Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: DrDea on June 13, 2009, 11:57:24 PM

Title: Truly sad
Post by: DrDea on June 13, 2009, 11:57:24 PM
 I go into early war tonight,12 people flying I figure I can get a good fight. That was my first error in thought. I was rook and see someone all by themselves raiding,porking,score padding whatever and swap to bish to intercept and ruin a porkers night. Problem is he WAS a bish.Right along with the other 11 in there. SOAR,you guys are something. :lol
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: AWwrgwy on June 14, 2009, 12:08:27 AM
I thought that was SOP in EW.  Last time I was there it was 8 Bish, 2 Rook and 1 Knight.  When I asked why I got the old "loyal to my 'country'" and "I'm flying with my squad" excuses. 

I thought it was amusing that four of the eight were in one squad and three in another,  They could have had even numbers right there.

It's their $15 dollars to do what they could basically do off line for free.


I feel your pain.

Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: froger on June 14, 2009, 12:25:37 AM
I go into early war tonight,12 people flying I figure I can get a good fight. That was my first error in thought. I was rook and see someone all by themselves raiding,porking,score padding whatever and swap to bish to intercept and ruin a porkers night. Problem is he WAS a bish.Right along with the other 11 in there. SOAR,you guys are something. :lol

yep! I think early and mid are a waist of good server space.....
I'M in for the land grabs as much as a good fight but thats a sorry way to perk farm.

I'M just sayin......

Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Karnak on June 14, 2009, 12:36:45 AM
Sad thing is, Mid-War would actually be the most balanced and most enjoyable period from an aircraft standpoint.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Soulyss on June 14, 2009, 12:39:15 AM
I often find Mid War to be a bit of a refuge from what I've been seeing in Late War recently.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Masherbrum on June 14, 2009, 01:58:24 AM
When this whole "Arena Split" happened.   A lot of us stayed in the EW arena for about 5-6 months, until the Scorepotatos came in.   Some of the best fights happened at that time.   

Oh well. 
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Krusty on June 14, 2009, 02:00:21 AM
SOAR have been called out numerous times. On top of their actions is their deplorable behavior. I've heard the same from most folks that have commented on it to me. Pluto is a joke for his constant ignorance of how the game works, calling folks hackers for not understanding how he died, how they didn't die (when he never hit them) making up facts such as "I shot off half your surfaces and you killed me!" [when in fact he scored a glancing hit with no damage]. Some of his squadmates are equally as abusive, and have intimated folks can leave the arena if they have a problem with the way SOAR run things there.

EWA should be shut down. I used to think MWA as well, but have since come to believe it can/should be retained.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: E25280 on June 14, 2009, 02:02:46 AM
EWA should be shut down.
Nah -- let the kiddies have their playpen.  Don't want them stinking up any of the other arenas anyway.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Masherbrum on June 14, 2009, 02:04:58 AM
Nah -- let the kiddies have their playpen.  Don't want them stinking up any of the other arenas anyway.

Truer words have never been spoken.   
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: froger on June 14, 2009, 02:11:55 AM
Truer words have never been spoken.   

yep  :aok
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Krusty on June 14, 2009, 02:13:47 AM
let the kiddies have their playpen.

Doesn't work so well in either the AvA or the EWA. I suggest that strategy only hurts more folks that try out these arenas later on.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Spikes on June 14, 2009, 02:30:13 AM

EWA should be shut down. I used to think MWA as well, but have since come to believe it can/should be retained.
Yeah...the "SOAR" Losers as I like to call them have no good attitude whatsoever. Make perks in Early, Mid, Late, non-transferable. Or make Early War non-capture...oh noes!
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: DMBEAR on June 14, 2009, 03:44:15 AM
Don't worry.  HTC knows that what you are asking for is not really what you want.  They have it all under control.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: moot on June 14, 2009, 03:59:16 AM
That's not what HT was saying (yes I sound like a cheerleader but entertain what I'm suggesting for a sec). He's saying that what they ask and what they want aren't always the same thing.  Knowing the workings of the game arguably by heart, it's not hard to solve for the rest of the equation: what the players' demands are really getting at. 
Whether his interpretation and judgement is more or less perfect, and whether it's feasible or possible to have it all under control is another story.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: WxMan on June 14, 2009, 06:27:38 AM
..... Make perks in Early, Mid, Late, non-transferable.....

Actually this is not a bad idea.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: TequilaChaser on June 14, 2009, 06:33:00 AM
or one could take a more diplomatic approach and offer help and guidance to ways of more fun enjoyable and eager learning of "Good Game Play & Sportsmanship Etiquette"..........and do so in a fashion that just complete bombards these people (not the squad mentioned, but ALL PEOPLE) that currently play like this............. if the community members allow it to happen, then they are not helping the community for the greater good......only helping it to keep existing and making others fester and complaign..........I am not saying to not "Overwhelm" these people with some good old fashion aerial can of whiparse........infact it is what I am saying exactly.........beat them into submission as well as "INTELLIGENT smack talk & WISE cracks" until they get the message that their gameplay etiquette absolutely is uncalled for and is detrimental to the community........

my feelings on the matter anyhows...... YMMV
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: lazydog on June 14, 2009, 07:01:42 AM
we had over 20 guys in our sqaud and most of them were doing the same thing milking EW and milking MW i asked them to stop doing what your doing or leave the sqaud they chose to leave the sqaud .it seems to me they just don't want to take the time to learn basic ACM . but you see  that with a lot of guys in these mega sqauds
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Max on June 14, 2009, 07:22:23 AM
EW isn't about SOARS, Rooks, milkrunners or score's simply the human condition. It's rare to find a EW population of more than 20 so chess pieces are easily skewed. Most, not all, of the EW regulars pile in on the country with the highest numbers and go to work on the country with the lowest numbers. Hey, you get free perkies for winning the war, so why not? And...who in their right mind doesn't want to make it to the TOP 5 at the end of the Tour?  :devil

Next time just jump in on the side with fewest numbers and go at it. Let the beatings begin  :D
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: RTHolmes on June 14, 2009, 07:47:34 AM
Make perks in Early, Mid, Late, non-transferable.

I dont understand why this hasnt been done already. Suggested many times.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: thndregg on June 14, 2009, 09:26:53 AM
Make perks in Early, Mid, Late, non-transferable.

This really needs to happen.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: AWwrgwy on June 14, 2009, 09:45:12 AM
I dont understand why this hasnt been done already. Suggested many times.

And then you could actually perk things like the Hurri2C in EW and have a use for the perk points.

Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: SlapShot on June 14, 2009, 09:46:02 AM
Make perks in Early, Mid, Late, non-transferable.

Why ? ... 99% of those people in EW wouldn't know what do do with their perks and surely wouldn't have a use for them in any of the LW arenas. Try to envision EW pilots coming to an LW arena and taking out any of the perk planes ... they would die within seconds of an engagement. They milk run that arena in hopes to see their names on the AH Homepage and when those who view that page (who don't know the difference) say to themselves ... WOW ... those guys are "leet".

Yes there are some LW tools that go to EW and milk the perkies, but so what ... what's the big deal ?
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: RTHolmes on June 14, 2009, 09:54:47 AM
to stop perk farming in EW and MW for use in LW, and consistency with scoring, which is split by arena.

why not?
no reason I can see.

Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Strip on June 14, 2009, 10:05:46 AM
    Kinda hard to perk farm with a perk bonus approaching 0.3 or 0.4 (or lower) isnt it? (Nevermind having no one to shoot at!)  The real perk farmers are usually on low numbers flying attack sorties and hitting strat. Frankly if someone wants to perk farm by hitting a high number country they deserve the perks. If you out number your opponent no reason you cant defend your fields. The horde, land grab, win the war types are the ones throwing the numbers off.

Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: BaldEagl on June 14, 2009, 10:10:32 AM
Glad to see not one thing has changed in EW since I was last there before the split scoring.  Same guys doing the same things they've been doing for years in there and you were surprised?
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Lazerr on June 14, 2009, 10:12:28 AM
Tell ya what... I dont remember this problem with one arena?  How was that a slum?  Get everyone in one room and let bullets sort everything else out.  My best memories of this game was playing 600-700 people on one map.  Just dont use lameo maps like pizza.  Something between old beta maps and the megamaps {which only encouraged even more milkrunning.} OZkansas seems like a good layout!

Maybe eliminate "flying under radar" so there isnt 70 people in b26s doing something gamey.  If people see whats coming they will defend it.  Too many megasquads sprung on wanting to take bases without defense.

Mind you, this was my opinion 3 months ago before I suspended my account... Im sure things havent changed too much since then.

Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: TOMCAT21 on June 14, 2009, 11:53:54 AM
wouldn't they just close early and midwar arenas based upon the small number of people that go in there as opposed to the late war arenas ?
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Rich46yo on June 14, 2009, 12:51:10 PM
Well just think. Soon the EWA heros will have two brand spanking new '39 era fighters to use. :uhoh
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: shreck on June 14, 2009, 12:55:52 PM
intercept and ruin a porkers night. :lol

Maybe this is the crux of your issue  :aok setting out to "RUIN" someones night is pretty pathetic in itself :aok If it is not affecting you in any way, then why let it affect you?  :aok    :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: stodd on June 14, 2009, 02:34:42 PM
The time switching limit in EW should be reduced just because of things like this.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: shreck on June 14, 2009, 02:53:58 PM

Yes there are some LW tools that go to EW and milk the perkies, but so what ... what's the big deal ?

 :aok Exactly! Who really gives a crap what others do when it's not affecting anyone? Those "leets" who are always complainin about "perk farmers, toolshedders, etc." are just whining! Why they whiiiiiiiiiine about this I've never understood cause it doesn't affect them in the least   :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: uptown on June 14, 2009, 02:54:02 PM
Going into EW is like playing with your gentials with company in the other room  :(
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: vonKrimm on June 14, 2009, 03:09:41 PM
Now I know I will disagreeing with most in here, but:  EW is fun when the #s are not so skewed.  MW is decidedly fun regardless.  As to a given squad's behavior in EW, it is true that it is deplorable.  That said, there are 2-3 individuals in said squad that are very nice to have as opposition; it sad that they continue their affiliation with the other members that have deplorable manner & social skills.

Moving on:  MW I have noted is where predominately LW players come to when they need to perk-farm.  I'm sure there will be a spate of rebuttals & flametardness to my previous statement.  As far as closing EW & MW; do that and some p[lanes will never see the light of day again, plus where ya'll gonna go when TT is a HOnRun/ace pilot circuis with the summer 2weekers out in force?

Making the perks non-transferable?  Among the silliest ideas I've seen floated around.  Sad that out new planes are EW?  Get into EW & make some ppl "SORE" that you own 'em with the new rides.  I personnaly plan to become the I-16 scourge of AH in all arenas.   :aok
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: RTHolmes on June 14, 2009, 03:12:20 PM
Making the perks non-transferable?  Among the silliest ideas I've seen floated around.

why? what is the downside of doing this?
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: vonKrimm on June 14, 2009, 03:22:41 PM
why? what is the downside of doing this?

Why should a player not be able to use the perks he/she earns with a Hurri-I in EW to up a dweebfire8 in MW?  Why if i make kills in my f6f in MW can't I go to LW & get a Me-262, where the f6f is still a good plane?  An earned perk is an earned perk.  Besides, the only plane worth spending perks on in EW is the 190a5 to got BUFF hunting with, and in MW the only one worth spending perks on is.....well there ain't one! :rofl :rofl :rofl

IMHO all this does is prevent EW & MW players from taking-out the LW perk rides.  Which for some odd reason the LW-only players think no one but themselves should have.

All the "can't transfer perks" will do is create more perk farmers in the EW & MW arenas so that if they "must" go to EW & MW for whatever reason they can have enough perks to ride in only perked planes.  Those perk farmers will not really enhance the gameplay of EW & MW, I say that as when I have seen LW players pop-in they very rarely help "the team" and act more like lone wolfs.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: ImADot on June 14, 2009, 03:45:47 PM
Being an EW regular, I find it equally hilarious/frustrating when I log in to see Bish outnumber the other two sides combined by 2-3-4 to 1.  I like to fight, and will occasionally help to take bases.  I switch between Rook and Knight regularly just to go where the fight is.  Unfortunately, when I do so, the bish horde usually moves to the other side of the map and starts attacking the side I just came from.

If there are some people on my country, there's always at least one or two out milking strats to up their GV/Bomber/Attack scores.  Sad, really...

Regarding some of the Bish players, there are a couple really nice guys who always give as good as they take and are fun opponents.  They joke around and we have fun.  Then there's the rest, as mentioned earlier, that only care about kills and score.  I actually laughed out loud last week when I shot down a SOAR in his Hurri-2c with my SpitV.  He called BS because "there's no way a Spit could ever turn inside a Hurri". :rofl  I guess some don't think in 3-dimensions.

I like the EW planes - fly the Hurri-Mk1 mostly - and will definitely give the I-16 some of my attention when it gets here.  I go to MW now and then when there's no action in EW.  But I stay away from LW - not because I'm scared or can't hack it - but because all I've seen each time I visit is HO's, gangs, and generally a stream of vomit in the text buffer.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Oldman731 on June 14, 2009, 04:57:26 PM
But I stay away from LW - not because I'm scared or can't hack it - but because all I've seen each time I visit is HO's, gangs, and generally a stream of vomit in the text buffer.

Stopped into one of the LW arenas last night for a bit.  Definitely a different place.

- oldman
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Ack-Ack on June 14, 2009, 05:21:50 PM
Went into the MW arena last night and saw that the Bish were milk running the Knights at A17 (only 2 Knits on, myself and Bulldog2), so that's where I head to.  Looking at the roster, saw a good amount of SOARS on and pretty much knew they were the milk runners at 17.  What followed was a good solid 2 hours of fun.  For long time, I was the sole defender at 17 fighting them off in some enjoyable fights.  I eventually lost the base (they also had GVs attacking) but the fights continued as the battle progressed to A18 for a bit.  Mace eventually joined in to lend a hand and together cleared the skies.

My usual experience with the SOARS has usually been negative but I'm glad this time it was different and ended up being fun.

Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: DrDea on June 14, 2009, 05:37:48 PM

Maybe this is the crux of your issue  :aok setting out to "RUIN" someones night is pretty pathetic in itself :aok If it is not affecting you in any way, then why let it affect you?  :aok    :rolleyes:
Hey HT himself said the object is to piss the other guy off right? Giving a milk runner cause to run back home pointless is a good way to do that,and I was hoping for a fight.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: 1Boner on June 14, 2009, 06:39:13 PM
Was in EW arena last nite.

Aprox. 5 or 6 guys were attacking a base that had one defender.

I switched to that side to help the guy out.

Well, that single guy was just sitting on the runway, he never upped.

However as soon as the attackers noticed I was airborne, the attack mysteriously stopped.

And when I say stop, I mean immediatly.

It was almost like they all augered at the same time.

I checked the roster and all the attackers and the lone defender had logged.

Smelled kinda funny in there.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: ImADot on June 14, 2009, 06:40:35 PM
Here's one for the "piss of the other guy" files...

I logged in to see 6-7 Bish and nobody else.  I saw a dot on radar coming to an airbase.  I upped to intercept.  Two bish, one Hurri2c and one goon coming.  I was at an alt disadvantage and got shot down (collided) trying to kill the Hurri.  They flew three sectors to take a vbase so they could start a chain of spawns to capture 4 or 5 bases from an empty country.  For grins, I upped a 109 from another base and went full wep and got to the vbase just as the goon landed and released troops.  I got proxy when goon towered, and killed 6 or so troops.  Capture denied.  I saw something on all channel to the effect of "What BS!" and the goon pilot logged.  Hehehehe.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: phatzo on June 14, 2009, 09:57:07 PM
I was in early war about a week ago and was the only rook on. I upped a p39 and proceeded to the nearest bish base and attacked it, up pops an m16, none of the other 10 bish show up. 9 perkies for being a bomb****. Up again the same guy ups a 109, none of his bish mates show up. It was a good fight and another 9 perkies. I had fun and earned myself the points to auger a c hog (which I did ) but it was very sad that with all those bish on, poor old CoGoslin had to defend all by himself.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Oldman731 on June 14, 2009, 10:07:51 PM
My usual experience with the SOARS has usually been negative but I'm glad this time it was different and ended up being fun.

I've never had a problem with them.  Individually some of them are very skilled.  Together, they represent what I consider the paradigm of squad life.  They really don't care if anyone else is in the arena.  They want to be together, working for a common goal, chatting among themselves.  That's what I hear everyone likes about squads, so I can't fault the SOARS for taking it to its logical extreme.

- oldman
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: RTSigma on June 14, 2009, 10:10:34 PM
To be honest when I heard of the arena split, I assumed that EW, MW and LW would only consist of EW Planes, MW Planes and LW Planes respectively. Figure if you want fair fights, go to the arena you want to fly your plane in. No reason Spit1's should be LW when theres LA-7s and F4U-4's flying about.

Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: SlapShot on June 14, 2009, 10:32:44 PM
why? what is the downside of doing this?

Better yet ... what is the upside of doing this ?
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: 100hooch on June 15, 2009, 02:07:20 AM
That's not what HT was saying (yes I sound like a cheerleader but entertain what I'm suggesting for a sec). He's saying that what they ask and what they want aren't always the same thing.  Knowing the workings of the game arguably by heart, it's not hard to solve for the rest of the equation: what the players' demands are really getting at. 
Whether his interpretation and judgement is more or less perfect, and whether it's feasible or possible to have it all under control is another story.

My god!  Moot is really Robert Gibbs, the White House Press Secretary!  He's been answering questions the exact same way for the past five months and nobody has figured out what he's said yet.

"What you want isn't what we want you to have. Or knowing about the birds and bees, arguably by heart, running the auto industry is something we can do.  Whether the President's interpretation and judgement is more or less perfect in his mind, and whether it's feasible to declare himself the supreme leader is another story."
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: moot on June 15, 2009, 02:22:20 AM
Is that the best troll you've got?
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: waystin2 on June 15, 2009, 08:34:20 AM
HTC actually has an Early War arena? :huh
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: shreck on June 15, 2009, 08:48:47 AM
Hey HT himself said the object is to piss the other guy off right? Giving a milk runner cause to run back home pointless is a good way to do that,and I was hoping for a fight.

Well, I would argue that anyone "LOOKING FOR A FIGHT" realistically knows they won't find it with toolshedders, so my point is you were just trolling looking to put a burr under someones saddle :aok And then seeking comunity VALIDATION for it  :aok  I suspect your fun meter will increase if you stop seeking out these one sided encounters, and just let them do what they want. At the very least, it was a very poor place to try and find a fair fight! Might even smell of "hunting easy kills"   :rofl :rofl    :uhoh
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: CAP1 on June 15, 2009, 09:17:10 AM
Sad thing is, Mid-War is actually  the most balanced and most enjoyable period from an aircraft standpoint.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: CAP1 on June 15, 2009, 09:18:55 AM
SOAR have been called out numerous times. On top of their actions is their deplorable behavior. I've heard the same from most folks that have commented on it to me. Pluto is a joke for his constant ignorance of how the game works, calling folks hackers for not understanding how he died, how they didn't die (when he never hit them) making up facts such as "I shot off half your surfaces and you killed me!" [when in fact he scored a glancing hit with no damage]. Some of his squadmates are equally as abusive, and have intimated folks can leave the arena if they have a problem with the way SOAR run things there.

EWA should be shut down. I used to think MWA as well, but have since come to believe it can/should be retained.
back when i used to fly ew a lot, i fought with, and against pluto. i've won and lost against him. never once had a problem with the guy.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: kilz on June 15, 2009, 09:21:01 AM
When this whole "Arena Split" happened.   A lot of us stayed in the EW arena for about 5-6 months, until the Scorepotatos came in.   Some of the best fights happened at that time.   

Oh well. 

was some good fights back then now just score hores
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Grape on June 15, 2009, 10:52:40 AM
I flew in the EW arena last night and I had a blast. It was one of the best times I have had playing this game. The EW needs just a few more regulars...After a while there is just no one flying in there at all.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: BaldEagl on June 15, 2009, 11:42:54 AM
HTC actually has an Early War arena? :huh

No.  They don't.  They have an Early Milk arena.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: waystin2 on June 15, 2009, 11:50:27 AM
No.  They don't.  They have an Early Milk arena.

 :rofl :rofl :rofl
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: CAP1 on June 15, 2009, 12:00:17 PM
yaknow, if ya go in there, and try to fight them, and teach em, rather than just belittle them, you might just have a little fun.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: grizz441 on June 15, 2009, 12:04:06 PM
Well, I would argue that anyone "LOOKING FOR A FIGHT" realistically knows they won't find it with toolshedders, so my point is you were just trolling looking to put a burr under someones saddle :aok And then seeking comunity VALIDATION for it  :aok  I suspect your fun meter will increase if you stop seeking out these one sided encounters, and just let them do what they want. At the very least, it was a very poor place to try and find a fair fight! Might even smell of "hunting easy kills"   :rofl :rofl    :uhoh

I find a lot of enjoyment in hunting down players who are doing their best to avoid combat.  Don't you see the irony?  The one thing they fear most is going out of its way to find them.  Nothing tops it off though without a great PM rant.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Ack-Ack on June 15, 2009, 12:40:32 PM
yaknow, if ya go in there, and try to fight them, and teach em, rather than just belittle them, you might just have a little fun.

It worked for me.  Instead of ragging on them for milk running, I took off to fight them and had a blast.  The only downside was xlaks earlier in the day but I resolved that by beating the crap out of him.

Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: CAP1 on June 15, 2009, 12:57:20 PM
It worked for me.  Instead of ragging on them for milk running, I took off to fight them and had a blast.  The only downside was xlaks earlier in the day but I resolved that by beating the crap out of him.


that's what i mean.......i went in there last month......found a lone gv attacking a base.......i kilt him....he came back in buffs......i kilt one of them, then died......then he came back in a fighter a couple of times. it was a fun night......for both.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: shreck on June 15, 2009, 01:34:55 PM
I find a lot of enjoyment in hunting down players who are doing their best to avoid combat.  Don't you see the irony?  The one thing they fear most is going out of its way to find them.  Nothing tops it off though without a great PM rant.

The irony I see is just the opposite! The folks who consistently chime in about wanting fights, while hunting those that don't want to fight  :rolleyes:  <----Now that is IRONIC  :aok
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: waystin2 on June 15, 2009, 01:38:10 PM
I am not being facetious on this question------>What if all of the folks who cannot find a "good" fight got together and had "good" fights with others that felt the same way? :eek:

Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: lazydog on June 15, 2009, 02:27:39 PM
just went into EW had a blast i upped a d3 landed 3 kills :rofl
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: CAP1 on June 15, 2009, 03:19:59 PM
just went into EW had a blast i upped a d3 landed 3 kills :rofl

IT's not about landing kills. it's about finding a good fight. you don't have to land kills to have a good fun fight.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: DamnedRen on June 15, 2009, 03:22:21 PM
IT's not about landing kills. it's about finding a good fight. you don't have to land kills to have a good fun fight.

This might sound crazy, LT, but some folks like to win and land kills. It IS a good fight + they land.

Everyone has a different reason for doing what they do. It just might not be the same as yours.

Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: saantana on June 15, 2009, 03:25:19 PM
Don't worry.  HTC knows that what you are asking for is not really what you want.  They have it all under control.

 :lol :aok
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: ImADot on June 15, 2009, 03:31:02 PM
This might sound crazy, LT, but some folks like to win and land kills. It IS a good fight + they land.

To some, landing kills however they can get them is fun - be it from a HO or a Pick or a Vulch (none, IMO are "good fights").  To others (like me), it's a good fight - win or lose - if it lasts more than 30 seconds.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: CAP1 on June 15, 2009, 03:38:37 PM
This might sound crazy, LT, but some folks like to win and land kills. It IS a good fight + they land.

Everyone has a different reason for doing what they do. It just might not be the same as yours.


yea...that's true............and obviously, i prefer to win the fights......but if i get into a fight, and it gets my blood pumping......then even a loss is fun....and if i remembered to turn on film, it turns into a learning experience.

 what i REALLY need, is to get my bellybutton back in the arenas....specifically the TA......but i've not been home during daylight in 2 or 3 weeks now.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: shreck on June 15, 2009, 04:15:36 PM
just went into EW had a blast i upped a d3 landed 3 kills :rofl

D3 is EeeeeeeeeAaaaaaaaaaaaaaSsssss ssssssyY    MODE :aok :aok
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Yeager on June 15, 2009, 04:25:04 PM
To some, landing kills however they can get them is fun - be it from a HO or a Pick or a Vulch (none, IMO are "good fights").  To others (like me), it's a good fight - win or lose - if it lasts more than 30 seconds.
I believe this game would be improved 80% if HTC would simply lower lethality by 20%.  The fact that a single decent snapshot totally ends the fight 80% of the time is why many players prefer to play safe. 

I remember in WBs a player could often sustain moderate to severe damage and still have a fair shot  at fighting his way out of a bad situation.  In AH once your tagged with a good shot the fight is typcially over.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: lazydog on June 15, 2009, 04:31:36 PM
IT's not about landing kills. it's about finding a good fight. you don't have to land kills to have a good fun fight.
i have np finding a fun fight win or lose most of them are all fun now that im flying LW i didnt expect to get any kills why you think i upped a d3 duh for the fun maybe
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: SPKmes on June 15, 2009, 04:34:18 PM
I don't fly EW but I still enjoy fights most of the time. getting into a good 1 or 2 v 1 that goes a good couple of rounds before I die is what I like. I do still get frustrated at times but in reality it is my stupidity that causes that. Even last night (mine) i was involved with a furball that got unbelievably chaotic yet had the greatest time getting nailed. It really comes down to your frame of mind at the time as last nights lot was just pick, ho, ram, bam it had it all but was great upping just to see how long I could stay up.  
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: DamnedRen on June 15, 2009, 04:36:57 PM
I believe this game would be improved 80% if HTC would simply lower lethality by 20%.  The fact that a single decent snapshot totally ends the fight 80% of the time is why many players prefer to play safe. 

I remember in WBs a player could often sustain moderate to severe damage and still have a fair shot  at fighting his way out of a bad situation.  In AH once your tagged with a good shot the fight is typcially over.

Didn't you answer yourself?  "In AH once your tagged with a good shot the fight is typcially over. "

Those are bullet holes and cannon that hit and turn yer plane into a smokin hole in the ground, not paint balls. If the guy doesn't tag you a good one then the fight is still on.

I'd like to see the Ma Deuce back up to its old lethality but that ain't gonna happen either. :)

Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: DamnedRen on June 15, 2009, 04:40:01 PM
Even last night (mine) i was involved with a furball that got unbelievably chaotic yet had the greatest time getting nailed. It really comes down to your frame of mind at the time as last nights lot was just pick, ho, ram, bam it had it all but was great upping just to see how long I could stay up.  

Imagine how much fun it would have been if you came out of that furball and landed the kills. I really think you hit it...
"frame of mind"...if you feel the best you can ever do is get up and fight until you die then that might be all you can ever do. Or maybe, just maybe, perhaps a mindset change might be in order?

Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: CAP1 on June 15, 2009, 04:46:21 PM
i have np finding a fun fight win or lose most of them are all fun now that im flying LW i didnt expect to get any kills why you think i upped a d3 duh for the fun maybe

the way you posted it, it looked like

a) you only had fun because you landed the kills
b) the laughing guy at the end of your post almost made it appear that you're mocking them.

i could've mis-interpreted your post, and if i did, then i'm sorry.............
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: SPKmes on June 15, 2009, 04:46:37 PM
Yeah I did manage a few kill lands and that was a bonus too. Landing in amongst all that is just as interesting as taking off.

Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: CAP1 on June 15, 2009, 04:47:23 PM
I don't fly EW but I still enjoy fights most of the time. getting into a good 1 or 2 v 1 that goes a good couple of rounds before I die is what I like. I do still get frustrated at times but in reality it is my stupidity that causes that. Even last night (mine) i was involved with a furball that got unbelievably chaotic yet had the greatest time getting nailed. It really comes down to your frame of mind at the time as last nights lot was just pick, ho, ram, bam it had it all but was great upping just to see how long I could stay up.  

the chaos that goes on in furballs is my favorite.  :D
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Shuffler on June 15, 2009, 06:16:06 PM
I mostly fly a bomber. I still landed a kill one time when no one was lookin'.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: DrDea on June 15, 2009, 06:21:39 PM
 Tried again yesterday.There were a few dots attacking the port base in the middle down south. I thought 2 to 1 Im in on that. Took off in the 109 and there were zekes all over,an f4f,a cv off shore shelling the town.Suddenly it was 5 on 2.Damned if I can remember the other bish that was there.I wasnt fareing to well trying to fight the zekes who were bouncing as soon as we got out of the ack so this went on till I grabbed a hurri 2c along with the other bish guy and we cleaned them out.Their cv got smoked by our cv that was on their 6 and they never stopped firing at the town even as the cv went down.Same with the cruiser.Hai was there and gomer.As soon as the cv went down that was it.All logged off.
 Gomer came back in a fw and egged an ammo and the did some bnz for a little while till a squadie that showed up ran him back to base and killed him while he was landing.Then HE logged.
 It was at that point still 2 on one but it had reversed.
  Seems even when ya get a good fight going the milk maids just log off.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: rvflyer on June 15, 2009, 06:33:15 PM
I say when they are in the EA lets a bunch of LW players go in and kick their butts:)
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: vonKrimm on June 15, 2009, 07:01:03 PM
I say when they are in the EA lets a bunch of LW players go in and kick their butts:)

Not all, by a fair margin, are EW pilots suck-sticks.  You go in with the "i'm a LWer & thus I'm superior in skillz" attitude you will be handed your keester on a silver platter in short order.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: CAP1 on June 15, 2009, 08:01:32 PM
I mostly fly a bomber. I still landed a kill one time when no one was lookin'.

oooooo.....i remember you landing a bunhc of kills one night. i think they were all me.  :rofl :aok
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: B4Buster on June 15, 2009, 09:45:40 PM
Went into EW tonight with the squadies and had a blast. Was an intense furball from the time I entered to the time I left. SOARS were off doing their own thing, it's their $15/mo. Was still a blast!
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: CAP1 on June 15, 2009, 10:13:20 PM
Went into EW tonight with the squadies and had a blast. Was an intense furball from the time I entered to the time I left. SOARS were off doing their own thing, it's their $15/mo. Was still a blast!
yaknow.....i was gonna go to ew tonight, but gave mw a shot. there was some fun fights over p4, and i kept hearing fighting at a43.

 the first fight, i got bounced by a high fw, and a f6f joined in. it was fun dodging the fw's attemts....i was doing better than i expected dodging his passes. then the f6 came in. i took a quick look, thought the fw was far enough away, so i lured the f6 in close.....forced him to overshoot, got a quick snapshjot at him, but something just didn't "feel" right. i look around, and there's the fw less than 1k out, bearing doiwn on me...i do a hard evasive, but too late....he took some important things off, and i went in. it was actually fun.

 it was kinda like a mini-furlball there for the hour or so i was on.....

<<S>>  guys
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Tr1gg22 on June 15, 2009, 11:38:44 PM
I go into early war tonight,12 people flying I figure I can get a good fight. That was my first error in thought. I was rook and see someone all by themselves raiding,porking,score padding whatever and swap to bish to intercept and ruin a porkers night. Problem is he WAS a bish.Right along with the other 11 in there. SOAR,you guys are something. :lol
the game is like that in general u just do not notice it in bigger arenas :O
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Ack-Ack on June 16, 2009, 04:59:19 AM
I say when they are in the EA lets a bunch of LW players go in and kick their butts:)

Just because one flies in the LW arena, doesn't make him better than someone that flies in the EW or MW arena.

Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: ImADot on June 16, 2009, 08:49:03 AM
This is what is truly sad...
I say when they are in the EA lets a bunch of LW players go in and kick their butts:)

Elitist attitudes like this is one reason I stay away from LWO. 

I'm actually glad for this thread, and others like it "bashing" the Early War Arena - they have brought in people and I've seen more new names in there in the last week than I have for a long time.  Even if they're "just visiting" with the intent to "teach the EW a lesson", at least there are some that come and provide good fights.  Although, I tire real fast of the LW Ch.200 crap that came with them.

So  :salute for at least coming.  Perhaps you'll come back soon, with a better attitude.  We're not all dweebs and milkers, and we don't all suck.  I may not be the hottest stick around, but I'll give you a good fight most nights.  Win or lose, it's usually fun - unless the LW attitude comes shining through your canopy.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: lazydog on June 16, 2009, 09:03:04 AM
did have a good time yesturday .we tried to get a little furball going but was fun anyway.oh and sorry about the 3 k merge i thought i seen you turn in to the fight .be back to in ew today ill look for ya :salute
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Xasthur on June 16, 2009, 09:43:09 AM
I feel sorry for all you blokes sometimes.

I honestly think that you lads all miss out on the best of Aces High.

It happens during Aus East Coast/Pacific prime time.

Arena of 180 max and all of the people who are on are either Aussie/Euro, Asian or early risers in the US (i.e, no American kids/punks).

A laid back, gentleman's attitude is prominent and the fights are good.

Enough people are on to find a fight....but not so many that those fights turn into gang-rapes within 30 seconds.....

It's the one good thing about living on the rim of the world's bumhole.  :lol  :aok
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Xasthur on June 16, 2009, 09:47:32 AM
Having said that, should I feel the urge to participate in a scenario (which I would very much like to do more often) I do have to get up at 5AM to play.

....And that's a big ask.

AH isn't the same without a couple of beers and a black sky outside the window....

Sun rising through the window whilst playing the computer is unnatural...
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: waystin2 on June 16, 2009, 09:55:28 AM
Sun rising through the window whilst playing the computer is unnatural...

Quoted for Truth.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Oldman731 on June 16, 2009, 12:08:46 PM
I may not be the hottest stick around, but I'll give you a good fight most nights. 

You provide the best Hurri I v Hurri I fights I've ever had.

- oldman
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: DrDea on June 16, 2009, 03:43:20 PM
Went into EW tonight with the squadies and had a blast. Was an intense furball from the time I entered to the time I left. SOARS were off doing their own thing, it's their $15/mo. Was still a blast!
That was a fun night.Kinda started out bad with some trash being talked,some from myself but once you guys got there and it turned into a 3 base little fight,it was a lot of fun. Except for that Rookdween in the B24's that never made it over 5 K and never made it to our base to pork,it was all A2A.Good times.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: vonKrimm on June 16, 2009, 04:23:59 PM
That was a fun night.Kinda started out bad with some trash being talked,some from myself but once you guys got there and it turned into a 3 base little fight,it was a lot of fun. Except for that Rookdween in the B24's that never made it over 5 K and never made it to our base to pork,it was all A2A.Good times.

Late last night/ early this AM (whichever), I popped into MW & saw the player count at 7/2/1(me); so 1 of the 7 PMs me & asks if I'd like to switch to his side so they can take more bases from the 2 player side (both had done a number on the Rook bases).  I declined to participate in the land-grabbing.  I mean if they can't get captures at 3.5:1 odds, do they think 4:1 odds are really going to help that much?
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: ImADot on June 16, 2009, 04:28:34 PM
They probably also wanted you on their side because I'm sure you threw ENY more out of whack and they couldn't up anything over 20ENY.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: vonKrimm on June 16, 2009, 04:53:09 PM
They probably also wanted you on their side because I'm sure you threw ENY more out of whack and they couldn't up anything over 20ENY.

Good, next time i'll just stay logged & go to bed.  :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

(I guess I really suck 'cause ENY has never caused me to whine.  Other stuff, yes; ENY, no.)  ;)
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: CAP1 on June 16, 2009, 05:14:51 PM
Good, next time i'll just stay logged & go to bed.  :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

(I guess I really suck 'cause ENY has never caused me to whine.  Other stuff, yes; ENY, no.)  ;)
the only time i whine about eny, is when it gets to the point i can't get my p38. i've been trying to flyu it exclusively, till i can handle it as well as a spit or hurricane.

 now.....know the REALLY cool thing about this thread? it went from a complaint, to a bunch o good stuff.  :aok :aok
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: rod367th on June 17, 2009, 07:57:41 AM
Sad thing is, Mid-War would actually be the most balanced and most enjoyable period from an aircraft standpoint.

mid war is good  3 pm eastern till around 11 pm maybe 1 pm good nite. after that milkers flying 15 to 20 guys doing just resets and score padding strats take over. defend against them and watch them get pissed if they die. and brag when 20 of them take a vb your defending alone. whats funny is you'll kill 7 to 12 of them for trying they brag u can't stop them. thats when arena should close down for the night let them earn their perk points fair. or make it perks in midwar or early only for those arenas.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: lazydog on June 17, 2009, 09:53:55 AM
combine EW and MW and have 1 huge milk fest......just think S.O.A.R.S and the playmates fighting over all those sheds  :x
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: 1pLUs44 on June 17, 2009, 10:31:27 AM
Nah -- let the kiddies have their playpen.  Don't want them stinking up any of the other arenas anyway.

There's always the DA for them...
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: HB555 on June 17, 2009, 11:13:49 AM
Don't fly EW or MW much because my squad likes LWO, but it is my observation (as a dead or dieing Rook) I get more <S>'s for trying than I ever get in LW.
I attribute that to the quality of people who fly the first two, and it makes dieing so much more fun.
<S> Bish and Knights
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: CAP1 on June 17, 2009, 11:36:55 AM
combine EW and MW and have 1 huge milk fest......just think S.O.A.R.S and the playmates fighting over all those sheds  :x

you're just jealous 'cause they're both better at it than the hired guns used to be....and don't tell me they didn't.......that was the main hg function in ew.......... :x
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: lazydog on June 17, 2009, 12:12:08 PM
you're just jealous 'cause they're both better at it than the hired guns used to be....and don't tell me they didn't.......that was the main hg function in ew.......... :x
and that my be true doesnt real matter.but that was when we were just learning the game..... and like MOST players in the game do realize how childish that style of play really is......and move on
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: flapsup on June 17, 2009, 05:03:19 PM
After a near 6 month layoff I have come back to AH, never didnt have an account, but just didnt feel like playing for many reasons..

I flew with the 242 before the arena changes, and then went to EW when the change came because I was really into(still am)the zero vs f4 fights, I was doing alot of reading at the time about the real life pilots and planes, plus DOGFIGHTS had run the James Swett f4 vs zero episode around that time which again had me digging those planes..  had some great times in both planes in EW and a big <S> to all the pilots I have fought with in those two planes. The 242 stayed in the LW's in ftr's and I rarely saw them or had any interaction with them due to being in EW most of the time so I quit the sqd and was eventually picked up by SOAR a couple months into the arena changes. I moved to the rank of Capt. and started the SOAR website which I still admin today.

There was a time when the "cheating" and "aimbot" etc accusations became too much for me, I started to tell Eaglehrt and the other guys dont use the "C" word anymore, you make yourself, the sqd and the game look bad when you do, in my eyes. It slowed but still continued, and that was part of the reason for my break from AH. You will not find me making any such calls of cheats or BS nowadays or in the past, Ive always stayed away from doing such.

The sqd has earned a bad name for itself there is no doubt about that, and it cannot be changed really.. even if we began flying LW and such we would still be known as the "old milkrunning/cheat calling" SOARS I imagine. In the earlier days in EW I could see it stem from the top in the sqd, higher ranking members would call BS or accuse someone of cheating and then the lower ranking and new members would pick it up and the cycle would continue. Lately I have seen more accusations coming at us than have been given(thought it has gone both ways for sure), the best is that we are somehow shooting a second account, or each other(or something), when you can look right at our ftr scores and see obviously that isnt happening. No one says anything about the 2-3 guys in EW with 2 bomber sorties and +100%, and in one case over 500% this tour.

There are guys in the sqd who will not call out BS,cheat, hack, whine etc.. and there are some who will from what I have seen since my return this tour, trust me when I say I try to have a talk with them. Some of them are older players and arent going to listen to my reasoning anyway if I try it. Many of us are doing our "own thing" in the sqd now and while we may not approve or like comments made by some of our members we stick around in the sqd for the other guys and good times we have there with them. If you come into an arena where a majority of SOAR are for an hour a week youll learn little about what we do, and have plenty of rumor, BS and maybe some facts to go on, but come and stay in EW for a month for a few hours a night and youll probably understand what we do and why more, maybe not <shrug>. The EW arena is so differant than any other, the dynamics are nothing like LW arenas. One person can have a huge effect on the gameplay in EW, sometimes becoming the "Hero" for the night, or for a few minutes anyways :rofl

We seem to get a bad rap sometimes due to our "history", the other night we were accused of milking because we had a vbase inbetween two rook strat bases, rooks were trying to take the vbase back and due to the location of the strat every time we upped even a gv the strats would start flashing. There were several calls made out against us for milking but we really werent, we were just defending the base. This week one of the EW maps had a "fightertown" type setup, SOAR fought in there for hours, we didnt milk, take a base, or do anything else that night. Another night this week we got bored in EW and went to MW, where sqdmate LtKlutz and myself upped ki-61's and headed into enemy territory, we ended up in a nice fight with AKAK in his 38(and Mace I think too), was a good time, we got him once and ran into him again during the "patrol" where he proceeded to splash us both.

This post is in no way meant to excuse, smooth over, or debunk etc. the behavoir that some SOAR members have exhibited in the past, there is no excuse for that.. moreover just a posting to say that alot of us guys in the sqd are just guys playing a game they enjoy playing just like the rest of the AH community does.

Have I thought of leaving SOAR? Yes I have.. many times over the years I have, I was even asked this past week "why stay in a squad with such a dolt in it?" My answer: Im just doing my thing <shrug>.. they are for the most part good guys, and we have some fun.

Much honor and respect to the AH communty <S>
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: CAP1 on June 17, 2009, 05:06:27 PM
After a near 6 month layoff I have come back to AH, never didnt have an account, but just didnt feel like playing for many reasons..

I flew with the 242 before the arena changes, and then went to EW when the change came because I was really into(still am)the zero vs f4 fights, I was doing alot of reading at the time about the real life pilots and planes, plus DOGFIGHTS had run the James Swett f4 vs zero episode around that time which again had me digging those planes..  had some great times in both planes in EW and a big <S> to all the pilots I have fought with in those two planes. The 242 stayed in the LW's in ftr's and I rarely saw them or had any interaction with them due to being in EW most of the time so I quit the sqd and was eventually picked up by SOAR a couple months into the arena changes. I moved to the rank of Capt. and started the SOAR website which I still admin today.

There was a time when the "cheating" and "aimbot" etc accusations became too much for me, I started to tell Eaglehrt and the other guys dont use the "C" word anymore, you make yourself, the sqd and the game look bad when you do, in my eyes. It slowed but still continued, and that was part of the reason for my break from AH. You will not find me making any such calls of cheats or BS nowadays or in the past, Ive always stayed away from doing such.

The sqd has earned a bad name for itself there is no doubt about that, and it cannot be changed really.. even if we began flying LW and such we would still be known as the "old milkrunning/cheat calling" SOARS I imagine. In the earlier days in EW I could see it stem from the top in the sqd, higher ranking members would call BS or accuse someone of cheating and then the lower ranking and new members would pick it up and the cycle would continue. Lately I have seen more accusations coming at us than have been given(thought it has gone both ways for sure), the best is that we are somehow shooting a second account, or each other(or something), when you can look right at our ftr scores and see obviously that isnt happening. No one says anything about the 2-3 guys in EW with 2 bomber sorties and +100%, and in one case over 500% this tour.

There are guys in the sqd who will not call out BS,cheat, hack, whine etc.. and there are some who will from what I have seen since my return this tour, trust me when I say I try to have a talk with them. Some of them are older players and arent going to listen to my reasoning anyway if I try it. Many of us are doing our "own thing" in the sqd now and while we may not approve or like comments made by some of our members we stick around in the sqd for the other guys and good times we have there with them. If you come into an arena where a majority of SOAR are for an hour a week youll learn little about what we do, and have plenty of rumor, BS and maybe some facts to go on, but come and stay in EW for a month for a few hours a night and youll probably understand what we do and why more, maybe not <shrug>. The EW arena is so differant than any other, the dynamics are nothing like LW arenas. One person can have a huge effect on the gameplay in EW, sometimes becoming the "Hero" for the night, or for a few minutes anyways :rofl

We seem to get a bad rap sometimes due to our "history", the other night we were accused of milking because we had a vbase inbetween two rook strat bases, rooks were trying to take the vbase back and due to the location of the strat every time we upped even a gv the strats would start flashing. There were several calls made out against us for milking but we really werent, we were just defending the base. This week one of the EW maps had a "fightertown" type setup, SOAR fought in there for hours, we didnt milk, take a base, or do anything else that night. Another night this week we got bored in EW and went to MW, where sqdmate LtKlutz and myself upped ki-61's and headed into enemy territory, we ended up in a nice fight with AKAK in his 38(and Mace I think too), was a good time, we got him once and ran into him again during the "patrol" where he proceeded to splash us both.

This post is in no way meant to excuse, smooth over, or debunk etc. the behavoir that some SOAR members have exhibited in the past, there is no excuse for that.. moreover just a posting to say that alot of us guys in the sqd are just guys playing a game they enjoy playing just like the rest of the AH community does.

Have I thought of leaving SOAR? Yes I have.. many times over the years I have, I was even asked this past week "why stay in a squad with such a dolt in it?" My answer: Im just doing my thing <shrug>.. they are for the most part good guys, and we have some fun.

Much honor and respect to the AH communty <S>

but......within your squad there were/are some great guys, and great sticks. i always enjoyed fighting you guys.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: vonKrimm on June 17, 2009, 07:52:01 PM
After a near 6 month layoff I have come back to AH, never didnt have an account, but just didnt feel like playing for many reasons..

I flew with the 242 before the arena changes, and then went to EW when the change came because I was really into(still am)the zero vs f4 fights, I was doing alot of reading at the time about the real life pilots and planes, plus DOGFIGHTS had run the James Swett f4 vs zero episode around that time which again had me digging those planes..  had some great times in both planes in EW and a big <S> to all the pilots I have fought with in those two planes. The 242 stayed in the LW's in ftr's and I rarely saw them or had any interaction with them due to being in EW most of the time so I quit the sqd and was eventually picked up by SOAR a couple months into the arena changes. I moved to the rank of Capt. and started the SOAR website which I still admin today.

There was a time when the "cheating" and "aimbot" etc accusations became too much for me, I started to tell Eaglehrt and the other guys dont use the "C" word anymore, you make yourself, the sqd and the game look bad when you do, in my eyes. It slowed but still continued, and that was part of the reason for my break from AH. You will not find me making any such calls of cheats or BS nowadays or in the past, Ive always stayed away from doing such.

The sqd has earned a bad name for itself there is no doubt about that, and it cannot be changed really.. even if we began flying LW and such we would still be known as the "old milkrunning/cheat calling" SOARS I imagine. In the earlier days in EW I could see it stem from the top in the sqd, higher ranking members would call BS or accuse someone of cheating and then the lower ranking and new members would pick it up and the cycle would continue. Lately I have seen more accusations coming at us than have been given(thought it has gone both ways for sure), the best is that we are somehow shooting a second account, or each other(or something), when you can look right at our ftr scores and see obviously that isnt happening. No one says anything about the 2-3 guys in EW with 2 bomber sorties and +100%, and in one case over 500% this tour.

There are guys in the sqd who will not call out BS,cheat, hack, whine etc.. and there are some who will from what I have seen since my return this tour, trust me when I say I try to have a talk with them. Some of them are older players and arent going to listen to my reasoning anyway if I try it. Many of us are doing our "own thing" in the sqd now and while we may not approve or like comments made by some of our members we stick around in the sqd for the other guys and good times we have there with them. If you come into an arena where a majority of SOAR are for an hour a week youll learn little about what we do, and have plenty of rumor, BS and maybe some facts to go on, but come and stay in EW for a month for a few hours a night and youll probably understand what we do and why more, maybe not <shrug>. The EW arena is so differant than any other, the dynamics are nothing like LW arenas. One person can have a huge effect on the gameplay in EW, sometimes becoming the "Hero" for the night, or for a few minutes anyways :rofl

We seem to get a bad rap sometimes due to our "history", the other night we were accused of milking because we had a vbase inbetween two rook strat bases, rooks were trying to take the vbase back and due to the location of the strat every time we upped even a gv the strats would start flashing. There were several calls made out against us for milking but we really werent, we were just defending the base. This week one of the EW maps had a "fightertown" type setup, SOAR fought in there for hours, we didnt milk, take a base, or do anything else that night. Another night this week we got bored in EW and went to MW, where sqdmate LtKlutz and myself upped ki-61's and headed into enemy territory, we ended up in a nice fight with AKAK in his 38(and Mace I think too), was a good time, we got him once and ran into him again during the "patrol" where he proceeded to splash us both.

This post is in no way meant to excuse, smooth over, or debunk etc. the behavoir that some SOAR members have exhibited in the past, there is no excuse for that.. moreover just a posting to say that alot of us guys in the sqd are just guys playing a game they enjoy playing just like the rest of the AH community does.

Have I thought of leaving SOAR? Yes I have.. many times over the years I have, I was even asked this past week "why stay in a squad with such a dolt in it?" My answer: Im just doing my thing <shrug>.. they are for the most part good guys, and we have some fun.

Much honor and respect to the AH communty <S>

A very nice and mature post sir.  :salute

I gladly admit that many, many, many times I let 1 or 2 individuals of SOARS blind me to the fact that there are a few really, really, really nice guys (who happen to be great sticks too) in SOARS; the "forest through the trees" syndrome.  Thus I would like to point out here that flapsup has always comported himself with dignity and maturity in the EW arena.  I also applaud his encouraging the less refined members of SOARS to curb there predilections for reinforcing the perceived stereotype of SOARS; good luck in your mission.

Lastly, I saw SOARS was in the LW last night.  Nice to see them working on their image.  Hope it was all spit-n-polish for ya'll.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: B4Buster on June 17, 2009, 10:33:35 PM
Great post flapsup. Was happy one of you guys caught this and was able to tell your side of the story.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Shabinator on June 17, 2009, 11:52:50 PM
I am amazed at how many of you wannabees can cry cry cry about the soars team, mabey if you spent more time acually thinking out your  strategies and less time crying you would fair better against S.O.A.R. :O
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: DrDea on June 18, 2009, 12:44:24 AM
 Nice post flaps but I gotta say.If the Flying Circus was your squad,I would either kick the trash to the curb,or leave.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: R 105 on June 18, 2009, 12:46:05 AM
I am a SOAR member one of the first in the squad. I go to EW because that is where the squad is most of the time. I go to EW to hang out with my friends in the squad not to milk run. I could care less about points. I only use them on the M-4 Sherman in LW arena anyway and I almost never fly perk birds in any arena. I stay in SOAR because I like the guys that are in it. We have guys that have been in the squad for years. As for trash talk I see that in every arena on 200. It is just part of this game good or bad. If the other guy is trash talking you it is because you most likely just killed him. Look at it like a compliment.

Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Yeager on June 18, 2009, 01:06:23 AM
Hey man, If you have just a few guys in a good squad making the rest of you look bad and feel dejected enough to quit the game then the answer is simple:
Boot the losers out of the squad or take the good fellas with you and start a new squad. 

It REALLY IS that simple.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: CAP1 on June 18, 2009, 08:46:39 AM
Hey man, If you have just a few guys in a good squad making the rest of you look bad and feel dejected enough to quit the game then the answer is simple:
Boot the losers out of the squad or take the good fellas with you and start a new squad. 

It REALLY IS that simple.

was quite a few fun fights last night in mw near a55......till some guys came in at 20k+.........never understood the need to go that high.......even the b17's were mostly below 10k...........but lots of fun fights.

ooo....and said that shot you got on me was luck.....i think otherwise.......was a perfectly tiomes and perfectly executed maneuver. i thought i had enough speed to take me out of your guns range faster than that.  :aok
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: Eagler on June 18, 2009, 09:21:21 AM
makes you wonder what a MW or EW room would look like with base capture disabled ..
there are some of us that are only here for the a2a .. they way AH started out.
the whole base capture idea seems at times childish at best.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: CAP1 on June 18, 2009, 09:47:20 AM
makes you wonder what a MW or EW room would look like with base capture disabled ..
there are some of us that are only here for the a2a .. they way AH started out.
the whole base capture idea seems at times childish at best.

ya...but if that's how those guys want to play....then so be it.......they do create good fights. i fillow em around, and almost always end up in good fights from that.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: lazydog on June 18, 2009, 11:25:42 AM
makes you wonder what a MW or EW room would look like with base capture disabled ..
there are some of us that are only here for the a2a .. they way AH started out.
the whole base capture idea seems at times childish at best.
remember those old westerns with the deserted towns?
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: ImADot on June 18, 2009, 11:31:13 AM
makes you wonder what a MW or EW room would look like with base capture disabled ..
there are some of us that are only here for the a2a .. they way AH started out.
the whole base capture idea seems at times childish at best.
Yeah, and make sure to include the LW arenas...don't just pick on the "kiddie's playground" (as some LW a-hole called it), and see how well it works there too.  I'm not into base captures, so could care less if they turn it off.  But it's my understanding that base captures were put in to generate fights.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: waystin2 on June 18, 2009, 11:36:42 AM
But it's my understanding that base captures were put in to generate fights.

This is absolutely correct.  It is not an endeavour unto itself, rather one meant to foster conflict.
Title: Re: Truly sad
Post by: CAP1 on June 18, 2009, 11:43:59 AM
Yeah, and make sure to include the LW arenas...don't just pick on the "kiddie's playground" (as some LW a-hole called it), and see how well it works there too.  I'm not into base captures, so could care less if they turn it off.  But it's my understanding that base captures were put in to generate fights.

and they do. some of the best, most fun, most chaotic fights i've ever had have been defending, or tryign to capture a base.