Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: Changeup on January 10, 2014, 02:10:39 PM

Title: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 10, 2014, 02:10:39 PM
I have spoken via PM and via telephone lately to a number of folks that play the game.   Almost all of these folks won't skip a fight no matter the planes involved or the advantage or disadvantage.  They're typically categorized as old timers I guess. Yes, there are plenty of newer folks that will fight, no doubt.  Plenty of GV fights...Lordy Lordy those guys get it on, seriously.  But regarding the air, we wanted to ask the community.

Here is our multiple choice question for the community:

Why don't more players stay in an aerial fight during gameplay in any aerial situation?

A.  Fighting to the death isn't as fun as landing kills of any kind

B.  They don't really have the personal time to learn enough ACM to get themselves out of pickles of any size but still love flying and competing

C.  Too much ego-bashing and bullying on 200 the times they DID stay and fight but lost and then had to hear about it for an hour

D.  Love to have a great score.  This is a reason BTW and it really shouldn't be harassed.  If it wasn't, there wouldn't be scoring in the first place

E.  This is how they learned the game from the start.  Hittum and forget um

There are other reasons obviously but these came up so I thought I'd ask you.   In an attempt and changing some gameplay and maybe even some attitudes about the fight to help keep people we already have and to keep new folks interested in getting better.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Wiley on January 10, 2014, 02:22:53 PM
A.  Fighting to the death isn't as fun as landing kills of any kind

Any person with half decent gunnery can dive into a crowd and kill one or two of them before they get killed if they don't care about surviving.  Working a crowd and surviving takes more planning, forethought, and SA.  It's also just generally more fun for me.  The real artistry is fighting the crowd from the bottom and surviving to rtb.  I don't know if I'll ever get to that point as I am not that tremendously interested in turning it into 'work'.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Copprhed on January 10, 2014, 02:23:27 PM
I've gotten to the point that I'm not able to bring myself to play the game any more. Honestly, Changeup I think it's every one of the reasons that you suggest. Newer players don't have the same reasons for playing that many older players do. For example, as a kid growing up, I idolized WW2 fighter pilots from any country and I loved the planes. I used to get in trouble in school for drawing P47s instead of doing my schoolwork. When the first computer game came out for the Commodor 64, I believe it was called Mig Alley, and had  side by side screens of little jets, I was thrilled. I played Chuck Yeager's Advanced Combat Trainer and many, many others over the years. I thrilled at the combat. Today's younger players only want something that they can "win " at, and don't care about what the game is really about. They are the same players that searched for and used the cheat codes for their Nintendo games. They really don't understand that there are many forms of "cheating", with "gaming the game" being one of them. Playing Aces High isn't about winning, it's about a code of honor and true competition between people, done fairly with no advantages being taken, just pure unadulterated combat. They don't understand that a fight well fought, win or lose, is a victory in a GAME.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Latrobe on January 10, 2014, 02:26:14 PM
I think it's a combination of A,B, and D. Mostly D with A running a close second. You can say all you want about this game being competetive and all that jazz, but in the end a lot of people will still view it for what it is, a game. When it comes to games people want to beat it in the easiest possible way through known glitches, cheat codes, and other people show them how to beat it i.e. beat it for them (not saying there are cheats for Aces High, just games in gerneral). For Aces High you "beat" the game when you have a really good score. So people look for ways to manipulate the scoring system.

People like to look good, and be seen as something. What better way in Aces High to do so than to get your name in lights by landing kills? The minimum requirment for that is only 2 kills, so do whatever you can to get just 2 kills and land. Be it coming into a fight with a 5 to 1 odd advantage flying with friends, or hitting the deck and running as soon as you lose 1 advantage. So long as you can get 2 kills and land them you will look like you've done something great.

I wonder how people in Aces High would play if there was no ranking system or name in lights. Aces High is evolving and changing as new updates are released, old players leave, and new players enter. Whether it's a good direction... we'll soon find out.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BluBerry on January 10, 2014, 02:26:55 PM
I have spoken via PM and via telephone lately to a number of folks that play the game.   Almost all of these folks won't skip a fight no matter the planes involved or the advantage or disadvantage.  They're typically categorized as old timers I guess. Yes, there are plenty of newer folks that will fight, no doubt.  Plenty of GV fights...Lordy Lordy those guys get it on, seriously.  But regarding the air, we wanted to ask the community.

Here is our multiple choice question for the community:

Why don't more players stay in an aerial fight during gameplay in any aerial situation?

A.  Fighting to the death isn't as fun as landing kills of any kind

B.  They don't really have the personal time to learn enough ACM to get themselves out of pickles of any size but still love flying and competing

C.  Too much ego-bashing and bullying on 200 the times they DID stay and fight but lost and then had to hear about it for an hour

D.  Love to have a great score.  This is a reason BTW and it really shouldn't be harassed.  If it wasn't, there wouldn't be scoring in the first place

E.  This is how they learned the game from the start.  Hittum and forget um

There are other reasons obviously but these came up so I thought I'd ask you.   In an attempt and changing some gameplay and maybe even some attitudes about the fight to help keep people we already have and to keep new folks interested in getting better.


I would vote for a modified version of [D]
I think the pursuit of bettering your score is a big part of it. Also though there are those who find enjoyment in knowing that as they run, you can't catch them and it's going to frustrate you.

Some days I find it fun to try and never die, other days I die 50 times because i'm enjoying picking random planes and going to furballs with no alt.

I think the game has just become so stale after all these years. We are only now seeing pictures of what the game should have looked like 5 years ago, so dog fighting has become the same repetitive thing to a content hungry consumer. Tanks are trending right now, and are popular with gamers and always have been, and HTC was quick to release tank updates and grow their audience a little more. I've always felt like GV's in general have been gaining more fans in the game because its something to do other then flying the same old planes.

Once (if ever) the game is up to par with where it should be, I think you will have people staying to fight to the end because the game is enjoyable and fresh, versus now where its the same old same old and people are inventing new ways to stay interested. Running from a fight to save your life and better your score is a new and interesting thing to do for some, because they are bored of doing the fly die rinse repeat.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: mthrockmor on January 10, 2014, 02:32:41 PM

It is a culture thing. Coprhead may have the better summary. Some seem to respond to this likes its an arcade game. I'm not sure though I have a decent idea how to handle the culture thing. That takes leadership that emmanates from the top. I suspect that strong squads would help. When I first joined there seemed to be more than a dozen squads that amounted to something: The Few, 80th, Loose Deuce, Claim Jumpers, Army of Muppets, 68th Lancers, 91st bomb wing, etc, etc, etc. These squads had themes and specialties and with so many members flying with certain expectations and rules it was hard to get out of line.

That is my sense though I've only been here a few years.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 10, 2014, 02:41:23 PM
Those a great thoughts and are much appreciated.  I hope there are more folks that offer an answer too
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: ink on January 10, 2014, 02:45:15 PM
I call it the "wussifacation" of america....

people think because they didn't die...they "win"

even if that means running from a fight.....

they do whatever it takes for a "win"....
even scetchy.... dirty..... lame GAME play and call that winning....

hey I killed are in the tower....even though my 10 buddies all have assists on you...thats winning....

hey it took all 40 of us to take a base.... :rolleyes:

this Game is awesome....the game play sux to high heaven....and isn't gonna get any better.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Crash Orange on January 10, 2014, 02:49:12 PM
When (or if) you go to the gym or schoolyard to play a pickup game of basketball, do you play 1-on-1, 2-on-2, or other sizes of equally matched teams, or do you offer to play against 5 guys by yourself?

Note: the answer for most people has nothing to do with "Nintendo generation" or "cheat codes" or lack of skill or even ego or any of the other nonsense posted here by a bunch of whiny old women.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Oldman731 on January 10, 2014, 02:53:01 PM
Here is our multiple choice question for the community:

Why don't more players stay in an aerial fight during gameplay in any aerial situation?

A.  Fighting to the death isn't as fun as landing kills of any kind

B.  They don't really have the personal time to learn enough ACM to get themselves out of pickles of any size but still love flying and competing

C.  Too much ego-bashing and bullying on 200 the times they DID stay and fight but lost and then had to hear about it for an hour

D.  Love to have a great score.  This is a reason BTW and it really shouldn't be harassed.  If it wasn't, there wouldn't be scoring in the first place

E.  This is how they learned the game from the start.  Hittum and forget um

Possibly it's a modification of your Answer A, or perhaps it's an entirely different Answer F.  But over the years many people have posted that they fly this as a genuine simulation; their goal is to fly the way a pilot in a real war would fly.  Often that will mean that they avoid combat when they perceive they are disadvantaged.

It isn't my choice, but I recognize it's valid enough.  I remember a couple of guys we used to see in AvA who played their roles to the hilt.  No idle chit-chat, formalized radio communication, landing in trail, that sort of thing.  Hey, it was good to have them there, even if it did sound a bit odd to my ears.

- oldman
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: jeep00 on January 10, 2014, 02:56:49 PM
not really able to answer this one. you are asking what the community thinks other people's reasons are for what the "old timers" consider "avoiding a fight". to what I CAN answer, I don't avoid a fight. they are all fun in their own way. just two nights ago I ran out of ammo and still made a couple turns with a yak hoping to auger him. I saw more red coming so decided to head for home. the yak followed by did not catch me. when I said on 200 I promised I would fight if I had ammo, the yak turned. because both of us knew it wasn't really a fight if I had zero ammo. I had used the very last round downing a 190 just as the yak showed up.
so the game seems to me in far better shape than the minimal number of inputs you will get here. I cannot give numbers but it seems to me about a tenth of the players I find online, if that, spend any time here on the bbs.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: waystin2 on January 10, 2014, 02:58:48 PM
I like to kill red guys.  I like to kill them in the air, I like to kill them on the ground and in the water.  I will boom and zoom, turn and burn, pick, vulch, shoot and bomb them whenever I find them.  I will do this repetitively with a big grin on face until it's time for bed.  The only thing that dictates how I go about killing red guys is the moment I am in.  There is no set method for dispatching a red guy, just be aggressive at all times.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Copprhed on January 10, 2014, 03:14:34 PM
When (or if) you go to the gym or schoolyard to play a pickup game of basketball, do you play 1-on-1, 2-on-2, or other sizes of equally matched teams, or do you offer to play against 5 guys by yourself?

Note: the answer for most people has nothing to do with "Nintendo generation" or "cheat codes" or lack of skill or even ego or any of the other nonsense posted here by a bunch of whiny old women.
We all know, by your post, what kind of Aces High player you are...not a player, but a gamer. The game has nothing to do with honor, quality of play or skill for you.. It's all about winning, no matter how, and that is the main problem with the game as it stands today.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Vraciu on January 10, 2014, 03:18:20 PM
I like to kill and survive.

I am getting to the point I can get two, occasionally three, victories and make it back to base with decent regularity.   It is just taking me time to improve over that.

I will almost always fight a 1 v 1 if I am not too far from parity in the merge, unless it is a guy I know is gonna' smoke me any way, in which case it depends on my mood.  Sometimes I live to fight another day (extend), sometimes I say, "What the heaven," and go after it (merge).

I am just trying to work my way up the ladder from two victories, to three, to four.   Until my gunnery gets better though, I consider survival a win in and of itself...

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: ink on January 10, 2014, 03:20:26 PM
I like to kill red guys.  I like to kill them in the air, I like to kill them on the ground and in the water.  I will boom and zoom, turn and burn, pick, vulch, shoot and bomb them whenever I find them.  I will do this repetitively with a big grin on face until it's time for bed.  The only thing that dictates how I go about killing red guys is the moment I am in.  There is no set method for dispatching a red guy, just be aggressive at all times.


sounds like a Dr Zeus song.... :rofl :rofl

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 10, 2014, 03:22:52 PM
sounds like a Dr Zeus song.... :rofl :rofl

"The Cat in the Horde"?
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 10, 2014, 03:24:45 PM
When (or if) you go to the gym or schoolyard to play a pickup game of basketball, do you play 1-on-1, 2-on-2, or other sizes of equally matched teams, or do you offer to play against 5 guys by yourself?

Note: the answer for most people has nothing to do with "Nintendo generation" or "cheat codes" or lack of skill or even ego or any of the other nonsense posted here by a bunch of whiny old women.

Minus the whine comment this post is interesting.  In this analogy, one must assume that all the players are roughly the same skill level thus creating a fun game of equal chance with zero chance of anyone being killed (removed from the game), thus all players can contribute now or later in the game.

So you're saying if people could fly and not die, they'd be more apt to engage? 

So your answer is A.

Thank you

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: pervert on January 10, 2014, 03:26:05 PM
The game has been intentionally directed that way by HTC imo manned guns, GVs, 12 hour switch times etc, all low risk or no risk in the case of manned guns methods of erm succeeding (if you could call it that) imo there should be no method of escaping potential death in this game.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Triton28 on January 10, 2014, 03:27:22 PM
It's attitude, I think.  Nobody likes losing and going to the tower is losing to some... maybe most.  The difference is some see losing as a motivator to get better and some see it as a deterrent to engaging when they think they'll lose. 

Oldman has a good point though.  There are those I think that fly for the immersion.  My question is, why aren't all of those people flying FSO, scenarios, and special events?  I absolutely love our AH special events and see the MA as a bit of practice for them.  I can practice my SA and judgement by taking a mental note of when a real life pilot would have exited the fight, but I can't practice for those times where I have to stay and slug it out by RTB'ing at the first sign of trouble in the MA. 
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Wiley on January 10, 2014, 03:29:58 PM
When (or if) you go to the gym or schoolyard to play a pickup game of basketball, do you play 1-on-1, 2-on-2, or other sizes of equally matched teams, or do you offer to play against 5 guys by yourself?

Note: the answer for most people has nothing to do with "Nintendo generation" or "cheat codes" or lack of skill or even ego or any of the other nonsense posted here by a bunch of whiny old women.

The difference is, generally speaking your guys that want to play pickup basketball don't have 'Shirtz 4 Lyfe' and 'Skinz 4 Lyfe' tattooed on their foreheads and refuse to switch sides even though only 2 guys showed up to play Shirts.  That's the core of the problem with that analogy.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: guncrasher on January 10, 2014, 03:30:31 PM

I'll do whatever it takes to get a kill even if it means throwing my purse at them.  I dont give no quarter nor do I expect any.  if you run out of ammo then too bad, it isnt my fault that you used it all up before.  if your airplane is damaged when i find you well then it's your choice to either fight, crash or just let me kill you.  if you have kills and you are landing, I will vulch you if I can.  If i cant outturn you then I'll try to out run you.  If it is up to me I'll decide when and how to attack or if I want to fight you at all, just like you would if you were in my situation.  I expect all others to fight and act the same way I do.

this game doesnt define me as a human being nor does it give me honor.  it's laughable how some players think that how they play the game is the same as how they act in life.  In real life I dont look for ways to hurt you, or damage your house.  I dont look forward to killing you and anybody that is around you. in the game I do.

I have no skill whatsoever in this game nor do I want any.  to me this game is nothing more than a bunch of guys sitting around in a bar, joking around, drinking a few and lying their buttts off about the "big one they killed the other day".

to all those who like to think they follow "certain rules of conduct" in this game.  then all I have to say is this  :neener: :neener:.  I have seen you play, you are just bs'ing yourself  :bolt:

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Copprhed on January 10, 2014, 03:37:42 PM

this game doesnt define me as a human being nor does it give me honor.  it's laughable how some players think that how they play the game is the same as how they act in life. Quote from semp.
How you play games is absolutely how you act in life. Win at all costs? yup. The game may not GIVE you honor, but it DAMNED sure shows whether or not you act with honor in RL. In life, it's how you act when no one is looking that shows how you really are.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 10, 2014, 03:37:44 PM
I'll do whatever it takes to get a kill even if it means throwing my purse at them.  I dont give no quarter nor do I expect any.  if you run out of ammo then too bad, it isnt my fault that you used it all up before.  if your airplane is damaged when i find you well then it's your choice to either fight, crash or just let me kill you.  if you have kills and you are landing, I will vulch you if I can.  If i cant outturn you then I'll try to out run you.  If it is up to me I'll decide when and how to attack or if I want to fight you at all, just like you would if you were in my situation.  I expect all others to fight and act the same way I do.

this game doesnt define me as a human being nor does it give me honor.  it's laughable how some players think that how they play the game is the same as how they act in life.  In real life I dont look for ways to hurt you, or damage your house.  I dont look forward to killing you and anybody that is around you. in the game I do.

I have no skill whatsoever in this game nor do I want any.  to me this game is nothing more than a bunch of guys sitting around in a bar, joking around, drinking a few and lying their buttts off about the "big one they killed the other day".

to all those who like to think they follow "certain rules of conduct" in this game.  then all I have to say is this  :neener: :neener:.  I have seen you play, you are just bs'ing yourself  :bolt:


You just confirmed the whole point.  :lol
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Wiley on January 10, 2014, 03:45:03 PM
How you play games is absolutely how you act in life. Win at all costs? yup. The game may not GIVE you honor, but it DAMNED sure shows whether or not you act with honor in RL. In life, it's how you act when no one is looking that shows how you really are.

BS.  When I play a game, I play hard because there's nothing meaningful at stake.  I expect the same from my opponents.  We all have the same tools to use.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: ink on January 10, 2014, 03:53:01 PM
I'll do whatever it takes to get a kill even if it means throwing my purse at them.  I dont give no quarter nor do I expect any.  if you run out of ammo then too bad, it isnt my fault that you used it all up before.  if your airplane is damaged when i find you well then it's your choice to either fight, crash or just let me kill you.  if you have kills and you are landing, I will vulch you if I can.  If i cant outturn you then I'll try to out run you.  If it is up to me I'll decide when and how to attack or if I want to fight you at all, just like you would if you were in my situation.  I expect all others to fight and act the same way I do.

this game doesnt define me as a human being nor does it give me honor.  it's laughable how some players think that how they play the game is the same as how they act in life.  In real life I dont look for ways to hurt you, or damage your house.  I dont look forward to killing you and anybody that is around you. in the game I do.

I have no skill whatsoever in this game nor do I want any.  to me this game is nothing more than a bunch of guys sitting around in a bar, joking around, drinking a few and lying their buttts off about the "big one they killed the other day".

to all those who like to think they follow "certain rules of conduct" in this game.  then all I have to say is this  :neener: :neener:.  I have seen you play, you are just bs'ing yourself  :bolt:


the BBS is more like the bar that you hang out at......

the MA  is the gladiator arena........that the guys who hang out at the bar fight in......

there is Honor in life and what ever we is not something that can be turned off and on at will......

to say it is ok to be a tard because its a "game".......makes me question your character.

things in game that are tardly

vulching....(unless actually taking a base)
vulching a landing...shot up plane.....
being the 5-6-7-8-9-10- ECT con on a nme......
spawn camping in GVs........
shutting hangers down at where a good furball is going because you are angry not everyone is a part of the "war" effort.....
talking smack about how you fight...but refuse to go to DA and fight......

if you are totally into the immersion of playing like its real life....I don't classify that as "tardly" just boring....more then once a week FSO would get very old.....

this is a COMBAT game not a ww2 game.....

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Copprhed on January 10, 2014, 03:55:33 PM
the BBS is more like the bar that you hang out at......

the MA  is the gladiator arena........that the guys who hang out at the bar fight in......

there is Honor in life and what ever we is not something that can be turned off and on at will......

to say it is ok to be a tard because its a "game".......makes me question your character.

things in game that are tardly

vulching....(unless actually taking a base)
vulching a landing...shot up plane.....
being the 5-6-7-8-9-10- ECT con on a nme......
spawn camping in GVs........
shutting hangers down at where a good furball is going because you are angry not everyone is a part of the "war" effort.....
talking smack about how you fight...but refuse to go to DA and fight......

if you are totally into the immersion of playing like its real life....I don't classify that as "tardly" just boring....more then once a week FSO would get very old.....

this is a COMBAT game not a ww2 game.....

I always knew thee was something I liked about you....
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: ink on January 10, 2014, 03:57:41 PM
I always knew thee was something I liked about you....

 :D :cheers:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: waystin2 on January 10, 2014, 04:00:44 PM
sounds like a Dr Zeus song.... :rofl :rofl

I guess it kind of does.  That's funny right there.   :rofl

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: guncrasher on January 10, 2014, 04:01:47 PM
this game doesnt define me as a human being nor does it give me honor.  it's laughable how some players think that how they play the game is the same as how they act in life. Quote from semp.
How you play games is absolutely how you act in life. Win at all costs? yup. The game may not GIVE you honor, but it DAMNED sure shows whether or not you act with honor in RL. In life, it's how you act when no one is looking that shows how you really are.

give me an example on how you play the game that is how you live your life.  please be very specific as I will read it trying not to laugh at you.

see according to some here, I play without honor and thus I must have none in life.  and yet I have not been to prision.  I dont steal nor cheat anybody.  I try to help others as best as I can.  I volunteer as often as I can and donate what I can afford.  

do i consider myself "honorable" in real life?  nope, i am just an average bald, middle age guy that is too short and too fat and is always willing to have a laugh, but not at the cost of others.

how I play the game is not a reflection of my life.  however how you play the game is a reflection of your ego.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: VuduVee on January 10, 2014, 04:01:59 PM
every person plays according to the person they are. no way to get away from that.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: ink on January 10, 2014, 04:07:02 PM
I guess it kind of does.  That's funny right there.   :rofl

it really does dude...I tried to finish it off as a song....... I just suk at writing, even pulled up the "green eggs and ham" song to get it but I really cant should finish it as a song :rock
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BnZs on January 10, 2014, 04:10:51 PM
The game is about successfully applying tactics and strategies from real ACM with high-fidelity simulations of WWII aircraft. In that light neither mindless suicidalism nor gangpicking 5 on one is quite the right feel. For me, the most satisfying achievement was always defeating a much more maneuverable fighter 1v1 with well-applied energy tactics. That is even a better feeling than winning a similar plane duel IMHO.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Pepprr on January 10, 2014, 04:18:10 PM

things in game that are tardly

being the 5-6-7-8-9-10- ECT con on a nme......

This is the one that really gets me.  AKDoggs main rule was always "no more than two guys on a con".  That is how I learnt to fly and that is how I still fly.   Meanwhile little Johnny is within view on the deck and has 4 guys trying to kill him but everyone is busy with the other guy.  hmmm...but there is an easy one must be   To me, that is the tardliest thing in this game, especially when the 10th one comes in and ho's the poor bastage... :lol

Other than that, I don't care about landing kills, or score...obviously  :uhoh.  I just enjoy the fighting!  Even if I am outnumbered and can't possibly make it home, I fly a slow plane...I'm not running   Besides, how else will I improve my SA?   :D   Usually the only time I go to land is when I am out of ammo, fuel  or too damaged to fight any longer.   
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: morfiend on January 10, 2014, 04:44:29 PM
  Keep your left up and circle to the right,always keep your head moving....

  Oh wrong kind of fighting..... :D

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: muzik on January 10, 2014, 05:03:21 PM
Why don't more players stay in an aerial fight during gameplay in any aerial situation?


In an attempt and changing some gameplay and maybe even some attitudes about the fight to help keep people we already have and to keep new folks interested in getting better.

How many years can an intelligent adult stand playing in furball lake? It's fun for a while, but it is very lame, no complexity, no historical immersion, etc. etc.

Some play AH like an xbox game and fly with imaginary testicles; no fear of death, cartoon bravado and chips on your shoulders.

I truly enjoy every aspect of this game including all of the above at times but I do not want to spend my entire gaming life doing the exact same things and getting the exact same results year after year. The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.

I've heard every complaint there is in this game and almost every bit of it is one sided nonsense from a single perspective. Those that complain about "the fight" have a very weak, yet somewhat valid gripe. They are typically moderately to very talented vets who are addicted to the ultimate fight but cant find it because when they do find someone willing to engage them, they find it easy and unfulfilling. Or if they find a fight on their level and it lasts too long, they get picked and blame the community for their failing.

I don't like everything I see in this game either but it's the game set up, not the players fault. If anyone wants to see people come to, and stay in this game, then maybe the community should consider lobbying htc to re-design the game in a way that intentionally satisfies specific player game preferences instead of adding new planes to an aging game model.

Today's younger players only want something that they can "win " at, and don't care about what the game is really about.

There are adults that come to this game looking for something that you aren't, a somewhat realistic hint of the ww2 experience and not the spawn and die bashfests you find in most first person shooters.

Like I said, everything in AH is fun at times, but not everyone wants the same old thing day after day. Some don't ever want the free for alls that are the majority of MA fights. They see it as childish, unruly and gamey.

When AH has the ability to attract and retain players of all types then you will have more of what you prefer.

as a kid growing up, I idolized WW2 fighter pilots from any country and I loved the planes....

...Playing Aces High isn't about winning, it's about a code of honor and true competition between people, done fairly with no advantages being taken, just pure unadulterated combat. They don't understand that a fight well fought, win or lose, is a victory in a GAME.

Some of those fighter pilots you idolize would be insulted by anyone comparing what they went through to this game.

Some of them would just laugh it off and never tell you what they really think.

All of them who ever came close to losing their lives or lost friends, would be unimpressed by this cartoon code of honor because you don't have to fear for your life.

So if I were to show a WW2 vet this game, I would do it with a TON of humility and I would say nothing about idealistic fair fights, complain about HOing or runners afraid to fight. Because they did ALL of that.

And if anything you do in this game could impress any of them, I would bet that more often than not, flying in AH as if you wanted to be a professional as they were would be top of the list.

It's too bad we cant attract more people like the ones you idolized because the game model panders mostly to the gamers.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: LCADolby on January 10, 2014, 05:10:18 PM
You forgot to mention "the path of least resistance" :old:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Crash Orange on January 10, 2014, 05:11:21 PM
Minus the whine comment this post is interesting.  In this analogy, one must assume that all the players are roughly the same skill level thus creating a fun game of equal chance with zero chance of anyone being killed (removed from the game), thus all players can contribute now or later in the game.

Why would you assume amateur basketball players are any more equally skilled than AH players?

In either one more evenly matched numbers makes for a more fun and interesting game for BOTH sides.

And there is a HUGE middle ground between "I have no skillz and can't hope to survive outside a horde" and "I can usually dispatch 5 other planes solo even if they start with an alt and E advantage". The latter is maybe 0.5% of the player base, if that - a handful of pilots out of thousands. Even for most good - not top 0.5%, but decent - sticks a 5-1 is just a matter of seeing how long it takes to get killed and maybe, if you're lucky, taking one with you. That skill level certainly includes me. If I'm stuck in that situation I'll do as well as I can as long as I can, but if I'm NOT stuck in it I see no reason to give a bunch of skill-less gangers an easy kill. To me that's just smart play. And yes, it IS a game, and we are playing it. If you think otherwise you're just being foolish.

And most of the armchair heroes who love to boast in the forums about how they "LIVE FOR THE FIGHT!!!!"  are just blowhards and liars. I'm in the MA often enough to see how you wusses really play. 9 out of 10 are really alt monkeys, picktards, horde weenies, and landing vulchers in the MA. There are a few exceptions and for them I  :salute but among the many forum blowhards they are few and far between.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: VuduVee on January 10, 2014, 05:13:57 PM
answer A is out of the question for me. for some reason, landing 2 kills seems like a give up. imo its desperation to have your name in lights. everytime i only have 2 kills i consider skidding off the runway or rearming. for me, B is answer number 1.  being maybe an avg skilled fighter, i sometimes dont know im at a disadvantage and unwittingly stay when i should haul bellybutton and get some E in the bank or drag the lame chaser out for a 1v1. im just getting to the point where i can judge the E state of multiple reds.  for me, AH is a place that i can compete and try my best to outthink and outfly people. personally, i think im in the minority in having that idea. so many people could care less about testing their skill or wits. they really only care about the bottomline, get that kill, no matter what it takes, like its a job and your family starves if you dont. its dissappointing when you see a player who has been in game for yrs and yrs that still use every sorry tactic they can. their answer is  A. imo, these people have no sense of challenge and i question the real life character of these people who always want, easy.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: SPKmes on January 10, 2014, 05:32:20 PM
all at one time or another...just depends on my mood
except D .... Although I would like to have a great score.... my dumb bellybutton need for red gets me lifting at a capped field....
instant self induced frustration...
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: HL117 on January 10, 2014, 05:45:37 PM
  Immature Player =  I just got killed, that sucks I am a loser, I must find a way to avoid getting killed.

  Mature Player = I just got killed, man that was Great fight, just learned I shouldn't pull up when in that position against the KI84, think I will find him and try it again a bit differently this time <evil grin>.

NOTE: I should clarify maturity does not neccesarily have anything to do with age of the player.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Fulcrum on January 10, 2014, 06:13:46 PM
There are so many players in this game and almost as many styles of play.  Some play for the thrill of a good 1v1 or multi-v-1 fight, and some want to BnZ.  Others want to bomb or be a part of base captures.  Still others want to fight in tanks.  Some care about landing kills and will secure advantages before entering a fight, others are uncaring and simply want the adrenaline rush of the action.

How about we all recognize that every player pays 15 dollars a month and so have the right to play the game the way they want? Then maybe we can all relax and enjoy playing the game the way we want to without regard to how others do so.  Wouldn't that be great?  

Will you still get mad when you get picked or HOed sometimes? Sure! I'm not saying fly around with flowers in your hair making peace signs...I'm saying control what you can control and relax about the rest....get over it and move on.  

And lets stop with the hand-wringing about the state of the AH player now vs. the "Days Of Olde Whenst Titans Did Roam the Cartoon Maps of AH".   Ye gods that gets old too...
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: The Fugitive on January 10, 2014, 06:27:28 PM
Some of these replies are just..... well not well thought out.

Nobody said anything about mimicking WWII pilots, it was said they idolized them. I don't think anyone compares this GAME with what went on in WWII. Anyone who thinks that or continues to use that comparison is an idiot.

We are talking in a general way here unless your talking about yourself. Lets not "nit pick" peoples opinions.

Personally I agree with INK and Coperhead about the "honor" a person has and whether or not it comes through in the game. Some don't like me here, some don't like what I say, but I say what I mean and my story doesn't change from day to day. I'm honest to a fault, sometimes a bit brutally, but that is me in real life and in the game. No false persona here. I'd love to meet semp in real life just to test the theory.

As for the game, I think all of the answers fit one person or another in the game. I like to fight, but if I'm out of ammo, fuel, or enough parts to make fighting not worth it I will try to leave the fight and land/ditch. Other than that I'm in the fight for the long haul, 1 vs 1 or 5 vs 1. I may not get them, but I'll give it my best. After all I have a brite new shiny plane waiting for me in the hanger.

I find it funny how some people defend "lame" game play. Maybe it's that lack of honor thing, maybe it's a lack of skill, or maybe it's a lack of ambition to do better. what ever the reason, they have got to know it's like watching a sitcom for the rest of us.  

And the old "It's my $15 dollars...." excuse.... err cop out  :rolleyes: If a player who is paying his $15 a month is breaking the TOS agreement, or going overboard on 200, does he get a free pass BECAUSE he pays? No of course not. The same can be said about people going overboard in lame game play. Just because they PAY to play doesn't mean they can do anything they want. Now, it not up to us "the players" to decide if these players have gone overboard. However it should be (and Im sure it is) something that HTC keeps an eye on. After all if the arenas turn into "cesspools" who going to stay and play?

With that being said, everyone has the right to play how they want....with in reason. HTC decides what is "with in reason".
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: WEZEL on January 10, 2014, 06:31:39 PM
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: JUGgler on January 10, 2014, 06:56:08 PM
The only problem with the game and the inspiration to battle it out is.... every single thing about the structure and what motivates peeps to participate in this game, other than that it is awesome!!  :aok

                      OH! and this

Start playing to WIN!  Stop playing to NOT LOSE!!

If you don't get it, then you don't get it!   :devil

It's in the sig  :aok

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: HighTone on January 10, 2014, 07:34:05 PM
Chest thumpers are in full Kong mode I see  :cry
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: pembquist on January 10, 2014, 07:40:39 PM
I'm not sure what the question is about. Is it people running away? BnZing and then disengaging? I would imagine that high up on motivations to disengage would be that landing with any kill feels better than dying, but you really have to figure out how to poll the people whose behavior you want to address.

Personally I don't care about getting shot down which is good because that's the most frequent outcome. To tell you the truth I think I would be happiest it if you couldn't actually shoot down an opponent so that the battles could just go on and on getting slower and turnier and closer to the deck, or resetting and re-merging. That's the good stuff, and for mediocre players like me it is in short supply.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 10, 2014, 08:01:48 PM
this game doesnt define me as a human being nor does it give me honor.  it's laughable how some players think that how they play the game is the same as how they act in life. Quote from semp.
How you play games is absolutely how you act in life. Win at all costs? yup. The game may not GIVE you honor, but it DAMNED sure shows whether or not you act with honor in RL. In life, it's how you act when no one is looking that shows how you really are.

Arnold Palmer had one of best analogies of games and life and how they're intertwined...."Bad golfer...bad person".  He didn't mean in the skills department.  He was talking about the guy that hits one in the forest and then throws his club into the pond or the guy that misses a putt and then beats the green to death because he missed it.

People are who they like this magnify it in some cases.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 10, 2014, 08:11:40 PM
The explanations you all have given so far are perfectly fine.  Those opinions are one can give you your opinion and really, none of us should belittle those.  They are what they are. 

That being said, not everyone answered the question.  Please feel free to answer it or come up with F. G. H. if you think its the right one.  I'm genuinely interested because it gives me a perspective so I don't complain about someone's style of fight. 

Lots of comments about honor.  The game doesn't give anyone honor...they either have it when they get here or they don't.  Honor is different for everyone although the definition seems to be moving target at the moment.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Shifty on January 10, 2014, 08:18:01 PM
Judging another person's honor intregity or maturity by the way they fight in an airplane game is absurd. Letting a damn video game rule your life to the point where you make value judgements on people you have never met is carrying it just a bit far folks.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 10, 2014, 08:22:44 PM

And most of the armchair heroes who love to boast in the forums about how they "LIVE FOR THE FIGHT!!!!"  are just blowhards and liars. I'm in the MA often enough to see how you wusses really play. 9 out of 10 are really alt monkeys, picktards, horde weenies, and landing vulchers in the MA. There are a few exceptions and for them I  :salute but among the many forum blowhards they are few and far between.

I'm not sure your ratio is true.  I'm sure there are a few but this game is too transparent (shady shaders notwithstanding) because your style is attached to your name and when you win or lose your name pops up so to thump your chest about being a fighter and then end up running is a little too obvious.  All of us could rattle off a list of 25 to 30 folks in our time zones that fight, without fail, no matter what.  You could challenge that list but I doubt you could support your challenges.

Everyone vulches, everyone flies with the horde (I have seen Dodger and SERaider start a fight and when the DAR bar grows, here comes the horde so it appears that they're hording), pickers, alt fairies et al.  The difference is this:  they'll fight whenever and whoever, win or lose.  Everyone is looking for something different I guess. 

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 10, 2014, 08:27:02 PM
Judging another person's honor intregity or maturity by the way they fight in an airplane game is absurd. Letting a damn video game rule your life to the point where you make value judgements on people you have never met is carrying it just a bit far folks.

Then you must believe that its ok to be someone different in a game than you are in real life.  Ok.  It doesn't mean your right or I'm wrong.  Making value judgements on people's in game behavior doesn't mean the game is ruling ones life either.  Its an opinion based on their behavior...MY behavior...ME....I'm responsible for what I do.  I don't expect you or anyone else to let me off the hook "of opinion" because its a game. 
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: sonic23 on January 10, 2014, 08:45:28 PM
I like my chances in a 1v1 no matter the plane so i always look to set it up but once that second plane comes in i run like a scared lil school girl. :bolt:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BaldEagl on January 10, 2014, 08:59:58 PM
My playing style has changed numerous times over the years and to a lesser degree, changes from session to session.

I've always been a GVer to a relatively large degree, even in AW and that's never changed.

In AH I spent years playing every aspect of the game.  I didn't care one bit about score.  My typical day was to look at the map and wherever we were most undermanned was where I felt I was most needed.  I'd fly there, typically from a base back (another aspect of my game that's really never changed) to get some working altitude then dive to the deck giving up all my advantages at the first sight of a low con (I still do that too).  1:1, 1:5, 1:10 I didn't care.  I died a lot but got pretty good with my ACM and SA and was able to win some 1:3's from time to time.  I played with reckless abandon.

For a couple of years I played for nothing but score, was usually in the top 50 and even made top 10 several times.  At that point it was all about killing and making it home alive and whatever I had to do to accomplish that I did.  It really wasn't hard at all as I was already playing every aspect of the game, I just needed to tighten things up a bit and add a little dose of caution to my playing style.

The next phase I went through was trying to land two kills in every plane in the game while holding at least a 1:1, then later a 2:1 K/D ratio in each.  That's where I started to learn the entire planeset.  It was also my most cautious period making sure I had enough of an advantage to offset my lack of knowledge of the aircraft I was flying until I became more comfortable in it.

Prior to BoB I was flying a Spit I in the MA for a couple of months taking on whatever I found.  Lately I'm sort of back to square one.  Take off a base back, give up all my alt early then fight whatever's there.

I've also always enjoyed buff hunting so you will find me relatively high early in my sorties just in case I run across a set of buffs.

One thing I noticed was that I used to really like to find a good 1:1 but lately I get bored with them and enjoy 1:2, 1:3 and even an occasional 1:4 much more or trying to fight my opponents fight even though it may not be the best way for me to win. 

I've also given up many aspects of gameplay (bombers, attack sorties, etc.) largely due to the centralization of the strat system.  Without those aspects of the game to keep me interested my playtime has diminished greatly and now I find myself logging on and just sitting in a GV or field gun to feel like I'm still part of the game.  Upping to head to a fight that dissipates just doesn't seem worth it to me.

Now, to answer your question; it just depends on what phase I'm in.  Right now I don't run from anything but that could change next month and I won't know the reason why until it happens.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Fulcrum on January 10, 2014, 09:17:09 PM
Then you must believe that its ok to be someone different in a game than you are in real life.  Ok.  It doesn't mean your right or I'm wrong.  Making value judgements on people's in game behavior doesn't mean the game is ruling ones life either.  Its an opinion based on their behavior...MY behavior...ME....I'm responsible for what I do.  I don't expect you or anyone else to let me off the hook "of opinion" because its a game. 

Define what you mean by "behavior". How the player acts (e.g. Respectful or abusive on vox, ch200, etc), how they play the game (e.g. How they fight, what they value from a game perspective, etc), both?
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: uptown on January 10, 2014, 09:32:49 PM
Well I see y'all are still asking each other stupid questions  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: uptown on January 10, 2014, 09:41:44 PM

Possibly it's a modification of your Answer A, or perhaps it's an entirely different Answer F.  But over the years many people have posted that they fly this as a genuine simulation; their goal is to fly the way a pilot in a real war would fly.  Often that will mean that they avoid combat when they perceive they are disadvantaged.

It isn't my choice, but I recognize it's valid enough.  I remember a couple of guys we used to see in AvA who played their roles to the hilt.  No idle chit-chat, formalized radio communication, landing in trail, that sort of thing.  Hey, it was good to have them there, even if it did sound a bit odd to my ears.

- oldman
This ^^^^^  and some of you need to remember that people don't play for you to have a good time. They play for THEIR enjoyment. Whether you agree with that or not is irrelevant.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Fulcrum on January 10, 2014, 09:48:04 PM
Agreed on all points.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: JUGgler on January 10, 2014, 10:06:13 PM
I have spoken via PM and via telephone lately to a number of folks that play the game.   Almost all of these folks won't skip a fight no matter the planes involved or the advantage or disadvantage.  They're typically categorized as old timers I guess. Yes, there are plenty of newer folks that will fight, no doubt.  Plenty of GV fights...Lordy Lordy those guys get it on, seriously.  But regarding the air, we wanted to ask the community.

Here is our multiple choice question for the community:

Why don't more players stay in an aerial fight during gameplay in any aerial situation?

A.  Fighting to the death isn't as fun as landing kills of any kind

B.  They don't really have the personal time to learn enough ACM to get themselves out of pickles of any size but still love flying and competing

C.  Too much ego-bashing and bullying on 200 the times they DID stay and fight but lost and then had to hear about it for an hour

D.  Love to have a great score.  This is a reason BTW and it really shouldn't be harassed.  If it wasn't, there wouldn't be scoring in the first place

E.  This is how they learned the game from the start.  Hittum and forget um

There are other reasons obviously but these came up so I thought I'd ask you.   In an attempt and changing some gameplay and maybe even some attitudes about the fight to help keep people we already have and to keep new folks interested in getting better.


A.  I don't think fighting to the death is the issue for most, they seem to eagerly die by the grundle when part of a  base capture. Of course landing many kills is great fun for the masses!!

B.  Most don't care about learning ACM, in fact the game encourages precise reaction rather than a great understanding of ACM. The best "chess match" ACM abundant fights I ever had were 262 vs 262, the reason being the speeds started so high that it essentially slowed down the thought process and allowed the fight to morph into an energy, angles, risk, reward chess match. Fighting the horde, or fighting with the more abundant slower rides requires more "reactionary memory and stick precision" than thinking and actual application of ACM.

C.  I can't say ego bashing was ever that big of a deal, the bashing usually was brought on by an instigation of mouth slippage rather than someone "outwardly gloating over a victory". Of course if you've developed a rival who every time you know if you lose to, they are beaming on the inside and if you win, you are beaming on the inside" than the tension will be acute and victory all the sweeter, and defeat---agony. But these rivals are to be cherished and sought after.

D.  Great score for the majority is only a fleeting interest. The time and effort required to be in the top 10 is exhausting and hardly worth the effort cause it takes so much "gamey style" play to achieve it. I tried for 2 tours many years ago and came to this conclusion--->  "F#CK TH*T"

E.  Everyone learns this from the start, getting consistent kills early in your AH career can be frustrating, and there is something to be said for surviving when you have limited or "early career" skills. When you are new to say "mid experience" in your AH life than sometimes surviving and extricating yourself from the grasp of say Levi, Grizz, Skyrock, Bruv, etc etc is most certainly a small win and honestly should be treated as such. I know before I took my break, if I had you in my grasp, odds were not good for you, if you managed to get away then <S> you and shame on me, it was my loss.

When you are learning, survival is very important. The longer you survive "in the current moment" the more you learn in that moment. Going up against Grizz every couple minutes and being slaughtered in 1-2 turns over and over again will teach you nothing but frustration. Going against Grizz every couple minutes and Grizz holding his fire will teach you enormously.

When I finally made the transition from caring to much, to not caring at all my skill level went thru the roof.

To finally answer the question, I think most folks "if not all" experience "thru an AH career" all of the examples on the list to some varying degree. Some get thru them quicker than others and some may skip a couple. but we all follow a similar path.

Changeup, you have become a skilled and capable player over the years, and your ideas and thoughts are miles away from where they were in the beginning, as are mine. People will progress as they will, some more competitive than others but they are all progressing every minute they are on the game.

The game itself should encourage intense interaction, but I remember the system is geared towards newer folks and a more "less intense" approach, not the Precise and efficient killing styles of grizzled vets. The vets are now out in the cold so to speak, and must find "LIKE" challenges on their own, you will never ever get it from the masses except in disproportionate #s. Hence this is why my style evolved to JUGgling on the deck, in inferior rides basically being the mole in the AH equivalent of "WHACK-A-MOLE"  <-- this is definitely a challenge and I believe being the only challenge most nights, burned me out!

Maybe eliminating the messages about who you've killed would allow some folks to unburden their pride a little and get ALL IN. Leaving the messages of "who killed you" should stay for inspiration  :aok

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 10, 2014, 10:43:50 PM
I have spoken via PM and via telephone lately to a number of folks that play the game.   Almost all of these folks won't skip a fight no matter the planes involved or the advantage or disadvantage.  They're typically categorized as old timers I guess. Yes, there are plenty of newer folks that will fight, no doubt.  Plenty of GV fights...Lordy Lordy those guys get it on, seriously.  But regarding the air, we wanted to ask the community.

Here is our multiple choice question for the community:

Why don't more players stay in an aerial fight during gameplay in any aerial situation?

A.  Fighting to the death isn't as fun as landing kills of any kind

B.  They don't really have the personal time to learn enough ACM to get themselves out of pickles of any size but still love flying and competing

C.  Too much ego-bashing and bullying on 200 the times they DID stay and fight but lost and then had to hear about it for an hour

D.  Love to have a great score.  This is a reason BTW and it really shouldn't be harassed.  If it wasn't, there wouldn't be scoring in the first place

E.  This is how they learned the game from the start.  Hittum and forget um

There are other reasons obviously but these came up so I thought I'd ask you.   In an attempt and changing some gameplay and maybe even some attitudes about the fight to help keep people we already have and to keep new folks interested in getting better.


Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Triton28 on January 10, 2014, 10:49:24 PM
Arlo, you were supposed to answer the question or stfu, not post your Tommy Lee Jones pic for the 39th time.    :)

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 10, 2014, 10:53:22 PM
Arlo, you were supposed to answer the question or stfu, not post your Tommy Lee Jones pic for the 39th time.    :)

You ruined it Triton!  Ive had Arlo on ignore for 3 months now.  Why pull away the curtains from door number chin nuts?
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 10, 2014, 10:55:44 PM
Arlo, you were supposed to answer the question or stfu, not post your Tommy Lee Jones pic for the 39th time.    :)

Yeah yeah. This is Changeup making a name for himself by saving the community from itself via PMs, 'phone polls' and look-at me threads. :rolleyes: Took you bout 5 minutes to react. You're getting slower. :D
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 10, 2014, 11:00:10 PM
You ruined it Triton!  Ive had Arlo on ignore for 3 months now.  Why pull away the curtains from door number chin nuts?

There's always the next Cav Furball. You were so eager to invite yourself to the first
only to no-show then bravely ignore the next 2. You could possibly get more feedback
face-to-face. We all have opinions, mate.  :D

Not that it matters in the long-run.  :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 11, 2014, 01:02:09 AM
Yeah yeah. This is Changeup making a name for himself by saving the community from itself via PMs, 'phone polls' and look-at me threads. :rolleyes: Took you bout 5 minutes to react. You're getting slower. :D

But your BBS picture posting mania is so much more effective especially after you retread about 90 of them.   I chose not come because it was an event you were going to attend.  Its pretty simple actually...I simply didn't want to be around you or listen to anything that you're about.  I can't be any clearer than that.  

Do you fly?  Are you saving the community by paying and playing the game or are you depending on your massive BBS contributions to do that for you?  

Maybe I will attend the next one...just in case your comment was full of insinuation.  I wouldn't want that.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: LCADolby on January 11, 2014, 07:28:22 AM
I like my chances in a 1v1 no matter the plane so i always look to set it up but once that second plane comes in i run like a scared lil school girl. :bolt:


I do this. It's good when 1 turns away and you finally get that 1v1 on again.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Shifty on January 11, 2014, 07:56:12 AM
But your BBS picture posting mania is so much more effective especially after you retread about 90 of them.   I chose not come because it was an event you were going to attend.  Its pretty simple actually...I simply didn't want to be around you or listen to anything that you're about.  I can't be any clearer than that.  

Do you fly?  Are you saving the community by paying and playing the game or are you depending on your massive BBS contributions to do that for you?  

Maybe I will attend the next one...just in case your comment was full of insinuation.  I wouldn't want that.

Hopefully next time there is a Cavanaugh Furball you can make it. It is amazing what meeting other players while standing around WWII aircraft can do for your view of the game and the people that play it. Being able to actually talk and laugh over a beer or two and swap stories is a blast. You'd be surprised how meeting somebody face to face can wipe away the game and forum grudges people hold. It is always a good time and a positive experience to meet others who share the virtual sky with you. They're never the bastage the you think they are. They're just another AH geek like yourself.  ;)
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: HawkerMKII on January 11, 2014, 08:06:20 AM
WOW...sounds like a lot of you need to take some time off from the game. I did not read all of the posts here, but what I did read no one has said "They play to just enjoy the game and the people" forget  all the other BS!

score/rank.....who cares
ACM's.........only if we had a/c that acted like real a/c (80% or more of what we do in this game would probably put you in a body bag)
play each his/her own

Bottom line...."IT'S ONLY A GAME" get over it gezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :salute
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 11, 2014, 08:25:39 AM
WOW...sounds like a lot of you need to take some time off from the game. I did not read all of the posts here, but what I did read no one has said "They play to just enjoy the game and the people" forget  all the other BS!

score/rank.....who cares
ACM's.........only if we had a/c that acted like real a/c (80% or more of what we do in this game would probably put you in a body bag)
play each his/her own

Bottom line...."IT'S ONLY A GAME" get over it gezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :salute

That wasn't the question nor was it one of the answers
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Triton28 on January 11, 2014, 09:59:57 AM
Yeah yeah. This is Changeup making a name for himself by saving the community from itself via PMs, 'phone polls' and look-at me threads. :rolleyes: Took you bout 5 minutes to react. You're getting slower. :D

The irony of you posting a picture of a character from No Country For Old Men just hit me.   :)

Don't be so self-important.  Ain't nobody gonna PM you about fighting, so I don't know why you would assume that's a lie.  Anywho, just make your case for timidly flying in the MA and you'll have still made a positive contribution to this thread.   :aok


Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 10:25:40 AM
But your BBS picture posting mania is so much more effective especially after you retread about 90 of them.   I chose not come because it was an event you were going to attend.  Its pretty simple actually...I simply didn't want to be around you or listen to anything that you're about.  I can't be any clearer than that.  

Do you fly?  Are you saving the community by paying and playing the game or are you depending on your massive BBS contributions to do that for you?  

Maybe I will attend the next one...just in case your comment was full of insinuation.  I wouldn't want that.

Unlike you, I lack the ego to think what I post or how I fly or even how often I fly 'saves the game.' Nor am I impressed that what you post, how you fly or how often you use your account does either. Nor am I driven to prove to the community that I am part of some sort of elite group of game saviors that know better than anyone else what behavior 'saves the game.' Nor do I require the amount of attention you apparently do (more than most teenage girls).

And no, I never thought your ego could survive outside virtual reality so I never expected you to attend any of the Furballs. If you manage to make one, it's doubtful the other attendees will consider it momentous or worthy of note. You'll probably be treated as just one more AH player plane geek (something the rest of us are content to be).  :D

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 10:26:25 AM
Don't be so self-important.  

You're confused.  :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: 68ZooM on January 11, 2014, 10:46:46 AM
Chest thumpers are in full Kong mode I see  :cry
I noticed that to... Same ol players Same ol BS . The bravado is amusing . 
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Triton28 on January 11, 2014, 10:58:19 AM
You're confused.  :aok

I am confused as to why you're posting in this thread.  Very simply, what motivates you to fly the way you do?

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Vraciu on January 11, 2014, 11:01:06 AM
My playing style has changed numerous times over the years and to a lesser degree, changes from session to session.

I've always been a GVer to a relatively large degree, even in AW and that's never changed.

In AH I spent years playing every aspect of the game.  I didn't care one bit about score.  My typical day was to look at the map and wherever we were most undermanned was where I felt I was most needed.  I'd fly there, typically from a base back (another aspect of my game that's really never changed) to get some working altitude then dive to the deck giving up all my advantages at the first sight of a low con (I still do that too).  1:1, 1:5, 1:10 I didn't care.  I died a lot but got pretty good with my ACM and SA and was able to win some 1:3's from time to time.  I played with reckless abandon.

For a couple of years I played for nothing but score, was usually in the top 50 and even made top 10 several times.  At that point it was all about killing and making it home alive and whatever I had to do to accomplish that I did.  It really wasn't hard at all as I was already playing every aspect of the game, I just needed to tighten things up a bit and add a little dose of caution to my playing style.

The next phase I went through was trying to land two kills in every plane in the game while holding at least a 1:1, then later a 2:1 K/D ratio in each.  That's where I started to learn the entire planeset.  It was also my most cautious period making sure I had enough of an advantage to offset my lack of knowledge of the aircraft I was flying until I became more comfortable in it.

Prior to BoB I was flying a Spit I in the MA for a couple of months taking on whatever I found.  Lately I'm sort of back to square one.  Take off a base back, give up all my alt early then fight whatever's there.

I've also always enjoyed buff hunting so you will find me relatively high early in my sorties just in case I run across a set of buffs.

One thing I noticed was that I used to really like to find a good 1:1 but lately I get bored with them and enjoy 1:2, 1:3 and even an occasional 1:4 much more or trying to fight my opponents fight even though it may not be the best way for me to win. 

I've also given up many aspects of gameplay (bombers, attack sorties, etc.) largely due to the centralization of the strat system.  Without those aspects of the game to keep me interested my playtime has diminished greatly and now I find myself logging on and just sitting in a GV or field gun to feel like I'm still part of the game.  Upping to head to a fight that dissipates just doesn't seem worth it to me.

Now, to answer your question; it just depends on what phase I'm in.  Right now I don't run from anything but that could change next month and I won't know the reason why until it happens.

I must be going down the same path.  Except for the GV part.  I hate GVs.  Lol!  :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 11:06:52 AM
I am confused as to why you're posting in this thread.  Very simply, what motivates you to fly the way you do?

That would be ways .... not way. Every situation requires a different way to address it. If you don't know that, that's fine.
What this thread is really about is an attempt to change the perceived behavior of others (that and yet another attention thread
for Changeup). Perceived because it's always been a case of presumption when it comes to why the other player/pilot does
anything. You already know my opinion of the segment of the community that has an apparent need to be the 'behavior police.'

Very simply, nothing's broke when it comes to other players. Stop whining that it is.  :D
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Triton28 on January 11, 2014, 11:19:16 AM
That would be ways .... not way. Every situation requires a different way to address it. If you don't know that, that's fine.
What this thread is really about is an attempt to change the perceived behavior of others (that and yet another attention thread
for Changeup). Perceived because it's always been a case of presumption when it comes to why the other player/pilot does
anything. You already know my opinion of the segment of the community that has an apparent need to be the 'behavior police.'

Very simply, nothing's broke when it comes to other players. Stop whining that it is.  :D

There are different ways to fly around for 6 hours and get two kills?  lol

You obviously fly for a reason.  What is that reason?
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 11:26:07 AM
You obviously fly for a reason.  What is that reason?

I enjoy AHII. I enjoy flying with my friends and squadies. What is your reason? (And if you
say it's just to get kills then I'm sorry for you with your K/D or .75)  :D
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BluBerry on January 11, 2014, 12:00:29 PM
If your going to talk crap about K/D then I vote for a K/D competition Arlo… I'd put my money on Triton to win that one.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Triton28 on January 11, 2014, 12:13:05 PM
I enjoy AHII. I enjoy flying with my friends and squadies. What is your reason? (And if you
say it's just to get kills then I'm sorry for you with your K/D or .75)  :D

A lot of people like to fly with squaddies and friends.  Some of those people actually engage in lots of fights while they're doing it.  You don't.  Why?

As for my K/D, flying a P-40 at TT tends to pork one's stats, but is usually lots of fun.  What's your excuse for .20 in a 1A?   :)

My motivation to play this game is primarily competing against others in simulated aerial combat.  I do other stuff sometimes, but I mostly just want to fight.  I find when I actually fight (even when I lose), I can usually glean a little bit of something from it and that makes me just a little better than I was before.  I like the feeling of getting a little better at something I do, because that tells me my time spent is worthwhile.

See how easy that is?
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: deadstikmac on January 11, 2014, 12:19:32 PM
Anyone in this thread wanna go spank on me in the DA?
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 12:20:11 PM
If your going to talk crap about K/D then I vote for a K/D competition Arlo… I'd put my money on Triton to win that one.

Relax, BluBerry. Twas Triton that started point-making with stats. That's never productive.
It's also Triton who is presuming I've never played in the furballs or took chances. I'm not
chest-thumping, ol boy. I've never been one to pretend to be the best of the best. Are you?

This thread isn't about skill. It's about attitude. Real and imagined. It's about attention. It's
about perception. It's not really about helping the community. :D
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 12:22:59 PM
My motivation to play this game is primarily competing against others in simulated aerial combat.  I do other stuff sometimes, but I mostly just want to fight.  I find when I actually fight (even when I lose), I can usually glean a little bit of something from it and that makes me just a little better than I was before.  I like the feeling of getting a little better at something I do, because that tells me my time spent is worthwhile.

See how easy that is?

And you're posting this as if it's an epiphany new and unique to you (or you and your ilk)?

Do you know what actually impresses me (and most others)? It's less whining and more doing.
Fly and set the example. Whine on the forum less.  :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BluBerry on January 11, 2014, 12:33:39 PM
It's not really about helping the community. :D

It was helpful to the community in the beginning, but then again your not worried about helping the community because you show up and just post a picture. You don't contribute to anything other then reigniting an old fire and giving us some fun drama to catch up on before football starts.  :cheers:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BluBerry on January 11, 2014, 12:43:54 PM
You spend to much time trying to make your replies crafty. I've grown bored. I will check in later to see what you come up with.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 12:44:15 PM
It was helpful to the community in the beginning ...

Not so much. It's really just frustration masquerading as John Wayne. John Wayne was
never this frustrated.  :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 12:45:24 PM
You spend to much time trying to make your replies crafty. I've grown bored. I will check in later to see what you come up with.

Mmok. *ShruG*  ;)
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: guncrasher on January 11, 2014, 12:54:03 PM
It was helpful to the community in the beginning, but then again your not worried about helping the community because you show up and just post a picture. You don't contribute to anything other then reigniting an old fire and giving us some fun drama to catch up on before football starts.  :cheers:

bluberry this thread was never about helping the community.  it was an attempt at another "look at me I have skill and you have none" thread.

the question was "Why don't more players stay in an aerial fight during gameplay in any aerial situation?"

I laughed at most of the answers because there isnt a single player that posted that has stayed until every single enemy con is gone.  regardless of how many times they post here that they will stay until they die. they have all turned around to go land kills for one excuse they come up or another.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BluBerry on January 11, 2014, 01:00:17 PM

I laughed at most of the answers because there isnt a single player that posted that has stayed until every single enemy con is gone.  regardless of how many times they post here that they will stay until they die. they have all turned around to go land kills for one excuse they come up or another.


LOL ok thank u for that one. got me laughing. So your saying in the history of aces high no one has ever upped from a field, been attacked or come across lets say 2-3 bandits, killed them all.. and then decided.. "ok now that no one is around anymore to fight, or now that I'm out of bullets, I will go land."
So you think every time someone lands kills its because at some point they ran away from red guys?
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 11, 2014, 01:05:41 PM
bluberry this thread was never about helping the community.  it was an attempt at another "look at me I have skill and you have none" thread.

the question was "Why don't more players stay in an aerial fight during gameplay in any aerial situation?"

I laughed at most of the answers because there isnt a single player that posted that has stayed until every single enemy con is gone.  regardless of how many times they post here that they will stay until they die. they have all turned around to go land kills for one excuse they come up or another.


You really don't get it and likely never will.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Shifty on January 11, 2014, 01:08:57 PM
It was helpful to the community in the beginning,

Exactly how was it helpful to the community?

You don't contribute to anything other then reigniting an old fire

Actually the OP reignited the old flame. It is the same tired old crap only posed as a question or poll instead of the usual whine or insult. These forums are full of them and they're usually started by the same cast of characters. For whatever reason they have to scream lookatme every few days and spout what mighty internet warriors they are. Once the thread is posted their buddies show up to stroke their egos and reaffirm their make believe warrior status. There will another thread of this nature along in a couple of days, if it takes that long.

Go Seahawks. :P
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 11, 2014, 01:11:58 PM

Exactly how was it helpful to the community?

Actually the OP reignited the old flame. It is the same tired old crap only posed as a question or poll instead of the usual whine or insult. These forums are full of them and they're usually started by the same cast of characters. For whatever reason they have to scream lookatme every few days and spout what mighty internet warriors they are. Once the thread is posted their buddies show up to stroke their egos and reaffirm their make believe warrior status. There will another thread of this nature along in a couple of days, if it takes that long.

Go Seahawks. :P

Sorry Shifty, but that wasn't the intent or the point.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: guncrasher on January 11, 2014, 01:23:59 PM
LOL ok thank u for that one. got me laughing. So your saying in the history of aces high no one has ever upped from a field, been attacked or come across lets say 2-3 bandits, killed them all.. and then decided.. "ok now that no one is around anymore to fight, or now that I'm out of bullets, I will go land."
So you think every time someone lands kills its because at some point they ran away from red guys?

that contradicts the statement some have done that "I stay no matter what".


Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: guncrasher on January 11, 2014, 01:24:40 PM
You really don't get it and likely never will.

I just got it this morning, twice.  how about you?

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: LCADolby on January 11, 2014, 01:26:34 PM
I just got it this morning, twice.  how about you?


Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 11, 2014, 01:27:03 PM
I just got it this morning, twice.  how about you?


Thank God for Viagra, huh?
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: guncrasher on January 11, 2014, 01:29:32 PM
Thank God for Viagra, huh?

I have never used it.  but if it helps you, then I am happy for ya.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Shifty on January 11, 2014, 01:30:27 PM
Sorry Shifty, but that wasn't the intent or the point.

You don't like the Seahawks???  :confused:

If you say so Bear I believe you. It's difficult to see it differently when you see so many
threads with a similar subject.  :)
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 11, 2014, 01:34:56 PM
I have never used it.  but if it helps you, then I am happy for ya.


My bad, you said you "got it" and assumed you were the beneficiary.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 11, 2014, 01:38:54 PM
You don't like the Seahawks???  :confused:

If you say so Bear I believe you. It's difficult to see it differently when you see so many
threads with a similar subject.  :)

It is pointless posting about it with this community.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: JunkyII on January 11, 2014, 01:46:15 PM
E....New guys come in the game and learn bad habits from "vets"

Either they join a horde squad where it's all about dropping a base completely or  they see a person land a lot of kills, see the way to pick apart a fur ball and they do that until someone calls them out to DA and they learn they dong know anything.

 Happens every my job if my brand new pvt sees me holding my hands in my pocket, he's going to be like look that vet has his hands in his pockets I must be allowed to put mine in my pocket.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BluBerry on January 11, 2014, 01:47:01 PM

Exactly how was it helpful to the community?

how wasn't it? I know how it was helpful.. i posted on the first page of it. but thanks

and yes…

go seahawks  :P
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Shifty on January 11, 2014, 02:03:04 PM
how wasn't it? I know how it was helpful.. i posted on the first page of it. but thanks

and yes…

go seahawks  :P

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 11, 2014, 02:03:58 PM
E....New guys come in the game and learn bad habits from "vets"

Either they join a horde squad where it's all about dropping a base completely or  they see a person land a lot of kills, see the way to pick apart a fur ball and they do that until someone calls them out to DA and they learn they dong know anything.

 Happens every my job if my brand new pvt sees me holding my hands in my pocket, he's going to be like look that vet has his hands in his pockets I must be allowed to put mine in my pocket.

You make a good point and I agree. Not sure maybe it's because some older players just give up and do what every one else does. It's easy to get into bad habits and we all do it at some point. Some of these posts are a "look at me" thing and I think others are sincerely hoping it will help keep older players and encourage new members. Like Shifty said, there are so many posts on this topic and lets face it, you can't always judge intent from simple text.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Triton28 on January 11, 2014, 02:06:38 PM
And you're posting this as if it's an epiphany new and unique to you (or you and your ilk)?

Do you know what actually impresses me (and most others)? It's less whining and more doing.
Fly and set the example. Whine on the forum less.  :aok

Why would I think I'm the only one who's motivated to play the game the way I do?  I don't have to look past this thread to see that's not the case... lol.

I do actually fly the way I suggest, and if someone asks me why I fly that way, I can tell them.  You on the other hand, don't fly that way and can't even give a straight answer as to why you prefer to not fight in a WWII online combat game.  

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Fulcrum on January 11, 2014, 02:18:45 PM
That wasn't the question nor was it one of the answers

But it is an answer. It is THE answer to be's just not the one you want to hear.

Do some BnZ and then run at the first sign of opposition or a credible challenge to their ACM skills.  Absolutely.  Do some of these individuals have really high K/Ds? Yup...Although I would argue many do not...a new player BnZing is unlikely to have any more success trying to get killing snapshots off in a 450mph dive then they would in a furball. But that isn't the point.

My issue with this "poll" is that your original question, the answer / options you present, and some of the responses thus far appear to imply that there is only one acceptable way to fight in this game:

- dive in regardless of the odds
- care nothing about the cartoon death
- score is for sissies
- thinking the situation through before engaging is for wimps.  

It further implies that anyone who does not follow these maxims is likely lacking intestinal fortitude and may well be responsible not only for the current "deplorable" state of the game but the fall of Western Civilization itself.

Ok.  I admit I may have extrapolated Inks comments a bit too far with that last bit.   Sorry bud.  :D

I admit I get irritated when I see someone dive away, or fly a buff in high orbit.  I will even admit I take a perverse pleasure in hunting these individuals down, ending their cartoon incarnation and receiving the obligatory "F U, u fraking fraker" PM!  But it's their 15 dollars....if that's the way they want to play more power to 'em.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 03:03:02 PM
Sorry Shifty, but that wasn't the intent or the point.

Bear, amigo. I thought the op was Changeup. He's a history of doing the 'look-at-me' dance.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 03:09:51 PM
Why would I think I'm the only one who's motivated to play the game the way I do?  I don't have to look past this thread to see that's not the case... lol.

I do actually fly the way I suggest, and if someone asks me why I fly that way, I can tell them.  You on the other hand, don't fly that way and can't even give a straight answer as to why you prefer to not fight in a WWII online combat game.  

You didn't understand, I understand. Fly the way you want. Worry less about your presumption regarding
how I or anyone else fly, float or fart (many of us were in your shoes long before you and grew out of it).
Whine less, fly more. Or just whine less, period.  :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 11, 2014, 03:10:58 PM
Bear, amigo. I thought the op was Changeup. He's a history of doing the 'look-at-me' dance.

He was. It was really an extension of a post in our forum, so I know how it was intended. Interpret it how you will.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Tinkles on January 11, 2014, 03:35:43 PM
I have spoken via PM and via telephone lately to a number of folks that play the game.   Almost all of these folks won't skip a fight no matter the planes involved or the advantage or disadvantage.  They're typically categorized as old timers I guess. Yes, there are plenty of newer folks that will fight, no doubt.  Plenty of GV fights...Lordy Lordy those guys get it on, seriously.  But regarding the air, we wanted to ask the community.

Here is our multiple choice question for the community:

Why don't more players stay in an aerial fight during gameplay in any aerial situation?

A.  Fighting to the death isn't as fun as landing kills of any kind

B.  They don't really have the personal time to learn enough ACM to get themselves out of pickles of any size but still love flying and competing

C.  Too much ego-bashing and bullying on 200 the times they DID stay and fight but lost and then had to hear about it for an hour

D.  Love to have a great score.  This is a reason BTW and it really shouldn't be harassed.  If it wasn't, there wouldn't be scoring in the first place

E.  This is how they learned the game from the start.  Hittum and forget um

There are other reasons obviously but these came up so I thought I'd ask you.   In an attempt and changing some gameplay and maybe even some attitudes about the fight to help keep people we already have and to keep new folks interested in getting better.

A.  I think that should be changed. Perhaps, HTC could promote a more Aggressive gameplAy style by changing the score system.  InsteAd of how many lands and kills being part of the equation in the score rank; i think they should still be shown on your individual score but not calculated into the score/rank.   I think what should be graded for the score and rank is (for fighter) hit %, most favorite enemy part hit ( example: aileron/pilot),
For attack: bombing hit % and damage done.

Been a few months since i even looked at my score. So i dont recall all the components that are graded inthe score rank. But i think that the kills and landings should be shown in the game, butnot. Calculated into ghe overall score/rank to promote moreaggressive gameplay and fights.

Just my opinion though <S>

P.s. Typing on my moms iphone, so Apologizes for all the errors. 
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: guncrasher on January 11, 2014, 03:39:02 PM
A.  I think that should be changed. Perhaps, HTC could promote a more Aggressive gameplAy style by changing the score system.  InsteAd of how many lands and kills being part of the equation in the score rank; i think they should still be shown on your individual score but not calculated into the score/rank.   I think what should be graded for the score and rank is (for fighter) hit %, most favorite enemy part hit ( example: aileron/pilot),
For attack: bombing hit % and damage done.

Been a few months since i even looked at my score. So i dont recall all the components that are graded inthe score rank. But i think that the kills and landings should be shown in the game, butnot. Calculated into ghe overall score/rank to promote moreaggressive gameplay and fights.

Just my opinion though <S>

P.s. Typing on my moms iphone, so Apologizes for all the errors. 

tinkles, no matter how hitech selects what is important on the score.  the most import part of it will be not how skilled the players are in the game, but how skilled they are at manipulating the score.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Lusche on January 11, 2014, 03:42:48 PM
So i dont recall all the components that are graded inthe score rank.

Maybe you should look it up before recommending any changes to it   :P :D  :bolt:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: ink on January 11, 2014, 03:44:43 PM
well gosh golly gee guys..... durrr....aces high is a game ummmm durrrrr...about Ariel combat...ummmm durrrrr

I mean like...ummmm....a game with planes that have...ummm like.......ummmmmmmm........ GUNS........

ummm gee I guess I um......... expect too much when I expect people to actually USE their guns...... :rolleyes:

ya saying I am wrong..... when I expect people to fight in a fighting game.........

gee I got an idea...lets all go to the zoo....and instead of actual animals in the cages we will look at pictures........big 'ol
realistic posters of HD color.....

or how bout we go to the a big room with some waves....sun and swimmers...... painted on a wall...........

oh...oh....oh......I got it........lets play a game that uses WW2 equipment.....with an excellent virtual recreation of these magnificent planes......were they are not re-creating WW2 because "war" sux and is not fun or fair.....but they made a giant sandbox for all kinds of COMBAT....

a new game idea called mean like for realz dude......oh ya man its great...I can fliez the fastest plane and run away err I mean disengage and reset the "fight"we can let the ground guns fight for us.......unless I have like 10 hommies...then me and my gangsta's will get em as they try to take off...we wont even let them up...we are so awesomezzz.....we will never let hour score gets los cuz we are the bestest.....and hour lo scorz proves it....

and when anyone callz us on our bullshnitz we will just say they are whinnerz and its hour 15 dollhairs......

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 11, 2014, 03:47:16 PM
Unlike you, I lack the ego to think what I post or how I fly or even how often I fly 'saves the game.' Nor am I impressed that what you post, how you fly or how often you use your account does either. Nor am I driven to prove to the community that I am part of some sort of elite group of game saviors that know better than anyone else what behavior 'saves the game.' Nor do I require the amount of attention you apparently do (more than most teenage girls).

And no, I never thought your ego could survive outside virtual reality so I never expected you to attend any of the Furballs. If you manage to make one, it's doubtful the other attendees will consider it momentous or worthy of note. You'll probably be treated as just one more AH player plane geek (something the rest of us are content to be).  :D

You EGO is ever-present.  Its present in your snarky, self-promoting tone..its present in your feeble attempts to be funny with pictures you didn't create and its present with your holier-than-thou judgements of people's posts (much like everyone else) so don't try to claim moral and behavioral egoless high ground.  Its an embarrassment to read but a joy to respond.

My conversations with those folks drove the question.  Your assumptions are what prove you DO think you can have an affect on the BBS and the community.  It doesn't.  Its the thing that we actually make fun of while we speak.  You are the one that brought up my lack of desire to attend, not me and YOU not the other folks are the reason I wouldn't waste my time at one.  I suspect that is your make sure I wouldn't want to attend based on the jubilee of PM's I got from you before the first one...but we won't go there.  We don't want to disturb the Mrs.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 11, 2014, 03:50:19 PM
That would be ways .... not way. Every situation requires a different way to address it. If you don't know that, that's fine.
What this thread is really about is an attempt to change the perceived behavior of others (that and yet another attention thread
for Changeup). Perceived because it's always been a case of presumption when it comes to why the other player/pilot does
anything. You already know my opinion of the segment of the community that has an apparent need to be the 'behavior police.'

Very simply, nothing's broke when it comes to other players. Stop whining that it is.  :D

Another ridiculous assumption.  I asked a question with some answers we thought might be the reasons.  There are no fixes for any of it.  There are no attempted changes to the perceived behavior of others.  There is simply a question with some possible answers that I wanted to get people's opinion on.

Now, since you clearly don't have any idea what's going on here, why don't you go steal some more intardnet pics, create your own thread, and post them there.  Maybe a two weeker will log in and pat you on the back for your Googling efforts.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Vraciu on January 11, 2014, 03:53:00 PM
The fact is if you were risking your life--or a severe electroshock--you would not be so careless.   There is very little in this game to disincentivise dying.   I am trying to take a slightly more realistic approach for the most part.  That is more challenging than diving into a group with careless and previously mentioned reckless abandon.

At least in games like Black Ops Zombie mode the penalty is discouraging to the kamikaze mode.  Yes, you will die eventually.  But each time you do it is time to start all over and that is so boring!  Get me to level twenty.  Now.  
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 11, 2014, 03:56:45 PM

Exactly how was it helpful to the community?

Actually the OP reignited the old flame. It is the same tired old crap only posed as a question or poll instead of the usual whine or insult. These forums are full of them and they're usually started by the same cast of characters. For whatever reason they have to scream lookatme every few days and spout what mighty internet warriors they are. Once the thread is posted their buddies show up to stroke their egos and reaffirm their make believe warrior status. There will another thread of this nature along in a couple of days, if it takes that long.

Go Seahawks. :P

How?  Shifty, you obviously feel like throwing your trainer status around is meaningful and I'm sure at some level it is but the OP was a question.  If you see it differently, you should ask for clarification before you assume you know something.  There was no content or insinuation about warrior from the OP.  If your crying on here now because I can't control the responses of others OR cant control their typing then you've cried to wrong set of folks. 

There hasn't been one question asked on the BBS since I've been here that some love muffin hasn't responded with an ALT-F4 response.  If you see it differently, youre not very smart.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 11, 2014, 03:59:02 PM
He was. It was really an extension of a post in our forum, so I know how it was intended. Interpret it how you will.

He's an idiot.  You need look no further than his pics-in-perpetuity gifts to the community.  What a joke.  What is tiring is the number of times I've had to shake him off my leg.  Holy crap.  This guy is the energizer bunny of leg humping...he just keeps going and going and going...

And, he DOESN'T fly!  He checks other people's stats, lmao, but he doesn't fly.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 11, 2014, 04:03:20 PM
tinkles, no matter how hitech selects what is important on the score.  the most import part of it will be not how skilled the players are in the game, but how skilled they are at manipulating the score.


Which is one of the answers to the question, numbnuts...score.  He gave a suggested change for his answer.  Tard.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: guncrasher on January 11, 2014, 04:11:23 PM
How?  Shifty, you obviously feel like throwing your trainer status around is meaningful and I'm sure at some level it is but the OP was a question.  If you see it differently, you should ask for clarification before you assume you know something.  There was no content or insinuation about warrior from the OP.  If your crying on here now because I can't control the responses of others OR cant control their typing then you've cried to wrong set of folks. 

There hasn't been one question asked on the BBS since I've been here that some love muffin hasn't responded with an ALT-F4 response.  If you see it differently, youre not very smart.

I remember how mad you got cause you didnt make it as a trainer.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 11, 2014, 04:15:04 PM
I remember how mad you got cause you didnt make it as a trainer.


LMAO!!!  Mad????  You're a funny little liar Semp.  Please, if you're going to smoke dope, don't type.  It makes you look more foolish than you actually are.  I do have a math solution for your problem though...if you knew 1/2 as much as you thought you did, you'd know twice as much as you do.  Take your time figuring it out...its not a race, lmao.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: ink on January 11, 2014, 04:17:26 PM
LMAO!!!  Mad????  You're a funny little liar Semp.  Please, if you're going to smoke dope, don't type.  It makes you look more foolish than you actually are.  I do have a math solution for your problem though...if you knew 1/2 as much as you thought you did, you'd know twice as much as you do.  Take your time figuring it out...its not a race, lmao.

don't be talking smack about dope smokers :furious

pot expands the mind...not close it. :neener:

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BluBerry on January 11, 2014, 04:20:22 PM
^ :rock
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: guncrasher on January 11, 2014, 04:20:26 PM
LMAO!!!  Mad????  You're a funny little liar Semp.  Please, if you're going to smoke dope, don't type.  It makes you look more foolish than you actually are.  I do have a math solution for your problem though...if you knew 1/2 as much as you thought you did, you'd know twice as much as you do.  Take your time figuring it out...its not a race, lmao.

really changeup, you gonna deny you went on a temper tantrum when you didnt make it as a trainer?

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Triton28 on January 11, 2014, 04:24:39 PM
You didn't understand, I understand. Fly the way you want. Worry less about your presumption regarding
how I or anyone else fly, float or fart (many of us were in your shoes long before you and grew out of it).
Whine less, fly more. Or just whine less, period.  :aok

That terrible folk music has rotted your brain.  I think we've long established that everyone can fly the way they want.  That is not up for debate.  If you'd stop trying to make everything about virtual social injustice you might be able to give a straight answer.  Something like this:

The fact is if you were risking your life--or a severe electroshock--you would not be so careless.   There is very little in this game to disincentivise dying.   I am trying to take a slightly more realistic approach for the most part.  That is more challenging than diving into a group with careless and previously mentioned reckless abandon.

At least in games like Black Ops Zombie mode the penalty is discouraging to the kamikaze mode.  Yes, you will die eventually.  But each time you do it is time to start all over and that is so boring!  Get me to level twenty.  Now. 

No butthurt.  No inferiority complex.  No attention seeking accusations.  He simply gave a reason why he flies like he does and it made sense.  Novel concept.   :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BaldEagl on January 11, 2014, 04:30:13 PM
I wish for world peace.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BluBerry on January 11, 2014, 04:46:26 PM
that contradicts the statement some have done that "I stay no matter what".


Here this is a random sortie from yesterday. I could have easily rearmed or landed two kills.
Most guys I know fly exactly like this in terms of just staying out to fight. They "stay no matter what"
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 11, 2014, 05:01:09 PM
Here this is a random sortie from yesterday. I could have easily rearmed or landed two kills.
Most guys I know fly exactly like this in terms of just staying out to fight. They "stay no matter what"

One word :TrackIR".  :)
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BluBerry on January 11, 2014, 05:12:00 PM
I have it.. need to start using it, just so hard to get used to it for me.  :joystick:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 11, 2014, 05:13:32 PM
I have it.. need to start using it, just so hard to get used to it for me.  :joystick:

I took me about a month to really get used to it. Once you do you'll be hooked.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Fulcrum on January 11, 2014, 05:16:14 PM
I have it.. need to start using it, just so hard to get used to it for me.  :joystick:

Don't be surprised if you get ill the first few days you use it.  It will pass after a few days. 

Keep a small bucket beside your desk...just in case!   Aces Barfing....  :rofl
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: ink on January 11, 2014, 05:28:04 PM
I admit...I cant do the trckir thing..... :bhead :bhead
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 05:32:05 PM
He was. It was really an extension of a post in our forum, so I know how it was intended. Interpret it how you will.

I have. No offense.  :) :salute
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 05:33:41 PM
Ariel combat


Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 05:39:10 PM
You EGO is ever-present.  Its present in your snarky, self-promoting tone..its present in your feeble attempts to be funny with pictures you didn't create and its present with your holier-than-thou judgements of people's posts (much like everyone else) so don't try to claim moral and behavioral egoless high ground.  Its an embarrassment to read but a joy to respond.

My conversations with those folks drove the question.  Your assumptions are what prove you DO think you can have an affect on the BBS and the community.  It doesn't.  Its the thing that we actually make fun of while we speak.  You are the one that brought up my lack of desire to attend, not me and YOU not the other folks are the reason I wouldn't waste my time at one.  I suspect that is your make sure I wouldn't want to attend based on the jubilee of PM's I got from you before the first one...but we won't go there.  We don't want to disturb the Mrs.

Oh geez. Yeah. My ever present ego never took yours seriously. Don't get all hurt feeling-like after pretending to bring the fight back out in the community and all.  Jubi-lee. Oh yas. Good on yas for exhibiting self-control by not having to exhibit self-control. :D
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 05:40:30 PM
Another ridiculous assumption.  I asked a question with some answers we thought might be the reasons.  There are no fixes for any of it.  There are no attempted changes to the perceived behavior of others.  There is simply a question with some possible answers that I wanted to get people's opinion on.

Attention seeking. There you go.  :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 05:41:59 PM
He's an idiot.  You need look no further than his pics-in-perpetuity gifts to the community.  What a joke.  What is tiring is the number of times I've had to shake him off my leg.  Holy crap.  This guy is the energizer bunny of leg humping...he just keeps going and going and going...

And, he DOESN'T fly!  He checks other people's stats, lmao, but he doesn't fly.

Whoo. Your key is wound, son.  :lol
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 05:43:58 PM
I have it.. need to start using it, just so hard to get used to it for me.  :joystick:

Not just for you.  :D
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: ink on January 11, 2014, 05:52:58 PM

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 05:55:34 PM

Couldn't resist. 'Aerial' is an easy miss.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 05:57:06 PM
Here this is a random sortie from yesterday. I could have easily rearmed or landed two kills.
Most guys I know fly exactly like this in terms of just staying out to fight. They "stay no matter what"

Curious. What's with the stutter trigger tapping? Trying to combine spray and ammo conservation?
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 06:04:39 PM
Here this is a random sortie from yesterday. I could have easily rearmed or landed two kills.
Most guys I know fly exactly like this in terms of just staying out to fight. They "stay no matter what"

By the by, I saw a squadie's film at the top of the list to the right of yours.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BluBerry on January 11, 2014, 06:11:01 PM
By the by, I saw a squadie's film at the top of the list to the right of yours.

what i posted was a random sortie to prove a point to semp not sure  how your random squadie video adds anything here.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 06:15:43 PM
what i posted was a random sortie to prove a point to semp not sure  how your random squadie video adds anything here.

Relax. I was just sharing the film because it showed at the top of the list of related films. It does happen
to illustrate differences tween lone wolf sorties and squad sorties, however. You might also note that it
illustrates a complete disregard for channel 200 (or text buffer, altogether) versus yours, as well. :)
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 11, 2014, 06:16:43 PM
really changeup, you gonna deny you went on a temper tantrum when you didnt make it as a trainer?


Not anymore than you crying about your fifth wife leaving you and how you wished your life had turned out differently.  If I was you I'd cry about your life too.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 06:18:09 PM
Not anymore than you crying about your fifth wife leaving you and how you wished your life had turned out differently.

Seeing this thread being kept to being something 'beneficial' to the community by the OP.  :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: olds442 on January 11, 2014, 06:19:57 PM
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 11, 2014, 06:20:29 PM
Seeing this thread being kept to being something 'beneficial' to the community by the OP.  :aok

Said by the guy that offered nothing but insults.  Yep, you are a contributor Arlo.  Class act, lmao
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 11, 2014, 06:22:37 PM
I like turtles  :x
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: olds442 on January 11, 2014, 06:23:20 PM
Said by the guy that offered nothing but insults.  Yep, you are a contributor Arlo.  Class act, lmao
I like arlo... He seems to be one of the only people on the board who understands this is a game XD

Besides, he has good tastes in music.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BluBerry on January 11, 2014, 06:23:48 PM
Curious. What's with the stutter trigger tapping? Trying to combine spray and ammo conservation?

It's called burst fire, its a FPS habit.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 06:23:58 PM
Said by the guy that offered nothing but insults.  Yep, you are a contributor Arlo.  Class act, lmao

Perspective, actually. Do you feel insulted? Maybe there's something there for you to consider.  :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: guncrasher on January 11, 2014, 06:25:17 PM
Here this is a random sortie from yesterday. I could have easily rearmed or landed two kills.
Most guys I know fly exactly like this in terms of just staying out to fight. They "stay no matter what"

here's some random films from me.  the first two proves that I stay no matter what, right?

and here's a reason why trakir is important :).


Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 06:25:31 PM
I like arlo... He seems to be one of the only people on the board who understands this is a game XD

Besides, he has good tastes in music.

Cod bless you. Wish the rest of my squad concurred. I've been banned from singing. Ok. I admit
there is a difference between taste in music and singing talent.  :)
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Lazerr on January 11, 2014, 06:26:52 PM
When you people start flying with a mouse, you will understand fighting.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BluBerry on January 11, 2014, 06:28:50 PM
Relax. I was just sharing the film because it showed at the top of the list of related films. It does happen
to illustrate differences tween lone wolf sorties and squad sorties, however. You might also note that it
illustrates a complete disregard for channel 200 (or text buffer, altogether) versus yours, as well. :)

Hey not my fault people wanted to talk to me/ I have friends in the MA. and yet again, this is a random pick.. an unedited film, not made for show boating.. and being used to prove a point related to this thread and discussion. So stop waisting time drawing comparisons with something totally unrelated.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 11, 2014, 06:29:29 PM
here's some random films from me.  the first two proves that I stay no matter what, right?

and here's a reason why trakir is important :).


Hmm, short on "staying" power. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 06:30:07 PM
It's called burst fire, its a FPS habit.

Trainers, both officially in AH and in squads (in some cases one and the same)
encourage firing bursts and also only firing them when you know you're lined up.
The micro-burst thing is new but if it works for you I'm NOT one to discourage.
If you've noticed, I don't do the 'I'm way better than you are' dance in AH.  :cool: :cheers:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 11, 2014, 06:31:16 PM
Perspective, actually. Do you feel insulted? Maybe there's something there for you to consider.  :aok

Lol, don't flatter yourself.  I enjoy watching hypocrites like yourself perform your juggling acts.  Your feet wet cuz your ship is sinking, lol
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 06:32:03 PM
Hey not my fault people wanted to talk to me/ I have friends in the MA. and yet again, this is a random pick.. an unedited film, not made for show boating.. and being used to prove a point related to this thread and discussion. So stop waisting time drawing comparisons with something totally unrelated.

Relax, Wesley. It's ok. I'm glad you've made friends. Your ability to make them is evident.  :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 11, 2014, 06:32:13 PM
Trainers, both officially in AH and in squads (in some cases one and the same)
encourage firing bursts and also only firing them when you know you're lined up.
The micro-burst thing is new but if it works for you I'm NOT one to discourage.
If you've noticed, I don't do the 'I'm way better than you are' dance in AH.  :cool: :cheers:

That would require flying, where you been haven't seen you on for a long time?
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: guncrasher on January 11, 2014, 06:32:17 PM
Not anymore than you crying about your fifth wife leaving you and how you wished your life had turned out differently.  If I was you I'd cry about your life too.

well considering that I have only been married twice.  and I am the one who kicked the first wife out.  and the second one, i kick her out every other day, but the damn beaotch takes the key with her and keeps coming back.

as for me wishing my life had turned out different,  I have 3 beautiful kids and 1 awesome granddaughter, if i wished my life had turned out different I am afraid I would have to give up one of them and no way in hell I would do that.   I do wish I had done some things different.  I am pretty sure, you have never felt the same way boss.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 06:33:18 PM
Lol, don't flatter yourself.  I enjoy watching hypocrites like yourself perform your juggling acts.  Your feet wet cuz your ship is sinking, lol

You get weirder the more drift from your 'good works.'  :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: guncrasher on January 11, 2014, 06:33:26 PM
Hmm, short on "staying" power. Sorry, I couldn't resist.

says the guy that keeps quitting the game.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 06:34:06 PM
That would require flying, where you been haven't seen you on for a long time?

I'm glad you miss me, my old friend.  :)
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BluBerry on January 11, 2014, 06:35:17 PM
Relax, Wesley.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Triton28 on January 11, 2014, 06:36:04 PM
Trainers, both officially in AH and in squads (in some cases one and the same)
encourage firing bursts and also only firing them when you know you're lined up.
The micro-burst thing is new but if it works for you I'm NOT one to discourage.
If you've noticed, I don't do the 'I'm way better than you are' dance in AH.  :cool: :cheers:

Did you read that while you were flying around for 6 hours not shooting anything?   :ahand
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: guncrasher on January 11, 2014, 06:37:46 PM
Trainers, both officially in AH and in squads (in some cases one and the same)
encourage firing bursts and also only firing them when you know you're lined up.
The micro-burst thing is new but if it works for you I'm NOT one to discourage.
If you've noticed, I don't do the 'I'm way better than you are' dance in AH.  :cool: :cheers:

I disagree with you on that point arlo.  i have trigger set up to primary and "pinky" button set up to secondary.  I normally fire a short burst to make the other guy nervous even if I am not lined up, but I use one button.  tracers going around you have a tendency on some guys to force a mistake.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 06:38:47 PM

Here's the celeb I'm probably closest to resembling:

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 11, 2014, 06:38:59 PM
says the guy that keeps quitting the game.


I have never quit the game, been here with the same handle for 12 years with one 18 month break. Need to check your facts.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 06:42:10 PM
Did you read that while you were flying around for 6 hours not shooting anything?   :ahand

That would be shooting at, being shot at and not scoring kills, most like. It's a hard concept to grasp.  :D
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 06:44:24 PM
I disagree with you on that point arlo.  i have trigger set up to primary and "pinky" button set up to secondary.  I normally fire a short burst to make the other guy nervous even if I am not lined up, but I use one button.  tracers going around you have a tendency on some guys to force a mistake.


But do you shoot 4 .1 second micro-bursts while you're lining up for the kill, running from no lead to a ten yard lead?
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 06:45:26 PM
I have never quit the game, been here with the same handle for 12 years with one 18 month break. Need to check your facts.

I'll vouch for that.  :cheers:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: guncrasher on January 11, 2014, 06:57:56 PM
I have never quit the game, been here with the same handle for 12 years with one 18 month break. Need to check your facts.

by your own definition I never stop fighting either.  just sometimes I go back to base to get a new plane.  get your facts straight.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Triton28 on January 11, 2014, 07:04:40 PM
But do you shoot 4 .1 second micro-bursts while you're lining up for the kill, running from no lead to a ten yard lead?

Do I detect a hint of criticism of BluBerry's shooting?  Hell, at he can get two kills in 3 or 4 minutes.  I'd say his gunnery is a fair bit more advanced than yours.   :salute

That would be shooting at, being shot at and not scoring kills, most like. It's a hard concept to grasp.  :D

It's very easy to understand.  You like to fly around and talk and not engage in toon combat.  You're not going to be very good with that routine.    

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 11, 2014, 07:10:28 PM
by your own definition I never stop fighting either.  just sometimes I go back to base to get a new plane.  get your facts straight.


I guess dieing fast is a definition of that, but quite a stretch. Still, a poor attempt to cover up a false accusation.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 07:19:25 PM
I haven't spoken via PM or via telephone lately to anybody about the game (mainly because I don't see a crisis, nor do I need to invent one for me to rally the masses over).  I've friends and associates in the game that won't skip a fight no matter the planes involved or the advantage or disadvantage. I've friends and associates that would rather try to 'fly smart' and see if they can replicate, to some degree, the tactics used by WWII pilots (fighter or bomber). I'm somewhere in between, depending on mood or circumstance. Many are 'old timers', some are not. When it comes to GV fights ... I'm not one to say (I don't GV all that much) but I've seen big fights from the air. I didn't form a committee to arrive at a consensus.  

So, my question isn't multiple choice. It's direct and it's more to do with perception and presumption. It also requires a preface statement:

It's been claimed that Players aren't having fun and are leaving the game, supposedly because of players who are having fun that don't 'play fair.' (The statement - derived from the closing remarks in the original post.)

Is it really the behavior and attitude of the players that are having fun playing AH the way it was designed to be played that is at fault?

 :) :cheers:

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 11, 2014, 07:20:48 PM
well considering that I have only been married twice.  and I am the one who kicked the first wife out.  and the second one, i kick her out every other day, but the damn beaotch takes the key with her and keeps coming back.

as for me wishing my life had turned out different,  I have 3 beautiful kids and 1 awesome granddaughter, if i wished my life had turned out different I am afraid I would have to give up one of them and no way in hell I would do that.   I do wish I had done some things different.  I am pretty sure, you have never felt the same way boss.


Actually Semp...never.  There isn't one thing I'd change but thank you for your concern.  It must have been how the ladies treated you.  I'll have to dig up the film...
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 07:21:36 PM
Do I detect a hint of criticism of BluBerry's shooting?  Hell, at he can get two kills in 3 or 4 minutes.  I'd say his gunnery is a fair bit more advanced than yours.   :salute

It's very easy to understand.  You like to fly around and talk and not engage in toon combat.  You're not going to be very good with that routine.    

You're not very good at arriving at conclusions. This isn't a recent epiphany, though.  :D

Read more carefully. Load your ammo more skillfully.  :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 11, 2014, 07:23:40 PM
You get weirder the more drift from your 'good works.'  :aok

I guess its all about perspective right?  At least you didn't deny humping my ankle for a living and contributing nothing to this thread but insults.  I see that as Arlo making progress which is something I wasn't sure you could do at your age and with all the input you receive from your significant other...
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 11, 2014, 07:26:00 PM

So, my question isn't multiple choice. It's direct and it's more to do with perception and presumption. It also requires a preface statement:

 :) :cheers:

Are you sure this thread isn't all about you?  The OP wasn't your question.  If you had no answer, you should have just passed on by...but you can't do that Arlo.  Since you don't fly, your opinion means squat and calls you may or may not make to people so generous as to call you friend are mute.  Fly and your opinion will matter.  Until then  Cheers dood.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 07:27:36 PM
I guess its all about perspective right?  At least you didn't deny humping my ankle for a living and contributing nothing to this thread but insults.  I see that as Arlo making progress which is something I wasn't sure you could do at your age and with all the input you receive from your significant other...

The only input I got from her, regarding you, was her concern that you were unstable and you were going to bring that instability to the Cav Furball. I assured her that you likely wouldn't show but that if you did you would either tone back or embarrass yourself in public.  :) :cheers:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 07:29:59 PM
Are you sure this thread isn't all about you?  The OP wasn't your question.  If you had no answer, you should have just passed on by...but you can't do that Arlo.  Since you don't fly, your opinion means squat and calls you may or may not make to people so generous as to call you friend are mute.  Fly and your opinion will matter.  Until then  Cheers dood.

I'm pretty sure you wanted it to be all about you. I've participated and you're taking it as if I stole your thunder. Sad. But good luck with that.  :cheers:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 11, 2014, 07:32:21 PM
The only input I got from her, regarding you, was her concern that you were unstable and you were going to bring that instability to the Cav Furball. I assured her that you likely wouldn't show but that if you did you would either tone back or embarrass yourself in public.  :) :cheers:

It would be you I'd embarrass and that was your concern that you verified with her.  We don't have to be as subtle here as we do in person Arlo and as fun and as easy as it would be troll you in person, I would always spare her seeing her hubby be the fool that he is.  So let her keep you in tow mmkay? lol
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 11, 2014, 07:33:29 PM
I haven't spoken via PM or via telephone lately to anybody about the game (mainly because I don't see a crisis, nor do I need to invent one for me to rally the masses over).  I've friends and associates in the game that won't skip a fight no matter the planes involved or the advantage or disadvantage. I've friends and associates that would rather try to 'fly smart' and see if they can replicate, to some degree, the tactics used by WWII pilots (fighter or bomber). I'm somewhere in between, depending on mood or circumstance. Many are 'old timers', some are not. When it comes to GV fights ... I'm not one to say (I don't GV all that much) but I've seen big fights from the air. I didn't form a committee to arrive at a consensus.  

So, my question isn't multiple choice. It's direct and it's more to do with perception and presumption. It also requires a preface statement:

It's been claimed that Players aren't having fun and are leaving the game, supposedly because of players who are having fun that don't 'play fair.' (The statement - derived from the closing remarks in the original post.)

Is it really the behavior and attitude of the players that are having fun playing AH the way it was designed to be played that is at fault?

 :) :cheers:

There are several players that have left for that reason that I've flown with. No idea if those alone have effected the numbers. Has the game play changed since I started? Yes. I know some have stated it's the same and maybe for them it hasn't, but it has changed and evolved. Whether it's for the better or not is something everyone has to decide for themselves.  No point in me stating my opinion as it will just inspire more BBS bantering. As long as I have friends to fly with, I'll be here.

All of us here have more in common than we suppose. We love the game and the competition. It amazes me that we adults act like children at times.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 11, 2014, 07:33:33 PM
I'm pretty sure you wanted it to be all about you. I've participated and you're taking it as if I stole your thunder. Sad. But good luck with that.  :cheers:

Naaa, just a continuation of you being you Arlo.  OCD I guess.  King of the trolls I believe you've been called on numerous occasions.  Since you don't fly, the BBS is all ya got, lol..that and your Google pics, lol :cheers:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 07:34:07 PM
It would be you I'd embarrass and that was your concern that you verified with her.  We don't have to be as subtle here as we do in person Arlo and as fun and as easy as it would be troll you in person, I would always spare her seeing her hubby be the fool that he is.  So let her keep you in tow mmkay? lol

No, you didn't read it right. Are you from the Steve Jobs school of warping reality around you?  :lol
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BluBerry on January 11, 2014, 07:35:21 PM
least steve jobs contributed to something.  :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 07:35:32 PM
As long as I have friends to fly with, I'll be here.

A better attitude than Changup, from what I'm seeing.  :)
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 11, 2014, 07:35:42 PM
No, you didn't read it right. Are you from the Steve Jobs school of warping reality around you?  :lol

I read it right.  Only a worried soul would PM someone that.  Scared.  That you would ever give someone that satisfaction is grade school.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 07:37:02 PM
least steve jobs contributed to something.  :aok

You're right. No need to insult Steve.  :)
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 07:39:02 PM
I read it right.  Only a worried soul would PM someone that.  Scared.  That you would ever give someone that satisfaction is grade school.

She was. But she has enjoyed going to each Cav Furball to date, anyhow. She takes the potential threat less seriously now. :aok

So, back to you making a thread that isn't all about you and is really all about helping the community be better .... for you.  :cool:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 11, 2014, 07:42:28 PM
She was. But she has enjoyed going to each Cav Furball to date, anyhow. She takes the potential threat less seriously now. :aok

If you were any kinda man, you could have easily made her feel better without the 7 PM's.  Don't lay it at her feet...I'm sure shes a great gal.  She would have to be to have chosen you.  :D :rofl
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: JUGgler on January 11, 2014, 07:43:34 PM
Lol, don't flatter yourself.  I enjoy watching hypocrites like yourself perform your juggling acts.  Your feet wet cuz your ship is sinking, lol


Easy there!!

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 11, 2014, 07:44:34 PM


Easy there!!


HA!  Sorry wasn't capitalized!!  You should know it wasn't you!!! :salute
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 07:47:09 PM
If you were any kinda man, you could have easily made her feel better without the 7 PM's.  Don't lay it at her feet...I'm sure shes a great gal.  She would have to be to have chosen you.  :D :rofl

One and a response was all that was needed, actually. It went to seven because you had a full-bore melt-down. But that's beside the point. See you at the next get-together and good luck with your latest 'I'm trying my best to fix the community to fit my idea of what's best for HTC' thread.  :D

And yes, she's a great gal and she chose me.  :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Rogue9Volt on January 11, 2014, 07:48:27 PM
Personally, I think it comes down to two things that are motivators for any given player:  Pride and/or Determination, or a combination of those two.  Pride can be of the vanity type, where a player wants to see his/her name in lights, or it can be the sort of pride where he/she is too proud to run.  Same goes with determination...  One can be determined to get better and better, not giving a hoot how many times they die, or what their score is.  On the other hand, one can be determined to rise through the score ranks.  There are probably a bunch of variables with how these two things mix for any given person.  The value system is a funny thing.

This doesn't really give a specific answer, but the notion helps me to understand the question.  This kind of question is pretty personal...  I don't think you can look at a group of people and paint with a broad brush.  So I can only answer for myself:  I don't ever really plan on landing or living through a sortie.  Partially it's because I'm fairly new and I suck still, and partially because I want to see what I can do.  Most times in the MA, I'll only take 25% or 50% fuel, not planning to rtb.  The only way to get better is to die hundreds of times and learn as much as I can, so that's the way I look at it.  For me, it's fun to fight.  Every time I merge, or get jumped, I learn something.  

Sorry for not picking a letter.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 07:50:14 PM
Personally, I think it comes down to two things that are motivators for any given player:  Pride and/or Determination, or a combination of those two.  Pride can be of the vanity type, where a player wants to see his/her name in lights, or it can be the sort of pride where he/she is too proud to run.  Same goes with determination...  One can be determined to get better and better, not giving a hoot how many times they die, or what their score is.  On the other hand, one can be determined to rise through the score ranks.  There are probably a bunch of variables with how these two things mix for any given person.  The value system is a funny thing.

This doesn't really give a specific answer, but the notion helps me to understand the question.  This kind of question is pretty personal...  I don't think you can look at a group of people and paint with a broad brush.  So I can only answer for myself:  I don't ever really plan on landing or living through a sortie.  Partially it's because I'm fairly new and I suck still, and partially because I want to see what I can do.  Most times in the MA, I'll only take 25% or 50% fuel, not planning to rtb.  The only way to get better is to die hundreds of times and learn as much as I can, so that's the way I look at it.  For me, it's fun to fight.  Every time I merge, or get jumped, I learn something.  

Sorry for not picking a letter.

With the rather good post you made you should get a pass.  :) :cheers:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 11, 2014, 07:50:32 PM
Why don't you two just meet in a WalMart parking lot and settle this? It's getting old already.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 07:52:19 PM
Why don't you two just meet in a WalMart parking lot and settle this? It's getting old already.

What will we be settling?  :)
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 11, 2014, 07:54:46 PM
What will we be settling?  :)

I don't care. Maybe both of you will break your hands over each others hard heads and won't be able to type.  I can dream,
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 07:56:59 PM
I don't care. Maybe both of you will break your hands over each others hard heads and won't be able to type.  I can dream,

You're a good soul, Bear. Never give up your compassion.  :)
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Fulcrum on January 11, 2014, 08:05:34 PM
When you people start flying with a mouse, you will understand fighting.

When I understand how one flies and fights with a mouse...I will solve the secret meaning of the universe.  :lol
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Triton28 on January 11, 2014, 08:05:42 PM
Partially it's because I'm fairly new and I suck still, and partially because I want to see what I can do.  Most times in the MA, I'll only take 25% or 50% fuel, not planning to rtb.  The only way to get better is to die hundreds of times and learn as much as I can, so that's the way I look at it.  For me, it's fun to fight.  Every time I merge, or get jumped, I learn something.  

I detect a willingness to compete and a desire to get better.  Much better traits for this game than the love of a sightseeing and talking.  

I think you will fare well.   :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 11, 2014, 08:17:57 PM
Personally, I think it comes down to two things that are motivators for any given player:  Pride and/or Determination, or a combination of those two.  Pride can be of the vanity type, where a player wants to see his/her name in lights, or it can be the sort of pride where he/she is too proud to run.  Same goes with determination...  One can be determined to get better and better, not giving a hoot how many times they die, or what their score is.  On the other hand, one can be determined to rise through the score ranks.  There are probably a bunch of variables with how these two things mix for any given person.  The value system is a funny thing.

This doesn't really give a specific answer, but the notion helps me to understand the question.  This kind of question is pretty personal...  I don't think you can look at a group of people and paint with a broad brush.  So I can only answer for myself:  I don't ever really plan on landing or living through a sortie.  Partially it's because I'm fairly new and I suck still, and partially because I want to see what I can do.  Most times in the MA, I'll only take 25% or 50% fuel, not planning to rtb.  The only way to get better is to die hundreds of times and learn as much as I can, so that's the way I look at it.  For me, it's fun to fight.  Every time I merge, or get jumped, I learn something.  

Sorry for not picking a letter.

Great stuff and I agree.  That's really what I was hoping for.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 11, 2014, 08:18:55 PM
Why don't you two just meet in a WalMart parking lot and settle this? It's getting old already.

He'd bring his wife...or the police or both lol.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 11, 2014, 08:21:04 PM
He'd bring his wife...or the police or both lol.

ok, make it an orgy. :bolt:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: 68ZooM on January 11, 2014, 08:29:35 PM
I don't care. Maybe both of you will break your hands over each others hard heads and won't be able to type.  I can dream,

Lol now thats funny  :rofl
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 08:30:37 PM
He'd bring his wife...or the police or both lol.
Oh wait. Is this a 'I'm tougher than you so bring it!' forum post?  :D

Back to the MA.  ;)
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Rogue9Volt on January 11, 2014, 09:22:24 PM
With the rather good post you made you should get a pass.  :) :cheers:

Hope you mean a free beer pass, sir.  Or a backstage pass.   :rock

Great stuff and I agree.  That's really what I was hoping for.  Thanks!

Just what I took from it, trying to read between the lines.  <S>
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Triton28 on January 11, 2014, 09:41:30 PM
Back to the MA.  ;)
lol... I just saw your attempt to gain furball cred.  PM me in game and I'll tell you what you did wrong.    :cheers:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 09:53:03 PM
lol... I just saw your attempt to gain furball cred.  PM me in game and I'll tell you what you did wrong.    :cheers:

Mno. I know better sticks.  :D

Besides, this is all about the right attitude, right? You guessed wrong.  ;)
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Triton28 on January 11, 2014, 10:30:55 PM
Mno. I know better sticks.  :D

Besides, this is all about the right attitude, right? You guessed wrong.  ;)

If you had the right attitude you wouldn't have gone Full Arlo in this thread.  I do think it's awesome that you made an attempt to actually fight today.  Whether you did that so you could argue with us and keep a straight face or secretly you acknowledge that timid gameplay actually makes you suck more, I dunno.  Either way, more fight and less BBS posting looks fabulous on you.   :salute
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 10:31:54 PM
I do think it's awesome that you made an attempt to actually fight today.

I was dying in AH furballs before you knew there was an AH.  :D
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: guncrasher on January 11, 2014, 10:34:57 PM
Actually Semp...never.  There isn't one thing I'd change but thank you for your concern.  It must have been how the ladies treated you.  I'll have to dig up the film...

I made a comment that would hit your ego rather than your character.  the fact that you didnt make it as a trainer for whatever reason.  that hurt your ego rather than your character.  if it had hit your character you would have mentioned something along the lines "at least I tried and failed which is something you havent done".   but your ego got hit which is why you brought up the thing about "5 of my wives".  

but go on chageup.  how you play the game isnt a reflection of what I think of you.  or what you say about me isnt either a reflection of what i think about you.  and it is only based on the fact that you dont know me and I dont know you either.

if I would see you at a bar I would buy you a drink, or perhaps let you buy me one.  and I would sit and bs you about the "big one that got away", just like I would listen to yours.  later friend, up a plane and have fun  :joystick: :joystick: :joystick: :joystick:.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Triton28 on January 11, 2014, 10:37:19 PM
I was dying in AH furballs before you knew there was an AH.  :D

You say stupid stuff like that but when I call you old you get all offended.  I was not that young in 1999 and yes, I knew about AH then.  Did you know that I played Air Warrior for a couple years?   :eek:

Now, go handle that 38 some more.  You need the work.  
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 10:48:52 PM
You say stupid stuff like that but when I call you old you get all offended.  I was not that young in 1999 and yes, I knew about AH then.  Did you know that I played Air Warrior for a couple years?   :eek:

Now, go handle that 38 some more.  You need the work.  

When did I get offended about being older (and wiser) than you? But ... lookie ... seems this thread being all about ego and noodle measuring was was true, afterall. And here I thought you were gonna try to help Change prove that a falsehood. Let's see how much this keeps 'helping the community.'  :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: LCADolby on January 11, 2014, 11:01:08 PM
here's some random films from me.  the first two proves that I stay no matter what, right?

and here's a reason why trakir is important :).


You usually bail out rather than fight me.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: guncrasher on January 11, 2014, 11:10:18 PM
You usually bail out rather than fight me.

cause it isnt worth it to fight you. if i kill ya, you are like ruaml.  you will whine for 1/2 an hour over why I am a dweeb.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: 1stpar3 on January 11, 2014, 11:21:14 PM
I've gotten to the point that I'm not able to bring myself to play the game any more. Honestly, Changeup I think it's every one of the reasons that you suggest. Newer players don't have the same reasons for playing that many older players do. For example, as a kid growing up, I idolized WW2 fighter pilots from any country and I loved the planes. I used to get in trouble in school for drawing P47s instead of doing my schoolwork. When the first computer game came out for the Commodor 64, I believe it was called Mig Alley, and had  side by side screens of little jets, I was thrilled. I played Chuck Yeager's Advanced Combat Trainer and many, many others over the years. I thrilled at the combat. Today's younger players only want something that they can "win " at, and don't care about what the game is really about. They are the same players that searched for and used the cheat codes for their Nintendo games. They really don't understand that there are many forms of "cheating", with "gaming the game" being one of them. Playing Aces High isn't about winning, it's about a code of honor and true competition between people, done fairly with no advantages being taken, just pure unadulterated combat. They don't understand that a fight well fought, win or lose, is a victory in a GAME.
well put!!! I love this game. I tend to suck at some things but I rarely learn froma kill. Its the getting killed that I learn from. It was a dream of mine too fly with the eagles, but bad knees and now multiple sclerosis that keep me earth bound. I really do enjoy this arena style format. I ould say my only problem is learning the language,but find most are more than happy to explain what they mean when they ask you to hit vh 1 and I say huh!!!
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: LCADolby on January 11, 2014, 11:32:53 PM
cause it isnt worth it to fight you. if i kill ya, you are like ruaml.  you will whine for 1/2 an hour over why I am a dweeb.


lol, you never have a chance, so you take the path of least resistance by pressing enter 3 times. You're no fighter.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 11, 2014, 11:37:42 PM
When the first computer game came out for the Commodor 64, I believe it was called Mig Alley, and had  side by side screens of little jets, I was thrilled.

Played that with a shipmate back when I was on active duty. He never could seem to figure how
I knew when to evade.  ;)
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: The Fugitive on January 12, 2014, 12:14:34 AM
lol... I just saw your attempt to gain furball cred.  PM me in game and I'll tell you what you did wrong.    :cheers:

You can PM me and tell me what I did wrong!  :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Triton28 on January 12, 2014, 12:18:33 AM
When did I get offended about being older (and wiser) than you? But ... lookie ... seems this thread being all about ego and noodle measuring was was true, afterall. And here I thought you were gonna try to help Change prove that a falsehood. Let's see how much this keeps 'helping the community.'  :aok

Yeah, because our plan the entire time was to suck a tool like you into this thread so we could compare ourselves favorably.   :rolleyes:


Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 12:19:09 AM
Yeah, because our plan the entire time was to suck a tool like you into this thread so we could compare ourselves favorably.   :rolleyes:

Oh, bad plan, lil guy.  ;)
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Triton28 on January 12, 2014, 12:21:16 AM

You can PM me and tell me what I did wrong!  :aok

PM otw.   :cheers:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BaldEagl on January 12, 2014, 02:23:27 AM
I think this thread has been very helpfull to the community.  It's kept me entertained all day.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 02:25:48 AM
I think this thread has been very helpfull to the community.  It's kept me entertained all day.

Oh, there's much better out there:

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Fulcrum on January 12, 2014, 02:28:38 AM
Value to the community? Not so much....but I agree it was a silly and sad kind of way.  

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: LLv34_Dictonius on January 12, 2014, 03:35:39 AM
I too believe there are many gaming cultures within this sandbox of ours. For example finnish Lentolaivue 34 (back in the days when there were more of us active on ah front) used to fly "war missions". We wanted this sense of history added to the game. We took off in a formations of g-2's or g-6's and worked the formation flying and team work. Our main goal was to survive. We had our own scoring system and loosing a life ment it was reseted (the competition was within the ranks of the squadron while game itself was just a platform). It became a principle that every man comes home and nobody is left behind (in a true winter war spirit). Years of flying following these principles got me accustomed to the type of flying that one could call careful, cowardly or an easy picker. The goal was to fly disciplined and avoid risks. Then of course we blew some steam in the DA.

Nowadays things are different of course. I drink more while flying, seek stupid furballs etc. and most of the time find myself alone agains great number of enemies. A situation one can easily avoid with careful planning. But still, I do understand that some ppl do not want to engage in a furballs in Main Arena (DA central island gives perfect opportunity for this) and that they seek the sense of history, perhaps (like we used to) try to get their planes home with or without kills.

So I say the option E is perhaps the closest answer in this query.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 12, 2014, 04:04:32 AM
I think this thread has been very helpfull to the community.  It's kept me entertained all day.

Me too in some demented way. Like watching a train wreck. You know it's going to be ugly, but you just can't turn away.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 04:26:10 AM
Me too in some demented way. Like watching a train wreck. You know it's going to be ugly, but you just can't turn away.

Well it's not like all it took was a pic of Tommy Lee Jones or sumpin'.  ;)


Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: olds442 on January 12, 2014, 09:16:42 AM
Ladies calm down, you're all equally ugly  :devil
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Fulcrum on January 12, 2014, 09:33:44 AM
Ladies calm down, you're all equally ugly  :devil

Put down the iPad and go do your homework.   :lol
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: olds442 on January 12, 2014, 09:38:00 AM
Put down the iPad and go do your homework.   :lol
D: But its not due till Friday!
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: WEZEL on January 12, 2014, 10:22:15 AM
A simple multiple choice questions turns into 4 pages of....well..... CRAP.......this is why the BBS rules......


Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: SirNuke on January 12, 2014, 10:57:16 AM
pathetic thread
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: 68ZooM on January 12, 2014, 11:17:19 AM
Did anyone really expect any other results then the usual chest pounding after a page or two... Always the same players just diffrent thread.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 11:18:27 AM
A simple multiple choice questions turns into 4 pages of....well..... CRAP.......this is why the BBS rules......


Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: SPKmes on January 12, 2014, 12:15:54 PM
A simple multiple choice questions turns into 4 pages of....well..... CRAP.......this is why the BBS rules....

you're lucky...I'm up to 16 in this thread.....
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 12, 2014, 01:42:00 PM
Did anyone really expect any other results then the usual chest pounding after a page or two... Always the same players just diffrent thread.

Maybe you're too sensitive to be reading the BBS. Been this way for a long time, only the names change.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: LCADolby on January 12, 2014, 01:52:06 PM
Been this way for a long time, only the names change.
It's a shame so many fighters have left
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: madrid311 on January 12, 2014, 01:58:26 PM
B.  I love to fly and compete but I don't have enough time to learn the proper skills it takes to learn acm. I know enough to get by and am always working on it of course. I love jumping in wherever I can in the ma and work on what ever it is that's happening at the time. Trying to hunt gvs, 1 vs how ever many, jabo runs, buff hunting, ack killing and now playing with cv hunting. It's fun! I love it, as far as the community is concerned I'm not surprised by anything I read in the forums or see while playing in the game, it's life after all, people can be very interesting! Peace
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 01:59:20 PM
Maybe you're too sensitive to be reading the BBS. Been this way for a long time, only the names change.

Dunno, old friend. I'm not thinkin' the sensitivity is on the part of Zoom.
I mean, look at how quickly the 'good deed doers' went vile when challenged.
You'd think there'd be less hissy and personal attack if this wasn't a case of
actual insecurity and image promotion/re-invention.

You didn't really see the need in this thread, didja?

No, really.

 :salute :cheers:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 12, 2014, 02:09:36 PM
Dunno, old friend. I'm not thinkin' the sensitivity is on the part of Zoom.
I mean, look at how quickly the 'good deed doers' went vile when challenged.
You'd think there'd be less hissy and personal attack if this wasn't a case of
actual insecurity and image promotion/re-invention.

You didn't really see the need in this thread, didja?

No, really.

 :salute :cheers:

I think you need to accept some responsibility as well. Not sure if you think you won some sort of contest, but really you all looked like a bunch of children.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 02:21:10 PM
I think you need to accept some responsibility as well. Not sure if you think you won some sort of contest, but really you all looked like a bunch of children.

My bad for being skeptical about one more Changeup 'look-at-me/the
community should be more like me and my friends!' thread? I'd say
the reaction merely revealed it for what it was all along. I'll actually take
full responsibility for that.  :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 12, 2014, 02:39:36 PM
My bad for being skeptical about one more Changeup 'look-at-me/the
community should be more like me and my friends!' thread? I'd say
the reaction merely revealed it for what it was all along. I'll actually take
full responsibility for that.  :aok

That was never the intent, but it's what you made it about and others as well. As far as the "look at me" part, I think your post count could be viewed that way as well.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Gemini on January 12, 2014, 03:01:09 PM
Posting in Muppet circle-jerk thread!!

I brought something for you guys :aok

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BluBerry on January 12, 2014, 03:01:21 PM
Dunno, old friend. I'm not thinkin' the sensitivity is on the part of Zoom.
I mean, look at how quickly the 'good deed doers' went vile when challenged.
You'd think there'd be less hissy and personal attack if this wasn't a case of
actual insecurity and image promotion/re-invention.

You didn't really see the need in this thread, didja?

No, really.

 :salute :cheers:

I thought the thread was great until you came out trollin and I had to endure 13 pages of watching you fail at it.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 12, 2014, 03:06:17 PM
Posting in Muppet circle-jerk thread!!

I brought something for you guys :aok


Classy, though it has nothing to do with it. Well, maybe in your mind.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Gemini on January 12, 2014, 03:07:52 PM
Hey, if you want to go on using Arlo's tears as lubricant that's fine with me. As someone else said above, it's certainly entertaining.

But I just thought you guys could yank each other's cranks a bit easier with some silky smooth lube :angel:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 12, 2014, 03:11:18 PM
Hey, if you want to go on using Arlo's tears as lubricant that's fine with me. As someone else said above, it's certainly entertaining.

But I just thought you guys could yank each other's cranks a bit easier with some silky smooth lube :angel:

Like I said earlier, hard to believe some people posting are adults. Never heard of you so maybe you aren't. In that case feel free to continue.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Gemini on January 12, 2014, 03:23:22 PM
Translation "We can make fun of whoever we want, but if anyone does it to us they must be a child  :cry"   (and a unimportant, non-famous AH player child to boot!)

;)  I'm just messin' with ya. We all enjoy a good drama thread.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 03:30:28 PM
That was never the intent, but it's what you made it about and others as well. As far as the "look at me" part, I think your post count could be viewed that way as well.

You mean the Tommy Lee Jones pic made Triton have a knee-jerk reaction which
made Changeup admonish Triton because he had me on ignore which made which
made them both imagine that I don't fly at all or that I never fly the way they think
they want me to which then ended up that my skillz just don't rate because that's really
what that was all about which made Changeup explain why he didn't go to the Cav Furball
he 'invited himself to' (everyone was invited) that he knew I was going to from the start yet
decided he wasn't going to because I was going to it which made him go off on Semp about
his personal life and relationships after Semp brought up that Changeup is just being pizzy
with Shifty because he couldn't be a trainer, as well,  after Changeup actually did bring Shifty
being a trainer into this. (Eh, not necessarily in that order but I'm sure you get it.)  ;)

Well, my domino wouldn't have started a chain reaction at all if there weren't any other dominoes
to knock over. Nobody would  have been more pleasantly surprised than me if the issues I suspected
were part of this whole song and dance routine weren't there. Not your issues, amigo. But you have
squad mates that need help in that area.  :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 12, 2014, 03:30:35 PM
Translation "We can make fun of whoever we want, but if anyone does it to us they must be a child  :cry"   (and a unimportant, non-famous AH player child to boot!)

;)  I'm just messin' with ya. We all enjoy a good drama thread.

I don't recall making such a statement or making fun of anyone in this thread. Since you're using quotation marks perhaps you can link me to that thread?
Being a Muppet has absolutely nothing to do with anything I've said.  The "acting like children" was directed at several people including those in my squad. I am glad you are so easily amused though. This BBS must be awesome for you.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 03:31:18 PM
I thought the thread was great until you came out trollin and I had to endure 13 pages of watching you fail at it.

Easy, Wes. You own your own domino.  :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BluBerry on January 12, 2014, 03:35:52 PM
Easy, Wes. You own your own domino.  :aok

lol I actually contributed to the thread on the first page.. your just some old troll thats prob late on his blood pressure medication and getting his wifes permission for something. Wes is getting old, you see jokes are funny the first time and then they start to get old because they've lost the originality, but I've notice being original is something you struggle with anyways.

Keep trying.  :salute
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 12, 2014, 03:36:28 PM
You mean the Tommy Lee Jones pic made Triton have a knee-jerk reaction which
made Changeup admonish Triton because he had me on ignore which made which
made them both imagine that I don't fly at all or that I never fly the way they think
they want me to which then ended up that my skillz just don't rate because that's really
what that was all about which made Changeup explain why he didn't go to the Cav Furball
he 'invited himself to' (everyone was invited) that he knew I was going to from the start yet
decided he wasn't going to because I was going to it which made him go off on Semp about
his personal life and relationships after Semp brought up that Changeup is just being pizzy
with Shifty because he couldn't be a trainer, as well,  after Changeup actually did bring Shifty
being a trainer into this. (Eh, not necessarily in that order but I'm sure you get it.)  ;)

Well, my domino wouldn't have started a chain reaction at all if there weren't any other dominoes
to knock over. Nobody would  have been more pleasantly surprised than me if the issues I suspected
were part of this whole song and dance routine weren't there. Not your issues, amigo. But you have
squad mates that need help in that area.  :aok

No Arlo I wasn't referring to anything specific. Sorry you spent so much time recounting the whole ordeal. I see several people with issues here.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Gemini on January 12, 2014, 03:36:54 PM
This BBS must be awesome for you.

Yes, yes it is :] Thank you for contributing.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 12, 2014, 03:41:54 PM
Yes, yes it is :] Thank you for contributing.

My pleasure. I hope you get an endorsement fee for promoting your preferred brand of lub for circlejerks.  ;)
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 03:43:34 PM
lol I actually contributed to the thread on the first page.

You've said that more than once. I am quite proud of you. You made a lot of gun sights, as well.
That is merely two reasons why I try to take you seriously in spite of your CPID and flashy sig-pic.

 :D :salute
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 03:44:19 PM
I see several people with issues here.

Good on yas.  :)
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BluBerry on January 12, 2014, 03:48:23 PM
See Rules #4, #6
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 12, 2014, 03:50:34 PM
Wow.  Looks like old greasy woke up, put his favorite Affliction t-shirt on and went trolling.  Wife must be outa town.  He must sleep at the keyboard.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 03:53:38 PM
See Rules #4, #6
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 03:56:37 PM
Wow.  Looks like old greasy woke up, put his favorite Affliction t-shirt on and went trolling.  Wife must be outa town.  He must sleep at the keyboard.

Welcome back, oh mentor sage of the community. What direction(s) are your noodle-measuring hissies
gonna take you today other than your imaginative personal issues with me? Wasn't this thread
supposed to be about you trying to understand others better?  :aok :cheers:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: pervert on January 12, 2014, 03:57:43 PM
Up yours everybody  :old:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Fulcrum on January 12, 2014, 04:00:24 PM
I'm rather ashamed that I contributed to this farce.  I think I will take some steps to rectify that going forward.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 04:05:47 PM
I'm all for something positive crawling out of the wreckage. I know I now
have more reason to respect many of my fellow AHers on this forum, seeing
how many have risen to the occasion with grace, humility and maturity.

(That's the path of fewer dominoes.)  ;)
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 12, 2014, 04:06:57 PM
Well that was kinda junior high impressive.  :aok

You missed reminding us all that you actually contributed something to this thread at one point.

Just sayin'.  :D

Just reread all 18 pages and no one contributed to the topic after a couple of pages, including you.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 04:09:33 PM
Just reread all 18 pages and no one contributed to the topic after a couple of pages, including you.

I know. Horrible. Even after Triton told me what to say and how to say it.
Rather than review the experience how do you suggest everyone proceed?

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 12, 2014, 04:12:50 PM
I know. Horrible. Even after Triton told me what to say and how to say it.
Rather than review the experience how do you suggest everyone proceed?


I don't, but seems silly and hypocritical to state someone failed to contribute positively to the thread when you are guilty as well. Just an observation..
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: morfiend on January 12, 2014, 04:16:45 PM
 For the record,my friend shifty is NOT a trainer,he is a CM and as for Changeup not making it as a trainer,well thats news to me because the trainers havent considered adding to the roster for several years now so I dont see how he could have been turned down.

  If you cant get your fact right why even bother to say anything.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 12, 2014, 04:17:41 PM
Just reread all 18 pages and no one contributed to the topic after a couple of pages, including you.

After some reflection, it's clear Arlo is bitter.  Poor guy.  I think he's insanely jealous he's not on my call and PM list.  It's all I can figure but my dang shins are raw from all this humping he's doing.  He humped my leg so hard, Bluberry, INK, Triton  and Bear felt it. 

Since Triton mentioned in yesterday's installment of Arlo-goes-BBS Arlo, old Arlo attempted to get some stick time cred and failed miserably, it is sure to follow that he's only capable of thread derailments...oh and arranging museum meetings...and pic posting....and using the same, tired jokes expecting more laughs than they got originally which was 2.

Type on Arlo.  You've made it clear that what others think affect you by your minute by minute responses.  We all continue to do it because we have a bet on who can make YOU their little BBS puppet.  So far, Bear is winning and your condescending phrases like "old friend" give him bonus points.

Carry on Arlo-the-Puppet
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 12, 2014, 04:19:01 PM
For the record,my friend shifty is NOT a trainer,he is a CM and as for Changeup not making it as a trainer,well thats news to me because the trainers havent considered adding to the roster for several years now so I dont see how he could have been turned down.

  If you cant get your fact right why even bother to say anything.


Thanks Morph.  I can't remember how long ago that was but Rolex was the interviewer.  It was a while back. 
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 04:19:48 PM
I don't, but seems silly and hypocritical to state someone failed to contribute positively to the thread when you are guilty as well. Just an observation..

If you noticed, I didn't say BluBerry didn't 'positively contribute' anything. What I said
was he didn't remind us all about his contribution and what page it was on. His 'further
contributions' are still yet to materialize.

I consider you one of my AH friends. You feel that this thread was both legitimate and
warranted, it seems. Had it been authored by just about anyone but Changeup, I may
have given ion to the former but probably still not the latter (and I may have left Tommy
Lee out of it and not gotten his goat*). So. Seriously now. What do you want, my friend?

(*It didn't strike you how remarkably easily he twisted when I merely challenged his motive?)

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: VuduVee on January 12, 2014, 04:24:23 PM
i commented because i thought this thread was going to be helpful. but of course, some desperate for attention troll has to jump in and screw it up, just to be a dick. its the same thing for nearly every single thread on this forum. same people every single time too. these same people live to flame in the forum and in game. you cant say a damn thing without getting flamed and dogpiled. you cant have a serious talk without the flamers jumping in with the sole intent of derailing the whole talk. how you people get any satisfaction out of disrupting, satisfaction out of needling people just to get them aggravated, is pathetic and says a lot about your character and lack of character. if the game dies, imo, it'll be bc of the so called vets and the tone theyve set for the game with the flaming and elitism retardation.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Triton28 on January 12, 2014, 04:24:36 PM
You feel that this thread was both legitimate and
warranted, it seems. Had it been authored by just about anyone but Changeup, I may
have given ion to the former but probably still not the latter...

So this is an admission that you're a changeup fixated, mentally challenged troll?  
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Gemini on January 12, 2014, 04:27:55 PM
For the record,my friend shifty is NOT a trainer,he is a CM and as for Changeup not making it as a trainer,well thats news to me because the trainers havent considered adding to the roster for several years now so I dont see how he could have been turned down.

If you cant get your fact right why even bother to say anything.


The lovely chap batfink aka mechanic was added to the roster last year or possibly late the year before.

That was probably the same time Changeup was turned down I guess? At the same time as his best friend pervert  :old:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 04:28:23 PM
After some reflection, it's clear Arlo is bitter.  Poor guy.  I think he's insanely jealous he's not on my call and PM list.  It's all I can figure but my dang shins are raw from all this humping he's doing.  He humped my leg so hard, Bluberry, INK, Triton  and Bear felt it.  

Since Triton mentioned in yesterday's installment of Arlo-goes-BBS Arlo, old Arlo attempted to get some stick time cred and failed miserably, it is sure to follow that he's only capable of thread derailments...oh and arranging museum meetings...and pic posting....and using the same, tired jokes expecting more laughs than they got originally which was 2.

Type on Arlo.  You've made it clear that what others think affect you by your minute by minute responses.  We all continue to do it because we have a bet on who can make YOU their little BBS puppet.  So far, Bear is winning and your condescending phrases like "old friend" give him bonus points.

Carry on Arlo-the-Puppet

I dunno, man. You seem a bit bitter your-own-self. And what cred do you speak of, specifically? You asserted I don't fly. Seems you were wrong. You presume I don't fly the way you'd like. Seems you're wrong there, as well. Now it's about skill and stats? Boy has this thread revealed itself. Pic posting? As if you haven't posted your fair share of inane pic-ery.  ;) Thread derailment? You sure seem incapable of staying on the track of your own. Tired jokes? Meh. If they bother you then the best thing you could probably do is not act like they bother you so much.

And .... does it bother you that Bear and I are old AH buddies for some reason? You may not be aware but he hasn't succumbed to childish immaturity. I think you would be aware if you were capable yourself.  :)

P.S. Claiming someone is 'jealous' of you in public is a psychological give-away, btw. I know what you want. Unfortunately, you want it too much. If you knew how to really incite envy in me, you wouldn't know what to do with yourself.  :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 04:33:36 PM
So this is an admission that you're a changeup fixated, mentally challenged troll?  

No. It actually reflects that I've seen this song and dance before by Changeup.

The only thing he cares about, when it comes to the AH community, is parading
himself for adoration. I don't think there's a single soul, in or out of the game,
that has managed to impress me doing such. If anything, it knocks their own
feet out from under them when they reveal such a personality.

Now. Has he proven me wrong? Have you? Both of you got twisted about it in
record time. And both of you seem entirely oblivious to how easy it would have
been to prove me wrong.

 :salute Way to go.  :D
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: ink on January 12, 2014, 04:36:53 PM
No. It actually reflects that I've seen this song and dance before by Changeup.

The only thing he cares about, when it comes to the AH community, is parading
himself for adoration. I don't think there's a single soul, in or out of the game,
that has managed to impress me doing such. If anything, it knocks their own
feet out from under them when they reveal such a personality.

Now. Has he proven me wrong? Have you? Both of you got twisted about it in
record time. And both of you seem entirely oblivious to how easy it would have
been to prove me wrong.

 :salute Way to go.  :D

you are fully capable of thinking what you want.....but I must say you are wrong on this one.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 12, 2014, 04:39:50 PM
i commented because i thought this thread was going to be helpful. but of course, some desperate for attention troll has to jump in and screw it up, just to be a dick. its the same thing for nearly every single thread on this forum. same people every single time too. these same people live to flame in the forum and in game. you cant say a damn thing without getting flamed and dogpiled. you cant have a serious talk without the flamers jumping in with the sole intent of derailing the whole talk. how you people get any satisfaction out of disrupting, satisfaction out of needling people just to get them aggravated, is pathetic and says a lot about your character and lack of character. if the game dies, imo, it'll be bc of the so called vets and the tone theyve set for the game with the flaming and elitism retardation.

It's intent was to be helpful.  I asked a question that some Muppets and non Muppets have been asking each other and I decided to post it.  Thank you for your input.   I apologize for it turning into this because it's intent was never to troll or look at anyone.  Just to get opinions so we, the people who happened to talk about it, would see others motivations and understand them.   Maybe even try them for a tour or more.  Sometimes the game grows very stale and others peoples perspectives change other peoples motivation or vv. 

It certainly was never to question someone's gameplay or try to correct it or save the game.  The game doesn't need saving....but certain players do.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 04:41:44 PM
I have spoken via PM and via telephone lately to a number of folks that play the game.   Almost all of these folks won't skip a fight no matter the planes involved or the advantage or disadvantage.  They're typically categorized as old timers I guess. Yes, there are plenty of newer folks that will fight, no doubt.  Plenty of GV fights...Lordy Lordy those guys get it on, seriously.  But regarding the air, we wanted to ask the community.

Here is our multiple choice question for the community:

Why don't more players stay in an aerial fight during gameplay in any aerial situation?

A.  Fighting to the death isn't as fun as landing kills of any kind

B.  They don't really have the personal time to learn enough ACM to get themselves out of pickles of any size but still love flying and competing

C.  Too much ego-bashing and bullying on 200 the times they DID stay and fight but lost and then had to hear about it for an hour

D.  Love to have a great score.  This is a reason BTW and it really shouldn't be harassed.  If it wasn't, there wouldn't be scoring in the first place

E.  This is how they learned the game from the start.  Hittum and forget um

F.   Pilot wound.

G.  Winchester.

H.  Bingo.

I.  An important interruption in real life. You know ... the other side of the computer screen.

J.  A call for assistance (they were in a position to disengage and render).

There are other reasons obviously but these came up so I thought I'd ask you.   In an attempt and changing some gameplay and maybe even some attitudes about the fight to help keep people we already have and to keep new folks interested in getting better.


Given some of those other reasons (provided by me), the perceived issue is even more complex that originally presented. I hope the added specifics also further highlight how one shouldn't fixate on whether the other player lives up to the 'character' one pretends to have and make a big deal about on the AH forum.

Nothing broken. No whine required.  :D :cheers:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 04:43:20 PM
you are fully capable of thinking what you want.....but I must say you are wrong on this one.

Ink, your opinion is 100% valid when it comes to your perspective. I wouldn't dream of dissuading you.

 :salute :cheers:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 04:44:51 PM
The game doesn't need saving....but certain players do.

Not buying what you're proselytizing. The players aren't broke, either.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Triton28 on January 12, 2014, 04:47:05 PM
No. It actually reflects that I've seen this song and dance before by Changeup.

The only thing he cares about, when it comes to the AH community, is parading
himself for adoration. I don't think there's a single soul, in or out of the game,
that has managed to impress me doing such. If anything, it knocks their own
feet out from under them when they reveal such a personality.

Now. Has he proven me wrong? Have you? Both of you got twisted about it in
record time. And both of you seem entirely oblivious to how easy it would have
been to prove me wrong.

 :salute Way to go.  :D

No, I'm pretty sure you just copped to being semi-obsessed with changeup.  Page 4 and 5 pretty much told us that already though.    

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 04:48:03 PM
No, I'm pretty sure you just copped to being semi-obsessed with changeup.  Page 4 and 5 pretty much told us that already though.    

You might wanna reconsider. The same proof has you all over my zipper.  :O
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 12, 2014, 04:49:20 PM
If you noticed, I didn't say BluBerry didn't 'positively contribute' anything. What I said
was he didn't remind us all about his contribution and what page it was on. His 'further
contributions' are still yet to materialize.

I consider you one of my AH friends. You feel that this thread was both legitimate and
warranted, it seems. Had it been authored by just about anyone but Changeup, I may
have given ion to the former but probably still not the latter (and I may have left Tommy
Lee out of it and not gotten his goat*). So. Seriously now. What do you want, my friend?

(*It didn't strike you how remarkably easily he twisted when I merely challenged his motive?)


What do I want? World peace and a super model girl friend  :x. But, by your own admission this was all based on your opinion of Changeup, So how does that contribute to the topic?
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 12, 2014, 04:51:35 PM
i commented because i thought this thread was going to be helpful. but of course, some desperate for attention troll has to jump in and screw it up, just to be a dick. its the same thing for nearly every single thread on this forum. same people every single time too. these same people live to flame in the forum and in game. you cant say a damn thing without getting flamed and dogpiled. you cant have a serious talk without the flamers jumping in with the sole intent of derailing the whole talk. how you people get any satisfaction out of disrupting, satisfaction out of needling people just to get them aggravated, is pathetic and says a lot about your character and lack of character. if the game dies, imo, it'll be bc of the so called vets and the tone theyve set for the game with the flaming and elitism retardation.

A very good analysis of the situation.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 04:53:40 PM
What do I want? World peace and a super model girl friend  :x. But, by your own admission this was all based on your opinion of Changeup, So how does that contribute to the topic?

I've reverted to topic contribution twice. I'll bet you I can pull this off (ptp)
better than Change, Triton and a half dozen others.

I will be praying for world peace and worldly piece for you, though.  :D
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Triton28 on January 12, 2014, 04:58:19 PM
You might wanna reconsider. The same proof has you all over my zipper.  :O

So you stalk changeup on the BBS and get homoerotic fantasies of me?  lol ok

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Triton28 on January 12, 2014, 05:00:44 PM
For the record, I would never be on the zipper of something that looks like this...


 :rofl :rofl
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 12, 2014, 05:00:48 PM
I've reverted to topic contribution twice. I'll bet you I can pull this off (ptp)
better than Change, Triton and a half dozen others.

I will be praying for world peace and worldly piece for you, though.  :D

Congrats! So all the other posts were just to be antagonistic?
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 05:01:25 PM
So you stalk changeup on the BBS and get homoerotic fantasies of me?  lol ok

I'm not sure your current deepest wishes contribute to the topic.  :salute
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 05:03:00 PM
For the record, I would never be on the zipper of something that looks like this...


 :rofl :rofl

Well, not that I would want you to but you probably can't do better.

Now, topic, sonny-jim. Why not deal with my topical post?  :D
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 05:04:43 PM
Congrats! So all the other posts were designed to be just as antagonistic?

Fixed.  Remember, I'm supposed to take some of the blame. :D
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: BaldEagl on January 12, 2014, 05:06:55 PM
Just reread all 18 pages and no one contributed to the topic after a couple of pages, including you.

 :cry  My first post was on page 4.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 05:13:05 PM
:cry  My first post was on page 4.

My playing style has changed numerous times over the years and to a lesser degree, changes from session to session.

I've always been a GVer to a relatively large degree, even in AW and that's never changed.

In AH I spent years playing every aspect of the game.  I didn't care one bit about score.  My typical day was to look at the map and wherever we were most undermanned was where I felt I was most needed.  I'd fly there, typically from a base back (another aspect of my game that's really never changed) to get some working altitude then dive to the deck giving up all my advantages at the first sight of a low con (I still do that too).  1:1, 1:5, 1:10 I didn't care.  I died a lot but got pretty good with my ACM and SA and was able to win some 1:3's from time to time.  I played with reckless abandon.

For a couple of years I played for nothing but score, was usually in the top 50 and even made top 10 several times.  At that point it was all about killing and making it home alive and whatever I had to do to accomplish that I did.  It really wasn't hard at all as I was already playing every aspect of the game, I just needed to tighten things up a bit and add a little dose of caution to my playing style.

The next phase I went through was trying to land two kills in every plane in the game while holding at least a 1:1, then later a 2:1 K/D ratio in each.  That's where I started to learn the entire planeset.  It was also my most cautious period making sure I had enough of an advantage to offset my lack of knowledge of the aircraft I was flying until I became more comfortable in it.

Prior to BoB I was flying a Spit I in the MA for a couple of months taking on whatever I found.  Lately I'm sort of back to square one.  Take off a base back, give up all my alt early then fight whatever's there.

I've also always enjoyed buff hunting so you will find me relatively high early in my sorties just in case I run across a set of buffs.

One thing I noticed was that I used to really like to find a good 1:1 but lately I get bored with them and enjoy 1:2, 1:3 and even an occasional 1:4 much more or trying to fight my opponents fight even though it may not be the best way for me to win.  

I've also given up many aspects of gameplay (bombers, attack sorties, etc.) largely due to the centralization of the strat system.  Without those aspects of the game to keep me interested my playtime has diminished greatly and now I find myself logging on and just sitting in a GV or field gun to feel like I'm still part of the game.  Upping to head to a fight that dissipates just doesn't seem worth it to me.

Now, to answer your question; it just depends on what phase I'm in.  Right now I don't run from anything but that could change next month and I won't know the reason why until it happens.

I found it topical and non-antagonistic. I also find it pretty good. Phases. Yes. Some go through them all, eventually. Some never do. Some may not see how it's possible, even (but that's just theory).
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: captain1ma on January 12, 2014, 05:13:46 PM
when i fight, i fight til i die or win. whether its a tank or a plane, it doesnt matter. i dont run, i might extend some. i dont ho unless im hoe'd first. i dont ram. i play as fairly as i can and try to set an example of how to have fun.

my way is not right, nor wrong, good nor bad. its just my way. if i die i get a shiny new plane after i salute the guy that killed me, if he deserves a salute.

now whats all this commotion about score???
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 12, 2014, 05:26:45 PM
:cry  My first post was on page 4.

My bad, sorry dude  :(
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 12, 2014, 05:27:47 PM
when i fight, i fight til i die or win. whether its a tank or a plane, it doesnt matter. i dont run, i might extend some. i dont ho unless im hoe'd first. i dont ram. i play as fairly as i can and try to set an example of how to have fun.

my way is not right, nor wrong, good nor bad. its just my way. if i die i get a shiny new plane after i salute the guy that killed me, if he deserves a salute.

now whats all this commotion about score???

Thanks!   :aok  :salute
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 12, 2014, 05:27:48 PM
Fixed.  Remember, I'm supposed to take some of the blame. :D

If it lets you sleep at night.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: morfiend on January 12, 2014, 05:33:55 PM
The lovely chap batfink aka mechanic was added to the roster last year or possibly late the year before.

That was probably the same time Changeup was turned down I guess? At the same time as his best friend pervert  :old:

 You sir are incorrect,Batty has been a trainer for several years now,he was away from the game for awhile because of RL issues and is now back and has resumed his training duties.

  The last time the trainers brought anyone onboard was when we asked Wwhiskey to be the GV trainer,about a year and a half before that Rolex requested players submit an essay on why they would be a good trainer. Rolex got many responces but we had only 2 openning so the best 2 got the spots,no one was turned down,no one was refused. The fact is there are only so many spot available so we must be selective,this doesnt mean players were turned down!

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 05:38:30 PM
If it lets you sleep at night.

I'm supposed to be losing sleep over this?  :headscratch:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Lazerr on January 12, 2014, 05:40:57 PM
Can this thread be locked and start a new one about the topic?   :cry
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 12, 2014, 05:41:09 PM
I'm supposed to be losing sleep over this?  :headscratch:

Not familiar with your sleep habits, so I'm unable to comment on that.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 06:10:57 PM
A simpler philosophy, whether in the arena or on the forum, is:

WWJWD (What Would John Wayne Do)?

Great measuring stick. In word or deed, would it fit John Wayne's persona?

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 12, 2014, 06:15:13 PM
A simpler philosophy, whether in the arena or on the forum, is:

WWJWD (What Would John Wayne Do)?

Great measuring stick. In word or deed, would it fit John Wayne's persona?


On screen or off? I kind of like the story of him pissazzed  drunk standing on the roof of a private club throwing balls from the pool table at passing traffic. But that's just me.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 06:29:18 PM
On screen or off? I kind of like the story of him pissazzed  drunk standing on the roof of a private club throwing balls from the pool table at passing traffic. But that's just me.

Is that the John Wayne you admire?

Another off screen story has him being challenged at a party (by Errol Flynn, I believe)
to stand toe to toe on a sheet of paper and punch Flynn. Flynn wagered he couldn't.
Wayne took him up on it. Flynn went over to a nearby room, put the paper down where
the door would shut, shut the door and the party crowd giggled. Wayne stepped on
his half of the paper and punched Flynn through the door.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 12, 2014, 06:34:51 PM
Is that the John Wayne you admire?

Another off screen story has him being challenged at a party (by Errol Flynn, I believe)
to stand toe to toe on a sheet of paper and punch Flynn. Flynn wagered he couldn't.
Wayne took him up on it. Flynn went over to a nearby room, put the paper down where
the door would shut, shut the door and the party crowd giggled. Wayne stepped on
his half of the paper and punched Flynn through the door.


He was a human being, not the characters he portrayed. And I didn't say admire. Yes, I loved his characters and his image.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 06:36:39 PM
He was a human being, not the characters he portrayed. And I didn't say admire. Yes, I loved his characters and his image.

But WWJWDITM (What Would John Wayne Do In The Movies) is a bit too much.  ;)
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: WEZEL on January 12, 2014, 06:37:37 PM
Now departing on track 2....... the ego train........................ ......ALL ABOARD
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 12, 2014, 06:40:34 PM
But WWJWDITM (What Would John Wayne Do In The Movies) is a bit too much.  ;)

Is that like me being AHADHD?
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 06:42:58 PM

Is that like me being AHADHD?

We're all A HArD HeaD at one time or another. (That's what she said.) (Hopefully.)
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: guncrasher on January 12, 2014, 07:38:03 PM
A simpler philosophy, whether in the arena or on the forum, is:

WWJWD (What Would John Wayne Do)?

Great measuring stick. In word or deed, would it fit John Wayne's persona?


john wayne had a lot of defects.   among them he wasnt too accepting of blacks.

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Gemini on January 12, 2014, 07:41:40 PM
john wayne had a lot of defects.   among them he wasnt too accepting of blacks.


A quick tour of the AH BBS O'Club shows that he would be in pretty good company on here then  :uhoh
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 07:46:25 PM
john wayne had a lot of defects.   among them he wasnt too accepting of blacks.


But WWJWDITM (What Would John Wayne Do In The Movies) is a bit too much.  ;)

The ITM is to be considered implied. Persona.  :D
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 12, 2014, 07:47:29 PM
A quick tour of the AH BBS O'Club shows that he would be in pretty good company on here then  :uhoh

I missed the black bashing going on in the O'Club, it seems. If it's there, I will continue to.  :cool:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Bear76 on January 12, 2014, 07:47:34 PM
john wayne had a lot of defects.   among them he wasnt too accepting of blacks.


True, many of his generation were. Thankfully his reputation as an actor and symbol represent good qualities.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 14, 2014, 07:12:21 PM
Any other thoughts? 
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Fulcrum on January 14, 2014, 07:15:37 PM
Repent, ye sinners?  :lol
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 14, 2014, 07:16:31 PM
Repent, ye sinners?  :lol

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 14, 2014, 07:47:18 PM

Not the thought or poster you wanted? You weren't specific.  :D
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 14, 2014, 08:09:29 PM
Not the thought or poster you wanted? You weren't specific.  :D

My ankle is raw from all the attention you're giving me.  Thanks. :aok
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 14, 2014, 08:16:49 PM
My ankle is raw from all the attention you're giving me.  Thanks. :aok

Well, you were never one to exaggerate ... no wait ... you're exactly one to.  :D
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 14, 2014, 08:24:01 PM
Well, you were never one to exaggerate ... no wait ... you're exactly one to.  :D

I don't have to exaggerate, lol.  I ask a simple question, Fulcrum provides a useless answer, I quote HIM and then you involve yourself.  Coupled with your fixation on this thread from the beginning and you got ankle humper-extraordinaire!! 

Heya boys, I've got my own personal shin-monkey!!  I have arrived.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 14, 2014, 08:28:26 PM
I don't have to exaggerate, lol.  I ask a simple question, Fulcrum provides a useless answer, I quote HIM and then you involve yourself.  Coupled with your fixation on this thread from the beginning and you got ankle humper-extraordinaire!! 

Heya boys, I've got my own personal shin-monkey!!  I have arrived.

Restate your question and be sure to include the answer you want and from whom.  :cool:
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Ack-Ack on January 14, 2014, 08:55:02 PM
Is this thread about how to fight in a plane or on the BBS?  I'm confused. ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Gemini on January 14, 2014, 09:14:03 PM
Is this thread about how to fight in a plane or on the BBS?  I'm confused. ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶


I think it's a Peter Pan thread :)

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 14, 2014, 10:02:21 PM
I think it's a Peter Pan thread :)

I'll be your Capt Hook little man, lol
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Fulcrum on January 14, 2014, 11:13:39 PM
I don't have to exaggerate, lol.  I ask a simple question, Fulcrum provides a useless answer, I quote HIM and then you involve yourself.  Coupled with your fixation on this thread from the beginning and you got ankle humper-extraordinaire!!  

Heya boys, I've got my own personal shin-monkey!!  I have arrived.

I was simply trying to get my mind ready for the sermon, Father Change.

(Hallelujah! Praise BE!)  

For lo, like unto a titan cameth the mighty <former-great-AH-player-who-left-because-everyone-who-plays-now-is-lame> to the cartoon fields of Aces High, to smite the evil Pee51s and Spitsfirez, and ack runners, and score wh0r3z, and base takers, and horde monkeys...they all being very naughty in his sight.*

(Praise BE!  PRAISE HIS NAME!)  

And yea he didst pummel them all ruthlessly and without mercy with only a P39 missing it's left wing and a spoon as his weapons. And having thus destroyed the evil ones all didst enjoy the fruits of his bountiful being very bountiful....and didst learneth the secret sauces of ACM at his mighty feet.


Can I get an Amuppet?  :lol

* with apologies to Monty Python.
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Changeup on January 14, 2014, 11:16:49 PM
I was simply trying to get my mind ready for the sermon, Father Change.

(Hallelujah! Praise BE!) 

For lo, like unto a titan cameth the mighty <former-great-AH-player-who-left-because-everyone-who-plays-now-is-lame> to the cartoon fields of Aces High, to smite the evil Pee51s and Spitsfirez, and ack runners, and score wh0r3z, and base takers, and horde monkeys...they all being very naughty in his sight.*


And yea he didst pummel them all ruthlessly and without mercy with only a P39 missing it's left wing and a spoon as his weapons. And having thus destroyed the evil ones all didst enjoy the fruits of his bountiful being very bountiful....and didst learneth the secret sauces of ACM at his mighty feet.


* with apologies to Monty Python.

You forgot your clown shoes in the Muppet latrine.  Must have left them while you were cleaning it...Kappa put them in your Victorias Secret bag along with your big red nose.   Please come get them
Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Fulcrum on January 14, 2014, 11:22:47 PM
You forgot your clown shoes in the Muppet latrine.  Must have left them while you were cleaning it...Kappa put them in your Victorias Secret bag along with your big red nose.   Please come get them


Left them for you, bud!  And at least I buy from Vic buying bras at KMart like you do...tho' I did like the black leopard skin one with frills.  :D

Have fun, Changeup.  Lighten up...I'm just giving you a hard time.  ;)

Title: Re: Fighting
Post by: Arlo on January 15, 2014, 05:45:10 AM
I was simply trying to get my mind ready for the sermon, Father Change.

(Hallelujah! Praise BE!)  

For lo, like unto a titan cameth the mighty <former-great-AH-player-who-left-because-everyone-who-plays-now-is-lame> to the cartoon fields of Aces High, to smite the evil Pee51s and Spitsfirez, and ack runners, and score wh0r3z, and base takers, and horde monkeys...they all being very naughty in his sight.*

(Praise BE!  PRAISE HIS NAME!)  

And yea he didst pummel them all ruthlessly and without mercy with only a P39 missing it's left wing and a spoon as his weapons. And having thus destroyed the evil ones all didst enjoy the fruits of his bountiful being very bountiful....and didst learneth the secret sauces of ACM at his mighty feet.


Can I get an Amuppet?  :lol

* with apologies to Monty Python.


The 'Frank Burns' of Aces High, that fellow. Funny but not witty. Amusing but not intentionally.  :cool: