Aces High Bulletin Board
General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: Citabria on August 08, 2011, 06:36:31 AM
its been a decade of the worst block altitude instant aim correction nauseating constant rate popcorn ai puffy flak.
I do not fly in areas where it is located as the removal of enjoyment created by being in areas where this code is in effect is greater than the fun to be had by flying there on either side.
please recode this item as it is one of the very few tragic elements in the game that has not been redone to somthing realistic or even remotely effective at stopping slow formations of level bombers from a free cv kill but will consistantly destroy maneuvering fighters (often friendly ones) far from the carrier that are no threat.
somthing as confined as the ww1 arenas puffy flak that is only active above the airfield but not next to it would be a welcome change.
What are you talking about Fester, puffy ack ain't that bad.
JK, It sucks. Please get rid of it as early as yesterday. Thx. :aok
I'll see your puffy ack and raise you an M-18.
I'll see your M-18 and raise an A-26
:cheers: Oz
Beaufighter.... :noid but yea that puffy ack is outta control....
Puffy ack = ludicrousaccurate,hideousrange
(HiTech reads and chuckles to himself while coading LESS accurate and shorter range ack but DOUBLING the number of guns....while listening to Sinatra's version of "I did it myyyyyyyyy wayyyyyy!!!")
I streaked a M4 down a steep hill in a run to the enemy city/strats and ended up rolling it.
While I spent 20 minutes rolling down the huge hill, puffy ack exploded around me..........yet nothing hit.
I can fly over at 450mph at 30,000 feet in a wildly turning fighter and puffy ack hits me 4 times per minute.
Puffy ack is strange.
Did Ahab complain when he hunted the white whale ? Knowing fully the danger of the beast's puffy ack ? Nope! He went out and threw his harpoon anyways.
Hunt the AH white whale and be prepared for the puffy. It must be even puffuer now cause the CVs seem to last longer. Even the Rook ones whose members swore an oath to never,ever take out ords at enemy bases near it.
it should be suicide to fly into the path of CV puufy ack alone. Same goes for the industrial complex.
What is the issue again???
- got it figured out. Don't go there. :aok
Case and point...,318125.0.html
Of the 1000's and 1000's of ack shots that miss... we get a few hits and the cries of bloody murder abound! Sometimes the ack does its job.
I'll see your M-18 and raise an A-26
I'll call your A-26 with Automatic Transmissions!
I think that HiTech himself explained how the auto ack worked. Something like it is programmed to hit in a random area of a box around its target. The faster the target the larger the box.
I think a lot has to do with the game play and abuse aspect of how players use and attack fleets and maybe strats (the latter I believe is just an elevated risk level for attacking high profile targets, ie strats).
Although, I am so feeling the same way about avoiding the stuff, it is just another one of those things like lancstukas, spawn camping, tool shedding, etc... that exists because no better solution for their removal has hit the developers.
It's annoying when the cv is so close u can't take off and get to 3G without being pelted with ack
puffy ack is supposed to be annoying....duh
I thought I read somewhere that without the proxy fuses it took something like 400 rounds to get a hit. With the proxy fuses it came down to 40? In the game, 1 round from 5K me things should not be happening.
Let me provide an example of why the current "puffy ack" coding is, er, unrealistic....
I'm flying at 8,000 feet, the enemy fleet is just visible at the limits of vision. Everything is sunk, except a single destroyer. Yet, the volume of puffy ack is unabated... Moreover, there are at least 6 aircraft closer to the destroyer than I am. A Fletcher class destroyer has five 5" guns. So, explain why I can count dozens of ack puffs near me. Who is shooting? Clearly, something other than that lone destroyer. Where does this amazing volume of fire come from, and why is it present?
turn off automagic puffy ack and just make the guns mannable. might double or triple the # of manned positions, I think, but at least you'll get killed by another person and not the frickin' computer.
I think the bigger problem is how close the CV can be brought to the coast. It makes defending almost impossible sometimes.
Hmm... The ack deters people from veing around it... Working as intended? ;)
I agree it would be an excellent target for improvementm. +1
Three response deep hijack..nice.
I get puffy ack, but the threat detection piece (range) is a bit odd. I have been hit waaaayyy out in a 262, varying my alt 1k at a time. No so sure if the computer back then could anticipate a flight path the way the current system does. That said, the ack SHOULD be lethal enough to kill a flight of approaching bombers, or at least reduce the number by one. +1 do a re-look, make it more lethal closer would be my 2 cents. CV fights promote fighting.
Question for the uber knowledge section.... does the FLAK capability of a carrier group diminish as the group is destroyed?
I think the bigger problem is how close the CV can be brought to the coast. It makes defending almost impossible sometimes.
DING DING DING We have a winner! :aok
Flak seems to be an individual front end situation. What I mean is, I can be flying with a squaddy in a sector both 5 miles from the CV. I see puffy ack shooting at me but nothing around him. He sees puffy ack around him but nothing by me. Correct me if I am wrong there.
puffy ack should be down when the cruiser is destroyed. or simply erased from the game :airplane:
Do bomber boxes always get through to the CV? How often do you bomber pilots loose your whole box at alt to auto only ack before you get your bombs off? CV's get sunk like clock work from what I can see. How often is it puffy ack killing our fighters during furballs opposed to the manned 5inchers?
Most often if I don't get too close to the ships the auto puffy dosen't kill me. It's the player gunners in the manned 5". Yes it's annoying to get auto puffy ack at 25k yards away out of sight or 3k high closer to the ships while furballing. I think I've only been auto killed that way half a dozen times over the years. Most everytime the puffy ack kills me a name is associated with the kill.
How often do we die by manned versus auto ack?
Bringing a CV inside of 20,000 yards to shore as a fighter supressant seems a bit gamey. But, isn't that a concession to being able to get LVT's with troops feet dry inside of 10-15 minutes because of their slow speeds and vulnerability? Whats the maximum distance from shore before you can launch LVT's? Is that controlling why CV's can be parked almost on the beach as a giant ack barge?
I must be weird....I love flying into puffy ack (auto-ack anyways). It gives me that realistic feel. Like I'm flying back in time (especially in my B17's).
Even when I up a fighter I do just fine. I think these girls are just upset over manned ack. ;)
Hmm... The ack deters people from veing around it... Working as intended? ;)
I agree it would be an excellent target for improvementm. +1
OK, I give, is that a Canadian something I obviously know nothing about ?
- to HTC. Posting it is just whining.
Breaking News: The Pity Train has just derailed at the intersection of Suck It Up & Move On, and crashed into We All Have Problems, before coming to a complete stop at Get the Heck Over It. Any complaints about how we operate can be forwarded to 1-800-waa-waaa. This is Dr. Sniffle Reporting LIVE from Quitchur Fussin'
Breaking News: The Pity Train has just derailed at the intersection of Suck It Up & Move On, and crashed into We All Have Problems, before coming to a complete stop at Get the Heck Over It. Any complaints about how we operate can be forwarded to 1-800-waa-waaa. This is Dr. Sniffle Reporting LIVE from Quitchur Fussin'
^^^ That's pretty funny right there. :rofl
On the complaint about flak. I love flak as a bomber pilot, it sometimes tickles my bomber as I fly over a CV or city strat. Flak is more of a threat to the fighters attacking me as I fly threw it than to my bombers.
I say we add more flak to the game, like two - three flak towers per base. :D
Bringing a CV inside of 20,000 yards to shore as a fighter supressant seems a bit gamey. But, isn't that a concession to being able to get LVT's with troops feet dry inside of 10-15 minutes because of their slow speeds and vulnerability? Whats the maximum distance from shore before you can launch LVT's? Is that controlling why CV's can be parked almost on the beach as a giant ack barge?
I think if the CV's had a longer reach with their spawn catapults, HTC could extend the "No CV Zone" out a bit further.
- to HTC. Posting it is just whining.
If you made the OzKansas Map you are entitled to whine imo.
So you want to be able to effectively use CV to take feilds and that requires being in LVT spawn range. But, that allows the CV to be a superlative furball supressing ack barge.
When CV to shore big furballs do happen and go on for awhile. How far from shore is the CV such that the land planes can keep upping back to the furball? Befor the obligitory bomber jock fluffs the CV.
Ok..fine..don't fly there. Who cares?
Even with all the puffy ack we still get boneheads trying to vulch the CV deck. Imagine with no puffy and manned guns only. Whack a few 5" guns and you'd be left with a floating vulch museum. Im just saying the changes they have made have made CV fights last longer and be more fun. Even with the old puffy I had a perk fighter shot down while at like 15,000' so the bottom line is you cant bring a fighter around a CV. This allows CV fighters to get some "E" and alt and evens out the fight more.
Even with all the puffy ack we still get boneheads trying to vulch the CV deck. Imagine with no puffy and manned guns only. Whack a few 5" guns and you'd be left with a floating vulch museum. Im just saying the changes they have made have made CV fights last longer and be more fun. Even with the old puffy I had a perk fighter shot down while at like 15,000' so the bottom line is you cant bring a fighter around a CV. This allows CV fighters to get some "E" and alt and evens out the fight more.
It only evens it out if CV fighters are equally deterred from capping the enemy field they're trying to take and have to allow the enemy planes taking off from it to climb up and gain E. Field fighters can take off from other nearby (if any) uncapped fields though, right? So can CV based fighters that bother to bring more than one CV to a fight.
It only evens it out if CV fighters are equally deterred from capping the enemy field they're trying to take and have to allow the enemy planes taking off from it to climb up and gain E. Field fighters can take off from other nearby (if any) uncapped fields though, right? So can CV based fighters that bother to bring more than one CV to a fight.
oh my thats awesome :rofl
Do bomber boxes always get through to the CV? How often do you bomber pilots loose your whole box at alt to auto only ack before you get your bombs off? CV's get sunk like clock work from what I can see. How often is it puffy ack killing our fighters during furballs opposed to the manned 5inchers?
Most often if I don't get too close to the ships the auto puffy dosen't kill me. It's the player gunners in the manned 5". Yes it's annoying to get auto puffy ack at 25k yards away out of sight or 3k high closer to the ships while furballing. I think I've only been auto killed that way half a dozen times over the years. Most everytime the puffy ack kills me a name is associated with the kill.
How often do we die by manned versus auto ack?
Bringing a CV inside of 20,000 yards to shore as a fighter supressant seems a bit gamey. But, isn't that a concession to being able to get LVT's with troops feet dry inside of 10-15 minutes because of their slow speeds and vulnerability? Whats the maximum distance from shore before you can launch LVT's? Is that controlling why CV's can be parked almost on the beach as a giant ack barge?
YES! A 15k 262 streaking along at 550, constantly changing altitude/headng, is more likely to get popped than a formation of Lancs plodding along at 7k (not that I really GIVE a watermelon about Muppets losing their 262's mind you ;), but it simply isn't correct)
Bringing a CV inside of 20,000 yards to shore as a fighter supressant seems a bit gamey. But, isn't that a concession to being able to get LVT's with troops feet dry inside of 10-15 minutes because of their slow speeds and vulnerability? Whats the maximum distance from shore before you can launch LVT's? Is that controlling why CV's can be parked almost on the beach as a giant ack barge?
you could just have the LTV's have a spawn near the coast if a cv is in the 'general area'. Then the CVs can't be ack barges (good term btw).
YES! A 15k 262 streaking along at 550, constantly changing altitude/headng, is more likely to get popped than a formation of Lancs plodding along at 7k (not that I really GIVE a watermelon about Muppets losing their 262's mind you ;), but it simply isn't correct)
A 39,000 foot 262 streaking at 550 constantly changing altitude and heading is more likely to be popped than a formation of lancasters at 7000 feet going 158mph.
Once i did a fatal mistake. Tryed to save my own cv from a set of 12k b24s. I was BnZing on the set in a 262, got two and just removed the wing of the third one, when got lighten up by the own puffy. I wasnt over my carryer, about 6-7 miles away plus at altitude, still, pretty much the first shot got me (not to count that was useless anyway...). Epic fail : )
Other thing, but also loved when was trying to land a 9-killer f6f sortie with a wingtip missing and a really intelligent guy got me with the manned puffy almost on the deck...
I have a couple more epic fail stories : )
Even with all the puffy ack we still get boneheads trying to vulch the CV deck. Imagine with no puffy and manned guns only.
Interesting thinking. I had no idea vulching was happening above 3K :headscratch: Or are you saying it is better because maned guns would actually be effective? :confused:
Breaking News: The Pity Train has just derailed at the intersection of Suck It Up & Move On, and crashed into We All Have Problems, before coming to a complete stop at Get the Heck Over It. Any complaints about how we operate can be forwarded to 1-800-waa-waaa. This is Dr. Sniffle Reporting LIVE from Quitchur Fussin'
:rofl :rofl :rofl
SAVED! :rofl
I like how the puffy ack from ANYTHING can shoot through mountains.... :noid
It only evens it out if CV fighters are equally deterred from capping the enemy field they're trying to take and have to allow the enemy planes taking off from it to climb up and gain E. Field fighters can take off from other nearby (if any) uncapped fields though, right? So can CV based fighters that bother to bring more than one CV to a fight.
When is the last time you have seen two CVs brought to a fight? Almost everyone playing would consider that a waste of assets.
We dont have Kamakazis in the game and I dont remember actual history where enemy fighters would go out of their way to strafe CV decks. And its not like you cant sink a CV with a little effort anyways. Unless its a mission from a CV I almost always see land based fighters gaining better position, numbers being equal that is. I think the current CV situation is much better then it used to be. Harder to sink = better fights.
I think that HiTech himself explained how the auto ack worked. Something like it is programmed to hit in a random area of a box around its target. The faster the target the larger the box.
I think a lot has to do with the game play and abuse aspect of how players use and attack fleets and maybe strats (the latter I believe is just an elevated risk level for attacking high profile targets, ie strats).
Although, I am so feeling the same way about avoiding the stuff, it is just another one of those things like lancstukas, spawn camping, tool shedding, etc... that exists because no better solution for their removal has hit the developers.
If I recall correctly, the box doesn't get bigger or smaller with speed, it is a set size ratio around each plane. That would mean when you are in a fighter the box for puffy is much smaller while it still is receiving the same amount of puffy shots, allowing the ultra fighter killing puffy ack. I'm not sure of the exact dynamics of flying a formation, but it would seem the ratio comes into effect as if it were one plane.
I've lost a 262 myself to puffy. It definitely needs a major revamp.
When is the last time you have seen two CVs brought to a fight? Almost everyone playing would consider that a waste of assets.
All three sides do this regularly. I need to get myself a private copy of that book, Invented Facts.
The origional 88mm puffy flak was modelled per round and actually had a travel time.
it was removed right after carrier groups were added because all the flack would just shoot in a black cloud right above the cv and cause huge frame rate hits.
the solution was this rng box of popcorn that gives no true effort to simulate a flak gun aiming at your plane from a great distance. it is simply a box exclusive to your front end that will target your aircraft at all times within a certain area. it gives the impression that because the box is always centered and the way the puffs follow every movement of your plane so that although they apear randomly in the box the box is part of your airplane.
I find this intollerable and unrealistic.
I would rather die over and over to actual ai aimed rounds that have travel time than this popcorn mess that makes my ears bleed and even if it does not kill me annoys the H3LL out of me.
it took a while but eventually I came to realize I was playing a game.
Let me provide an example of why the current "puffy ack" coding is, er, unrealistic....
I'm flying at 8,000 feet, the enemy fleet is just visible at the limits of vision. Everything is sunk, except a single destroyer. Yet, the volume of puffy ack is unabated... Moreover, there are at least 6 aircraft closer to the destroyer than I am. A Fletcher class destroyer has five 5" guns. So, explain why I can count dozens of ack puffs near me. Who is shooting? Clearly, something other than that lone destroyer. Where does this amazing volume of fire come from, and why is it present?
... this...
Flak seems to be an individual front end situation. What I mean is, I can be flying with a squaddy in a sector both 5 miles from the CV. I see puffy ack shooting at me but nothing around him. He sees puffy ack around him but nothing by me. Correct me if I am wrong there.
... this...
YES! A 15k 262 streaking along at 550, constantly changing altitude/headng, is more likely to get popped than a formation of Lancs plodding along at 7k (not that I really GIVE a watermelon about Muppets losing their 262's mind you ;), but it simply isn't correct)
... and this:
The origional 88mm puffy flak was modelled per round and actually had a travel time.
it was removed right after carrier groups were added because all the flack would just shoot in a black cloud right above the cv and cause huge frame rate hits.
the solution was this rng box of popcorn that gives no true effort to simulate a flak gun aiming at your plane from a great distance. it is simply a box exclusive to your front end that will target your aircraft at all times within a certain area. it gives the impression that because the box is always centered and the way the puffs follow every movement of your plane so that although they apear randomly in the box the box is part of your airplane.
I find this intollerable and unrealistic.
I would rather die over and over to actual ai aimed rounds that have travel time than this popcorn mess that makes my ears bleed and even if it does not kill me annoys the H3LL out of me.
Although I don't think it was ever modeled per-round, the rest of it I agree with.
EDIT: IMO HTC intended one thing but the end result is the exact opposite. He intended a smaller, manuvering target to be harder to hit, and the steady straight one moving slowly to be easy. The results are exactly the opposite, with level bombers only at risk from manned 8" rather than AAA 8". Fighters can and are picked off at extreme ranges with no rhyme or reason and the flack continues to follow well outside of reasonable tolerances as well. You can have a furball near the fleet and be RTB and 10mi out still be tracked by puffy ack when the rest of the furball is 10x closer.
I don't think I ever experienced the modeled per-round code because I was not there back when this was the case. the rest of it I agree with.
+1 agree
I don't mind the puffy ack so much as I think it has to exist to defend the carrier groups from attack. The problem I have with it is when I'm getting picked off by it at ridiculous ranges. I used to think it was crazy but now I have better computer hardware and I figure if I can hardly see the carrier group with my machine there should be no reason I oughta be getting hit by puffy. It should be for defensive purposes only. If I'm not attacking the carrier--and being engaged in a fight or just flying past at extreme visual range certainly does not qualify as being in an attack posture--then there's no reason I should be getting not only the attention of an ack gun but even less chance I should be getting hit by it let alone be killed by it. It's on my list of things that need a bit o' tweaking.
Then its not the manner in how the CV is used to take advantage of the current puffy ack programing. But, the current programatical implimentation of CV puffy ack itself that the OP has an issue with?
Was the original implimentation of CV puffy ack a closer representation of real life in it's programatical presentation? If it is, has our hardware evolved past the frame rate problems?
You know if any substinitive changes are made to puffy ack, this forum may look and read like Watts in gotta have a bit of sympathy for HiTech. He's a new father and all....... :)
You know if any substinitive changes are made to puffy ack, this forum may look and read like Watts in gotta have a bit of sympathy for HiTech. He's a new father and all....... :)
In every discussion of puffy ack I've ever seen, I can't recall a single post saying, 'It's great as is.' I've seen ones from HTC saying 'This is why it is like it is.' and I get that, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone actually defend it as being well modeled or good for gameplay.
I too would love to see it reworked.
I seem to recall Hitech himself saying they never modeled it that way when you mentioned this earlier this year or later last year.
Why not make the 'box' on bombers smaller and the ones on fighters bigger (or maybe a universal 'box' size!!)? I'd take the tradeoff. Better protection, but fighters might go down at a slightly higher rate than actually statistics say it should.
Why not make the 'box' on bombers smaller and the ones on fighters bigger (or maybe a universal 'box' size!!)? I'd take the tradeoff. Better protection, but fighters might go down at a slightly higher rate than actually statistics say it should.
^ this, is it possible to distinguish between the two (lone lanc for example vice lone pony)?
Interesting concept about a formation. Does the cpu only recognize the player controlled plane or do all 3 planes create their own boxes? It would reason that only one box would still be created.
On another note, it seems that bombers are faster, or my fighter is getting slower. I think, sometimes we get guys diving bombers enough to maximize their speed, making their boxes also increase. I seldom attack bombers co alt unless I am defending a nearby asset. The result is almost always predictably frustrating.
it should be suicide to fly into the path of CV puufy ack alone. Same goes for the industrial complex.
What is the issue again???
That its not suicide? Puffy ack should barely be considered a deterent, yet alone a defensive measure.
weeken, mod it, lessen it but KEEP IT i like the feeling of flying through it in bombers
Sorry but I think our puffy ack should do more than just drop frame rates. I can literally count on my thumbs the number of times I've been killed by auto-puffy.
Do bomber boxes always get through to the CV? How often do you bomber pilots loose your whole box at alt to auto only ack before you get your bombs off? CV's get sunk like clock work from what I can see. How often is it puffy ack killing our fighters during furballs opposed to the manned 5inchers?
Most often if I don't get too close to the ships the auto puffy dosen't kill me. It's the player gunners in the manned 5". Yes it's annoying to get auto puffy ack at 25k yards away out of sight or 3k high closer to the ships while furballing. I think I've only been auto killed that way half a dozen times over the years. Most everytime the puffy ack kills me a name is associated with the kill.
How often do we die by manned versus auto ack?
Bringing a CV inside of 20,000 yards to shore as a fighter supressant seems a bit gamey. But, isn't that a concession to being able to get LVT's with troops feet dry inside of 10-15 minutes because of their slow speeds and vulnerability? Whats the maximum distance from shore before you can launch LVT's? Is that controlling why CV's can be parked almost on the beach as a giant ack barge?
bustr, I don't recall losing all 3 buffs to auto ack. I bomb from 5.5 and after drop will turn my buffs to evade puffy ack, at most I will get a smoking engine but that's from regular ack. I have tried doing the same thing in a pony diving and turning at 500mph, I have never been successful at coming out alive.
Sorry but I think our puffy ack should do more than just drop frame rates. I can literally count on my thumbs the number of times I've been killed by auto-puffy.
fly a light fighter above 3000 feet 5+ miles from a cv more often... while there's 10 targets closer.. and a set of bombers dropping on it. :aok
*sigh* What are you girls crying about??? I'm going to post a SS in just a second from less than 15 minutes ago.
In this scenario there were two enemy 110's flying WELL within CV firing range, yet neither one of them went down due to flak. They were both shot down by me.
They flew for a good while near the CV (more interested in chasing a lone B17 than messing with the CV). Look at the dispersion in the flak. -_-
If you want I'll even post a SS looking down at the fleet they were flying right next to....
(EDIT: Even in the film - neither one takes a single piece of damage from the flak.)
Quit demanding that the game be easier for you. If you don't like flak then hit normal fields & ports. Leave the strat bombing and CV killing to the big kids.
Let me provide an example of why the current "puffy ack" coding is, er, unrealistic....
I'm flying at 8,000 feet, the enemy fleet is just visible at the limits of vision. Everything is sunk, except a single destroyer. Yet, the volume of puffy ack is unabated... Moreover, there are at least 6 aircraft closer to the destroyer than I am. A Fletcher class destroyer has five 5" guns. So, explain why I can count dozens of ack puffs near me. Who is shooting? Clearly, something other than that lone destroyer. Where does this amazing volume of fire come from, and why is it present?
*sigh* What are you girls crying about??? I'm going to post a SS in just a second from less than 15 minutes ago.
*sigh* This is what us girls are crying about. Happens all the time, but this actually happened yesterday and I saved the film just for this thread. I popped 3k and instantly was Oil Leaked princess.
That's pretty good, it got ya on the first round, I'm sure that was a most common occurence in ww2 :rolleyes: (now, after re-coading, if we can STILL make it prioritize 262's above all else......)
My anecdotal puffy ack experience is usually that the 'cheap hits' occur when you're cruising along straight and level, maybe you don't even see the CV, first shot, instant damage. Much like what Grizz illustrated. If you're maneuvering as you cross the threshold and come into range, then I find the puffy is mostly for show, which is what Marine's screenshot might indicate.
I was climbing to engage a P51 at 20k once and watched him turn into a fireball with the first ack salvo from the carrier group I'd launched from. Laughed hard, got the proxy, felt bad for the guy. He was less than amused. :)
I don't mind the puffy, I'm just not fond of it being (apparently) independent of how much of the carrier group is down, and the ability to snipe people at ludicrous range doesn't make for good gameplay IMO.
The current state of CV Group auto puffy ack.
1.}Fighters become oil cherried princesses, pilot wounded or dead by being in the same sector any alt above 3k?
2.}Bombers are immune to puffy ack?
3.}CV's are glorified ack barges parkable off the end of runways?
5.}Puffy ack volume does not reduce proportional to destroyed ships in a logical manner?
6.}CV puffy ack is a squids best freind?
7. Puffy ack is just as effective at 39,999 feet as it is at 3000 feet.
Grizz, I've never had that happen with auto-ack. Ever.
I've lost a wing and all that jazz but isn't the point of a WWII Air Combat simulator #1 rule to survival situational awareness?
Fighters aren't meant to hit strats. As for CV ack - It's mostly the manned guns you need to worry about. If you keep getting hit with auto - how about you battle under 3K and get some buff tards like me in there to knock it out?
I love puffy ack - even when I'm at 40K getting pieces in the wings of my B29.
It's a game - you can re-up & it's not that big of an issue to anyone with decent patience. :)
If you keep getting hit with auto - how about you battle under 3K and get some buff tards like me in there to knock it out?
IIRC, even if you bufftard the entire task group, the auto puffy still fires, doesn't it? :headscratch:
anyway, the 3k thing is just arbitrary. why doesn't auto puffy just go all the way down to sea level? because then people would be getting vulched on their own airbases, by the fricking computer -- park a CV within 10 miles of a base, and its insta-vulched. HTC decided on 3k somewhere along the way, Who knows why?
why not 1k or 8k or 10k or 15k+?
why not 1k or 8k or 10k or 15k+?
Why 12 hour time switch? Why not 4, 6, 8? Best answer I got regarding that was "That's the way it's always been" which is basically the equivalent of your dad telling you when you're young, "Cuz I said so".
Grizz, I've never had that happen with auto-ack. Ever.
I've lost a wing and all that jazz but isn't the point of a WWII Air Combat simulator #1 rule to survival situational awareness?
Fighters aren't meant to hit strats. As for CV ack - It's mostly the manned guns you need to worry about. If you keep getting hit with auto - how about you battle under 3K and get some buff tards like me in there to knock it out?
I love puffy ack - even when I'm at 40K getting pieces in the wings of my B29.
It's a game - you can re-up & it's not that big of an issue to anyone with decent patience. :)
Yeah Grizz, he's been here ten minutes and hasn't seen any issues. What's your problem?
If you keep getting hit with auto - how about you battle under 3K and get some buff tards like me in there to knock it out?
It's not that simple and you know it.
Grizz, ignore him. Hes obviously trolling.
No I'm not.
I've been playing since 2000, thank you sir. Is there anything else you'd like to tell me about myself while you're at it?
Again, I see no issue with puffy and I see no issue with fighting under 3K unless you're a Booz n lose...err boom n zoom pile-it.
Again, I see no issue with puffy and I see no issue with fighting under 3K unless you're a Booz n lose...err boom n zoom pile-it.
So, the attackers from the CV get to climb above 3000, but all the defenders should stay below 3000. Got it.
That sounds about right, considering the CV doesn't show up on the map, can use the cruiser guns to flatten a town without being detected.
Launch a group of 5-10 fighters from said CV with the alt advantage and magic 3000ft computer cap, with about 5-10 noobs in LVT2's, good stuff.
As I say, "let em have the stupid base"
Good fighting there.
Clearly you've spent the past 11 years with your head in the sand.
The ENEMIES don't stay under 3k without the threat of auto puffy. That means they climb out, and booz n lose as you put it.
I would advise you consider the ENEMY'S actions, as well as your own. It might help you live longer..... then again, it probably won't.
Maybe it's just me, but I'm not an alt monkey. Who cares if they have the alt advantage? It's time to learn to make them fight your fight when they think they have the advantage.
All of this "I WANT GAME EASY FOR MEH! IT MUST BE FAIRRRRRR" is...well....Call of Duty generation "gamer" stuff. I thought the people who played this game enjoyed the...dare I say?.....Challenge?
Isn't that why the AH community holds itself above the rest? The challenge? IL2 cake walk etc. can't match AH because you have to have SOME idea of what you're doing...
Maybe it's just me, but I'm not an alt monkey. Who cares if they have the alt advantage? It's time to learn to make them fight your fight when they think they have the advantage.
All of this "I WANT GAME EASY FOR MEH! IT MUST BE FAIRRRRRR" is...well....Call of Duty generation "gamer" stuff. I thought the people who played this game enjoyed the...dare I say?.....Challenge?
Isn't that why the AH community holds itself above the rest? The challenge? IL2 cake walk etc. can't match AH because you have to have SOME idea of what you're doing...
that is first class strawmanning, but straying above 3000ft is not what i'd consider "alt-monkeying".
perhaps the challenge should be to keep a CV alive without randomly computer generated 5" ack. make all the CV guns mannable, let people aim them, instead of an algorythm.. no people on 5", no puffy ack.
Oh god no. Then all you would hear is "OMG THE AK IS TOO ACCURATE!!!".
1K alt, doesn't matter.
As for "alt-monkey": I consider anyone who demands that they have the alt advantage (and will fly a whole sector away just to get the alt if they need to) an alt-monkey.
Even I hate manned ak :P
perhaps the challenge should be to keep a CV alive without randomly computer generated 5" ack. make all the CV guns mannable, let people aim them, instead of an algorythm.. no people on 5", no puffy ack.
+1 to this... how many times have I seen the dozens and dozens of guns just WAITING for someone to pull their trigger, but not been allowed? We want more GUNS!!!!!!
We all know the puffy is rubbish but for some reason HTC sticks with it. I remember hitech arguing he wouldn't put it a supercharger switch because even though it was realistic it would be boring and pointless in a game, not even that the puffy is realistic but it is boring and pointless in almost ever situation, no idea why it is like it is.
All of this "I WANT GAME EASY FOR MEH! IT MUST BE FAIRRRRRR" is...well....Call of Duty generation "gamer" stuff.
Dude, you're 21 years old and you say you've been playing this game for 10 years.
Last night, I am at 5k over a port in a dog fight and suddenly I'm oiled. Puffy ack kicks in for what ever reason and first blast takes out the oil pan. I know it is randomized though it sucks. And yes, bombers fly through it without a scratch.
We all know the puffy is rubbish
I didn't know it is rubbish. Seems a-okay to me.
I'm fine with the 3k thing around the cv....even with a jug I have a fun time turning and burning within those restrictions, but 2 aspects are a drag: when the cv is literally on top of the base, we can no longer defend it, as auto-puffy starts in moments after gear up, and that other annoying thing, the fact that 3k or 13k, auto-puffy is equally likely top put you in the tower (unless, as previously opined, you're in plodding 7k Lancs driving straight to the boat, THEN you're home free)
I up at the next nearest base when I defend a base with a fighter.
I up at the next nearest base when I defend a base with a fighter.
That's bad, play the way MarineUS tells you. He's a vet after all.
Dude, you're 21 years old and you say you've been playing this game for 10 years.
Dude, Tyrannis has been playing for like 8, he's 14.
I didn't know it is rubbish. Seems a-okay to me.
Could be you fly in a group or with a large group as your style of gameplay? You've never been insta killed by puffy in the first burst at a ridiculous altitude? If it happened once in a blue moon to me I could overlook it.
Personally I would like to see most of the 5" guns turned into auto guns. Theres no variance in the shells flight path like there is with the 8".
At the very least, the 5"ers should have the inside of the gun turret modeled and they should have to use the vision slit to locate targets.
It has been said the Germany had to expend 16,000 88mm shells to knock down one American bomber.
Dude, you're 21 years old and you say you've been playing this game for 10 years.
Dude, there's a 9 year old who plays in-game right now. Amazing!
Are you saying that due to the sheer fact that I was only 11 when I first started playing (I was already building custom computers), that I lacked the ability to properly play, and understand the concepts of something that I happened to have a large interest in?
That's bad, play the way MarineUS tells you. He's a vet after all.
Not once did I tell anyone to play any certain way. You may be ignorant enough to assume such, but in the end, any person with a brain stem can read through this thread and see that I in fact, have not one time mentioned that someone MUST play a certain way.
Please swing the troll bat harder next time sweet thing. That tickled.
Dude, there's a 9 year old who plays in-game right now. Amazing!
Are you saying that due to the sheer fact that I was only 11 when I first started playing (I was already building custom computers), that I lacked the ability to properly play, and understand the concepts of something that I happened to have a large interest in?
Not once did I tell anyone to play any certain way. You may be ignorant enough to assume such, but in the end, any person with a brain stem can read through this thread and see that I in fact, have not one time mentioned that someone MUST play a certain way.
Please swing the troll bat harder next time sweet thing. That tickled.
A 9 year old? You started when you were 11? know, there is a whole world outside...just sayin.
Yes. And I've seen some of the world. Who says I spend 24 hours a day in-game or on the computer? I've gone to college, I've gone to crappy countries, I've explored caves.
If I spent the last 10 years of my life on AH every single day I'm pretty sure my K/D wouldn't be where it's at.
Yes. Me playing a game since I was 11 means I've never experienced anything other than AH. :aok
As for my large amount of time on the board lately - would you want to roll around in a wheel chair in 100 degree heat with 95% humidity? Georgia weather sucks.
I've been playing offline for 2 years. Yet somehow, I still collide with the stupid drones when I come at them from their 12 oclock high. :(
I've been playing offline for 2 years. Yet somehow, I still collide with the stupid drones when I come at them from their 12 oclock high. :(
Playing with yourself gets old after a while...
You think so?
It's not myself... Its the drones. :lol
I saw this thread earlier today. I lol'ed. :lol
You think so?
It's not myself... Its the drones. :lol
Playing with drones is fun and all but its not the same as real flesh and meat of it...
Unfortunately, yes. :( I keep meaning to put in a money order... never got around to it. How long do you think it would take for a piece of mail to get from Toronto to Fort Worth?
Unfortunately, yes. :( I keep meaning to put in a money order... never got around to it. How long do you think it would take for a piece of mail to get from Toronto to Fort Worth?
Depends on the size of the package you ordered/sent...should be in, in a couple of days..
It's just an envelope-- cash.
It's just an envelope-- cash.
that'll probably do, your product should be close to the real thing...
Yes. And I've seen some of the world. Who says I spend 24 hours a day in-game or on the computer? I've gone to college, I've gone to crappy countries, I've explored caves.
If I spent the last 10 years of my life on AH every single day I'm pretty sure my K/D wouldn't be where it's at.
Yes. Me playing a game since I was 11 means I've never experienced anything other than AH. :aok
As for my large amount of time on the board lately - would you want to roll around in a wheel chair in 100 degree heat with 95% humidity? Georgia weather sucks.
I was talking to the current 9 year old....the math didn't escape me with regard to your age. Sorry for the confusion.
Dude, there's a 9 year old who plays in-game right now. Amazing!
What was your handle?
I just flew a spit XIV over the city at 37,000 feet and got killed by the first ack barrage.
What was your handle?
I've had several handles over the years.
CptWolfe (I think I used that one here :rolleyes: )
annnnnd I think that MIGHT be all of them. (This isn't the first time someone's gotten all @#$(_ over how long I've really been here. Look me up though. :aok ).
The latest one of those should show up could possibly be 2002 (There are photos at my parents house of me playing AH on our old computer marked with 2002 on the corner.).
Chalk one up to Skuzzy's sick sense of humor.
I'm at 9k, beyond icon range of a CV. Suddenly there is a bang, I'm wounded and the windscreen is covered in blood and oil. This is my first indication that puffy ack is shooting at me. After this puffy ack begins to puff around me. So very first puffy ack shot wounds me and oils the engine. What are the chances of this?
Let's discuss real world. So a plane shows up long range and the very first 40mm round down range wounds the plane and pilot. The next 100 plus rounds miss entirely. Yes, in the real world this happens. It would happen about as often as winning the lottery, except in this game. Seems to happen about 1 out of 20 times.
Bottom line, the coding sucks and flying around a CV means you are going to be killed. Skill doesn't matter. I grew up in Vegas and these are mafia style odds. Needs to be changed.
Dude, CV puffy ack is 127mm, not 40mm. Strat and HQ puffy are 88mm and 105mm.
Dude, CV puffy ack is 127mm, not 40mm. Strat and HQ puffy are 88mm and 105mm.
Yes Dude, CVs have 127 mm guns on them, or not. Standard weapon is 5" and 40mm. Considering the volume, though does it really matter? So if its 127mm the modeling is ok? If its 40mm its not? And should the puffy ack be identical at long range versus 3001 off the deck?
Also, who shot 105mm AAA during the war? US was a 75/76mm.
The strat puffy ack is from German 88mm FlaK 36 and 105mm FlaK 38 cannons. CV puffy is from U.S. 127mm (5") Dual Purpose guns.
Let's discuss real world. So a plane shows up long range and the very first 40mm round down range wounds the plane and pilot. The next 100 plus rounds miss entirely.
40mm doesn't fire puffy ack, it just fires a high explosive shell like the cannons on your aircraft.
US used 3" (76.2mm), 90mm, and 120mm AAA as well, by the way :aok.