing thing to fight other people in the virtual sky wow! This was during a time when I thought chatting online to someone miles away was amazing.

I'm sure no matter how good any future game is it won't hold the same place as  AirWarrior did and as time passes we forget any flaws it had and only remember the great things about it. Forget the moments of frustration especially during the 'newb' days and remember only our greatest triumphs. I'm just glad I found out about the game when I did and was able to take part in it

I remember reading so much information about air warrior, aircraft performance tips, guides anything I could for hours no matter if they were intended for a newbie or an expert. I'd watch films over and over again trying to learn all I could. I don't think I've approached any other game with that type of dedication.


Thats certainly what I need to do, I usually just lobo going with the flow. Often my time is limited so I don't get much flying time or time dedicated to learning the finer details of the game itself but one of these days I'm gonna look into joining a squad and taking the time to learn all aspects of the game.

I do know that squads are what makes any game fun. Nothing like having a good wingie going into a fight way outnumbered and coming out ontop. Although even when I'm in a squad this rarely happens due to my lobo tendancies lol.


Yeah, I play both games. Checking your site after this post and I'll register on the forums or something. I've noticed over the years in WW2OL quite a few old AW Squads, 555th etc. I still believe though that Ace's High is a far better flight sim but WW2OL is very unique and even with the flight problems it is fun.

I'd be cool to fly with you guys sometime although I fly Axis.. Can't give up my dear 109 even if it's nerfed to hell :D. I'm glad HTC finally fixed the 109s in AH though so nice now.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: louman on March 24, 2006, 05:02:56 PM
I'm fine Mike O'  :)  Missed ya man!  I don't want to be pushey or anything.....I'f you get in the game and are looking for a great 38 squad I'm in it!  The 475th "Satans Angels" we fly in Rook terra....named after the actual 475th that flew in the pacific!  Mcdonald....McGuire....even Lindberg flew with them.  The leader is named "KillinU...great guy...ask around and if ya like what ya hear about us I can hook ya up  :)  we got guys that could give Mouse a run for his money  :) My main puter is down (power supply)so I'm not up as much as I want on this backup Dell that I have (not enuff mem) but I will be in there a lot soon as the part comes in  :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: =BME= on March 24, 2006, 06:10:09 PM
->BME here....former wafflemaker...errr widowmaker.

Former Screaming Retards Co-Founder

I fly for the Skyknights squadron in Pacific Fighters now on hyperlobby.

Sitting around the house waiting to go have knee surgery.........very bored.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: daMIG on March 24, 2006, 09:30:02 PM

lol, 1ijac and I were talking bout you a while back, your ears burning my old friend? Nice to see you again. You flying with =NKL=?

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: daMIG on March 24, 2006, 09:38:17 PM
Knee surgery!! I hope it's simple orthoscopic Bro.... I am going in next week, had a blow out whilst I was doing cardio on the recumbant bike at the fitness center.... peddling along, watchin Tiger Woods miss a 15 foot putt on the tv, and BAM, My knee felt like someone hit it with a hammer!! I almost drove that exersize bike right into the ditch! lol

Good luck with the knee... I could use some more training in the PJ my ole AW Trainer!   give me a hollar
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: killnu on March 24, 2006, 10:46:52 PM
%Tazz?  there a name i havent seen  for awhile.  when i first started in AW, i was %nubb.  flew with buddy off boat that got me in with them.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: =BME= on March 25, 2006, 06:26:17 AM
Torn lucky that the ACL and MCL are intact.....blew it out during a sparring match during a Tae Kwon Do class.

And only 3 testings from my black belt.........oh well, gonna have to put it off awhile longer now.

Title: Hey VadR
Post by: TalonX on March 25, 2006, 04:13:29 PM
Originally posted by Vader
Holy $$$$ Lou, how are you!! Man its been a long time.  How goes things with you?  


CWA TalonX.

I fondly remember the 69th SE, so my squad name here is 69th Hangar Bangers.  (Long story on the Hangar Banger part).

This game is head and shoulders above AW.   What are you waiting for?

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 1ijac on March 25, 2006, 05:41:06 PM
Sorry to hear about your knee there Scott.  Hope all goes well.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: guttboy on March 25, 2006, 05:45:26 PM
IN at the 500th post!

AW since AOL days til its death with AH3!

TG12 from the Tiger Squadron//AZ baby
Title: Re: Hey VadR
Post by: Vader on March 25, 2006, 06:43:38 PM
Originally posted by TalonX
CWA TalonX.

I fondly remember the 69th SE, so my squad name here is 69th Hangar Bangers.  (Long story on the Hangar Banger part).

This game is head and shoulders above AW.   What are you waiting for?

CWA how you doing?  Another name remembered from long ago.  

This is a serious blast from the past.  Most of the time I tell someone I started playing MMOG's with Airwarrior, the response I get is "what the hell is airwarrior".   Its great to see so many familiar names again.  

I have to dig out my old stick and pedals and load this thing up for at least a try.  I think Im going to need a power washer to get all the dust off the controls.  The last time I used them was AWIII.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: daMIG on March 26, 2006, 12:15:09 AM
ditto that BME, hope that you will get back in fighting trim soon!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: %apach on April 01, 2006, 08:50:04 AM
I most certainly remember both you %nubb and %Sapo !  Both you guys were in the Navy at the time (if memory serves me correctly). I still have slips of paper with notes I wrote for the squad newsletter with your names on them.

Great to hear from you again !!

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: killnu on April 01, 2006, 09:35:53 AM
Im still in, he is out, working in texas somewheres...think it was for samsung.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: FT_Animal on April 01, 2006, 06:50:15 PM
Originally posted by Ack-Ack
What's Air Warrior, new game?


REALLY!,... sounds like it might be interesting, let me know. It's not another EA dot com game is it? My pc coughs blood the second it sees,.. err,.. umm that other proked game site.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ->K9 on April 06, 2006, 04:06:51 PM
Originally posted by ->OD
Hey, I was curious if anyone here is an old hand from the AirWarrior-AirWarrior 3D days? I was hoping someone with a sense of nostalgia would revive AW3 some day, but I don't think it will happen. I would like to get in touch with some people from the old days if there are any in here and possibly start flying again. So if you used to play AW3 please reply and let me know your old AW cpid and squadron.

"WidowMakers Squadron"

Reporting for duty Sir!!  

Ready to take OWL again at any time assuming I can get the sheep out of the cockpit and the P-38 allisons will turnover.  Can't find the rest of the dog pound but crack open a cool one and I am sure ->Dog and ->Mut would wander in.  ->ATC used to post over at our easyboard site but nothing for a year.  Also waiting for someone to set up AW2006, I'll be a charter member.  Used to get an e-mail from Rain Wayne ->RM but nothing for a few years.  

Kevin, feel free to drop me a line if you ever make it back here!  Mike

Title: Re: Re: Hey VadR
Post by: Alky on April 06, 2006, 05:15:36 PM
Originally posted by Vader

I have to dig out my old stick and pedals and load this thing up for at least a try.  I think Im going to need a power washer to get all the dust off the controls.  The last time I used them was AWIII.


It's not as exciting as you remember it, you'll be dissapointed.  But then if you haven't played AH then you may not know the difference.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: dmjudo on May 16, 2006, 11:53:51 PM
Started flying AW in 95 or 96 I think.  Good times flying with and against TC, MLM, Kumori, Boozr and Dragn.  Just found this site after doing some spring cleaning and coming across my old AW flight folders.  My flight controls are long gone but I've downloaded the game and tried flying offline with the mouse.  I'll look into replacing my controls and try AH out.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on May 17, 2006, 01:47:04 AM
Judo, Boozer is around and active in AH.

I highly recommend even a cheap joystick over much time using a mouse.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ded on May 17, 2006, 02:40:58 AM
Originally posted by Brooke
 I remember annoying personalities like Slyman (although his annoying nature sort of wrapped around to endearing in some ways).

I played the orig airwarrior briefly back on GEnnie.  Briefly as in 2 or 3 hours.  Slyman had convinced someone to let me use their account to play on.  Come to think of it, the name Airmigan sounds familiar, might have been the one I used. :D

I bought AW III, never got around to actually playing it online.  I played Warbirds for a trial some years ago.  And now I have been playing AH2 for a week or so.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on May 17, 2006, 02:59:06 AM
Ded, welcome aboard.  AH is truly excellent, and I think you'll like it a lot.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ded on May 17, 2006, 03:08:57 AM
Originally posted by Brooke
Ded, welcome aboard.  AH is truly excellent, and I think you'll like it a lot.
It's been fun so far.  I just need to learn a few tricks and I'll do a bit better.  If you've seen 'limper' flying around..thats me.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on May 17, 2006, 03:22:29 AM
Limper, eh?  Have you ever read The Black Company series?  It's got a great character named The Limper. :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ded on May 17, 2006, 03:27:01 AM
Originally posted by Brooke
Limper, eh?  Have you ever read The Black Company series?  It's got a great character named The Limper. :)
  Nope, I just wanted a name that emphasised my gimpness ;)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rash on May 24, 2006, 11:00:23 AM
It's been about 12 years, but I still remember a few of the names.

Rash DFA 2599
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Gypsy Baron on May 24, 2006, 11:16:34 AM
Originally posted by Rash
It's been about 12 years, but I still remember a few of the names.

Rash DFA 2599

 And we remember YOU as well :)

 Hiya Rash!

     =GB=  ( Gypsy Baron 4580 )
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rash on May 24, 2006, 11:33:37 AM
Hey GB!

Still blowing stuff up?

I'll be up in the next week or so.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Tex on May 25, 2006, 01:58:14 AM
Man, still have the account name on the boards at least. :)

Looking forward to the con and making fun of SB tearing the wings off spits.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: scottydawg on May 25, 2006, 10:13:34 AM
I was DooL in AW3.  Had a buff squad.
That's about all I remember.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Kya on May 25, 2006, 07:22:23 PM
AOL Mac AW - Kyatoru #1657
GS Mac AW - Kyatoru #3109
Aol AW3

Don't remember AW3 cpids...handles were Kyatoru/AWARkya though.

Bought a full subscription a few days ago. Just trying to shake some rust off of my flaps after a 7+ year hiatus. :) I'm really enjoying myself so far though!

Ren! If you see this, shoot me a message!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Whipster on May 25, 2006, 08:22:54 PM
OMG !!

 I started in the old GEnie days... many... many... years ago.. Hard to believe so many of you fellaws are still around. Flew with Hardrock in 1/2 time arena  AOD Angels Of Destruction.

  I believe the year I started this slow but steady trek into insanity was around 88-89. Can't remember my Cpid's. 768, whip ect.. etc..  or something to that effect was the first one. Whipster has always been my callsign. Played GEnie, Chris, Delphi, stupid fricken aol, gamestorm you name it...

 I was at the 94 con when they let DoK speak. He was actually sorta civil. Believe I spent most of my time up in Hitechs room messing with AH. Sheeze that was a long time ago...  Flew in a few events, Sicily I recall but flew a few that were before that one... Only reason I remember Sicily is I have the patch hangin on my wall.. :)

I remember names such as DOK who had pretty much stopped flying when I started. Hardrock, GypsyBaron, Shakey, moggy , fencer, Bluebaron, Twisted, and the list goes on...

Just started flying here again. hooked up with Soup and JG27 for some familier faces to fly with...

Man what memories...   too all of you guys...

JG27 Africa
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: RedDg on May 25, 2006, 10:16:33 PM
hehe aol Air Warrior.  I always got my bellybutton kicked by that "Winsock Error" guy.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on May 25, 2006, 10:29:40 PM
Whip, I remember you -- welcome to Aces High!

The last time I remember us flying together was in the Longbow scenario, where were were both in I/JG3.  I have a pictorial of that, with you in some of the screenshots at times (like part 1, frame 1, first picture):
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Whipster on May 25, 2006, 11:01:59 PM
Howdy Brooke,

 Ahh I remember that one....Those were long flights... I remember limping back home on more then one occasion...

Those were good times... Might have to try one of the AH scenerio's...

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Tex on May 26, 2006, 02:52:30 AM
Originally posted by Brooke
in the Longbow scenario,

Toolongbow - shudder

for some reason that scenario ended my flying days.

pretty much

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Skies on May 26, 2006, 04:42:47 AM
Played AW on AOL and Gamestorm Days. Shortly played AW2 but nothing after that due to the fact of a slow computer. I was in the squad, <=A M D=> (Avenging M*FF Divers).  Was a mostly a bomber w/ Sab0r and bulldog. Flew with Jackm, Darkphanom, Sniik, wbeds, Seefor, and many others.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: culero on May 26, 2006, 08:10:59 AM
Originally posted by Skies
Played AW on AOL and Gamestorm Days. Shortly played AW2 but nothing after that due to the fact of a slow computer. I was in the squad, <=A M D=> (Avenging M*FF Divers).  Was a mostly a bomber w/ Sab0r and bulldog. Flew with Jackm, Darkphanom, Sniik, wbeds, Seefor, and many others.

LOL been a long time.....dood, Becca says hi :)

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: FiLtH on May 26, 2006, 08:52:57 AM
Looking at those pictorials was great!  And to think those B17s were single planes/ drones.  Seems like a long time ago!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Skies on May 26, 2006, 01:29:31 PM
Wow long time since I seen you two :) Both of you doing well?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: culero on May 26, 2006, 07:37:30 PM
Originally posted by Skies
Wow long time since I seen you two :) Both of you doing well?

Yeah, doing great. She had heart surgery last year but it went really well and she's back to being as much of a PITA as ever :)

Make her day and drop her an e-mail: rmyers at rgv dot rr dot com

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Horn on May 28, 2006, 09:42:02 AM
Originally posted by Kya
AOL Mac AW - Kyatoru #1657
GS Mac AW - Kyatoru #3109
Aol AW3

Don't remember AW3 cpids...handles were Kyatoru/AWARkya though.

Bought a full subscription a few days ago. Just trying to shake some rust off of my flaps after a 7+ year hiatus. :) I'm really enjoying myself so far though!

Ren! If you see this, shoot me a message!

Welcome back Kya--good to see your name up here again :)

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Kya on May 28, 2006, 05:09:20 PM
Wow, hey Horn!

How are you?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Horn on May 29, 2006, 11:01:30 PM
Originally posted by Kya
Wow, hey Horn!

How are you?

Not too bad. I've quit playing for awhile--I'm packing up and movin to Oregon shortly--the Coos Bay area hopefully.

You'll like AH though--not MacAW mind you. but not too bad :)

I'll be back in a couple of months ifluff'n I can get Skuzzy to reserve my CPID.  ;)

Where ya been?

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Kya on May 30, 2006, 03:04:10 AM
Coos bay? What brings you down there?

I'm still living in Corvallis  but I fish commercially out of Newport. Might find myself down in the coos bay area every now and then a little later this summer. If so I'll have to buy you a drink. :aok

No, it's not MacAw, but I still find BB up in the wee hours of the morning killing dweebs with his one member Catastrophe squadron, and I think I've even seen DT porking some fields occassionally too. heh
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Volstag on May 30, 2006, 11:39:15 AM
Attention people of Air Warrior--your god has returned.

Blah. Wanted to say that longer than you can imagine.

Air Warrior taught me everything I know about picking up girls.

I still have a cartoon GE drew for me hanging on my wall.

I'm going to be in Oshkosh, WI soon, to record violin parts for my album.

My birthday was a couple days ago, but I'm not as old as you.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on May 30, 2006, 02:40:22 PM
Volstag? Damn........thats scary.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Horn on May 30, 2006, 10:42:42 PM
Originally posted by Volstag
Attention people of Air Warrior--your dog has returned.

Blah. Wanted to say that longer than you can imagine.

Air Warrior taught me everything I know about picking up girls.


Glad we got the dog back. Too bad about the virgin thing though.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on May 31, 2006, 01:34:25 AM
Volstag -- holy crap!  It's about time you, too, showed up.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HardRock on June 04, 2006, 01:38:03 PM
Originally posted by Whipster
OMG !!

 I started in the old GEnie days... many... many... years ago.. Hard to believe so many of you fellaws are still around. Flew with Hardrock in 1/2 time arena  AOD Angels Of Destruction.

  I believe the year I started this slow but steady trek into insanity was around 88-89. Can't remember my Cpid's. 768, whip ect.. etc..  or something to that effect was the first one. Whipster has always been my callsign. Played GEnie, Chris, Delphi, stupid fricken aol, gamestorm you name it...

 I was at the 94 con when they let DoK speak. He was actually sorta civil. Believe I spent most of my time up in Hitechs room messing with AH. Sheeze that was a long time ago...  Flew in a few events, Sicily I recall but flew a few that were before that one... Only reason I remember Sicily is I have the patch hangin on my wall.. :)

I remember names such as DOK who had pretty much stopped flying when I started. Hardrock, GypsyBaron, Shakey, moggy , fencer, Bluebaron, Twisted, and the list goes on...

Just started flying here again. hooked up with Soup and JG27 for some familier faces to fly with...

Man what memories...   too all of you guys...

JG27 Africa

Whip you old dog!:) Never thought I'd hear from you again. The pride of B flight..abeit a bit wreckless;-)

Good to hear from ya man.
I fly AH very very occasionally. HR's the handle so holler if ya see me up..which ain't much but I keep the acct just to keep in touch with the oldies but goodies:)

Too bad DD doesn't fly...a DD hunt is always fun
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grits on June 04, 2006, 01:44:29 PM
Originally posted by HardRock
Too bad DD doesn't fly...a DD hunt is always fun

Yeah, I've resigned myself to the fact that DD is not coming back. I dont know if he realizes it, but he was my AW role model, and I still haven't decided if that is a good or bad thing. :D
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HardRock on June 04, 2006, 02:40:35 PM
Originally posted by Grits
Yeah, I've resigned myself to the fact that DD is not coming back. I dont know if he realizes it, but he was my AW role model, and I still haven't decided if that is a good or bad thing. :D

If you like having fun furballing and's a good thing;-)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grits on June 04, 2006, 02:55:17 PM
That pretty much describes 99 out of 100 sorties for me HR. :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: nark on June 05, 2006, 09:06:05 AM
heya AIrmig :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Whipster on June 05, 2006, 05:28:49 PM
Originally posted by HardRock
Whip you old dog!:) Never thought I'd hear from you again. The pride of B flight..abeit a bit wreckless;-)

Good to hear from ya man.
I fly AH very very occasionally. HR's the handle so holler if ya see me up..which ain't much but I keep the acct just to keep in touch with the oldies but goodies:)

Too bad DD doesn't fly...a DD hunt is always fun

Howdy my old friend... Nice hearing from you as well... I am like you, don't fly much but I'll keep an eye out for ya when I'm on...

hah.. DD yea them was the good ole` days...
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Arlo on June 05, 2006, 05:49:52 PM
Originally posted by Grits
Yeah, I've resigned myself to the fact that DD is not coming back. I dont know if he realizes it, but he was my AW role model, and I still haven't decided if that is a good or bad thing. :D

DD left? :(
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Booz on June 05, 2006, 05:59:23 PM
He still posts daily on
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Arlo on June 05, 2006, 06:08:26 PM
I need to do newsgroups again. :)
Title: Greetings
Post by: Meshak on June 05, 2006, 08:30:24 PM
Genie: 4462

AW:  Specter

Started back when it was DOS based.  Hooked up with SB and he's still my wingman.  Recently started flying AH and am loving it.

Flew with the Gunfighters for a bit, then the Damned.

Did a stint as an AWTA Trainer back then, team teaching with SharkBait.

Spoke with Grey Eagle the other day (Frank Williams).  He just graduated from nursing school and he's pumped :)

SB and I took a road trip a few weeks ago.  We hit Kitty Hawk for a day, then tooled up to DC and spent a couple of days the Smithsonian, near Dulles.  Stopped and visited Moggy and had dinner and a few beers with him.

I wonder if Mute or Argos are still around?

Heyas NB :)

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Booz on June 05, 2006, 09:08:48 PM
Heya Spec, I know Mute is on a few times each week
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grits on June 05, 2006, 09:21:13 PM
Originally posted by Arlo
DD left? :(

What I mean is he isnt going to come here and be an AH addict. He said newer "3D" games give him vertigo or nausea.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: nark on June 06, 2006, 08:17:46 AM
Dang spec I live 1.5 miles from the new Dulles annex

I remember being a trainer back in the aw days as well-thou all I could "teach" was b+z and then running away in a 190 or a stang  :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Horn on June 06, 2006, 10:10:19 PM
Originally posted by Grits
What I mean is he isnt going to come here and be an AH addict. He said newer "3D" games give him vertigo or nausea.

He's a ginormous wuss. Anyone will telll you.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Ack-Ack on June 06, 2006, 10:14:15 PM
Originally posted by FT_Animal
REALLY!,... sounds like it might be interesting, let me know. It's not another EA dot com game is it? My pc coughs blood the second it sees,.. err,.. umm that other proked game site.

It's funny, I drive by the EA studios everytime on my way to and from work and in front of their building are two big bus stop adverts for Activision's Call of Duty 2 and True Crimes NY.  Makes me chuckle every time I see it.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Tumor on June 06, 2006, 10:48:39 PM
Originally posted by Arlo
I need to do newsgroups again. :)

No kidding donuthead! :)

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ROC on June 06, 2006, 11:49:17 PM
Yes Arlo, you do :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HardRock on June 06, 2006, 11:56:49 PM
Originally posted by Rash
It's been about 12 years, but I still remember a few of the names.

Rash DFA 2599


You mean the guy at the 94 con that was in a drunken stupor passed out in front of his monitor and we put your plane in a spin and yelled Rash Rash you're spinning. :>

That ranked right up there that night along with using the bug to blow unsuspecting people up on the runway in 870 arena. But I think you were passed out for that :)

You were a great wingman in Aland I will say with that 51 ,Rash ;-)

Even though we never intentionaly hooked up I knew your moves well enough I could count on you in a fight with a zillon Bz. My buddy:)  You know how those Bz were with their addiction for numbers ;-)

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: nark on June 07, 2006, 10:42:56 AM
the only thing I remember about the 94 con is the cigarette smoke-and boy was there a lot of that :)
Title: My Heritage
Post by: 27th on June 07, 2006, 11:16:47 AM
Air Warrior 3 from 1996 til its death late 2001 as 27th

Squadrons I was a part of from Big Pacific Relax Realism:
=Wolverines=  (CO- Elfie)
Army Of Darkness (CO- SkyD)
||Double Nickel Bomber Squadron (CO- ?)

Aces High from 2002 - present  as JB27 and now 27th

III Jabostaffel (JB) (CO- JB42)
Army Of Darkness (CO - BADR) - present squadron

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rash on June 07, 2006, 12:38:45 PM
Originally posted by HardRock

You mean the guy at the 94 con that was in a drunken stupor passed out in front of his monitor and we put your plane in a spin and yelled Rash Rash you're spinning. :>


Yes HR, I remember being rudely awakened from a nice nap at some hour in the early morning at the 94con. :aok   I never like taking my pony above 15k anyway, just for that reason.

I could always count on you and someone like Sly being in the middle of a Bz horde. Made it easy for me to clean a few off your tails, while sipping my favorite beverage. :D
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Otter on June 07, 2006, 03:51:51 PM
Originally posted by Arlo
I need to do newsgroups again. :)

Saw "Flying Leathernecks" Memorial Day. Makes me miss my "Big Bloo planes" friend.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HardRock on June 07, 2006, 08:59:15 PM
Originally posted by Rash
Yes HR, I remember being rudely awakened from a nice nap at some hour in the early morning at the 94con. :aok   I never like taking my pony above 15k anyway, just for that reason.

I could always count on you and someone like Sly being in the middle of a Bz horde. Made it easy for me to clean a few off your tails, while sipping my favorite beverage. :D

If I remember right your kill macro was "beer is good"  :)

God I love you guys.

 Some I hate but hate's good..right DoK
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Arcades057 on June 07, 2006, 10:56:27 PM
Flew for Az from about 96 until AW was replaced by AWII.  Flew with the Flaming Chickens as ME21.  I can remember taking a 13-man B-17 to Cz Spit Factory and passing a MuffDivers fully crewed B17 heading to our factory.  What was it, at least a 2 or 3 hour trip from the base to the target and back?  Man those were the days!  :aok
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grayeagle on June 08, 2006, 02:38:08 AM
Spec *and* Volstag!

Volstag .. ever the lighter side of AW .. perfected the Frog-Auger .. in formation, on command! The soul of FUBAR incarnate :)

Gladda hear from you dood ;)

and Spec .. dood ;)

Best gunner in an A-26 I have ever flown with :)
Most adept at making Bingo whine :)

Great to hear from yas both .. I will be back in AH in a bit .. still goin thru hiring process for the VA Hospital here in town ..they dont just 'hire' people anymore! Goin in for Cat scan no less in a coupla weeks (just what the heck does that have to do with puttin in a Foley Catheter on a patient?
.. an .. there's a few I know for a fact had better never see me show up as their nurse .. ima keep the gamma globulin in the frig for 'em for sure!)

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: FT_Animal on June 08, 2006, 08:41:44 AM
WOW!!!..... Long thread.... lotta interesting old timer personas in here.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DoKGonZo on June 08, 2006, 01:07:23 PM
Originally posted by HardRock

 Some I hate but hate's good..right DoK

I <3 H8
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: NoBaddy on June 08, 2006, 02:22:47 PM
Damn....gratified to see the Stag made it outta puberty. :D
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: blesk on June 08, 2006, 03:37:24 PM
Man - what a great list of names.

Got me all nostalgic, and now I want to fly.

blesk here - have been, though anymore just "b" works pretty good. Even have buds in meatspace that call me that, which sort of makes me feel like I'm in an episode of Mayberry RFD, but I suppose that's better than feeling I'm an extra in a turkish bath movie.

So - started AW in '90 after returning from Germany - GEnie days, and I had a MacPlus with a Blackbox modem. I had reach over and hit a switch on the modem to connect, and it used to give me a shock if I touched it wrong. The priest came, but the excorscism didn't work, so between not really being able to deal with the b&w graphics on the 4"x4" screen (I know, I know it was bigger than that, but sheesh) - I gave up. No, I couldn't even guess what my tail number was, but I suspect it would have been filled with zeros.

But then, joy of joys, a couple years later I got a pc - and one with graphics good enough to give AW a go again. One of the first things I did was seek out AW (again) and sure enough, there it was, living on Compuserve. It wasn't all that long afterwards that it migrated to AOL, and though I'm norwegian I'm not THAT stupid, so moved where the flyin' was cheaper.

Started in FR, and stayed in FR, except when Stimp demanded we go fly RR because he was getting motion sick from spinning so much.  ;)

Miss the old days with the Sheps - and the lot of you. sure was good fun.

Really, it really is good to see the faces from days gone by.     :)

I've spent some time in AH - and think I'll have to crank up the account again. I've a decent box to fly with now, and though I'll suck, I'm sure it'd be fun again. Kinda left when Buzz died - don't know why - just did. But, was fun to see old faces before, and I bet it'll be just as fun now.

Might be riding up to Con with Tex, so I can but say this; Beware the Geiss.


blesk - aka b
69th Shepherd's Fold
Recently (a couple years ago) with the Damned in AH
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SB on June 08, 2006, 04:01:00 PM
Originally posted by Rash
Yes HR, I remember being rudely awakened from a nice nap at some hour in the early morning at the 94con. :aok   I never like taking my pony above 15k anyway, just for that reason.

I could always count on you and someone like Sly being in the middle of a Bz horde. Made it easy for me to clean a few off your tails, while sipping my favorite beverage. :D

Rash you goob, want a ride down to the AH con? ;) Figure you'll be a cheap date and just pass out on the floor again. Still have a couple of those all DFA posts hanging around on the hard drive.

Back in Tulsa btw.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HardRock on June 08, 2006, 04:12:54 PM
Originally posted by Grayeagle
Spec *and* Volstag!

Volstag .. ever the lighter side of AW .. perfected the Frog-Auger .. in formation, on command! The soul of FUBAR incarnate :)

Gladda hear from you dood ;)

and Spec .. dood ;)

Best gunner in an A-26 I have ever flown with :)
Most adept at making Bingo whine :)

Great to hear from yas both .. I will be back in AH in a bit .. still goin thru hiring process for the VA Hospital here in town ..they dont just 'hire' people anymore! Goin in for Cat scan no less in a coupla weeks (just what the heck does that have to do with puttin in a Foley Catheter on a patient?
.. an .. there's a few I know for a fact had better never see me show up as their nurse .. ima keep the gamma globulin in the frig for 'em for sure!)


What's this...the 19th trade you've gone in to?

They forgot you when they came out with Jack of all trades.  Master of them all ;-)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HardRock on June 08, 2006, 04:14:33 PM
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
I <3 H8

Oh now it's up to 3 ;-)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rash on June 08, 2006, 04:40:04 PM
Originally posted by SB
Rash you goob, want a ride down to the AH con? ;) Figure you'll be a cheap date and just pass out on the floor again. Still have a couple of those all DFA posts hanging around on the hard drive.

Back in Tulsa btw.


That’s Mr. goob to you.

You and HR are chatter boxes.  I don’t remember any of that stuff, besides; don't you guys ever see those Vegas commercials???

How you been doing?  How long have you been back?

Last night, I flew, augured, got shot down by a 26, vulched and don’t think I hit a thing myself (must have been defective bullets) for the first time in 10 years or so.  Can’t wait to do it again.

HR, beer is good, but tequila is better!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on June 08, 2006, 06:55:11 PM
Originally posted by Rash
HR, beer is good, but tequila is better!

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rash on June 08, 2006, 10:52:58 PM
Originally posted by Shaky

Total myth, armatures
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rash on June 08, 2006, 10:54:21 PM
Originally posted by Rash
Total myth, armatures

my spelling cracks me up
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SB on June 09, 2006, 06:52:44 AM
As I recall you always were easily amused ;)

Still listed in the phone book?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rash on June 09, 2006, 09:54:23 AM
check your mail
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: VampryeX on June 10, 2006, 01:32:46 AM
PK1 wrote:

Gotta get some things straight...

2: KillnU, Special Eds were never Bz, they went Cz. VMPR could never make it on Bz cuz no one liked him over there. Especially me"  

 -={38 Specials}=- were Bz multiple times.  Back in AOL days, we switched arenas every campaign and always flew for the country with the fewest pilots in the previous campaign.   Not only did that help the short-handed country, but it also provided a greater challenge for us since we usually were out-numbered during the subsequent campaign.  Switching arenas every campaign  gave us a look at all the PJ pilots throughout the many arenas in AOL and let us recruit many of the best ones.

After everything moved to Gamestorm and then EA, we would evaluate the pilot situation at the end of every campaign and switch to whichever country had the least pilots at that time.

Throughout the history of the Specials, we always flew for the country with the least amount of pilots.

As for not making it as a Bz, I had 2 of my 9 campaign wins in a PJ as Bz, despite flying far fewer campaigns as Bz than as Cz or Az.

I started in AW on play for free AOL.

A guy I supervised in the Air Force turned me on to the game.  Some of you old 86 ESFers will remember his name:  Wofer

Since Wofer was in the 86th, RRe2 and the Eliminators became my first arena and squad.   I was on the 86th SEAL team when I left the 86th to help form the original 38 Specials.

Back then, I was 19fc.  That was my first cpid.  It as the meteorological code for a tornado.  (I was meteorologist in the US Air Force at the time.)

I had two alts I used from time to time.  The first was "altme" just to screw with the people who said I flew too high, although people like Tick and others ALWAYS seemed to be higher than me.

(lol...that was back when RRe1 on AOL was the ultimate alt monkey arena.  On many missions in there, 20K was low.  At 30k, you would routinely find 3-4 enemy planes above you.)

The other was "gargy" which I used when I went on missons hunting the Gargoyles - a squad of A26 jocks who all had that plane mastered and were great fun to fight.

When we started up the Specials, I picked FTD, >FTD< as my cpid (Fork Tailed Devil).  I had to take a 3-4 month break due to several concurrent TDYs in the AF and while I was gone, the 38s fell apart.

When I came back, Douce was in the process of forming a squad called Dealers of Death (DoD).   He was an old 38 Specials so I joined his newly formed group.  We decided we would all take names that had to do with Death so I picked 'DBU  (Death Becomes You).  Soon, we had most of the old 38s in DoD.

It was too unwieldy to have cpids for an entire squad with names having "death" in them so we switched the guidelines to allow any names associated in some way with Death.   Thus I became VMPR (Vampyre).  My PJ became Death Kiss, to honor the orginal naming conventions of the squad.

When AOL started charging to fly, I took a few months off, then rejoined the fun on GAMESTORM.   I found several of my old friends flying with the REGULATORS so I joined them.  That is where I met Murdr and several other pilots who eventually helped me reform the -={38 Specials}=-

Now that I'm checking out AHII and I can have more than 5 characters in a name, I'm VampyreX (cause Vampyre was taken....grrrr)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: K-KEN on June 10, 2006, 04:23:45 PM
Originally posted by blesk
Man - what a great list of names.

Got me all nostalgic, and now I want to fly.

blesk here - have been, though anymore just "b" works pretty good. Even have buds in meatspace that call me that, which sort of makes me feel like I'm in an episode of Mayberry RFD, but I suppose that's better than feeling I'm an extra in a turkish bath movie.

So - started AW in '90 after returning from Germany - GEnie days, and I had a MacPlus with a Blackbox modem. I had reach over and hit a switch on the modem to connect, and it used to give me a shock if I touched it wrong. The priest came, but the excorscism didn't work, so between not really being able to deal with the b&w graphics on the 4"x4" screen (I know, I know it was bigger than that, but sheesh) - I gave up. No, I couldn't even guess what my tail number was, but I suspect it would have been filled with zeros.

But then, joy of joys, a couple years later I got a pc - and one with graphics good enough to give AW a go again. One of the first things I did was seek out AW (again) and sure enough, there it was, living on Compuserve. It wasn't all that long afterwards that it migrated to AOL, and though I'm norwegian I'm not THAT stupid, so moved where the flyin' was cheaper.

Started in FR, and stayed in FR, except when Stimp demanded we go fly RR because he was getting motion sick from spinning so much.  ;)

Miss the old days with the Sheps - and the lot of you. sure was good fun.

Really, it really is good to see the faces from days gone by.     :)

I've spent some time in AH - and think I'll have to crank up the account again. I've a decent box to fly with now, and though I'll suck, I'm sure it'd be fun again. Kinda left when Buzz died - don't know why - just did. But, was fun to see old faces before, and I bet it'll be just as fun now.

Might be riding up to Con with Tex, so I can but say this; Beware the Geiss.


blesk - aka b
69th Shepherd's Fold
Recently (a couple years ago) with the Damned in AH

HARRR! Matey!
Ewe might get some consideration to become a CUTTHROAT, if ya take a bath and sheer some of yer sheep!  We could use another fellow hoser!!!

K-KEN  AW 1996-2000  :O

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: K-KEN on June 10, 2006, 04:50:03 PM
Originally posted by Grits
Yeah, I've resigned myself to the fact that DD is not coming back. I dont know if he realizes it, but he was my AW role model, and I still haven't decided if that is a good or bad thing. :D

Had lunch with DD and wife and a couple of AW/AH folks (Cutthroats) at, of all things, a WoW get-together in Atlanta.  He is still DD. :eek: :lol

K-KEN  AW 1996-2000  :O

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Irwink! on June 10, 2006, 08:37:32 PM
I've stayed out of this thread 'til I read Horn's list from March of '88. I saw my AW handle - 2383 Galland. I didn't fly too long. One Genie bill of $700 was the tops. Long time ago... I only started here in April.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Volstag on June 10, 2006, 10:16:27 PM
Ahem, seeing that the night is still young, and I am want for something better to do at this very moment, I shall endevour to write this, my second, post to this "thread." (The quotes to indicate my oldness, and obstinate feelings toward new fangled ways.)

NB---Good to see you're alive my old friend. It's been a while.

GE---The Frog Auger cartoon you drew for me is always the eye catcher for the young ladies. Though, I don't think they fully grasp it's deeper and more profound meanings. But I try not to let them ponder it too long.

Brooke---Thank god you mentioned my name, or I never would have found this place.

DoK---I'm super glad you're still a super person. [sniff] I miss you. And I really am sincere. Imagine that.

And to anyone who flew during the wonder years of 1990-1992, Marry Christmas, Happy Birthday. And to anyone who was there before that, man, you're old. Is that Shadow Demon kid old enough to buy beer yet?

There's so many buttons on this thing, I want to press them all. But I'll save that for another day...

So, ask me a question. I dare ya.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grits on June 11, 2006, 02:03:51 AM
Originally posted by Volstag
Is that Shadow Demon kid old enough to buy beer yet?

He should be here, AH has the Me163 he always wanted.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DeadDuck on June 18, 2006, 09:44:37 PM
Originally posted by Grits
He should be here, AH has the Me163 he always wanted.

Man catching up on this was reading.  Just reading the name "longbow" was enough to start my heartburn going again.  Maybe Ill go abuse DaBug some over in WoW untill I feal better

damn damn damn I want to come to the con:(

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on June 19, 2006, 03:48:59 AM
Well, DD, what you really should do is get your arse up in the skies of Aces High.

In fact, on this particular topic, I will be the first one to ask a question of the magic Volstag.  Magic Volstag, what will it take to get DD up into the skies of Aces High?

As an ancillary question, Volstag, are you up flying?  You must!  The laws of nature and destiny demand it.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Heater on June 19, 2006, 03:58:47 AM
Hell DD, if you come back, we have a slot for you and you can even shoot me down again (not all that hard these days) and HT will buy a beer...and Yes He's Still the one and only PUTZ
Title: Wow!
Post by: 2flie on June 24, 2006, 12:38:00 AM
What a wild ride of memories and history. Hell, I haven't seen some of these names since the final demise!

Much too busy with 4 rugrats (do you know they've discovered what causes that?) to fly online, and the flying I do get to do has spinning things pointed the wrong way (the big one spins on top and the little one spins in the back). My wife would kill me if I got back into online sims. Most likely it would be ruled as justifiable homicide, but it doesn't make me miss it any less. And damn those commercials on The Military Channel!!

Much thanks to all of you for any teaching you shared about virtual combat, arse whuppins you gave out, or just the experience of sharing virtual skies. You honestly cannot know the difference it has made in this man's life. If we meet in person, first round is on me!


Just another RR dweeb '97-'01
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: culero on June 24, 2006, 01:18:19 PM
Damn, Linc, 4 rugrats? Tie a knot in it, boy :)

culero (good to "see" ya again!)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Vortex on June 24, 2006, 05:43:51 PM
Originally posted by Volstag

Is that Shadow Demon kid old enough to buy beer yet?


Rofl. From what I remember beer would definitely be a good choice for Shadow Demon. Its mellowing effects could prove advantageous. I seem to recall that young lad being a tad, er, hyperactive.

Nice seeing you around these parts Volstag.
Title: Things, and stuff, always about the stuff.
Post by: Volstag on June 25, 2006, 01:31:03 AM
So, in answer to Brooke's first question: On how to get DD in the air, have you tried cookies? That's always been a motivator in my book (The Book of Stag, for those unaware). I'd go with cookies first, then move to the hard candies if things get dicey.

Ah, and as to the question of me flying...oh, I would, I even had a dream about it. And while I have little time for such things these days, I'd still do it. Currently, however, all my computer related activities (which is mostly recording music) are being performed on a beefed up G4 iBook. And unless I missed something, there is no Mac version of this here flyin' thingy. If there were, I would of course play it on my laptop, using the trackpad, probably while chatting with people and making tea, if only to make everyone feel really stupid when I shoot them down.

And now, as I'm pretty bored this lonely saturday night, I'd like to reflect upon a few precious memories--

Once upon a long time ago, we had us a little group of folks that I was particularly fond of, and we had lots of fun and stuff, and had newsletters and conventions, and T-shirts, and money (which was often being rapidly depleted by that ever-so-huge corperate entity with the same initials as someone we all know). I, of course, was pretty much exactly the same as I am now, only smarter, and less published.

And so it was that I began a journey that would help shape my destiny, give me material to write about for about 10 years after. Oh, but I am getting ahead of myself, for it all started with a book.

That stupid manual that came with the online account. I still have it, I think. In the back of this little insipid wonder was a listing of the "pages" of the virtual world that was GEnie. TV Guide-esk paragraphs followed each entry, and so many things simply didn't really grab me. But one thing damn sure did. There were mentions of dog fights, and air combat, and planes...ooh, I quite liked planes, especially the sort that engaged in dog fights and air combat. "Air Warrior" I don't think I even remember caring what it was called. I got it, practiced for a week off line, then went up in my favorite plane of all time (F4U Corsair), smoked my first enemy, someone said "thanks" over the com, I said something in responce, and went and landed I think, or something, I don't know, who cares, after that I spent a month or so flying milkruns in B17s with a guy named Zero. It was 3 months till I got my first kill in a fighter. Didn't really look back from there (not true, my SA is pretty slammin'), and within 6 months or so I was pretty high in the old ELO score thingy (I was #5 for the longest time, crazy, that started around then I think.)

Now two things should be noted at this point: firstly (never use this word kids, I'm a professional), the above statements would seem to indicate I was pretty good at this stuff, but you have no idea how many hours I actually logged to get that way. (Some of you do.)
And secondly, I mentioned two awesome bands: Journey, and ELO. Rock on!

Ah, but it was all the crazy people I met along the way that made it all something worthwhile. I won't bother with names, there are so many, and I remember everyone, but don't want to type any of them. This is all about me after all. I was part of FUBAR squad, having been recruited from my first squad, The Green Weenies, of which I was the only member left, and still winning campaigns. I held off joining as long as I could, but they needed me, it's true. Could you imagine that bunch of goofballs without me, I think not. The basic mantra of FUBAR squad was "do no sanity", though in actually fact I think we chanted "No, I do not know what I'm doing way the hell over here, but I'm in a fight, be back your way in a jiff."

And we would play ring around the mountains in the pacific theater, and sometimes fly in circles following our leader, who was, in fact, following one of us. A moment springs to mind when dear MacFly was at some serious alt in a buff bearing down on C15 (I think that's right, the atoll C side strip) and I says to Hoppy, "Uh, Hop, what's Mac doing? I think he intends to bomb the runway." And we proceeded to yell over the radio for him to stop, as we had just taken it a few seconds before, and we were right pleased with ourselves. Needless to say, Mac had been taking a pee break or something and didn't hear our plaintive crys and proceded to blow the crap outa the runway leaving Hoppy and I to snicker at each other because it was just so funny. Glad we weren't paying six dollars an hour for that kinda thing to happen...

Well, for now I think I shall put this history lesson aside, as it's 1:27 in the AM, and I need to record tracks tomorrow, and the 4 days thereafter, so sleep must come sometime soonish. After I talk to Colette I think though, 'cause it's all about the ladies.

Goodnight, dear old friends of mine. May your kill ratios be high, and blah blah blah, fill in something poetic one of you, I'm tired.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on June 25, 2006, 02:21:02 PM
Volstag is the shiznit.

Vol, dump that Mac and get a PC.  It will do everything your Mac does plus play Aces High.  You need to have the correct priorities.

In fact, if you had a PC, you could record music while playing Aces High.  You'd be employing the left half of your brain for the music and the right half for Aces High (or vice versa) thus achieving a fuller state of cognition and cerebral balance.  This has been scientifically proven (4 out of 5 scientists surveyed agree) to result in a stronger state of sentience, boosting creativity and ability in both realms.

Really, you owe it to yourself, your family, and your career to do this.  Do you have a dog?  If so, you owe it to him, too.  (This does not apply to cats, however.)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 2flie on June 25, 2006, 09:39:23 PM
Originally posted by culero
Damn, Linc, 4 rugrats? Tie a knot in it, boy :)

culero (good to "see" ya again!)

You salty old dog, you! Good to "see" you again, too. Thought a bit about you when Rita was in your neighborhood, but I had no number and changed computers several computers since I had last received emails from you...okay, weak excuse, but I still missed you and thought of you guys!

Well, you know the problem with knots, not every knot tier is created equally and some tie looser knots than others. That and tying any number of knots in "it" would hurt when the blood rushed in and tried to straighten everything out. :rolleyes:
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: culero on June 25, 2006, 10:32:04 PM
Heh, ewe mis-estimate the scale of Texas - Rita hit the Texas coast, but still more than 350 miles from here ;)

You got pics of them rugrats? I know Becky would be thrilled to hear from you and see them - rmyers at rgv dot rr dot com

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Arlo on June 25, 2006, 11:56:54 PM
And you shoulda been at the con too, Coolio! (I hear tell there's a guy really using that as their cpid now) :D
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Fullblast on June 26, 2006, 02:16:22 PM
Flew as -TB- or Troyboy and as Baka in 92 and 93, have no idea what my # was anymore.

I remember flying against some great guys, Gila Monster, Twist, Pyro, 6Gun and others. I also remember it was $3 an hour. I flew through GEnie and quit just as Delphi came in with the lower rates. I still cant believe I paid $250 - $300 a month for almost a year to play a game.

Came across this thread while reading over the forums trying to chose which sim to try again after many many years. Seems like a great community here.
Title: Re: Things, and stuff, always about the stuff.
Post by: DoKGonZo on June 26, 2006, 03:22:15 PM
Originally posted by Volstag

And secondly, I mentioned two awesome bands: Journey, and ELO. Rock on!


And for extra points: what was the name of the band that went on to become ELO.

Hey Stag ... don't worry I'm still a king-hell huge a-hole. At least I play one on TV. Ho ho.

I still wax nostalgic when I see a Mac. But keeping all the software I need up to date on two platforms just became too damn expensive. Especially for web design work where Macs are a minority, and then some. You can get a decent PC for games for around a grand - just grab a monitor switch and use your Mac's display. But be warned, many a night flying AH is more like watching a train wreck of humanity. The Ten Thousand Dweebs finally showed up and have reduced the game to its least common denominators.

The good thing is you can play while savagely drunk now and do well - a player with dulled senses will still beat one with none at all.

Title: Re: Re: Things, and stuff, always about the stuff.
Post by: Arlo on June 26, 2006, 03:42:51 PM
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
And for extra points: what was the name of the band that went on to become ELO.

Steam lantern orchestra? *chuckle*
Title: Re: Re: Things, and stuff, always about the stuff.
Post by: Shaky on June 26, 2006, 05:37:55 PM
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
And for extra points: what was the name of the band that went on to become ELO.

The Move.

I feel old.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Hajo on June 26, 2006, 06:10:52 PM
Started my AW career in early 90's on Genie.  Got one bill...wife got to it before I did ...there went my virtual flying career until later on AOL. Cripes been awhile can't remember the precise years (getting old)

On Genie can't remember the number (old) handle was Moxie then.  When starting on AOL handle was again Moxie.  Later years AOL to Gamestorm had various handles such as =WP3= but ended up with Hajo.

Flew Cz with the old Warthogs Squadron....then went FReal and flew with the Wolpack....also flew with the BOPS in the early to mid 90s..

Great to see some old timers still around :aok
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: culero on June 26, 2006, 07:39:02 PM
Originally posted by Arlo
And you shoulda been at the con too, Coolio! (I hear tell there's a guy really using that as their cpid now) :D

Yeah, Jay, I'd planned on going. Then I recently lost an essential team member due to unexpected health issues, and wasn't able to find the guy I wanted to hire to replace him until too late to get him up to speed enough for me to be gone (today was his first day on the job).

Damn sense of responsibility, anyhoo :(

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Arlo on June 26, 2006, 07:49:21 PM
Well ... there's next year. Now that I finally got my con cherry popped ... so to speak ... I reckon I'll make sure I'm there from now on. Buy you a beer. :D
Title: Re: Re: Re: Things, and stuff, always about the stuff.
Post by: DoKGonZo on June 26, 2006, 09:14:47 PM
Originally posted by Shaky
The Move.

I feel old.

Yup. I felt ancient when I sold my old Strawbs LP when I was moving a couple years ago.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on June 26, 2006, 10:45:17 PM
Still have a whole crate of LP's in the old pioneer turntable too. Mine and the wife's stuff in the same crate.

ELO, Kiss, Styx, Queen, Dylan, Kansas, Journey, Boston, Beatles, Bad Co, Cheech & Chong, Ozzie, Three Dog Night, too many others to think of.

Hell, probably got a few 8 tracks stuffed in there too.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 2flie on June 27, 2006, 10:46:41 PM

I shall send that email in a short while.

Nice to see that "look at ewe" is still up!

I miss Bigweek.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: culero on June 28, 2006, 08:10:53 AM
No need to miss Bigweek - news dot kraits dot org

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 2flie on June 28, 2006, 10:02:36 AM
Couldn't access it for a while. Several times I tried, but that might have been when I was deployed overseas.

Things that make you go, "Hmm..."
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Deth7 on June 28, 2006, 07:42:28 PM
SALUTE!!!!!!!! 2Flie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

glad you made it back ok:aok
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 2flie on June 29, 2006, 05:12:24 PM
Deth7!! bro!

How're the rest of the Pigstompers?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: UsulCaf on June 29, 2006, 06:27:34 PM
Another old Air Warrior checking in.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Deth7 on June 29, 2006, 07:05:20 PM
We've been makin em squeal!!!!!!!!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: PhilBGolf on June 30, 2006, 08:52:46 PM
PH here....flew as a Bz in AW when it was on AOL, '96 maybe?  Was PH then too, never changed my handle to anything else  :)  Always flown with 4th Fighter Group guys, for a short time in AH we were MOL.  BTW Fencer from AW is still in our squad....Fencer51 is handle now.  Guess somebody else had his handle when he came to AH.
Title: stumbled across this forum
Post by: ->XR on July 02, 2006, 03:20:40 PM
I was just sitting here thinking about the old AW online game I used to play. So I did a search and came across this forum. Seeing all these old names bring back alot of good memories. I was XR from the begining, flying mainley the yak and the p-38. my first squad I was in was the jags then I flew solo for a while and when I finished AW I was a widow maker.
Is this the main online military game? i'm so out of the loop now.

                                                                     CHEERS  ->XR
Title: Re: stumbled across this forum
Post by: scottydawg on July 02, 2006, 03:44:41 PM
Originally posted by ->XR
I was just sitting here thinking about the old AW online game I used to play. So I did a search and came across this forum. Seeing all these old names bring back alot of good memories. I was XR from the begining, flying mainley the yak and the p-38. my first squad I was in was the jags then I flew solo for a while and when I finished AW I was a widow maker.
Is this the main online military game? i'm so out of the loop now.

                                                                     CHEERS  ->XR

Hey ->XR,

Looks like lots of old AW ppl here, I used to CO the black widows in AW years ago.

You should def. give this game a try, do the two week free trial at least.  There are a few others, WarBirds (dying), WWIIOL (no idea), some others that are more arcadey.  This one is the real deal, aside from the main arena play there are a lot of events that are 10x more fun than MA play IMO.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Magellan on July 03, 2006, 05:12:49 AM
Originally posted by Kya
AOL Mac AW - Kyatoru #1657
GS Mac AW - Kyatoru #3109
Aol AW3

I too have started flying again--chatter by Quick, Coach, Thor, et al over on the MacAW list got me waxing nostalgic for AW and I'm jones'n for a fix.

And it's like old home week, er month here with folks from the GEnie days. Seems like two lifetimes ago since I was cannon fodder for the likes of Shaky Stick, DD, NB, DoK, and Gypsy Baron too.

Title: Old AirWarriors
Post by: GunRunner on July 04, 2006, 01:27:07 PM
....and yet ANOTHER old Air Warrior checks in.  I also go all the way back to the GEnie network when playing AW.
It's good to see that the spirit is alive over here.
I've tried the "other" sims and I'm hoping the A/H will "fill the void" that they don't.
Been "grounded" a long time.  Some of you may remember over in B-land as GnRnr (handle GunRunner).  Well, some dweeb already has that one over here, but you will see me on line as GnRnr once again.
I was privileged to fly with some of you folks "over there" and look forward to doing so again.

For those who remember, lift a glass to "Scavenger" (Terry Naughton) who probably set the standard of character by which others are measured.

Title: WoWie
Post by: Cuber on July 04, 2006, 02:52:41 PM
I reconize some of you but I guess the old fartness has set in.
Hi gang ..nice to see some people in AH2 with some cooth.
(Ken Jr Not Here is He???)

I guess I'm gonna try AH2 in a little while....As soon as I get all the
CH stuff all set up.
Maybe just for old times sake I'll let you kill my dead As***.


As usual I screwed the post up......anyway.
KdF replied. Was nice to see he's still around.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on July 04, 2006, 04:17:03 PM
Welcome, recently arrived AW vets.  I think you'll fine Aces High to be a great fit.  Also, as you can see, there are lots and lots of old AW folks here.
Title: Re: Old AirWarriors
Post by: Lye-El on July 05, 2006, 04:09:25 PM
Originally posted by GunRunner
For those who remember, lift a glass to "Scavenger" (Terry Naughton) who probably set the standard of character by which others are measured.


Salute Scav.

Gone but remembered by many.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: awrabbit on July 08, 2006, 05:01:35 PM
Started on AOL Mac Air Warrior i think in 97

Was * R * Questionable Squadron Mac Air Warrior.
Was  in the Smoking Wrecks ---- War Birds
Was In the Damned When I Came To AH DmdRabbit
Was In THe 412th In AH------ cant remember my handle in this one
left AH in 2001 Real Life got in the way hadda to go on extended leave.

Flew Mac AW
Air Warrior PC
Flew Warbirds
And Flew AH

Heard  That AH needed some old vets to come help with day to day battles
 there i was relaxing in my den and i noticed my  old AW thong hangin on the wall (well still sticking  to the wall )  so, i decided scrape it off the wall and try it on .  it still kinda fit  !! and the weird smell of beer unwashed BZ Sheep and cordite made me flash back to the days of my virtual youth.

i dusted off my old flight gear and downloaded AH once again .  the stuff was worn from the years of combat.  the computer was a little slower and the frame rates were down to a slide show.  but, i manage to get up and  fly a few sorties here and there. (mostly trying to relearn to fly and land )

Whadoyaknow hooked again !!!! just orderd new computer and flight gear.
should be here in the next few days.  i have been mostly off line praticing the all important things like take offs, landings, basic gunnery, and the all important octoflugoron manuvers.

I should be back up to speed shortly  by  getting clubbed like a baby sheep many times.  after i take my beatings  and augering many 51's i will be back in form and ready to club back a little.  so enjoy killing  me at will for the time being after i get my 1000 deaths in  ya better look out

i look forward to flying once again with all of you.

Great to see Mags Back as well my first trainer /0 sir !

and.... /0 Scav will always be remembered !!!
 as well as my friend Dammed Buzzard /0


Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: detch01 on July 08, 2006, 09:09:45 PM
Been watching this thread for awhile and amazed to see the number of recognizable names I find in it :).
Start AWII in June of 97 using Compuserve. Canned that after my second $400+ bill and went to gamestorm as soon as I found it (Dart recommended it to me IIRC). Got rescued by Dart and Cold of the Black Roses on my first day in the game and taught the basics. Formed 1CAC in the fall of 97 and ran with that in one form or another in ETOII, BigPacRR, BigPacFR, and the AvA RR. Flew with the Damned for a few months getting my feet wet in FR (got the invite from TIG - CO of the unit was Biker if memory serves - it was a blast and I was totally outclassed :D ). Flew with Kaisr's squad for awhile. I stayed in AW to the bitter end at EA and migrated to AH when the curtain went down. I've been playing this kind of game 9 years now and I've got to say I've met and befriended some great people from all walks of life and almost all corners of the earth. I am still amazed by that and I am still meeting great people.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on July 09, 2006, 12:30:05 AM
Originally posted by awrabbit

Whadoyaknow hooked again !!!! just orderd new computer and flight gear.
should be here in the next few days.  i have been mostly off line praticing the all important things like take offs, landings, basic gunnery, and the all important octoflugoron manuvers.  

Rabbit, great to hear that!

Also, when you master the octoflugoron maneuvers, you should keep them to yourself for a while.  The new generation of Aces High pilots don't know those yet.  We can let them in on it after a while, once all the old Air Warriors have their fun. :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Magellan on July 09, 2006, 04:09:28 PM
Originally posted by awrabbit
...Great to see Mags Back as well my first trainer /0 sir !...


Right back at ya, Rabbit. Look forward to flying with you again.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Kya on July 09, 2006, 07:42:46 PM
cc Mags. I'm looking for your name whenever I'm up.  Been jumping around, flying for the different countries lately, though most of the old crowd fly Knights.

Hopefully see you guys soon, either off my wing or in my gunsites. :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: awrabbit on July 09, 2006, 08:02:15 PM
hey mags any of the old 's been around ?

How are you finding the Flight model ? i really like  most every thing i have tried.

I still love the 51 but, i have moved to the 51B i would like to find a place in my heart for one of those tater(cannon) spitting rides  but i just cant get away from the pony

I heard colombo has been flying warbirds.
have not heard much from Bull or Foggy.
i would love to see that old gang back together again  kicking my butt

I will be flying as a Knight till i get sorted then who knows . i have entertained  the thought of putting the back together if my old XO Quick would not mind Or even the Foreign Legion that would be cool to be back in that kind of loose fun type squadron.

It is very cool just flying alone but having a bunch of wingies up at any given time would Rock
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: wlvrn on July 10, 2006, 11:31:28 AM
wlvrn of the 33rd and the AW Message Boards checking in!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Dos Equis on July 10, 2006, 02:29:54 PM
I remember Grey Eagle, the patron saint of Air Warrior and his P51.

John 'killer' McQueen and gary 'not the dead one' cooper aka Moggy. Is that right?

I flew with Hardcase (I think he was the CO, boy thats a long time ago) and Tombstone in the Angels of Destruction (AoD). That was GEnie days, although I did try CompuServe for awhile.

I remember being taunted by Pyro online. I remember Capn' Trips and his weird tricks. Those went on past AW as Trips was a flying pig for awhile, and he and eagl would do weird things. I think they landed a one winged Zeke and put the remaining wing into the smokestack of the ship in Warbirds, in the ICI days.

For awhile, Tombstone and Twist flew together.

GEnie and the scene became financial luxury, and I came back in 95 with Confirmed Kill. Yay telnet ASCII position updates! Sockets, we don't need no stinkin sockets. AW continued on through AW3 and AOL.

CK had a different cast of characters. Off topic.

I remember that it was DeadDuck who was the A26 driver of note. The quack on open channel and the crazy hunts that would occur to catch him.

When WB was orphaned/bought, I switched over to Vossman's Tactical Aero Squadron. You got a real P-51D with your account there. And those graphics.... wow.

And then there was Oh boy.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Magellan on July 10, 2006, 10:01:45 PM
Originally posted by awrabbit
hey mags any of the old 's been around ?

I've heard Fogy was flying here, but don't see him on the roster. May have been a trial and he's moved on.

I believe Col is stil Mac only and so he's stuck flyin WB till he wakes up and buys a PC.

As far as the rest of my squad goes, they've moved on to other things. I'm going to see if I can't cajole a few to start flying again.

[/QUOTE][/B]How are you finding the Flight model ? i really like  most every thing i have tried. [/B][/QUOTE]

All in all, ok. A nice balance of realism and adjuncts to assist game play.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ACShill on July 11, 2006, 01:45:11 PM
Ahh, yes the old days of hundred dollar bills for playing AW. Still, my favorite game ever played.

I was 2702 from Delphi, 6955 (i think.. 69xx for pretty sure) on CRIS. Handle was "Agile Cat" which was given to me after duelling with i THINK DeadDuck. I flew an F6F, hence the Cat, and was apparently slippery, thus Agile.  Since then I've just shortened it to AC.

Was in The Rat Patrol, a casual Az squad, for a long time. Then switched to Cz and fooled around starting this little group with Wanderin Celt. We called it Irish Club Shillelagh. I soon left to join a squad with Bodhi and then left AW altogether.

Several years later I picked up AW3 in Electronics Boutique and gave it a try. Ran into Hornet who told me that little group I was in in AWDos was still alive and very much kickin'. Though not as active in flight sims anymore, Shillelagh celebrates its 9th or 10th year of shearing sheep and drinking beer this year.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: JAG 18 on July 15, 2006, 05:26:26 PM
Flew with the Jags and  RattlesDen  bomber group,  I see that Filth and rpm are still around.   guys its been awhile
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: kesh9500 on July 21, 2006, 11:16:13 AM
Hello All,

I recognize a few names  (probably because they shot me down while I was in a bad mood and looking to take it out on someone!)

I started AW in late 94 and remember getting $400 bills every month until they started that 10 month plan.  I played it non-stop for 2 years and then on and off for about another 2.  I still think its the best game I have ever played.  After I quit I kept myself busy with other MM games thats didnt require me to keep up my skills.

I play AH once in a while (once every year or two) but I never had much time to get back into it because of night school.  

I flew C land for the entire time in AW.  I started out in the Sky Knights and was in a few other squads over the years.  I flew a lot of RR for the first 2 years and then one day it seemed everyone was in FR so that took a little adjustment but it made the game even that much better.  Since I am finally done with school I hope to get back into some flying.  Still have the same Old sidewinder joy thats been collecting dust for 8 years or so!

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Wyseguy on July 26, 2006, 03:17:42 PM
Airwarrior 1 here on AOL. I was AOL internal employee so thankfully never cost me a dime, made it till AW3 was finally unsupported by AOL... I quit shortly there after (coincidence? Maybe not!!!)

Flew as VitoCapo with the Flying Fishhawks squadron.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Hornet on July 26, 2006, 07:38:59 PM
hey AC good to 'see' you again :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: shamrok on July 30, 2006, 06:00:42 PM
Wow, OD, I doubt you are still on this board, but for any other Widows that may be out there, this is pretty cool.

I was ->AtK (or ->JaZ) while with the WidowMakers. I was ^AtK while with the Tigers (^BR was the CO IIRC). I was the crazy dude who mouseflew BF109Gs in RRE, haha, good times.

I haven't flown online since I was with the Widows in AW, so I might get back on the wagon and try this sucker out.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 68Ripper on July 31, 2006, 01:08:03 PM
Geez is this thread ever going to die?


<------- Had to get my 100th post in :rofl :rofl :rofl
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DoKGonZo on August 01, 2006, 02:35:15 PM
Originally posted by 68Ripper
Geez is this thread ever going to die?


Only when we all do ... give it another 30 years or so ...
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on August 01, 2006, 03:16:39 PM
Those 30 years only apply to the rest of us.  We all know that Dok, through use of dark and arcane powers, is immortal (according to our limited undertanding of the term).
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Mustaine on August 01, 2006, 03:18:20 PM
Originally posted by shamrok
Wow, OD, I doubt you are still on this board, but for any other Widows that may be out there, this is pretty cool.

I was ->AtK (or ->JaZ) while with the WidowMakers. I was ^AtK while with the Tigers (^BR was the CO IIRC). I was the crazy dude who mouseflew BF109Gs in RRE, haha, good times.

I haven't flown online since I was with the Widows in AW, so I might get back on the wagon and try this sucker out.
there's a bunch of widowmakers around AH, DieAZ, WMscrap come to mind, and I am brain farting on other names. there's JB's too. I never flew back then but know people who did. Crazyhrse is JB28 and darkhrse was around, don't knwo if he still is. Teufl is in the WM.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: JB28 on August 02, 2006, 01:32:14 PM

word of caution, "only do so if you are prepared to be hooked and spend all of your free time on the game!"  this game is 4 times better that AW ever was.  you will be a flying bullseye for a while.  the gunsight is fixed and not compensating as is was in AW.  it is FR not RR as in AW.  but the graphics, VOX (radio communication), and attention to detail is what will hook you forever.

It will take you a while to get everything calibrated.  i suggest that you find someone to give you some help.  the training arena is a GREAT place to get help.  oh, i almost forgot, they have a training arena where a lot of good sticks hang out and give lots of great advise and take the time to show you the "how too's" of the game.

Hope to see you on the game.

utbna  CrazyHorse (in AW days):aok
Title: Re:Old Air Warriors
Post by: sackmanjay on August 13, 2006, 07:41:34 AM
Wow, I had to check the date tab to make sure I read this correctly.
I remember seeing you guys in AW 3 (usually on my kill guys were the ones shooting me down.
My old CPID was Sack and I flew with Hammerheads and Fighter INC and then renamed it to HellCats. I just got back into this game after 3 years or so. New CPID is Sack1..hope to see ya!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: aztec on August 13, 2006, 10:04:36 AM
No, threre are no old AW players here.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: sNiPeR on August 19, 2006, 01:49:45 PM
Went as sNpEr and flew with the Flying Tigers in RR.My brother in Law XconX got me into the game and made some great friends for the 4 years of being a Tiger.


geez,I forget the rest lol

and forever our lost Bro, Ftoes "Filthy Toes"

PS. I found a stray Rottweiler..a big bish and named her Ruaml...I now come home and give her a boot in the side everyday!
Title: As I was saying....
Post by: Volstag on September 03, 2006, 10:50:14 PM
So around and around we would go, playing pin the tail on the *******, in one hand a beverage of some kind (schnapps), in the other a bowling ball. I seem to recall flying with my feet a lot. O, but those were the days for such things.

Precious memories I'm recalling as I write this:

Airmigan being really amazing in a P-38.

Staying up all night during the first ever mega-super-duper-big-time scenario, or whatever it was called, the one with midway, and every other battle from WWII, I was in charge of something, Fencer was in charge of something, Someone was in command, Sloth and I outlasted everyone for staying awake the longest ('cause we were weirdos), something something, lots of somethings, I think that was the longest I ever stayed on (16 hours straight, after 2 hours sleep, following 14 hours on or something, I don't know, it was something, I won, I know that.)

That's all I remember at the moment. Oh my, where does the mind go?

I'll say more about things later...for now, I only wished to see the sight of my own thoughts.

If anyone lives in the Tulsa area, you should say hi to me if you see me on the street, or at the Indian restaurant. I also intend to be lurking in the general state of Texas soon, as well as Ft. Collins, CO. And at somepoint Chicago and Oshkosh. Ah, public appearances--OK, mostly visiting young lady friends of mine. But I might put on a show or two, people seem to like it when I do that.

But enough about me (since when?)--let's talk about you!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grayeagle on September 04, 2006, 08:43:18 AM
If you were to step *into* the light ..
(well .. after downloading and installing and upgrading, and all those other ****ing's you have to do)...
..people could then bask in .. er .. listen to your guidance .. er .. ok ..
..perhaps ask who that dweeb is in the p-38? (could be anybody, really)

Ya .. that's the ticket .. you could be anonymous, incognito, ..until you figured out the radio. (God help us all then)

(did I say that out loud?)


(no really)

(I mean it!)


-just sayin, tm Pasha
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on September 04, 2006, 02:09:01 PM
Volstag, if you ever are around in the Seattle area, let me know.  Blue Baron and I live in this area.  Now, I know about the feud between you and BB -- that each of you independently has vowed to consume the other's pituitary gland upon sight.  Oh wait, that seems to be two other AW players I'm thinking about.  So, we'll all be fine when you visit Seattle.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: FT_Animal on September 05, 2006, 02:44:35 AM
Originally posted by sNiPeR
Went as sNpEr and flew with the Flying Tigers in RR.My brother in Law XconX got me into the game and made some great friends for the 4 years of being a Tiger.


geez,I forget the rest lol

and forever our lost Bro, Ftoes "Filthy Toes"

PS. I found a stray Rottweiler..a big bish and named her Ruaml...I now come home and give her a boot in the side everyday!

HEY! whats up bro?
Real glad to see ya here. I'm getting back in the game, it would be awsome to fly with ya again.

Anyone else from FT in the game?

Title: Re: Re: Things, and stuff, always about the stuff.
Post by: FT_Animal on September 05, 2006, 02:59:17 AM
Originally posted by DoKGonZo

But be warned, many a night flying AH is more like watching a train wreck of humanity. The Ten Thousand Dweebs finally showed up and have reduced the game to its least common denominators.

The good thing is you can play while savagely drunk now and do well - a player with dulled senses will still beat one with none at all.


That's priceless
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Mike0001 on September 07, 2006, 09:11:57 PM
I was MikeP in AW3, Flew for the "A's" with the 52nd Bomber Squadron.:D
Title: Re: As I was saying....
Post by: SB on September 07, 2006, 09:31:49 PM
Originally posted by Volstag
So around and around we would go, playing pin the tail on the *******, in one hand a beverage of some kind (schnapps), in the other a bowling ball. I seem to recall flying with my feet a lot. O, but those were the days for such things.

Precious memories I'm recalling as I write this:

Airmigan being really amazing in a P-38.

If anyone lives in the Tulsa area, you should say hi to me if you see me on the street, or at the Indian restaurant. I also intend to be lurking in the general state of Texas soon, as well as Ft. Collins, CO. And at somepoint Chicago and Oshkosh. Ah, public appearances--OK, mostly visiting young lady friends of mine. But I might put on a show or two, people seem to like it when I do that.

I'm in Tulsa Stag, and Rash as well =P
Title: guess who
Post by: ClaymoreMuskies on September 09, 2006, 09:09:53 PM

Well... Kumori (my squad member and Leader in AH2) has been in AH for the entire time.. I was here in the beginning (In the dark days) lol

You all may know me from AW1,AW2,AW3 ect

I started out in AW in 1994 when SuperVGA Airwarrior hit the shelves
3 small disks.. Eventually they melted in my car in the glove box, but my manual is still crisp lol. Took a couple years off then.... AOHell...

I flew in WW1 Arena as =CMDR= and formed BLands Gravediggers in 1996. I had an Impressive tally going over a year or so.I joined the WW1 Muskies in ALand and changed my CPID to Clay - short for Claymore - those times were great! lots of friends and man some good times!

Made my way over to the Pacific Theater and started talking to Rapier (current CO of the Muskies)... He and Dragon took me on my induction flight and swore me in as a WWII Musketeer that night.

Memorable times include...
**WWI Arena top 5 for over a year with some #1 spots
**WW2 Pacific arena #1 several times
**Landed 36 kills in WW1 arena flying a Triplane
**Shooting Down a Spit while flying a Folker Tri when Moggy enabled it for me in the Pac Theater one night.
**High Alt runs with all the Muskies.. low alt Bomber runs with HeBee.
**Breakfast with Grey Eagle, Dead Duck and SON at AWCon in 97 mmm Huevos Rancheros!
**Meeting Kelton and Jonathan

Currently I am Haunting AH2 but am still adjusting and the SA is a bit weak still.

The musketeers has been in constant operation across all flight Sims since 1990 and is the oldest continually operated group of gamers on the Internet! Thats a fact jack :)

muskies lore can be found at (

here are some pics to check out the original AW Book and to see Fencers page since people were talking about him.
Manual Cover (
Some of the First Squads (
Fencer's Page in the manual (

Thats about it for me - See you up there!

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on October 22, 2006, 04:50:33 AM
Do any of your former Air Warrior folks have any contact info for +Tiff?

A long time ago, +Tiff worked on part of a diary that covered information on a pilot named "Pinky" Glen.  The diary link is below, and I just got an e-mail from a guy who is working with a writer who is writing about the history of 41 Squadron in the Battle of Britain and is trying to track down more information on this.  The e-mail I got is copied below:


Warm greetings Brook,
    I am trying to find some information about this link and the diary it
It seems to be from Tiff?
I am working on behalf of Steve Brew who is writing a history of 41 Squadron
and also 'Pinky' Glen's son Ian.
Any help will be most appreciated.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on October 22, 2006, 04:55:36 AM
Also, if anyone could post the previous message onto any area where +Tiff might read it (such as bigweek?), I'd appreciate it.  I'd put it there myself, but I'm not sure anymore what the best hangout is for former AW players (other than here -- there are a lot of us here).
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: FLS on October 22, 2006, 10:11:40 AM
Dan/CorkyJr/Guppy35 is +Tiff.

I'm pretty sure he reads this board.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rino on October 22, 2006, 11:04:45 AM
I'll let him know Brooke is looking for him.


     Btw hiya Brooke :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Oldman731 on October 22, 2006, 02:55:24 PM
Originally posted by Rino
I'll let him know Brooke is looking for him.


     Btw hiya Brooke :)

LOL, I'm surprised he hasn't seen it already.

- oldman
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Guppy35 on October 23, 2006, 01:48:58 AM
Originally posted by Brooke
Do any of your former Air Warrior folks have any contact info for +Tiff?

A long time ago, +Tiff worked on part of a diary that covered information on a pilot named "Pinky" Glen.  The diary link is below, and I just got an e-mail from a guy who is working with a writer who is writing about the history of 41 Squadron in the Battle of Britain and is trying to track down more information on this.  The e-mail I got is copied below:


Warm greetings Brook,
    I am trying to find some information about this link and the diary it
It seems to be from Tiff?
I am working on behalf of Steve Brew who is writing a history of 41 Squadron
and also 'Pinky' Glen's son Ian.
Any help will be most appreciated.


Hi Brooke.  Most of my stuff is on Steve Brew's website.  I'm sending him all my 41 squadron correspondance for the book he's doing on 41 as well.

I've also been in contact with Pinky Glenn's son via E-mail already :)

That diary stuff is from Terry Spencer and I posted it somewhere a while back.

And yeah, this is +Tiff in another flight sim :)
Title: AW O'l Fart
Post by: te1qut on October 23, 2006, 07:32:19 PM


Im trying to restart Old AW Squad "1stN.A.S.T.Y."
Now flyn in Knight Land, mid war,may go back to late war.
I fly most nights.

1stN.A.S.T.Y. CO ADM Wezy -Strike- And Still Goon Driver
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on October 24, 2006, 01:31:08 AM
Originally posted by Guppy35
Hi Brooke.  Most of my stuff is on Steve Brew's website.  I'm sending him all my 41 squadron correspondance for the book he's doing on 41 as well.

I've also been in contact with Pinky Glenn's son via E-mail already :)

That diary stuff is from Terry Spencer and I posted it somewhere a while back.

And yeah, this is +Tiff in another flight sim :)

Excellent.  Thanks for the quick response, Guppy!

And thanks, guys (FLS and Rino -- howdy!), for letting Guppy know of the post.
Title: Re: AW O'l Fart
Post by: Tumor on November 02, 2006, 09:35:34 PM
Originally posted by te1qut


Im trying to restart Old AW Squad "1stN.A.S.T.Y."
Now flyn in Knight Land, mid war,may go back to late war.
I fly most nights.

1stN.A.S.T.Y. CO ADM Wezy -Strike- And Still Goon Driver

Not positive but I think there's a 1stNASTY already in AH.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Big Mickey on November 02, 2006, 10:51:39 PM
Few in AWIII on Gamestorm. CPID was AvidMC. I few with, and was CO for the longest time with The |||Airwolves||| in RR. Funnest damned squad I was ever with. Heck a bunch of us got together in 99 at the Reno Air Races and had a hell of a good time.....ahhhh I miss those days.

Big Mickey
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: xanax on November 03, 2006, 03:32:17 AM
Whew! Lotsa dust on this sign-in name. Just checking in. I prolly checked in a few pages back but forgot.

 I shall return to flyin when they get the next incarnation up and going. In the meanwhile; holy crap! Alot of familiar names and such.

 See you ladies soon...

Keerist! September of 99? I thought it was a couple of years ago when this sim came out.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: miraj on November 03, 2006, 01:16:17 PM
I played AirWarrior in the 1990's .

 Aw1 , AW2 and AW3 , this was on America Online ,at a pay-per-hour rate.

 I think it went to Game Storm from there , then lost most interest.

 I was a member of the 69th ScreamingEagles , I remember names like Mordi, F16ft , CWASteam, Doody etc etc.

 Many wonderful hours !
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: miraj on November 03, 2006, 03:27:34 PM
After reading the entire thread , some things remembered...

 Mordi and I were the last ones left in the briefing room when the squad dibanded.

 Sitting for HOURS in front of my computer.
  Az Bz Cz , my butt puckering on my first few carrier landings.
  Lagging , buff hunting, boom n zoom, furballs.
  silly kill macros that I could never figure out.
 I played when it was free on AOL and when it was pay per hour , and my biggest bill was about $400.

 This was in the mid 1990's , before I had a 4 kids !!!

 There was a great sense of commraderie in the 69th SE.
 I flew as MIRAJ , and IZEMAN.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: MrSpanky on November 03, 2006, 09:47:31 PM
Woah! They do still exist. :O

I know I'm not rememered, but boy I remember alot of you guys.  Lets see...
Blesk - killed me in his 109 over C-land.
KRAT & Soup - killed my in their 190s more times than I care to remember.
DeadDuck - killed me in his 38 and let me know how bad I was. ;)
Brooke - Saved all his lessons.  I'm still trying to get the "Rope A Dope" down
Boozer -  Gave me my first AW lesson after one of my first high school finals.:p
Boa - Let us fly with the CMC during Operation: Boondock.

Nice to see you guys are still around and doing well.  :aok

Kinger (from AW)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on November 04, 2006, 04:01:21 AM
Howdy, Kinger!
Title: Re: AW O'l Fart
Post by: CHECKERS on November 04, 2006, 07:37:11 AM
Originally posted by te1qut


Im trying to restart Old AW Squad "1stN.A.S.T.Y."
Now flyn in Knight Land, mid war,may go back to late war.
I fly most nights.

1stN.A.S.T.Y. CO ADM Wezy -Strike- And Still Goon Driver

 1st N.A.S.T.Y  is here in AH .

  Lots of AW people still here .....

    ~Cucas Squad~ CHKRS      AW RR PAC
   SeaSerpents          AW RR PAC

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: KKIAJ on November 09, 2006, 09:01:10 PM
KKIAJ flew with the -=\AOD/=- RR2 AWII, AWIII

Been in and out of AH. But new CH stick on the way so I'm back!!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Malachi on November 13, 2006, 10:58:13 PM
I'm late to the party.  Pass the Geritol!

4999 Genie
vet of DoK scenarios BoB & Munda
lots of $ spent chasing pixels... "con gunship NOE near A6!"

Good to see so many of you who killed/educated me so long ago!  After a long layoff from online sims, I'm back to get skooled.  

Enjoying all the topics and am working on getting my computer ready to go.  Should I wear the bullseye on my noggin or my prettythang?

See you up soon :rolleyes:

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Messiah on November 14, 2006, 02:31:52 AM
666 :eek:  :t
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ReZ on November 17, 2006, 05:12:25 PM
WoW! /S to all the old school AW's pilots. I saw the commercial on TV and man did it remind me of Kesmai. I just posted a question to see if its better or worse. So, is it? LOL. I'm dying to have a sunday night of old where we would grab 40 RCAF and stuff em into some B-17's with a mess of fighter wings, fly for 1hr to get alt then see one of many great squads above us by 10K LOL. I flew under Capt.ReZ for at least  3 years with the RCAF. Been way to long and I really do hope this game is at least as good or better. /S, glad I saw yall on TV LOL.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Bronk on November 17, 2006, 05:46:23 PM
It  is better than AW for sure.

No cramming 10 guys into a b17 though , only get 1 other for a gunner .
But he can fire all guns that can see the target .. ohh and you get a 3 box of b-17s .:D

If you try it you will be addicted.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ReZ on November 17, 2006, 05:50:13 PM
3 box of B-17'z ?  So you fly any or all 3 ?  and can gunner B-17 jump for gunnin ? Sounds fun but I'll miss the other 20 or so people on the bomber chatbox  8)  

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Bronk on November 17, 2006, 05:55:43 PM
You fly all 3. And yes the gunner can jump from gun to gun . Like i said when the gunner pulls the trigger any gun that can see the target fires.
That's from all 3 aircraft.
Ohh and you wont miss the chatter . Between country , 200 , range vox, and squad vox  you will have pleanty to chat with . :D

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: cbizkit on November 17, 2006, 08:57:09 PM
=TT=: Back from the AOL days
tinyt: When we moved to Gamestorm (Didn't play there too long, moved here as soon as the AH1 beta opened)

Seeing a bunch of names up here recently that I recognized from way back.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ReZ on November 19, 2006, 03:30:19 PM
Anyone remember Rich5 ?  Man his name was always at the top of the pro's mouth. He drove many crazy LOL.
Title: <salute!>
Post by: Waxer on November 25, 2006, 09:32:38 PM
-)-Waxer-- 2384
aka El Tio Suave (can't rememember that #)

DOS AW from, not sure, 88 or 89
last played AH in 02 or so

Greetings to everybody - wow, what a collection of old sheepskin-clad pilots you got creaking around here :>

I'd get up, if I could, but not even sure how to reactivate my account or program my old TM Flightstick, or even if it's possible.  Very much enjoyed reading this thread, though...brought back some really great memories.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: PK1Mw on November 26, 2006, 01:46:59 AM
Originally posted by Messiah
666 :eek:  :t

As in ^666^ aka Neo from The Snakes?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on November 26, 2006, 02:58:57 AM
Waxer!  Howdy!

You should get set up and come join the fun. :)
Title: Hiyas
Post by: Waxer on November 27, 2006, 02:37:27 PM
Hiya Brooke!  The spirit is willing, but ya know, the older I get, the more befuddled I appear to become.  Oh for the good old days when tweaking config.sys made one a techno-stud!  Now, I know nothing...I see nothing...

I made a weak attempt to try and figure out how to get my old TM joystick working under XP and am puzzled by what rig I might best replace it with.  Sigh.  I think my brain has slowed down and my patience with technology has vanished.

Now for memory lane:

Brooke was my very patient instructor back in early 89, I think it was, when I eagerly signed up for what I think was the 2nd go-around of AWTA on GEnie.  I still remember my hands shaking and sweating (no exxageration) as he gently flew back and forth in front of me while I made holes in the sky spraying round after round after round uselessly nowhere near his a/c...

I remember vividly flying in the arena for ELEVEN WEEKS before I got my first kill.  4 color, VGA graphics ("distant aircraft display as 'T's") but so heart-pounding.  How'd they do that?
Typical sortie the first 11 weeks: my screen would flash red and I would explode. "Damn!! What the hell happened!?!" Man, I was so hooked...

First squad I joined was the RCAF in Cland (the only non-Canadian allowed). After the squad disbanded, went on tour and even flew in a red dress in Bland for awhile.  (Boy, were those Warhawks organized ).

Sleeping with Velcro Fly at the LA Con got me into the Muskies.  Wait.  Well, it's close enough to the truth.  After that, the sheep at the swearing in cermony were a piece of cake.  

Ah...Shadow Demon...was there when he arrived at the LACon "(12 year old high-pitched-scream) Dad!!!!!!!! BRING THE QUADRA!!!!!!" Boy it was fun to pull his chain...

That VHS video that B-man (and Bushwacker?) made was truly excellent.  Did you ever upload it? I still have mine here somewhere...

Had a great time flying with the Dons as El Tio Suave.  Spellbound (no longer gaming, sadly, lives in San Francisco) aka Jihad was my favorite non-Muskie wingy.  We used to race jeeps at 2 am; taxi buffs to opposing fields (still have a great film of Pyro flying an absolutely perfect high side pass at us...only to auger at 400 yards 'cause he didn't realize we were trundling along wheels down hehe)...I *really* miss all the shenanigans both up and in the O Club...

On the serious side, was proud and honored to XO the Muskies for awhile and lead the 2nd Muskie squad.  Eventually taught in the AWTA and contributed some 2v2 curriculum.  Most goose-bumping moment: when Bob Shaw ("Fighter Combat: Tactics and Maneuvering") offered me a *job* fergawdsakes during a teleconference Q&A. Hadda tell him I wasn't reeeeely a pilot ...

Salutes to OD, DoK, Doc1, Air, (anyone have any contact info for VF?), NB, Moggy!, Brooke, Shaky, QT, Vor, B-man, Stil, Sniv, MLM, Bush, Zazen, HT, Heater, Fencer, DD, GE, GB, HR, Vol, Clay, wow, what a great thread this has been.

Crap.  I do miss it.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SINNER on November 27, 2006, 03:27:42 PM
Originally posted by akurion
Got started in the original AW back on Compuserve in '97.  Founded the Nightmare squadron to help poor B-land stand up to the evil C-landers and their damned sheep.

I think I was 17 at the time.  I'm now a 25 year old Air Force Lieutenant, something I couldn't have imagined back then.

I honestly can't think of anything I'd rather be doing right now, though.  Worked out very well for me.


The "original" air warrior was in 1986. I know everyone hates hearing this AGAIN, but it's my ONLY claim to fame. It was orignally on GEnie only for mac's and later for Amiga's.   And NO, I didn't edit this!

For what it's worth (ducking the flying beer cans) I drew the cockpits for the 38 and the FWA8 for the mac. My handle was tailgunner and my number was 6760

Back then the players had to draw and contribute the cockpits and only your number showed up in flight. 9" black and white with 1200 baud modem. You knew you were behind someone if he looked like this -- and if he turned, he looked like this T.

Okay, I'll shut up now. (picking up the beer bottles to see if they're all empty)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SINNER on November 27, 2006, 03:33:40 PM
By the way, I loved that AW had WWI too. You could b&z in a DVII or turn fight in a Dr 1

When we run out of stuff to add to Aces High, maybe a WW I forum.

I'm thinking as I get older, it might be easier to fight at 50mph...
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SINNER on November 27, 2006, 03:52:14 PM
I can't stand it...

I remember garos flying a B25 in turn fights, basically just turning level and blasting hell out of everyone

I remember Anvil alt monkeying for EVER and just when you thought he was bored with you, BAM!

I remember Doc Gonzo having the decency to teach me something when all I did was up and die (it was vulching but I didn't know that then) (no ack either)

Then all the newcomers started in A land. So ALL the newbs were in A land. I got tired of seeing them die all the time and started JV44 in A. I think it was the first squad in A. Then when they got going and everyone in B and C duly hated me, I defected to C and flew with Zipp. You could hurt you teamate then, and if you shot down your buddy like twice, you were "png'd" "persona non grata". You couldn't fly for a few hours. Zipp and I were always shooting each other's butts off trying to get some guy.

No GV's so people would land bombers and just sit and shoot uppers.

Mountain's were like pyramids, world was really small. 3 colors, no shading etc whatsoever.

And then there's the night we all thought the real Chuck Yeager was online, but NO ONE wants to hear that one...
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 2Slow on November 27, 2006, 04:00:53 PM
AW cpid was 2Slow.  Started in '96 or '97, just as the game was going from AW Dos to AW1.

Stayed with AW until the bloody end.  I will probably stick with AH even though I dislike all the recent changes.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on November 28, 2006, 01:54:19 AM
Alright, more old timers! :)

Waxer, you should definitely stick with it.  You are somewhere in the SF Bay area as I recall, right?  If you happened to be anywhere near me (Seattle area), I'd go over your place and we'd get you set up.

"with Velcro Fly at the LA Con"  -- heh!  I remember that one fondly, including the video (which I do think I still have and want to get digitized soon) and the visit to Planes of Fame in Chino, which was awesome.

I'll let folks know here when I get it digitized and uploaded.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Roadr on January 16, 2007, 06:31:05 PM
I flew air warrior for a LONG TIME.  Damn EA games, it is a shame it couldn't be saved.  I really think its the game that started alot of the WWII era fighter games.  I do miss alot of my ole buddies and squads( Widow Makers as ->JUG) the Knights who say NI!, United Cz Air Force, just to name a few.  BTW, anyone remember me? LOL

Original Air Warrior Pilot
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 68BRAGG on January 16, 2007, 07:01:11 PM
I flew in AW way back when it was free on AOL, flew as "Mclusky" with the wharthogs, then later as BG or Bragg as BRAGMAW, then MOTBG Flew with 40dog for over a year in the MAW allways CZ, both KO and myself left and started the 68th. made the transition to AH and I'm still with the 68th here.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 68ZooM on January 16, 2007, 07:39:41 PM
I flew AW from the time it was $2.99 a hour on AOL all the till EA Sports took it over and killed it off my Squad was the MotleyAces 352nd BG
started as a buck private before it was all over i was **** General and did most of the missions and recruiting and MotKO and MotBG were to notch guys  2 years ago i downloaded AH and to my amazement i ran into 68KO and 68Bragg and they invited me to join them, nothing better then running into old friends
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: -SR- on January 17, 2007, 01:01:18 PM
Flew in AW for a long time as SR71, and -SR- with the Shillelagh clan. I spent way too much time on there. My wife only saw the back of my head and heard my cuss words echoing through out the house when I died a simulated death. Imagine her delight to see I have found Aces High and ordered my USB CH gear. I may not be up as much as I used to , but it does give me my fix for blasting animated airplanes out of the sky.

Ron -SR- Champ  (SRshill2)

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Holmes on January 17, 2007, 09:44:27 PM
 'sup fellas
 whoa... a 'Stag sighting!
 or a flashback I spose...
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SteveBailey on January 17, 2007, 11:28:04 PM
The 68's are the Mot's of old AW?!!!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Booz on January 17, 2007, 11:50:30 PM
Originally posted by Holmes
 'sup fellas
 whoa... a 'Stag sighting!
 or a flashback I spose...

 all AH guys, Holmes is the author of mo 'nannas
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Fencer51 on January 18, 2007, 05:54:07 AM
Originally posted by Holmes
 'sup fellas
 whoa... a 'Stag sighting!
 or a flashback I spose...

Holmes!  Welcome myman!  Shaky is around here somewhere.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: bzek74 on January 18, 2007, 09:23:07 AM
I flew as 91prf in old aw ( aol and gamestorm ). I started as a elite but kinda sorta learned I didnt like bugy so I ended up being one of the cornerstones of sog after slugm twisted my arm.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 68ZooM on January 18, 2007, 01:32:01 PM
Originally posted by SteveBailey
The 68's are the Mot's of old AW?!!!

Steve  no just a few of us were  68KO and 68Bragg  and myself were BUT KO and Bragg started the 68th and i was lucky enough to run into them years later, never felt more honored to fly with old friends again
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 68BRAGG on January 18, 2007, 02:21:27 PM
exacty right ZOOM,
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: GooseAW on January 18, 2007, 05:31:28 PM
ye old MOTXO is a C HAWK in AH..:p  aka MotleyCH.

Sorry Motley! The cats out now!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: frosty on January 18, 2007, 09:47:33 PM
I used to play AOL Air Warrior in the mid 90s.  RR mostly, both Europe and Pacific.  In PAC I was an unapologetically dirty bastard of a Niki BnZer.  Played FR only once in a while...was pretty good with a Yak there.  Good times.

My handle was AceHi (oddly enough) and I was in a pretty crummy but fun squad called Jokers Wild.  I haven't played an online sim since AOL shut that down, aside from a very brief stint in AW2.

I'm pondering about trying Aces High 2.  What's it like compared to AW?  How many people are typically in a busy arena?   Any big furballs?  My fondest memory of AW were the occassional dogfights that were so huge that you spent as much time avoiding friendly fire as enemy.  I was always more interested in fighting the "war" than setting up 1 v 1s.

So what's Aces High like, relatively speaking?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: GooseAW on January 19, 2007, 08:00:38 AM

Try it, you'll like it.

For the most part, it's whatever you want it to be.

There is always a furball somewhere. Always a contingent of losely organized landgrabbers working to win the war. You can even create/find a good 1 v 1 if you work at it.

In prime time (U.S.) there are usually 300+ in each of 2 Late War arenas and less in the early and mid war arenas and the Axis V Allies arena.

Better than AW ever was even though we all miss the ole girl.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on January 20, 2007, 02:39:23 AM
Originally posted by frosty
I used to play AOL Air Warrior in the mid 90s.  

So what's Aces High like, relatively speaking?

Howdy, Frosty!  I played a lot (make that A LOT!) of Air Warrior in the early-mid 90's, too.   Comparatively speaking, Aces High has better and more-realistic flight dynamics and weaponry and much-more-realistic gunnery.  For me, upon starting in Aces High, getting my flying skills back was pretty quick, but getting my gunnery skills back took a while.

As Goose says, game play covers the whole range -- you can find what you like.  If you want large furballs, then the most-populated late-war arena is where you should go, and just gravitate to wherever the map shows the most participation.

The community is bigger than Air Warrior was.  So, it is less unified in its mind set than was Air Warrior.  However, it has many groups within it that have Air Warrior-level comraderie and enthusiasm.  There are a great many former Air Warriors who now fly in Aces High, even Air Warriors from way, way back.

Aces High is wonderful, and I think you'd love it.  If you want a place that is the closest to what Air Warrior was like but with many, many technical improvements and with a much larger user base, Aces High is it.
Title: AW
Post by: davpol on January 20, 2007, 01:22:51 PM
Used to play was known as bigcrock. Took alot of crap over the name although ther was alterior motive in the name. Can't remember the squadron i was part of. That's how I found this play though. Was looking for soemthing like that when i found Aces. Just installed but can't view clipboard - hope soemone can help.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on January 20, 2007, 10:47:33 PM
Originally posted by Holmes
 'sup fellas
 whoa... a 'Stag sighting!
 or a flashback I spose...

HOMEY! DAMN MAN! How the hell are ya?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on January 20, 2007, 10:50:07 PM
Originally posted by Booz
all AH guys, Holmes is the author of mo 'nannas

Feh! No one reads the classics no more Boozer.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Bopboys coo on January 21, 2007, 12:28:12 AM
My dad flew in Airwarrior His name is PT then now is PTBOPS
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Holmes on January 21, 2007, 10:13:18 PM
Originally posted by Shaky
HOMEY! DAMN MAN! How the hell are ya?

 Hey... cheers Fencer, Shaky... doin' well... busy. Changed jobs a couple times, bought a place out here on LI back in '01. Pretty much lost touch with all the old gang. I checked in over on Big Week a couple times over the past couple years, saw Moggy and GB, some of the CAF guys there...
 If you want to bring back some ol' AW memories check out - it has scores from 3/88 thru 12/94. Pretty cool to just scroll through and remember all of the old names. Found my first appearance in Camp 72 (Mar. '92) and the Hams first showing in Camp 74 (it'll be 15 years this May 5th).
 I picked up a new ride recently, Pentium D, 20in widescreen monitor, and grabbed a Saitek X52 setup. It's ok, I always been a CH type guy but it'll do for the price. Been tooling around a bit offline, got a bit of the old scenario jones... waxing nostalgic over them splendid DoK h8fests.
 Saw GE checkin in uptopic... hey GE, how's these AH dweebs... are they good at flight sims?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: frosty on January 21, 2007, 11:15:22 PM
Well, I'm on now.  I'm the sad SOB with the handle "Outback" who can fly ok but can't shoot worth a lick.  If you see me on your six, ignore me, I'll miss my shot by 50 yards and blast by you at twice your speed.  Feel free to shoot me on the way by.  

I was quickly hooked when I found myself nursing a P-51 with half of a wing shot off back to base (I crashed on approach).  Very cool.

One thing I feel I have to point out: this game was HARD to find.  Seriously, I googled "online ww2 flight sim" and this site comes up nowhere close to the top (the game title shows up along with some others, but not very noticable).  (see link)

I think HiTech Creations needs to work a bit on the search engine ranks and maybe a little marketing...maybe an ad on or something.  For all I knew, all the WW2 sims had been shut down until I stumbled upon this through...guess Air Warrior related search I made on a whim.  

This game rocks hard.  C'mon, HiTech, get a bit of word out.  MMOG's are huge now, capitalize on it!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: PK1Mw on January 22, 2007, 12:11:15 AM
lol Roadr.. JUG.. Roper.. whatever you want to be called ya dweeb. :)

Long time no see, where you been?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on January 22, 2007, 02:52:37 PM
Originally posted by Holmes

 I picked up a new ride recently, Pentium D, 20in widescreen monitor, and grabbed a Saitek X52 setup. It's ok, I always been a CH type guy but it'll do for the price. Been tooling around a bit offline, got a bit of the old scenario jones... waxing nostalgic over them splendid DoK h8fests.

Homey...ifluff'n ya can stand to fly with Fencer again :D him, Brooke, Boozer, myself and a buncha others are in the 4th FG flying for are more than welcome to wing with us anytime. We do mauinly Thurs and Sun nights. I'm newly active again after a long break, so's Fencer or Boozer would be best to check in with.

Hope to see ya up there!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: FLS on January 22, 2007, 04:02:41 PM
Originally posted by Booz
all AH guys, Holmes is the author of mo 'nannas

Did someone mention 'nannas?

Mo' Nanas!

Air Warrior is like the Empire State Building. And Air Warriors are like monkeys.

When you first start you're a little, organ-grinder size monkey standing on the street outside. Looking up you see a building swarming with hostile monkeys of all different shapes and sizes. Monkeys are born to climb, ant there ain't no Fay Wrays standing on the street, so instinct takes over and soon you're jousting for a handhold and making yer way up the wall.

Some are Fast Monkeys. A bit of natural ability combined with an in depth knowledge of climbing. They become familiar with the cracks and crevices of the particular building and begin to apply their knowledge within those parameters. Soon they are climbing, dodging, or scramblin right over some of the bigger monkeys and snatchin bananas from the slower ones, growing bigger.

Others are Scrappy Monkeys. These monkeys spend extra time practicing. They ask lots of questions and live for the chance to go toe to toe with the bigger monkeys. They punch, kick, bite, claw, and spit at the monkeys above them. Scarred, bloody, and with big ol' chunks of fur ripped out they monkey butts they keep hammerin. Occasionally they land a good blow, right in the monkey 'nards, and topple a bigger monkey.

This inspires them to fight even harder. Soon they learn where to hit and when to duck. They begin to take their share of bananas.

Then there's the Hungry Monkeys. "Mo 'nanas!, mo 'nanas!" they chant as they cling to the wall from 6:01 pm 'til 7:59 am. Calculating that mo'nanas go to the monkey with mo hangtime they know that if they hang long enough they will get mo than their share of the 'nanas. Of course they need deep pockets to sustain this frenzy, can't eat all them 'nanas at once, and are prone to the dreaded "Banana Split". They must be very careful, lest they wind up another furry puddle of monkey guts in some alley off 34th street.

Also ya got yer Techno Monkeys. Bumpy FrankenSchwanz in each paw, electrode catheters up their tail, anti-lock stainless steel vine swingers attached to their feet, gold plated groin clamps feeding
g-inducing jugular valves hooked into the fastest system available, with the biggest monitor, tuned to peak performance and cranking out through a megagigawatt, 3D, multi-usual Krakatoa Banana Blaster, these monkeys spend alot of time diddlin with their gadgets and tweaking their way up the wall.

And, we got MacGyver Monkeys. Riding systems that time forgot with nothing more than a handful of Froot Loops and a pile of bat guano they use every trick in the book, and plenty that ain't, to squirm their way heavenward. Always heavy, uncovering obscure and hidden bananas, they
invent their way along using every micro-ounce of every banana that they manage to ensnare, even to the point of using the peels for clothing and shelter.

Advancing their altitudinous aspirations, AW Monkeys invariably encounter the various denizens of the virtual Jungle.  Most encounter the Hurler Monkey first. Kinda like chimps, these sociable chaps gather in large communal halls, spending their time practicing monkey yells and poking each other in the navel. Once in awhile they venture out for a climb but are much happier chillin with
heir mates on the middle floors, flingin monkey turds and grinnin at all
that pass by.

Out on the wall a common first encounter is with a Sumo Monkey. these are the veteran Hungry Monkeys. They'd've been there twice, done that backwards. All the nonessential flotsam has been skimmed and the essence of the climb congealed to a Zen like "See monkey, knock monkey down"
philosophy. When ya hear "Monkey X took my 'nana 16 times in a row one day", Monkey X is most likely a Sumo.

No avoiding it, eventually every climber crosses ledges with Tribal Monkeys. wearing the skins of dead monkeys, gathering in private branches painted in various warlike colors, they belch, fart, thump 'n headbutt their way around looking for others to belch, fart, thump 'n headbutt with. An astute climber can get a good belly full a slightly bruised 'nanas by finding an area where 2 or more groups of tribal monkeys have been thump 'n headbuttin.

Look way up there, see that fuzzy li'l dot? That there's a Vulcher Monkey. High above the crowd, with a 10K alt advantage on next week, they float. Looking for the unsuspecting or hurtin climber, sporting k/ds over 8000 and k/ss around .0125, their motto is - "where there's smoke... we fire! (but only after the monkey that caused the smoke has been kilt first".

Legend has it that in the penthouses are the Wrinkled Monkeys. Rarely climbing, (hey yer in the penthouse, why climb more?) they only venture out under dark glasses. They have the rare and exotic 'nanas. Highly sought but useless to but a few climbers that are twisted enough to understand their full meaning, the Wrinks are content to live on past glory. They enjoy tossing an occasional 'nana out the window just to see how many climbers fall off trying to grab it.

AND, of course, The Kong Monkeys. At the peak of prosperity, clinging to the radio tower, chest pounding, Fay grabbin, teeth gnashing, flicking planes away as though they were insects, we find the Kongs. Keelin, scorin, the anchors of their respective tribal units, when a climber see a Kong Monkey on the wall he heads for another country. Whole tribal units have been de-'nana-ed by single Kong Monkeys. Just when Joe Avg Monkey thinks he's seen everything, along comes a Kong Monkey and gives that girl a twirl and makes her whole wurl swirl. Clashes between Kongs can sometimes alter the entire shape of the wall, cause the climb to take a whole nuther direction, provide lotsa ammo for the Hurlers...

Leona and Harry Kesmai proudly announce the opening of the New Real Building at 870;2 Arena 4.

The 'Nanas are fresher and sweeter and as of now there aren't many Kongs to keep you from those Hooter laden Fays.

Fast Monkeys can get a preview of every nook and cranny. Scrappy Monkeys can test there mettle on a bigger, steeper wall. Hungry Monkeys? Mo 'nanas, nuf said. Hey Techno Monkeys git out your tweakers, plenty mo stuff to calculate. The MacGyver's been over there already, gatherin
trinkets. Tis a regular simian shower over 870 as monkeys of all sizes leap off and make their way cross-town.


Ho-Thar of Atlantis
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on January 22, 2007, 07:25:47 PM
Excellent!  Thanks for posting that!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Magellan on January 22, 2007, 11:13:01 PM
Originally posted by Holmes snip
If you want to bring back some ol' AW memories check out - it has scores from 3/88 thru 12/94. Pretty cool to just scroll through and remember all of the old names. Found my first appearance in Camp 72 (Mar. '92) and the Hams first showing in Camp 74 (it'll be 15 years this May 5th).

Thanks for posting the link. Some of those will replace stuff on a drive that's T/U. I was a late-bloomer with a first appearance in Camp 110, June 3 - June 24, 1994.

waxing nostalgic over them splendid DoK h8fests.

Hate is good.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HGKC on January 22, 2007, 11:19:24 PM
The Hired Guns are from AW.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Razbre on January 23, 2007, 08:05:43 AM
Wow....had a guy mention to me about AH and thought I'd check out the web site. Been reading here for a while, and a lot of names ring a bell from AW days, Cookie, Hi-Tech, Acid , Dok, Blue Baron, Grey Wolf, the list can go on and on so figured I'd register and say hello.
Flew an Amiga 500, B-land, 334 GF's for quite a while.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Fencer51 on January 23, 2007, 10:52:05 AM
Originally posted by Shaky
Homey...ifluff'n ya can stand to fly with Fencer again :D him, Brooke, Boozer, myself and a buncha others are in the 4th FG flying for are more than welcome to wing with us anytime. We do mauinly Thurs and Sun nights. I'm newly active again after a long break, so's Fencer or Boozer would be best to check in with.

Hope to see ya up there!

Holmes you are more than welcome to come fly with us, however be warned you will not fly long with Shaky as he has ground interruption issues.  "Augered Again" should be his new handle.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on January 24, 2007, 02:14:34 PM
LOL...I just get too eager when I'm goin after em. Dive down, fire, pull...pull...PULLLLLLLLLL! (picks dirt outta teeth).

"OK, up again 51 heavy" :D
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: GooseAW on January 24, 2007, 05:52:21 PM
Originally posted by HGKC
The Hired Guns are from AW.


I think Riche flies with you guys in FA. He's a C HAWK from way back!

Are you guys in AH now?
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: BaldEagl on January 24, 2007, 06:55:04 PM
I used to be ^Crsh, CO of the Red Barons of AZ starting in '96.  I could be wrong but we were at least among if not the first mega-squad with almost 60 players in 3 wings (squads); 2 fighter, 1 bomber.

That's why I've been a loner here until recently :)

We lost almost half the squad when AOL dropped AW then lost more on the transition to AWIII and finally disbanded when AWIII went away at which point we were down to only 10-15 members.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: truck5co on January 24, 2007, 06:57:38 PM
I did the AW thing back on AOl and even later. Was ESU then as I am ESU now also. Flew with AZ, a squad called Confederate Knights. Our macro, remember them?, was "you've been cuffed and stuffed by a Knight", after every kill. We were all LEO's (law enforcement officers) from around the country,
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: T0J0 on January 24, 2007, 07:39:34 PM
Originally posted by Messiah
666 :eek:  :t

That cpid brings back memories!!  

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rash on January 25, 2007, 10:38:17 AM
Originally posted by T0J0
That cpid brings back memories!!  


We use to be in the DFA together.  I sure had a lot fun flying around with him.  :aok
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: -CodyC on January 26, 2007, 04:22:34 PM
Well i got bored in between classes and started searching for old air warrior websites and this popped up.  I played AW3 when it was on gamestorm and for a short time while it was EA, between 1998 and 2001.  I went by -Cody and spent most of my time with the {WildCards}.  A lot of good memories that i miss flying Bz in FR Pac.  Those were some fun times, anyway, thought i would add my name to this growing list of old timers, there are a few names in this post that i recognize, but it has been a while.


P.S.  I wonder if anyone out there remembers a small game called Flying Circus that was around from i think 1996 to 1999 maybe longer.  Anyway, that's where i got my start in flight simulators before moving to AW3.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: BadJasper on February 28, 2007, 09:15:41 AM
Got my start in the AOHell days in 96. Went by Legend and CO'd the 126th Avengers. I was on AHII a little a couple years ago but had to take a break due to time issues and now I'm back. My new handle is BadJasper and ingame it's bdjasper. If you want an easy kill, look me up!:D
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SteveBailey on February 28, 2007, 05:17:26 PM
If you want to bring back some ol' AW memories check out - it has scores from 3/88 thru 12/94. Pretty cool to just scroll through and remember all of the old names. Found my first appearance in Camp 72 (Mar. '92) and the Hams first showing in Camp 74 (it'll be 15 years this May 5th).

I'd like to look at these out of curiosity but when I do not know what application to run them in.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: BadJasper on March 01, 2007, 03:07:24 PM
Open the zip file then open the file in the zip file. It will ask what program you want to use to view it. Just select notepad.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SkyJ on March 04, 2007, 04:36:48 PM
Dont know if this thread is still alive, but after doing a search for my my long lost game  I stumble on this site. I have read over many posts and it has brought back a flood of memories. The names and squads I see seem like it was just yesterday we were closin bases and vulchin newbies. If you couldnt figure out  Im Skyj from mainly AW1 and a little on AW3. Those days are missed badly. It would be nice if someone could host this game or do network gaming with AW2 (which I still have)  If anyone interested or even remember me email me or pm me.
      Waitin to fly
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shane on March 04, 2007, 07:42:45 PM
Dude, this is like, ....2007... perhaps an upgrade is in order?

Title: Three or Four OL Onz still around!
Post by: OLtos on March 08, 2007, 03:28:16 PM
Title: Re: AW O'l Fart
Post by: Anco on March 09, 2007, 08:17:07 AM
Originally posted by te1qut


Im trying to restart Old AW Squad "1stN.A.S.T.Y."
Now flyn in Knight Land, mid war,may go back to late war.
I fly most nights.

1stN.A.S.T.Y. CO ADM Wezy -Strike- And Still Goon Driver

Howdy Wezy, long time no see.
I stumbled across this thread via Google searching for a download of AW III MV or AW3D,
because i found a complete CD with all the cam-files i made in AW from ´97 to  2000 when i left the show after EA took over.
Maybe i find the AW3-CD from the AW-Euro-Con 2000 in Birmingham.

I am not active yet but considering. The scenarios could be the honey pot .
How i enjoyed them.... :-)
With some of the guys i met there, i still have contact. One of them became witness of my marriage.

CU and


CPID: Anco in AWII on AOL and AW3 on Gamestorm.
Participant on nearly every scenario since RR Leyte gulf in october 1998 to Battle for the Niemen in 2000.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Saavik24 on March 09, 2007, 12:01:29 PM
Hey Guys
 Its been years since I have flown, sure missed the AW. I finally signed up here. I will give it a try

It has been so long I can't remember my squad ...(age is showing) I have always played as Saavik or Saavik24 If any of you remember me please let me know.

 Well need to get back and learn how to fly again, I practiced dieing yesterday.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: BadJasper on March 09, 2007, 01:20:26 PM
Yup, dieing is the easy part :D
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 68ROX on March 09, 2007, 05:01:26 PM
Originally posted by Clip121
Gawd I remember Rice1!!!  Irritating doesn't describe him well enough, he took it to a whole new level.


I decided one week back then to make him my personal project...all that trash talking ( we didn't have "pwn'ers" back then).  We had never personally fought it out, but I had given him some chinwag just due to all the talk...I REALLY sucked back then, and figured I'd just rile him up so the other, better squaddies could flame 'em.

So I started to up a pony and look for HIS pony in the left side of the map corridor where our bombers would up and grab alt to hit his strats to hunt him.  He was NEVER where he SAID he was on the map, so many sorties went uneventful as the talk continued.

I eventually went back to my 190 and finally caught him over one our center bases trying to vulch landing bombers.  He had lost all his E by then and I was able to do a simple BnZ run and chewed him up buy sheer luck.

I never heard trash talk come my way from him after that.  Unless he reads this board, he'll never know it was a lucky shot.

BTW: Lanny and his "poetry" were one of my favorites.

Bronk, Deth7, TARU, Duke, Tekko, 1ijack, BBob, Cajn, ELWD, BLUbrd, Panman, and CANS were all respected sticks in my book back then.  

In those days, I was ROX.

Title: Confederate Knights starting to fly AH
Post by: aenigma on March 20, 2007, 12:37:23 PM

Yes, Some of of the Confederate Knights are flying and like some teams, we have stayed together since AW was shut down. we for the most part have kept our Names from AW days but couple of us like myself had to change to something new.

I used to =M= but now I am "aenigma" in AH. Worro, our C.O. kept his name so give him a shout when you see him or any one of us.


Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Dr.KL on March 20, 2007, 03:14:58 PM
Nice to recognize some old names.  I flew AW from October of '96 on AOL until the end.  Trying to re-learn the flying thing and get good in AH, loving it though.
Title: Re: Re: AW O'l Fart
Post by: Brooke on March 21, 2007, 01:04:02 AM
Originally posted by Anco
Howdy Wezy, long time no see.
I stumbled across this thread via Google searching for a download of AW III MV or AW3D,
because i found a complete CD with all the cam-files i made in AW from ´97 to  2000 when i left the show after EA took over.
Maybe i find the AW3-CD from the AW-Euro-Con 2000 in Birmingham.

I am not active yet but considering. The scenarios could be the honey pot .
How i enjoyed them.... :-)
With some of the guys i met there, i still have contact. One of them became witness of my marriage.

Anco, I can tell you how to get AW III ME via ftp.  I'll send the login information to you via private message on this message board.  Actually -- I just checked, and you don't allow private messages or e-mail.  So, if you let me know how to contact you, I can tell you.

As for scenarios, they are alive and well here in Aces High.  We've had some awesome ones.  If you are interested in what they are like, I have pictorials and other info here:

Welcome to AH!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: CAP1 on March 21, 2007, 07:42:27 PM
yes, flew relaxed realism in AW3 as FGHT6....didn't have a squad, but flew with rocky, and teufle,  and also against them.....
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: MarAr on March 31, 2007, 04:22:12 AM
Well I happened to Google back on to this thread after a couple years and figured I would see who is still all around. I flew by the name MarAr from AOL all the way into AH. I will have to say that the people I flew with and against are some of the best ones out there...even today.

< S >  to all who are left and cheers to all who have moved on.

I keep trillian running with msn,aim, and yahoo screen names. If you would like to get in touch just pm me on these forums and I will add you.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 1Way> on March 31, 2007, 07:11:23 AM
Originally posted by BaldEagl
I used to be ^Crsh, CO of the Red Barons of AZ starting in '96.  I could be wrong but we were at least among if not the first mega-squad with almost 60 players in 3 wings (squads); 2 fighter, 1 bomber.

That's why I've been a loner here until recently :)

We lost almost half the squad when AOL dropped AW then lost more on the transition to AWIII and finally disbanded when AWIII went away at which point we were down to only 10-15 members.

Crush....its been a while buddy, hasn't it?

Damn I miss flying tail G for BNZ...those were the days...

What happened to RDog?

I ended up flying with Manx as his right hand after my stint with the RB's, which of course made me a traitor cuz I had to join the evil B's

I haven't flow since the AW days and have sought to try and re-capture some of that magic from time to time and as of late decided to try out AH2...

I just loaded it up on a new rig I built and man o man am I rusty...

If you want to put something together I will be more than happy to join you.

Lets fly some bomber missions...I love gunning on bombers as well as flying spits and 'stangs...

Great to see somebody here from one of my old squads...

Semper Fi ~ Never Forget

Scott W
aka: 1Way>

KILL!!!!: 1Way> TicKet Courtesy of the Red Barons

Red Barons C.O. ^Crsh
327'th Lynx Figher Squadron, C.O. Manx
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: BaldEagl on March 31, 2007, 10:35:19 AM
Originally posted by 1Way>
Crush....its been a while buddy, hasn't it?

Damn I miss flying tail G for BNZ...those were the days...

What happened to RDog?

I ended up flying with Manx as his right hand after my stint with the RB's, which of course made me a traitor cuz I had to join the evil B's

I haven't flow since the AW days and have sought to try and re-capture some of that magic from time to time and as of late decided to try out AH2...

I just loaded it up on a new rig I built and man o man am I rusty...

If you want to put something together I will be more than happy to join you.

Lets fly some bomber missions...I love gunning on bombers as well as flying spits and 'stangs...

Great to see somebody here from one of my old squads...

Semper Fi ~ Never Forget

Scott W
aka: 1Way>

KILL!!!!: 1Way> TicKet Courtesy of the Red Barons

Red Barons C.O. ^Crsh
327'th Lynx Figher Squadron, C.O. Manx

1Way>,  Check your PM.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: doc1kelley on April 01, 2007, 06:06:20 PM
Originally posted by 1Way>
Crush....its been a while buddy, hasn't it?

Damn I miss flying tail G for BNZ...those were the days...

What happened to RDog?

I ended up flying with Manx as his right hand after my stint with the RB's, which of course made me a traitor cuz I had to join the evil B's

I haven't flow since the AW days and have sought to try and re-capture some of that magic from time to time and as of late decided to try out AH2...

I just loaded it up on a new rig I built and man o man am I rusty...

If you want to put something together I will be more than happy to join you.

Lets fly some bomber missions...I love gunning on bombers as well as flying spits and 'stangs...

Great to see somebody here from one of my old squads...

Semper Fi ~ Never Forget

Scott W
aka: 1Way>

KILL!!!!: 1Way> TicKet Courtesy of the Red Barons

Red Barons C.O. ^Crsh
327'th Lynx Figher Squadron, C.O. Manx

OMG ^1Way & ^Crsh.  Long long time guys!  Whatever happened to ^Morg?  Back in 96 I was in "The Intruders" and we would constantly tangle back and forth to strat targets with the Barons.  I remember when Heat and Scree would bust their tails each campaign for top buffer.  Man those were the days or nights with 10 or so drunks in 17's.

All the Best...

Just Doc1 back in AW.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: BaldEagl on April 02, 2007, 12:20:50 AM
Originally posted by doc1kelley
OMG ^1Way & ^Crsh.  Long long time guys!  Whatever happened to ^Morg?  Back in 96 I was in "The Intruders" and we would constantly tangle back and forth to strat targets with the Barons.  I remember when Heat and Scree would bust their tails each campaign for top buffer.  Man those were the days or nights with 10 or so drunks in 17's.

All the Best...

Just Doc1 back in AW.

Like I said, I didn't think I'd ever hear from any of the old squad.  I don't know what happened to any of them.  It would be fun to run into ^Lion, ^Eagl76, ^Peye and many of the others.  What ever happened to TCat9?  He was one of my favorite opponents :)  Man, those were the days.

After reading 1Way's post I was thinking about the missions we used to plan.  We'd send buffs off in every direction to take out all the strat targets in a country so when we flattened the field we were going for it would stay down for a while.  Meanwhile we had fighters flying off to every surrounding field pinning down the enemy plus flying escort with our buffs.  Of course, that was before you could actually capture fields.  You just don't see missions like that anymore but with almost 60 Red Barons we had the numbers to run those sorts of missions.  I used to spend a week planning those lol.

Great to hear from both of you.  Brings back good memories :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: -CodyC on April 02, 2007, 09:43:40 AM
Don't know how many of you were into the scenarios that went on in AW3, but does anyone remember Operation Longbow?

I used to have a ton of pictures from it but over time i have lost them.  

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grayeagle on April 03, 2007, 12:31:02 AM
yassir Ho ... the level of competition in the Arena's is everything AW was :)

Ground war is fun ..taken a lot further than anything AW ever had ;)

Flight dynamics are comin into line with the old AW 'feel' .. not nearly as bouncy as the early days here and in WB .. trim is still required to shoot straight, and there are stick stirrers who will point the nose of the plane up to 60 degrees off flight path to blast yas in a pray and spray move.

Kinda funny that a lot push for the head on . . or think BnZ is run 2 sectors then come back .. -evil grin- .. can grab nana's purty easy sometimes :)

Then again .. lotta great fights ..real 'white knuckle' into the tree tops action from 30k an such.

The Scenarios rock .. much more realistic IMHO than AW due to all the toys the designer can play with.

I haven't been on in awhile .. cancelled my acct an such .. gettin into spendin my time at the race track, or cruisin, or plannin what mayhem to commit on the Vette next . . I am captured by the black bullet.. its an excellent automobile ;)

-GE (1998 Z-51 Coupe, 3.15 gears, black-on-black, just a gas to drive)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on April 03, 2007, 12:56:01 AM
Originally posted by -CodyC
Don't know how many of you were into the scenarios that went on in AW3, but does anyone remember Operation Longbow?

I used to have a ton of pictures from it but over time i have lost them.  


Hello, Cody!  Ah, Longbow. :)  You might want to take a look at:

You might appear in some of the screen shots in the pictorials -- lots of pics there.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: -CodyC on April 03, 2007, 11:49:58 AM
Thank you brooke for posting that, brings back a lot of memories.  I recognized a lot of names in there and am willing to bet that i flew past you a few times.  I can remember mostly about flying a P51 during a couple of frames of Part 3, was very exciting and very long flights.  Anyway, thanks for the pics.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: =shak on July 31, 2007, 05:23:44 PM
wow, just happened across this thread while thinking about the old AOL AW days. Good to see so many familiar faces here. The first squad I flew with was =Serial Killaz=, transitioning through the Starknights, co-founding the 51st Krewsaderz, (a few more squads in here i can't remember) and ending up with the SOG in MV.

Keep em flying
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Hunter51 on August 15, 2007, 11:00:51 AM
Yep, I flew in the old Air warrior, Callsign then and now Hunter51. Started out out back when it was on Prodigy. Was offline for about 3 years. ust started back.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: StuB on August 15, 2007, 04:08:27 PM
Cool thread.  

I started with AW SVGA on GEniE, CRIS and Delphi (always looking for the best deal  :)  $6.00/per hour???  hell yeah, sign me up! ) And then moved to AOL and Gamestorm.  

GE (Grey Eagle) got me hooked up with The Damned in '96 and I flew with them there until the bitter end in 2001.  It wasn't too traumatic since I'd been flying AH since beta, but still sad and I lost some of my "zeal" for flight simming as a result.

AH is what I'd always hoped AW would be.  I love it.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Murdr on August 15, 2007, 04:59:07 PM
Originally posted by BaldEagl
What ever happened to TCat9?  

He's in my squad.  He still flies AH, though his work has been keeping him busy, and he usually only flies 3-15 hours per month.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: PK1Mw on August 15, 2007, 05:06:33 PM
Originally posted by =shak
wow, just happened across this thread while thinking about the old AOL AW days. Good to see so many familiar faces here. The first squad I flew with was =Serial Killaz=, transitioning through the Starknights, co-founding the 51st Krewsaderz, (a few more squads in here i can't remember) and ending up with the SOG in MV.

Keep em flying

hehe Hiya shak, not to correct you about your own squad, but it was 81st there bud :)

Wasn't Aimer the other co-founder? Don't remember who it was, almost positive it was Aimer. They're still around too.. lot of new faces since AW, but they're here just the same.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ss396 on August 15, 2007, 08:37:19 PM
I was ss396 on AOL and GS..RRE2, usually a CZ, sometimes a Bz..i remember Manx, Loumn, SKT, Gunr, Shep, Meak,  and some others..flying as 396ss on AH now.
Last squad I was in was the 86th Eliminators, i think Vet was the leader.

Amazing how time "flies"
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: =shak on August 16, 2007, 09:17:26 AM
Originally posted by PK1Mw
hehe Hiya shak, not to correct you about your own squad, but it was 81st there bud :)

Wasn't Aimer the other co-founder? Don't remember who it was, almost positive it was Aimer. They're still around too.. lot of new faces since AW, but they're here just the same.

Nah thats ok. Goes to show you how long its been since I've played. I should have remembered that it was the 81st. Yeah, Aimer was the other co-founder. We both started the 81st after leaving the Starknights.

Mostly these days I'm hanging around the Ubizoo playing IL2, but maybe I'll see you guys in the sky soon enough. Im getting that hankering again.

Is that clown DOODY still flying?
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: trwagner1 on August 16, 2007, 10:54:48 AM
Count me in on this one.  I played and then didn't for several years.  When I found AH I didn't know the background...

One of the coolest features of AW and then AH is the ability to start engines independently...I've always loved that.

I will say that tail gunning in AW was a lot easier than in AH.  ;)

Originally posted by ->OD
Hey, I was curious if anyone here is an old hand from the AirWarrior-AirWarrior 3D days? I was hoping someone with a sense of nostalgia would revive AW3 some day, but I don't think it will happen. I would like to get in touch with some people from the old days if there are any in here and possibly start flying again. So if you used to play AW3 please reply and let me know your old AW cpid and squadron.

"WidowMakers Squadron"
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: PK1Mw on August 16, 2007, 11:12:53 AM
DOODY been MIA for quite some time now. He's been back, and prolly is back now, and people just don't know it.

I took over -=Most Wanted=- 3 years ago, and kept it going ever since.

You should definitely come to AH, you'd be surprised at all the people here. Just a portion of the people who actually flies AH2, actually comes to the boards, and an even smaller number of people from AW comes here. I don't know if you've been there yet or not, but go to Murdr and FedEx doing a great job keepin some of the AW community together over there on those forums.
Title: My AW Experience
Post by: shamroc on August 16, 2007, 11:09:23 PM
I flew as "shamrock," under various PID's (only one I remember for sure is #1017) starting way back in 1993.

Before discovering Air Warrior (1.13 DOS I think), I thought I was the baddest stick around because I had mastered Aces over The Pacific and Falcon3.0 offline (complete dweeb).  Boy was I in for a rude awakening...

First played AW in University against locals on modem, then figured out how to use IHHD with my shell account (thank you, Redbeard - that piece of software is totally forgotten, but let me tell you, it's one of the most wonderful hacks in gaming history, and for any of you out there that don't know what it was, hang your heads in shame :-))

Using IHHD, I joined the Air Warrior Internet Dueling Ladder and got to go against many legends from the old days (Gary Church, Moggy, Redbeard, Rocketman etc. etc.) and got my bellybutton royally handed to me - but I persevered and eventually got the #5 spot.

Eventually, I joined the legendary AW OZhost - flew there for "free" (minus the long distance charge from Canada to Australia), then finally earned enough cash to have a Concentric/Genie/AOL account (can't remember the order, but I remember paying between $2 and $6/hour).

In those days, I remember sitting down for 12 hours at a time to play - it was total addiction.

Always flew A Land - had sympathy for C land (despite their Sheep Shagging Ways) and always hated B Land with a passion (they were the best sticks, so I wanted to fight them to learn)

Flew with the 613 aka 417 squadron of old, then when 1995 rolled around, I quit it all to beta test a new exciting game called Confirmed Kill - which became the pay-for-play game known as Warbirds (father of Aces High).  Flew Warbirds as "sham, -sham-, --is--, --is and even is--" (so far as I remember).  Flew purple for the most part - gold, for a few months.

Quit around 1999 and played AH1 for a little bit - then quit that and came back to AH2 about 3 years ago - been flying ever since as "sham", RTshamrk, BGshamrk, punchy, mafiosi and finally shamroc.

The old DOS Airwarrior was an incredible experience - today, a full 14 years later, I can say with confidence that I'm an ok stick - and that just about everything I learned, I learned in Air Warrior - from getting my butt handed to me regularly by guys like Rocketman (master, and possible originator of the Rope-A-Dope technique that he did so well in his "barge" (aka P-38)).

Yeah I got better and smoother as time went on - but I think I learned "all the moves" I know today playing Air Warrior and reading Shaw.

Amazing how every single AW player knew about the Shaw book (bible of air combat), and today, very few AH players know what it is...

All Airwarrior pilots were good sticks.  Why ?  Well, the graphics SUCKED - so the actual combat largely took place in your imagination (only someone who flew in that era can understand that statement).  

See: (made this video for you newbs out there)

If you were not a deep thinker (with deep pockets!), Air Warrior was not the game for you.

The camaraderie of Air Warrior was incredible... I guess it had to do with the fact that the Internet was so new... and everyone was innocent - it was a small world - nobody feared putting out personal info or anything...  I remember when I was in the 417 squadron, we had a meet and greet, and people flew in from all over Canada (coast to coast) to attend - you'd NEVER see that today - back then, it was like we were all hackers or something - messing around with something that the average person didn't understand.

So to all the oldtime Airwarrior Vets - a BIG BIG BIG to you all !!!!!!

We made history, brothers !

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: CAP1 on August 16, 2007, 11:41:03 PM
Originally posted by ->OD
Hey, I was curious if anyone here is an old hand from the AirWarrior-AirWarrior 3D days? I was hoping someone with a sense of nostalgia would revive AW3 some day, but I don't think it will happen. I would like to get in touch with some people from the old days if there are any in here and possibly start flying again. So if you used to play AW3 please reply and let me know your old AW cpid and squadron.

"WidowMakers Squadron"

howdy AW3, i was FGHT6, but i flew mostly in the RR europen arenas,,,,,and in here, i'm paying for it as i'm completly re-learnign how to fly cartoon airplanes,,,,''

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Raven3353 on August 22, 2007, 02:01:40 PM
Wow...this whole thread makes me feel ancient as most of you puppies talk about "way back on AOL in 96". I was GEnie late 93 and went by Rave 3353. I don't see any of my old ::IAF:: crew or other friends around anymore - Tomcat 4717, Hidalgo 4219, Propwash 6008, Slayer 2917, Ramdog 2268, Hebee 3424, IconoClast 937...forget it, here's a list back when IAF, JG54 and BS ruled the Az, Bz, and Cz...

When a game stays with this many people for this long a timeframe, then something was truly special about it - besides being the first.


CAMPAIGN 102 - December 10, 1993 - January 7, 1994

Arena 1 Individual Scores:

Fighter Scores as of Fri Jan  7 14:35:55 1994
Rank   Score  Country  Ship  Handle                  Mail
   1   601745    B     4233 Greycap      JG 54       R.STATHAM
   2   578797    A     6540 ^ZYfly^ -AW-             R.FULTON2
   3   489117    A     3988 Splash ::IAF::           M.MCGOWEN
   4   478008    B     3488 Phantom      JG 54       G.SMITH14
   5   402224    C      565 Tarkus SL/FL-I **BS**    M.SPENCER3
   6   359863    A     4717 TOMCAT ::IAF::           T.BIFULCO
   7   359835    A     3822 +-}--Hell-----*XO*       S.SARKISIAN1
   8   350662    B     3422 Doom         JG 54       M.HOBUSS
   9   305829    A      937 IconoClast               S.FORBEN
  10   272530    C     4989 ToMMnatr>FUBAR XO<       T.CHRISTIE1
  11   227445    B     5769 Shark        JG 54       L.RABURN
  12   214049    C     4419 Rasta CO Black Sheep     C.MENDOZA
  13   207039    A     3353 Rave       ::IAF::       R.DURHAM
  14   203708    B     4276 COLORADO     JG 54       D.WILLIAMS4
  15   201549    A     4219 Hidalgo ::IAF::          R.CAVOLA
  16   185342    B     3683 Proteous     JG 54       D.VANDERWAL1
  17   179743    B     5826 Joker -UFO- BL           J.SAMACICIA
  18   173010    B     4243 BADER                    M.FALLON1
  19   168083    B     6422 maque                    G.MACDONALD7
  20   161005    A     2268 RamDog   *XO* JG26       P.HARGETT
  21   155554    B     6064 Rip          JG 54       T.BURMEISTER
  22   153263    C     6008 PropWash L/FL-B **BS**   R.SIMPSON11
  23   137309    B     5017 Gator        JG 54       J.KIMMERLY1
  24   137022    B     2819 Der Bubba    JG 54       J.KENNEDY15
  25   130264    A     5842 +-}--PRIMATE-------      M.MCMANUS1
  26   125880    C     5545 Buzzard                  F.GOSS
  27   124198    B     6687 Submission -UFO- A       G.SIEVERS
  28   123544    C     4781 BigJim LtCol FL-C**BS**  J.HARRISON32
  29   119921    A     6609 +-}--ATHOS------         VALHALLA
  30   113805    C     3843 Sabre                    R.TIMBLIN1
  31   113030    A     1347 Jester  ::IAF::          J.KLAGES
  32   109814    A     6085 Bingo ::IAF::            D.RICHMOND
  33   108788    B     6032 Sandman - {USAAC}        H.BILLINGSLE
  34   108624    A     4374 EQ Kimball ::IAF::       WOODJR1
  35   106854    C     4785 Jackpot FL-E **BS**      T.HOLT6
  36   106502    C      133 Fun L/FL-F **BS**        T.THEMCCORMI
  37   106150    B     5605 Bullseye -UFO- A         P.JOHNSON8
  38   101515    A     5547 MARS ::IAF::             R.KIM1
  39    99040    C      643 Tako     = Regia 26 =    B.TAKAKUWA
  40    95028    B     4958 Rodvik       JG 54       J.SANCHEZ4
  41    94834    B     5279 Toad *PS*                J.NOLAN1
  42    93639    A     4485 LA Kimball ::IAF::       W.WOOD3
  43    92401    A     6030 AFISH                    H.FISH
  44    91605    B     5583 ElTIGRE' -UFO- D         G.FARROW
  45    88234    B     5910 Necromancer  JG 54       A.STATHAM
  46    88124    C     3431 Catfish                  J.ANDERSON1
  47    87566    B     2917 Slayer >JG-53<           M.DANEY
  48    86807    A     4180 Bluefish ::IAF::         J.BELCHER3
  49    86731    B     1098 ZePolar Bear JG 54       S.KLEINSTEUB
  50    84490    B     5640 Draco                    M.SICES
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rino on August 22, 2007, 02:11:46 PM
Originally posted by Raven3353
Wow...this whole thread makes me feel ancient as most of you puppies talk about "way back on AOL in 96". I was GEnie late 93 and went by Rave 3353. I don't see any of my old ::IAF:: crew or other friends around anymore - Tomcat 4717, Hidalgo 4219, Propwash 6008, Slayer 2917, Ramdog 2268, Hebee 3424, IconoClast 937...forget it, here's a list back when IAF, JG54 and BS ruled the Az, Bz, and Cz...

When a game stays with this many people for this long a timeframe, then something was truly special about it - besides being the first.


CAMPAIGN 102 - December 10, 1993 - January 7, 1994

Arena 1 Individual Scores:

Fighter Scores as of Fri Jan  7 14:35:55 1994
Rank   Score  Country  Ship  Handle                  Mail
   1   601745    B     4233 Greycap      JG 54       R.STATHAM
   2   578797    A     6540 ^ZYfly^ -AW-             R.FULTON2
   3   489117    A     3988 Splash ::IAF::           M.MCGOWEN
   4   478008    B     3488 Phantom      JG 54       G.SMITH14
   5   402224    C      565 Tarkus SL/FL-I **BS**    M.SPENCER3
   6   359863    A     4717 TOMCAT ::IAF::           T.BIFULCO
   7   359835    A     3822 +-}--Hell-----*XO*       S.SARKISIAN1
   8   350662    B     3422 Doom         JG 54       M.HOBUSS
   9   305829    A      937 IconoClast               S.FORBEN
  10   272530    C     4989 ToMMnatr>FUBAR XO<       T.CHRISTIE1
  11   227445    B     5769 Shark        JG 54       L.RABURN
  12   214049    C     4419 Rasta CO Black Sheep     C.MENDOZA
  13   207039    A     3353 Rave       ::IAF::       R.DURHAM
  14   203708    B     4276 COLORADO     JG 54       D.WILLIAMS4
  15   201549    A     4219 Hidalgo ::IAF::          R.CAVOLA
  16   185342    B     3683 Proteous     JG 54       D.VANDERWAL1
  17   179743    B     5826 Joker -UFO- BL           J.SAMACICIA
  18   173010    B     4243 BADER                    M.FALLON1
  19   168083    B     6422 maque                    G.MACDONALD7
  20   161005    A     2268 RamDog   *XO* JG26       P.HARGETT
  21   155554    B     6064 Rip          JG 54       T.BURMEISTER
  22   153263    C     6008 PropWash L/FL-B **BS**   R.SIMPSON11
  23   137309    B     5017 Gator        JG 54       J.KIMMERLY1
  24   137022    B     2819 Der Bubba    JG 54       J.KENNEDY15
  25   130264    A     5842 +-}--PRIMATE-------      M.MCMANUS1
  26   125880    C     5545 Buzzard                  F.GOSS
  27   124198    B     6687 Submission -UFO- A       G.SIEVERS
  28   123544    C     4781 BigJim LtCol FL-C**BS**  J.HARRISON32
  29   119921    A     6609 +-}--ATHOS------         VALHALLA
  30   113805    C     3843 Sabre                    R.TIMBLIN1
  31   113030    A     1347 Jester  ::IAF::          J.KLAGES
  32   109814    A     6085 Bingo ::IAF::            D.RICHMOND
  33   108788    B     6032 Sandman - {USAAC}        H.BILLINGSLE
  34   108624    A     4374 EQ Kimball ::IAF::       WOODJR1
  35   106854    C     4785 Jackpot FL-E **BS**      T.HOLT6
  36   106502    C      133 Fun L/FL-F **BS**        T.THEMCCORMI
  37   106150    B     5605 Bullseye -UFO- A         P.JOHNSON8
  38   101515    A     5547 MARS ::IAF::             R.KIM1
  39    99040    C      643 Tako     = Regia 26 =    B.TAKAKUWA
  40    95028    B     4958 Rodvik       JG 54       J.SANCHEZ4
  41    94834    B     5279 Toad *PS*                J.NOLAN1
  42    93639    A     4485 LA Kimball ::IAF::       W.WOOD3
  43    92401    A     6030 AFISH                    H.FISH
  44    91605    B     5583 ElTIGRE' -UFO- D         G.FARROW
  45    88234    B     5910 Necromancer  JG 54       A.STATHAM
  46    88124    C     3431 Catfish                  J.ANDERSON1
  47    87566    B     2917 Slayer >JG-53<           M.DANEY
  48    86807    A     4180 Bluefish ::IAF::         J.BELCHER3
  49    86731    B     1098 ZePolar Bear JG 54       S.KLEINSTEUB
  50    84490    B     5640 Draco                    M.SICES

     Right off the bat I recognize Joker ,
Toad .  Buzzard unfortunately passed away a
few years ago.

     Alot of memories in that list..good ones.

Phan aka +Rino aka Phantom JG54
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: NoBaddy on August 22, 2007, 03:05:21 PM
Two names that stood out for me were Helldweeb and Doomy. Geez, the crap they caught...and totally deserved. :D
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rino on August 22, 2007, 07:10:54 PM
Well to be fair, half the guys on that list were my squaddies NB :)
I see Subbie made it in as well..and I miss Mars, he was fun, as were
most of the IAF guys..good times indeed.
Title: RR Europe
Post by: mayday on December 13, 2007, 01:33:27 PM
I flew as Mayda in AW on AOL as part of the Ironmen and the Misfits.
My wife was *PUFF and flew as a Misfit as well.

I was an insane AW classic addict.  Since AOL turfed AW I have been completey online flight sim free.  I faced my addiction, and triumphed!!
Unfortunatly, I made the mistake of surfing wikipedia today, and decided to look up Air Warrior the see if there was a writ-up...indeed there was, along with a link to Aces High which lead me here.

I've live the past 10 years of my life not knowing there is a far superior MMOFS out there...So here I am...stuck at work for another 4hrs before I can rush home, d/l this game and take the the skies again.  Good god this is torture!!  My hands are shaking, I've broken out into a cold sweat and I am one again craving to read the words "A kill has been recorded"

Anywho...Christmas came early this year...cya in the skies soon!

I hope to run into my old squadies....and dearly departed foes again!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Bruv119 on December 13, 2007, 01:40:36 PM
you won't be disappointed mayday.

Be warned now, it isn't too late yet to forget the wiki entry and the fact you found this website.

If you erase it from your memory you may still triumph!  

Check out the soundpacks and the hi-res download if your computer is up to it.  

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: MachNum on December 13, 2007, 02:39:57 PM
Yeah, it's hard to believe that in the Genie Air Warrior days, connect time to the game was $6 an hour. For that princely sum, you got 8-bit graphics, flat terrain, and a cloudless sky at a blistering 1200 baud via dial-up. Monthly bills were heart stopping.

Compared to that, what we have now is amazing :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: mayday on December 14, 2007, 02:19:29 PM
Originally posted by Bruv119
you won't be disappointed mayday.

Be warned now, it isn't too late yet to forget the wiki entry and the fact you found this website.

If you erase it from your memory you may still triumph!  

Check out the soundpacks and the hi-res download if your computer is up to it.  


Wow..You are right, I wasn't disapointed!
I've got a lot to learn though, or "Unlearn" as it seems.  I played it safe for my first night.  Spend a while in the training area just to learn the controls, set the views etc etc, then moved into an arena to see if I still have the jam.
I took a pony for a ride, I figured that's the safe bet.  If your riden one pony, you've ridden them all.  Get high, stay fast and dont turn...
First mission I took 25% fuel, climbed to 30k and chucked it around up their flying over the water practicing keeping the sun in my view as I manouver, and hoping to catch a stray making a bomb run against an outpost dice, but I did get some practice using my views.  Apparently 25% fuel aint what it used to be, as I ran out sooner then expected and ended up coasting back to land and ditching in some farmers field (serious lack of famers daughters though...maybe the next patch??)

Next mission I made a point of heading to a more populated area.   Took more fuel, climbed high and dove onto a b17 being attack...came in too fast and almost blacked out, but I got close and took a 300ft shot with 30degree dflection  and hit him pretty good in the right wing.  before soaring high.  He was finnished off before I could make a 2nd pass...with an assist being claimed.  Climbed up to 20k when I noticed 2 47's heading to one of my airfields.  I had a 5k height advantage, and more importantly they were acting like I wasn't there.  They must of been chatting with each other or something, as I positioned right above, split s'ed and dove in behind them.   Travelling 500+ with the air frame shaking and took a passing shot at 47 #1, blasted past and continued speeding after #2.  On the verge of black out, I unloaded on poor #2 from about 800 out and flew right up his 6.  He wasn't going to live regardless, but my 500mph battering ram sent him to his grave twice over.  I lost a wing, and figured out how to bail out, but my chute never opened...don't worry about sending out the locals to look for me...So this game has collisions?  I'll lock that tidbit of knowledge someplace handy....
I got credit for 2 kills and 1 assist on the mission...I musta got 47# 1, but I didn't think I hit him...I am not going to argue!
Mission #3, Climbed to 25k and headed to the busiest place on the map I could find.  Ran into a spit and a Nik (WTH is that?  Never heard of it and didn't know if it was a bomber or a fighter) 5k below.  B&Zed them for a bit, but my timing is WAY off....4 passes, and I used my guns twice.  Kept coming in behind the bandits, and I was unwilling to turn to tight to correct and bleed of my E (escpecially cause I didnt know what the keck a NIK is) So I harrassed them for a bit, but was uncomfortable with being out numbered 2-1 being so green.  So I disengaged while I still had my "E" advantage.  I saw a friendly to the north about 3 k up, so I thought I'd drag my friends over to him.  Dumb dumb...he was a buff driver and I just sicked my two foes on him...(How do you tell what planes your teamates are driving before you get a visual?)  So I had to reengage.  Fortunatly the buff was high enough that the nme had problems chasing him.  I turned around and made my existance known.  They werent too comfortable with me on their tail so they left the buff and turned on me.   At equal height and "e" after I burned some turning sharp when I saw my teammate was in a bomber. The Nik came at me head on and shot me up good.  My Teammate was safe, and my goal becaue "Get out of Dodge"  I knew the Nik was going to bleed E turning to get on me, so I nosed down slightly, hit WEP and closed my eyes to make myself invisable.  I was able to disenage, and make it back to Rookland before running out of fuel (Nik musta hit my tank) and ditching in another famers field (still no daughter) with an oilstreaked canopy.
0 kills, no damage, no assist but at leat I didn't get my team mate shotdown by dragging 2 fighters to his buff.

By now the CO came downstairs on told me to get my flyboy az up to bed as it was midnight and I had to work at 6.

I'm in love....what a great game.  I got the sniff of blood in my nose that I havnt had since AW on AOL.   I cant't wait to get home tonight!!!
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on December 14, 2007, 04:00:52 PM
Excellent, Mayday!  Glad to have more former Air Warriors here! :)
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shaky on December 14, 2007, 05:54:37 PM
N1K1? Slowish, turns good, 4 cannon's of death...head-on machine.


Country of origin: Japan
Crew: Single-seat
Type: Fighter/attacker
Normal loaded weight: 9040 lbs.
Dimensions: Wing span 39'4½"
Length 30'8"
Height 13'
Internal fuel: 190 gallons
Armament: 2x20 mm Type 99 Model 2 200 rpg
2x20 mm Type 99 Model 2 250 rpg
250 kg GP bomb
Drop tank



Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: LilMak on December 15, 2007, 11:02:15 PM
I started AW on AOL as a spit pilot. I spent my days yanking and banking my way through RR. I became pretty good and my ego got big until, one day, I ran up against a 109 jock who owned me every time we met. He could manipulate that plane like no one I had ever encountered. Still, I kept trying to beat him and would get killed repeatedly. Ever stubborn, I kept upping my pathetic little spit only to get smacked down again and again. Even with heavy alt and E advantages, he still killed me. Finally, I grabbed a 109 and thus began my trial by fire. I guess he took pity on me or just enjoyed killing this stubborn spit noob over and over. So whenever we were online together, we would have discrete duels flying 109s in obscure areas. I continued to get killed by my tormentor for weeks it seemed. But with each death I got a little better. Then, one day, I shot him down.

I spent most of my AW days as a loner. I refused to join any squad. I jumped from country to country seeking the most outnumbered teams and the biggest furballs.  I smacked down turning spitdweebs and roping PJs in my 109 of death. I was accused of hacking nightly when I would win  4 on 1s against pilots who never learned how to properly manipulate their aircraft. Occasionally I would wing with my mentor and our 109s were something to be feared and respected. I became less of a loner and started to desire the fun of flying in a group. I signed up with the AirWolves and my macros often came across the text line with things like...

"Chase the Ace."
"Aint it a shame to be shot down in flames?"
"If you want blood, You've got it!"
"Shoot to thrill! Play to kill!"
"You've been...Thunderstruck!"

Originally I was known as Mak2

But I was feared as AC/DC

Now I've found a new flight sim and the learning curve is steep. But there are two important lessons I learned from AW.

First, you're never as good as you think you are. There always is/was/or will be someone better and the only way to learn is to get your butt handed to you.

Second, online flight sims are some of the best communities around and the relationships that are built in these virtual places have a lasting impression. That's why AW and AH are great games that endure long after the latest version of Halo is forgotten and why so many people show up to message boards like this out of the wild blue yonder.


And the never ending thread continues...
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: acfireguy26 on December 15, 2007, 11:53:38 PM
Originally posted by mayday
(How do you tell what planes your teamates are driving before you get a visual?)  

Alt I to see what your comrades are flying.
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: alskahawk on December 16, 2007, 12:04:46 AM
Actually saw him on AH like last week. What a whiner.
Originally posted by AKDogg
That 1 guy I haven't seen in awhile.  Ruaml.  Where is that putz at?  I loved killing him and watch him whine saying I cheat in me A8.  "A8 can't do that, U cheating", Rofl.  Boy I miss that.W

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: crazyheeb on December 18, 2007, 02:05:30 AM
haha I used to play AW on AOL. I had went my ATCK! or something like that.
Founded <187th> which spawned a few off shoot sister sqyarons like <187thBmbr> or something sheesh was a long time ago think i was like 16 now im 30 :O
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Bruv119 on December 18, 2007, 02:27:09 AM
Thats a great write up  mayday I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Just reading it took me back.  The sheer adrenaline and enthusiasm for what we are accustomed to and thankful for.

If only more posts were like yours instead of the *****in and whining we usually see.

All the best

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DamnedRen on December 18, 2007, 03:23:08 AM
Originally posted by Magellan
I've heard Fogy was flying here, but don't see him on the roster. May have been a trial and he's moved on.

I believe Col is stil Mac only and so he's stuck flyin WB till he wakes up and buys a PC.

As far as the rest of my squad goes, they've moved on to other things. I'm going to see if I can't cajole a few to start flying again.

[/B]How are you finding the Flight model ? i really like  most every thing i have tried. [/B][/QUOTE]

All in all, ok. A nice balance of realism and adjuncts to assist game play.

awmags [/B][/QUOTE]

Hiya Mags...I had heard Fogy stopped by a few years ago but never really saw him up. I kinda miss fighting him in his spit ane Col in his 38. Columbo  did have a tendency to perch though. :) Whenever he was in the area I'd grab a 109 to chandelle him into a stall. It'd be nice to see those two back up. Have you been flying at all?

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Scotch on December 18, 2007, 05:39:40 AM
Haven't seen him in a while.
Send him a mail through the MacAW mail list.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Elitesrule on January 27, 2008, 02:27:39 PM
Originally posted by ATC
Kevin!!!   It is me ATC.  Hope all is well.  Give me a call 303-423-2466, email

-> ATC
widowmakers AW

wsup Kev (OD & Bob (ATC), its ->AIR / SEXY gimme a call to catch up its 615-429-1970 (It's Scott) to catch up!

that goes for anyone else who wants to catch up. I just found this board.

good to remember the old times. i lost all my old films :(
Title: Anybody got scores from 98 or 99 RR ?
Post by: Elitesrule on January 27, 2008, 02:42:19 PM
I would like to see them if anyone does please.
Title: Greetings from Pan
Post by: Pan on February 11, 2008, 07:57:44 PM
Hey guys,

This is Pan, aka #4803 from Air Warrior (I also flew as kilbot in Warbirds).  I saw a few old names here compliments of Google and am wondering how Aces is.

Earlier today I was reminiscing with a few co-workers about the good ol' days of vulching, war-pigs, etc. and we're thinking of running out to Frys, buying joysticks, and giving you something easy to shoot down.

Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DREDIOCK on February 11, 2008, 08:43:28 PM
V ........Nuff said
Title: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Box1 on February 12, 2008, 07:22:16 AM
I must have started playin AW in 92-93?  Was "Lostboy" back in the $3.00 an hour GeNie days.  I spent $2,500 my first year.  mind you this was pretty much $2,500 I didn't have.  I still have my original AW box, with software, all updates, and lots of films.  favorite AW moment......was new years eve, cant remember what year.  I was Cz., on big Pac RR.  The Cz had been being kicked around by the other countries for quite a while.....anyway.  Huge numbers of Cz were on during this time....many FR Cz guys came to RR.  our mission, dominate the entire map....and this was a big big map.  maybe 6-8 hours later the Cz ruled the entire map...everything.  it was a titanic effort on the parts of all Cz and their dedication to the mission was awe inspiring.  It was a Cz new year!  

Did I enjoy AW?  I have contemplated an AW logo tattoo and also an AH2 tat.  however up to this point my "beans" have proven to be to small.
Title: Re: Greetings from Pan
Post by: Brooke on March 18, 2008, 02:47:25 PM
Hey guys,

This is Pan, aka #4803 from Air Warrior (I also flew as kilbot in Warbirds).  I saw a few old names here compliments of Google and am wondering how Aces is.

Earlier today I was reminiscing with a few co-workers about the good ol' days of vulching, war-pigs, etc. and we're thinking of running out to Frys, buying joysticks, and giving you something easy to shoot down.


Howdy, Pan.  I flew in the GEnie days as 5965 (handle "Brooke").  Aces High is a blast.  There are a lot of old AW pilots here.  You should definitely get back into on-line flying -- very fun.  It's like Air Warrior, but the flight model, graphics, etc. is better.  The community is larger and thus less focused and intense than the AW crowd, but it's nice having a lot more players.  The hardest thing to pick back up after a long absence is gunnery/aim -- it takes the longest to get back.  You'll pick up maneuvering quickly.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: StuB on March 18, 2008, 04:20:20 PM
The community is a little seems like the AW community was a little more mature, probably because we were paying so much to play.

The flight models and graphics are great and the number of players that each arena can host is much more than AW could handle (Was it "big week" where we were thrilled because we got 50 players in the air in one arena for the first time ever?).

Also, the VoX is pretty handy as is the TrackIr capability.

But the thing that impresses me the most are the scenarios.  They are absolutely awesome. 

Put it all together and it is what I had hoped AW would eventually become. 

It's tough to get your wings back after being away for a while...but if you can participate in a scenario it will blow your mind.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HL117 on April 11, 2008, 07:20:53 PM
Radio check .......... test test.........this thing still work........  Think I spotted LPN  .......... ARGGG!
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SIK1 on April 11, 2008, 11:08:21 PM
LPN was here in AH1 for a short time after EA killed AW. Last I heard she was working on getting her RN, and taking care of her family,  :) her real life family. People like her are what made the Air Warrior community what it was.

 :salute Kim,  where ever you are :aok
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ROX on April 12, 2008, 08:35:26 AM
LPN was here in AH1 for a short time after EA killed AW. Last I heard she was working on getting her RN, and taking care of her family,  :) her real life family. People like her are what made the Air Warrior community what it was.

 :salute Kim,  where ever you are :aok

I remember LPN well.  I wish her & her family well.

There also used to be this married couple, same arena.  They ipitomised the term "alt monkies) they'd get a B17 up 25,000' and cruise back to bomb the sprifire factory.  He would fly and she would gun.  If anyone remembers their CPID's let me know.

I also wondered what happened to Lanny and Rice1?

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: The Fugitive on April 12, 2008, 08:53:45 AM
LPN did get her RN, her daughter had a baby and LPN took the time off from flying to help raise her granddaughter. Last time I talked to her things were going good.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: K-KEN on April 12, 2008, 09:22:44 AM
LPN and I have been in touch for years..since the 1997 CON. We email each other regularly.  I'll link this post for her. She might be happy to read this stuff..  :)

(going to add links for some cool stuff next.)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: K-KEN on April 12, 2008, 09:39:18 AM
Check these out... very cool!!  :O 
These were posted on the Big Week Newsgroup not my research but I decided to share.

Tribute to Air Warrior and it's People

Air Warrior DOS / Classic

Air Warrior Corsair Run

This brings back memories!!  Watch the text buffer... "A Kill has been Recorded"  :) Didn't notice any macros, but may watch them again in case I missed one   :rofl

For those not familiar with Airwarrior, the small square view screen surrounded by gauges is the cockpit view. On top is the icons-red/green circles and the right side gives the type.

Ya gotta love the fixed mini-sun, clouds, and CVs, unique terrain, and sounds.  Man, has this SIM life come a long way.... but I guess many of us remember our "roots".

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: K-KEN on April 12, 2008, 09:45:59 AM
The community is a little seems like the AW community was a little more mature, probably because we were paying so much to play.

The flight models and graphics are great and the number of players that each arena can host is much more than AW could handle (Was it "big week" where we were thrilled because we got 50 players in the air in one arena for the first time ever?).

Also, the VoX is pretty handy as is the TrackIr capability.

But the thing that impresses me the most are the scenarios.  They are absolutely awesome. 

Put it all together and it is what I had hoped AW would eventually become. 

It's tough to get your wings back after being away for a while...but if you can participate in a scenario it will blow your mind.

Actually, I recall it (Big Week) being proposed at 1,000 but 500 was maxed and really warpy. Wasn't AW limited to about 200 per arena? Was BW in AW3 or AW2?
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: BGBMAW on April 12, 2008, 07:26:10 PM
hahah it always reminds me..I played as BGB...Grim Reapers with Pappi ..then 40dog and MAW!!!!!!!!

I used my old girlfriends credit card on the pay by hour..lololol that was good stuff

ahhh..Cz used to kik Bz and Az skulss aroudn all the time;....reminds me of rolling u Rook and Bish scum nowadays
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HL117 on April 12, 2008, 08:59:17 PM
Good OLe Days ............a few stand out, like bombing Az off the map in Big Pac so they couldn't up until reset 

     LOL  too funny !     BAH! and that dang Aol timer every 45 mins !.......  Right in the middle of your screen

          during a fight.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Kimberly on April 12, 2008, 09:14:09 PM
 :salute  Sik1, MDJoe, and Kken     

Boy do i miss ya'll   and AW !

'real' life is sure keeping me busy though.
I have a 3 yr old grandson and a 2 yr old grand daughter.
They ARE my life.  But they do go to bed early so if AW ever makes a come back, count me in.

I did get my RN license  but im working as a case manager. Weekends off and mo money.  Plus, ya'll know how much i like being in charge.   :cool:

What are ya'll up to these days ???

Kim (aka LPN)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: The Fugitive on April 12, 2008, 09:34:48 PM
Hiya Kim !!!

Life got busy for me too. I stepped down from the MAfia lead a few years back and Taz took over. Mugz then 007Rustyu, and now KAW1000 have held the reigns of power. The squad is still going strong.

I have gotten one son through college (graduating next month) and the second through his first two years. I've moved up into management at my company and Mark4 is still hanging tuff with us. He and and his family are doing great. His wife is thinking of going to the WWII airshow in Reading this year (remember how she use to watch him fly all night?)

Its great hearing from yas !!! I'm glad things are going well for you and yours !

<S> Maddog Joe 
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: CHECKERS on April 13, 2008, 07:39:06 AM
:salute  Sik1, MDJoe, and Kken     

Boy do i miss ya'll   and AW !

'real' life is sure keeping me busy though.
I have a 3 yr old grandson and a 2 yr old grand daughter.
They ARE my life.  But they do go to bed early so if AW ever makes a come back, count me in.

I did get my RN license  but im working as a case manager. Weekends off and mo money.  Plus, ya'll know how much i like being in charge.   :cool:

What are ya'll up to these days ???

 Hi Kim....
 WOW been a long time ,
Congrats on the RN ........
 I don't play AH nearly as much as I did in AW .   Streetrod hobby takes up most of my time these days  . (
  Take care <S>

Kim (aka LPN)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: xbrit on April 13, 2008, 11:07:17 AM
Your all old farts !!
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Kimberly on April 13, 2008, 01:02:21 PM
LPN <---   Younger than Xbrit     :rock
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: K-KEN on April 14, 2008, 07:39:22 AM
LPN <---   Younger than Xbrit     :rock
And a whole bunch better looking....   :rofl     :rock :rock  :D
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ROX on April 14, 2008, 10:56:58 AM
LPN :salute

I remember flying with you in AW (RR Pacific?) and xbrit.

Happy you are well and enjoying the grandmunchkins.

I hope you get into AH.  You are missed very much.  We need more folks like you in the game!

Please fly "knight"...we're always the underdogs & longshots.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Murdr on April 14, 2008, 11:59:26 AM
WOW!   LPN  :) Long time no see
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Yenny on April 14, 2008, 12:02:58 PM
I was in VMF-525 in FR pacific under the CPID Pular.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: K-KEN on April 14, 2008, 01:50:42 PM
LPN :salute

I remember flying with you in AW (RR Pacific?) and xbrit.

Happy you are well and enjoying the grandmunchkins.

I hope you get into AH.  You are missed very much.  We need more folks like you in the game!

Please fly "knight"...we're always the underdogs & longshots.


She has flown here.  Way back when. Knits are not underdogs...Rooks are. :)  But then, we are the better pielets too!  :devil
<runs away screaming like a little girl>
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HEMI on April 14, 2008, 07:29:22 PM
HEMI Here from AW2 days
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grayeagle on April 16, 2008, 01:19:44 AM
Hiya LPN ;)

I remember meetin you at one of the AW Cons ..don't remember which one.

I am an LPN now (what a long strange trip ..and it's not over yet :) ..and lovin it.

Wish I had done this years ago.
At the moment I am workin long term care, Hospice, with some sub-acute thrown in now an then.

Frankly .. I don't know if I have enough ambition to burn thru to RN ..initially I was all fired up to do so.

Problem is .. I like where I'm at and what I do .. the 'Sergeant' mentality of not wantin to become an Officer . . yanno?

I run into a lot of RN's and just shake my head.
Sure are a lotta flakes in this career field .. makes us that do our job shine :)

-Gray Eagle .. aka Frank
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 2bighorn on April 16, 2008, 06:04:44 AM
AW is dead. Long live the AH!
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Kimberly on April 16, 2008, 06:38:50 AM
WOW   Grayeagle, an LPN.   I am inmpressed  :salute

You are rite about there being a LOT of flakes in the nursing field.
Its scares the beegeebies out of me sometimes.
(dont everyone panic)
There are also a few good nurses out there.   

 LPN <---Waves at Rox & Murdr
LPN<--- blows kiss at Kken     :)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: xbrit on April 16, 2008, 06:51:44 AM
And a whole bunch better looking....   :rofl     :rock :rock  :D
But you still want my lovechild K-KEN !! :devil :salute
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SB on April 16, 2008, 07:33:04 AM
Hey Frank,

LPN was at the 99 convention in Dallas. Her whole squad came to the banquet in costume. Course our squad came to the banquet in disguise  :devil and hiya LPN  :D

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: kansas2 on April 16, 2008, 08:29:12 AM
wow, just happened across this thread while thinking about the old AOL AW days. Good to see so many familiar faces here. The first squad I flew with was =Serial Killaz=, transitioning through the Starknights, co-founding the 51st Krewsaderz, (a few more squads in here i can't remember) and ending up with the SOG in MV.

Keep em flying

 :salute  I was XO of the Killaz,  my cpid was =Hic,  =Acer was the CO.   I didn't think I would ever see "=Serial Killaz=" again!!
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: K-KEN on April 16, 2008, 09:47:21 AM
AW is dead. Long live the AH!

But the community is like "family" and that is why it's still so dynamic, in our minds. There was a "special" thing there that even AH can't match. AH is great, but AW was my "First Love".  :angel:
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: K-KEN on April 16, 2008, 09:49:09 AM
WOW   Grayeagle, an LPN.   I am inmpressed  :salute

You are rite about there being a LOT of flakes in the nursing field.
Its scares the beegeebies out of me sometimes.
(dont everyone panic)
There are also a few good nurses out there.   

 LPN <---Waves at Rox & Murdr
LPN<--- blows kiss at Kken     :)

Catches Kiss, blows one back...then faints.   :D
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Kimberly on April 17, 2008, 06:31:44 AM
The AW cons were so much fun.
Fly, drink, and chat.    It was cool to meet AW friends and foe's.

My three fav parts of the cons were....

1. The air show in Houston.  Remember how sun burnt we got kken?
2. My son (bum3) winning the AW comp in Dallas (cool prizes)
3. Mafia clubbing around San Fran in a limo.    What a blast.

oh..  and everyone sneaking into (whats his name's room) after sniff (dressed up like a sheep)  had crawled into bed with him. 
Anyone still have any pics of that ?        :rofl


Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ShrkBite on April 17, 2008, 08:08:08 AM

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: K-KEN on April 17, 2008, 08:30:45 AM
The AW cons were so much fun.
Fly, drink, and chat.    It was cool to meet AW friends and foe's.

My three fav parts of the cons were....

1. The air show in Houston.  Remember how sun burnt we got kken?
2. My son (bum3) winning the AW comp in Dallas (cool prizes)
3. Mafia clubbing around San Fran in a limo.    What a blast.

oh..  and everyone sneaking into (whats his name's room) after sniff (dressed up like a sheep)  had crawled into bed with him. 
Anyone still have any pics of that ?        :rofl


Yes, the sun in Houston was very hot. That was a fun day. I guess I need to gather up those pics, scan them and put em on my site.  I think I have a few of you and your son and I wandering around all the warbirds and a few inside the CON room.

In Dallas,
That was Soca, my roommate and squaddie. I think it was Wayne (B52) who was dressed up like a sheep. 1999 Dallas CON.  :D  Sniff took pics and even took a few with Soca's camera  hehehhe  (he was passed out because of..... er  eh  altitude blackout.. that's it... Altitude)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SB on April 17, 2008, 10:12:33 AM
In Dallas,
That was Soca, my roommate and squaddie. I think it was Wayne (B52) who was dressed up like a sheep. 1999 Dallas CON.  :D  Sniff took pics and even took a few with Soca's camera  hehehhe  (he was passed out because of..... er  eh  altitude blackout.. that's it... Altitude)

Not to mention that someone had copied the video of that event on every system that was set up in the con room (around 80 or so). Soca still posts on Bigweek so maybe he has a copy  :t

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rash on April 17, 2008, 11:05:42 AM
Passing out a con is not a recommended activity.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SB on April 17, 2008, 11:35:41 AM
Passing out a con is not a recommended activity.

I was rooming with Rash at the 94 DC con he is referencing. He did not get to see Garber the next day.

Ever see someone spin a Spit in from 25k in AW? I have  :devil

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Westy on April 17, 2008, 01:26:02 PM
 LOL. For a minute there SB I though that may have been a link to the video taken of an incapacitated
Mage as he was surprised and violated in his hotel suite by one Wayne(from NH?) in a sheep-suit at the
99 Convention. 
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SB on April 17, 2008, 02:17:16 PM
Naw, Rashy got a bit soused and passed out in the con room sitting at the CH Products display. Someone took off in a spit, climbed to 25k, put it in a spin and a bunch of guys started hollering "Wake up Rash!! You're in a spin!". Rash sprung to the controls....errr ooooozed is a bit more like it, grabbed the stick and throttle and with a display of flying skill not seen before or since managed to spin that sucker all the way down. After the crash and hilarity he announced "I'm going to bed" and proceeded to find the room and fall face down on the bed. I woke him the next morning to see if he was going to make the Garber trip and was informed that he wasn't quite up to moving just yet. Left him with a bottle of Tylenol and went to Garber. I don't think he was too bad the next night but I also don't recall him drinking much more either :cool: I do have to say he wasn't as bad as Deadduck was after the Finnish Flak Panzer Oil at the Houston Con the next year.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rash on April 17, 2008, 03:27:08 PM
Lies!!      :uhoh
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SB on April 17, 2008, 05:09:45 PM
Lies!!      :uhoh

Ok Ok, he was as bad as Deadduck in Houston!  :aok

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: culero on April 17, 2008, 05:21:42 PM
Ok Ok, he was as bad as Deadduck in Houston!  :aok


Yikes, that was pretty bad! :)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Hungry on April 17, 2008, 05:53:43 PM
Mims AW RR-FR 95ish till the end, I remember the 2000 Con in Indy, went there with Mute.  The best part was meeting the people but especially a guy named Blesk? had his own home brew. 

He came up to Mute who I was sitting next to wearing a wig and false teeth with this screwy hilarious grin on his face.  Mute didnt recognize him and froze for a bit looking at me asking who the H*ll is this guy.

Guess you had to be there.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Kimberly on April 17, 2008, 08:06:04 PM
MAGE......   it was MAGE that was with the sheep. 
And Wayne was the sheep.   
I seem to remember a LOT of camera flashes going on in that room.

btw...    :salute   SB
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: AWRaid on April 21, 2008, 07:15:46 PM
Anyone remember a "JAWS`" or "BSlay" from AOL AW4W circa 1996ish?

I can never get in touch with these guys.

I'd even settle for a guy named "Dov" or "Icer" :P.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: NUTTZ on April 22, 2008, 01:47:51 AM
Mims AW RR-FR 95ish till the end, I remember the 2000 Con in Indy, went there with Mute.  The best part was meeting the people but especially a guy named Blesk? had his own home brew. 

He came up to Mute who I was sitting next to wearing a wig and false teeth with this screwy hilarious grin on his face.  Mute didnt recognize him and froze for a bit looking at me asking who the H*ll is this guy.

Guess you had to be there.


Man, I snuck in 7 cases of beer into the CON. Security found our 6 pack we "tried" to sneek into the CON room, LOL

they took the 6 pack while I wheeled in the 7 cases in my "Computer" boxes. (Gotta thank SR71) Great faint!

I was turned on to an AWSOME drink I think it was "Sniff"  It was Whiskey, Dark Lager, and Coca Cola? And served in a 600 year old Flask.  DAMN!!! that was some Great Sheet!!!!!

I won 175 Bucks playing poker at 5 cent anti's

Uhmmm "Joker" had a 750 dollar (US) bar bill Per hour. You GO GIRL!!!!!<S>

Met alot of great people, and only about 20% wore TU-TU's like i imagined.


Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: K-KEN on April 22, 2008, 04:21:37 AM
I finally found a number of old links from the 99 CON where Soca was sleeping surrounded by empty beer cans....but the sheep had not yet arrived in the shot.  We have a whole 2 or 3 posts with links to images that alas the "freebie" sites no longer exist.  I shall seek to find some good shots.

Blesk is still around these parts, does some really great photography, and his "brew" was always the best.
He and many still lurk on the BigWeek server. (as do I)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Snow 7744 on June 22, 2008, 09:58:51 AM
Played AW from 1996 or a little sooner, starting on Compuserve then Gamestorm.

I was Snow flying for C'z.

I first flew with The Howling Pigs, then formed my own squad The Groovy Aardvarks.  Then joined the
RCAF 421 until they disbanded to finaly join the RCAF 428 Fighter wing.  Played until 2000 then pulled the plug for personal reasons.  RCAF 428 fighter wing/439 bomber wing had a Get Together in september 1999 in Toronto and it was a blast, no a major blast, Uh! no there are even some part of the bar hopping I don't remember... but I remember the $ 175 beer bill :lol... and the strippers at the "For your eyes only club"... :O
Spad had a blast with the romanian babes.

I found some old friends here, my RCAF 421 squad leader from AW (OPP7755) reformed  :salute here in september 2007 as the Canadian Eagle Squadron and I joined, but he had to disband squad recently, sad.

So if you ever come across some of these guys let me know.

From AW RCAF 428
FNG, Squad leader, Toronto
Gumby, San Francisco
CCR, Albany, NY
Spad, NY, NY
B52, Rome, NY
Rob, Canton, OH
Whisky or Whiskey dont remember
WBear, hope health is better.
2 guys father and son from Detroit, tey were big bass fisherman.

Can't remember all the others. But If you flew with the 428 drop me a line.

Cya up in the big blue sky,

Snow 7744

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 999000 on June 22, 2008, 11:14:49 AM
Hi snow I was 9900 Aw C's most of the time Bomber pilot.....B52 you will see sometimes a great man !
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 50CalDr on June 22, 2008, 11:26:17 AM
I was farmb 1996ish and flew with PAC, JBKID, LPN, and Daxx in the 444th Air Mafia.   :salute
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rino on June 22, 2008, 12:24:40 PM
I was rooming with Rash at the 94 DC con he is referencing. He did not get to see Garber the next day.

Ever see someone spin a Spit in from 25k in AW? I have  :devil


Sheeash SB, his chair was spinning too!  :D
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: NoBaddy on June 22, 2008, 06:28:00 PM
Sheeash SB, his chair was spinning too!  :D

Heck, his whole WORLD was spinning.  :rock
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: hlbly on June 23, 2008, 08:19:42 AM
I was hlbly flew for ACCS and 86th elimenators miss all those guys
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HAMMERR on June 23, 2008, 09:21:40 AM
Slash621 - 999th Hammerheads from AW1-AOL through AW3 and then AH1
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: FiLtH on June 23, 2008, 05:39:07 PM
   Hey Hlbly, if you are the same one, you taught me alot in the p38 flying the thing at stall speeds weaving around the fuel tanks and stuff. It really got me started. You just get here?
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ROX on June 23, 2008, 07:40:52 PM
Has anyone seen =CAJUN= of the Iron Eagles lately?

He was my old CO back in the mid '90's.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: CHECKERS on June 24, 2008, 06:45:38 AM
Hi all,
 Has anyone seen or heard from CUCA ? ....
 Last I heard from him was just a few days after the dorks at EA had turned the lights out & Killed  AirWarrior  ..... He was living in New York and was driving a trucks for a living.


Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Nwbie on June 24, 2008, 11:31:49 AM
Sheeash SB, his chair was spinning too!  :D
you not playing much anymore?
Haven't seen ya online in awhile


Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 007Rusty on June 24, 2008, 12:26:15 PM
I was farmb 1996ish and flew with PAC, JBKID, LPN, and Daxx in the 444th Air Mafia.   :salute

 444TH still here .............  :salute
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Slight99 on June 24, 2008, 01:19:27 PM
yeah, me and me old mate Garv flew in AW3, and we loved it, we've been looking for something like it for ages, so very pleased to have found AH2.

We were crap at AW too, if you were wondering!!!!

Glad to be flying again after so many years (around 1998 first flew in AW)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rino on June 24, 2008, 02:09:30 PM
you not playing much anymore?
Haven't seen ya online in awhile


I'm playing a little..but the low quality of gameplay lately is curing me of my addiction.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: culero on June 24, 2008, 09:04:45 PM
Has anyone seen =CAJUN= of the Iron Eagles lately?

He was my old CO back in the mid '90's.


You mean this fat guy? :)


I'm the handsome guy holding the horns...sadly, ain't seen him since then ('99 AWCon).
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ROX on June 25, 2008, 10:20:45 AM
You mean this fat guy? :)


I'm the handsome guy holding the horns...sadly, ain't seen him since then ('99 AWCon).

Culero  :salute

I see =ELWD= on from time to time but none of the other =Iron Eagles=.

I have never seen =CAJUN= on.  I remember in 1995 him calling me an alt monkey when I didn't even know wat that was.  \

Now I'm a deck monkey.


Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: hlbly on June 28, 2008, 09:58:07 AM
   Hey Hlbly, if you are the same one, you taught me alot in the p38 flying the thing at stall speeds weaving around the fuel tanks and stuff. It really got me started. You just get here?

Yep its the same one ! I tried in 2004 . old puter old worn out stick . had to spend money on a divorce attorney instead of what i really needed ! ;)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: etoile on October 19, 2008, 11:50:59 PM
It has been many years.... I am old as dirt now, perhaps older.   I flew AW from ~1988 -1995 my first tail # was 5503, call sign etoile, later flew 5586 (PA6-5000), and 2689 (moonlight serenade 4q) too.
Reading this thread, and real life has made me feel ancient. It is still great to see some of the old timers are still around. If anyone has contact with Garos (Russ Winslow), then please send him my regards. My best to all of you! et
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grayeagle on October 20, 2008, 01:32:16 AM
Hiya ET .. .. I havent seen Garos since we useda goof off landin B-25's sideways on the CV's back in the day.

Long time dood :)

-GE aka Frank aka #1396 ..also #668 (KesCo acc't)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on October 20, 2008, 02:42:29 AM
Hello, Etoile.  I hope you are giving some flying time in AH a try.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: NoBaddy on October 20, 2008, 10:03:19 AM
Hiya ET...

Weren't you also "Elmer's Tune"? :)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 1Canukk on October 20, 2008, 10:27:18 AM
Hey ROX.aka..=ROX= wow that why the name is familliar.. Flew with Cajunn and actualy met him when I was i Houston a few time.. when I flew with him my handle was =CDN=  :). then migreated to Slugm gang SOG...
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Fencer51 on October 20, 2008, 11:17:32 AM
I'm playing a little..but the low quality of gameplay lately is curing me of my addiction.

Keep practicing, you will eventually get better.  :lol
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: NoBaddy on October 20, 2008, 02:23:33 PM
Keep practicing, you will eventually get better.  :lol

OUCHY!!! A little harsh.....but.....funny none the less.

Will miss you both at the con.  :rock
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: etoile on October 20, 2008, 09:54:15 PM
Hi GE, Brooke and NB! Yes, I will give AH a go in a few days! Damn, NB! What a memory, I had forgotten about Elmer's Tune! That would have been me! I hope the learning curve isn't too steep here in AH! et  btw, does fencer51 = fencer 1386?
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: NoBaddy on October 20, 2008, 10:39:47 PM
Hi GE, Brooke and NB! Yes, I will give AH a go in a few days! Damn, NB! What a memory, I had forgotten about Elmer's Tune! That would have been me! I hope the learning curve isn't too steep here in AH! et  btw, does fencer51 = fencer 1386?

Nah...learning curve is way overrated. Just plug a stick in and have some fun. :)

Yah, that is Fence. Believe it or not...some one got his lameass handle before he got here. :D

BTW really was a nice hat.  :devil
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Money on October 21, 2008, 12:00:20 AM

Hello, Cody!  Ah, Longbow. :)  You might want to take a look at: (

You might appear in some of the screen shots in the pictorials -- lots of pics there.

Wow, that brought back memories.....  Oh, and ewe are welcome Brooke :-)

Money aka YES (AW)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on October 21, 2008, 02:00:13 AM
Howdy, Money!  Yep, you are in some of those shots for Longbow.

Are you going to play in the upcoming Battle of Britain 2008 scenario?  Practice frame is upcoming Saturday at 3 pm Eastern Time, and frame 1 is November 1st, same time.

More details are here:
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on October 21, 2008, 02:02:41 AM
Hi GE, Brooke and NB! Yes, I will give AH a go in a few days! Damn, NB! What a memory, I had forgotten about Elmer's Tune! That would have been me! I hope the learning curve isn't too steep here in AH! et  btw, does fencer51 = fencer 1386?

You will pick it up quickly.  The thing that takes longest actually isn't the ACM, but (at least for me and some other old AW pilots) gunnery.  The gunnery model here in AH is much more realistic, and it took me a while to be able to hit things (even if I was saddled up).

AH is truly awesome -- I think you'll like it.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: guncrasher on October 21, 2008, 02:06:04 AM
I used to be known as semp in AW, now i fly as semperac in aces high
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: MotleyCH on October 21, 2008, 02:59:44 AM
Just for kix, some of you reeeally old timers oughta send your mugshot here.

AW Mugshots (

...Immel still on top o' this ??

Oh no, it must have went down recently. :cry
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: hlbly on October 21, 2008, 03:13:11 AM
Was it Blake who did the ACE Combat thing then did a great write up on the experience ?
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grayeagle on October 22, 2008, 03:50:50 PM
I know Blesk did .. ended up against an F-15 jock, before they took off the F-15 guy said he would 'take it easy' on poor Blesk.

Apparantly Blesk handed him his butt.
3 out of 3.

-GE (and made it look easy doin it)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: hlbly on October 22, 2008, 09:46:22 PM
Yeah it was blesk and the guy he was against was like doing an interview wasn't he ? Wish I could find that write up .
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 1pLUs44 on October 22, 2008, 09:55:49 PM
I think my dad used to play AW... I dont know... He said he was in like the 444 or 44 or something... He lost interest after EA canned AW though..
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: LTARogue on October 23, 2008, 01:25:38 PM
This post brings back memories. :)

Flew with the Warhawks as "Emilz". Tekko was CO, and Togs was his funny sidekick. Hvan't seen any of those guys in awhile but seeing some of those old screen captures is funny.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: shiv on January 25, 2009, 07:46:32 PM
One more Warhawk here - shiv now, shiv then.  <S> Emilz.  Haven't seen Tekko or anyone else in years but that was a fun squad.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: detch01 on January 25, 2009, 09:42:56 PM
I think my dad used to play AW... I dont know... He said he was in like the 444 or 44 or something... He lost interest after EA canned AW though..
I remember the CPID - can't remember having interacted with him at all but say hey for me anyway.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: The Fugitive on January 25, 2009, 10:22:20 PM
I think my dad used to play AW... I dont know... He said he was in like the 444 or 44 or something... He lost interest after EA canned AW though..

444th Air MAfia maybe? What was his name?
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 1pLUs44 on January 25, 2009, 10:42:26 PM
444th Air MAfia maybe? What was his name?

I don't know, it had something to do with the number 44 or something, and I mean his name, I don't think he flew with a squad. Maybe.

I'll ask him, I don't know if he remembers it.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Twist on January 26, 2009, 08:18:22 AM
Flew as 'Razer' for the B's in RR. Spent a lot of time taking down 'Lone Wolf' and 'Dead Duck' and '+Dead' and 'Turkeyhams' late at night. Flew with the Dover Dawgs; Hbang, Lizard3, Alaskn and Scot. Always managed to bag my daily limit shooting down MAW pilots. ;)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Getback on January 26, 2009, 10:13:16 AM
I think my dad used to play AW... I dont know... He said he was in like the 444 or 44 or something... He lost interest after EA canned AW though..

I probably knew your Dad 1plus. Ask him if he remembers Soze. I remember all those guys. Mugz, MDjoe etc.

Gosh Shiv, didn't realize you played AW.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: stickpig on January 26, 2009, 01:35:22 PM
Anyone have any screen shots from the AW days?
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: shiv on January 26, 2009, 03:11:26 PM
Oh yeah Getback, I was there for the AOL days and a little bit after.   Flew until my comp couldn't keep up. 

What was your handle? 
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: sigfla on January 26, 2009, 10:43:53 PM
Same here AW AOL kept me sane when I lived in Michigan. I tried to play GS but my comp and net connection left alot to be desired. I remember my aol days were spent in a squad with 7son (maybe not the same one from GS?) and many others. I think my old cpid was jido but those days have long since passed and my memory isn't the best. Anyway I am anxiously awaiting my new system so I can drive my wife crazy as I obsess with a new game, AHII!!!!!!
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Getback on January 27, 2009, 01:35:13 AM
Oh yeah Getback, I was there for the AOL days and a little bit after.   Flew until my comp couldn't keep up. 

What was your handle? 

Soze, Ntrpd, Chang, Can't remember the others.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: shiv on January 27, 2009, 10:18:40 AM
Well, if you were Az or Bz you were shooting me down i imagine.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Getback on January 27, 2009, 10:43:23 AM
Well, if you were Az or Bz you were shooting me down i imagine.

Bz, No doubt we encountered each other. Mostly flew Pacific.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Horn on January 31, 2009, 01:01:46 PM
Gettin a hankerin fer gettin back up and flyin the friendly skies, guess I'll have to get a new 'puter...again. Ahh the joys of bein a noob. Here I come  :rock

(off to the hardware forum)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Animl on January 31, 2009, 01:36:14 PM
Gettin a hankerin fer gettin back up and flyin the friendly skies, guess I'll have to get a new 'puter...again. Ahh the joys of bein a noob. Here I come  :rock

(off to the hardware forum)

The heck took you so long? :)

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Horn on January 31, 2009, 07:34:09 PM
The heck took you so long? :)


Real life interfering, dammit. Glad to see you're still up and kickin. Been awhile since I visited Bigweek.

Now, to see if the Damned will take me back :)

edit: and dang if I didn't just miss +Tiff and Rap headin out.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Animl on January 31, 2009, 10:54:09 PM
Real life interfering, dammit. Glad to see you're still up and kickin. Been awhile since I visited Bigweek.

Now, to see if the Damned will take me back :)

edit: and dang if I didn't just miss +Tiff and Rap headin out.

+Tiff ; Hard to keep a historian away from the only thing that puts him in that seat. Never know tho.

I just started flyin again about 4 months ago. Personally I've been playing late night hours... a little less flock of seagulls.

BTW, you don't need a monster machine to drive this game, although it's always nice.

Hope you get up soon,...more vets needed. :)

BW is still BW,...political hypertension ran some out but it's still there functioning. <shrug>

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Oldman731 on February 01, 2009, 12:24:24 AM
BW is still BW,...political hypertension ran some out but it's still there functioning. <shrug>


Which means, "come back, but please don't tease the animal."

- oldman
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Horn on February 01, 2009, 12:50:19 PM
Which means, "come back, but please don't tease the animal."

- oldman

Heck I figured our belov'd Animl would be in tall cotton since the evil empire moved on.  :D

I read someone was playing with a P3 so maybe my maxxed out p4 might handle it. Wish I could afford one o' them shiny usb CH systems but I'll guess I'll stick w/ the gameport set for now. That should work, shouldn't it?
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Lord ReDhAwK on February 01, 2009, 02:30:06 PM
Sure will Horn.  I'm still running my old gameport CH stuff with no problem.   :aok

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Animl on February 01, 2009, 03:39:54 PM
Which means, "come back, but please don't tease the animal."

- oldman

Especially if "it" has rabies.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on February 01, 2009, 03:43:58 PM
I just started flyin again about 4 months ago.

Excellent!  Good to have you here.

And, Horn, it's great to see that you will be joining us!  :aok
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Animl on February 01, 2009, 03:47:11 PM
Heck I figured our belov'd Animl would be in tall cotton since the evil empire moved on.  :D

I read someone was playing with a P3 so maybe my maxxed out p4 might handle it. Wish I could afford one o' them shiny usb CH systems but I'll guess I'll stick w/ the gameport set for now. That should work, shouldn't it?

Still wiping the tears pf joy. But instead of being scared to death, I'm just scared.

Your system will pull the game easy. I don't know of any issue with gameport. But I'm running a PIII 3ghz, 1 gb Mem, and my 6800GT coughed blood, so I am using a wimpy Nivida 420 MX (64mb mem) vid card, and it's pulling the game just fine. Need to replace that card though.

I pretty much get my butt handed to me on a consistent basis.  :rolleyes:

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Mav on July 22, 2009, 12:41:20 PM
Add me to the list.  I flew Cz for Skull Squadron back on the AOL-AW days.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Wreked on July 22, 2009, 12:57:43 PM
Damn this thread brings back old memories - played AW on GEnie back in '86 on an Atari ST1040 c/w 12" screen and mouse.   :D
I remember the mountains were VERY pointy  LOL - but ya could land on em - you could land everywhere and take off again.  heheh
...and TnB'ing in the cities was a giggle too!!

Think I still have that old ST in the garage - gonna drag it out and fire it up - see if I still got the game loaded.

Nice to see a real ground breaking game of it's day still has so many fans with fond memories!!

cheers eh!
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on July 22, 2009, 02:23:46 PM
Howdy, Mav and Wreked!
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grayeagle on July 26, 2009, 02:03:44 PM
Hiya Horn .. hookup with TC or Whels in the game .. the Damned is still around, comin an goin like the rest of the folks here :)

My Neice stepped on my joystick an broke it and I was so pissed off I threw it away, then was told I coulda sent it back to CH for repair ..ROFL .. 'nevah let anga rule, gwasshoppa!' .. you'd think I would 'get that' after a bit eh?

Was a nice one too .. one of there first USB Pro sticks .. ah well :)
Perhaps I can get another one, new, soon :D .. this may be my last weekend unemployed ..goin back to work as 3d Artist looks like (!!)

I am *so* jazzed!

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: BERN1 on May 03, 2010, 05:36:58 PM
LTD-Tactical Wing
started in December 01
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Flench on May 07, 2010, 12:27:08 PM
Don't know if this count's but I was there for a month before I found AH back in 99 .
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Plazus on May 07, 2010, 02:14:00 PM
When I was just a young baby seal in the late 90s (about 8 or 9), I flew a lot on Air Warrior. Never played online but instead, I loved flying the Korean jets and shooting down the AI controlled bad guys. Quite honestly, didnt know much about the history of aerial combat back then, but flying was one thing I have always wanted to do ever since I first rode in a Piper Cherokee when I was 5.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rino on May 09, 2010, 10:37:37 AM
Which means, "come back, but please don't tease the animal."

- oldman

     Silly question, but what is the Bigweek address again?
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: --)SF---- on May 09, 2010, 11:08:28 AM
     Silly question, but what is the Bigweek address again?

First rule of Bigweek is, we don't mention Bigweek.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: yow on May 09, 2010, 11:25:08 PM
I'm an old AW guy.  Started with AW Dos followed with AW2 and then AW3.  My fav was AW2, AW3 was tweaked for more realism but failed in the fun factor.  Also AW3 was laggy at times too.  I started out as a B but changed to C half way through.  My fav plane was the spitfire but I also enjoyed the B17 both as a pilot or gunner.

Do any of yous remember one of the admins named Vet?  I think he was mostly around AW2 days and the early part of AW3.  He was a very good spitfire pilot with many kills.

I don't recall the name of my squadron but a few of the members got into one of the vehicles (AW2) and drove it from one air field to another air field, which took about an hour, lol. Then they started to shoot and kill the enemies.  Had a lot of fun with AW2.

With the demise of AW3 I switched to Warbirds but I didn't care much for it so I hung up my flightstick until now.  AH looks interesting and I would like to know how it compares to AW.  At the moment I'm without a flight stick so I haven't played AH yet.  Should I start exerciseing my trigger finger again? lol.


Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: BrownBaron on May 09, 2010, 11:31:27 PM
I'm an old AW guy.  Started with AW Dos followed with AW2 and then AW3.  My fav was AW2, AW3 was tweaked for more realism but failed in the fun factor.  Also AW3 was laggy at times too.  I started out as a B but changed to C half way through.  My fav plane was the spitfire but I also enjoyed the B17 both as a pilot or gunner.

Do any of yous remember one of the admins named Vet?  I think he was mostly around AW2 days and the early part of AW3.  He was a very good spitfire pilot with many kills.

I don't recall the name of my squadron but a few of the members got into one of the vehicles (AW2) and drove it from one air field to another air field, which took about an hour, lol. Then they started to shoot and kill the enemies.  Had a lot of fun with AW2.

With the demise of AW3 I switched to Warbirds but I didn't care much for it so I hung up my flightstick until now.  AH looks interesting and I would like to know how it compares to AW.  At the moment I'm without a flight stick so I haven't played AH yet.  Should I start exerciseing my trigger finger again? lol.


My advise to you is: DON'T START

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: shiv on May 09, 2010, 11:32:52 PM
I'm an old AW guy.  Started with AW Dos followed with AW2 and then AW3.  My fav was AW2, AW3 was tweaked for more realism but failed in the fun factor.  Also AW3 was laggy at times too.  I started out as a B but changed to C half way through.  My fav plane was the spitfire but I also enjoyed the B17 both as a pilot or gunner.
With the demise of AW3 I switched to Warbirds but I didn't care much for it so I hung up my flightstick until now.  AH looks interesting and I would like to know how it compares to AW.  At the moment I'm without a flight stick so I haven't played AH yet.  Should I start exerciseing my trigger finger again? lol.

Cz! Pfui.  

Never played WB but if you liked AW I think you'd like AH.  7 Spits to choose from too, if you count the Seafire.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 68ZooM on May 09, 2010, 11:49:22 PM
Cz, wow that brings back memories, best part of that game was requesting a crew for bombers, we used to load up all the gunner positions and it became a flying DeathStar, get a bunch of drunks in one plane and the Vox was never quiet.  :rofl
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Flossy on May 11, 2010, 11:37:29 AM
Cz, wow that brings back memories, best part of that game was requesting a crew for bombers, we used to load up all the gunner positions and it became a flying DeathStar, get a bunch of drunks in one plane and the Vox was never quiet.  :rofl
Ahhh yes..... those were the days!  :)

I particularly enjoyed gunning the chin with a pilot who enjoyed dog-fighting in a B17, not mentioning any names!  We had a 'Spiffing' time though!  :lol
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: edge12674 on May 11, 2010, 01:54:49 PM
Yeah, Deathstars were the best.  I think that is the only short coming of AH...multiple gunners.  Used to belong to a squad =BRU= (Buffs R Us) with Freelance as our CO back in the AW Genie days.  The intercom banter that went on while we flew a mission had me wiping tears from my eyes cause I was laughing so hard!

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rino on May 13, 2010, 01:30:11 AM
First rule of Bigweek is, we don't mention Bigweek.

     There are certain things we don't let our wives pack during a con trip either  :D
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: --)SF---- on May 13, 2010, 01:57:33 AM

     There are certain things we don't let our wives pack during a con trip either  :D
I can't believe remember that 'little' mistake!       :O
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: palef on May 13, 2010, 07:02:04 PM
Ahhh yes..... those were the days!  :)

I particularly enjoyed gunning the chin with a pilot who enjoyed dog-fighting in a B17, not mentioning any names!  We had a 'Spiffing' time though!  :lol

That was my favourite trick for getting n00bs hooked. Landed 11 kills for a new guy one night. Vulching with a chin gunner in a B17 is huge fun. He paid up and his wife had left him within 3 months.

I miss Spiff and Fidd and all those Kraits.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: gdzila on May 15, 2010, 03:18:34 AM
was Cuce in AW flew with the ASB and then the AIF
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: killnu on May 15, 2010, 10:00:02 AM
I flew with ASB for a little but...with Sapo, Tazz, hyena....was during AW2 when I started, went by
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: thud123 on May 15, 2010, 11:21:20 AM
Since this thread is still alive...

6623   Death Angel  1992

Decided to up one day with a tank and blast my own country's uppers on some field. Laughed my bellybutton off but my countrymen didn't think it was that funny so I fled to FR (full realisim) and changed my name to Thud.

3357 Thud after CRIS started the $1.50/hr. Man that was a sweet deal at the time! They also gave you a shell account with your dial-up subscription. Learned a lot of UNIX commands. Ah, good times, good times.

I was fortunate to be asked to join the Musketeers squadron  of Air Warrior in 94/95 or so.

Still with em', Wouldn't want to be anywhere else!

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: gdzila on May 15, 2010, 02:44:18 PM
Tazz and twilick or twilight (something twi) were the ones that got me into the ASB with ICY and Pirate
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Goner on June 01, 2010, 04:14:11 AM
Goner here ... was thinking of the good old days and visited to check if my account survived (which it did!).

I started flying Air Warrior in the Compu$erve days and stayed until the end. Was in a 2-man squad with Immel, called D.U.T.C.H (Drinking Umpteen Tasty Cool Heinekens, I think ... ?)
Never was much of a fighter pilot, but I flew Kates, Shturmi's, B-25's, B-17's in every scenario (Kursk, Pearl Harbor, Big Week etc) I could (had to get out of bed at 3 AM because of the time difference). When EA murdered AW, I flew AH for some time, but something went wrong with my connection and after some time I quit.

Only playing on-line shooters these days, Call of Duty series (not Moderrn Warfare 2), Enemy Territory:Quake Wars and Battlefield Bad Company 2 ... maybe I should buy a joystick and see if I still suck at SA and ACM  ;)

OMG!!! I just found a link to ... my hair was still black then !!!
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rino on June 01, 2010, 08:43:25 PM
     Man oh man does that site bring back alot of good times.  Bunch of geezers  :D 
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: maddafinga on June 01, 2010, 09:17:47 PM
Goner here ... was thinking of the good old days and visited to check if my account survived (which it did!).

I started flying Air Warrior in the Compu$erve days and stayed until the end. Was in a 2-man squad with Immel, called D.U.T.C.H (Drinking Umpteen Tasty Cool Heinekens, I think ... ?)
Never was much of a fighter pilot, but I flew Kates, Shturmi's, B-25's, B-17's in every scenario (Kursk, Pearl Harbor, Big Week etc) I could (had to get out of bed at 3 AM because of the time difference). When EA murdered AW, I flew AH for some time, but something went wrong with my connection and after some time I quit.

Only playing on-line shooters these days, Call of Duty series (not Moderrn Warfare 2), Enemy Territory:Quake Wars and Battlefield Bad Company 2 ... maybe I should buy a joystick and see if I still suck at SA and ACM  ;)

OMG!!! I just found a link to ... my hair was still black then !!!

Man, several guys on there I hadn't thought of in years, and never knew what they looked like.  Thanks for posting that one up!  I never was much of a forum guy back then, so I guess I missed out on a lot of the experience.  I flew it religiously for years though.  Good stuff!
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ZetaNine on June 01, 2010, 11:03:33 PM
I'm amazed that I recognize about 5 or 6 of those names.  that feels like ages ago...
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 68ZooM on June 02, 2010, 11:31:04 AM
Goner here ... was thinking of the good old days and visited to check if my account survived (which it did!).

I started flying Air Warrior in the Compu$erve days and stayed until the end. Was in a 2-man squad with Immel, called D.U.T.C.H (Drinking Umpteen Tasty Cool Heinekens, I think ... ?)
Never was much of a fighter pilot, but I flew Kates, Shturmi's, B-25's, B-17's in every scenario (Kursk, Pearl Harbor, Big Week etc) I could (had to get out of bed at 3 AM because of the time difference). When EA murdered AW, I flew AH for some time, but something went wrong with my connection and after some time I quit.

Only playing on-line shooters these days, Call of Duty series (not Moderrn Warfare 2), Enemy Territory:Quake Wars and Battlefield Bad Company 2 ... maybe I should buy a joystick and see if I still suck at SA and ACM  ;)

OMG!!! I just found a link to ... my hair was still black then !!!

Wow i seen so many i used to fly with, i sent in my info and pic  haha
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: AAJagerX on June 02, 2010, 05:22:08 PM
Was "Dibo" in AWI , II, and III, with some variation to the name.  Flew with the 56th at the time.   Didn't play very often, but the addiction still got me.

The old Hooooooowwwwwwwllllllll  macro after the kill.  I'm getting old...
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: iKo on November 20, 2010, 01:01:09 PM
bump  :banana:
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: FiLtH on November 20, 2010, 02:19:22 PM
Bump me ya bum.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Muzzy on November 20, 2010, 04:00:43 PM
Played ah as well. Best memory was getting lessons from a girl pilot after she beat my spitty flying an A 26.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Snoop on November 20, 2010, 05:19:08 PM
flew as ^Ch:) in AOL aw in the tigers, frying tigers, dover dawgs, flew for alaskn, jag34, wind, headbang, edmo, elk, hawk, 6dan, 9mill, mrmike, vudo, and others. memory is going :).
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 68ZooM on November 20, 2010, 05:43:58 PM
Played ah as well. Best memory was getting lessons from a girl pilot after she beat my spitty flying an A 26.

That might have been Kitty, Deadly pilot and drop dead beautiful
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Oldman731 on November 20, 2010, 06:04:36 PM
That might have been Kitty, Deadly pilot and drop dead beautiful

Yup, she was both.

- oldman
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Muzzy on November 20, 2010, 07:49:56 PM
That might have been her.  She was an AH widow who decided to try the game and ended up playing more than her husband.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HL117 on November 20, 2010, 08:29:23 PM

  Maybe she Morphed into BlueKitty   ;)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Oldman731 on November 20, 2010, 11:55:21 PM
That might have been her.  She was an AH widow who decided to try the game and ended up playing more than her husband.

That was Dawn.

- oldman
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: viking73 on November 21, 2010, 01:01:58 AM
Old Marine Air Wing AW days...

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: MotleyCH on November 29, 2010, 11:38:45 AM

Do any of yous remember one of the admins named Vet?  I think he was mostly around AW2 days and the early part of AW3.  He was a very good spitfire pilot with many kills.

I remember him, he was in the 86th Eliminators. I'm not sure if he plays AH.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: longtime on November 29, 2010, 08:56:28 PM
Old air warrior here..emphasis on old.
Will reopen account at least one more time.
AH is online home for me.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Ack-Ack on November 29, 2010, 09:28:10 PM
I remember him, he was in the 86th Eliminators. I'm not sure if he plays AH.

Don't think Vet made the transition during the Exodus to AH. 

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: stealth on November 29, 2010, 10:35:23 PM
I got about 6-9 old air warriors in my squad or at least with in an Emails length.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: HARDLIQR on November 30, 2010, 09:07:54 AM
Believe it or not I went to an AW con this summer here in Indiana. I met some old pilots there and the creator of the game.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Muzzy on December 04, 2010, 06:08:55 PM
That was Dawn.

- oldman

My foggy memory says you're probably right.  Never met a gal pilot that wasn't a good stick. 
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SIK1 on December 04, 2010, 07:35:59 PM
LPN was a good stick, and she stuck around through AW3 iirc. klee was another good stick in her 38 I don't think she made the move to Gamestorm when AW moved, but I could be wrong.
There were a few others, but those are the two gals that I always seem to remember. Probably because they always shot me down. :uhoh

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: WoLfX on December 06, 2010, 06:04:03 PM
Hey All,
  I started in AW with AW classic, then AW2 and finally AW3.  I was in squad Knights of Khaox in AW2 and CO of Sealed Fate in AW3.   I was also known in AW3 as AWAR Ionos as ingame staff for almost 3 years.  Attended the Dallas con in 1999 and met Kelton Flinn, Blue Baron, Mage, Kelly (Culero) and many other fine AW pilots.  Went to the AW reunion this summer in Indianapolis with Hardliqr (BW12S) and again saw Kelton, Quarters and some other old AW pilots.  I now fly in AH with the Unforgiven.  See ya'll in the air on my wing (or in my sights).  Have fun!!!

WoLfX aka AWARIonos
Ret CO Sealed Fate
currently "The Unforgiven"
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: maddafinga on December 06, 2010, 07:06:40 PM
Hey All,
  I started in AW with AW classic, then AW2 and finally AW3.  I was in squad Knights of Khaox in AW2 and CO of Sealed Fate in AW3.   I was also known in AW3 as AWAR Ionos as ingame staff for almost 3 years.  Attended the Dallas con in 1999 and met Kelton Flinn, Blue Baron, Mage, Kelly (Culero) and many other fine AW pilots.  Went to the AW reunion this summer in Indianapolis with Hardliqr (BW12S) and again saw Kelton, Quarters and some other old AW pilots.  I now fly in AH with the Unforgiven.  See ya'll in the air on my wing (or in my sights).  Have fun!!!

WoLfX aka AWARIonos
Ret CO Sealed Fate
currently "The Unforgiven"

I really wanted to go to that, but having money to go didn't work out for me at the time.  I'm sure it was great fun.

Also, Culero was a girl?  I had no idea at all. 
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on December 06, 2010, 08:09:47 PM
Culero (Kelly) is a guy (unless, with his moustache, he is the world's ugliest girl :) ).
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: maddafinga on December 06, 2010, 08:42:22 PM
Culero (Kelly) is a guy (unless, with his moustache, he is the world's ugliest girl :) ).

Well see, there I go making assumptions based on names.  Foolish of me.

I have seen some women with some pretty serious facial hair though Brooke!

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: guttboy on December 07, 2010, 02:36:48 PM
^TG12 checking in.....

Been a couple of years since being online here due to health issues and USAF retirements.....

Trying to catch up with any of the Old TIGER SQUADRON if anyone is still around!

Perhaps a return to the air is needed!!!!

"Blue skies ahead!"

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Silat on December 07, 2010, 04:58:34 PM
I wouldnt admit to knowing any of you....
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: guttboy on December 07, 2010, 05:05:58 PM
LOL Silat!

Trying to get all my controls figured out again....damned if I can't get the MS FF2 figured out....LOL
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: The Fugitive on December 07, 2010, 07:26:50 PM
I wouldnt admit to knowing any of you....

I for one am thankful for that !
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: chuckk on December 08, 2010, 11:24:50 AM
AW2 and AW3 I was weasl I think my squad was (Bader) named after British ace.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Ramon on December 08, 2010, 12:26:58 PM
I fondly remember Air Warrior.  It is the reason I stayed on AOL as long as I did.  The old Legends of Kesmai was fun as well (I want my gold back!).  Was it Battletech as well?  Those large robots were fun fun fun.  I can hardly remember my handle, maybe rayree.  My favorite plane was the Spit IX.  I must say this game is much better though.  Hitech and crew have done an excellent job.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Snoop on December 08, 2010, 09:18:43 PM
     :airplane: hey TG12, we are still here,  :old: elk, 6dan, edmo, hawk, hb, jag34, mrmike, 9mill, wingman :banana:
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: guttboy on December 09, 2010, 10:23:28 AM
Hiya snoopy!

Getting the kinks out of the controller mapping and hope to see ya in the air soon!

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Skytrooper on February 09, 2014, 10:08:26 AM
Hey Gdzilla, or is me Apache ! We flew together in the ASB and then the 4 or 5 of us left to form AIF (You, Pirate, Bigtime, me...and I am missing one or two others). Remember the first time we went up against Tazz after the split ? I am thinking he might have been a little po'd. After the AIF, Bigtime and I went to +KIC+ (knights of the Iron Cross) until AW's demise. We sure had some fun times together.

Anyway I am getting back into flying after 8+ years and have been practicing on WT (war thunder) which although very pretty, is an all individual accomplishment type of game (i.e. no teamwork = not very fun). I would very much like to get going again with some of my old buddies. Especially in a game that is rewarding of teamwork.

Matt aka Apache
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SEseph on February 11, 2014, 11:50:07 AM
ASB XO %Twi right here Apache.  :salute
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: lunatic1 on February 11, 2014, 12:15:55 PM
  :O  this thread started 10 years ago
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Arlo on February 11, 2014, 03:07:31 PM
 :O  this thread started 10 years ago

What can we say? There's a lot of old AWers.  ;)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Skytrooper on February 11, 2014, 05:05:58 PM
  %Twi !! Or SEseph, I mean...LOL   Wow it is great to see you sir !!  We sure had some darn good times back in the ASB ! I remember all those missions when we were flying RR Pac. Also the planning missions for our flights & Fights against the Az + Bz. I sure do miss my trusty A-26 Invader. Ah, those were the days  :rock
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DREDIOCK on February 11, 2014, 06:32:06 PM
 :O  this thread started 10 years ago

Wow. You're right. I posed in it on the first page in 2004
My beard was still mostly black then with a touch of gray. Now its mostly gray with a touch of black LOL
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SEseph on February 11, 2014, 09:50:48 PM
  %Twi !! Or SEseph, I mean...LOL   Wow it is great to see you sir !!  We sure had some darn good times back in the ASB ! I remember all those missions when we were flying RR Pac. Also the planning missions for our flights & Fights against the Az + Bz. I sure do miss my trusty A-26 Invader. Ah, those were the days  :rock

Have you been able to get in touch with any other old ASB?
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Skytrooper on February 12, 2014, 05:50:36 AM
Cuce and Tazz are here in AH. I sent Cuce an E-mail, but no response yet. No idea as to any others,( i.e: Icy, Pirate, Bigtime, Daffy).
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SEseph on February 12, 2014, 07:34:52 AM
Cuce and Tazz are here in AH. I sent Cuce an E-mail, but no response yet. No idea as to any others,( i.e: Icy, Pirate, Bigtime, Daffy).

Last I spoke to Tazz he wasn't in AH. What's his current callsign?
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Skytrooper on February 12, 2014, 03:29:45 PM
Tazz isn't here ?  He was flying P-38's with a squad here about 8-9 years ago (last time I was in contact wit him). I just assumed he still was here. I do not remember his callsign. Cuce is Gdzilla in AH, he might be able to help with Icy & Pirate
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: USRanger on February 13, 2014, 01:51:27 AM
I have a group photo of the original players from the beta:

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on February 13, 2014, 12:52:31 PM
That picture didn't get my good side.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Larokkit on February 13, 2014, 10:36:28 PM
flew Rebel Air Force when it was free on AOHELL.  man it was fun . still remember first time i flew watching a guy in a zero just tear up five guys ganging him. dont remember his name but he did it often.
  stayed with =RAF= until AW died and found some of them here in NAZGUL.   Two kids really thinned out my flying time, dont see any Nazgul anymore either.    was =LEM= in AW.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 2flie on July 16, 2017, 11:37:45 PM
I love checking in periodically. Still miss this!
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: hedbang on July 19, 2017, 04:30:09 PM
     :airplane: hey TG12, we are still here,  :old: elk, 6dan, edmo, hawk, hb, jag34, mrmike, 9mill, wingman :banana:

Snoop! Boys!  HedBang here.... remember me?   Not sure if you'll see this.  Decided to browse the forums for the heck of it and found your posts.  Been thinking of trying out flying again.  Might give it a shot once the summer slows down a little more.

Glad you guys are still here. 

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SIK1 on July 19, 2017, 09:05:59 PM
Snoop! Boys!  HedBang here.... remember me?   Not sure if you'll see this.  Decided to browse the forums for the heck of it and found your posts.  Been thinking of trying out flying again.  Might give it a shot once the summer slows down a little more.

Glad you guys are still here. 


You do realize that you're quoting a seven year old post?

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: lunatic1 on July 20, 2017, 12:50:31 AM
Snoop! Boys!  HedBang here.... remember me?   Not sure if you'll see this.  Decided to browse the forums for the heck of it and found your posts.  Been thinking of trying out flying again.  Might give it a shot once the summer slows down a little more.

Glad you guys are still here. 


come on back and give it a try.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: icepac on July 20, 2017, 06:49:38 AM
You do realize that you're quoting a seven year old post?


Do you realize he's commenting on a currently active topic sitting near the top of the sub-forum list of topics?
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Ramesis on July 20, 2017, 02:06:28 PM
Was =RAM= in AW  :salute
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Muddie on July 31, 2017, 08:37:31 PM
I was Muddie and DmdMud back in AW
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shifty on August 06, 2017, 08:16:19 AM
Do you realize he's commenting on a currently active topic sitting near the top of the sub-forum list of topics?
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TheManx on August 17, 2017, 01:33:08 AM
Good to see this topic still going :)

I can't remember when I left AW or Aces High. Had a great time in the day though.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Flench on August 31, 2017, 07:19:56 PM
First fighter sims I played and what I liked most about it you could put a man on every gun In a bomber
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: MWL on August 31, 2017, 07:48:56 PM

  I was Pnzr in the AW beta - wish I could get the AW 2 intro to play again.  Unfortunately, I am missing some program (not sure I can still find the disk come to think of it).

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Flench on August 31, 2017, 07:52:52 PM
Never understud why AH did not let a man mount every gun ina bomber . It's soo much funner . If AW did it AH should be able to do it ?
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TequilaChaser on August 31, 2017, 08:26:24 PM

  I was Pnzr in the AW beta

Which AW Beta? the 1st one, the 2nd one, the 3rd one (these were for Mac's and DOS best I recollect) or the SVGA one or the AW4W one or the AW Beta for AOL one?  ( My memory is bad, but don't think I left any of the AW Beta's out from what they later called AW Classic )

- wish I could get the AW 2 intro to play again.  Unfortunately, I am missing some program (not sure I can still find the disk come to think of it).


Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: pipz on August 31, 2017, 08:30:34 PM

  I was Pnzr in the AW beta - wish I could get the AW 2 intro to play again.  Unfortunately, I am missing some program (not sure I can still find the disk come to think of it).

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: MWL on August 31, 2017, 09:49:48 PM

  It was AW 2 beta.  And then in AW 2 online.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Molsman on August 31, 2017, 11:27:45 PM
AWMols,,,,Mols,,,, DeOlMolz and many more of my variants still here but on a leave right now
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: N95KF on September 01, 2017, 03:45:51 PM
One thing from Air Warrior Aces High should implement is the briefing room for missions.  You had the ability to raise your hand in a speaker que, turn the lights off, show the map and objectives, maintain radio discipline, etc. 
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: The Fugitive on September 01, 2017, 04:37:21 PM
One thing from Air Warrior Aces High should implement is the briefing room for missions.  You had the ability to raise your hand in a speaker que, turn the lights off, show the map and objectives, maintain radio discipline, etc.

I miss that too. I think it added soooooo much to the immersion factor.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: bj229r on September 01, 2017, 04:55:49 PM
flew Rebel Air Force when it was free on AOHELL.  man it was fun . still remember first time i flew watching a guy in a zero just tear up five guys ganging him. dont remember his name but he did it often.
  stayed with =RAF= until AW died and found some of them here in NAZGUL.   Two kids really thinned out my flying time, dont see any Nazgul anymore either.    was =LEM= in AW.

I did the aolhell too, was usually pac arena, dogfighting B17's was a hoot (Tho admittedly a wee bit unrealistic)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: EagleDNY on September 01, 2017, 06:25:33 PM
I was busy in BigPac sinking the CV.  Funny how I seem to do that a lot here as well....
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 38ruk on September 02, 2017, 02:28:05 PM
I was in big Pac under the name rukee iirc ..... Having more and more trouble remembering aw lol. I remember gamestorm and then Ea but have forgotten a lot of the other details lol
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: The Fugitive on September 02, 2017, 04:33:59 PM
Ya I was in Big Pac too, RR, but TRIX! would drag me over to FR now and then as his wingman. Was MDJOE with the 444thAir Mafia back then. We even had a base named after us towards the end.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: pipz on September 02, 2017, 05:39:02 PM
One thing from Air Warrior Aces High should implement is the briefing room for missions.  You had the ability to raise your hand in a speaker que, turn the lights off, show the map and objectives, maintain radio discipline, etc.

That was cool.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Arlo on September 02, 2017, 07:16:44 PM

P.S. We started out in RR Cz.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DaddyAce on September 02, 2017, 07:47:30 PM
... Having more and more trouble remembering aw lol. .....

Same here  :old:  Arlo's post just reminded me of A Land, B land & C Land.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Arlo on September 02, 2017, 08:00:56 PM







Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ROC on September 02, 2017, 08:37:02 PM
Arlo, when was the last time you heard from Kim? Wasn't she a nurse?  I still have my gamestorm cd, oh those were the days.  Duel Modems to really get that dial up humming!!
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Arlo on September 02, 2017, 08:42:00 PM
KIM was a she?  :confused:
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: The Fugitive on September 02, 2017, 09:14:00 PM
she did make RN and was pretty busy for a bit..... think she has a grand kid or two now.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: BBQsam on September 02, 2017, 09:26:15 PM
I did the aolhell too, was usually pac arena, dogfighting B17's was a hoot (Tho admittedly a wee bit unrealistic)

That was my thing also in AW.  Flying dogfighing B-17s in FR Pac DeathStars  or self gunned 2nd aw account.  The 17s in there would rip wings in FR when you exceeded 3.2 Gs.

"Those were they days my friends I thought they'd never end........."
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ROC on September 02, 2017, 09:52:42 PM
KIM was a she?
As far as I know, she still is  :headscratch:   :rofl
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Arlo on September 02, 2017, 10:29:29 PM
As far as I know, she still is  :headscratch:   :rofl

Mighta flown with .... ummm ... her .... once or twice. No vox exchange. Flew mostly with BigHog, Lotel and Narn. Whoop*** was there when I signed on but he (cawd, I think he was a he) didn't stick around when we transitioned to FR. Narn and Streak were on again, off again. Numbers dwindled til it was just Lotel and me (Lotel was a he). Then me. I flew as a one man squad for awhile. Then i joined the Groverats. When AW was backstabbed by EA I wandered over to WB (low res) and immediately looked for JRs. Then AH .... same thing. Felt very lucky when I found a branch here. :)

My earliest memory of AW (it was transitioning from II to III at the time) was my first squad night with the JRs. We were still RR then. John 'BigHog' Felsted was leading 5 other JRs on our first sortie of the night. We were perched probably 17-18k and there was a whole swarm of bad and good guys dogging it out below. I'd yet to have a kill to my name. BigHog called for us to drop in, kill what we could, and zoom out. Once we made our BnZ run he asked who all got a kill. We all did, even me. He proclaimed us a worthy squad. Seemed pretty neat. Later we got into sticking around in furballs then FR.

What really seemed fortunate, to me, was finding the BigWeek newsgroup. The game developers and old sticks practically lived there. It was through that group I discovered and fell in love with scenarios. I was even lucky enough to help in the design of one (a Korean event ... 'Fire over the Yalu' or something like that - Brooke could tell us). I got to skin B-17s to look like B-29s and P-47s to look like Yaks. I'm glad AH has so many models.

Now I'm just going on .....
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: The Fugitive on September 02, 2017, 10:54:32 PM
I flew with LPN for years inn the 444th Air Mafia. Kim was a killer in her F6.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Oldman731 on September 02, 2017, 11:06:10 PM
I flew with LPN for years inn the 444th Air Mafia. Kim was a killer in her F6.

So was Kitty.

I miss Kitty.

- oldman
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Arlo on September 02, 2017, 11:13:02 PM
Now Kitty I knew was a femme fatale.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TequilaChaser on September 03, 2017, 09:36:47 AM
Kitty winged a lot with BigT (or was it BigR?) ....they flew in FR BigWeek (later called FR Big PAC) map as Sheriff Fluff (BigT) and Deputy Fluff ( Kitty) ...was a hoot to get into 2 VS 1's and 2 VS 2's with them...

Nice collection of AW memorabilia there, Arlo!
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Arlo on September 03, 2017, 04:22:16 PM
Kitty winged a lot with BigT (or was it BigR?) ....they flew in FR BigWeek (later called FR Big PAC) map as Sheriff Fluff (BigT) and Deputy Fluff ( Kitty) ...was a hoot to get into 2 VS 1's and 2 VS 2's with them...

Nice collection of AW memorabilia there, Arlo!

It's just out there on the internet. Wish I'd been able to save what I once had (especially those skins for the Yalu scenario).
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: bj229r on September 03, 2017, 07:59:19 PM
I flew with LPN for years inn the 444th Air Mafia. Kim was a killer in her F6.

We had such great wars with the Mafia  :aok
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Oldman731 on September 03, 2017, 11:59:20 PM
Kitty winged a lot with BigT (or was it BigR?)

It was BigT.

Good times.

- oldman
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: MarAr on November 11, 2017, 01:47:29 AM
Its been a while and had a lot of catching up to do since my last post in the thread many years ago. Good to see some of the old names for sure!

MarAr -={38 Speicals}=-
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Goner on November 16, 2017, 06:01:46 AM
Good to see so many of you are still alive and more or less kicking !!
Just started playing World of Warplanes (arcade combat flight "sim") and had to think back to Kates o' Doom and the Shturmibubbas.

recently found this :
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TequilaChaser on November 16, 2017, 06:55:52 AM
Thanks for sharing that link, Goner.... it appears DOK is hosting this site

Hope you're doing well


Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Maverick on November 17, 2017, 11:02:52 AM
Just tossing in a bit info here for those who might be interested in really easy kill. After a 13 year absence I am going to try and come back into the game. Skuzzy kindly let me know my old handle, Maverick, was still available so I downloaded the game and started to practice a bit. It seems that my recollection of how things used to go is a bit hazy as gunnery seems to be about 1000% harder now. I have a bottom level thrustmaster and no rudder pedals as well. I suppose I'll have t think hard about rudder pedals again. Any hints for something that is budget friendly?
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Krusty on November 17, 2017, 11:16:44 AM
Budget friendly: Just use a twisty stick for rudder. Worked well for me for years. Many years. Too many years. However, I'd wait to spend money on pedals (of which there are some new options these days) until you get to that point of actually missing them. See if you're going to stick around and see if you get that muscle memory back to the point of wanting pedals.

Other than that, perhaps used CH Pros would be the ones you remember most. Always a good choice, I think.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Kanth on November 17, 2017, 11:26:29 AM

If you need a target to fly around in TA and shoot at to get the feel back let me know when and i'll fly around in there you can shoot at me.
You'll get more guns on time that way against something that moves like a real target. In fact most folks in TA will usually gladly help in this regard.
It can bring you up to speed faster than trying to use MA for it. The flight time is shorter and anyone shooting back doesn't put you in the tower.

I downloaded the game and started to practice a bit. It seems that my recollection of how things used to go is a bit hazy as gunnery seems to be about 1000% harder now.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on November 17, 2017, 12:14:51 PM
Best stick for budget, in my opinion, is a Thrustmaster T.16000M twisty stick.  (Although I prefer the CH Products flightstick, but it's more expensive.)

Best pedals for the money, in my opinion, are CH Products pedals.  I see them for only $120 on
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Vinkman on November 17, 2017, 12:19:09 PM

Great pics of the old AirWarrior. I played starting in 1993/4. Got introduced by a player call sign Doomer.

I have always, exclusively been Vinkman.  :salute

There was no VOIP back when it started, so a group of us would pack our computers in our cars and drive to work, set them up on coference tables in the same conference room and all plug into a different ethernet port and fly as a group swo we could communicate with each other.

Big fun was manning a b17 where one guy flew, and the rest of us were all individual gunners. In game people call it a Death Star. But we had an advantage because we could all all out incoming planes and talk to the pilot as he knew where and how to maneuver.  It was blast.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shane on November 17, 2017, 12:23:23 PM
Nice to see old names active here and noticing what seems (to me, just back after 5 years) an influx of these older players returning.  :old:

Guess the ads are paying off.   :aok

-->OP (AW3 RR)
Oopsy (AW3 FR)   
Shane (AH)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Kanth on November 17, 2017, 01:05:28 PM

I remember you  :cheers:

Quote from: Shane link=topic=128754.msg5186163#msg5186163 date=1510943003
Oopsy (AW3 FR)   
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TDeacon on November 17, 2017, 09:00:14 PM
I found some of my old AW stuff, including 2 "Fighter Scores" printouts from 10/30/1989 and 7/4/1991, which I could photograph and post, if anyone is interested (and I may do it anyway).  The latter list has both handles and real names for each player listed.   

For example, the second list mentioned above lists a player with rank #1, with handle "HiTech GF", and with name D.Addink, FWIW. 

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on November 17, 2017, 09:50:34 PM
I,d love to see it.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: popeye on November 18, 2017, 08:00:23 AM
Yes.  Please post.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Goner on November 20, 2017, 03:27:58 AM
I found some of my old AW stuff,
I wish I had saved printouts of the forums and newsgroups where the battle plans for scenarios were discussed. Flew in a couple and I remember that the preparations were as much fun as the actual battle  ;-)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on November 20, 2017, 03:36:07 AM
I wish I had saved printouts of the forums and newsgroups where the battle plans for scenarios were discussed. Flew in a couple and I remember that the preparations were as much fun as the actual battle  ;-)

We have carried on the tradition of scenarios here.  I hope all former air warriors will fly in them.  :aok
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Mitchell NA on November 20, 2017, 10:46:52 AM
If it was playable on AOL in the 90's, I was there.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Nwbie on November 21, 2017, 09:32:30 PM
One of the funnest nights was when Shane organized a Spit 1 mission, just laughed our tulips off as we managed to disrupt some p51 jocks,
 got a few kills, got lots of points, but mainly just a lot of laughs
Hey Shane, Hope all is well

Nice to see old names active here and noticing what seems (to me, just back after 5 years) an influx of these older players returning.  :old:

Guess the ads are paying off.   :aok

-->OP (AW3 RR)
Oopsy (AW3 FR)   
Shane (AH)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Goner on November 22, 2017, 09:27:26 AM
Talking about old Air Warriors ; I was reading thru Brooke's accounts of the Longbow scenario ( in AW. Even came across a 'Goner  plane crashed' ;-) in a screenshot of radio comms. Then I noticed the handle 'earl' and remembered that Earl actually flew P-39's over North Africa and Italy !! So I searched around and came upon this :

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Oldman731 on November 22, 2017, 12:21:53 PM
Talking about old Air Warriors ; I was reading thru Brooke's accounts of the Longbow scenario ( in AW. Even came across a 'Goner  plane crashed' ;-) in a screenshot of radio comms. Then I noticed the handle 'earl' and remembered that Earl actually flew P-39's over North Africa and Italy !! So I searched around and came upon this :


Thanks, Goner.  We all learned a lot from Earl.

- oldman
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on November 22, 2017, 05:53:22 PM
<S> Goner!

Come join us in scenarios here.  The tradition of scenarios continues!  :aok
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: adriano on November 22, 2017, 06:00:53 PM
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on November 23, 2017, 04:25:21 PM
Talking about old Air Warriors ; I was reading thru Brooke's accounts of the Longbow scenario ( in AW. Even came across a 'Goner  plane crashed' ;-) in a screenshot of radio comms. Then I noticed the handle 'earl' and remembered that Earl actually flew P-39's over North Africa and Italy !! So I searched around and came upon this :


Longbow, part 3, frame 3:


Goner, come fly with us in the February scenario!  :aok
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Kanth on November 23, 2017, 07:10:21 PM
I miss Lugsy.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Hajo on November 23, 2017, 10:21:54 PM
<Lugs and <Lt  good people.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: PH-1 on August 01, 2018, 10:31:03 PM
Wow. So many familiar names in the above 60+ pages of posts. Some were before my time, but many were not. Back when I first started flying AW2 on AOL in 1997, I kept sloppy notes (forgive me, I was all of 11-12 years old at the time) of some of the experiences, so maybe I can add a few names that I didn't see already mentioned. In hindsight, they may not have been as critical as others so they may have been lost to history. From those notes, I've cobbled together some highlights:

As stated, I started flying AW2 on AOL back in 1997. I had the game for quite some time and never really understood the whole multiplayer thing but from the first day I successfully joined, I was hooked. Reading the other posts about the bill also brings back a lot of memories. At the time, I believe running AW on AOL was $1.99/hr. My dad gave me free range since I never wanted the latest video game system or anything like that, but those summer months were brutal on the bill and he'd get some sticker shock from time to time.

From the beginning, I was a member of the Bz under the CPID PH-1. If there are any veterans of <AirStrike> or the BlackWidows, they probably remember as the immature, pre-pubescent pain in the butt, mainly because that's what I was at the time. I conned my way into <AirStrike> first through begging and then through exploiting a bug in the AW code that allowed a person to invite random members they'd see in the Officers' Club into their squad and then accept the invitation on their behalf without their knowledge. <AirStrike> had been formed a few months after I established my own squad and the <AS> CO, SPIN*, started poaching my best pilots. Unbeknownst to them, I was "recruiting" them back to my squad for days before they realized the switch had occurred. After this happened multiple times, SPIN* acquiesced and invited me to be part of <AS>.

SPIN*'s XO was AceV* and like SPIN*, he hailed from Great Britain. Both were phenomenal pilots, especially in P-38s. Another memorable pilot was bah9*, who had been part of my squad before moving over to <AS>. Bah9* was able to exploit a bug in the A-26 model that allowed him to flame just about any fighter - Spitfires, Me109s, 190s; to see him fly an A-26 was to see a masterclass in dogfighting (mainly because the physics of the plane were broken!)

SPIN* and AceV* would conduct training seminars away from the RR theatres trying to get all of their squadmates to perfect the P-38. I tried as much as I could to pick up on it, but I was more used to the Spitfire 5 with its 75% cannon ammo. But the fact that they took the time to actually train their pilots, I think, was unusual at the time; I don't know of any other squadron that did that.

Once AW moved to GameStorm, SPIN* and AceV* disbanded <AS> and became Cz. They became prime antagonists on the Cz while EBOLA was over on the Az. I respected EBOLA immensely. He would fly a 190 (if I recall) at about 10-15K, above the fray, looking for serious dogfighters, as if he was Bobby Fischer looking to checkmate a serious contender. He flamed me constantly but those were always worth the challenge.

With SPIN* and AceV* gone and <AS> gone, OHIO* headed up the BlackWidows. When I saw <AS> was gone, I left the Bz to join the Az, but a day or so later, OHIO* saw me in the Officers' Club, told me to get back to the Bz and rejoin him and a number of other <AS> alum (NwBie, Gonz, teufl, DieAz all come to mind.) Looking back, they all deserved medals for having to deal with an annoying teenager like myself; I sure didn't make it easy on 'em.

The big note I have after that was the capture of White Cat, the Az main base. If memory serves, it was BW's designated squad "night" which was actually on a Sunday afternoon. We had a pretty good turnout and we had just captured Grok when someone suggested we attempt to gather as many of the Bz as we can and try to take WC. It hadn't been done before but we did have the strength in numbers. It took about an hour to finally close the base down. We had bombers leaving from Scragg and Monk, flying up to 20K just to avoid the action down below before descending to 11K (just outside of ack ack range) and drop their payloads. It was a real sight to see. I remember taking a 30-second recording of the map at the time and that was when there was a "video library" on AOL you could upload any media to, and I posted it there for posterity.

From there, my CPID changed multiple times due to a spat that occurred with the BWs; my immaturity finally wearing thin on the squad. Ergo, it's possible you flew with me when I was AOD, HAWC, BUFF3, JGI, or a number of other CPIDs that I didn't have written down. Each CPID managed to successfully infiltrate the BWs until I was sniffed out and kicked out again! This ridiculous exercise continued to AH when I rejoined the BWs as KAL007 in the Fall of '03. Upon being kicked out yet again (darn that Vox!) I joined the JBs as JB43 until, and this is the kicker, I was recruited to join the BWs about four months later (they didn't know who JB43 was!) I can't remember what I changed my name to from JB43 but I flew with my old squad for about four months before college and work ended my AH career for more than a decade.

Fun times.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on August 01, 2018, 11:40:03 PM
Welcome, PH-1!  :aok

Ah, the pay-by-the-hour days . . . Folks don't now how great they have it today!  :aok

I hope that you can join us in the October Scenario "Pantelleria, 1943".
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: BBQsam on August 02, 2018, 12:26:10 AM
Welcome, PH-1!  :aok

Ah, the pay-by-the-hour days . . . Folks don't now how great they have it today!  :aok

I hope that you can join us in the October Scenario "Pantelleria, 1943".
In 1997 and first part of 1998 AW was free on AOL.....   FREE!   Those were the days.......













Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on August 02, 2018, 03:28:37 AM
Oooooh yeah!  I remember those AOL days. :aok  I was also there on the day it all ended -- anniversary of Pearl.

I was sad at the time, but that's what made me (and other Air Warriors) come over to Aces High, which is AWESOME!  :banana:
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: PH-1 on August 02, 2018, 12:28:10 PM
In 1997 and first part of 1998 AW was free on AOL.....   FREE!   Those were the days.......

Maybe I have my years a bit off. I remember I started flying just as I was completing 6th grade which would have been in the Spring of 1997.
The first page is scribbled with base names and scrib notes ("twr controls radar"; "AA limit is 10,000ft.") The next page, presumably just a short while after I started flying had "$103.79!" scribbled alongside it, presumably whatever that summer month's bill was.

I just remember my father breathing a sigh of relief when the flat $9.99/month rate was instituted (not sure if that started at AOL before it was started at GS.)

Looking back on some additional notes, I thought the transition from AOL to GS was quite interesting, mainly because I noticed a switch in people's allegiances on a pretty widespread scale. SPIN* and AceV* bolted to be independent pilots on the Cz, while, another pilot (it's either Nuch or Nuck, I can't decipher my handwriting) left BWs to "rejoin" his original squad that I guess he played with on another host pre-GS. Maybe it was just me, but there was a lot of confusion as people bounced around a lot.

By any chance, does anyone have a screenshot or map of the AW2/3 RR European Theatre map? The bases I've written down are:

Twist Aerodrome (neutral at map resets)
Moggy (A)
Assassin (A)
Grok (A)
White Cat (A)
Sly (?)
Scragg (B)
Monk (B)
Fencer (B)
Naughton Memorial (B)
Winchester (B)
Shaky (B)
Holmes (B)
Green Heart (C)
ANG (not sure what the full name was, but it was the C base north of GRE and west of SHA)
Centurion (C)

So the ones I never wrote down were the ones that usually bounced back and forth between Az and Cz and rarely fell into Bz hands. Also, if anyone remembers the names of the three garages. I remember one was called DOOM's GARAGE (I think it was the Bz.)

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Oldman731 on August 02, 2018, 02:18:46 PM
Maybe I have my years a bit off.

Well, who doesn't?

I got onto AW when they released a version that didn't require Win95.  That was around October of 1995.  At that time AW was free, and it remained so for about another year.  Then they started charging the flat fee, which was fine.  The Genie people all have stories of spending $300 or more each month - in early-1990s dollars!

- oldman (a/k/a Oldma, from FR)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: hitech on August 02, 2018, 02:24:54 PM

Well, who doesn't?

I got onto AW when they released a version that didn't require Win95.  That was around October of 1995.  At that time AW was free, and it remained so for about another year.  Then they started charging the flat fee, which was fine.  The Genie people all have stories of spending $300 or more each month - in early-1990s dollars!

- oldman (a/k/a Oldma, from FR)

$300 was a month a small month when I started. Had some months $600 or more.
Kesmei had a good deal going for a while with AOL, AOL paid them per hour and gave it free to users.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Mister Fork on August 02, 2018, 02:34:49 PM
$300 was a month a small month when I started. Had some months $600 or more.
Kesmei had a good deal going for a while with AOL, AOL paid them per hour and gave it free to users.

It's what kept me from play AW too bloody expensive and I was a broke army soldier. I had some of my army buddies spending almost $1000 on genie to play it. And I didn't understand what was all the fuss was about this MMS (mass multiplayer sim)...then I saw Warbirds... :x
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: The Fugitive on August 02, 2018, 04:18:18 PM
$300 was a month a small month when I started. Had some months $600 or more.
Kesmei had a good deal going for a while with AOL, AOL paid them per hour and gave it free to users.


It was the only reason I ever wanted AOL! Played a bunch back then flying as "MDJOE" with the 444th Air Mafia with JBKID, LPN and a bunch of others. Ahhhh good times!
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SEseph on August 02, 2018, 06:42:10 PM
Gamestorm was where I lived for years in AW (then the evil EA touched it and... ). $10 or 15 a month.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on August 02, 2018, 08:59:21 PM
Gamestorm was where I lived for years in AW (then the evil EA touched it and... ). $10 or 15 a month.

Ah, yes -- good ol' Gamestorm!  I remember that like a godsend after the days of hourly fees on GEnie.   :aok
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Molsman on August 04, 2018, 02:34:18 PM
It was the only reason I ever wanted AOL! Played a bunch back then flying as "MDJOE" with the 444th Air Mafia with JBKID, LPN and a bunch of others. Ahhhh good times!

Ahhhhhh LPN there is a name I have not heard in a while, Think I met her at the AW2k con along with Ruah
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: The Fugitive on August 04, 2018, 03:30:31 PM
Heres a picture from one of the CONs. Mafia had a good turn out that year.  :devil

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: PH-1 on August 04, 2018, 03:31:09 PM
Upon reflection, the monetary figure was the telephone bill that came as a result of being connected to AOL for so long playing AW, at least in the beginning. It became pretty clear that even with AW, we'd be tying up the phone line for so long so we put in a second line to accommodate the internet.

Another thing that I always wondered was what the benchmark was that triggered a map reset. On one memorable occasion, the map was reset, the Bz captured TWI, MOG, and bellybutton within two hours, and then the Cz managed to capture whatever base was due north of MOG. The map was reset again by the time I logged back in about three hours later. I was never sure if it was just arbitrary or if there was a mechanism in the program to just reset after a certain country was getting kicked in the teeth.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on August 04, 2018, 04:21:09 PM
Jeez -- I forgot about the fact that phone wasn't necessarily flat rate or cheap back then either, on top of hourly charges.  :uhoh
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Molsman on August 04, 2018, 06:47:19 PM
Heres a picture from one of the CONs. Mafia had a good turn out that year.  :devil


pretty sure that was the Indy Con, I remember them being all dressed up the One night for our Dinner
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Charon on August 05, 2018, 05:13:55 PM
4261 / chrn

Started on Delphi with the affordable 20/20 plan. 20 hours for $20 with hourly fees after that.

Started back with AH after about 10 years off. Though I kept my subscription active for that time to support something unique in the gaming world.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Oldman731 on August 05, 2018, 08:49:00 PM
4261 / chrn

"Now there's something you don't see every day, Chauncey."

"What's that, Edgar?"

"Charon suddenly showing up."

Good to see you again, dude.  Probably you would need to purchase joystick &c. with modern USB connectors.  Might be fun to do that!

- oldman
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: twistedtechmike on August 06, 2018, 05:30:16 AM
Yup, I ended up with an ISDN line just for Air Warrior back in the day. Holy hell at the expense. $300/mo just for the line was common, but damn at that throughput!
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Dundee on August 07, 2018, 11:22:54 AM
Yup, I ended up with an ISDN line just for Air Warrior back in the day. Holy hell at the expense. $300/mo just for the line was common, but damn at that throughput!
A 56 kb Channel (112kb ISDN) used a D4 signal with SF or Super Frame framing. The 64 kb channel used a B8ZS signal using ESF or Extended Super Frame to produce a 64 kb channel (128 kb ISDN) The rest of the folks had to be happy with a 28.8 kb dial up
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shuffler on August 07, 2018, 11:54:59 AM
I would like to clarify one thing.....

All air warriors are old.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Ramesis on August 07, 2018, 01:57:09 PM
I would like to clarify one thing.....

All air warriors are old.

Thank you.

Stating the obvious... but true  :aok
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Alpo on August 07, 2018, 02:33:33 PM
I would like to clarify one thing.....

All air warriors are old.

Thank you.

FACT   :old:
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: yipi on August 07, 2018, 02:37:12 PM
Flew on 'B' side around 1990 or so to the end of 2000. Flew as Yipi mostly in spit and FW. Quit for 14 years now im here.  I still have the AOL tune in my head.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on August 07, 2018, 03:50:35 PM
I would like to clarify one thing.....

All air warriors are old.

Thank you.

I'm young at heart!
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: 1ijac on August 08, 2018, 10:53:54 PM
You all remember when AW was on AOL and you had to run the AOL timer program to keep answering the prompts from AOL so they wouldn't boot you off while you were in the game.  As I remember, I think AOL asked you about every 20 minutes.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: SEseph on August 08, 2018, 11:20:57 PM
I would like to clarify one thing.....

All air warriors are old.

Thank you.

Didn't realize Mid-30's was OLD  :(

%Twi I was a C. Was with the Fighting/Bombing Snakes then -=A.S.B=- from ...94 to 1999-2000 (I was 12 lol)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on August 08, 2018, 11:58:14 PM
You all remember when AW was on AOL and you had to run the AOL timer program to keep answering the prompts from AOL so they wouldn't boot you off while you were in the game.  As I remember, I think AOL asked you about every 20 minutes.


Oh, yeah!  I remember that!
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grayeagle on April 30, 2022, 01:12:56 AM
I would like to clarify one thing.....

All air warriors are old.

Thank you.

Yanno.. once I passed 70 I gotta say I definitely feel middle-aged.
(I know it's an old topic Skuzzy dood,  I justa hadda post tho :)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: turt21 on April 30, 2022, 06:29:06 AM
Been playing for close to 40 yrs. Flew in AW with the Avengers under Jordi and also with the BORG. Flew A country. A-26's low. Terrain was all one colour and many enemy just lawn darted behind you. Great time.
I think Ive always been Turt
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Arlo on April 30, 2022, 07:25:24 AM
Yanno.. once I passed 70 I gotta say I definitely feel middle-aged.
(I know it's an old topic Skuzzy dood,  I justa hadda post tho :)

GE!  :D
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: The Fugitive on April 30, 2022, 08:38:34 AM
Yanno.. once I passed 70 I gotta say I definitely feel middle-aged.
(I know it's an old topic Skuzzy dood,  I justa hadda post tho :)

Hey GE!

No problem about Skuzzy, he retired years ago. Just dont piss off Hitech!   :aok
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Emrld on August 27, 2022, 05:41:13 PM
Old one here. Just trying to get back into some kind of flight sim.   Flew FR mostly cz but flew other sides along side Cuzco ( who recently passed away). Miss the days of aw.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: The Fugitive on August 27, 2022, 10:32:26 PM
Old one here. Just trying to get back into some kind of flight sim.   Flew FR mostly cz but flew other sides along side Cuzco ( who recently passed away). Miss the days of aw.

Many of us do. I was MDJOE there and spent many a long night getting shot down there.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: turt21 on August 28, 2022, 07:13:47 AM
My first Air Warrior scenario and maybe Air Warriors first was the Doolittle raid. That was back in the 80's. Does that qualify? It overloaded the servers so bad they had to launch from land, for some reason a CV wouldnt work.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TweetyBird22 on August 28, 2022, 11:44:52 AM
Yanno.. once I passed 70 I gotta say I definitely feel middle-aged.
(I know it's an old topic Skuzzy dood,  I justa hadda post tho :)

Grey Eagle in the p51 mustang! I played in the early 90's on Compuserve, then played AW on Gamestorm in the mid 90's. I played Aces High for a few years in the early 2000's. I was going to come back in about 2005 but got hooked on World of Warcraft! I'm 64 now. Just reminiscing, and I stumbled on your post. I remember Dok Gonzo, Vossman, Holmes, Dead Duck, Wild Thing, SpellBound, and of course Hi-Tech :) Just registered to say hi!
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on August 28, 2022, 02:01:20 PM
My first Air Warrior scenario and maybe Air Warriors first was the Doolittle raid. That was back in the 80's. Does that qualify?

You bet!  :aok
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on August 28, 2022, 02:06:10 PM
I'm 64 now.

In your prime!  :aok

Just reminiscing, and I stumbled on your post. I remember Dok Gonzo, Vossman, Holmes, Dead Duck, Wild Thing, SpellBound, and of course Hi-Tech :) Just registered to say hi!

Come play in our October scenario!  In the tradition of scenarios started in 1993 by Dok Gonzo.  Still going strong!  :aok
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: BBQsam on August 29, 2022, 02:28:23 AM
Cz AW FR PAC Death Star pilot here.
<Salute> to  all former Air Warrior Pilots and Tankers.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TequilaChaser on August 29, 2022, 04:05:36 PM
Old one here. Just trying to get back into some kind of flight sim.   Flew FR mostly cz but flew other sides along side Cuzco ( who recently passed away). Miss the days of aw.

sorry to hear of Cuzco's passing ( wasn't he Turbo of the Damned, before he went to Cuxco? or was it tremor? My memory is fading )

Good to get your message, EM, and give AH a try..... especially MNM in the Events from like 7:30pm est up to about 10pm ( That is Monday Night Madness, like meaning, tonight! heh)....also FSO's, scenarios and KOTH


Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: hitech on August 29, 2022, 04:35:32 PM
Grey Eagle in the p51 mustang! I played in the early 90's on Compuserve, then played AW on Gamestorm in the mid 90's. I played Aces High for a few years in the early 2000's. I was going to come back in about 2005 but got hooked on World of Warcraft! I'm 64 now. Just reminiscing, and I stumbled on your post. I remember Dok Gonzo, Vossman, Holmes, Dead Duck, Wild Thing, SpellBound, and of course Hi-Tech :) Just registered to say hi!

You are showing your age.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Arlo on August 29, 2022, 05:05:30 PM
What ever happened to DD?
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Oldman731 on August 29, 2022, 09:37:24 PM
What ever happened to DD?

He's still kicking, I believe.  The old Bigweek news group went to Facebook.  I have seen people lose their lives to Facebook, so I avoid it, but I occasionally get notices that he's posted there.

FWIW, I believe that he and Hitech were among the old guard in the Gunfighters.  (Points proudly at his logo.)

- oldman
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Arlo on August 29, 2022, 09:41:45 PM
The old Bigweek news group went to Facebook. 

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: CAV on August 30, 2022, 07:17:49 PM

AIRWARRIOR, Bigweek news group, Compuserve, AOL, and Gamestorm. That makes me feel my age.......... been this #$%^ for 31 years.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Fencer51 on August 30, 2022, 10:17:24 PM
You bet!  :aok

Brooke there were scenarios before 93.  I have patches from earlier than that.  Midway was 1990 and an all day scenario starting at like 8am.  Rabaul was 1991.  Kursk was 1992 and BOG was 1992 or 1993 as well.  Sicily was 1993 or1994 a screen shot of me in a Fw190 near a B25 was in a major aviation magazine in an article about AW.  The one published for a time by that museum in Seattle.  Have a copy of that around here somewhere.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on August 31, 2022, 01:10:59 AM
Brooke there were scenarios before 93.  I have patches from earlier than that.  Midway was 1990 and an all day scenario starting at like 8am.  Rabaul was 1991.  Kursk was 1992 and BOG was 1992 or 1993 as well.  Sicily was 1993 or1994 a screen shot of me in a Fw190 near a B25 was in a major aviation magazine in an article about AW.  The one published for a time by that museum in Seattle.  Have a copy of that around here somewhere.


Fencer!  Howdy!  :aok

I misspoke on 1993 -- but I'm still wrong because I thought it was 1992.

Here are the dates I have for some of the early stuff that I know of:

Munda Weekend (February, 1995; CO of IJAAF)
Sicily, '43 (August, 1994; CO of USAAF)
Imphal Plain (March, 1994; CO of RAF)
Battle of Germany (January, 1994)
Indian Ocean (July, 1992)

I had thought Indian Ocean in 1992 was the first.  Interesting to me to hear that Midway, Rabaul, and maybe Kursk were before that.

Thanks for info, and hope you are doing well!  :aok
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Elfie on August 31, 2022, 11:53:29 AM
I was -Elf- in AirWarrior 3 and I mostly played in the Big Pac or Eurotard 1 arenas.

Some folks had kill macros, I had those as well but I also had an "attack" macro that said "I'm a bully!! GIMME YOUR LUNCH MONEY!!!"
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Fencer51 on August 31, 2022, 01:37:22 PM
Fencer!  Howdy!  :aok

I misspoke on 1993 -- but I'm still wrong because I thought it was 1992.

Here are the dates I have for some of the early stuff that I know of:

Munda Weekend (February, 1995; CO of IJAAF)
Sicily, '43 (August, 1994; CO of USAAF)
Imphal Plain (March, 1994; CO of RAF)
Battle of Germany (January, 1994)
Indian Ocean (July, 1992)

I had thought Indian Ocean in 1992 was the first.  Interesting to me to hear that Midway, Rabaul, and maybe Kursk were before that.

Thanks for info, and hope you are doing well!  :aok

I will see if I can find my patches..  I was Allied CO for Rabaul we had 12 F4Us and 6 B25s and everyone else was in A6Ms.  We only lost one F4U.. yeah it was me, I was typing...  it was a complete massacre.  There were two Kursks.. and Both of them and Rabaul were by Dok.  The Midway one I am not sure about.

The Midway one was an all day event I believe the first year I flew AW, it was pre October 90 which is when I went to the 90 AW Houston Con.  Met Nobaddy there along with Airmiggan, Kelton, Ridgerunner, and a lot of other people I forget.. I am in the process of looking at scanning my photos from my airshows I went too years ago and I am sure I have photos of Cons.. I will try and get them uploaded somewhere and share them.. it's going to be a while, I have not been doing the best.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Fencer51 on August 31, 2022, 01:49:23 PM
Brooke look what I found!!!

It was Guadacanal not Midway.. though I swear the first bit was Midway..  July 1990.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on August 31, 2022, 04:46:38 PM

I think the pic out of the GEnie LiveWire is an issue later than 1990, though.  Those features seem later than 1990.

I looked around on my dive and found this from Dok:


(This page lists the dates of the past major Air Warrior scenarios. This information is mainly for those who may be curious about which events happened when.)


    Fortress Rabaul
    Indian Ocean


    Kursk II
    ("The Stench Of Fear")
    Eagle Day
    ("A Fistful Of Hate")
    ("The Silence Of The Sheep")


    Battle Of Germany
    Imphal Plain
    ("Bridge On The River Bile")
    Sicily '43
    ("Hate Is A Many Splendored Thing")
    Eagle Day II
    ("A Hard Day's Hate")


    Munda Weekend
    ("30 Seconds Over Toilet Bowl")
    Kursk III
    ("Full Metal Depends(tm)")
    Battle Of Germany II
    ("A Clear And Present Hate")


    ("Something Hateful This Way Comes")

Revised: 17 September, 1995 by DoKtor GonZo


Also, found his previous patch designs:
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: turt21 on August 31, 2022, 05:10:40 PM
Are any Turkey Ham squaddies still around? Only one I remember was Slug. A proctologist from East Coast. Dont you think we didnt have any fun w that.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Fencer51 on August 31, 2022, 05:36:30 PM
[Ni its not, its a July 90 edition.  Thats when the Pacific was added.   Ahh Rabaul was 92..
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ROC on August 31, 2022, 11:31:54 PM
You are showing your age.


Checked a mirror?   :D :cheers: :old:
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ROC on August 31, 2022, 11:32:51 PM
I will see if I can find my patches..  I was Allied CO for Rabaul we had 12 F4Us and 6 B25s and everyone else was in A6Ms.  We only lost one F4U.. yeah it was me, I was typing...  it was a complete massacre.  There were two Kursks.. and Both of them and Rabaul were by Dok.  The Midway one I am not sure about.

The Midway one was an all day event I believe the first year I flew AW, it was pre October 90 which is when I went to the 90 AW Houston Con.  Met Nobaddy there along with Airmiggan, Kelton, Ridgerunner, and a lot of other people I forget.. I am in the process of looking at scanning my photos from my airshows I went too years ago and I am sure I have photos of Cons.. I will try and get them uploaded somewhere and share them.. it's going to be a while, I have not been doing the best.

Hey there Fencer
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Hajo on September 01, 2022, 10:38:41 AM
Fencer and ROC!
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TequilaChaser on September 01, 2022, 05:54:27 PM
Are any Turkey Ham squaddies still around? Only one I remember was Slug. A proctologist from East Coast. Dont you think we didnt have any fun w that.

Wasn't the Turkey Ham squadron the first group to graduate from the AirWarrior Training Academy?  Like  Homer and the gang?   My memory is terrible...

Hey there  Fencer, ROC, and Hajo


Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Molsman on September 05, 2022, 12:02:24 AM
ROC you looking for your lost sheep again :x :bolt:
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Emrld on September 06, 2022, 03:06:38 PM
Yes he was also Turbo. I have been trying to get set up here and hopefully be able to get flying soon. With his passing things have been a mess and I have to move back to NC soon so will be after that
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Max on September 06, 2022, 03:53:28 PM
Before Hitech turns off the light (heaven forbid) perhaps he'll grant a month's stay of execution to any old timer who wanted back in. The final week (or perhaps 2 WEEKS!!) would be a MOAScenerios per Brooke's engineering. Next there needs to be Wheelchair Allies & Wheelchair Axis.    :aok :rofl :rock :banana: :airplane: :joystick: :old:
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Max on September 06, 2022, 03:54:27 PM
Before Hitech turns off the light (heaven forbid) perhaps he'll grant a month's stay of execution to any old timer who wanted back in. The final week (or perhaps 2 WEEKS!!) would be a MOAScenerios per Brooke's engineering. Next there needs to be Wheelchair Allies & Wheelchair Axis squadrons    :aok :rofl :rock :banana: :airplane: :joystick: :old:
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Emrld on September 06, 2022, 04:47:10 PM
sorry to hear of Cuzco's passing ( wasn't he Turbo of the Damned, before he went to Cuxco? or was it tremor? My memory is fading )

Good to get your message, EM, and give AH a try..... especially MNM in the Events from like 7:30pm est up to about 10pm ( That is Monday Night Madness, like meaning, tonight! heh)....also FSO's, scenarios and KOTH



Yep he was also Turbo. I will be giving it a try once I get moved back to NC and get everything up and going.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ROC on September 06, 2022, 06:44:46 PM
ROC you looking for your lost sheep again :x
I don't want them back, they are all worn out  :O
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Molsman on September 06, 2022, 10:36:38 PM
I don't want them back, they are all worn out  :O

lol that's what ya get when Little Bo Peep doesn't want ya back  when ya wore her out............. How ya been bud
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shuffler on September 07, 2022, 09:08:24 AM
Note his wooly slippers and coat.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Worid on September 07, 2022, 05:32:33 PM
Well, Well, Well. Let's see. I was here in AW on dialup 93 or 94 using a mouse and KB on AOL on a company laptop as Worid. Lost that id somehow and Worid1 was born thru to the late 2000s due to being assigned to a Military base that shall not be mentioned.And the fact that some little rat b####! snafu'ed my Alien. And I mean a baby mouse literally got into the system and ate the wires while I was AFB.

Been preoccupied until recently and trying to corner my old CO from the Birds to reinstate me.
SO TO ALL - Salute YOU OLD Salts.
NAVY Rules, Don't You Know!!

HiTech I wasn't more than 40 over the ceiling that time, But Thanks for the PEWTER WINGS, Had the Kids Tack them on. That sung and bleed a little, HeHe.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Bino on September 07, 2022, 10:36:00 PM
Wow, makes me feel like a Johnny-come-lately: I started on WarBirds in March 1997.  ;)

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on September 08, 2022, 07:40:51 PM
Calling all old Air Warrior folks:

Please join us in the October scenario "Operation Husky".  We are doing our best to keep the DoK scenario tradition alive.

More details and registration here:

1992 to 2022:  30 years.  Keep tradition alive.  :aok
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: -gg- on September 09, 2022, 08:26:48 AM
I was Caper in AW and started playing during time AOL had it. In fact I bought AOL and just to play AW - I already had Coc cable.

I was ->SUN in the WidowMakers.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Molsman on September 09, 2022, 10:46:51 PM
I have been all off these variations Mols in AW then Molsman Crazyman and Crazy8s in Aces High
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TweetyBird22 on September 15, 2022, 04:38:26 PM
You are showing your age.


I'll bring back a memory for you. Remember the other online service Geni? For members, they used to put out this little booklet once a month. It highlighted some of the stuff on Geni. That's where I first read about Air Warrior and you! You were featured in the story and if I remember right, you talked about "rope a dope." Thirty years goes fast!
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TweetyBird22 on September 15, 2022, 04:46:51 PM
Wasn't the Turkey Ham squadron the first group to graduate from the AirWarrior Training Academy?  Like  Homer and the gang?   My memory is terrible...

Hey there  Fencer, ROC, and Hajo



I was in that class and a Turkey Ham. Holmes thought of the name. Two of his favorite foods - turkey ham and Beck's beer. I know Holmes and Spellbound were in the class. I think Dead Duck was in the class also. I know Dead Duck, I and someone else used to get together on Saturday afternoons to practice against each other. I can't recall the other person's name. I flew for awhile in the late 90's with The Damn. I good friend of mine  Kelly "Dniff" Crawford got me playing again.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Oldman731 on September 15, 2022, 06:43:14 PM
I was in that class and a Turkey Ham. Holmes thought of the name. Two of his favorite foods - turkey ham and Beck's beer. I know Holmes and Spellbound were in the class. I think Dead Duck was in the class also. I know Dead Duck, I and someone else used to get together on Saturday afternoons to practice against each other. I can't recall the other person's name. I flew for awhile in the late 90's with The Damn. I good friend of mine  Kelly "Dniff" Crawford got me playing again.

I think DD is still active on one of the old AW/Bigweek Facebook sites.  Any idea what became of Holmes?

- oldman
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TweetyBird22 on September 15, 2022, 07:35:45 PM

I think DD is still active on one of the old AW/Bigweek Facebook sites.  Any idea what became of Holmes?

- oldman
You were the third! Now I remember, it was you, Dead Duck and I that would get together in the practice arena on Saturdays :) I don't know what happened to Holmes. I did meet up (online) with Vossman in the mid 90's when AW was on some site that was only 1.95 an hour. I wonder how many know it was $6 and hour to play ( at night - $12 an hour in the day) AW when it first started?  I had some $600 AW bills back then. But now I remember, you were the third is our practice sessions.:) You were in the first class also. Good to meet up with you again. 30+ years.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Mayhem on September 15, 2022, 08:04:27 PM
I was in that class and a Turkey Ham. Holmes thought of the name. Two of his favorite foods - turkey ham and Beck's beer. I know Holmes and Spellbound were in the class. I think Dead Duck was in the class also. I know Dead Duck, I and someone else used to get together on Saturday afternoons to practice against each other. I can't recall the other person's name. I flew for awhile in the late 90's with The Damn. I good friend of mine  Kelly "Dniff" Crawford got me playing again.

Kelly "Damned Niff" (DMDniff) Crawford passed away in 2008
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TweetyBird22 on September 15, 2022, 08:22:04 PM
Kelly "Damned Niff" (DMDniff) Crawford passed away in 2008
I heard. Last time I talked with him he was in "HotLanta" living with his daughter. I think he was writing a book. How I met Kelly has to do with Air Warrior. Kelly was ex-AF. We went to the same bar and he was talking about air frames. So I start bringing up all these WWII planes and he  looks at me like "WTF." I was in my mid 30's, and it was like "Why do you know about these aircraft?" I told him about Air Warrior. I think at the time it was on AOL, and he got into it and was hooked. Over the years we became great friends. He got me back into it after it moved to Gamestorm and that's how I wound up with The Damned. I was going by Etch then and Damned Etch. Kelly was a good guy and very intelligent. He was a good friend. His handle "Dniff" came from how his very young grandchild said his name :)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TequilaChaser on September 28, 2022, 10:47:58 AM
I heard. Last time I talked with him he was in "HotLanta" living with his daughter. I think he was writing a book. How I met Kelly has to do with Air Warrior. Kelly was ex-AF. We went to the same bar and he was talking about air frames. So I start bringing up all these WWII planes and he  looks at me like "WTF." I was in my mid 30's, and it was like "Why do you know about these aircraft?" I told him about Air Warrior. I think at the time it was on AOL, and he got into it and was hooked. Over the years we became great friends. He got me back into it after it moved to Gamestorm and that's how I wound up with The Damned. I was going by Etch then and Damned Etch. Kelly was a good guy and very intelligent. He was a good friend. His handle "Dniff" came from how his very young grandchild said his name :)

Hey Etch, Kelly wrote his book and it was published

"Fat Kid's War"

A couple others and I helped him with proof reading and editing, etc on his rough draft..iirc had to drop out from helping him proof reading etc around chapter 44 or so due to work I juries and all the dr visits, physical therapy etc.. hahaha yea, Dnif my favorite "RCA" as he would say 🤣 (only 1 of 2 players I know that used that "RCA" reference)

  ... been a lot of years, brought back a lot of memories with your post...


Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Majors on September 29, 2022, 12:07:02 PM

This old player is out, trying to get back in.  Having trouble with the program download "error opening the file for writing.  Also setting up passwords, hitech supposed to send me some kind of code vis email which I never receive.

Anyway came to AH from Warbirds when AH was Beta.  Was in 617RAF is Warbirds in the '90's.  We came over here with 259RAF.  Most of my guys gone now.  I'm 85.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TweetyBird22 on October 07, 2022, 05:05:18 PM
Hey Etch, Kelly wrote his book and it was published

"Fat Kid's War"

A couple others and I helped him with proof reading and editing, etc on his rough draft..iirc had to drop out from helping him proof reading etc around chapter 44 or so due to work I juries and all the dr visits, physical therapy etc.. hahaha yea, Dnif my favorite "RCA" as he would say 🤣 (only 1 of 2 players I know that used that "RCA" reference)

  ... been a lot of years, brought back a lot of memories with your post...



That's great. Kelly was a really great guy and had a whole lot of stories. I'll have to look for his book. I assume its under his real name Kelly Crawford?  Now your name rings a bell. Weren't you in "The Damned?" I think we were in the same squad at sometime. I don't know if was you ( I think it was), but I remember someone from The Damned trying to help me improve one on one. I could just picture the guy shaking his head and thinking "That pup ain't ever gonna make it..." I was a hell  of a Hunter in WoW though! :) (not really, I sucked at WoW too) Good to see you around TC. Those were good days.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: TweetyBird22 on October 07, 2022, 05:15:12 PM
Hey Etch, Kelly wrote his book and it was published

"Fat Kid's War"

A couple others and I helped him with proof reading and editing, etc on his rough draft..iirc had to drop out from helping him proof reading etc around chapter 44 or so due to work I juries and all the dr visits, physical therapy etc.. hahaha yea, Dnif my favorite "RCA" as he would say 🤣 (only 1 of 2 players I know that used that "RCA" reference)

  ... been a lot of years, brought back a lot of memories with your post...



I found it on Amazon!
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Rich46yo on October 09, 2022, 04:57:01 PM
I learned about Aces High from some tech help guy I had called on the phone regarding digital video, over a product I'd bought. Back then most AH players were all ex-AW'ers.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Grayeagle on December 23, 2023, 02:29:43 PM
I miss Air Warrior, still. So many good times :) Amazing to 'see' some of you still around and glad of it. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Killer New Year. Lately been sucked into Cities: Skylines 2, delved deep into Baldur's Gate 3. Graphics have come a long long way. Still waitin on a decent Holodeck!

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: hazmatt on December 23, 2023, 02:45:44 PM
They only thing I don't miss about AW was those annoying kill macros we all had. AH3 generates it's own macro spam that you can't turn off which is equally annoying.

Maybe we could out heads together and put up an airwarrior server? I thought there was an 8 or 16 player lan option that we could use?
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: xanax on December 23, 2023, 03:17:50 PM
I miss Air Warrior, still. So many good times :) Amazing to 'see' some of you still around and glad of it. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Killer New Year. Lately been sucked into Cities: Skylines 2, delved deep into Baldur's Gate 3. Graphics have come a long long way. Still waitin on a decent Holodeck!


When's the next "Topgunz" get together? I was sitting at the table when you guys concocted that excellent scheme. Kept my mouth shut for months on end. It was hard but the laughter made up for it.

Good to "see" you, GE. Merry Xmas.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Oldman731 on December 23, 2023, 05:10:13 PM
When's the next "Topgunz" get together? I was sitting at the table when you guys concocted that excellent scheme. Kept my mouth shut for months on end. It was hard but the laughter made up for it.

Good to "see" you, GE. Merry Xmas.

Heh.  I wasn't there, but I remember the lead-up posts and then the surprise ending.  Glad to see you're still around, GE.

- oldman
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Animl-AW on December 23, 2023, 05:56:20 PM
I miss Air Warrior, still. So many good times :) Amazing to 'see' some of you still around and glad of it. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Killer New Year. Lately been sucked into Cities: Skylines 2, delved deep into Baldur's Gate 3. Graphics have come a long long way. Still waitin on a decent Holodeck!


Long time no see GE. Awesome to see ya still around.
Very ironic, was just looking at some of your art I saved from back in the day, just few days ago after decades, was wunderin about ya.

Happy Holidays

I seriously miss those days and that ol AW crew of great people.
Totally made my day.

Stay smart, stay safe, be well.
I wish you peace during the holidays old friend. <S>

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Captain Virgil Hilts on December 24, 2023, 08:35:52 AM
To have been an Air Warrior was to have been a part, even a very small part, in both flight sim and online gaming history.

I'm good with merely being one of the smallest, not even a foot note.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: hazmatt on December 24, 2023, 06:31:33 PM
The most fun I remembered from AW was dueling C47s with door gunners.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Animl-AW on December 25, 2023, 05:31:01 PM
Some WII AC art by Gray Eagle from AW, who recently posted a few replies above.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: oboe on December 25, 2023, 06:25:59 PM
Fantastic stuff, G.E.!   Thanks for posting the link, Animal.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: ROC on December 26, 2023, 03:42:54 PM
Wow, one of the Great Ones!  Good to see you GE

I miss Air Warrior, still. So many good times :) Amazing to 'see' some of you still around and glad of it. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Killer New Year. Lately been sucked into Cities: Skylines 2, delved deep into Baldur's Gate 3. Graphics have come a long long way. Still waitin on a decent Holodeck!

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: panbot on December 26, 2023, 04:23:52 PM
I was “Pan” #4803 in the OG Air Warrior.  Looking at multiplayer WW2 air combat sims and thinking of giving Aces a try again /salute
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on December 26, 2023, 05:03:48 PM
I was “Pan” #4803 in the OG Air Warrior.  Looking at multiplayer WW2 air combat sims and thinking of giving Aces a try again /salute

From 1988 in Air Warrior:

Aces as of 13:04EST  03/03/88
Rank   Kills  Country  Ship    Handle
   1       20    A      523 RamBone
   2       18    A     4064 Airmigan
   3       18    C     3741 Cap'n Trips
   4       18    C     1176 NICK BIGROD
   5       17    B     6437 Group Captain Biggles FC
   6       16    A     4803 Pan  <------------------------------------------------------  :aok
   7       15    B     5717 ShoeString FC
   8       15    A      715 715  <-------------------------------  (Same guy as 715B in Aces High?)
   9       12    B     3584 Wolf
  10       11    C     4967 Nester

and way down in the points rankings:

 527        8    A      850 BROOKE
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Animl-AW on December 26, 2023, 06:57:11 PM
This thread, especially the recent post, for me, is like a breath of oxygen.

Missing several peeps in the thread,.. but a lot I looked up to and inspired me, then having the guts to put a shock collar on me and take me in and allow me to put my finger in the pie. I'm not the best, I learned from the best. I was elated when I saw Brook, TC and a few others were still here, i may have moved on otherwise.

As Dale said to me not long ago, "Damn!!, we've been doing this a LONG time...".
Prolly go to the end.

Throw your hats in the ring, it's still a blast, AW on steroids,...IMO
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: hazmatt on December 26, 2023, 06:58:09 PM
I forgot my AW number. Is there a way for me to look it up?
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Animl-AW on December 26, 2023, 07:06:43 PM
1993 AW Con Pic
I wasn't there, and I have NO clue how I got this, but I though some may like.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: hazmatt on December 26, 2023, 07:48:27 PM
If I had a a million dollars I'd give it to whoever could find the speech when the Musketeers changed countries in AWdos. Think it was written by Stiletto.

It was the Gettysburg address rewritten. I can only remember the beginning. It started off with:

"Four potatos and seven beers ago..."
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on December 27, 2023, 12:03:28 PM
I forgot my AW number. Is there a way for me to look it up?

What is the exact spelling of your Air Warrior handle, and I'll see if I can find your number.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: hazmatt on December 27, 2023, 12:13:51 PM
If I had a a million dollars I'd give it to whoever could find the speech when the Musketeers changed countries in AWdos. Think it was written by Stiletto.

It was the Gettysburg address rewritten. I can only remember the beginning. It started off with:

"Four potatos and seven beers ago..."
The word was not potatos. Musta been a word filter. It was a word that rhymes with score that starts with wh..
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: hazmatt on December 27, 2023, 12:17:46 PM
What is the exact spelling of your Air Warrior handle, and I'll see if I can find your number.
I think it was HazMat or HazMatt or could have been Haz. (so much for exact spelling) It's been so long that it's foggy. I also signed up a second time and lost the first account. I thought the first number was something like 4512 and the second number started with a 6. Maybe the second number was 6512.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help. It's so long ago that I was running an Amiga 500 when I signed up and had to upgrade to a 486/25 because the Amiga was too slow lol.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Dadtallica on December 27, 2023, 12:22:45 PM
The word was not potatos. Musta been a word filter. It was a word that rhymes with score that starts with wh..

Sorry but potatoes is way better than who…  :rofl
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: hazmatt on December 27, 2023, 12:24:54 PM
I was quoting a speech!
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Dadtallica on December 27, 2023, 12:43:59 PM
lol I’m choosing to remember it as potatoes! :rofl
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shuffler on December 27, 2023, 03:59:21 PM
lol I’m choosing to remember it as potatoes! :rofl

He likes to slather on the butter when the potatoes are around.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: xanax on December 27, 2023, 04:48:09 PM
What is the exact spelling of your Air Warrior handle, and I'll see if I can find your number.

I've been rifling through those score sheets on DoK's site looking for the CPID me and Troy (was his name Troy?) used. It had to be the spring of 93 and it was my 2nd junior year of college. I even called guys (well, 2 guys) I still know from that dorm to see if they remember anything about that. My old RA is going to look through his papers in storage to see if he has any old floor rosters etc. His handle had something to do with cowboys or the west.....horses's killing me! I see DoK has me listed as =409= but I don't think we used that handle. I may have when I got an account later at Delphi or something.
I guess it doesn't really matter but it's like dropping a pistachio nut in the garage. I gotta find it, dust it off so I can eat it. It's imperative.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on December 27, 2023, 06:28:19 PM
I think it was HazMat or HazMatt or could have been Haz. (so much for exact spelling) It's been so long that it's foggy. I also signed up a second time and lost the first account. I thought the first number was something like 4512 and the second number started with a 6. Maybe the second number was 6512.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help. It's so long ago that I was running an Amiga 500 when I signed up and had to upgrade to a 486/25 because the Amiga was too slow lol.

 483       37    B     6757 HazMatt                  M.VARNER
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: PH-1 on March 09, 2024, 08:10:26 PM
I miss Air Warrior, still. So many good times :) Amazing to 'see' some of you still around and glad of it. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Killer New Year. Lately been sucked into Cities: Skylines 2, delved deep into Baldur's Gate 3. Graphics have come a long long way. Still waitin on a decent Holodeck!


It's great seeing the namesakes of the airfields in multiplayer. Starting out as a preteen, I never knew where they had come up with the various names - Fencer, Monk, Holmes, etc. I was chatting with one of my colleagues just this past week about my "gamer" days back in the '90s and how it's all changed thanks to Twitch, Discord, etc. I think that's what the joy of AW was back before all of that became in vogue. I just can't believe it's already been 20+ years since AW came to an end. Doesn't feel like it was that long ago.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Animl-AW on March 09, 2024, 08:36:13 PM
It's great seeing the namesakes of the airfields in multiplayer. Starting out as a preteen, I never knew where they had come up with the various names - Fencer, Monk, Holmes, etc. I was chatting with one of my colleagues just this past week about my "gamer" days back in the '90s and how it's all changed thanks to Twitch, Discord, etc. I think that's what the joy of AW was back before all of that became in vogue. I just can't believe it's already been 20+ years since AW came to an end. Doesn't feel like it was that long ago.

Jump back in :)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: PH-1 on March 10, 2024, 01:16:45 PM
There are occasion times I think about it. But it's almost as if it occurred at the exact right time: the internet was just becoming a mainstream fad, the novelty of multiplayer gaming, and the enormous amount of free time I had as a pre-teen/teen. I left AH after about nine months once I enrolled in college and my free time got completely used up...that was twenty years ago and the amount of free time is just as limited, go figure - the joys of adulthood.

It does make me understand more the frustrations so many of the older pilots had once AW migrated off of AOL (whose $1.99/hour really kept the number of kids from playing for extended periods of time) to the flat rate offered by Gamestorm. We lost a lot of AOL AW vets after the switch because of the descent into immaturity. Some of that continued when we came over the AH.

But maybe one of these days I might just have to bite the bullet and rebuild my mancave with all the appropriate equipment to get back in the cockpit.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Animl-AW on March 10, 2024, 02:13:41 PM
There are occasion times I think about it. But it's almost as if it occurred at the exact right time: the internet was just becoming a mainstream fad, the novelty of multiplayer gaming, and the enormous amount of free time I had as a pre-teen/teen. I left AH after about nine months once I enrolled in college and my free time got completely used up...that was twenty years ago and the amount of free time is just as limited, go figure - the joys of adulthood.

It does make me understand more the frustrations so many of the older pilots had once AW migrated off of AOL (whose $1.99/hour really kept the number of kids from playing for extended periods of time) to the flat rate offered by Gamestorm. We lost a lot of AOL AW vets after the switch because of the descent into immaturity. Some of that continued when we came over the AH.

But maybe one of these days I might just have to bite the bullet and rebuild my mancave with all the appropriate equipment to get back in the cockpit.

I totally get what you're sayin, and not sayin. I didn't interact with AH tribe very much after the migration. Totally refused to once they attacked BB on a post he made on the last night of AW. It was very snot nosed and mouthy. They had NO CLUE who they were bashing. They would not even have this had he not done his work in AW. AW would have just been "a game", Ah might not even have come to exist had it not been so successful. They thought they were some combat sims masters crowd. And we'd look at them with 12+ yrs experience and giggle. That shock of reality butt-hurt their egos, and yap yap they went. They didn't care for us tripling their base. NOT very welcoming folks.

I cut my teeth with the older mature pilots. Always was a great idea to learn from a "Full Realism" pilots, they were flying at a different level.

I still tell the story of the beta test night we had 10,000 planes in one arena at once. I think we were testing the new servers. We crashed em, but 10k in an arena,.. was a "WOW!". It still is to this day.

Ya I had a lot of time in those days, at 28 yrs old. I'd play 6-12 hrs per day,...I was so tuned in multi-killing was a subconscious act.

Took a 14 yr break. Life will have it's way with you as it pleases. Came back 1 yr ago. I don't play enough, like the old days, to be that tuned in, but I fly 2-3 hrs several days a week and have a blast. I still make them dance for their kills, lol.

It doesn't take much to get back going, except muscle memory. A decent stick and a decent computer will drive it very easily. Ya don't need a monster PC to run it well.
You'd know quite a few names still here.

$15 per month, the price of a Burger King kids meal these days. Wouldn't be a horrible idea to have a decent setup for when you do have time.

ALWAYS good to here from an old skewl AWer. This thread has brought back many flash backs for me.... it was created 20yrs ago. We've lost so many class acts since then.

If ya saddle back up, look me up,... I'll tag along with ya.

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: MarAr on November 15, 2024, 06:16:08 AM
Here we are... almost 2025 and I find myself once again thinking about the good old days that started back on AOL and onward.  If asked I still say Air Warrior was one of my favorite games and just wish it had lived the test of time.  Cheers to anyone who may read this, you are missed but not forgotten.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Animl-AW on November 15, 2024, 07:22:17 AM
Here we are... almost 2025 and I find myself once again thinking about the good old days that started back on AOL and onward.  If asked I still say Air Warrior was one of my favorite games and just wish it had lived the test of time.  Cheers to anyone who may read this, you are missed but not forgotten.

Many of us are still here.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on November 15, 2024, 11:53:49 PM
Still around since Air Warrior 1988 rank #527 out of 596.  Woot!

In 1988, a Big Mac cost $2.

Air Warrior
Scores as of 13:06EST  03/03/88
Rank   Score  Country  Ship    Handle
   1   456806    A     4064 Airmigan
   2   336721    B     6437 Group Captain Biggles FC
   3   336042    A     4803 Pan
   4   311837    B     5717 ShoeString FC
   5   305187    A      715 715
 527        8    A      850 BROOKE

Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: twistedtechmike on November 23, 2024, 02:07:41 PM
1993 AW Con Pic
I wasn't there, and I have NO clue how I got this, but I though some may like.

Holy hell! I was 15 at the time, and suckered my old man into driving me down for the convention. Saw a bunch of old dudes and was like "hell nah" and we drove back to GA LOL

Wasnt there a P51 cockpit in the main room?
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: DREDIOCK on November 28, 2024, 11:48:49 PM
Many of us are still here.

<---"qg123", "PORNO", "/IT\"
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Bino on January 28, 2025, 03:48:26 PM
Wow! I had no idea you were *that* old, Brooke!   ;)

Me, I started my online life with War Birds, in March 1997. Joined up with Fletch and JG54 "Greenhearts" squadron for the "Scenario Lite" weekly historical-ish fights. Good times.

A snappy Salute! to all the oldtimers lurking in here.  :salute

Still around since Air Warrior 1988 rank #527 out of 596.  Woot!

In 1988, a Big Mac cost $2.

Air Warrior
Scores as of 13:06EST  03/03/88
Rank   Score  Country  Ship    Handle
   1   456806    A     4064 Airmigan
   2   336721    B     6437 Group Captain Biggles FC
   3   336042    A     4803 Pan
   4   311837    B     5717 ShoeString FC
   5   305187    A      715 715
 527        8    A      850 BROOKE
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Animl-AW on January 28, 2025, 04:20:00 PM
Holy hell! I was 15 at the time, and suckered my old man into driving me down for the convention. Saw a bunch of old dudes and was like "hell nah" and we drove back to GA LOL

Wasnt there a P51 cockpit in the main room?

Not sure how I missed these replies. Musta been working.
I was 29 in 89.

I think I do recall hearing of the cockpit, wasn’t there to see it tho.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Animl-AW on January 28, 2025, 04:21:28 PM
<---"qg123", "PORNO", "/IT\"

I remember /iT\ :)
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Brooke on January 29, 2025, 01:00:55 AM
Wow! I had no idea you were *that* old, Brooke!   ;)

Me, I started my online life with War Birds, in March 1997. Joined up with Fletch and JG54 "Greenhearts" squadron for the "Scenario Lite" weekly historical-ish fights. Good times.

A snappy Salute! to all the oldtimers lurking in here.  :salute

<S> to you, my friend.

Im young at heart. 👍
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Shuffler on January 29, 2025, 11:24:15 AM
Yes Brooke is a good young fella.
Title: Re: Any old Air Warriors out there?????
Post by: Molsman on January 29, 2025, 07:14:20 PM
Wow! I had no idea you were *that* old, Brooke!   ;)

Me, I started my online life with War Birds, in March 1997. Joined up with Fletch and JG54 "Greenhearts" squadron for the "Scenario Lite" weekly historical-ish fights. Good times.

A snappy Salute! to all the oldtimers lurking in here.  :salute

Great to cya Bino I have returned to the 11th and the same with Horble having a blast now lol Oh I started in 1992 0r 93 in AW  :devil
