Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Wishlist => Topic started by: waystin2 on October 12, 2017, 01:18:34 PM

Title: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: waystin2 on October 12, 2017, 01:18:34 PM
Please have troops cause bases to flash even when the troop carrier has bailed leaving the troops running.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: Puma44 on October 12, 2017, 01:19:48 PM
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: Mister Fork on October 12, 2017, 01:30:29 PM
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: popeye on October 12, 2017, 01:34:25 PM
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: Volron on October 12, 2017, 02:03:52 PM
Why just troops?  Why not when a field is being shelled as well? :)
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: waystin2 on October 12, 2017, 02:26:11 PM
Why just troops?  Why not when a field is being shelled as well? :)
Yes.  But baby steps my friend baby steps.  :aok
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: bustr on October 12, 2017, 04:25:10 PM
I thought when the carrier was killed or bailed too soon, the troops no longer can capture the map room.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: Wiley on October 12, 2017, 04:27:28 PM
Pretty sure that's only if he reups, bustr.  If he sits in tower they keep going to their maximum, whatever that is.

+1 on flashing when stuff's being shelled though.  Maybe 60 seconds of flashing when a round impacts within a certain radius of the base?

Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: JunkyII on October 12, 2017, 04:32:56 PM
I like any wish that takes away loopholes which make it easier for players to avoid combat.

Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: Lyme on October 12, 2017, 06:39:01 PM
I thought when the carrier was killed or bailed too soon, the troops no longer can capture the map room.

I am nearly certain that as long as troops are released laterally within 2k of the map room they will run.  Same rule applies if air dropped, altitude doesn't matter.  I've dropped those suckers from 20k in a goon and they float down and capture bases.  Now if you re spawn while the troops are running you will lose them, but as long as you release troops, tower, and sit patiently for "base XYZ has been captured", those puppies will go undetected, and yeah it's definitely pretty "gamey".

Although I often use this tactic, it should be fixed.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: Volron on October 12, 2017, 06:46:57 PM
I am nearly certain that as long as troops are released laterally within 2k of the map room they will run.  Same rule applies if air dropped, altitude doesn't matter.  I've dropped those suckers from 20k in a goon and they float down and capture bases.  Now if you re spawn while the troops are running you will lose them, but as long as you release troops, tower, and sit patiently for "base XYZ has been captured", those puppies will go undetected, and yeah it's definitely pretty "gamey".

Although I often use this tactic, it should be fixed.

It is the same with bombs and torpedoes.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: haggerty on October 13, 2017, 02:33:38 AM

The troops will continue as long as the person that dropped them doesn't launch a new sortie.  They will however not get credit on their stats if the base cap is successful.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: Arlo on October 13, 2017, 11:04:50 AM
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: bustr on October 13, 2017, 12:16:57 PM
When the map room is captured, Flossy the sheep who is being held in a cell inside the map room should come running out and disappear into the bushes. And a loud chorus of baaa baaaa, baaaa should be herd by everyone in local VOX range. That might cut down on all the yelling about did we get it and the repetitions of we got we got it.........  :O
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: Blinky on October 13, 2017, 01:20:08 PM
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: Kingpin on October 13, 2017, 05:43:32 PM

+1 for having troops flash a base/town.

I also think bases/towns should flash as soon as an object there is hit by ship guns.  This would cut down on the closing a base before it even flashes (which is quite easy to do now with the new Battleship.)

Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: Lyme on October 13, 2017, 09:06:08 PM
+1 for having troops flash a base/town.

I also think bases/towns should flash as soon as an object there is hit by ship guns.  This would cut down on the closing a base before it even flashes (which is quite easy to do now with the new Battleship.)


Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: JunkyII on October 13, 2017, 10:59:37 PM
+1 for having troops flash a base/town.

I also think bases/towns should flash as soon as an object there is hit by ship guns.  This would cut down on the closing a base before it even flashes (which is quite easy to do now with the new Battleship.)

Heck it was easy with just the cruiser +100000000000000
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: atlau on October 14, 2017, 12:11:58 AM
Some of the best and most furious fights occur during the few minutes when planes up from the CV after the WF and people react to defend. Id hate to see that gone with CVs getting discovered and sunk before the fight gets going. Not sure how to keep the balance there.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: JunkyII on October 14, 2017, 01:37:52 AM
Some of the best and most furious fights occur during the few minutes when planes up from the CV after the WF and people react to defend. Id hate to see that gone with CVs getting discovered and sunk before the fight gets going. Not sure how to keep the balance there.
Until it's illegal to hide CVs in the far back of the map I think it doesn't matter if they flash when they shell a base...they are for combat not for hide and seek.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: wil3ur on October 14, 2017, 11:46:46 AM
I would still like to see CV's have a resupply convoy much like the trucks used to be that leave from their port and steam towards the CV to provide it with fuel, ammo, food, etc...  This way you can bomb the supply convoys to help keep CV from repairing as fast, and also track CV movements by following the supply convoys.  Arm them similar to trains, no puffy though.  It'd also give things for PT's to do besides spam spawn when a CV is in the spawn, or get killed before getting within 5K of the CV by manned guns.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: waystin2 on October 14, 2017, 11:53:15 AM
Please have troops cause bases to flash even when the troop carrier has bailed leaving the troops running.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: JimmyD3 on October 14, 2017, 12:08:17 PM
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: atlau on October 14, 2017, 12:34:13 PM
Until it's illegal to hide CVs in the far back of the map I think it doesn't matter if they flash when they shell a base...they are for combat not for hide and seek.

I agree hiding fleets is silly. But not sure what that has to do with flashing towns. If you hide the fleet it wouldnt have any towns to flash.

Without the element of surprise, CVs will be fodder for bombers.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: Arlo on October 14, 2017, 01:42:44 PM
Please have troops cause bases to flash even when the troop carrier has bailed leaving the troops running.

Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: JunkyII on October 14, 2017, 02:16:20 PM
I agree hiding fleets is silly. But not sure what that has to do with flashing towns. If you hide the fleet it wouldnt have any towns to flash.

Without the element of surprise, CVs will be fodder for bombers.
Game balance...if you can hide CVs from combat completely it kinda makes then pointless 95% of the time.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: JimmyC on October 14, 2017, 03:33:52 PM
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: Lazerr on October 14, 2017, 04:43:35 PM
Some of the best and most furious fights occur during the few minutes when planes up from the CV after the WF and people react to defend. Id hate to see that gone with CVs getting discovered and sunk before the fight gets going. Not sure how to keep the balance there.

I agree with this
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: atlau on October 14, 2017, 05:18:50 PM
Game balance...if you can hide CVs from combat completely it kinda makes then pointless 95% of the time.

But that has nothing to do with cvs flashing towns. If you hide the cv it would normally be well outside of enemy towns so there would be nothing to flash.

To prevent hiding cvs i think there ought to a time limit... maybe 3 hrs where if you lose the port eventually the cv switches sides.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: bozon on October 15, 2017, 05:34:06 AM
CVs and Battleship groups should be treated like enemy player units for the purpose of alerting th base. Having a carrier group withing viewing distance from the base that is also shelling it without nobody noticing is ridiculous.

An enemy player sitting in a fleet gun is still an enemy player within the base alert distance and should be treated as such.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: Lusche on October 15, 2017, 06:25:19 AM
CVs and Battleship groups should be treated like enemy player units for the purpose of alerting th base. Having a carrier group withing viewing distance from the base that is also shelling it without nobody noticing is ridiculous.

An enemy player sitting in a fleet gun is still an enemy player within the base alert distance and should be treated as such.

That's totally logical.

Yet, it would practically kill a lot of the remaining CV battle opportunities, especially during low hours (which, by the way, are markedly different in gameplay than US prime time these days)
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: JunkyII on October 15, 2017, 08:52:09 AM
But that has nothing to do with cvs flashing towns. If you hide the cv it would normally be well outside of enemy towns so there would be nothing to flash.

To prevent hiding cvs i think there ought to a time limit... maybe 3 hrs where if you lose the port eventually the cv switches sides.
Game are right they aren't directly related but the fact is CVs are hidden way too much, when they are attacking and being hid....the point I'm making is something has to change.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: bozon on October 15, 2017, 08:56:17 AM
That's totally logical.

Yet, it would practically kill a lot of the remaining CV battle opportunities, especially during low hours (which, by the way, are markedly different in gameplay than US prime time these days)
Not sure about that.
CVs get killed by players that drive them so close to shore that tanks on the water line can hit it. If on the other hand Skippers keep the CV out og range just skimming the dar ring, the CV may live longer, carrier planes will be able to climb before meeting the endless stream of Yaks and LA7 that reach 5k and 350 mph before clearing the pattern, and there will be time to shoot down the B17 ackstar at 50 feet that is trying to kamikaze the CV - repeatedly.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: Lusche on October 15, 2017, 09:26:22 AM
the CV may live longer, carrier planes will be able to climb before meeting the endless stream of Yaks and LA7 that reach 5k and 350 mph before clearing the pattern, and there will be time to shoot down the B17 ackstar at 50 feet that is trying to kamikaze the CV - repeatedly.

And this is exactly what I meant when I wrote
[...] especially during low hours (which, by the way, are markedly different in gameplay than US prime time these days)


For the most part of the day, AH combat is totally unlike the way you are describing it. What you wrote is basically only happening during the very confined hours of US prime. At any other time, it's hard to find "streams of planes at all".
For the low hours, we are already speaking of a horde when a side can muster like 4 pilots. CV attacks are often initiated by a single player gunning down the town.. and when he's lucky, he may get 1-3 players joining in when there's a WF. With a bit of luck, defenders will then notice the flashing base and a brief opportunity for some low altitude, quick combat presents itself. Which otherwise are exceedingly rare today.
If a base would flash just because someone is sitting in the gun, you can forget that. Especially, when the single 8" gunner who just starts to take the town down has to compete with a supplying m3; the first buildings will probably be back up again before the town is WF.
And to preserve the CV, it would have to be kept outside dar circles... which eliminates the cruiser bombardment, even more so when it would be the CV itself that would make bases flash.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: bozon on October 15, 2017, 10:52:59 AM
The thing is that while one or more players are sitting in a fleet gun, shelling a remote base without anyone knowing, he is removed from the list of active combatants. As you said, when numbers are low each combatat is important for the overall action. This is again the issue of attacking/defending bases without actual combat - for the most part.

If he was detected, fleet defense combat will be initiated, OR if no defenders are available/care he will remain free to shell the base while it flashes.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: puller on October 15, 2017, 03:11:22 PM
CVs and Battleship groups should be treated like enemy player units for the purpose of alerting th base. Having a carrier group withing viewing distance from the base that is also shelling it without nobody noticing is ridiculous.

An enemy player sitting in a fleet gun is still an enemy player within the base alert distance and should be treated as such.

Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: atlau on October 15, 2017, 04:12:27 PM
If CVs flash bases, then you pretty much negate the only advantage they have and will render CV based attacks (which lead to some nice intense fights) non-existent.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: JunkyII on October 15, 2017, 04:57:16 PM
I hate when someone says, don't up from a CV until they white flag town...if your scared go to church.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: 100Coogn on October 15, 2017, 05:25:14 PM
I hate when someone says, don't up from a CV until they white flag town...if your scared go to church.

I'll up from a CV.  I ain't scare of no flag...

Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: atlau on October 15, 2017, 10:53:28 PM
I hate when someone says, don't up from a CV until they white flag town...if your scared go to church.

I think its more of a matter of getting organized vs being scared. A cv based attack is easily thwarted so youd better get your buddies together in order to have a chance at maintaining the offensive. A premature upper turns the battle into a tactical retreat where you change from attacking a base to defending a fleet (which is also a lot of fun) but will inevitably lead to the CV being sunk thus ending the fun.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: JunkyII on October 16, 2017, 12:47:13 AM
I think its more of a matter of getting organized vs being scared. A cv based attack is easily thwarted so youd better get your buddies together in order to have a chance at maintaining the offensive. A premature upper turns the battle into a tactical retreat where you change from attacking a base to defending a fleet (which is also a lot of fun) but will inevitably lead to the CV being sunk thus ending the fun.
Yea but in the situation your describing they are only shelling town and running troops they arent even killing anything on the field...I will go over hit radar and ords before I up from a CV, or my first run will be for ords...then you are n't automatically defending.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: bozon on October 16, 2017, 10:23:38 AM
If CVs flash bases, then you pretty much negate the only advantage they have and will render CV based attacks (which lead to some nice intense fights) non-existent.
If skippers are stupid and drive the fleet right up the shore, then yes.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: bustr on October 16, 2017, 01:39:18 PM
I suppose the warning about your country's bases are being attacked is a bit vague when that first 8in hits the town or field. An addition to the message queue since protect your sheep got added to the mix.

"An enemy naval bombardment has begun".

We do have a battleship now, so how do you get around this message? Up fighter bombers to cause the original message to trigger I suppose or, run LVT4. Then most will ignore it as an ord porker for the first month. After that, anyone's guess if someone will take a peak to see if it's a task group trying to get around the message. There are the flashing shore battery icons, I don't know what the detection range on those is. The battleship 16in probably can do land mode from outside of that range while steaming with the CV task group to get closer and launch planes. Most players don't seem that well organized anymore.

Troops causing a base to flash, yeah, most everything else in our game is above board except for NOE up to the dar circle. With task groups I wonder if the lack of warning if it is not an oversight for the last 15 years. Is on purpose to give a task group a leg up before the bombers get rolling and end the fight.

You guys ever notice the majority of what players want are things to protect their country from being attacked while they are busy at some other fight? You catch yourself falling into that mentality building a terrain if you are not careful. That would be one boring terrain but, all three countries would be protected while everyone is failing to capture anything. As a country population each evening, no one can be everywhere by design, unless you can get 300 on one side to shut down the arena.

Or Hitech reduces the terrain size to a 5x5 sectors with 5 or 6 feilds per country. Pigs do fly in our game but, Hitech probably has a good reason to not introduce 5x5 terrains just to account for not being able to protect all of your feilds at the same time. Though, most combat takes place in about that size area, just scattered across 10x10 or 20x20.

Wonder who Hitech would use for the voice to say this: "An enemy naval bombardment has begun".
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: Volron on October 16, 2017, 02:56:27 PM
If a base is being shelled, regardless if it's from a tank or TG that's 2 sectors away, it should flash the base.  If red troops are active anywhere inside the dar ring of a base, it should flash the base.

As for TG's themselves flashing a base, what if we start out at 6-10k and work from there?
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: JimmyD3 on October 16, 2017, 08:02:48 PM
CVs and Battleship groups should be treated like enemy player units for the purpose of alerting th base. Having a carrier group withing viewing distance from the base that is also shelling it without nobody noticing is ridiculous.

An enemy player sitting in a fleet gun is still an enemy player within the base alert distance and should be treated as such.

Not exactly accurate. If the player sitting in a fleet gun is within the same distance as an enemy GV coming off the spawn flashing a town or base, then yes. Other wise no.

As another point of interest, a pt boat does flash the base while the Battle group or CV group do not. :O
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: oakranger on October 17, 2017, 09:14:02 AM
Troops should fight back if being fire on.   I just don't understand how one pilot that parachute in town, kills up to 10 troops with just a .45.   Ridiculous!
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: bozon on October 17, 2017, 09:47:40 AM
Troops should fight back if being fire on.   I just don't understand how one pilot that parachute in town, kills up to 10 troops with just a .45.   Ridiculous!
The troops are all staff personel that got on the M3 by a ruse and were told that the cantine is under the flag over yonder.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: bustr on October 17, 2017, 04:22:53 PM
I thought they were USO entertainers.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: Puma44 on October 17, 2017, 11:39:43 PM
The troops are all staff personel that got on the M3 by a ruse and were told that the cantine is under the flag over yonder.

 :rofl Scarey close to reality.
Title: Re: Troops Should Cause Base To Flash
Post by: Zener on October 18, 2017, 11:30:59 PM
Troops should fight back if being fire on.   I just don't understand how one pilot that parachute in town, kills up to 10 troops with just a .45.   Ridiculous!

What's the point of calling them drunks if ten of them can't attack one downed pilot holding a .45 and stab him to death with a broken beer bottle?   :grin: