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General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: lulu on March 04, 2015, 05:46:57 AM

Title: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: lulu on March 04, 2015, 05:46:57 AM
As in subject.
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: olds442 on March 04, 2015, 06:43:12 AM
Drugs are bad.
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: The Fugitive on March 04, 2015, 08:34:13 AM
Drugs are bad.

Come back after you take your foot out of your mouth, English isn't lulu's native language.

I believe he's looking for something in the training arena so he can practice/learn spiral climbs.
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: Devil 505 on March 04, 2015, 10:12:00 AM
I believe he's looking for something in the training arena so he can practice/learn spiral climbs.
That's what I figure he means. I'm just not sure what can be made to help with that. That is something better left to a live trainer.

Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: Triton28 on March 04, 2015, 10:15:51 AM
That is something better left to a live trainer.

Yes, because dead trainers can only be so helpful.   :P


But yeah... a trainer or at least another plane to practice with would probably be your ticket.
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: FLS on March 04, 2015, 11:48:41 AM
As in subject.

Use the stall horn. Climb while turning while hearing the stall horn.
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: olds442 on March 06, 2015, 03:29:47 PM
Come back after you take your foot out of your mouth, English isn't lulu's native language.

I believe he's looking for something in the training arena so he can practice/learn spiral climbs.
Danm, its a joke calm down :P
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: ink on March 06, 2015, 04:00:11 PM
would be cool if there were floating "rings" for a path....and maybe arrows depicting aileron action that could be followed.

at least that's what I thought of reading his question

Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: FLS on March 06, 2015, 06:10:45 PM
would be cool if there were floating "rings" for a path....and maybe arrows depicting aileron action that could be followed.

at least that's what I thought of reading his question

Generally you're going to fly relative to the bandit. The skill involved would be climbing at the edge of the stall.

An offline mission with a spiral climbing AI might work but I think the best course is learn to ride the stall horn in all basic maneuvers then practice against another player.
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: Tilt on March 06, 2015, 06:27:26 PM
would be cool if there were floating "rings" for a path....and maybe arrows depicting aileron action that could be followed.

at least that's what I thought of reading his question

Good idea a series of giant Archimedean screws with different pitches / angles of incline.

The better we/the ac is the better we do at the harder screws.
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: Arlo on March 07, 2015, 07:56:49 AM


Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: ink on March 07, 2015, 04:43:39 PM
Generally you're going to fly relative to the bandit. The skill involved would be climbing at the edge of the stall.

An offline mission with a spiral climbing AI might work but I think the best course is learn to ride the stall horn in all basic maneuvers then practice against another player.

I hear what you are saying....

just trying to learn how to ride the stall is possible but with the visual cues of said arrows and rings to follow....
would be much more intuitive for younger people...easier to follow...and be fun at the same time...

set it up like "training missions" 

each "BFM" in order of difficulty once you complete those you open the "ACM" tutorial missions...

from there you could move to targeting and advanced targeting....

Trainers are great with out a doubt...but there are guys who will never go to a trainer...or when they can see one... none are around...(that's not saying trainers are slacking..just sometimes they are not around)

and if some AI were implemented into the "Training missions" even better...once you learn the specifics and practice a few times then AI missions would open...

by time someone goes through all the tutorials they would have a far better chance of surviving in the MA...or scenarios....FSO...


Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: FLS on March 07, 2015, 06:11:11 PM
You can put combat maneuvers into two groups. One group is aerobatic maneuvers like loops and barrel rolls that you can practice on your own. The second group are flown in relation to a bandit, like a rolling scissors or a merge.

When you have developed the control to fly aerobatic maneuvers you are ready to practice with another player. 

I see no value in following, as an example, a spiral ribbon. Which aircraft's weight, climb rate, and energy state should the ribbon be simulating?

A spiral climb requires you to judge relative energy states and max perform a climbing turn while watching the bandit. You can practice climbing and turning while hearing the stall horn and watching the radar tower but you still need to practice with another player to be successful in combat.

Trainers are available by appointment. Hoping to run into a trainer who isn't busy and has time to train you is not a good plan. If someone doesn't want training that's fine.

I'm not aware of any tutorials anywhere that can teach ACM. I understand the desire for painless solo instruction but the only thing I can think of is making films of the basic instructions. The problem is that the instructions don't replace practice and films don't see what you're doing wrong and tell you how to fix it.
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: ink on March 07, 2015, 06:51:22 PM
You can put combat maneuvers into two groups. One group is aerobatic maneuvers like loops and barrel rolls that you can practice on your own. The second group are flown in relation to a bandit, like a rolling scissors or a merge.

When you have developed the control to fly aerobatic maneuvers you are ready to practice with another player. 

I see no value in following, as an example, a spiral ribbon. Which aircraft's weight, climb rate, and energy state should the ribbon be simulating?

A spiral climb requires you to judge relative energy states and max perform a climbing turn while watching the bandit. You can practice climbing and turning while hearing the stall horn and watching the radar tower but you still need to practice with another player to be successful in combat.

Trainers are available by appointment. Hoping to run into a trainer who isn't busy and has time to train you is not a good plan. If someone doesn't want training that's fine.

I'm not aware of any tutorials anywhere that can teach ACM. I understand the desire for painless solo instruction but the only thing I can think of is making films of the basic instructions. The problem is that the instructions don't replace practice and films don't see what you're doing wrong and tell you how to fix it.

the one you are flying....

I see you are set in your ways... :neener:

kidding aside...

tutorials that teach ACM and BFM most certainly could be made...just because there may not be any out there does not mean its a bad idea...

there actually was a game that did that...been awhile so don't remember the name but it was an arcade type combat game that you had to "train" by doing the start up tutorials which just basically showed you the controls...
 this could be expanded into a great virtual training arena.

I think it would be very beneficial for HTC to implement some sort of AI training....but it is HTC game to do what they want.

Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: FLS on March 07, 2015, 08:37:28 PM
I'm not what's stopping you.   :lol

Really your contribution would be most welcome.   :D
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: ink on March 07, 2015, 08:41:45 PM
I'm not what's stopping you.   :lol

Really your contribution would be most welcome.   :D scripting skills....are nonexistent :o

I could model up some good rings and arrows..... :lol
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: FLS on March 07, 2015, 09:41:02 PM
I agree that showing how the controls work or how to fly a barrel roll wouldn't be too difficult. I was just wondering how I would design a tutorial that taught ACM. As a trainer it would be very useful. I take your point though, as long as somebody else does it I wouldn't find it hard at all.  :D
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: ink on March 08, 2015, 02:21:37 PM
I agree that showing how the controls work or how to fly a barrel roll wouldn't be too difficult. I was just wondering how I would design a tutorial that taught ACM. As a trainer it would be very useful. I take your point though, as long as somebody else does it I wouldn't find it hard at all.  :D


in the racing maps they have racing pylons...I wonder if they have anything else like "rings".... (even if they don't they would not be hard to make and yes I would help model stuff like that no problem)

if they do have stuff like that and can be positioned wherever you want, couldn't you (not YOU FLS but anyone) the person setting up the training them where they go and and a write up on the ACM or BFM that it teaches....

Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: FLS on March 08, 2015, 02:42:45 PM
We have hangers you can fly through.  :D

The first challenge with an ACM instruction tutorial is not the coding, that comes later. First you have to organize what you want to teach and how to teach it. For example how do you teach the merge?
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: Muzzy on March 08, 2015, 02:44:08 PM
Quick question if I may: in what situations would you want to use the spiral climb and are there particular planes that would be better suited to it?
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: FLS on March 08, 2015, 02:49:19 PM
Quick question if I may: in what situations would you want to use the spiral climb and are there particular planes that would be better suited to it?

It's a variation of the rope a dope. You dangle your bait, the victim follows you up and stalls, you reverse and kill them or just drag them up for a team mate. The key is an energy advantage and an inexperienced victim. Works in any aircraft.

Keep in mind the hunted victim may be a clever hunter who pretends to stall.
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: Muzzy on March 08, 2015, 02:58:34 PM
It's a variation of the rope a dope. You dangle your bait, the victim follows you up and stalls, you reverse and kill them or just drag them up for a team mate. The key is an energy advantage and an inexperienced victim. Works in any aircraft.

Keep in mind the hunted victim may be a clever hunter who pretends to stall.

So rather than a straight vertical climb you execute a spiral instead? Interesting. How wide do you usually make the spiral? Is it more effective in a tight climb or a wider climb?
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: FLS on March 08, 2015, 03:00:49 PM
So rather than a straight vertical climb you execute a spiral instead? Interesting. How wide do you usually make the spiral? Is it more effective in a tight climb or a wider climb?

It's one of those maneuvers you fly in relation to the bandit. You do what's needed to avoid getting shot.
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: ink on March 08, 2015, 03:07:19 PM
We have hangers you can fly through.  :D

The first challenge with an ACM instruction tutorial is not the coding, that comes later. First you have to organize what you want to teach and how to teach it. For example how do you teach the merge?

 I would say "the merge" in itself is not ACM....

on a quick thought I would say merging would be practiced using AI planes/ trainers.
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: FLS on March 08, 2015, 03:35:53 PM
I would say "the merge" in itself is not ACM....

on a quick thought I would say merging would be practiced using AI planes/ trainers.

On the contrary most fights are won or lost on the merge. The merge determines who is initially offensive and defensive. You may have internalized all the visual cues and decisions you make on the merge which would make it hard for you to explain it to a newbie.  ;) 
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: ink on March 08, 2015, 03:42:07 PM
On the contrary most fights are won or lost on the merge. The merge determines who is initially offensive and defensive. You may have internalized all the visual cues and decisions you make on the merge which would make it hard for you to explain it to a newbie.  ;)

I agree with this statement for sure and have been saying it for years....

that does not make it ACM.....for many the merge is when 2 planes cross paths or at the meeting point when they converge together...

to me the merge starts at least 2K away

I do agree you need another plane to practice the merge.... :aok
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: FLS on March 08, 2015, 05:47:53 PM
To avoid semantic confusion let's define BFM as those maneuvers you can fly on your own and ACM as those maneuvers you fly in relation to the bandit. Now you'll agree that setting up your merge from 2k  out in relation to the bandit's position and energy state is ACM. In order to analyze and discuss the fight we use the concepts of the turn circle,  plane of maneuver, and pursuit curves along with flight path, 3/9 line and lift vector. That gives us a common conceptual framework to describe the merge. Turning trails on in film gives us a visual reference and turning smoke on in the TA shows the arc of the flight path and presents a cue for lag pursuit. 

This is just the starting point and I expect it's already too much reading.  :lol
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: ink on March 08, 2015, 06:21:06 PM
To avoid semantic confusion let's define BFM as those maneuvers you can fly on your own and ACM as those maneuvers you fly in relation to the bandit. Now you'll agree that setting up your merge from 2k  out in relation to the bandit's position and energy state is ACM. In order to analyze and discuss the fight we use the concepts of the turn circle,  plane of maneuver, and pursuit curves along with flight path, 3/9 line and lift vector. That gives us a common conceptual framework to describe the merge. Turning trails on in film gives us a visual reference and turning smoke on in the TA shows the arc of the flight path and presents a cue for lag pursuit. 

This is just the starting point and I expect it's already too much reading.  :lol

not sure what that means in red.....

if I told someone that a small paragraph was too much reading I would expect them to be insulted.

if you were not trying to insult me, then I apologize for taking it that way.

what we do in the merge could be BFM/ACM.....if..... we maneuver to get a shot while avoiding the enemy's gun solution.

flying straight towards the con....merging, with no maneuvering...... it is still a just didn't apply any BFM/ACM but you still merged with the con.

just like someone saying "Hoing" is, it is not.... it is a Tactic.

 the words used indicate what I am saying "Air Combat Maneuvers"..."Basic flight Maneuvers"   show that each involve one thing important....what is it....Maneuvers.....


Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: FLS on March 08, 2015, 06:56:00 PM
That was a reference to your comment that newbies can read a write up prior to flying through rings. It wasn't directed at you.

As for BFM/ACM you are ignoring my definition so it seems you miss my point.

A HO is a high aspect merge. A high aspect merge is an air combat maneuver.
Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: ink on March 08, 2015, 07:13:29 PM
That was a reference to your comment that newbies can read a write up prior to flying through rings. It wasn't directed at you.

As for BFM/ACM you are ignoring my definition so it seems you miss my point.

A HO is a high aspect merge. A high aspect merge is an air combat maneuver.

sorry for taking it wrong :o

I am not ignoring your definition at all, actually I am trying to see your point.


"The overall goal of ACM is twofold: 1) to gain a firing solution and destroy an aircraft, and 2) to deny
a firing solution from another aircraft. More explicitly in the Training Command, the goal is also
twofold: 1) to execute maneuvers and participate in practice engagements to reach a firing solution,
and 2) to deny the bandit a firing solution"

Title: Re: Something in TA to training clock-screw climb.
Post by: FLS on March 08, 2015, 08:41:47 PM
If you didn't maneuver then is it simply coincidence that you happened to fly at the bandit?