Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: EVZ on January 24, 2012, 09:56:22 AM

Post by: EVZ on January 24, 2012, 09:56:22 AM
??? MAYBE ??? a PERK TAX should be charged to anyone SWITCHING SIDES in a MAIN ARENA ??? Any such TAX would be figured on a % basis ... Want to switch sides? OK, it will cost you 30% of your perk points ... This would DEFINATELY put a crimp in the perk farming, Spying, and ENY manipulation that Occurs on a regular basis ... Flame Suit Mode initiated.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: davidwales on January 24, 2012, 10:04:00 AM
+1  :aok
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: ImADot on January 24, 2012, 10:06:50 AM
A sledgehammer solution that punishes every legit player because of a handful of dicks.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 24, 2012, 10:15:00 AM
A sledgehammer solution that punishes every legit player because of a handful of dicks.
Some People just don't like TAXS ... you ever notice that?

Personally, I consider the environmental stability it will provide and the GAMEY tricks it will prevent to be worth the inconvienience it imposes on players who do not consider loyalty to be important. It applies to everyone equally, and that's as fair as it gets. If you have GOOD REASON to switch sides? I guess they are worth PAYING FOR ? aren't they?

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: davidwales on January 24, 2012, 10:17:02 AM
but surely there must be a way to see if certain players only change sides for perks , perks are rewards how can it be fair to increase your perks , by taking adavantage of a weak side without any thought for the players who may have worked hard to gain that player a chance to vulch a weak enemy , perk tax is good idea wish had thought of it . :salute
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: VonMessa on January 24, 2012, 10:20:03 AM
but surely there must be a way to see if certain players only change sides for perks , perks are rewards how can it be fair to increase your perks , by taking adavantage of a weak side without any thought for the players who may have worked hard to gain that player a chance to vulch a weak enemy , perk tax is good idea wish had thought of it . :salute

Taxes are NEVER a good idea.

Especially not in a game that most play to forget the realities of life for a bit (including taxes).

If I wanna farm perks, I will fly a 190 A-8.  None of these restrictions suggested will prevent me from ever farming perks in that fashion.

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: davidwales on January 24, 2012, 10:23:29 AM
but would it prevent you from deserting your country when it needs you most  :salute
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Soulyss on January 24, 2012, 10:24:15 AM
There isn't currently a way to effectively perk farm from the high numbered side.  Being on the country with the highest population will actually reduce the perks you get per kill, switching near the end of a war "win" won't get you perk points either.

If you want to perk farm fly on the side that's outnumbered, combined with a high ENY plane (something in the 25-30) range and you can rack up 15-30 perk points per sortie.  

Just to give you an idea of what this wish implies, if I wanted to switch sides you think I should pay over 22,000 perks points? Seems a little steep to me.

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: VonMessa on January 24, 2012, 10:25:38 AM
but would it prevent you from deserting your country when it needs you most  :salute

Not at all.

I always switch to the side with lower numbers (if I switch).  I would rather fight a horde of red guys that a horde of green ones.

What compels me to stay on a particular country, now?
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: B4Buster on January 24, 2012, 10:29:48 AM
I don't understand why people are so adamant about punishing side switches. You guys just need to put your tinfoil hats back on, and be more concerned with having fun  ;)
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: VonMessa on January 24, 2012, 10:31:06 AM
I don't understand why people are so adamant about punishing side switches. You guys just need to put your tinfoil hats back on, and be more concerned with having fun  ;)

Smartest statement in this thread...
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: 321BAR on January 24, 2012, 10:36:27 AM
is summer early this year? :noid
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 24, 2012, 10:41:03 AM
There isn't currently a way to effectively perk farm from the high numbered side.  Being on the country with the highest population will actually reduce the perks you get per kill, switching near the end of a war "win" won't get you perk points either.
It WON'T ...? Funny, I just watched Several players SWITCH and go AFK when it became apparent the map would be rolled within a 1/2 hr or so ... THEY seem to think they've been getting PERKS for it.

If you want to perk farm fly on the side that's outnumbered, combined with a high ENY plane (something in the 25-30) range and you can rack up 15-30 perk points per sortie.
You can rack up PERKS in this situation  - If you serve the country you play for and accept the RISK of flying against overwhelming odds ... Not what I call PERK FARMING. IF you want to change sides so you can pork some undefended base or target a carrier that's on a course you programed BEFORE switching ... Hopefully it costs you more than you can earn.

Just to give you an idea of what this wish implies, if I wanted to switch sides you think I should pay over 22,000 perks points? Seems a little steep to me.
Yeah! Eat the RICH !!! 66,000 perk points is absurd, you obviously NEED help spending them!
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: DaCoon on January 24, 2012, 10:42:02 AM
Taxes are NEVER a good idea.

Especially not in a game that most play to forget the realities of life for a bit (including taxes).

If I wanna farm perks, I will fly a 190 A-8.  None of these restrictions suggested will prevent me from ever farming perks in that fashion.

what he said.  
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: davidwales on January 24, 2012, 10:51:32 AM
ok ive a fairer way to impliment this A player can only spend his perks on the country he gained them from , so your perk total  will be divided into three .  :salute
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Karnak on January 24, 2012, 10:51:56 AM
No.  This is an absolutely absurd idea.  The 12 hour time limit is bad enough.

Like many others, when I do play I tend to pick the side with the lowest numbers at the time I log on.  This would block me from doing so.

I don't get the drive some people have to bind one's loyalty to a chess piece.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 24, 2012, 10:52:12 AM
I don't understand why people are so adamant about punishing side switches. You guys just need to put your tinfoil hats back on, and be more concerned with having fun  ;)
Yeah ... !!! Who are these people that think Honesty, Fairness, Loyalty, Equality, etc are IMPORTANT anyway? WHERE do THEY get OFF ??? That's stuffs NO FUN anyway is it ... ? (excuse me for defending your (?) right to abuse the game and those who play it ... NOW THAT's FUN !!!).
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: VonMessa on January 24, 2012, 10:56:32 AM
Yeah ... !!! Who are these people that think Honesty, Fairness, Loyalty, Equality, etc are IMPORTANT anyway? WHERE do THEY get OFF ??? That's stuffs NO FUN anyway is it ... ? (excuse me for defending your (?) right to abuse the game and those who play it ... NOW THAT's FUN !!!).

Loyalty to what?   

A pixelated, fake, imaginary "country" represented by a chess piece icon?

Your pharmacy called, your Rx of reality is ready for pick-up.

Equality?  That is what the ENY is for.  To encourage equality in the form of limiting the available planes for the side with the highest numbers and to compel players to switch to the side with lowest numbers...
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 24, 2012, 11:02:49 AM
Loyalty to what?   
If you don't know ... I doubt it can be explained to you ... BUT, it doesn't cost any perk points to try.

So ... How about ... The PEOPLE I play with ???
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Karnak on January 24, 2012, 11:04:57 AM
If you don't know ... I doubt it can be explained to you ... BUT, it doesn't cost any perk points to try.

So ... How about ... The PEOPLE I play with ???
The people you play with are on all three sides of the game.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: FLS on January 24, 2012, 11:10:00 AM
It WON'T ...? Funny, I just watched Several players SWITCH and go AFK when it became apparent the map would be rolled within a 1/2 hr or so ... THEY seem to think they've been getting PERKS for it.

That's right. Some people think they're going to get win-the-war perks by switching sides.  :devil

Some people switch sides to even things up or to increase their available targets. Let's be sure to punish them severely.

Some people log off and other people log on the other side and it just looks like side switching is occurring. This tends to be time zone related. I'm sure you verified every player that actually switched sides and didn't just watch the numbers change but other people get confused when this happens.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: davidwales on January 24, 2012, 11:24:05 AM
i think that may only happen if you change arenas , if you log off l8 war you log on l8 war same side next day which ever time you log on , its happened to me once or twice but i change back to my country imediatley. it is a tricky problem though maybe the answer is , as soon as you change country a system heading comes up, on the country channel, saying which player has changed country, to which country , and says perks earned this session in this country  :salute
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 24, 2012, 11:26:01 AM
Some people switch sides to even things up or to increase their available targets. Let's be sure to punish them severely.
Yes ... Some people do, with the best of intentions, acknowledged. BUT ... that's also the EXCUSE used currently by ONE SIDE in the MWA (that frequently has an OVERWHELMING NUMBERS advantage) to send side swithchers to one of the other sides and TAKE IT OVER so they can then -GANG-BANG- the 3rd side on two fronts AND manipulate ENY while doing so. When this happens the regular players on that side either LOG OFF or are forced to LEAVE in order to disassociate themselves from such behavior. (just so much fun, isn't it?)

Some people log off and other people log on the other side and it just looks like side switching is occurring. This tends to be time zone related. I'm sure you verified every player that actually switched sides and didn't just watch the numbers change but other people get confused when this happens.

I play mostly in midwar, where 30 players on, total, is a LOT. Sideswitchers and their shades are pretty well known. NOOBS are watched fairly closely.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 24, 2012, 11:32:43 AM
The people you play with are on all three sides of the game.
Congratulations Sherlock ... What insight ... but no ...
The people I play WITH are ON MY SIDE ...
The Players on the other two sides are people I play AGAINST.
DUH ... Want'a donut ???
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: ImADot on January 24, 2012, 12:03:26 PM
It WON'T ...? Funny, I just watched Several players SWITCH and go AFK when it became apparent the map would be rolled within a 1/2 hr or so ... THEY seem to think they've been getting PERKS for it.
You need to be on the "winning side" for at least twelve hours to get the "win teh warz" perks.

Yes ... Some people do, with the best of intentions, acknowledged. BUT ... that's also the EXCUSE used currently by ONE SIDE in the MWA (that frequently has an OVERWHELMING NUMBERS advantage) to send side swithchers to one of the other sides and TAKE IT OVER so they can then -GANG-BANG- the 3rd side on two fronts AND manipulate ENY while doing so.
See my previous comment about punishing the majority because of a few dicks.

This is a game. Nothing more, nothing less. Quit taking it so seriously.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Karnak on January 24, 2012, 12:05:21 PM
I have never been bored enough to sit and watch the list of players to try to detect these evil side switchers who then sit in the tower.  It seems to me that the guys who claim to have seen it are either lying or paranoid.

Congratulations Sherlock ... What insight ... but no ...
The people I play WITH are ON MY SIDE ...
The Players on the other two sides are people I play AGAINST.
DUH ... Want'a donut ???
You are in error.  We are all playing with each other in the game.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Ack-Ack on January 24, 2012, 12:11:30 PM
It WON'T ...? Funny, I just watched Several players SWITCH and go AFK when it became apparent the map would be rolled within a 1/2 hr or so ... THEY seem to think they've been getting PERKS for it.

If you switch to the winning side 30 minutes before the map is won, you will not get perks for the win.  Just because they think they get the perks for switching 30 minutes before doesn't mean they actually get the perks.

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Ack-Ack on January 24, 2012, 12:13:10 PM
ok ive a fairer way to impliment this A player can only spend his perks on the country he gained them from , so your perk total  will be divided into three .  :salute

There is a very simple solution, unfortunately EVZ isn't bright enough to see.  Perks gained in an arena are only good for that arena.  That is the only solution to cut down on farming perks in the MW to use on the LW arena.

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Ack-Ack on January 24, 2012, 12:18:45 PM
Yeah ... !!! Who are these people that think Honesty, Fairness, Loyalty, Equality, etc are IMPORTANT anyway? WHERE do THEY get OFF ??? That's stuffs NO FUN anyway is it ... ? (excuse me for defending your (?) right to abuse the game and those who play it ... NOW THAT's FUN !!!).

How is B4Buster "defending his right to abuse the game"?  How is switching sides ruining the game?  Why should I be forced to fly on a side that there isn't any fights occuring with?  Why should I be penalized for switching sides to find a fight?  After all this game is centered around air combat, so how is it ruining your game play if I seek some air combat?

by the way...what you accuse other squadrons of, your squadron has a reputation of doing.  Why else would you and your squadron mates share each others accounts so your CO can log in multiple accounts?

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: FLS on January 24, 2012, 12:20:46 PM
I play mostly in midwar, where 30 players on, total, is a LOT. Sideswitchers and their shades are pretty well known. NOOBS are watched fairly closely.

You want to restrict 600 people in LW because of a dozen people in MW?
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Rino on January 24, 2012, 12:35:05 PM
Yeah ... !!! Who are these people that think Honesty, Fairness, Loyalty, Equality, etc are IMPORTANT anyway? WHERE do THEY get OFF ??? That's stuffs NO FUN anyway is it ... ? (excuse me for defending your (?) right to abuse the game and those who play it ... NOW THAT's FUN !!!).

     What the heck have you been smoking anyway?  Side switching makes no difference to any of the things you mentioned.
Loyality to a chesspiece?   Are you so certain that your chesspiece is the only one that values your beliefs?  Have you ever
switched?  You are not only voluntarily choosing to miss out on meeting almost 2/3rds of people playing the game, but you
want to enforce your point of view on everyone else as well?

     I think you landgrab win-the-war types need to take a chill pill and realize that what's critically important to you matters
not a whit to others. 
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: caldera on January 24, 2012, 12:41:22 PM
A better idea would be a Loyalty Tax for people such as the OP.  100% of all perks earned would be sent to the country's "Ministry of Perks" and doled out by the Supreme Commander at his discretion.  Those who don't help win teh war would get no perks ever!
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: 4Prop on January 24, 2012, 12:46:03 PM
how about just a flat 60 perks to hop. 30 of each catagory
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Tupac on January 24, 2012, 12:49:36 PM
     What the heck have you been smoking anyway? 

He isn't smoking anything, it's not his fault he was born with an extra chromosome.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: B4Buster on January 24, 2012, 01:06:36 PM
A better idea would be a Loyalty Tax for people such as the OP.  100% of all perks earned would be sent to the country's "Ministry of Perks" and doled out by the Supreme Commander at his discretion.  Those who don't help win teh war would get no perks ever!

 :rofl :aok
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Rob52240 on January 24, 2012, 01:45:19 PM

I propose a moratorium on voicing perk envy?
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Mano on January 24, 2012, 01:47:17 PM

??? MAYBE ??? a PERK TAX should be charged to anyone SWITCHING SIDES in a MAIN ARENA ??? Any such TAX would be figured on a % basis ... Want to switch sides? OK, it will cost you 30% of your perk points ... This would DEFINATELY put a crimp in the perk farming, Spying, and ENY manipulation that Occurs on a regular basis ... Flame Suit Mode initiated.

EVZ, the 12 hour limit that HiTech put into place is enough restriction for jumping sides for the reasons you mentioned.

My advise is try another country for a month or two. Not everyone that switches sides is interested in spying, perk farming, or ENY manipulation.
You will find that your past opponents are just as friendly, cooperative, and helpful as the pilots/gv'ers/bombers you are currently playing with.
Switching sides gives you the opportunity to get to know more players and make more friends.  AH is just a game. I enjoy being part of the competition between countries
but I don't hate any of the players in the other countries. If the squad you are in does not want to rotate countries on a regular basis, then take a leave of absence and go check
out the other countries on your own. You will find that all three countries have good communities and are allot of fun.

My two cents.

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: VonMessa on January 24, 2012, 01:51:34 PM
If you don't know ... I doubt it can be explained to you ... BUT, it doesn't cost any perk points to try.

So ... How about ... The PEOPLE I play with ???

What about them?  We weren't discussing player loyalty, but rather chess piece loyalty.

For the better part of 10 years I have played with, for and against every chess piece.  I have been with my squad for almost 5 years and speak to some of them more often than I speak to my wife.  I have also met, in person, over a dozen or so members of this community the most recent being my squad leader and his son who my wife and I went to Parris Island to see him graduate from boot camp.

I enjoy fighting with and against all players in the community, regardless of chess piece.  Any loyalty I have is to the game, the fight and the friends and acquaintances that I have made, here.  Any loyalty to a particular chess piece or winning "teh warz"is absolutely absurd.  The biggest reason for this absurdity is that, once the "war" is won, another "war" will ensue only moments after the 1st one is over, time-frame only limited by how quickly the server can defecate another map.

If one limits one's self to being married to a single chess piece, one is missing the best part of this game which is not the planes, country, GV's, graphics or winning "teh warz".  The best part of this game is the people that play it.  Without them, this game would just be another boring arcade piece of garbage.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: davidwales on January 24, 2012, 01:53:17 PM
maybe we should have a fourth country for traitors only , so all three sides can attack them  :salute
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: B4Buster on January 24, 2012, 01:57:02 PM
maybe we should have a fourth country for traitors only , so all three sides can attack them  :salute

That made me laugh out loud. You are either a troll, or a squeaker. In either case, you're amusing  :)
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: VonMessa on January 24, 2012, 02:14:22 PM
That made me laugh out loud. You are either a troll, or a squeaker. In either case, you're amusing  :)

I'll agree with the amusing part  :aok
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Rob52240 on January 24, 2012, 02:43:30 PM
That made me laugh out loud. You are either a troll, or a squeaker. In either case, you're amusing  :)

Special event:  The outnumbered country is going to get double teamed beginning @ 14:00 in SEAII
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: guncrasher on January 24, 2012, 02:49:42 PM
get rid of texas i say.

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: B4Buster on January 24, 2012, 02:50:32 PM
get rid of texas i say.


Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Soulyss on January 24, 2012, 02:50:57 PM
Oh I just had an idea, let's flip this one around.  If you want to stay on your current country despite outnumbering the other country you're pounding on it's going to COST you perk points to do it.

oh I like this.  :)
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: grumpy37 on January 24, 2012, 04:03:24 PM
The best answer in my opinion is to keep perks earned in the arena they are earned in. 

As far as side switching how about you cant earn any perks during the first hour after the switch.....  This would work best in MW since it has a 1 hour time period between switches.  Not sure if it would make a difference in LW since it has a 12 hour time period.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 24, 2012, 04:25:27 PM
You want to restrict 600 people in LW because of a dozen people in MW?
Let's keep this in context, OK? I'm not asking that anyone be restricted ... Just that they PAY for privileges to prevent the abuse OF those privileges. Doing so on a % basis assures that no-one is restricted as those with LOW levels of perks can still switch freely and noobs can still TRY different environments looking for what they like best ... the TO THE RESCUE / Low Numbers, White Hats, can still go wherever they please and hey THEY aren't interested in PERKS anyway ... are they?

The LWA has a much larger infestation of sideswitch abuse, it's just not as noticeable because the players don't know everybody and don't encounter the SAME PEOPLE pulling the SAME STUNTS on a regular basis ... I suspect this measure would clean up the game significantly, and I'd bet that the Player Counts go UP accordingly ... I've seen WAY to many good people QUIT THE GAME in the last 2 months due to frustration with abusive players.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 24, 2012, 04:39:32 PM
What about them?  We weren't discussing player loyalty, but rather chess piece loyalty.
No, I mentioned Honesty, Loyalty, Fair Play, etc ... as abstract concepts ... YOU may have tried to change the context, but if so, you failed miserably.
I am, infact, devotedly loyal to the people I play WITH ... WE CHOOSE to identify ourselves with an ICON provided by the GAME.

Any loyalty to a particular chess piece or winning "teh warz"is absolutely absurd.  
You'd have to take that up with HT, he created these things. I kind of like them.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: FLS on January 24, 2012, 04:46:20 PM
Let's keep this in context, OK? I'm not asking that anyone be restricted ... Just that they PAY for privileges to prevent the abuse OF those privileges. Doing so on a % basis assures that no-one is restricted as those with LOW levels of perks can still switch freely and noobs can still TRY different environments looking for what they like best ... the TO THE RESCUE / Low Numbers, White Hats, can still go wherever they please and hey THEY aren't interested in PERKS anyway ... are they?

The LWA has a much larger infestation of sideswitch abuse, it's just not as noticeable because the players don't know everybody and don't encounter the SAME PEOPLE pulling the SAME STUNTS on a regular basis ... I suspect this measure would clean up the game significantly, and I'd bet that the Player Counts go UP accordingly ... I've seen WAY to many good people QUIT THE GAME in the last 2 months due to frustration with abusive players.

Edit: Missed the percentage part which makes your idea meaningless. Either players will have enough perks that the cost won't change their behavior, or more likely a low perk player will switch with no cost.

The bottom line is that you want to improve your results by limiting what other players can do instead of simply improving your skills.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: davidwales on January 24, 2012, 04:47:13 PM
well im so glad that some others have noticed the abnormality , it is a problem without a doubt and yes some of those who switch are very good pilots , and love shooting others down , but i think thats defeating the objective of the game , htc have worked very hard to make this game as realistic as possible , and im sure this never happened in ww2 , the germans never switched sides when they were surounded, i think a lot of players get annoyed that they have total control of information lik cv positions , and just farm perks  :salute
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Ack-Ack on January 24, 2012, 04:51:20 PM
No, I mentioned Honesty, Loyalty, Fair Play, etc ... as abstract concepts ... YOU may have tried to change the context, but if so, you failed miserably.
I am, infact, devotedly loyal to the people I play WITH ... WE CHOOSE to identify ourselves with an ICON provided by the GAME.
You'd have to take that up with HT, he created these things. I kind of like them.

How can a squadron that admits freely they exchange accounts and log in multiple accounts make the absurd claim of playing with "honestly, loyalty, fair play, etc."?  You and your squadron are part of the problem you're trying to "clean up" or is it that you just don't want anyone else but you and your squadron doing it?

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 24, 2012, 04:51:38 PM
So to keep this in context: If you have no perks you can't switch sides but that doesn't restrict you in any way? The bottom line is that you want to improve your results by limiting what other players can do instead of simply improving your skills.
Not at all ... If you have NO PERKS your tax is 30% of 0 = 0 ... NO CHARGE ... To quote Chris Kristoferson,  "Nothin ain't nothin, but it's free."
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 24, 2012, 04:56:28 PM
How can a squadron that admits freely they exchange accounts and log in multiple accounts make the absurd claim of playing with "honestly, loyalty, fair play, etc."?  You and your squadron are part of the problem you're trying to "clean up" or is it that you just don't want anyone else but you and your squadron doing it?

This person has NO IDEA what they are talking about and is trying to provoke some very good people ... Is there a Squelch feature around here?
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: davidwales on January 24, 2012, 04:58:12 PM
I think you hit the nail on the head with the perks, im pretty convinced now! this is the reason so many switch country , and betrayel means nothing to them , they should run a trial period with no perks awarded at all without any notification of the trial just to see if the same players switch , when the going gets tough  :salute
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: caldera on January 24, 2012, 05:24:33 PM
I think you hit the nail on the head with the perks, im pretty convinced now! this is the reason so many switch country , and betrayel means nothing to them , they should run a trial period with no perks awarded at all without any notification of the trial just to see if the same players switch , when the going gets tough  :salute

Betrayal -  :rofl   I have to hand it to you, whoever you are (besides your bbs shade name).  You have the "Troll of the Year" award practically locked up already.   :cheers:
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: FLS on January 24, 2012, 05:50:56 PM
Not at all ... If you have NO PERKS your tax is 30% of 0 = 0 ... NO CHARGE ... To quote Chris Kristoferson,  "Nothin ain't nothin, but it's free."

Got it, fixed in edit. It makes your idea ineffective.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: grumpy37 on January 24, 2012, 06:14:57 PM
How can a squadron that admits freely they exchange accounts and log in multiple accounts make the absurd claim of playing with "honestly, loyalty, fair play, etc."?  You and your squadron are part of the problem you're trying to "clean up" or is it that you just don't want anyone else but you and your squadron doing it?


This behavior is isolated to 1 player that I know of, Tony.  I was in the squad for a very short time about 5 years ago.  He personally is guilty of what you claim but the other players associated with the squad are not.  Many of the players have left the squad for various reasons.  I have picked a few up in my squad and know for a fact they have never participated in what you claim.  Many others have defected to other countries and their word alone can not be trusted as they are disgruntled ex employes for lack of a better way to explain it. 
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Shifty on January 24, 2012, 06:16:10 PM
and im sure this never happened in ww2 , the germans never switched sides when they were surounded,

The Italians did. In fact so did Vichy France.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 24, 2012, 07:26:22 PM
This behavior is isolated to 1 player that I know of, Tony.  I was in the squad for a very short time about 5 years ago.  He personally is guilty of what you claim but the other players associated with the squad are not.  Many of the players have left the squad for various reasons.  I have picked a few up in my squad and know for a fact they have never participated in what you claim.  Many others have defected to other countries and their word alone can not be trusted as they are disgruntled ex employes for lack of a better way to explain it. 
I'd believe Tony gave it a whirl, I'd also believe he freely admited it & I -KNOW- there are a few jealous lovers out there who hate him! ... I would NOT believe anyone who claims he CHEATS at ANYTHING these days. Neither would I suspect anyone in our squad of abusing the game, sideswitching, or employing outside hacks.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 24, 2012, 07:32:46 PM
the germans never switched sides when they were surounded,

The Italians did. In fact so did Vichy France.
And then there were those Pesky attempts by the German Army to Assasinate Hitler ... ?
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: kvuo75 on January 24, 2012, 07:40:40 PM
evz =  :noid


Here's an idea, all squads are disbanded every month (or 2 or 3) automatically, and every player is assigned a country randomly and cannot switch. you can form/join a new squad on your new country, etc. but it will only last a month (or 2 or 3).

makes just as much sense.  :neener:

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: BigKev03 on January 24, 2012, 07:44:17 PM
How about this?  How about you can only switch countires once per map???  If you start out on one map and you switch countries you are stuck there until the map changes.  When the map changes you can change to any country you want then you get only one change.  I think this keeps it simple but allows you to change just not jump around as game the game.

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: grumpy37 on January 24, 2012, 08:03:00 PM
How about this?  How about you can only switch countires once per map???  If you start out on one map and you switch countries you are stuck there until the map changes.  When the map changes you can change to any country you want then you get only one change.  I think this keeps it simple but allows you to change just not jump around as game the game.


this has been talked about a lot in MW.  Most in there, except the nits because well, they just dont like a fair fight, would probably back this.  this may even help HTC, would promote the guy with 2 accounts to get a 3rd so he could have a shade on each country to spy with  :-)
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: kvuo75 on January 24, 2012, 08:08:29 PM
here's even a better idea..

eliminate EW and MW arenas altogether..

all shenanigans that everyone is paranoid about seem to happen there.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: BigKev03 on January 24, 2012, 08:14:08 PM
this has been talked about a lot in MW.  Most in there, except the nits because well, they just dont like a fair fight, would probably back this.  this may even help HTC, would promote the guy with 2 accounts to get a 3rd so he could have a shade on each country to spy with  :-)

Hey if a guy wants to pay for three accounts then hey he rates to shade all he wants.  LOL.

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: caldera on January 24, 2012, 08:15:27 PM
Maybe the country that wins the war should only be allowed to fly 40 ENY planes for the next war.  Let's see how loyal they would be then.  :)
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Silat on January 24, 2012, 08:15:47 PM
Explain to me what is wrong with changing sides please.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Silat on January 24, 2012, 08:17:55 PM
This behavior is isolated to 1 player that I know of, Tony.  I was in the squad for a very short time about 5 years ago.  He personally is guilty of what you claim but the other players associated with the squad are not.  Many of the players have left the squad for various reasons.  I have picked a few up in my squad and know for a fact they have never participated in what you claim.  Many others have defected to other countries and their word alone can not be trusted as they are disgruntled ex employes for lack of a better way to explain it. 

I never believe anyone who says, "they know for a fact" then do not provide any evidence to back up their claim..
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Silat on January 24, 2012, 08:18:53 PM
evz =  :noid


Here's an idea, all squads are disbanded every month (or 2 or 3) automatically, and every player is assigned a country randomly and cannot switch. you can form/join a new squad on your new country, etc. but it will only last a month (or 2 or 3).

makes just as much sense.  :neener:

Or... We just force every squad to fly with Kvuo for 4 weeks...........  :x

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: kvuo75 on January 24, 2012, 08:19:23 PM
Explain to me what is wrong with changing sides please.

don't you know, the ONLY reason to change country is to spy on mishins and give away cv's! LOLOL  :noid

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Silat on January 24, 2012, 08:20:14 PM
Some People just don't like TAXS ... you ever notice that?

Personally, I consider the environmental stability it will provide and the GAMEY tricks it will prevent to be worth the inconvienience it imposes on players who do not consider loyalty to be important. It applies to everyone equally, and that's as fair as it gets. If you have GOOD REASON to switch sides? I guess they are worth PAYING FOR ? aren't they?

So you feel the need to define what loyalty is in a cartoon game? I like to change countries. I usually fight with the country that is getting slammed.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: kvuo75 on January 24, 2012, 08:20:43 PM
So you feel the need to define what loyalty is in a cartoon game? I like to change countries. I usually fight with the country that is getting slammed.

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Silat on January 24, 2012, 08:22:31 PM
It WON'T ...? Funny, I just watched Several players SWITCH and go AFK when it became apparent the map would be rolled within a 1/2 hr or so ... THEY seem to think they've been getting PERKS for it.
You can rack up PERKS in this situation  - If you serve the country you play for and accept the RISK of flying against overwhelming odds ... Not what I call PERK FARMING. IF you want to change sides so you can pork some undefended base or target a carrier that's on a course you programed BEFORE switching ... Hopefully it costs you more than you can earn.
Yeah! Eat the RICH !!! 66,000 perk points is absurd, you obviously NEED help spending them!

So there we have it. You are jealous of his perks and skillz.... You want to punish all of us because you think a few people that change sides should be punished.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Silat on January 24, 2012, 08:24:27 PM
Yes ... Some people do, with the best of intentions, acknowledged. BUT ... that's also the EXCUSE used currently by ONE SIDE in the MWA (that frequently has an OVERWHELMING NUMBERS advantage) to send side swithchers to one of the other sides and TAKE IT OVER so they can then -GANG-BANG- the 3rd side on two fronts AND manipulate ENY while doing so. When this happens the regular players on that side either LOG OFF or are forced to LEAVE in order to disassociate themselves from such behavior. (just so much fun, isn't it?)

I play mostly in midwar, where 30 players on, total, is a LOT. Sideswitchers and their shades are pretty well known. NOOBS are watched fairly closely.

Can you back up your assertions about numbers?? I suspect you havent played the game long enough to have seen the ebb and flow of such behavior.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: FLS on January 24, 2012, 08:25:25 PM
So you feel the need to define what loyalty is in a cartoon game? I like to change countries. I usually fight with the country that is getting slammed.

You're just fickle. And you like to get slammed.  :D
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Silat on January 24, 2012, 08:26:29 PM
Congratulations Sherlock ... What insight ... but no ...
The people I play WITH are ON MY SIDE ...
The Players on the other two sides are people I play AGAINST.
DUH ... Want'a donut ???

I think this is the perfect time to let it be known that my famous "TEEN SQUELCH HACK" is available for only $.33. It now has a better GUI that allows you to add youngsters like EVZ with 2 clicks:)
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Silat on January 24, 2012, 08:27:31 PM
You're just fickle. And you like to get slammed.  :D

Well I have been very open about my love of "slamming".   :D
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: 321BAR on January 24, 2012, 08:27:44 PM
So ... How about ... The PEOPLE I play with ???
You're not Sanduski so i think its alright :lol
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Silat on January 24, 2012, 08:28:57 PM
     What the heck have you been smoking anyway?  Side switching makes no difference to any of the things you mentioned.
Loyality to a chesspiece?   Are you so certain that your chesspiece is the only one that values your beliefs?  Have you ever
switched?  You are not only voluntarily choosing to miss out on meeting almost 2/3rds of people playing the game, but you
want to enforce your point of view on everyone else as well?

     I think you landgrab win-the-war types need to take a chill pill and realize that what's critically important to you matters
not a whit to others. 

Rino I think the real issue is to find a way to perk punish tool shedders:)
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Silat on January 24, 2012, 08:30:18 PM
:rofl :aok

Careful B4..  ;)


                  Your Supreme Commander
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Silat on January 24, 2012, 08:32:13 PM
Oh I just had an idea, let's flip this one around.  If you want to stay on your current country despite outnumbering the other country you're pounding on it's going to COST you perk points to do it.

oh I like this.  :)

Soulyss I would like to invite you to join the Supreme Ruling Council............
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Silat on January 24, 2012, 08:34:15 PM
don't you know, the ONLY reason to change country is to spy on mishins and give away cv's! LOLOL  :noid

Are you saying that spying is wrong?? : :x
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Rino on January 24, 2012, 08:53:37 PM
     Spying can't be wrong...look at the fringe benefits!  :D

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Megalodon on January 24, 2012, 08:55:13 PM
??? MAYBE ??? a PERK TAX should be charged to anyone SWITCHING SIDES in a MAIN ARENA ??? Any such TAX would be figured on a % basis ... Want to switch sides? OK, it will cost you 30% of your perk points ... This would DEFINATELY put a crimp in the perk farming, Spying, and ENY manipulation that Occurs on a regular basis ... Flame Suit Mode initiated.

You don't understand! People can simply talk to each other no mater what side their on! I call it the Back Channel!

What needs removing is the PM function across sides in game and the ability for squad members to talk to each other on vox, or anybody else, if not on the same side.  That will cure it  :aok

Your opponents will say well they will just use the phone  or the `oingobox or whatever...

I say fine let them ring up the phone bills. Let them hassle with the Roger Wilcox every time they want to enter the game or whatever.  ;)

Don't provide a way for people on different sides to talk in game! It's stupid and causes problems.

Wanna talk go to the O'Club if you cant be on the same side or say it on 200!

 That includes you Phan and Silat  :t

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Rino on January 24, 2012, 10:53:42 PM
      Fin will never forgive me for posting his picture on EHarmony  :devil

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 24, 2012, 11:33:50 PM
How about this?  How about you can only switch countires once per map???  If you start out on one map and you switch countries you are stuck there until the map changes.  When the map changes you can change to any country you want then you get only one change.  I think this keeps it simple but allows you to change just not jump around as game the game.
As Grumpy says, most in midwar might support this just to end the Scams ... I think the PERK TAX concept is less restrictive and better for everybody, especially the Noobs who aren't sure where thay want to be and the responsible switchers who have valid reasons for changing. It wouldn't suprise me if most in LWA supported it too ... I gather Skuzzy has a constant stream of reports and complaints from that arena.

I see the SILLY SQUAD has gotten active ... didn't realise the training arena was such a hotbed of perkies ... It's amusing to see people accuse me of Paranoia ... If they manage to pull their heads out ... of the sand, maybe they'll see what's going on ???
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Karnak on January 24, 2012, 11:37:13 PM
A much cleaner fix would simply be to restrict the ability to use perk points to the arena they were earned in.  If you farm the Mid War Arena for perk points I hope you like Typhoons and Spitfire Mk VIIIs.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: wil3ur on January 25, 2012, 12:13:44 AM

WE ARE THE 99%!!!


Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: caldera on January 25, 2012, 01:25:18 AM

WE ARE THE 99%!!!



LOL  :rofl
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: davidwales on January 25, 2012, 04:07:56 AM
ive a good one eze all those country jumpers they should scrap there perks completley and give them sheep instead of there beloved perkies. as that is what they wished for  , that is the level of intelegence , when they dont like something, on bb post a picture of a cat doing silly things with a keyboard ,or a heard of sheep , and as imadot said one of them posted a wish for poisoned choclate drops , for there adversaries, i think perk tax is good , hope it gets through  :salute
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Ardy123 on January 25, 2012, 04:10:27 AM
Yeah! Eat the RICH !!! 66,000 perk points is absurd, you obviously NEED help spending them!

It's not, I had about that many for a long time.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Debrody on January 25, 2012, 04:23:17 AM
If i were a manawar, i still could jump countries at will. Spy at will. Be a tard at will. bomb**** my own gv mission at will. It sux. ooppss
Yet people like Soulyss would be stuck with one friggen chess piece forever. That also sux.
Awesome idea isnt it?

Btw there are people i like to play "with", whatever side they are on. Also there are people i play against even when they are on my side. If you cant understand this... then congrats.

Another EVZ shine thread  :aok

I don't mean it's absurd to have them ... They just pile up, right ? What I mean is it's absurd to keep them lying around the account server using up valuable floor space ... With the Sideswitch Perk Tax, we could clean out those dusty old perks pretty quickly!

You're not one of those guys who sit's in a dark corner running his hands thru his perks and mumbling about "My Precious" ... are you?
You dont have any perks and jelous to those who have more than 200? Also you never switch sides couse you have no buddies on the other and jelous to those who have?
Sounds a little bit selfish for me. hmm?
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 25, 2012, 04:27:39 AM
ive a good one eze all those country jumpers they should scrap there perks completley and give them sheep instead of there beloved perkies. as that is what they wished for  , that is the level of intelegence , when they dont like something, on bb post a picture of a cat doing silly things with a keyboard ,or a heard of sheep , and as imadot said one of them posted a wish for poisoned choclate drops , for there adversaries, i think perk tax is good , hope it gets through 
I think it could resolve some current problems that are perceived by a goodly percentage of players ... I'd bet it occurred to HT a long time ago and has never been considered NECESSARY, or there are implied problems with building it into the programing ... I'm a big fan of the, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" school of thought, and it may be that these abuses aren't significant enough to warrant correction. The Game FUNCTIONS, People do enjoy it, there are always going to be those who want CHANGE just for the sake of CHANGE and not necessarily for the improvement of the game ... HT has to weigh such factors in deciding how the game develops ... I expect the postings in this forum help him keep in touch with the states of mind that exists within the game and arrange his priorities accordingly ... I'm happy to do my bit to help with that.

The Silly Squad are kind of like the static on the radio ... and they make about as much sense. The scary thing about them is they BREED. I've been lobbying for a firing squad for a little while now ... just keep taking names.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 25, 2012, 04:34:35 AM
It's not, I had about that many for a long time.
I don't mean it's absurd to have them ... They just pile up, right ? What I mean is it's absurd to keep them lying around the account server using up valuable floor space ... With the Sideswitch Perk Tax, we could clean out those dusty old perks pretty quickly!

You're not one of those guys who sit's in a dark corner running his hands thru his perks and mumbling about "My Precious" ... are you?
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Tec on January 25, 2012, 05:05:35 AM
Maybe your missions fail and your boats get sunk because you guys suck, not because of others cheating.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: grumpy37 on January 25, 2012, 06:03:31 AM
I never believe anyone who says, "they know for a fact" then do not provide any evidence to back up their claim..

What evidence would you like?  Been flying in that arena for over 6 years now, been playing the game for over 10.  Flown strictly bish up until the last month or so ive been switching between rook and bish to even out sides.  The main reason I left his squad after a very short stint was because of the "gaming the game" that went on within it, mostly by the CO.  Now I dont know for a FACT no one else in the squad has a second account or not but I do know by checking stats regularly they do not have what most to consider a SHADE account to perk farm or score pad.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: VonMessa on January 25, 2012, 08:33:42 AM
Let's keep this in context, OK? I'm not asking that anyone be restricted ... Just that they PAY for privileges to prevent the abuse OF those privileges. Doing so on a % basis assures that no-one is restricted as those with LOW levels of perks can still switch freely and noobs can still TRY different environments looking for what they like best ... the TO THE RESCUE / Low Numbers, White Hats, can still go wherever they please and hey THEY aren't interested in PERKS anyway ... are they?

The LWA has a much larger infestation of sideswitch abuse, it's just not as noticeable because the players don't know everybody and don't encounter the SAME PEOPLE pulling the SAME STUNTS on a regular basis ... I suspect this measure would clean up the game significantly, and I'd bet that the Player Counts go UP accordingly ... I've seen WAY to many good people QUIT THE GAME in the last 2 months due to frustration with abusive players.

Funny you should say that, since you have taken quotes of mine, and many others, out of context.

No, I mentioned Honesty, Loyalty, Fair Play, etc ... as abstract concepts ... YOU may have tried to change the context, but if so, you failed miserably.
I am, infact, devotedly loyal to the people I play WITH ... WE CHOOSE to identify ourselves with an ICON provided by the GAME.
You'd have to take that up with HT, he created these things. I kind of like them.

Ironic you should say that, since you have taken quotes of mine, and many others, out of context.

Your skills at apologetics and your attempt at using argumentum ad verecundiam (appeal to authority) is what is failing miserably.  

Although your loyalty may be admirable, it is your choice to remain that way.  It is not necessarily the way that all others in this community play.  Trying to foist your style of play or concepts of what if fair, loyal or honest onto the rest of the community, at-large, is not going to help you make your case.  When you have actually been a part of this community for more than 6 months,  you will become increasingly aware of this fact.
HTC has made the 3 countries in order to have a 2 front conflict and has implemented the ENY system in an attempt to keep the numbers balanced.

HTC has already stated that there will not be a perk economy beyond the scope of the ability to earn them towards the "purchasing" more capable aircraft/vehicles.  As it is used currently, it is more like Scrip than legal tender.  The taxing of perks, or using them for anything other than to  spend them on airplanes would invalidate the whole concept of what they are intended for and would constitute an economy..  If you think folks "cheat", game the system or perpetrate other nefarious acts to farm perks, imagine what would happen if perks could be used to "purchase" more options/privileges.  Some folks would go apetoejam.

Beyond the fact that HTC has stated that it won't happen, the fact of which perks (fighter, bomber or vehicle) would be used for what actions in this proposed perk tax leads me to believe that this idea is half-baked, at best.

Carry on

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: kvuo75 on January 25, 2012, 08:55:02 AM
I think it could resolve some current problems that are perceived by a goodly percentage of players

there's your problem.

it's not a problem, only the paranoid few think it is..

if htc thought it was a problem, I think they'd probably go with 24, 36 or 48 hour, or week, or month restrictions on switching before they bothered with perks. it would take them 2 seconds to switch the switch time if they thought it was a big thing.

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: ImADot on January 25, 2012, 09:00:27 AM
and as imadot said one of them posted a wish for poisoned choclate drops , for there adversaries, i think perk tax is good , hope it gets through  :salute

And for the record, I switch countries to find fights. It usually means I go to the low side and help defend. Sometimes it means I go to "not quite the low side" if that's what it takes.  I also believe, contrary to what has been said by some in these threads, most don't switch sides when the fights get tough - they switch when it's tough to find fights.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: VonMessa on January 25, 2012, 09:29:28 AM
You don't understand! People can simply talk to each other no mater what side their on! I call it the Back Channel!

What needs removing is the PM function across sides in game and the ability for squad members to talk to each other on vox, or anybody else, if not on the same side.  That will cure it  :aok

Your opponents will say well they will just use the phone  or the `oingobox or whatever...

I say fine let them ring up the phone bills. Let them hassle with the Roger Wilcox every time they want to enter the game or whatever.  ;)

Don't provide a way for people on different sides to talk in game! It's stupid and causes problems.

Wanna talk go to the O'Club if you cant be on the same side or say it on 200!

 That includes you Phan and Silat  :t

But then I would not be able to get the eloquent PM's from vDallas that he is so fond of sending  :cry
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: VonMessa on January 25, 2012, 09:31:27 AM
ive a good one eze all those country jumpers they should scrap there perks completley and give them sheep instead of there beloved perkies. as that is what they wished for  , that is the level of intelegence , when they dont like something, on bb post a picture of a cat doing silly things with a keyboard ,or a heard of sheep , and as imadot said one of them posted a wish for poisoned choclate drops , for there adversaries, i think perk tax is good , hope it gets through  :salute

I miss the sheep and they miss my  :banana:
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Mano on January 25, 2012, 10:08:58 AM

perk farming, Spying, and ENY manipulation that Occurs on a regular basis ... Flame Suit Mode initiated.


I know you have good intentions and your reasons are valid.
But there is a better way to address these issues........See Rules 7 and 8.
HTC will do something about those that are gaming the game and participating
in activities that are detrimental to Aces High. Send them screen shots and any other
proof you feel necessary. They will respond.

Good luck,

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 25, 2012, 10:37:01 AM
HTC will do something about those that are gaming the game and participating
in activities that are detrimental to Aces High.
Yes, I'm sure they will ... I would prefer to see the game adjusted so that the cycle of frustration, complaint, verification, punishment, etc ... is required less often ... To that end I think suggestions like this one are in order ... Why do you suppose it is that SOME people find them SO OBJECTIONABLE ?
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Megalodon on January 25, 2012, 10:45:23 AM
      Fin will never forgive me for posting his picture on EHarmony  :devil


LOL ... I have tried Phan 

BTW thanks for the Apple... did you get a new dew and some new specs?  :t
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: FLS on January 25, 2012, 10:53:17 AM
... Why do you suppose it is that SOME people find them SO OBJECTIONABLE ?

It's because we don't like ideas that restrict legitimate activity while failing to accomplish anything useful.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 25, 2012, 11:09:24 AM
It's because we don't like ideas
Yep ... Figured that one out!
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: davidwales on January 25, 2012, 11:20:50 AM
strength in numbers evz , power to the players , perk tax bring it on  :rock
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: davidwales on January 25, 2012, 11:28:07 AM
oh wheres that perk tax official , oh yes there he is waiting at the border , " have you anything to declare sir" , "only my me 262 sob sob " "thats ok sir itll cost you 6000 perks to change to this country, how would you like to pay " :aok
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: FLS on January 25, 2012, 11:41:36 AM
Yep ... Figured that one out!

We're done.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: blood_scout67 on January 25, 2012, 11:49:21 AM
+1 for the perk tax this will stop glory hunters stealing well the glory :aok and EVZ tanks for backing me up man  :aok and heres  :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: davidwales on January 25, 2012, 11:49:53 AM
i dont know what you mean by that remark ! , all i am doing is stating the obvious , my ideas are very good and well thought off , im sure you will have a choice in the next poll

htc please choose one of the following

barrage balloons

the flying wing


perk tax
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: blood_scout67 on January 25, 2012, 11:53:58 AM
dave this is a friendly reminder the flying wing didnt work at all
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: davidwales on January 25, 2012, 11:59:33 AM
yes the flying wing is only 1 off 4 ideas and its a rubbish idea , but some of the players who change country might like to burn some of there perks , zooming about over the spawn etc  :salute
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: flatiron1 on January 25, 2012, 12:35:58 PM
tax the rich, feed the poor, till there are no rich no more.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 25, 2012, 03:20:58 PM
We're done.
Ok, can you take the training corps torpedoes with you?
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: ScottyK on January 25, 2012, 04:26:04 PM
i dont know what you mean by that remark ! , all i am doing is stating the obvious , my ideas are very good and well thought off , im sure you will have a choice in the next poll

htc please choose one of the following

barrage balloons

the flying wing

perk tax

How about none of the above
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 25, 2012, 05:40:24 PM
tax the rich, feed the poor, till there are no rich no more.
Some of us KNOW you are REALLY davidwales ... !!!
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: SmokinLoon on January 25, 2012, 05:51:28 PM
See Rule #14
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Silat on January 25, 2012, 06:01:32 PM
See Rule #14
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Silat on January 25, 2012, 06:30:26 PM
I miss the sheep and they miss my  :banana:

Your soft and mushy Banana??? I dont think they miss that:)
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Delirium on January 25, 2012, 08:01:35 PM
Well, having read this thread, it is 10 minutes of my life I will never get back.

It has everything; paranoia, love, politics, and a bunch of posters that talk out of their butts so much that could give themselves a colonoscopy without the scope.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: flatiron1 on January 25, 2012, 08:09:44 PM
Some of us KNOW you are REALLY davidwales ... !!!

actually my statement was meant to be sarcastic.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: wil3ur on January 25, 2012, 09:28:26 PM
"I, who do not accept the unearned, neither in values nor in guilt, am here to ask the questions you evaded.  Why is it moral to serve the happiness of others, but not your own?  If enjoyment is a value, why is it moral when experienced by others, but immoral when experienced by you?  If the sensation of eating a cake is a value, why is it an immoral indulgence in your stomach, but a moral goal for you to achieve in the stomach of others?  Why is it immoral for you to desire, but moral for others to do so?  Why is it immoral to produce a value and keep it, but moral to give it away?  And if it is not moral for you to keep a value, why is it moral for others to accept it?  If you are selfless and virtuous when you give it, are they not selfish and vicious when they take it?  Does virtue consist of serving vice?  is the moral purpose of those who are good, self-immolation for the sake of those who are evil?"

--Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

Who is John Galt?
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Tank-Ace on January 25, 2012, 09:39:59 PM
Stealing one from bar, but whenever I read this guy's requests, all I  hear is this: (
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 26, 2012, 03:08:50 AM
Who is John Galt?
A character in "Catcher In The Rye" !!!
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: VonMessa on January 26, 2012, 07:34:07 AM
This space intentionally left blank...
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: VonMessa on January 26, 2012, 08:21:11 AM
Your soft and mushy Banana??? I dont think they miss that:)

Screw you!

No longer will I will I be complementing you on your taste in heeled shoes  :furious
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: FLS on January 26, 2012, 11:11:09 AM
Screw you!

No longer will I will I be complementing you on your taste in heeled shoes  :furious

You may stop complimenting Silat but you will always complement Silat.  :D
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Rino on January 26, 2012, 03:20:22 PM
dave this is a friendly reminder the flying wing didnt work at all

Huh?  :lol
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: davidwales on January 26, 2012, 03:29:54 PM
i was thinking would you like a position as a member of the perk police ??? :salute

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 26, 2012, 09:45:56 PM
perk police ??? :salute
Not sure HT can afford the Donuts !
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: TwinTail on January 27, 2012, 03:22:57 AM
but surely there must be a way to see if certain players only change sides for perks , perks are rewards how can it be fair to increase your perks , by taking adavantage of a weak side without any thought for the players who may have worked hard to gain that player a chance to vulch a weak enemy , perk tax is good idea wish had thought of it . :salute

Ever consider that you might get less perks per kill if your on the high # side. Seems more likely people that are switching for perks would go to the low # side to grab the massive perk bonus offered. <Does so very often.

I vote bring back 1-2 hour side switch times. 12 hour horde gettin big some nights.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Rob52240 on January 27, 2012, 05:00:58 AM
What's next?

Propellorless aeroplanes???
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Rino on January 27, 2012, 08:55:22 AM
What's next?

Propellorless aeroplanes???




     Naw, never happen  :D
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Shane on January 27, 2012, 09:15:39 AM
the inconvienience it imposes on players who do not consider loyalty to be important. ;)

and loyalty is important, why?  :headscratch:

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: perdue3 on January 27, 2012, 09:59:57 AM
??? MAYBE ??? a PERK TAX should be charged to anyone SWITCHING SIDES in a MAIN ARENA ??? Any such TAX would be figured on a % basis ... Want to switch sides? OK, it will cost you 30% of your perk points ... This would DEFINATELY put a crimp in the perk farming, Spying, and ENY manipulation that Occurs on a regular basis ... Flame Suit Mode initiated.

You dont think the 12 hour switch rule is enough? Think before you type.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 27, 2012, 04:50:56 PM
and loyalty is important, why?  :headscratch:  -I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are-
Before you worry about loyalty, Why don't you stick to figuring out what perfection really means ... (hint, close don't count).
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 27, 2012, 05:02:10 PM
You dont think the 12 hour switch rule is enough? Think before you type.
I think it's somewhat effective against certain types of scams ... which is why it's in effect in the LWA. However, it's NOT a rule, it's a setting. In MWA it's only 1 HR ... The scam there is to switch just before logging off and then when you log in next, you can locate the enemy CVs, and listen in on their plans before switching back.

It won't do you much good to think before you type, if you don't know much about what you are typing about.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Motherland on January 27, 2012, 05:03:04 PM
So... currently HTC offers a perk based incentive to switch sides... and you want them to add to that a perk based hindrance to switch?
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 27, 2012, 05:13:48 PM
So... currently HTC offers a perk based incentive to switch sides... and you want them to add to that a perk based hindrance to switch?
Sorry, I don't know of any such policy? If you're refering to the ENY advantage ... and you consider that an INCENTIVE for perk farming? you're sadly mistaken to think HT encourages it. (I think) One reason the LWA setting is 12 hrs is because no one can be assured that ENY is going to favor any side that long ... It's set to 1 hr in MWA, to allow side balancing switches by some of our regulars who DO NOT ABUSE the feature. Spies and perk farmers are fairly easy to spot In MWA, due to the small population and can be dealt with on an individual basis when reported.

A perk tax on switching could eliminate a LOT of frustration and abuse AND (maybe?) save skuzzy a little work?
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Motherland on January 27, 2012, 05:17:02 PM
If you're refering to the ENY advantage ... and you consider that an INCENTIVE for perk farming? you're sadly mistaken to think HT encourages it. (I think)
No, the ENY perk multiplier is there solely to encourage people to switch to the low numbered side.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 27, 2012, 07:07:17 PM
No, the ENY perk multiplier is there solely to encourage people to switch to the low numbered side.
Sorry, I see your logic, but it's not consistant with the 12 hr Limit.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Shane on January 27, 2012, 07:38:02 PM
Sorry, I see your logic, but it's not consistant with the 12 hr Limit.

no kidding?!?   perhaps this is why you see the poepl most affected by this lobbying for a reduction to 1-3 hrs (but without a perk charge) :noid
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: kvuo75 on January 27, 2012, 08:02:10 PM
Sorry, I don't know of any such policy? If you're refering to the ENY advantage ... and you consider that an INCENTIVE for perk farming? you're sadly mistaken to think HT encourages it. (I think) One reason the LWA setting is 12 hrs is because no one can be assured that ENY is going to favor any side that long ... It's set to 1 hr in MWA, to allow side balancing switches by some of our regulars who DO NOT ABUSE the feature. Spies and perk farmers are fairly easy to spot In MWA, due to the small population and can be dealt with on an individual basis when reported.

A perk tax on switching could eliminate a LOT of frustration and abuse AND (maybe?) save skuzzy a little work?

what is "perk farming" anyway in your mind? and why is it a bad thing?

If I switch to the low # country, take up a 109F and shoot down a couple LA7's and earn twice the perks as one would from the high # country.. I don't see the problem.   :huh
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Tank-Ace on January 27, 2012, 09:20:58 PM
Kvuo brings up a good point; what IS wrong with perk farming?

Everybody has the same choices available for perk farming, its not like anyone has an unfair advantage.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: wil3ur on January 28, 2012, 12:48:50 AM
Make the game easier for me because I don't want to take the time to learn.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: DaCoon on January 28, 2012, 12:56:02 AM
Make the game easier for me because I don't want to take the time to learn.

   :rofl      :cheers:
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: guncrasher on January 28, 2012, 02:22:15 AM

Ever consider that yoless perks per kill if your on the highu might get  # side. Seems more likely people that are switching for perks would go to the low # side to grab the massive perk bonus offered. <Does so very often.

I vote bring back 1-2 hour side switch times. 12 hour horde gettin big some nights.

some of us dont really care about perks, or score.  I love the spit8 because it's awesome and fly the ponyd because i grew up with the black sheep.  i probably increase my perks about 50 or 60 per tour flying the ponyd.  dont matter what the heck am I gonna do with them anyway.  some of us actually fly airplanes just for the fun of it  :banana: :banana: :banana:.

Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 28, 2012, 02:54:03 AM
what is "perk farming" anyway in your mind? and why is it a bad thing? If I switch to the low # country, take up a 109F and shoot down a couple LA7's and earn twice the perks as one would from the high # country.. I don't see the problem.
THAT isn't Perk Farming, and it's not a problem ... Perk Farming is switching to a HEAVILY outnumberd side (sometimes 7 or 8 to 1) the upping a formation of bettys to bomb undefended towns in the 3rd country ... the guy who was bragging about that _claimed_ he got 300 perks in around an hr ... At the same time he decreased the odds by around 30% and enabled better planes for his HOME COUNTRY - THAT is perk farming.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: VonMessa on January 28, 2012, 07:38:29 AM
THAT isn't Perk Farming, and it's not a problem ... Perk Farming is switching to a HEAVILY outnumberd side (sometimes 7 or 8 to 1) the upping a formation of bettys to bomb undefended towns in the 3rd country ... the guy who was bragging about that _claimed_ he got 300 perks in around an hr ... At the same time he decreased the odds by around 30% and enabled better planes for his HOME COUNTRY - THAT is perk farming.

Well, I doubt that his claims are founded in truth.

Your 9 vs 3-4 last night was like the mother load of perks, however.   :rock

I never realized that one could bag so many scalps that were worth so many perks in such a short amount of time   :x

You guys were like pelt dispensers, I even got some jeep kills  :aok
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: The Fugitive on January 28, 2012, 09:02:10 AM
some of us dont really care about perks, or score.  I love the spit8 because it's awesome and fly the ponyd because i grew up with the black sheep.  i probably increase my perks about 50 or 60 per tour flying the ponyd.  dont matter what the heck am I gonna do with them anyway.  some of us actually fly airplanes just for the fun of it  :banana: :banana: :banana:.


Papy Boyington and the Black Sheep flew hogs, not ponys.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 28, 2012, 10:21:11 AM
Your 9 vs 3-4 last night was like the mother load of perks, however.
Everybody earned a lot of perks ... But you need to watch the roster a little closer as your 9 vs 4 was actually 9 vs 6 - 9 vs 9 (after I showed up anyway). There were NEVER any ENY limitations ...

You guys were like pelt dispensers, I even got some jeep kills
Yes , It was noted that your abilitys seem limited to HOs and Backshooting M-3s ... We Train Noobs and the philosophy is FIGHT and DIE - you will learn. Several of them killed you I gather, including the 16 yr old who was drunk! The girls are contemplating speaking to your mother about you. They're ALL looking forward to seeing you again. One of your old squaddies is with us and had a few interesting comments too. See you next time.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Tank-Ace on January 28, 2012, 02:04:15 PM
EVZ, the goal of ENY is to keep the numbers as balanced as possible. If that means that some score padding and perk farming occures....... well you can't stop that without being completly unfair to everyone else.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 28, 2012, 02:15:21 PM
EVZ, the goal of ENY is to keep the numbers as balanced as possible.
Making it up as you go along again I see ... ENY balances the competition by limiting the advantage of out numbering your opponent and rewards the outnumbered players for sticking with it and succeeding against the odds. I agree, SOME players are attracted to the opportunity to use equipment that gives them a distinct advantage over their opponents and to the perk rewards available to them ... but I doubt HT developed the ENY concept specifically to encourage them.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: perdue3 on January 28, 2012, 04:43:21 PM
I think it's somewhat effective against certain types of scams ... which is why it's in effect in the LWA. However, it's NOT a rule, it's a setting. In MWA it's only 1 HR ... The scam there is to switch just before logging off and then when you log in next, you can locate the enemy CVs, and listen in on their plans before switching back.

It won't do you much good to think before you type, if you don't know much about what you are typing about.

My point was:

Already we have to wait 12 hrs to switch in LW (which is where 90% of people who play, play). So he is suggesting 12 hrs and a boat load of perks to switch? 12 hrs basically means that you can switch once in the time frame that you are online. That means, furballers like myself, can not fight until that country is hording then switch twice.

We already have a movement in place about switching, spying, etc. We do not need another on top of it.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Motherland on January 28, 2012, 09:06:25 PM
SFCHONDO: I strongly disagree. The ENY has had a drastic impact on side balance. Before the ENY we could have periods of more than 3 months when one side could have 1/2 the number of each ot the other 2 countries.

I havn't seen a large imbalance for longer than a week or 2 since the ENY was implemented.

You can even look at this current post 60 60 40, is not a huge imbalance as compared to life pre ENY.

So if you ask the question does ENY perfectly balance the arena, the answere is no, (because it wasn't ment to be a perfect balance). But it has drasticly limited the peeks and valies as it was designed to do so.

ENY was designed to get people to switch to the low number side.
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: VonMessa on January 28, 2012, 10:50:10 PM
ENY was designed to get people to switch to the low number side.

How dare you quote HiTech  :furious
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: VonMessa on January 28, 2012, 10:53:03 PM
Everybody earned a lot of perks ... But you need to watch the roster a little closer as your 9 vs 4 was actually 9 vs 6 - 9 vs 9 (after I showed up anyway). There were NEVER any ENY limitations ...
Yes , It was noted that your abilitys seem limited to HOs and Backshooting M-3s ... We Train Noobs and the philosophy is FIGHT and DIE - you will learn. Several of them killed you I gather, including the 16 yr old who was drunk! The girls are contemplating speaking to your mother about you. They're ALL looking forward to seeing you again. One of your old squaddies is with us and had a few interesting comments too. See you next time.

Don't wanna get HOed?  Simple, don't come at me nose-on and get butt-hurt when you lose the joust.

Back shooting M-3's?  Really?  :rofl  I was in a jeep, and you are whining about it.  :rofl

Comedy gold, sister  :rofl
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 28, 2012, 11:22:14 PM
ENY was designed to get people to switch to the low number side.
Thanks for "daring" to post the quote ... I note that ENY was not intended to BALANCE the sides, but to close the larger gaps. I also note there is no mention of side switching in HT's post.

MWA is kind of a microcosm in that the numbers involved are much smaller, and it's EASY to see that ENY has little effect on most players there with regard to side switching ... the perk famers and abusers are always looking for their particular jones, but only a FEW regular players switch sides to achieve balance ... When a KNIGHT squadron recently switched -in mass- to the habitually LOW numbered ROOK side, MOST of the regular ROOKS left and switched to bishop to avoid associating with them. THIS made the BISHOPS into the HIGH NUMBERS SIDE which discouraged the KNIGHT side switching squad, so those folks are seldom even seen in MWA these last few weeks ... NOW, this and a few other BBS threads are attracting attention from a few LWA players (like Von Messy) who are filling up the rook ranks and we've been having some really good fighting!

None of this is really taking place due to ENY or Sideswitching ... neither are determining factors ... Player ATTITUDE is probably the most notable influence ... Maybe HT had more in mind when considering ENY than side switching?)
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: EVZ on January 28, 2012, 11:28:32 PM
Don't wanna get HOed?  - Back shooting M-3's?  - you are whining about it. 
Nobody's whining ... Your limited abilitys were noted and commented on ... We all had a good laugh. The girls are always a little peevish ... ya know ??? You brought it up, I presumed you wanted some feedback?
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: AKP on January 29, 2012, 12:10:23 AM
Title: Re: PERK TAX
Post by: Tank-Ace on January 29, 2012, 01:29:08 AM
See Rule #4