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General Forums => The O' Club => Topic started by: FLS on November 27, 2020, 12:14:47 PM

Title: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: FLS on November 27, 2020, 12:14:47 PM
This analysis was made at John Hopkins and published in a student newsletter, it was quickly taken down for unknown reasons.

It says that the annual US death rate was not increased by covid virus deaths and official death rates from the co-morbidities like heart disease declined the same amount as the virus increase.

Of course the lock down reduced traffic and other deaths but it also increased deaths from delayed care.

Maybe 200 actual virus deaths wasn't so far off.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Meatwad on November 27, 2020, 03:08:46 PM
Its because someone made the grave mistake of giving the hospitals "paid bounties" on all covid deaths. So of course the are all going to code them as covid deaths even though the covid was not the cause of the death so they can get their free govt money

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on November 27, 2020, 03:52:44 PM
Its because someone made the grave mistake of giving the hospitals "paid bounties" on all covid deaths. So of course the are all going to code them as covid deaths even though the covid was not the cause of the death so they can get their free govt money

thousand of doctors in thousands of hospitals are conspiring to commit fraud.  sure.

all risking their licenses and chance to go to jail for a few thousand bucks.


Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Lusche on November 27, 2020, 04:44:15 PM
thousand of doctors in thousands of hospitals are conspiring to commit fraud.  sure.

And all over the world, too.
In Switzerland, all the intensive care beds have been reported occupied last week.
Over here, we have still beds left, but we are getting low own qualified care personnel.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: JimmyD3 on November 27, 2020, 04:46:12 PM
thousand of doctors in thousands of hospitals are conspiring to commit fraud.  sure.

all risking their licenses and chance to go to jail for a few thousand bucks.


Wouldn't be the first time it happened, and wont be the last.  :bolt:
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on November 27, 2020, 05:18:38 PM
And all over the world, too.
In Switzerland, all the intensive care beds have been reported occupied last week.
Over here, we have still beds left, but we are getting low own qualified care personnel.

Interesting.... they were bragging about no covid a few weeks back I believe.

In any case it is good that other diseases have dropped tremendously then.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on November 27, 2020, 05:48:05 PM
Interesting.... they were bragging about no covid a few weeks back I believe.

In any case it is good that other diseases have dropped tremendously then.

your data on Switzerland is inaccurate.

interesting that in Vietnam the US delegation had 2 positive tests and they didn't get it in Vietnam.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Lusche on November 27, 2020, 06:15:33 PM
Interesting.... they were bragging about no covid a few weeks back I believe.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on November 27, 2020, 06:43:17 PM
Still a damn political conspiracy I see.
I'm starting a new one.. Only 5 servicemen died in Vietnam.... the other 58,204 were faked to make Bob McNamara look bad.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on November 28, 2020, 06:19:07 AM

It was one of those tiny neutral countries. Thought it was that one.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Badboy on November 28, 2020, 07:17:47 AM

That information is interesting, and seems to make sense, but it also seems to be in conflict with almost every other source I've seen.

The graph below shows the curve for USA Excess Mortality through 2020. The website defines Excess Mortality as follows.

Excess mortality is a term used in epidemiology and public health that refers to the number of deaths from all causes during a crisis above and beyond what we would have expected to see under ‘normal’ conditions. In this case, we’re interested in how deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic compare to the average number of deaths over the same period in previous years.

Excess mortality is a more comprehensive measure of the total impact of the pandemic on deaths than the confirmed COVID-19 death count alone. In addition to confirmed deaths, excess mortality captures COVID-19 deaths that were not correctly diagnosed and reported as well as deaths from other causes that are attributable to the overall crisis conditions.


This image shows shows excess mortality peaking at 40% above the previous 5 year average. This is in contrast to the data published by a medical student in Johns Hopkins newsletter cited in the OP.

The data for the graph I've posted can be compared with other countries and the raw data, as well as the method of calculation is available here: (

As a disclaimer, I've only just begun to look at this, as interesting as it is, and I'm not making any claims. I'm just providing an alternative source from the UK office for national statistics for comparison. The website link above allows you to make comparisons with other countries and appears to offer full transparency. It also seems to compare more consistently with a wide variety of other sources.

If I were to look for reasons to explain the conflict with the Johns Hopkins source, differences in the "New data" due to how deaths are being classified, seems to be an obvious first check and that would also seem to be the most likely source for conspiracy theories, as already noted in this thread.

Bottom line, I think I'd rather play Aces High today than try to check... A couple of new rides are screaming out for some serious cockpit time :) 

Kind regards

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on November 28, 2020, 07:41:38 AM
The study is what many have thought all along

Now with moderators controlling what is true and what is not and then removing content to control the narative, it is hard to take anything at face value

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on November 28, 2020, 08:06:13 AM
nevertheless, the virus is real.  lucky everybody does not have it, yet.  my buddy gave it to his dad after a social distanced encounter.  the transaction happened one day before positive test and two days before symptoms.  this happened over a month ago. my friend still has no smell or taste.  A friends wife and child caught the disease in july and still have dysfunctional senses.  My buddy's dad is over a month in the hospital. the second wave of the symptoms took his breath away, and now requires oxygen, and gets constant reminder of how close to the ventilator he is.  The doctors and nurses seem handcuffed and over worked.  This disease needs to be fought within a week of infection.  If severe damage is a allowed to take place; the only cure is steroids, blood thinner, and time.

I would not try to roadkill this thing away.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on November 28, 2020, 08:36:24 AM
And everyone who catches it then has the dreaded "pre existing condition" status for the rest of their lives....

Have you tried to get healthcare on the private market with one of those?

I have as I have two stents.

Only obamacare will cover you then with crap coverage for a premium price...unless you are dirt poor.

Unless the united healthcare level private coverage is not forced to cover these cases now at some level of decent coverage and cost many will be screaming for a gov take over of it..

Makes you go hmmmm...

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Scared on November 28, 2020, 08:37:14 AM
yeah its real alright. my neighbors granny died a while back from it and now a nursing home in Moundsville WV (about 12 miles from me) just found that all 85 of their residents tested positive. That is crazy. with the apparent proliferation of this disease, we should be counting our lucky stars that it is not more lethal. stay safe.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on November 28, 2020, 09:54:18 AM
nevertheless, the virus is real.  lucky everybody does not have it, yet.  my buddy gave it to his dad after a social distanced encounter.  the transaction happened one day before positive test and two days before symptoms.  this happened over a month ago. my friend still has no smell or taste.  A friends wife and child caught the disease in july and still have dysfunctional senses.  My buddy's dad is over a month in the hospital. the second wave of the symptoms took his breath away, and now requires oxygen, and gets constant reminder of how close to the ventilator he is.  The doctors and nurses seem handcuffed and over worked.  This disease needs to be fought within a week of infection.  If severe damage is a allowed to take place; the only cure is steroids, blood thinner, and time.

I would not try to roadkill this thing away.


Those I know are back to normal. Of course most had no symptoms and the others were like colds.

At least all the other diseases have gone down in occurrences......
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on November 28, 2020, 10:00:39 AM
Those I know are back to normal. Of course most had no symptoms and the others were like colds.

At least all the other diseases have gone down in occurrences......

Yes,yes ... we know, Shuf. Every single soul you know can shrug off Covid like a mild cold and everything else is a wild exaggeration. I'm happy that you live in a magic bubble.  :aok
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on November 28, 2020, 11:20:26 AM
I dont trust what most sources say, nore most of their #s. Its a political and psychological tool used to control the population. Nothing more, nothing less. Deaths have remained average for the year. We probably won't even have higher deaths than we did total last year. Anyone I know who tested positive had minor problems where they felt tired, or none at all. Its hard for me to trust the testing at this point because its easy to push an agenda with false positives. I dont think Masks do anything. Oregon has a strict mask policy yet cases are still "increasing." Mask take away peoples identity and emotions. You are just a robot now. "2 weeks" turned into "2 months", now its "whenever we feel like it". You cannot control people who don't think the virus is bad. 99.9% survival rate. If people thought it was really bad, they would be more scared and stay inside. No other leader was/is attacked like ours was despite their growing cases. Its obvious shut downs have done nothing but ruin people's economic value, which is much harder to get back than being sick for a few days. Let me make one thing clear. People will go to war before being forced to take a newly approved RNA vaccine. If airlines and big business think they can force these mandates on people, they will stand to lose multi millions. The power grip we are seeing is very concerning and is something I've been talking about for a while.

I am sick and tired of seeing the "cases" every day when I wake up. They are doing this so they can continue their fear agenda. What you are seeing is a power structure trying to keep its power, and prevent more people from knowing how truly sick and deranged they are. Its not going to work out for them this time. They are scared. You can see their desperation. They want your loved to die by themselves in the hospital while they hold massive funerals for their friends. They are truly pushing Americans to the brink, its going to be a big mistake for them.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on November 28, 2020, 11:40:16 AM
Look at wall street

It has required free printed money from the feds for the last 10 years to keep moving

This virus with its gov shutdowns provides the best excuse for future free money " covid relief packages" to keep the fake market plowing ahead

With the market at a record level I expect the virus fear to cause more shutdowns dropping/tanking the market allowing additional money out of thin air to further crush the dollar as the over valued market continues to make record gains with record unemployment..

As all nations are doing this what happens to the value of anyones currency?

What happens to the standard of living in the US when the dollar totally loses its reserve currency it has enjoyed for so long?

Look and see what countries currency are backed the best with gold reserves to see the which country will take the dollars place. is the same place covid came from

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on November 28, 2020, 11:40:28 AM
And everyone who catches it then has the dreaded "pre existing condition" status for the rest of their lives....

Have you tried to get healthcare on the private market with one of those?

I have as I have two stents.

Only obamacare will cover you then with crap coverage for a premium price...unless you are dirt poor.

Unless the united healthcare level private coverage is not forced to cover these cases now at some level of decent coverage and cost many will be screaming for a gov take over of it..

Makes you go hmmmm...


The old per-existing condition was a 90 day limit on coverage (for my insurance at the time. under 30 yo, $2500 deductible, 50 dollars a month, go figure.). after the 90 days you we covered for your condition.  its a factor of the gamble on buying insurance.  we are in a new age, insurance is a right. and necessity, the government regulations have allowed the market to inflate costs.  to even call it insurance is a stretch. it is government health care with limited controls and a wealthy middle man.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on November 28, 2020, 11:44:21 AM
Look at wall street

It has required free printed money from the feds for the last 10 years to keep moving

This virus with its gov shutdowns provides the best excuse for future free money " covid relief packages" to keep the fake market plowing ahead

With the market at a record level I expect the virus fear to cause more shutdowns dropping/tanking the market allowing additional money out of thin air to further crush the dollar as the over valued market continues to make record gains with record unemployment..

As all nations are doing this what happens to the value of anyones currency?

What happens to the standard of living in the US when the dollar totally loses its reserve currency it has enjoyed for so long?

Look and see what countries currency are backed the best with gold reserves to see the which country will take the dollars place. is the same place covid came from


its capitalism. the rich get richer. the poor need a bailout.  yes, the position we are in is troubling.  will the bank get the property and the bailout, again?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: CptTrips on November 28, 2020, 11:59:24 AM
Yes,yes ... we know, Shuf. Every single soul you know can shrug off Covid like a mild cold and everything else is a wild exaggeration. I'm happy that you live in a magic bubble.  :aok (
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on November 28, 2020, 11:59:34 AM
Yes,yes ... we know, Shuf. Every single soul you know can shrug off Covid like a mild cold and everything else is a wild exaggeration. I'm happy that you live in a magic bubble.  :aok

Oh I know arlo.... everyone you know is dieing of covid.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: CptTrips on November 28, 2020, 12:03:57 PM
Yes,yes ... we know, Shuf. Every single soul you know can shrug off Covid like a mild cold and everything else is a wild exaggeration. I'm happy that you live in a magic bubble.  :aok

Wasn't it a few months ago that he thought it was all a hoax because "No one I know has even had it"?

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on November 28, 2020, 12:04:46 PM
The old per-existing condition was a 90 day limit on coverage (for my insurance at the time. under 30 yo, $2500 deductible, 50 dollars a month, go figure.). after the 90 days you we covered for your condition.  its a factor of the gamble on buying insurance.  we are in a new age, insurance is a right. and necessity, the government regulations have allowed the market to inflate costs.  to even call it insurance is a stretch. it is government health care with limited controls and a wealthy middle man.

Many people do not care to have insurance till they get sick. It just does not work that way. If they do not get insurance, they choose to insure themselves.

We have had insurance all our lives. It has always been an expense... even more so now as we have to pay for those that did not want to pay in the first place.

If you owned a store and were forced to feed everyone... not just those who pay for their groceries. What would you do?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on November 28, 2020, 12:07:35 PM
Oh I know arlo.... everyone you know is dieing of covid.

Overreaction projection.  :aok
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on November 28, 2020, 12:08:53 PM
Overreaction projection.  :aok

Just meeting your post with the same type of post. You walk in mud, you are going to get muddy.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on November 28, 2020, 12:10:52 PM
Just meeting your post with the same type of post. You walk in mud, you are going to get muddy.

Difference being, you made an unrealistic claim and I didn't .... so you made an equally unrealistic one for me.  :old:
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on November 28, 2020, 12:21:48 PM
its capitalism. the rich get richer. the poor need a bailout.  yes, the position we are in is troubling.  will the bank get the property and the bailout, again?

Being "poor" is a mental problem. "Poor" Americans have more equal opportunity than ever before. Eating chicken and steak with their free food card better than many hi rated generals in the last 1000 years ever ate. Many have computers, many have AC. Many even have cars and consider themselves poor. Imagine that! Most people are only "poor" because that is what the media puts into their perception. I consider homelessness a bigger issue, but the majority of homelessness resides in overpriced cities controlled by the very people calling for "equality". Living in a single wide trailer with cable TV, video games, stoves, bathrooms, showers, microwaves, and heating devices, are consider rich compared to these cities that get their weak populations hooked on herion and meth and living in RVs and tents on the side of the road. That is not a problem of capitalism. That is a major problem of culture being forced to pay more and more every year for very little in return. The mental health crisis is caused by media, music, schooling, and parents who don't teach their children how to succeed in life.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on November 28, 2020, 01:00:40 PM
According to the USDA's latest Household Food Insecurity in the United States report, more than 35 million people in the United States struggled with hunger in 2019. In 2018, 14.3 million American households were food insecure with limited or uncertain access to enough food.

The difference between actually checking statistical information before making an unsubstantiated claim and just making an unsubstantiated claim would be the checking statistical information part.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Puma44 on November 28, 2020, 01:03:14 PM
What’s their definition of “food insecure”?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on November 28, 2020, 01:06:33 PM
Food insecurity is defined as the disruption of food intake or eating patterns because of lack of money and other resources.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on November 28, 2020, 04:19:39 PM
Food insecurity is defined as the disruption of food intake or eating patterns because of lack of money and other resources.

Thats what happens when you spend all of your money on meth and heroin. Or have the mentality that work is slavery and living in a tent is freedom.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on November 28, 2020, 04:42:14 PM
Thats what happens when you spend all of your money on meth and heroin. Or have the mentality that work is slavery and living in a tent is freedom.

try reading something other than conspiracy theories.  they're like drugs for you.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on November 28, 2020, 04:43:30 PM
try reading something other than conspiracy theories.  they're like drugs for you.


That might explain the fixation on meth and heroin.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on November 28, 2020, 04:46:29 PM
Difference being, you made an unrealistic claim and I didn't .... so you made an equally unrealistic one for me.  :old:

My post regarding folks I know is based on fact.

The other is tongue in cheek based on  CDC numbers.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on November 28, 2020, 04:52:02 PM
My post regarding folks I know is based on fact.

The other is tongue in cheek based on  CDC numbers.

It's almost as if you know all of six people in an underground bunker and are filtered 'CDC numbers' through an old water pipe via an old bladder made of actual tongue and cheeks. Almost, I said. ;)
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on November 28, 2020, 05:42:41 PM
Sometimes you say things that just make you look silly.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on November 28, 2020, 06:06:12 PM
Sometimes you say things that just make you look silly.

And that's how ridiculous exaggeration works, folks. You may be getting it.  :D
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on November 28, 2020, 06:53:19 PM
And that's how ridiculous exaggeration works, folks. You may be getting it.  :D

Shuffler posts based on what he sees around him. same as me.

i can honestly tell you that 2 friends died of covid19, while my wife can tell you that she doesn't know anybody that died from it.  we both are right. 

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on November 28, 2020, 07:06:41 PM
Shuffler posts based on what he sees around him. same as me.

i can honestly tell you that 2 friends died of covid19, while my wife can tell you that she doesn't know anybody that died from it.  we both are right. 


Ah, but do you attempt to infer that everyone does and your wife that nobody does, based on such? I like Shuf, too, but I won't suffer foolishness even on occasion. :)
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on November 28, 2020, 07:16:02 PM
Ah, but do you attempt to infer that everyone does and your wife that nobody does, based on such? I like Shuf, too, but I won't suffer foolishness even on occasion. :)

ever think he's just messing around?

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on November 28, 2020, 08:17:12 PM
ever think he's just messing around?


No but that would make things easier.  :)
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on November 28, 2020, 09:46:44 PM
Many people do not care to have insurance till they get sick. It just does not work that way. If they do not get insurance, they choose to insure themselves.

We have had insurance all our lives. It has always been an expense... even more so now as we have to pay for those that did not want to pay in the first place.

If you owned a store and were forced to feed everyone... not just those who pay for their groceries. What would you do?

That's what I said.  :x

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on November 28, 2020, 10:13:52 PM
Being "poor" is a mental problem. "Poor" Americans have more equal opportunity than ever before. Eating chicken and steak with their free food card better than many hi rated generals in the last 1000 years ever ate. Many have computers, many have AC. Many even have cars and consider themselves poor. Imagine that! Most people are only "poor" because that is what the media puts into their perception. I consider homelessness a bigger issue, but the majority of homelessness resides in overpriced cities controlled by the very people calling for "equality". Living in a single wide trailer with cable TV, video games, stoves, bathrooms, showers, microwaves, and heating devices, are consider rich compared to these cities that get their weak populations hooked on herion and meth and living in RVs and tents on the side of the road. That is not a problem of capitalism. That is a major problem of culture being forced to pay more and more every year for very little in return. The mental health crisis is caused by media, music, schooling, and parents who don't teach their children how to succeed in life.

Dude, that's pretty cold. How's your wife and kids doing? Everybody getting liberty and justice?

Like a wise man once said. "Yeah, but you dont have to be a nazi."

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: FESS67 on November 29, 2020, 03:40:45 AM
Have you guys ever considered the wider picture?

If I accept that the Covid numbers in the USA are due to some form of hoax, exaggeration or perhaps the result of some systemic issue where medical professionals in the USA get paid more for declaring a death 'Covid'.  Let's say I accept those as facts.

How do I explain the rest of the world?  Are they also part of this great hoax, perhaps they are also exaggerating, maybe their doctors are cashing in?.........  in ALL the countries of the world?  That requires more coordination than faking the moon landing, which by the way was totally fake.  Or, in today's language, fake news.

I am fascinated by this stuff.  Of course I would like facts rather than opinions.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on November 29, 2020, 06:48:06 AM
Hoax would suggest it is all fake

I have never stated that

It's timing is suspect as is the reaction to it from many governments

These countries all have the same reaction as the US, some ppl swallowing all gov restrictions and many tired of them for one reason or another and acting out

Maybe they are all looking for additional means of controlling thier subjects?

If so it looks to me that they found much better than the boogieman terrorist they have used for the last 19 years..

And it creates more free printed money around the world to keep these bloated businesses afloat while thousands of others are closed forever by the same event

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on November 29, 2020, 07:20:05 AM
Ah, but do you attempt to infer that everyone does and your wife that nobody does, based on such? I like Shuf, too, but I won't suffer foolishness even on occasion. :)

I don't either.... that is in your head. People have died of a lot of things. No one seems to care about the others. They tag many with covid that die of other things, just because they also tested positive.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on November 29, 2020, 09:21:49 AM
Dude, that's pretty cold. How's your wife and kids doing? Everybody getting liberty and justice?

Like a wise man once said. "Yeah, but you dont have to be a nazi."


Cold? Some people took their free highschool and lives seriously. Some did not. We all make choices.

My wife and I are doing great and succeeding in our careers. I'm a 30 year old controller in the heavy machinery industry. I dont cry about how unfair the world is. I tried hard and earned my way. Didnt blame anyone for "equality" I just did what I was suppose to do and luckily stayed out of prison.

We are very happy besides the fact that our governor wants to treat the population like a bunch of 6 year olds.

We got out here to skamania lodge in south Washington this past weekend. They had to shut down the heated pool and restaurant. Heated pool, with chlorine... So dumb. In a very small town in Washington. Pointless and moronic. Destroying business for no reason. These are the cold people.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on November 29, 2020, 10:19:11 AM
Cold? Some people took their free highschool and lives seriously. Some did not. We all make choices.

My wife and I are doing great and succeeding in our careers. I'm a 30 year old controller in the heavy machinery industry. I dont cry about how unfair the world is. I tried hard and earned my way. Didnt blame anyone for "equality" I just did what I was suppose to do and luckily stayed out of prison.

We are very happy besides the fact that our governor wants to treat the population like a bunch of 6 year olds.

We got out here to skamania lodge in south Washington this past weekend. They had to shut down the heated pool and restaurant. Heated pool, with chlorine... So dumb. In a very small town in Washington. Pointless and moronic. Destroying business for no reason. These are the cold people.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: MiloMorai on November 29, 2020, 12:23:29 PM
We are very happy besides the fact that our governor wants to treat the population like a bunch of 6 year olds.

If they didn't act like 6 year olds, they wouldn't be treated as 6 years olds.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on November 29, 2020, 01:16:45 PM
I don't either.... that is in your head. People have died of a lot of things. No one seems to care about the others. They tag many with covid that die of other things, just because they also tested positive.

Kinda like someone with cancer dying in a car wreck died from cancer or someone who has HIV dying from toxins in their food actually died from HIV? If you refuse to believe that Covid19 was the prime complication because, well, conspiracy, then that's in your head.  :)
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: MORAY37 on November 29, 2020, 01:21:14 PM
Having within this week just paid respects to the third widow or widower whom I know personally, I can't help but shake my head at the lunacy that is this thread.  I've watched friends of mine simply disappear, while there are those of you out there that scream this is a "hoax" to move monetary policy and get doctors rich. Two of these people were healthy, without co-morbidities; one had a co-morbidity complicated by infection of the heart.  One was a fitness freak who I played hockey with 3 times a week, prior to this year.

Meanwhile, I have two friends who work in healthcare that have thousand mile stares every time I see them. One won't talk about anything that happens; the other can't hold back the tears... so we just don't talk about her work. Both are about to walk off the job... because you fools aren't listening, and you keep lining up for a hospital bed that is barely vacant an hour, saying "it's just a cold".

If anything, we are currently undercounting the deaths from SARS-CoV-2. But, you won't believe it anyway, so what's the use in explaining.  :bhead 

Let Darwin take the field, I guess.  Never has there been a better example of cognitive dissonance.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on November 29, 2020, 01:36:06 PM
Kinda like someone with cancer dying in a car wreck died from cancer or someone who has HIV dying from toxins in their food actually died from HIV? If you refuse to believe that Covid19 was the prime complication because, well, conspiracy, then that's in your head.  :)

You conspiracy theorist are a hoot.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on November 29, 2020, 01:41:13 PM
You conspiracy theorist are a hoot.

You projectionists are funny as all get out.  :)
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: MORAY37 on November 29, 2020, 01:59:18 PM
This analysis was made at John Hopkins and published in a student newsletter, it was quickly taken down for unknown reasons.

It says that the annual US death rate was not increased by covid virus deaths and official death rates from the co-morbidities like heart disease declined the same amount as the virus increase.

Of course the lock down reduced traffic and other deaths but it also increased deaths from delayed care.

Maybe 200 actual virus deaths wasn't so far off.

Ah, the people who claim SARS-CoV-2 is a hoax perpetrated by those in power to advance monetary policy.... point to a paper done by an ECONOMIST as proof. 

Well done.  You got us.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on November 29, 2020, 03:17:53 PM
If they didn't act like 6 year olds, they wouldn't be treated as 6 years olds.

That's a fallacy. Your perception of 100s of millions of adults acting like 6 year olds is far reaching and shows that you believe in totalitarian control to "save" a population. Becoming a nanny state only takes 3-5 people in the right positions of power.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on November 29, 2020, 03:20:29 PM
That's a fallacy. Your perception of 100s of millions of adults acting like 6 year olds is far reaching and shows that you believe in totalitarian control to "save" a population. Becoming a nanny state only takes 3-5 people in the right positions of power.

Your perception of numbers appears to be quite skewed. It's a few thousand acting like 6 year olds making the '100s of millions' pay the price for their tantrums.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on November 29, 2020, 03:21:58 PM
Kinda like someone with cancer dying in a car wreck died from cancer or someone who has HIV dying from toxins in their food actually died from HIV? If you refuse to believe that Covid19 was the prime complication because, well, conspiracy, then that's in your head.  :)

hiv and aids doesn't kill you, it's a fact. what it does is lowers your immune system so a bunch of rare diseases kill you. so, it's aids related. that's accepted.

what is not is covid19, like me, I'm fat, have a fatty liver and sometimes i get asthma attacks. neither one of those is gonna kill me soon. but if i get covid and die, some people will try to say any of those things killed me except the damn virus.


Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on November 29, 2020, 03:26:23 PM
That's a fallacy. Your perception of 100s of millions of adults acting like 6 year olds is far reaching and shows that you believe in totalitarian control to "save" a population. Becoming a nanny state only takes 3-5 people in the right positions of power.

dude, you believe there's lizard people. even a six year old will roll his eyes at that. most of us think that to believe in lizard people, you must be on meth or heroin.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: FLS on November 29, 2020, 03:31:38 PM
The response to the virus was based on models.

The paper is just looking at the resulting CDC data. 

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on November 29, 2020, 03:37:31 PM
but if i get covid and die, some people will try to say any of those things killed me except the damn virus.

That's the point minus the distraction.  :aok
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: CptTrips on November 29, 2020, 04:21:39 PM

It's Fake News.

The people who they are claiming died of COVID really only died because their heart and breathing stopped. 

It's like when they claim people died from jumping off 10 story buildings when in reality, it is only the sudden stop at street level that kills them.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on November 29, 2020, 04:58:17 PM
Your perception of numbers appears to be quite skewed. It's a few thousand acting like 6 year olds making the '100s of millions' pay the price for their tantrums.

So many "mysterious people" running around spreading it. Painted by the lens of the media. If only we could trace everyones every move all the time to stop them before walking out of their house....I'll make an App for it!

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on November 29, 2020, 05:27:32 PM
So many "mysterious people" running around spreading it. Painted by the lens of the media. If only we could trace everyones every move all the time to stop them before walking out of their house....I'll make an App for it!

Sorry, I'm not much into playing 'random response tag.'  :old:
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on November 30, 2020, 04:48:00 AM
So many "mysterious people" running around spreading it. Painted by the lens of the media. If only we could trace everyones every move all the time to stop them before walking out of their house....I'll make an App for it!

Good point here. The authoraties can spread all the falsehoods they want. 4 million infections and almost no data on where or how the infection was transmitted.  They cram b.s. at us without much proof.  We've been wearing masks for some time now, yet numbers are exponential.

The lack of honest information is to blam, imo.  We have known for 6 months, going on 1 year. We need a n95 mask plus goggles to be protected.  Infected people are sent home without treatment.   Nursing home are still virus culture cells.  It's like we are too lazy to accept the fact we need to do something, not government mandated nothing.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on November 30, 2020, 06:38:18 AM
It started with a 2 week stay at home order...lower the curve

Now we have to hide from it totally or else...

All numbers involving this thing are suspect

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: MORAY37 on November 30, 2020, 02:42:51 PM
It started with a 2 week stay at home order...lower the curve

Now we have to hide from it totally or else...

All numbers involving this thing are suspect


Well, you'd have to actually lower the curve. First.  We did not.

I understand your skepticism.  But, you're not in your lane of expertise.  The reason it hasn't gotten any better is because a sizeable piece of the American populace thinks they can't have it happen to them.  Iceland has fewer than 7 deaths per 100,000 people.  Why?  Because they listened to the people who know what they are talking about. New Zealand squashed it in less than two months.

The same phenomena happened in the Spanish Flu (Which actually should have been called the Wichita Flu, because it originated in army barracks in the Midwest of the United States).  People said it was made up, and just another sickness that wasn't going to do anything.  They had parades in Philadelphia and other cities even though scientists and doctors were telling them not to.  A few months later, they were picking dead people up at their homes.  Americans just think they know better than anyone else.

It is a novel virus.  There isn't a way to know if you're just going to have a fever and two days in front of the T.V. or if you'll need a ventilator in 5 days.  There is no way to know which one you are.

Not to mention the 30-50% of people who have had that are now carrying permanent damage, the long term effects of which we have absolutely no clue about.  People who never knew they had it are showing up with irreversible lung damage as well as heart muscle damage.  This virus really attacks wherever it can.  This story is nowhere near its end.  You'll be hearing about unforeseen effects for decades.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on November 30, 2020, 03:00:45 PM
That depends on what curve you are referring to...

I am speaking of the one that was going to kill over 2 million in the US if we did not kill the economy first..

I think that one was flattened quite well

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on November 30, 2020, 03:10:17 PM
Well, you'd have to actually lower the curve. First.  We did not.

I understand your skepticism.  But, you're not in your lane of expertise.  The reason it hasn't gotten any better is because a sizeable piece of the American populace thinks they can't have it happen to them.  Iceland has fewer than 7 deaths per 100,000 people.  Why?  Because they listened to the people who know what they are talking about. New Zealand squashed it in less than two months.

The same phenomena happened in the Spanish Flu (Which actually should have been called the Wichita Flu, because it originated in army barracks in the Midwest of the United States).  People said it was made up, and just another sickness that wasn't going to do anything.  They had parades in Philadelphia and other cities even though scientists and doctors were telling them not to.  A few months later, they were picking dead people up at their homes.  Americans just think they know better than anyone else.

It is a novel virus.  There isn't a way to know if you're just going to have a fever and two days in front of the T.V. or if you'll need a ventilator in 5 days.  There is no way to know which one you are.

Not to mention the 30-50% of people who have had that are now carrying permanent damage, the long term effects of which we have absolutely no clue about.  People who never knew they had it are showing up with irreversible lung damage as well as heart muscle damage.  This virus really attacks wherever it can.  This story is nowhere near its end.  You'll be hearing about unforeseen effects for decades.

Because the virus was designed in a lab to do all of that to people. You guys act so smart, but then write off the fact that it was manipulated from some bat 500 miles in the China forrest, brought to lab by scientist. We would have never had this virus if not for the global health mafia building these viruses is sketch places like China.

You act like Iceland has even close to the same amount of people, cities, and living qualities than Americans. Its pretty easy to dictate to 400K people to stay inside. America has 350M people all doing different things, living in different areas.

I keep seeing the same excuse from all of you. If only 'those damn kids' weren't running around spreading the virus. If only we could keep the sheep locked in their house, THEN the virus will stop. Its such bologna. Government agencies never closed, public transportation never closed. MIT did a study proving thats one of the main carriers of the virus. "Well we can't shut those down because people still need to do stuff." "Stuff" thats more important than your livelyhood. SO MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MINDS.  I can't go to a mom and pop restaurant in a small town for breakfast but I can go to McDonald's with a line a mile long. Get the point?

That's why this virus is so great for yall, which magically does everything we've never seen before (but don't worry, China who hates us didn't do nuthin!) . All of your totalitarian control freaks can create policies to control people, cheat in elections, and ruin their lives to bring in their agenda. Its pathetic. As far as I'm concerned all of your "scientist" can do F themselves with their globalist fraud scam money.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on November 30, 2020, 04:14:01 PM
Kinda lookin' like you either skipped a dose or ran out of meds, altogether. :O
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on November 30, 2020, 04:15:24 PM
damn, where do you live violator, I live within 2 blocks of perhaps 15 or 20 small restaurants, all open, some only to go, some where you can eat outside. I kind of enjoy eating outside.

if we in commifornia can do that, not sure why you guys can't.

right now, I'm waiting for my wife to get ready to go to the legion and say hi to people. we wear masks, rules only pull them down to take a drink then back on.


Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: RotBaron on November 30, 2020, 04:28:27 PM

The lack of honest information is to blam, imo.  We have known for 6 months, going on 1 year. We need a n95 mask plus goggles to be protected.

This ^

 N95s and N99s should have been produced on a much more massive scale and made much more available...If hospital personnel are using it around infected patients and not contracting the virus at the rate of the general population then it obviously works much better. They are not comfortable to wear but that sure beats catching it and spreading it!
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on November 30, 2020, 04:32:04 PM
Well, you'd have to actually lower the curve. First.  We did not.

I understand your skepticism.  But, you're not in your lane of expertise.  The reason it hasn't gotten any better is because a sizeable piece of the American populace thinks they can't have it happen to them.  Iceland has fewer than 7 deaths per 100,000 people.  Why?  Because they listened to the people who know what they are talking about. New Zealand squashed it in less than two months.

The same phenomena happened in the Spanish Flu (Which actually should have been called the Wichita Flu, because it originated in army barracks in the Midwest of the United States).  People said it was made up, and just another sickness that wasn't going to do anything.  They had parades in Philadelphia and other cities even though scientists and doctors were telling them not to.  A few months later, they were picking dead people up at their homes.  Americans just think they know better than anyone else.

It is a novel virus.  There isn't a way to know if you're just going to have a fever and two days in front of the T.V. or if you'll need a ventilator in 5 days.  There is no way to know which one you are.

Not to mention the 30-50% of people who have had that are now carrying permanent damage, the long term effects of which we have absolutely no clue about.  People who never knew they had it are showing up with irreversible lung damage as well as heart muscle damage.  This virus really attacks wherever it can.  This story is nowhere near its end.  You'll be hearing about unforeseen effects for decades.

Lot of burners and looters are probably the cause of the new breakout. You will not read that in what passes for news today.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on November 30, 2020, 04:35:46 PM
Lot of burners and looters are probably the cause of the new breakout. You will not read that in what passes for news today.

Those wanna be militia folk should stop trying to start up the race war apocalypse.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: MiloMorai on November 30, 2020, 04:49:07 PM
DmonSlyr and his ilk are reason why the USA never got the spread of the virus under control. Also there was no national plan leadership put forward by the "war time" commander in chief.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: RotBaron on November 30, 2020, 05:00:56 PM
DmonSlyr and his ilk are reason why the USA never got the spread of the virus under control. Also there was no national plan leadership put forward by the "war time" commander in chief.

Ever heard of “State’s Rights?”

Governors were left to make decisions for those that elected them. Do you really want a dictator? Sounds like you do, please correct me if I’m wrong.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on November 30, 2020, 05:01:40 PM
DmonSlyr and his ilk are reason why the USA never got the spread of the virus under control. Also there was no national plan leadership put forward by the "war time" commander in chief.

I guess we better use totalitarian communist control to round me and my "ilk" up to SAVE THE WORLD. Right Milo?

How many wars did our war time President have? Last time I checked we are sending troops home. Yup, thats right. No more clown war in Syria, Lybia, Iraq, and Afghanistan, for you. Loser.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on November 30, 2020, 05:09:51 PM
I guess we better use totalitarian communist control to round me and my "ilk" up to SAVE THE WORLD. Right Milo?

How many wars did our war time President have? Last time I checked we are sending troops home. Yup, thats right. No more clown war in Syria, Lybia, Iraq, and Afghanistan, for you. Loser.

Well, this thread is crossing way too many lines. Let someone else play the example from the crowd when it comes time for an extended time-out.

P.S. You are very confused about everything you're mentioning in your post. But then, you don't have the age or experience much less the desire to know better.  :old:
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: MiloMorai on November 30, 2020, 05:11:04 PM
Guess you missed his comment about being a "war time" Prez.  :) He is losing the covid war, as well as an election, because of his incompetence.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on November 30, 2020, 05:26:10 PM
Can you imagine the pressure of living in fear of communist/socialist/totalitarian control coming to take over?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on November 30, 2020, 05:36:57 PM
Can you imagine the pressure of living in fear of communist/socialist/totalitarian control coming to take over?

Fear is a precursor to hate, in that instance. Perhaps it is in every instance. The bomb was an ever-present shadow at one time. I'm kinda surprised that's not the case, now. What I struggle with is groups of people so scared that they become the monster they paint others to be all the while pretending to be the champions of the masses. If that's not more akin to the original communist revolution then nothing is.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on November 30, 2020, 05:44:39 PM
Fear is a precursor to hate, in that instance. Perhaps it is in every instance. The bomb was an ever-present shadow at one time. I'm kinda surprised that's not the case, now. What I struggle with is groups of people so scared that they become the monster they paint others to be all the while pretending to be the champions of the masses. If that's not more akin to the original communist revolution then nothing is.

Coming from a true soviet propagandist attempting to subvert the US using psychological subversion while decrying that 'nothing is really happening, its all fluff".
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on November 30, 2020, 06:11:18 PM
Coming from a true soviet propagandist attempting to subvert the US using psychological subversion while decrying that 'nothing is really happening, its all fluff".

dude you believe in lizard people.  hard to take the high road.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on November 30, 2020, 06:23:46 PM
dude you believe in lizard people.  hard to take the high road.


You believe I believe in lizard people.

Its just an other example of attempts to discredit me, which moreso proves me right.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on November 30, 2020, 06:24:35 PM
Coming from a true soviet propagandist attempting to subvert the US using psychological subversion while decrying that 'nothing is really happening, its all fluff".

Aw, you're just trying to appeal to the cold war veteran in me.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: CptTrips on November 30, 2020, 06:25:22 PM
Its just an other example of attempts to discredit me, which moreso proves me right.

"Less than 100 deaths total.  Completely over by the end of March."
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on November 30, 2020, 06:26:52 PM
The thread is essentially dead. :banana:
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: MiloMorai on November 30, 2020, 06:30:08 PM
This is what happens when the multi layered tin foil glad person shows up. :devil
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: eddiek on November 30, 2020, 06:32:11 PM
DmonSlyr and his ilk are reason why the USA never got the spread of the virus under control. Also there was no national plan leadership put forward by the "war time" commander in chief.!

Rather than coming across as arrogant or demeaning, how about trying to persuade those who have a different viewpoint than your own, with facts, or what you call facts?
In response to those who are in the camp of all the deaths should be laid at the doorstep of the WH, I listed links to those who OPPOSED his initial reactions and responses, calling them racist and xenophobic.  Dismiss the source of the links if you wish, but read through the articles first, please.
To the initial topic, I too question the validity of the numbers.  CDC sometime back posted on their website that only 6% of the deaths were actually from the virus, and the MSM was too quick to downplay their findings........why?  Because they have an agenda.  I also question the numbers for other reasons, one of them being the local papers posting the daily new cases and deaths...........yet the obituaries have never added up to the numbers they put in the papers.
Another reason is the local TV stations announce that the local hospitals "are at capacity, they are strained to the limit", then you dig deeper and research and see that they are at 15% capacity.............they announce that the local hospitals are short staffed, yet the same hospitals "furloughed" a large number of their staff, from nurses to phlebotomists, to some physicians...........there is a thin thin line between furlough and lay offs, either way, you cut the staff loose, and in the area, those staff are NOT going to stick around and go broke when they can move to other areas to support their families and make a living........and, the ones I know who kept working were constantly posting selfies of themselves at work....something I never did not even once during my time as a nurse.  If you have time to take daily selfies, the patient load and acuity isn't as bad as you and the media are claiming.
Lastly, my wife went to work for a lab company in February, and during her orientation she noticed that company's intranet stated that they had started working on lab tests for the virus in November 2019.  Kinda odd that an American company was already alerted to the presence of the virus that long before the CCP announced anything about it.
I wear a mask where I am required to, apparently I practiced social distancing before it was called that and don't get close to people anyway, I've had family members test positive for the virus, know people who have contracted it and either felt fine, felt a little achy, and one lady did end up on a ventilator.  For some it can be serious or even fatal, but for the overwhelming majority of people, they survive.
For those who want to call me cold or heartless, my wife is in the high risk category, she has cardiac issues, some diminished lung function from the bypass surgery, and other factors that place her squarely in the category of high risk.  She says, and I quote, "I'd rather live my life, than sit around scared of something that might or might not make me sick or kill me, and let life pass me by."  My attitude is the same...........each of us has a finite amount of time on this rock we live on, I intend to live my life to the fullest, too many other things that are more likely to cause my death than the virus.
Your mileage my vary......................... ........................ :rock
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on November 30, 2020, 06:40:07 PM

Its just an other example of attempts to discredit me, which moreso proves me right.

Not an attempt. Most think you've done an exemplary job of discrediting yourself. Few worry about the boogeyman trying to get us.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on November 30, 2020, 06:44:05 PM
You believe I believe in lizard people.

Its just an other example of attempts to discredit me, which moreso proves me right.

you actually posted that in one of your conspiracy rants.

you actually didn't say lizard but called them reptilians satanic forces.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on November 30, 2020, 06:46:56 PM
Not an attempt. Most think you've done an exemplary job of discrediting yourself. Few worry about the boogeyman trying to get us.

You being oblivious to your slavery is what discredits you. You cant discredit me when you have no idea what you are talking about, or are using subversion to avoid the truth.

Good thing your "leader" thinks this virus presents a perfect opportunity to "build back better". Gee, it's almost like its been planned. I wonder what "build back better" truly means?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on November 30, 2020, 06:48:27 PM
you actually posted that in one of your conspiracy rants.

you actually didn't say lizard but called them reptilians satanic forces.


Um, no I didn't. I said there is a lot of reptilian symbolism. Ie snakes and dragons, generally with regards to principalities around the world.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on November 30, 2020, 06:48:37 PM
Eddlick, to that point. Agreed. It has been a ugly mess and the ignorance rolls on.

Unfortunately, through all the uncertainty and knowledge.   People have abandoned and never had respect for each other.  Many being righteous and pointing their finger.  A dangerous people they are, and shameful.   Also, most have been good and respectful, doing the best we can.  That's what I say, do your best, and love your neighbor. It's all we can do, and it is all good.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on November 30, 2020, 06:58:16 PM

Um, no I didn't. I said there is a lot of reptilian symbolism. Ie snakes and dragons, generally with regards to principalities around the world.

Lol reptilian symbolism? Like adjusting your core to fit in your surroundings because you have no mechanism to maintain homeostasis? Lol I can see that analogy fitting.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on November 30, 2020, 07:08:40 PM
You being oblivious to your slavery is what discredits you. You cant discredit me when you have no idea what you are talking about, or are using subversion to avoid the truth.

Good thing your "leader" thinks this virus presents a perfect opportunity to "build back better". Gee, it's almost like its been planned. I wonder what "build back better" truly means?

Wow, now I am a slave? and I am avoiding some truth that only you see? and I have a Leader too?
Very odd DS.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on November 30, 2020, 07:20:37 PM
Wow, now I am a slave? and I am avoiding some truth that only you see? and I have a Leader too?
Very odd DS.

Great reset, Build back better. Do some research.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on November 30, 2020, 07:30:58 PM
Great reset, Build back better. Do some research.

was wondering when you would bring this conspiracy again.  you think the 93k indictments that didn't happen would have taught you a lesson.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on November 30, 2020, 07:40:10 PM
was wondering when you would bring this conspiracy again.  you think the 93k indictments that didn't happen would have taught you a lesson.


Yeah its a conspiracy alright. A criminal one.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on November 30, 2020, 07:43:11 PM
My tennis facility has been making us wear mask playing indoor tennis for the last 3 months.

All of the sudden, cases are mysteriously rising in Oregon.

Now they have completely shut down the indoor tennis facility.

Answer me this. If wearing a mask did anything. Then why does the entire facility have to shut down given that the mask is to prevent the spread?
False logic being dictated by a dictator governor with her dictator judges. Everyone wears mask everywhere in Portland like good little sheep. So how could cases possibly be rising?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on November 30, 2020, 08:10:44 PM
My tennis facility has been making us wear mask playing indoor tennis for the last 3 months.

All of the sudden, cases are mysteriously rising in Oregon.

Now they have completely shut down the indoor tennis facility.

Answer me this. If wearing a mask did anything. Then why does the entire facility have to shut down given that the mask is to prevent the spread?
False logic being dictated by a dictator governor with her dictator judges. Everyone wears mask everywhere in Portland like good little sheep. So how could cases possibly be rising?

I know.  There must be a difference between what is happening and what we think is happening. Applying March logic to a November problem.  And where is the data? Surely they have been tracking infections?  All that money spent to contact trace and we have no data?  I read the results of a study in India.  They had to add a face shield to three layers of mask to stop infection.  With a mask, 3 layers of mask, they had 50% infection. Adding a face shield dropped infection to zero.  This was in a hospital setting.  The most dangerous covid location on earth short of a michigan nursing home. A coworker had his teeth cleaned by a infected person. That's direct contact for 45 minutes.  State of michigan said she did not need to notify anyone because of her ppe. Another coworker tested negative and was told to quarantine 14 days anyway.  The worker that tested positive was told to quarantine ten days! 

We are being directed by a ineffective guess.  And people eat it up.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on November 30, 2020, 08:11:17 PM
so you wear a mask and call others who wear a mask little sheep.  aren't you a sheep too?

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on November 30, 2020, 08:58:00 PM

Rather than coming across as arrogant or demeaning, how about trying to persuade those who have a different viewpoint than your own, with facts, or what you call facts?
In response to those who are in the camp of all the deaths should be laid at the doorstep of the WH, I listed links to those who OPPOSED his initial reactions and responses, calling them racist and xenophobic.  Dismiss the source of the links if you wish, but read through the articles first, please.
To the initial topic, I too question the validity of the numbers.  CDC sometime back posted on their website that only 6% of the deaths were actually from the virus, and the MSM was too quick to downplay their findings........why?  Because they have an agenda.  I also question the numbers for other reasons, one of them being the local papers posting the daily new cases and deaths...........yet the obituaries have never added up to the numbers they put in the papers.
Another reason is the local TV stations announce that the local hospitals "are at capacity, they are strained to the limit", then you dig deeper and research and see that they are at 15% capacity.............they announce that the local hospitals are short staffed, yet the same hospitals "furloughed" a large number of their staff, from nurses to phlebotomists, to some physicians...........there is a thin thin line between furlough and lay offs, either way, you cut the staff loose, and in the area, those staff are NOT going to stick around and go broke when they can move to other areas to support their families and make a living........and, the ones I know who kept working were constantly posting selfies of themselves at work....something I never did not even once during my time as a nurse.  If you have time to take daily selfies, the patient load and acuity isn't as bad as you and the media are claiming.
Lastly, my wife went to work for a lab company in February, and during her orientation she noticed that company's intranet stated that they had started working on lab tests for the virus in November 2019.  Kinda odd that an American company was already alerted to the presence of the virus that long before the CCP announced anything about it.
I wear a mask where I am required to, apparently I practiced social distancing before it was called that and don't get close to people anyway, I've had family members test positive for the virus, know people who have contracted it and either felt fine, felt a little achy, and one lady did end up on a ventilator.  For some it can be serious or even fatal, but for the overwhelming majority of people, they survive.
For those who want to call me cold or heartless, my wife is in the high risk category, she has cardiac issues, some diminished lung function from the bypass surgery, and other factors that place her squarely in the category of high risk.  She says, and I quote, "I'd rather live my life, than sit around scared of something that might or might not make me sick or kill me, and let life pass me by."  My attitude is the same...........each of us has a finite amount of time on this rock we live on, I intend to live my life to the fullest, too many other things that are more likely to cause my death than the virus.
Your mileage my vary......................... ........................ :rock

Really nice post, sir.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Oldman731 on November 30, 2020, 09:00:47 PM
I guess the black helicopter thing must be so yesterday.  Makes me feel old.

- oldman (I know, I know....)
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: FLS on November 30, 2020, 09:05:09 PM
The group of people most likely to die from the wuhan virus are the same people who are most likely to die without the virus.  In other words they are the group of people most likely to die in any given year.

What the article points out is simply that we should expect to see virus deaths increasing the  average yearly death toll. The CDC data used for the study isn't showing that but it is showing a decrease in the usual primary causes of death.

That there is a viral disease making people sick is not in dispute. The question is the actual fatality rate caused by the virus because every death that tested positive or met guidelines without a positive test for the virus is considered a virus death under current guidelines.

Answering that question requires good data and an understanding of how death is coded when there is more than one cause.

It's a good question to answer because the costs of shutting down require a benefit.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on November 30, 2020, 09:05:14 PM
I guess the black helicopter thing must be so yesterday.  Makes me feel old.

- oldman (I know, I know....)

used to live in Charlotte NC back then, a thousand black helicopters out at night spying on citizens without making a sound.  those are the good days.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on November 30, 2020, 09:33:19 PM
The group of people most likely to die from the wuhan virus are the same people who are most likely to die without the virus.  In other words they are the group of people most likely to die in any given year.

What the article points out is simply that we should expect to see virus deaths increasing the  average yearly death toll. The CDC data used for the study isn't showing that but it is showing a decrease in the usual primary causes of death.

That there is a viral disease making people sick is not in dispute. The question is the actual fatality rate caused by the virus because every death that tested positive or met guidelines without a positive test for the virus is considered a virus death under current guidelines.

Answering that question requires good data and an understanding of how death is coded when there is more than one cause.

It's a good question to answer because the costs of shutting down require a benefit.

Let's not get lost in the data and draw inaccurate conclusions. Each case that paints the graph would need to be examined to see how that individuals life was influenced. The numbers dont add up as it should in theory.  That is interesting, and the author is correct that more research is needed. Also, this virus is not even one year old. And with the changes in our culture, relevant behaviors have been dynamic.  Hopefully this virus is diminished to the point it is not deadly unless you were about to die anyway.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: MORAY37 on December 01, 2020, 02:11:51 AM
Well, this thread was staffed by careful, thinking adults having a pleasant exchange..... until it wasn't. 

Locked IN the morning.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: MORAY37 on December 01, 2020, 02:28:52 AM
Because the virus was designed in a lab to do all of that to people. You guys act so smart, but then write off the fact that it was manipulated from some bat 500 miles in the China forrest, brought to lab by scientist. We would have never had this virus if not for the global health mafia building these viruses is sketch places like China.

You act like Iceland has even close to the same amount of people, cities, and living qualities than Americans. Its pretty easy to dictate to 400K people to stay inside. America has 350M people all doing different things, living in different areas.

I keep seeing the same excuse from all of you. If only 'those damn kids' weren't running around spreading the virus. If only we could keep the sheep locked in their house, THEN the virus will stop. Its such bologna. Government agencies never closed, public transportation never closed. MIT did a study proving thats one of the main carriers of the virus. "Well we can't shut those down because people still need to do stuff." "Stuff" thats more important than your livelyhood. SO MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MINDS.  I can't go to a mom and pop restaurant in a small town for breakfast but I can go to McDonald's with a line a mile long. Get the point?

That's why this virus is so great for yall, which magically does everything we've never seen before (but don't worry, China who hates us didn't do nuthin!) . All of your totalitarian control freaks can create policies to control people, cheat in elections, and ruin their lives to bring in their agenda. Its pathetic. As far as I'm concerned all of your "scientist" can do F themselves with their globalist fraud scam money.

There is so much cognitive dissonance in just these few lines that unraveling it would require an expensive plush leather couch I can't afford and four advanced degrees I don't possess.
It must be either a hobby or a pastime of yours to get threads locked.  How do you still have forum privs?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: MORAY37 on December 01, 2020, 02:53:24 AM
That depends on what curve you are referring to...

I am speaking of the one that was going to kill over 2 million in the US if we did not kill the economy first..

I think that one was flattened quite well


Eagler I will respond to you before this thread gets closed. I appreciate the respectful conversation, as well. 

The issue with how you see the flattened curve is the problem that there isn't one covid-19 virus, there's two.  SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2, which originated from -1. The original virus, -1, came out of China (and no, it was not engineered in a lab.  We crazy biologists actually know how to check the genetic makeup and can see if they are naturally evolved or engineered) and spread to Europe and the West Coast of the US.  The second, -2, mutated in Europe to include a protein that made it easier to infect human cells.  That's the primary causal virus of the worst case sickness.... it tends to have a much higher viral shed rate from person to person, and needs less to infect you.  -1, you need a pretty significant amount of virus to get infected... think someone sneezing in your face.  For -2, if you pass through a doorway that an infected person exhaled at 2 minutes prior, you're likely to be exposed to the ~1,500 virus threshold to get infected. 

-2 ended up in New York, while -1 tried really hard everywhere else to do something, but it just didn't have the virulence factor.  Speaking evolution, it was weaker.  Shutting down New York limited the possibility for -2 to get out, and it didn't, really, until we opened up.  That's when it moved out of the northeast and took over as the primary SARS virus, out-competing its' progenitor by orders of magnitude for the right to nestle in our cozy lungs.   From what research I've seen, it's the only one now.... nobody seems to find naturally occuring SARS-CoV-1 now.... only 2, with the protein mutation.   

Technically, we bent the curve down, but we really are still only in the first wave.  CoV-1 had a pretty free reign on most of the country, but wasn't able to really infect many people, because it wasn't equipped with the same protein.  CoV-2 was bottled up in New York, and infected/killed a whole lot of people.... but didn't get out until we relaxed things.  We relaxed while that virus still had a sustained reservoir of spread, both symptomatic and asymptomatic.  Then it was allowed out during summer, which is generally a poor time for a virus to spread (everyone is outside and we don't tend to be personally close to strangers).... and now you have an unmitigated disaster unfolding, with winter bringing everyone inside again.  Immunologists will be studying this for decades.  We actually did a pretty good job at the beginning....although it wasn't by design.  We isolated the virus that had a higher virulence, while we ignored the other one....  But, that brought our guard down too early.....and now we have the exact case study that your referenced model was portraying: uncontrolled logarithmic spread .  I'm not saying we're looking at tens of millions... but I think over a million Americans dead might be baked into the cake right now.  I truly hope that doesn't come to pass.... but with the way this country is acting, I am entirely pessimistic.

If you read nothing else, read these next lines. The next few weeks are not going to be good.  There are really big warning signs with the healthcare system in this country.  I would be cautious to the extreme through January/February, and possibly until the weather breaks, and people aren't all stuck inside and breathing on each other.  If you are one of the unlucky people, right now, who get the worst case scenario of full blown COVID-19 requiring a ventilator, you're entering a health care system on the brink of fundamental collapse.  The act of being put on a ventilator FOR ANY REASON, puts a human being at a 40% mortality.... and that goes up with a strained healthcare system. The nurses qualified to run a COVID ward have been doing 6 12 hour shifts a week for almost a year.  They are burnt out, and they're dropping like flies.  Many have had enough.  My close friend working in a major hospital can't count how many people she's watched die the same way: gasping for every breath.  3, 4 in one shift at points.  That's not fake, and they're all Americans.  We should be doing better.

I would truly not be surprised to see 3500 to 4000 deaths per day by Christmas. Per day, every day for a prolonged period of time. We are on the worst possible path, when looking at the rates of infection:hospitalization:deaths as you can possibly be with a respiratory virus. You absolutely, unequivocally do not want to be going on a ventilator in the next 6-10 weeks.  Not that you EVER would.... but really, really not this winter.

Best of luck, to you and yours <S>
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 01, 2020, 04:45:19 AM
Eagler I will respond to you before this thread gets closed. I appreciate the respectful conversation, as well. 

The issue with how you see the flattened curve is the problem that there isn't one covid-19 virus, there's two.  SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2, which originated from -1. The original virus, -1, came out of China (and no, it was not engineered in a lab.  We crazy biologists actually know how to check the genetic makeup and can see if they are naturally evolved or engineered) and spread to Europe and the West Coast of the US.  The second, -2, mutated in Europe to include a protein that made it easier to infect human cells.  That's the primary causal virus of the worst case sickness.... it tends to have a much higher viral shed rate from person to person, and needs less to infect you.  -1, you need a pretty significant amount of virus to get infected... think someone sneezing in your face.  For -2, if you pass through a doorway that an infected person exhaled at 2 minutes prior, you're likely to be exposed to the ~1,500 virus threshold to get infected. 

-2 ended up in New York, while -1 tried really hard everywhere else to do something, but it just didn't have the virulence factor.  Speaking evolution, it was weaker.  Shutting down New York limited the possibility for -2 to get out, and it didn't, really, until we opened up.  That's when it moved out of the northeast and took over as the primary SARS virus, out-competing its' progenitor by orders of magnitude for the right to nestle in our cozy lungs.   From what research I've seen, it's the only one now.... nobody seems to find naturally occuring SARS-CoV-1 now.... only 2, with the protein mutation.   

Technically, we bent the curve down, but we really are still only in the first wave.  CoV-1 had a pretty free reign on most of the country, but wasn't able to really infect many people, because it wasn't equipped with the same protein.  CoV-2 was bottled up in New York, and infected/killed a whole lot of people.... but didn't get out until we relaxed things.  We relaxed while that virus still had a sustained reservoir of spread, both symptomatic and asymptomatic.  Then it was allowed out during summer, which is generally a poor time for a virus to spread (everyone is outside and we don't tend to be personally close to strangers).... and now you have an unmitigated disaster unfolding, with winter bringing everyone inside again.  Immunologists will be studying this for decades.  We actually did a pretty good job at the beginning....although it wasn't by design.  We isolated the virus that had a higher virulence, while we ignored the other one....  But, that brought our guard down too early.....and now we have the exact case study that your referenced model was portraying: uncontrolled logarithmic spread .  I'm not saying we're looking at tens of millions... but I think over a million Americans dead might be baked into the cake right now.  I truly hope that doesn't come to pass.... but with the way this country is acting, I am entirely pessimistic.

If you read nothing else, read these next lines. The next few weeks are not going to be good.  There are really big warning signs with the healthcare system in this country.  I would be cautious to the extreme through January/February, and possibly until the weather breaks, and people aren't all stuck inside and breathing on each other.  If you are one of the unlucky people, right now, who get the worst case scenario of full blown COVID-19 requiring a ventilator, you're entering a health care system on the brink of fundamental collapse.  The act of being put on a ventilator FOR ANY REASON, puts a human being at a 40% mortality.... and that goes up with a strained healthcare system. The nurses qualified to run a COVID ward have been doing 6 12 hour shifts a week for almost a year.  They are burnt out, and they're dropping like flies.  Many have had enough.  My close friend working in a major hospital can't count how many people she's watched die the same way: gasping for every breath.  3, 4 in one shift at points.  That's not fake, and they're all Americans.  We should be doing better.

I would truly not be surprised to see 3500 to 4000 deaths per day by Christmas. Per day, every day for a prolonged period of time. We are on the worst possible path, when looking at the rates of infection:hospitalization:deaths as you can possibly be with a respiratory virus. You absolutely, unequivocally do not want to be going on a ventilator in the next 6-10 weeks.  Not that you EVER would.... but really, really not this winter.

Best of luck, to you and yours <S>

Interesting story.

Why do we not treat people until it to late?

Was not the virus spread around the country in March? Why so focused on new york?

Where are the n95 masks?

If a virus evolves in a labs petri dish is that not still natural evolution?  Will be interesting to see how this virus made two giant leaps within months, then stabilizes.

Would be nice if all our folklore could be consolidated to truth.

That's probably the biggest problem,  a lack of truth from top to bottom.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 01, 2020, 05:25:54 AM
If you are one of the unlucky people, right now, who get the worst case scenario of full blown COVID-19 requiring a ventilator,

Full blown covid?  Is not the virus all but gone when at that stage?  Also, have we not learned a ventalator can actually kill a sars patient? That co2 levels are not elevated and lung function is retained better than initially assumed? Have we not learned to limit viral reproduction so the immune system does not cause as severe damage?

I really hope our over worked health system is not missing out on knowledge and treatments.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 01, 2020, 05:37:27 AM

One of many confusing statements is the one you repeated about how this will be a "dark winter" - a very corrupt politicians exact words - because the cold will send us all inside where we have a better chance of catching covid...

But isn't that exactly what they have been telling us all along?

To stay home and have everything delivered?

Now how is this going to expidite the infection rate when we have been told such action would reduce it?

Is the 2nd version of this - the more contagious one- a weaker strain than the first?

I thought I heard it was determined to be but everyone tells you something different everyday.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 01, 2020, 05:58:24 AM

One of many confusing statements is the one you repeated about how this will be a "dark winter" - a very corrupt politicians exact words - because the cold will send us all inside where we have a better chance of catching covid...

But isn't that exactly what they have been telling us all along?

To stay home and have everything delivered?

Now how is this going to expidite the infection rate when we have been told such action would reduce it?

Is the 2nd version of this - the more contagious one- a weaker strain than the first?

I thought I heard it was determined to be but everyone tells you something different everyday.


I think they assume if you stay home you will not have human contact, therefore you will not spread the disease. This of course, is not a bulletproof method.  Taking the virus out of the population would do more.

Unfortunately, no authority in the us is actively removing the virus from the population.

Sars cov 1 was the original SARS some 13 years ago.  Sars 2 came out of China last year.  The European variation was discovered different than the original wuhan virus.  Since then, many varieties have been found.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on December 01, 2020, 06:13:02 AM
DmonSlyr and his ilk are reason why the USA never got the spread of the virus under control. Also there was no national plan leadership put forward by the "war time" commander in chief.

You ignorance of the US is amusing.

Stopping folks from coming into the states from infected areas was the right thing to do. It was voted down by folks who want open borders.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 01, 2020, 07:00:19 AM
You ignorance of the US is amusing.

Stopping folks from coming into the states from infected areas was the right thing to do. It was voted down by folks who want open borders.

And all along I thought they had more personal motives.  Hmm.

Better get out of here before the boss shows. You know how he thinks of us getting off topic.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 01, 2020, 07:41:14 AM
There is so much cognitive dissonance in just these few lines that unraveling it would require an expensive plush leather couch I can't afford and four advanced degrees I don't possess.
It must be either a hobby or a pastime of yours to get threads locked.  How do you still have forum privs?

It's a hobby of mine to expose Bullcrap. That's what I like to do.

I've already seen Chinese scientist risking their and their families lives to prove the virus was manipulated in a lab. Do you still believe the lie it was found in wet market?

The fact that you give China a pass means i do not trust what you have to say. You are pushing an agenda like the rest of them.

FLS exposes how they will not even post the correct #s because it doesn't fit their agenda/narrative. Now why is that?

Amazing how scientist use the communist method of control to SAVE THE WORLD. Thats where we are today. Never ever done this before in history.

You make all of these excuses. Welll, it would have slowed the curved BUT...

People wearing the mask still get sick but...

People staying at home still get sick but...

Closing down restaurants will prevent people from getting sick, but people are still getting sick so....

This virus does everything it needs to do to force totalitarian control on the people. You dont find that strange?

How do you know dark forces aren't running around spreading it in places on purpose to continue their agenda?

If only we did this, if only we did that.

Biggest fallacy of the year.

99.9% survival rate. No one is scared any more and I'm tired of watching people lose everything because "scientist" claim that's what we should do.

They still have 0 data to back any up any of their totalitarian claims.

I'm tired of it.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 01, 2020, 07:50:12 AM
No agenda here

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: MiloMorai on December 01, 2020, 08:35:48 AM
You ignorance of the US is amusing.

Stopping folks from coming into the states from infected areas was the right thing to do. It was voted down by folks who want open borders.

There was still 60,000 or so that came in from China and east coast airports were packed like sardine cans with people coming back from Europe and other places to beat the ban. The 3 stages for opening up went the way of the dodo pretty quick with urging from the "war time" commander in chief.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on December 01, 2020, 08:50:56 AM
There was still 60,000 or so that came in from China and east coast airports were packed like sardine cans with people coming back from Europe and other places to beat the ban. The 3 stages for opening up went the way of the dodo pretty quick with urging from the "war time" commander in chief.

The ban never happened.... not for any length of time. Add to that the bottom feeders crowding together to loot, burn, and pillage.

Your syndrome forces you to try to blame one man for all that. It is just silly.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 01, 2020, 09:16:21 AM
Lots bs by everyone.  Claim to know the unknown is not a good position.   As stevie said. "When you believe in things you dont understand, you will suffer."
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 01, 2020, 09:35:59 AM
All I can do is spread awareness about who is controlling all of this, expose all of the globalist health networks involved, and encourage people to research who controls these organizations.

Amazing polly-global Health protection racket

Remove the hyphen before chute.

Add the World Economic Forum to this, and what do you get? "A perfect opportunity to "Build back better".

Strange how all of the people doubting me here can't tell me why all of their leaders are saying this phrase and what it actually means.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 01, 2020, 09:46:51 AM
All I can do is spread awareness about who is controlling all of this, expose all of the globalist health networks involved, and encourage people to research who controls these organizations.

Amazing polly-global Health protection racket

Remove the hyphen before chute.

Add the World Economic Forum to this, and what do you get? "A perfect opportunity to "Build back better".

Strange how all of the people doubting me here can't tell me why all of their leaders are saying this phrase and what it actually means.

But it is not a output from a gathering.  It is a natural state of the culture. The only organization is in your head!

Like most in life. Your on to something that is real, but you lost it when you tried to define it.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 01, 2020, 09:49:06 AM
Every country has ruined their currency except those that manipulate it at will - china

China has backed their currency with gold

The reset is the reassignment of the worlds reserve currency which will not be the US dollar

This will send the US into the crapper as all the dollars printed the last 20 years coming flowing back devaluing the dollar fast and hard

The "reset" is something most ppl should not want as it will get much worse than it is now for most of us without any guarantee it will ever get back to what it is now IMO.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 01, 2020, 10:09:41 AM
But it is not a output from a gathering.  It is a natural state of the culture. The only organization is in your head!

Like most in life. Your on to something that is real, but you lost it when you tried to define it.

I'm just curious why the UN is supporting a China communist named Victor Dzau to organize and control all of these global health institutions?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on December 01, 2020, 11:05:09 AM
I'm just curious why the UN is supporting a China communist named Victor Dzau to organize and control all of these global health institutions?

Is it difficult to keep track of all of this evil that's "out-to-get-you"? Do you sort these groups and individuals alphabetically or by the level of the impending danger?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 01, 2020, 11:35:07 AM
Is it difficult to keep track of all of this evil that's "out-to-get-you"? Do you sort these groups and individuals alphabetically or by the level of the impending danger?

Watch the video I posted and then get back to me  :aok
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: FLS on December 01, 2020, 01:11:10 PM

FLS exposes how they will not even post the correct #s because it doesn't fit their agenda/narrative. Now why is that?

What I said is that the medical coding for cause of death has to be understood in context. It's like the claim that tobacco kills x number of people a year. It's not necessarily the primary cause of death, it's just one contributing cause of poor health, but it's listed in the tobacco death data base as a smoking death. This is why you also hear the more accurate warning that smoking can shorten your life, for example because it contributes to the heart disease that actually kills you.

A contributing factor in covid hospitalizations is vitamin D deficiency, people with proper levels are likely the 80% asymptomatic infected people.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on December 01, 2020, 01:15:22 PM
What I said is that the medical coding for cause of death has to be understood in context. It's like the claim that tobacco kills x number of people a year. It's not necessarily the primary cause of death, it's just one contributing cause of poor health, but it's listed in the tobacco death data base as a smoking death. This is why you also hear the more accurate warning that smoking can shorten your life, for example because it contributes to the heart disease that actually kills you.

A contributing factor in covid hospitalizations is vitamin D deficiency, people with proper levels are likely the 80% asymptomatic infected people.

Driving, fishing, exercising, eating...... can all do the same thing.

Strange that someone exercising has a heart attack and they never say they died of exercising.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 01, 2020, 02:03:03 PM
All numbers are suspect as they have not counted in the same way in all places

Not to mention the $$$ to hospitals for checking the covid box

With the basic count flawed all other calculations are inaccurate

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: FLS on December 01, 2020, 02:09:44 PM
Driving, fishing, exercising, eating...... can all do the same thing.

Strange that someone exercising has a heart attack and they never say they died of exercising.

With  traumatic injury the cause of death coding is less complicated.

Exercise may be listed as a secondary cause but it would never be the primary cause.

You could still include it in a data base of exercise related death if you wanted to lie with statistics.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on December 01, 2020, 02:36:09 PM
With  traumatic injury the cause of death coding is less complicated.

Exercise may be listed as a secondary cause but it would never be the primary cause.

You could still include it in a data base of exercise related death if you wanted to lie with statistics.

Just like exercising and having a heart attack.... after the fact they find the person was covid positive but was not sick..... Bet that one is going under covid.

Major conundrum, what if he also smokes, do you short change the smoking death to get that dollar for a covid death?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: FLS on December 01, 2020, 02:58:05 PM
You would have a covid death and a smoking death and an exercise death but the primary cause would still be the heart attack from the heart disease in this example.  That's why the effect of the virus on the overall death rate is significant. The fact that the article was pulled from the website despite being accurate illustrates dmonslyr's point about maintaining a narrative.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on December 01, 2020, 03:45:08 PM
So three deaths from one person passing. Wonder if he or she had ulcers or and in grown toe nail.  :D

More fuel for the numbers fire.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: FLS on December 01, 2020, 03:54:31 PM
So three deaths from one person passing. Wonder if he or she had ulcers or and in grown toe nail.  :D

More fuel for the numbers fire.

It's still one death but it could be used to promote three different agendas.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on December 01, 2020, 04:40:24 PM
It's still one death but it could be used to promote three different agendas.

I know... but what if it was listed as three..........

Just trying to make a point.  The death can be listed under any manner of causes if they are sick. Just pick the one that makes the hospital the most money.

Story out now says that SARs was in country as early as mid December of last year. They have blood samples.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 01, 2020, 05:10:21 PM
Watching streaming youtube videos the last few days showing testimony of what when on there the 1st week in nov shows the use of covid as a weapon to control the required oversight

As the same exact thing happened in numerous cities shows a coordinated and planned course of action

It is the perfect tool for what it was used for this year


Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on December 01, 2020, 05:44:57 PM
Watch the video I posted and then get back to me  :aok

Well on behalf of all those present, I have to thank intellects like you and Amazing Polly for "standing post" and clarifying all these imposing dangers. I'll be prepared to implement all the necessary protective measures when the are made clear.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 01, 2020, 06:09:29 PM
Well on behalf of all those present, I have to thank intellects like you and Amazing Polly for "standing post" and clarifying all these imposing dangers. I'll be prepared to implement all the necessary protective measures when the are made clear.

You better make sure there is room on the comet before you make your bed.  :old:
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on December 01, 2020, 06:21:04 PM
You better make sure there is room on the comet before you make your bed.  :old:

Oh hell... if worse comes to worst, I can always become Soylent Green.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: FLS on December 01, 2020, 08:03:57 PM
I know... but what if it was listed as three..........

Just trying to make a point.  The death can be listed under any manner of causes if they are sick. Just pick the one that makes the hospital the most money.

Story out now says that SARs was in country as early as mid December of last year. They have blood samples.

I expect the doctors make their best guess on cause of death. The hospitals are required to report covid positive patients even if it isn't the primary cause of death. Then they become part of the covid fatality numbers.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on December 01, 2020, 08:16:52 PM
I expect the doctors make their best guess on cause of death. The hospitals are required to report covid positive patients even if it isn't the primary cause of death. Then they become part of the covid fatality numbers.

Not true. Doctors are not permitted to pick and choose from countless causes of death to suit some obscure goal. If the cause of death cannot be definitively defined, then the cause must be listed as "undetermined".
For example, if a Covid patient was sent home after testing positive and then perished at home without further medical intervention, the cause of death would not be listed as covid death until a definitive autopsy was performed. Something not likely to happen for some extended time considering how badly the medical infrastructure is overtaxed.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on December 01, 2020, 08:54:43 PM
Oh hell... if worse comes to worst, I can always become Soylent Green.

oh man, i can make some salsa that will turn you into soylent green in the morning  :rofl

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: FLS on December 01, 2020, 09:52:05 PM
... Doctors are not permitted to pick and choose from countless causes of death to suit some obscure goal....

That's correct. They have to record their opinion of the actual causes of death and the main cause. They can't just pick whatever they feel like. They use their experience and make their best guess.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 02, 2020, 06:37:27 AM
If you think some hospitals did not cheat the system and skew the numbers you are fooling yourself

Pretty sure they did not have anyone confirming the covid check box on the old ppl dying in the crappy state run old folks homes

Dont be so naive...the world is more corrupt than most want to believe

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on December 02, 2020, 10:23:03 AM
If you think some hospitals did not cheat the system and skew the numbers you are fooling yourself

Pretty sure they did not have anyone confirming the covid check box on the old ppl dying in the crappy state run old folks homes

Dont be so naive...the world is more corrupt than most want to believe


Nothing like a re-affirmation of one's faith in the ethics of the medical profession to start the day.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: FLS on December 02, 2020, 11:42:13 AM
If you think some hospitals did not cheat the system and skew the numbers you are fooling yourself

Pretty sure they did not have anyone confirming the covid check box on the old ppl dying in the crappy state run old folks homes

Dont be so naive...the world is more corrupt than most want to believe


There is certainly some fraud in the medical community but I think the covid counting issues are mostly due to hasty legislation and the focus on counting total cases instead of hospitalizations and deaths.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on December 02, 2020, 12:11:03 PM
Nothing like a re-affirmation of one's faith in the ethics of the medical profession to start the day.

We see it in the news often. Nurses killing babies, Doctors raping patients. etc etc..... Like any profession, there are good and bad.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 02, 2020, 12:19:43 PM
There was a very good whistle blower video created by a former woman military nurse who blew the lid off one of the hospitals in New York she volunteered to work at who were blatenly lying and doing shady things. I can't remember the video or name of the woman. Will have to do some research to find it. It was very good. But it really showed how these struggling hospitals were desperate for money because they were close to going under.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 02, 2020, 12:40:30 PM
The video stated in the beginning NY would mark the old sick/ homeless/poor as dirt as covid and put them on covid floors and bam they had covid

This it?

Many ways to cheat and at different times during treatment

Its not the medical community but human nature these days I don't blindly trust

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on December 02, 2020, 03:11:27 PM
The sad thing is those types ruin the norm. Most Doctors, Nurses, and hospitals are good. You jave your bad apples just as the police departments and any other profession do.

They can ruin the numbers though. Galveston Texas was showing a lot of folks testing positive. A few dieing, a few recovering. This was for weeks on end. Then someone realized their charts were not right and in a couple of days there was a miracle recovery spike on the charts.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on December 02, 2020, 03:54:47 PM
Shuffler, which hospital?

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on December 02, 2020, 09:46:54 PM
Shuffler, which hospital?


This was the whole county. Galveston County, not just the island. No idea if it was at hospital level or county level.... it was the numbers for the whole county though.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Puma44 on December 03, 2020, 09:21:03 AM
All about control with fear.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 03, 2020, 09:36:59 AM
All about control with fear.

Sadly it is looking more like that everyday

Heard some gov official recorded a message about locking down again from Mexico after he snuck off in a private jet...

Crap like that skews the narrative they are trying to cram down everyone elses throat

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Puma44 on December 03, 2020, 09:59:23 AM
Sadly it is looking more like that everyday

Heard some gov official recorded a message about locking down again from Mexico after he snuck off in a private jet...


The Mayor of Austin.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 03, 2020, 01:41:48 PM
In michigan one person told us to think twice before going up north for holiday.  Then a dock had said some guy called asking to get his boat put in. When the dock hand said they were booked. He asked would it make a difference if my wife was governor?

They are just people like us, with information like us, trying to play a numbers game.  BS is 60% of the method.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 03, 2020, 01:47:42 PM
It is all planned

Think about 2021 when masks are mandated for everyone anytime you are in public..

Who will push back harder? The ones who wanted the new admin or the other side?

What do you think happens next?

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 03, 2020, 02:17:36 PM
What do you think happens next?

Covid infection and death rates go down if people act responsibly? There's plenty of evidence of that working elsewhere. It's not like the United States is on a different planet (well, physically).
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on December 03, 2020, 04:47:04 PM
Covid infection and death rates go down if people act responsibly? There's plenty of evidence of that working elsewhere. It's not like the United States is on a different planet (well, physically).

In China they just shoot protesters and run them over with tanks. Seems effective.

Here folks whine when you shoot a criminal.... which many protesters turned out to be.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on December 03, 2020, 05:15:12 PM
In China they just shoot protesters and run them over with tanks. Seems effective.

Here folks whine when you shoot a criminal.... which many protesters turned out to be.

Nothing like controlling an unhappy population with force.... just so long as you're not in the unhappy group.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 03, 2020, 05:29:05 PM
Wouldn't be the first time someone tried to change the subject because they were uncomfortable discussing things rationally in this thread (well, and others). That's ok, I actually understand that reasonable discussion is not the goal. Even when it was claimed it was.  :aok
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 03, 2020, 06:44:12 PM
Covid infection and death rates go down if people act responsibly? There's plenty of evidence of that working elsewhere. It's not like the United States is on a different planet (well, physically).

Thats not true, a lot of western European countries have had big outbreaks. No one ever talks about their "poor leadership" i wonder why that is... I am so tired of hearing "if only america was like those other countries". Its not. If you want to live like another country, go move there! I don't want to be like freaking Europe, or south America, or Australia, or Africa. Smaller countries are also much easier to manage in terms of governments controlling their populations. Thats why those countries appear to be so much better with Covid, albeit have become much more corrupt. IMO, the UN has done nothing but undermine America and its leadership while propping up communist China as they lock people in apartments and take them to camps where who knows what happened to them. Is that what you want America to be? If so, you should be ashamed.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 03, 2020, 07:02:30 PM
Thats not true, a lot of western European countries have had big outbreaks. No one ever talks about their "poor leadership" i wonder why that is... I am so tired of hearing "if only america was like those other countries". Its not. If you want to live like another country, go move there! I don't want to be like freaking Europe, or south America, or Australia, or Africa. Smaller countries are also much easier to manage in terms of governments controlling their populations. Thats why those countries appear to be so much better with Covid, albeit have become much more corrupt. IMO, the UN has done nothing but undermine America and its leadership while propping up communist China as they lock people in apartments and take them to camps where who knows what happened to them. Is that what you want America to be? If so, you should be ashamed.

Well that was same rather odd randomness. I understand that you don't understand but calm down, kid.  :old:

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on December 03, 2020, 07:20:14 PM
Well that was same rather odd randomness. I understand that you don't understand but calm down, kid.  :old:

I wish you luck calming this kid.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: MiloMorai on December 03, 2020, 08:24:00 PM
Thats not true, a lot of western European countries have had big outbreaks. No one ever talks about their "poor leadership" i wonder why that is... I am so tired of hearing "if only america was like those other countries". Its not. If you want to live like another country, go move there! I don't want to be like freaking Europe, or south America, or Australia, or Africa. Smaller countries are also much easier to manage in terms of governments controlling their populations. Thats why those countries appear to be so much better with Covid, albeit have become much more corrupt. IMO, the UN has done nothing but undermine America and its leadership while propping up communist China as they lock people in apartments and take them to camps where who knows what happened to them. Is that what you want America to be? If so, you should be ashamed.

If a certain leader had put all the effort he is going on about in a rigged election and put that effort into combatting the covid from the get go, the USA would be a MUCH better place today.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: FLS on December 03, 2020, 08:47:02 PM
If you look at most deaths per million the US is #8. If you look at highest confirmed case fatality rate we're down to 70th place.

As explained above the death rate for the US is likely greatly exaggerated.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on December 03, 2020, 09:13:56 PM
If you look at most deaths per million the US is #8. If you look at highest confirmed case fatality rate we're down to 70th place.

As explained above the death rate for the US is likely greatly exaggerated.

if you look at it, it doesn't matter.  some countries appear to do better because they don't have the resources we do.  some others actually do better but does it really matter to us?

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: RotBaron on December 03, 2020, 10:04:33 PM
he UN has done nothing but undermine America and its leadership while propping up communist China as they lock people in apartments and take them to camps where who knows what happened to them. Is that what you want America to be? If so, you should be ashamed.

Yes it is what they want us to become. Homogenous/homogeneity in thought but heterogeneity in culture, etc...

Think and believe as they do and you’re good and if you you look different you’re even more golden. But if your views don’t match up with theirs, say you strongly believe in something they don’t, they’d love to lop your head off, burn down your home and worse to your family.

Yah we are becoming that.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: FLS on December 03, 2020, 10:23:31 PM
if you look at it, it doesn't matter.  some countries appear to do better because they don't have the resources we do.  some others actually do better but does it really matter to us?


It matters because perception affects behavior. The reality is that we are doing well in terms of the virus but the lockdown is killing small businesses.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on December 03, 2020, 10:26:33 PM
Yes it is what they want us to become. Homogenous/homogeneity in thought but heterogeneity in culture, etc...

Think and believe as they do and you’re good and if you you look different you’re even more golden. But if your views don’t match up with theirs, say you strongly believe in something they don’t, they’d love to lop your head off, burn down your home and worse to your family.

Yah we are becoming that.

dude when you talk about reptilian satanic forces, homelessness is caused by heroin and meth, 93k secret indictments and i could go on...

then you just go wow, put down the pipe.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on December 03, 2020, 10:27:27 PM
It matters because perception affects behavior. The reality is that we are doing well in terms of the virus but the lockdown is killing small businesses.

that's your perception.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 03, 2020, 10:39:05 PM
It matters because perception affects behavior. The reality is that we are doing well in terms of the virus but the lockdown is killing small businesses.

The reality is that someone dies of covid every minute. The reality is that there's enough people that don't give a damn about asymptomatic transmission that are preventing a flattening of the curve and that leadership at every level; federal, state and local, is not enforcing measures to protect the public or if they are there are 'patriots' threatening to kill them for it. The reality is that hospitals, nurses and doctors are being overwhelmed by the increasing numbers of infections that turn deadly. The reality is that too many people are separated from reality and society can't resume normality because of such and that the economy is suffering from a huge degree of immaturity among the masses. The reality is that the damage being done to this nation is from within but it isn't from action but inaction, so far.

The reality is that wearing masks reduces transmission but too many of this particular generation are too selfish and sociopathic to care, much less understand. A hundred years ago it was a different story.

*ShruG* But who in this thread really cares about reality? Really.  :aok :old:
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 03, 2020, 10:47:41 PM
The reality is that someone dies of covid every minute. The reality is that there's enough people that don't give a damn about asymptomatic transmission that are preventing a flattening of the curve and that leadership at every level; federal, state and local, is not enforcing measures to protect the public or if they are there are 'patriots' threatening to kill them for it. The reality is that hospitals, nurses and doctors are being overwhelmed by the increasing numbers of infections that turn deadly. The reality is that too many people are separated from reality and society can't resume normality because of such and that the economy is suffering from a huge degree of immaturity among the masses. The reality is that the damage being done to this nation is from within but it isn't from action but inaction, so far.

*ShruG* But who in this thread really cares about reality? Really.  :aok :old:

Since arlo has the answers we should put him in charge. He knows all the guilty parties, but more importantly a plan.  If only we all could follow through with it. Come on people, this is easy.!


JK, I really doubt arlo has a plan. And I also doubt he knows the workings of our problem.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 03, 2020, 10:48:50 PM
JK, I really doubt arlo has a plan. And I also doubt he knows the workings of our problem.

All you have is doubt. How's that workin' out for ya?  :aok
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: RotBaron on December 03, 2020, 11:03:18 PM
dude when you talk about reptilian satanic forces, homelessness is caused by heroin and meth, 93k secret indictments and i could go on...

then you just go wow, put down the pipe.


Say what?  :headscratch:

You had too many at the Legion again, driving home and posting (texting now) at the same time?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on December 03, 2020, 11:48:43 PM
Say what?  :headscratch:

You had too many at the Legion again, driving home and posting (texting now) at the same time?

nope.  and just for you if I drink at the legion, i take uber.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 04, 2020, 12:19:11 AM
All you have is doubt. How's that workin' out for ya?  :aok


I have more than doubt.  The doubt, that you ask, has worked out well.  Zero infections.  Made a lot of money.  No fear to operate thanks to daily research into threat and defenses. Medicine cabinet full of preventive and curative medicine.  Life goes on.  The doubt is a privilege and I am thankful.  As you should be.  It would seem this pandemic should end soon. Almost everyone is wearing a mask for the last few months. Those that did not should be dead by now. I mean the total lifespan of infection is under two weeks.  How many more disobedients are left?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 12:23:03 AM

I have more than doubt.  The doubt, that you ask, has worked out well.  Zero infections.  Made a lot of money.  No fear to operate thanks to daily research into threat and defenses. Medicine cabinet full of preventive and curative medicine.  Life goes on.  The doubt is a privilege and I am thankful.  As you should be.  It would seem this pandemic should end soon. Almost everyone is wearing a mask for the last few months. Those that did not should be dead by now. I mean the total lifespan of infection is under two weeks.  How many more disobedients are left?

Seems ignorance really is bliss. That and privilege. Luck to ya. You need it.  :aok
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on December 04, 2020, 12:37:35 AM

I have more than doubt.  The doubt, that you ask, has worked out well.  Zero infections.  Made a lot of money.  No fear to operate thanks to daily research into threat and defenses. Medicine cabinet full of preventive and curative medicine.  Life goes on.  The doubt is a privilege and I am thankful.  As you should be.  It would seem this pandemic should end soon. Almost everyone is wearing a mask for the last few months. Those that did not should be dead by now. I mean the total lifespan of infection is under two weeks.  How many more disobedients are left?

zero infections, let me see, trump, first lady and youngest son, trump jr, his gf, and a few others lied?

that includes, my nephew, my sister, her husband, my youngest brother his sister in law, wow I live in a world of lies

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 04, 2020, 12:39:12 AM
Seems ignorance really is bliss. That and privilege. Luck to ya. You need it.  :aok


Struggling to understand you. My intuition tells me you are not on the same page as me.  Probably because of our limited communication.  But thanks for the blessing... :headscratch: :noid :rofl :aok
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 04, 2020, 12:41:02 AM
zero infections, let me see, trump, first lady and youngest son, trump jr, his gf, and a few others lied?

that includes, my nephew, my sister, her husband, my youngest brother his sister in law, wow I live in a world of lies


I was talking about my family and my crew. Aka my life, not someone else I have no responsibility for.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 12:43:27 AM

Struggling to understand you. My intuition tells me you are not on the same page as me.  Probably because of our limited communication.  But thanks for the blessing... :headscratch: :noid :rofl :aok

It's not the method or manner of communication. It's more like a complete difference of perspective and comfort zone. Still, don't mention it.  :aok
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 12:45:40 AM
I was talking about my family and my crew. Aka my life, not someone else I have no responsibility for.

In most modern societies we are responsible for more people than you seem aware of. It's a mutual thing.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 04, 2020, 12:55:22 AM
This is the core of our society problem.  Gaps in communication are filled with hate and demons.  If we filled those gaps with compassion and assume intelligence in place of stupidity, the disconnect would not foster.  I predict a banishment faster than covid.  It takes one thought, one moment, to realize our wrong doing.  Every person is smart. Every person's opinion has value.  That is the beauty of America.  We have the freedom to be ourselves, to allow each to be all they are.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 01:10:04 AM
Every person is smart. Every person's opinion has value.

I doubt you really believe that. And you shouldn't.  :old:
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 04, 2020, 01:16:52 AM
I doubt you really believe that. And you shouldn't.  :old:


Yes, I know that to be True.


As a aid.  Try to get along with the dumb person. You will learn something, eventually.  Or watch forest gump.


Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 01:33:53 AM
Try to get along with the dumb person. You will learn something, eventually. 

Oh, believe me, I learn something every time.  :D
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on December 04, 2020, 03:34:49 AM
I was talking about my family and my crew. Aka my life, not someone else I have no responsibility for.

just because you never got a silver coin by chance doesnt mean they dont exist.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 04, 2020, 05:20:49 AM
just because you never got a silver coin by chance doesnt mean they dont exist.


Dude, really?  Is it that much a stretch of reality?  The reason we have not had infection is chance but also practice.  Again, the benefit of doubt is skewed to something near a retarded devil.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 04, 2020, 06:55:06 AM
The dying with and from covid has never been accurate IMO

This then skews all calculations based off that number

The states are allowed to fight this as they seem fit, it should not be a national mandate

California and Nebraska should be able to fight this "terror" differently as they are basically two different planets.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: MiloMorai on December 04, 2020, 07:30:55 AM
The dying with and from covid has never been accurate IMO

This then skews all calculations based off that number

The states are allowed to fight this as they seem fit, it should not be a national mandate

California and Nebraska should be able to fight this "terror" differently as they are basically two different planets.

There still has to be a national overall strategy. The States can modify it to suit their particular circumstances.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 04, 2020, 07:54:46 AM
There still has to be a national overall strategy. The States can modify it to suit their particular circumstances.

There is one ran by Mike Pence. And oh by the way, you called him a dictator for trying to tell states what to do. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.

Without your media throwing it in people's faces every single day, you'd have no clue that life was any different than before.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 08:09:41 AM
There is one ran by Mike Pence.

Describe it.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Firetech on December 04, 2020, 08:25:46 AM
Describe it.

You’re fighting a loosing battle Arlo. You don’t have the time to compete with 100s if not 1000s of hours some of these kids have spent online watching videos and reading fan fiction posts (calling it “research”) It’s their reality now. There is simply no competing with that level of fear.

These types are the same ones who cried that seatbelts cause more deaths then accidents do.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: MiloMorai on December 04, 2020, 08:28:21 AM
There is one ran by Mike Pence. And oh by the way, you called him a dictator for trying to tell states what to do. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.

Without your media throwing it in people's faces every single day, you'd have no clue that life was any different than before.
Please refresh my memory on who this dictator is.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 04, 2020, 08:36:02 AM
The better questions is, what haven't they done?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 08:37:27 AM
The better questions is, what haven't they done?

Was that supposed to suffice for an actual answer to the question posed you?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 04, 2020, 09:28:00 AM
Was that supposed to suffice for an actual answer to the question posed you?

No. It's that I can answer your question far better than you can answer mine.

1. Corona Virus task force with top virology officials working with the CDC and other scientist and doctors.
2. Rapid resupply of PPE not prepared for by govenors.
3. Massive Healthcare boats to NY and CA.
4. Hospital tents built in multiple cities.
5. Massive bailout to citizens and businesses.
6. Rapid supply of Healthcare materials built by the US such as ventilators.
7. Taskforce with more business owners and doctors.
8. Pushing HCQ with zinc early on which saved thousands of lives.
9. Fastest effort ever to achieve a vaccine, operation warp speed.
10. More federal funding to hospitals.
11. Traveled to multiple states to work with state officials.
12. Early shut down of the borders that most clowns called him names for.
13. More testing than any where else.

The list goes on.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on December 04, 2020, 12:06:38 PM
If a certain leader had put all the effort he is going on about in a rigged election and put that effort into combatting the covid from the get go, the USA would be a MUCH better place today.

How long has your head been stuck in that dark place... LOL
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: RotBaron on December 04, 2020, 01:03:01 PM
nope.  and just for you if I drink at the legion, i take uber.


It’s really beyond me I need to even say this...
Not for me, I don’t live anywhere near you. It should be for those in your community so that you don’t maim or kill someone driving drunk.

Maybe if you did you’re the type that wouldn’t feel guilty about it idk  :headscratch:
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: FLS on December 04, 2020, 01:04:43 PM
The actual infection number is considered to be much higher than the confirmed number. This would be people who had a mild case. Maybe 5 times the confirmed number of infected, living in fear of a disease they are currently immune to and which is unlikely to kill them.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 01:08:08 PM
No. It's that I can answer your question far better than you can answer mine.

1. Corona Virus task force with top virology officials working with the CDC and other scientist and doctors.
2. Rapid resupply of PPE not prepared for by govenors.
3. Massive Healthcare boats to NY and CA.
4. Hospital tents built in multiple cities.
5. Massive bailout to citizens and businesses.
6. Rapid supply of Healthcare materials built by the US such as ventilators.
7. Taskforce with more business owners and doctors.
8. Pushing HCQ with zinc early on which saved thousands of lives.
9. Fastest effort ever to achieve a vaccine, operation warp speed.
10. More federal funding to hospitals.
11. Traveled to multiple states to work with state officials.
12. Early shut down of the borders that most clowns called him names for.
13. More testing than any where else.

The list goes on.

Heh. Sources?  ;)
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Fencer51 on December 04, 2020, 01:15:01 PM

That is the number of killed in action during WWII.  In less than a year we are approaching losing the same amount of citizens.
It sickens me to see some of the crap people are posting here.  Some of those dead from covid fought in WWII and lived only
to die from this pandemic.  We have people crying about their rights over wearing a mask... sad.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 04, 2020, 01:19:14 PM
With or from covid?

As stated the number of infections is much greater than anyone can tell

Given that reported number is also incorrect the mortality percentage of infected ppl is also way off

If this year has taught me anything is is to question everything stated as " fact" as there is usually an agenda behind it.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 01:22:59 PM
Unless, of course, it serves your own agenda. What to do in a pandemic to flatten the curve was not a mystery in 1920 and it's not one in 2020. Guess my agenda involves effectively dealing with a pandemic. Bad me.  :D
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 04, 2020, 02:01:55 PM

That is the number of killed in action during WWII.  In less than a year we are approaching losing the same amount of citizens.
It sickens me to see some of the crap people are posting here.  Some of those dead from covid fought in WWII and lived only
to die from this pandemic.  We have people crying about their rights over wearing a mask... sad.

A. The population is much bigger today.
B. Travel is much more populated today.
C. That death # is not outside of the standard deviation of normal deaths per year on average.
D. They were projecting millions of deaths by now.
E. All of the other main causes of deaths with illnesses have decreased, thus causing a lot of speculation about the actual count.
F. Many of those vets died from smoking cigarettes with lung cancer just the same. No one cares about that.
G. You arent considering the negative impact of Mask, such as touching it with your hands and touching a door, using the same mask over and again, blocking oxygen to the brain which panics people and makes them angry.. It may prevent certain growth in children. Bacteria build up on the mask that could be dangerous. The psychological problem and dangers of not seeing peoples face or emotions. Conformity of everyone looking the same. Being treated like a prisoner of war.
H. All of the actual studies that show wearing a mask is not beneficial.

We should be more concerned about losing our freedoms thru this agenda rather than worrying about deaths that many or many not happen, or would have likely happened anyway thru another virus.

We should put a stop to these dangerous bio research labs where 99% of the "new" viruses we see are coming from. Biological warfare is a real thing, and you can see how it has an impact on a society covertly when one nation is mad that trade deals are being made to disadvantage them in the market.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 04, 2020, 02:06:30 PM
Heard crooked sleepy joe mumble today that there will be another 200,000 dead in US by January

What a lying fear monger turd we have with this one..

Oh yeah and a national mandate to wear masks anytime in public for the 1st 100 days of 2021

And his side cheers such economy killing news

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 04, 2020, 02:08:27 PM
Heard crooked sleepy joe mumble today that there will be another 200,000 dead in US by January

What a lying fear monger turd we have with this one..

Oh yeah and a national mandate to wear masks anytime in public for the 1st 100 days of 2021

And his side cheers such economy killing news


His greatest achievement was getting China, a communist country with 0 human rights, into the UN. Now the UN undermines America at all cost to push the global reset agenda. Do you understand what the UN is now?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 02:35:10 PM
You arent considering the negative impact of Mask, such as ... blocking oxygen to the brain which panics people and makes them angry.

Well, obviously, some get there without the mask.  :D

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 02:36:49 PM
Heard crooked sleepy joe mumble today that there will be another 200,000 dead in US by January

What a lying fear monger turd we have with this one..

Oh yeah and a national mandate to wear masks anytime in public for the 1st 100 days of 2021

And his side cheers such economy killing news


If no other post was considered crossing the line into politics in this thread, this one counts with bells and whistles. Oh boy.  :banana:
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 04, 2020, 03:01:49 PM
Its more medical and economic than political

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 03:19:36 PM
Its more medical and economic than political


No, what you posted was a political attack with sides clearly defined. It doesn't fool anyone even though you pretend to be fooled by it, yourself. What are the odds you've won the mute lottery? *ShruG* We'll see. :)
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on December 04, 2020, 03:25:54 PM

That is the number of killed in action during WWII.  In less than a year we are approaching losing the same amount of citizens.
It sickens me to see some of the crap people are posting here.  Some of those dead from covid fought in WWII and lived only
to die from this pandemic.  We have people crying about their rights over wearing a mask... sad.

How many actually died of covid? No one actually knows. That is what makes me sick.

On the other hand other long time killers have killed far fewer. So I guess that is to be celebrated.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 04, 2020, 03:29:54 PM
No, what you posted was a political attack with sides clearly defined. It doesn't fool anyone even though you pretend to be fooled by it, yourself. What are the odds you've won the mute lottery? *ShruG* We'll see. :)

You didn't call out Milo though. Seems you playing favorites now.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 03:30:09 PM
'Severe complications from Covid' is such a hard concept. Wait, is that the sound of tanks coming to kill Chinese protesters?  :old:
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: MiloMorai on December 04, 2020, 03:30:38 PM
How long has your head been stuck in that dark place... LOL
Not as long as yours has. Maybe you should listen to the Woodward interviews.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 03:32:14 PM
You didn't call out Milo though. Seems you playing favorites now.

I didn't point you out, either, although you flipped your traditional political lid, as well. Are you here to take a ban bullet for Eagler?  :aok
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 04, 2020, 03:43:49 PM
We are in a very important time for America and its history and we shouldn't be shut out just because you are losing the arguement. We should encourage all discussion from all walks of life to get a better understanding of what is going on no matter what forums we are using. This forum also allows people from around the world to chime in. I think its important.I think Hitech is being very reasonable letting these discussions happen and we shouldn't tattle tell on people just because a post doesn't fit your agenda.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Spikes on December 04, 2020, 03:51:16 PM
We are in a very important time for America and its history and we shouldn't be shut out just because you are losing the arguement. We should encourage all discussion from all walks of life to get a better understanding of what is going on no matter what forums we are using. This forum also allows people from around the world to chime in. I think its important.I think Hitech is being very reasonable letting these discussions happen and we shouldn't tattle tell on people just because a post doesn't fit your agenda.
It was political in nature and political posts are against the rules on this forum. It's not about agendas or narratives. I suggest /r/politics.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 03:56:55 PM
We are in a very important time for America and its history and we shouldn't be shut out just because you are losing the arguement. We should encourage all discussion from all walks of life to get a better understanding of what is going on no matter what forums we are using. This forum also allows people from around the world to chime in. I think its important.I think Hitech is being very reasonable letting these discussions happen and we shouldn't tattle tell on people just because a post doesn't fit your agenda.

1. Tone down the arrogance.

2. The no politics rule doesn't have a 'I think this is important and I'm making a terrific argument' exception.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on December 04, 2020, 04:17:02 PM
We are in a very important time for America and its history and we shouldn't be shut out just because you are losing the arguement. We should encourage all discussion from all walks of life to get a better understanding of what is going on no matter what forums we are using. This forum also allows people from around the world to chime in. I think its important.I think Hitech is being very reasonable letting these discussions happen and we shouldn't tattle tell on people just because a post doesn't fit your agenda.

you talk about China and tanks, what's your take on those who want to suspend the constitution here.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 04, 2020, 04:19:10 PM
1. Tone down the arrogance.

2. The no politics rule doesn't have a 'I think this is important and I'm making a terrific argument' exception.

You still didn't answer my question after I sent you my list. That makes you arrogant, not me. That makes you the clown, not me.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 04, 2020, 04:21:09 PM
Arlo for bbs moderator!

I have boxes of ballots hidden under this table to insure his victory!

Is that political?

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 04:26:30 PM
You still didn't answer my question after I sent you my list. That makes you arrogant, not me. That makes you the clown, not me.

Well, that doesn't sound insecure at all. ;)
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 04:27:24 PM
Arlo for bbs moderator!

I have boxes of ballots hidden under this table to insure his victory!

Is that political?


Well, yeah, actually.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 04, 2020, 04:28:44 PM
It was political in nature and political posts are against the rules on this forum. It's not about agendas or narratives. I suggest /r/politics.

Bring in a MOD then. I'm not going to sit here allow people to disrespect the President and America, and blatenly lie to push their agenda. Sorry.

And /r/ politics is for clowns

How about a real man's site like
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on December 04, 2020, 04:31:13 PM
Not as long as yours has. Maybe you should listen to the Woodward interviews.

Do they read the CDC reports?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 04:31:48 PM
I've seen this before. Off the rails and running.  :O
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on December 04, 2020, 05:20:52 PM
No. It's that I can answer your question far better than you can answer mine.

1. Corona Virus task force with top virology officials working with the CDC and other scientist and doctors.
2. Rapid resupply of PPE not prepared for by govenors.
3. Massive Healthcare boats to NY and CA.
4. Hospital tents built in multiple cities.
5. Massive bailout to citizens and businesses.
6. Rapid supply of Healthcare materials built by the US such as ventilators.
7. Taskforce with more business owners and doctors.
8. Pushing HCQ with zinc early on which saved thousands of lives.
9. Fastest effort ever to achieve a vaccine, operation warp speed.
10. More federal funding to hospitals.
11. Traveled to multiple states to work with state officials.
12. Early shut down of the borders that most clowns called him names for.
13. More testing than any where else.

The list goes on.

I have a great idea. You print that on sandwich boards and t-shirts and have them ready for 2024.
Maybe by then the majority of the population will have forgotten just how much horsecrap is listed.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 05:47:48 PM
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: RotBaron on December 04, 2020, 06:17:29 PM
I have a great idea. You print that on sandwich boards and t-shirts and have them ready for 2024.
Maybe by then the majority of the population will have forgotten just how much horsecrap is listed.

Which ones are “horsecrap?”

That’s a pretty good list. #

13 is iffy because we just don’t know yet.

Other than that, please tell us who would have done a better job? Please, I’d really like to know.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on December 04, 2020, 06:28:03 PM

Other than that please tell us who would have done a better job?

Oh another disciple of the flock huh? To answer your question.... anyone else.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on December 04, 2020, 06:35:14 PM
the devil went to Georgia
he was looking for an election to steal..
he was in a bind.. cuz justice is blind
 SC wont hear  appeal...

the Devil said " MY NAME IS DONNY" 
and it may be a sin
but ill lie and cheat .. bribe and steal
anything to get a win..

Donny you loosen up that wrist
 commence to signing below
hundreds of pardons
friends and family
prison, none want to go..

OK this is funny

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 06:52:00 PM
Don't this:


Try this:

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: RotBaron on December 04, 2020, 06:59:49 PM
Oh another disciple of the flock huh? To answer your question.... anyone else.

You jump to label me and in your mind put me in a box that fits how you see others that disagree with your beliefs.  :confused:   Wow

Really, “anyone else”, ok.

Disciple, nope, just think he’s done great with backstabbers all around...and anyone else that has been relentlessly attacked by the media, TV shows and celebrities day in and day out would have quit the job at 6 months or less. 

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 07:08:32 PM
Time for a refreshing break at the snack counter:

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Meatwad on December 04, 2020, 07:35:35 PM
The hot dog has female part
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 04, 2020, 07:55:20 PM
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on December 04, 2020, 08:09:15 PM
You jump to label me and in your mind put me in a box that fits how you see others that disagree with your beliefs.  :confused:   Wow

Really, “anyone else”, ok.

Disciple, nope, just think he’s done great with backstabbers all around...and anyone else that has been relentlessly attacked by the media, TV shows and celebrities day in and day out would have quit the job at 6 months or less.

Do some study on Narcissistic personality disorder. Makes it clear why there would be no resignation, explains the rallies during a pandemic, explains the terminations of "disloyal" underlings, explains a book written by Mary.... etc.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on December 05, 2020, 12:12:01 AM
Do some study on Narcissistic personality disorder. Makes it clear why there would be no resignation, explains the rallies during a pandemic, explains the terminations of "disloyal" underlings, explains a book written by Mary.... etc.

Looting and burning during a pandemic. The criminals were looting and burning.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 05, 2020, 01:57:57 AM
Do some study on Narcissistic personality disorder. Makes it clear why there would be no resignation, explains the rallies during a pandemic, explains the terminations of "disloyal" underlings, explains a book written by Mary.... etc.

You know,  your explanations are speculations.

Plus, psychology labels retard diagnosis.  Everyone is a unique individual.  Hence multiple terms and exceptions as one focuses on identifying a proper course of action.  When able, new terms are formed. For example, TDS.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 05, 2020, 02:32:39 AM

Looting and burning during a pandemic. The criminals were looting and burning.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 05, 2020, 08:13:13 AM

Looting and burning during a pandemic. The criminals were looting and burning.

You are talking about Arlo's buddies there

He has already admitted as much in previous posts

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 05, 2020, 09:28:36 AM
You are talking about Arlo's buddies there

He has already admitted as much in previous posts


A personal attack, as well, with no basis or sense, eh? Whoa, Eagler, you're shooting for a trifecta here. Besides, I'm not nor will ever be in a white supremacist militia trying to start a race war.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 05, 2020, 09:42:33 AM
Arlo buddy you gave made it clear previously that you support antifa

How is that a personal attack?

Are you deny that now?

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 05, 2020, 10:12:29 AM
Arlo buddy you gave made it clear previously that you support antifa

How is that a personal attack?

Are you deny that now?


Don't be obtuse. I proudly said I'm third generation anti-fascist. I had a grandfather who fought in the Bulge. My father had no love for fascists, either. You are letting too many issues show and are crossing lots of lines here.  :old:
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 05, 2020, 10:39:23 AM
It is in the bbs if anyone wants to dig it out

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: RotBaron on December 05, 2020, 11:20:19 AM
‘explains the terminations of "disloyal" underlings...’

The boss doesn’t have the right to fire employees that don’t perform or worse undermine business? :headscratch:

 Even though it’s not a business per se it’s fairly tantamount.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on December 05, 2020, 11:31:53 AM
A personal attack, as well, with no basis or sense, eh? Whoa, Eagler, you're shooting for a trifecta here. Besides, I'm not nor will ever be in a white supremacist militia trying to start a race war.

BLM you mean.....
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on December 05, 2020, 11:33:38 AM

Looting and burning during a pandemic. The criminals were looting and burning.

No one supports criminal activity but to say that all protesters are criminals is self-serving.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Shuffler on December 05, 2020, 11:35:53 AM
No one supports criminal activity but to say that all protesters are criminals is self-serving.

Calling criminals criminals is fact.

And there is a group in the government actively supporting crime.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on December 05, 2020, 11:40:39 AM
The boss doesn’t have the right to fire employees that don’t perform or worse undermine business? :headscratch:

 Even though it’s not a business per se it’s fairly tantamount.

Ask yourself honestly.... Can you be sure everyone was fired for incompetence or even malicious acts (because he said so) and then ask how many were fired because of an individuals need for unquestioning loyalty and admiration. Even in business the best leaders want intelligent people to advise and challenge.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on December 05, 2020, 11:43:47 AM
Calling criminals criminals is fact.

And there is a group in the government actively supporting crime.

There is also a difference between education and cult propaganda. 
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 05, 2020, 12:15:51 PM
BLM you mean.....

I know what we both mean.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 05, 2020, 12:21:23 PM
Arlo buddy you gave made it clear previously that you support antifa

How is that a personal attack?

Are you deny that now?


You're not posting what you're posting to be nice, accurate or apolitial. Playing innocent is just embarrassing.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: RotBaron on December 05, 2020, 12:37:05 PM
No one supports criminal activity but to say that all protesters are criminals is self-serving.

No one?  :headscratch:

I could put up sources with quotes and videos all day long showing the opposite. I neither want to nor have all day to do so.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: RotBaron on December 05, 2020, 12:41:43 PM
Ask yourself honestly.... Can you be sure everyone was fired for incompetence or even malicious acts (because he said so) and then ask how many were fired because of an individuals need for unquestioning loyalty and admiration. Even in business the best leaders want intelligent people to advise and challenge.

I’d have to have inside knowledge to answer that, as you know, so it’s a loaded question.

Many have shown they don’t admire at all and yet are still there on the task force and elsewhere. Loyalty to the boss and company, you betcha, that what makes good employees - I’ve seen no evidence of discouraging questioning, actually the opposite...seen him ask for the best scientists and doctors he can get on that matter.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: MiloMorai on December 05, 2020, 02:13:13 PM
Ask yourself honestly.... Can you be sure everyone was fired for incompetence or even malicious acts (because he said so) and then ask how many were fired because of an individuals need for unquestioning loyalty and admiration. Even in business the best leaders want intelligent people to advise and challenge.
What is only wanted is Yessers.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on December 05, 2020, 04:33:44 PM
I’d have to have inside knowledge to answer that, as you know, so it’s a loaded question.

Many have shown they don’t admire at all and yet are still there on the task force and elsewhere. Loyalty to the boss and company, you betcha, that what makes good employees - I’ve seen no evidence of discouraging questioning, actually the opposite...seen him ask for the best scientists and doctors he can get on that matter.

Just what every organization needs.... another "YES MAN".... isn't that right?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Brooke on December 05, 2020, 09:09:36 PM
As all nations are doing this what happens to the value of anyones currency?

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 05, 2020, 09:16:29 PM
Ask yourself honestly.... Can you be sure everyone was fired for incompetence or even malicious acts (because he said so) and then ask how many were fired because of an individuals need for unquestioning loyalty and admiration. Even in business the best leaders want intelligent people to advise and challenge.

The unknown and fear can stir up emotions.  This fake news you have drempt up only distracts you from the truth. A truth you need not understand anyway. A new sherif is coming to town any your worries will be comforted by the machine.  You can rest assured with the comfort zone they provide as the suck the juice from your leaves.  A good analogy there.  The perfect pest, it numbs you as you die.

 :rofl :noid :rofl :aok

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 05, 2020, 09:26:47 PM
What is only wanted is Yessers.

That's the truth. Dont you dare talk bad, it's bad for business.  Yet he does the same thing.  And what is this, now they made a deal. What is going on?

Lol lol

Some people just dont "get it".

That's life. On we go. This thing called democracy is something else, eh.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on December 05, 2020, 09:59:02 PM
No one?  :headscratch:

I could put up sources with quotes and videos all day long showing the opposite. I neither want to nor have all day to do so.

this year it was blm  who shut down Portland, last year it was the proud boys. antifa is against the proud boys and many white supremacists groups.  guess which side is more dangerous.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 05, 2020, 10:44:55 PM
this year it was blm  who shut down Portland, last year it was the proud boys. antifa is against the proud boys and many white supremacists groups.  guess which side is more dangerous.


FYI: Proud Boys started because of Antifa, not the other way around. Proud Boys is only Seattle and Portland. Antifa is in 15 states plus international. Some people got tired of their city being pissed on and stood up to Antifa. Proud Boys are not "supremacist" or "fascist". Those are scapegoat phrases to label. See what perception you have because of the media? The media have made them appear far bigger than they are. The media actually made them much bigger too. Do you ding bats really believe antifa nd BLM should be allowed to ran sack cities without anyone standing up to them? Its pathetic.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on December 05, 2020, 11:11:32 PM
FYI: Proud Boys started because of Antifa, not the other way around. Proud Boys is only Seattle and Portland. Antifa is in 15 states plus international. Some people got tired of their city being pissed on and stood up to Antifa. Proud Boys are not "supremacist" or "fascist". Those are scapegoat phrases to label. See what perception you have because of the media? The media have made them appear far bigger than they are. The media actually made them much bigger too. Do you ding bats really believe antifa nd BLM should be allowed to ran sack cities without anyone standing up to them? Its pathetic.

actually i got that from their chat rooms.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 05, 2020, 11:12:50 PM
this year it was blm  who shut down Portland, last year it was the proud boys. antifa is against the proud boys and many white supremacists groups.  guess which side is more dangerous.


I see what you did there.    :rolleyes:

I know how relieving it is to speak your mind but daddy really ain't going to like his money supporting this kind of unhinged endless argument.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on December 06, 2020, 12:02:07 AM
I see what you did there.    :rolleyes:

I know how relieving it is to speak your mind but daddy really ain't going to like his money supporting this kind of unhinged endless argument.

well I am 56, my father died 4 years ago and he left me nothing, which is what I told him.  same as my kids, told them your inheritance will be spent, they just said a great time, you deserve it.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: RotBaron on December 06, 2020, 02:05:13 PM
Just what every organization needs.... another "YES MAN".... isn't that right?

Millionaires don’t turn into billionaires by having all “yes” men/women around them.  :rolleyes:

Where does your disdain come from? Is it from jealousy or intolerance of opposing views, honestly where...?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: RotBaron on December 06, 2020, 02:15:26 PM
Yes men are probably there more to ride coattails and don’t last long unless they’re family.

Good attorneys don’t fit that label.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on December 06, 2020, 04:38:00 PM
Millionaires don’t turn into billionaires by having all “yes” men/women around them.  :rolleyes:

Where does your disdain come from? Is it from jealousy or intolerance of opposing views, honestly where...?

Disdain comes from a failure to represent ALL people in spite of any personal feelings about opposing grievances.... and for a complete failure in acting upon the danger of an infectious disease in spite of knowledge of that danger. 
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: FLS on December 06, 2020, 05:01:13 PM
Recall the reaction to shutting down flights from China. Imagine the reaction if he'd tried to stop all international flights that early, back when China was running that "hug a chinese man to prove you're not racist in Italy" video.

The experts said 200,000 dead from the virus in the US this year if we do everything perfect. The article I linked indicates that actual virus deaths are far lower than that.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: CptTrips on December 06, 2020, 05:13:48 PM (
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: CptTrips on December 06, 2020, 05:47:48 PM (

Color me shocked.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: RotBaron on December 06, 2020, 05:49:26 PM
Visit Chinatown(s) in SF and other places too and prove you’re not racist, because you know stopping incoming flights from China when it was certain the outbreak started there was xenophobic...

What was your stance in February on the travel shutdown?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on December 06, 2020, 07:01:14 PM
I'm out of the debate. Supporters accept statements as gospel. I do not.
Enjoy our game.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: RotBaron on December 06, 2020, 09:24:27 PM
Mock, judge, accuse but you won’t answer the simple question:

What was your stance in February on the travel shutdown?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 06, 2020, 09:53:30 PM
I think it was something like, wholly cow another 1000 dead in Italy!  :uhoh
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Brooke on December 07, 2020, 10:23:12 AM
antifa is against the proud boys and many white supremacists groups.

The chairman of the Proud Boys is Enrique Tarrio.  He is of Cuban and African ancestry.  He doesn't think that the Proud Boys are white supremacists.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on December 07, 2020, 10:35:14 AM
Mock, judge, accuse but you won’t answer the simple question:

What was your stance in February on the travel shutdown?

Oh FFS. Do some honest research. It was only a partial shutdown. Not enough.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 07, 2020, 11:25:50 AM
You dont want the china treatment.  Nobody, nobody in power has suggested to actually stop this virus.  Nobody, is anywhere close to doing what successful countries are doing.  Beyond that, the knowledge of this virus and control measures is extremely limited.  Our policy has been to curb behavior, not control the virus.  Nobody is doing like Asian countries and removing the virus from the population.  We are controlled by fear, the unknown, and our money.  The hindsight argument falls short when trying to cast blame.  The blame goes to everyone for not having a workable plan to combat a outbreak.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 07, 2020, 11:33:56 AM
Lets do what china does..

Weld ppl into their homes or pile them into modified shipping containers for the duration...look it up

That should go over real well in the non dictator nations lol

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: MORAY37 on December 07, 2020, 02:46:09 PM
Visit Chinatown(s) in SF and other places too and prove you’re not racist, because you know stopping incoming flights from China when it was certain the outbreak started there was xenophobic...

What was your stance in February on the travel shutdown?

Choosing to stop travel from one nation due to "a virus" when at least 30 others had reported outbreaks at the same time is exactly the kind of thing done for political points, not actions undertaken to actually control said virus.  The horse had already left the barn.

Now, if you said the U.S. had attempted to halt all international air traffic in March in an attempt to isolate ourselves from it, the strict epidemiological case could be made.  Of course, it never would have happened, but that's an exercise in "what if".

Stopping travel only direct from China when Italy, Spain, Great Britain, France, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Norway (and on an on) all have uncontrolled public transmission is as figuratively dumb as one government can get.  Of course, containing the virus wasn't the point.... casting blame and gaining points politically within the base was.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 07, 2020, 03:01:44 PM
Killing the entire country economically?

Over numbers that have been incorrect from day 1?

For a disease that >98% have little to no issue with?

Dont worry the new moron in charge will get all the credit for saving us all from certain death lol

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 07, 2020, 03:17:58 PM
Choosing to stop travel from one nation due to "a virus" when at least 30 others had reported outbreaks at the same time is exactly the kind of thing done for political points, not actions undertaken to actually control said virus.  The horse had already left the barn.

Now, if you said the U.S. had attempted to halt all international air traffic in March in an attempt to isolate ourselves from it, the strict epidemiological case could be made.  Of course, it never would have happened, but that's an exercise in "what if".

Stopping travel only direct from China when Italy, Spain, Great Britain, France, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Norway (and on an on) all have uncontrolled public transmission is as figuratively dumb as one government can get.  Of course, containing the virus wasn't the point.... casting blame and gaining points politically within the base was.

So banning travel from China was for "political points". But blaming the president for murder every single day is not?

So the UN shouldn't repreminand China for "letting the horse out of the pen" so to speak? Why is no one on your side outraged? Imagine if this was flesh eating rabies like zombie virus (made up for now). Would China still get a pass for their negligence in allowing a virus to escape their facility?

I sure do find it hilarious how you all blame leadership of America but not Italy, Spain, Germany, France, ect for their response.

Who got to use this virus as a political weapon every single day, while destroying economic growth, thereby destroying 3 years of solid fundamental business and job growth achieved under this administration in order to scew the #s for the current president thus making him look bad?

I simply do not understand you people.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 07, 2020, 03:20:00 PM
Eagle's gonna political rant until his hand gets officially slapped. That's how it works. Push the envelope then push it harder to test the water.  :old:

Violator/DS, too.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 07, 2020, 03:22:24 PM
Eagle's gonna political rant until his hand gets officially slapped. That's how it works. Push the envelope then push it harder to test the water.  :old:

Violator/DS, too.

You are the ones pushing the envelope while finger pointing. Typical tactic.

You cry babies won't bend on anything. Have 0 common sense. Won't acknowledge anyone's comments against your own point of view as a serious discussion. You just mock them. This is why we are heading toward a civil war in this country. Dont act like you didn't bring it on yourselves. 
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Spikes on December 07, 2020, 03:24:30 PM

And /r/ politics is for clowns

Seems like most people here would fit right in then.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 07, 2020, 03:30:42 PM
You are the ones pushing the envelope while finger pointing. Typical tactic.

You cry babies won't bend on anything. Have 0 common sense. Won't acknowledge anyone's comments against your own point of view as a serious discussion. You just mock them. This is why we are heading toward a civil war in this country. Dont act like you didn't bring it on yourselves.

I stayed as apolitical about the subject as possible. You saw what you perceived to be wiggle room and lapsed back into political hissy fitting to the point of personal attack. Now you're actually trying to rationalize and excuse it in that same poor manner rather than curb or stop it. Give it a rest, son.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 07, 2020, 03:52:49 PM
I stayed as apolitical about the subject as possible. You saw what you perceived to be wiggle room and lapsed back into political hissy fitting to the point of personal attack. Now you're actually trying to rationalize and excuse it in that same poor manner rather than curb or stop it. Give it a rest, son.

People like you disgust me.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 07, 2020, 04:01:10 PM
People like you disgust me.

Like me? Men your father's age? U.S. vets? Students of history or political science? Whatever. You probably ought to practice keeping all that to yourself (at least in forums that aren't devoted to your inner demons). If your veteran father is still alive, go ask him why.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on December 07, 2020, 04:06:59 PM
killing the economy, well help all those businesses.  order take out. i just did, phone in, went to pick it up, now I'm watching tv.

these stay at home orders are bs, nobody is gonna stop you or put a lock in your house. remember when some of you were complaining about how not having straws is a violation of civil rights without understanding what the law was about. don't even forget about the famous shrimp treadmill.

to have rights, you first have to know what your rights are not what you think they are. and just one more thing, treason is the only crime described in the constitution, learn what it means before you throw it at somebody.


Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 07, 2020, 04:11:41 PM
Like me? Men your father's age? U.S. vets? Students of history or political science? Whatever. You probably ought to practice keeping all that to yourself (at least in forums that aren't devoted to your inner demons). If your veteran father is still alive, go ask him why.

My father is the reason why I am such a patriotic American. He's lived in dozens of countries around the world. He knows how stupid it would be to turn into them. 

I dont understand how you can claim to be a "student of history" but then push a Nazi communist agreement agenda called UN Agenda 2021, and UN agenda 2030, to essentially finish the 4th Reich of taking over the world into a world government. Are you really that stupid or are you paid off by them? Let's be honest Arlo. You claim to be such a great American, but want to sell us out to communist China (Victor Dzau who controls all of the world health organizations) and sell us out to Lord Moloch Brown of the EU, the UN, and World Economic forum ran by Klaus Schwab (Nazi). The Bilderberger group, George soros (nazi). Soviets like Sergey Brin of Google. You act like its all "conspiracy theory". Thats when I question your motives.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 07, 2020, 04:15:30 PM
My father is the reason why I am such a patriotic American. He's lived in dozens of countries around the world. He knows how stupid it would be to turn into them. 

I dont understand how you can claim to be a "student of history" but then push a Nazi communist agreement agenda called UN Agenda 2021, and UN agenda 2030, to essentially finish the 4th Reich of taking over the world into a world government. Are you really that stupid or are you paid off by them? Let's be honest Arlo. You claim to be such a great American, but want to sell us out to communist China and sell us out to Lord Moloch Brown, the UN and World Economic forum. You act like its all "conspiracy theory". Thats when I question your motives.

You can question the motives of the straw man you pretend to be me all you want. You probably need less 'vitamin Q' in your diet. The type of exchange you're trying to have with me (that I'm not really going to have with you) is the precise reason this forum is supposed to have a moratorium on politics. If that upsets you ... be upset.  :)
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: kilo2 on December 07, 2020, 04:16:44 PM
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 07, 2020, 04:17:40 PM
You can question the motives of the straw man you pretend to be me all you want. You probably need less 'vitamin Q' in your diet. The type of exchange you're trying to have with me (that I'm not really going to have with you) is the precise reason this forum is supposed to have a moratorium on politics. If that upsets you ... be upset.  :)

Another deflection. Is that all you got? Won't actually admit yourself and your agenda will you?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 07, 2020, 04:21:03 PM
Another deflection. Is that all you got? Won't actually admit yourself and your agenda will you?

If that's 'Q speak' for my not letting you redefine me to fit your hissy excuse then no, not at all. Why is it so important to you that you risk earning another mute? It's not to me.  :)
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on December 07, 2020, 04:27:27 PM
Another deflection. Is that all you got? Won't actually admit yourself and your agenda will you?

i know people who actually served and never called themselves patriots.

saying you are one doesn't make you one. well except in your mind.  i think it's kind of funny your sudden respect for our military considering that a few months ago when asked about why you don't enlist, your response was that you didn't want to be indoctrinated.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 07, 2020, 04:27:41 PM
If that's 'Q speak' for my not letting you redefine me to fit your hissy excuse then no, not at all. Why is it so important to you that you risk earning another mute? It's not to me.  :)

Enough with your attempts to discredit. You said you were fighting Fascist, just like your family did. How is joining the world economic forum, mixing business with government to push a global agenda, not fascist?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 07, 2020, 04:29:25 PM
i know people who actually served and never called themselves patriots.

saying you are one doesn't make you one. well except in your mind.  i think it's kind of funny your sudden respect for our military considering that a few months ago when asked about why you don't enlist, your response was that you didn't want to be indoctrinated.


False statement. I said for personal reasons. Q is military intelligence.  Look at all of you attempt to discredit it. I wonder why?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Arlo on December 07, 2020, 04:32:02 PM
Enough with your attempts to discredit. You said you were fighting Fascist, just like your family did. How is joining the world economic forum, mixing business with government to push a global agenda, not fascist?

Sorry, I'm not interested in discussing the crazy you want the topic to become. It just comes off as white noise that you're directing at me for some weird reason. Is there perhaps something else you'd like to discuss since you're bound and determined to discuss something with me? Maybe the Covid death rate or something? :)
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on December 07, 2020, 04:57:28 PM
False statement. I said for personal reasons. Q is military intelligence.  Look at all of you attempt to discredit it. I wonder why?

discredit it? think q did that with the lizard people.

you wanna know something funny? there was a movie called q and it was about lizards  :cheers:

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on December 07, 2020, 04:57:41 PM
This is sad. We have a world war going on against an unseen enemy that is deadly. I don't care if you think the deaths are exaggerated, too many people around the globe have died and even for the majority that survive, the after effects for many are disabling and severe.
So rather than work together to mitigate the danger (and I don't mean shutdown) through some basic care and behavior, I see us debating who to blame and worse, dividing into polarized groups that see this as an attack on only the nation. Who cares who is to blame?... how could China control the spread when we can't seem to do so either? That can be debated when the virus is eradicated.
It seems to me if Americans cannot learn to air their differences over a beer; discuss grievances with respect for your fellow man; try to understand the other guy's point of view while respectfully presenting your own. Society will always be a compromise. Civil war as someone suggested will only lead to more vested hatred.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: RotBaron on December 07, 2020, 05:28:25 PM
/discuss grievances with respect for your fellow man; try to understand the other guy's point of view while respectfully presenting your own.

Have your posts in this thread modeled that exemplary attitude towards brotherhood that you now seem to have acquired?

I agree with a lot of your last post, but you sure didn’t start off that way and your disdain was shown immediately toward me (and has been with others w/opposing views) when stated: ‘Oh another disciple of the flock huh?’
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 07, 2020, 06:10:36 PM
So banning travel from China was for "political points". But blaming the president for murder every single day is not?

So the UN shouldn't repreminand China for "letting the horse out of the pen" so to speak? Why is no one on your side outraged? Imagine if this was flesh eating rabies like zombie virus (made up for now). Would China still get a pass for their negligence in allowing a virus to escape their facility?

I sure do find it hilarious how you all blame leadership of America but not Italy, Spain, Germany, France, ect for their response.

Who got to use this virus as a political weapon every single day, while destroying economic growth, thereby destroying 3 years of solid fundamental business and job growth achieved under this administration in order to scew the #s for the current president thus making him look bad?

I simply do not understand you people.

What's the saying? "You pick your own cotton."
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on December 07, 2020, 06:14:51 PM
Have your posts in this thread modeled that exemplary attitude towards brotherhood that you now seem to have acquired?

I agree with a lot of your last post, but you sure didn’t start off that way and your disdain was shown immediately toward me (and has been with others w/opposing views) when stated: ‘Oh another disciple of the flock huh?’

I'll concede that. Not an excuse but I get very frustrated with un-questioning intransigence. Sarcasm is no solution.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 07, 2020, 06:18:22 PM
This is sad. We have a world war going on against an unseen enemy that is deadly. I don't care if you think the deaths are exaggerated, too many people around the globe have died and even for the majority that survive, the after effects for many are disabling and severe.
So rather than work together to mitigate the danger (and I don't mean shutdown) through some basic care and behavior, I see us debating who to blame and worse, dividing into polarized groups that see this as an attack on only the nation. Who cares who is to blame?... how could China control the spread when we can't seem to do so either? That can be debated when the virus is eradicated.
It seems to me if Americans cannot learn to air their differences over a beer; discuss grievances with respect for your fellow man; try to understand the other guy's point of view while respectfully presenting your own. Society will always be a compromise. Civil war as someone suggested will only lead to more vested hatred.

The election year really screwed things up.  Having a successful partnership would have resulted in a poor outcome. Look back to the time period of increasing approval and you will see the tone shift and develop.  It is a shame.  It was disgusting to watch. A whole lot who claim to be good, deserve shame and removal.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: TheBug on December 07, 2020, 09:04:34 PM
The US needs a new evil enemy other than ourselves.

Who should it be?  I say the Canadians.  Sick of them rubbing it in our faces.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 08, 2020, 06:53:53 AM
The US needs a new evil enemy other than ourselves.

Who should it be?  I say the Canadians.  Sick of them rubbing it in our faces.

The new enemy this year was normalcy

The weapon used against it started with covid and expanded to many things this year...

Does not seem to be over yet

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Maverick on December 11, 2020, 10:22:31 AM
The death rate remains the same as it has always been, one per person with 2 documented exceptions......
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: FLOOB on December 13, 2020, 12:07:33 AM
Third leading cause of death at the moment. Every day it kills more Americans than 9/11. I know people who have died from it. I have co-workers who would’ve died without medical intervention. I see the dying and the mobile morgues almost everyday, month after month. God I can’t wait for this to be over.

Don’t listen to the quacks. It’s real, and it’s bad.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: FLS on December 13, 2020, 12:54:06 AM
Did the first and second leading cause go down like this year's flu rate?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Brooke on December 13, 2020, 04:46:42 AM
Third leading cause of death at the moment. Every day it kills more Americans than 9/11. I know people who have died from it. I have co-workers who would’ve died without medical intervention. I see the dying and the mobile morgues almost everyday, month after month. God I can’t wait for this to be over.

Don’t listen to the quacks. It’s real, and it’s bad.

Ivermectin, which is cheap and available:

"I want to talk about that we have a solution to this crisis.  There is a drug that is proving to be of miraculous impact.  And when I say 'miracle,' I do not use that term lightly.  And I don't want to be sensationalized when I say that.  That is a scientific recommendation based on mountains of data that has emerged in the last three months."

-- Dr. Pierre Kory, founding member of Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, currently in the ICU service at Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center, and former Associate Professor and Chief of Critical Care Service and Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center at the University of Wisconsin.

From his testimony to Congress on Dec. 8, 2020:

Summary of current data and references to the various studies:



Ivermectin + doxycycline + zinc + aspirin:
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 13, 2020, 07:12:01 AM
They saud if we stayed home for two weeks we would be safe

They said if we wore masks and social distance we would be safe

Read that over 85% of us have been doing that from the get go and it is still the end of the world per the screaming heads on the cable news...

The election was stolen with mail in ballots

This was the goal of the masks, shutdowns and social distance hysteria created and enforced by those that wanted to insure a change at the top

Guess looks like it the cost of the nations soul


Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Toad on December 13, 2020, 08:51:54 AM
Ivermectin, which is cheap and available:

Anecdotal: I have a pilot friend that lives in Mexico. Two in his household contracted Covid19. The two were immediately put on an Ivermectin/Azithromycin regime. 5 days later, both had recovered.

One has to wonder how many lives could have been saved with this cheap, widely available drug.

It was poo-pooed in the media and in follow the science circles but it clearly has worked around the world if administered early in the infection.

So...was it that Big Pharma wouldn't make billions? Or was it to ensure that Trump was ridiculed? Or was it to ensure millions of mail in ballots would be counted?

WHY would this not be tried? What plausible reason for not trying a cheap, tested, well tolerated drug that has worked in many, many instances?
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Eagler on December 13, 2020, 10:53:23 AM
The old voted for Trump in 2016

They wanted a way to make sure they did not this time

By removing some and scaring the hell out of the rest

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: MORAY37 on December 14, 2020, 03:23:07 AM
Anecdotal: I have a pilot friend that lives in Mexico. Two in his household contracted Covid19. The two were immediately put on an Ivermectin/Azithromycin regime. 5 days later, both had recovered.

One has to wonder how many lives could have been saved with this cheap, widely available drug.

It was poo-pooed in the media and in follow the science circles but it clearly has worked around the world if administered early in the infection.

So...was it that Big Pharma wouldn't make billions? Or was it to ensure that Trump was ridiculed? Or was it to ensure millions of mail in ballots would be counted?

WHY would this not be tried? What plausible reason for not trying a cheap, tested, well tolerated drug that has worked in many, many instances?

Ivermectin does have some interesting properties, but it is not an antiviral.  It helps combat replication of viral genetic material (as well as other material) by clogging up some pathways in the intracellular response.  I wouldn't get my hopes up with it.

Per the actual research;

"However, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies suggest that achieving the plasma concentrations necessary for the antiviral efficacy detected in vitro would require administration of doses up to 100-fold higher than those approved for use in humans.8,9 Even though ivermectin appears to accumulate in the lung tissue, predicted systemic plasma and lung tissue concentrations are much lower than 2 µM, the half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro.10,11"

It may have some effect, but you're not really stopping the spread if all you're doing is inhibiting replication.  Viral shedding is still happening, which means the infected person is still able to spread it.  And, if it takes a 100x recommended safe dose to actually stop the virus, you are really messing with fire.  But, I expect that this response based in science will go over like a fart in a windstorm, because you already have per-conceived notions on this. 

I'm not saying it isn't worth studying, especially in concert with other therapeutics.  But, it's not getting us back to normality. 
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Brooke on December 14, 2020, 06:52:16 AM
It helps combat replication of viral genetic material

That effect is commonly also called "antiviral".  Different antivirals have different mechanisms of action -- not all of them act only on the virus and no other molecule.  Most drugs have off-target interactions.

Per the actual research;

In vitro studies (human cells in a petri dish) don't determine efficacy.  That is determined by testing in actual, whole humans (in vivo).

Per the actual research on full humans, the results are very good.  Here is substantial amount of such data, in a clear summary.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Slade on December 14, 2020, 11:03:47 AM
My family has been hit by COVID.  Family members in red and blue states.  One got hit pretty bad.

I really wanted to know the truth with certain "news" sources making statements without legit sources.  I called all the local major hospitals in my area and asked them if it was fake and how their ICU and related capacities are.  Its real.  Its impact is not an exaggeration or to be believed from cherry picked data charts.

For transparency, I called these:
Cape Canaveral Hospital: 321 799 7111
Rockledge Regional Medical Center: 321-636-2211
Parrish Medical Center: 321-636-2211

Think for yourself.  Just call all local major hospitals in your area.  If you find COVID19 major hospitals in your area say it is a hoax.  Share the facility name and number.

There is truth then there are those sources that propagate conspiracies.  You are smart enough to decide which is which.  :old:

This might help too:

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: FLS on December 14, 2020, 12:08:56 PM
Glad nobody in your family died from it.  :aok
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Slade on December 14, 2020, 02:29:26 PM
Thanks FLS.  :salute
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: RotBaron on December 14, 2020, 05:24:20 PM
The old voted for Trump in 2016

They wanted a way to make sure they did not this time

By removing some and scaring the hell out of the rest


Without doubt!

Then there’s many things as such:

To quote Mark Levin -
“Fourteen months ago in the state of Pennsylvania, if you had voted by mail-in ballot, it would have been discarded,” Mr. Levin, who worked in the administration of President Ronald Reagan and was a chief of staff for Attorney General Edwin Meese, said. “If that mail-in ballot had been counted, it would have been fraud. Fourteen months ago in the state of Pennsylvania, if you sent in a ballot without a signature, the ballot would be discarded. If it was counted, that would be criminal fraud. Fourteen months ago in the state of Pennsylvania, if you sent in a ballot with a signature that didn’t match the signature that they had on file, that would be discarded. If it was counted, that would be criminal fraud.”
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on December 14, 2020, 05:34:43 PM
Without doubt!

Then there’s many things as such:

To quote Mark Levin -
“Fourteen months ago in the state of Pennsylvania, if you had voted by mail-in ballot, it would have been discarded,” Mr. Levin, who worked in the administration of President Ronald Reagan and was a chief of staff for Attorney General Edwin Meese, said. “If that mail-in ballot had been counted, it would have been fraud. Fourteen months ago in the state of Pennsylvania, if you sent in a ballot without a signature, the ballot would be discarded. If it was counted, that would be criminal fraud. Fourteen months ago in the state of Pennsylvania, if you sent in a ballot with a signature that didn’t match the signature that they had on file, that would be discarded. If it was counted, that would be criminal fraud.”

that's exactly what the courts said.  if you had a problem with that, you should have brought it up months ago, not wait till you lost the election then claim fault while trying to remove the votes of people who voted in good faith based on current law.

btw many states who voted for trump also did the same thing. also trump and his family voted by mail.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: MORAY37 on December 14, 2020, 05:38:35 PM
That effect is commonly also called "antiviral".  Different antivirals have different mechanisms of action -- not all of them act only on the virus and no other molecule.  Most drugs have off-target interactions.

In vitro studies (human cells in a petri dish) don't determine efficacy.  That is determined by testing in actual, whole humans (in vivo).

Per the actual research on full humans, the results are very good.  Here is substantial amount of such data, in a clear summary.

Not for nothing, but the single somewhat adequate N number (5600+) in your source showed absolutely no efficacy at all.  Surprisingly, all the low N numbers had sweeping, miraculous properties.  Why is that?

As a scientist, you know that replications mean everything.  This is why marine mammal biologists get laughed at every time they make sweeping claims about a population.  When you have an N=15, your conclusions mean nothing about a population, they only reflect those individuals. 

Similarly, in an N=160 medical study, your results are seriously suspect.  A lot more work needs to be done before you can make such sweeping claims as you are currently.  Was a portion of the sample inherently immune to later stage development of COVID-19, as has been shown in other clinical studies?  In an N=160 study, you really only need 2 individuals to skew your results. 
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: guncrasher on December 14, 2020, 05:44:42 PM
one more thing, trump first tried to register to vote using the white house as his place of residence, when it got declined then he switched to maralago, which doesn't allow permanent residents per agreement with the city.

so trump basically cast the first illegal vote in the election.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 14, 2020, 07:00:30 PM
Thanks semp.

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: NatCigg on December 14, 2020, 07:03:05 PM
Ivermectin does have some interesting properties, but it is not an antiviral.  It helps combat replication of viral genetic material (as well as other material) by clogging up some pathways in the intracellular response.  I wouldn't get my hopes up with it.

Per the actual research;

"However, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies suggest that achieving the plasma concentrations necessary for the antiviral efficacy detected in vitro would require administration of doses up to 100-fold higher than those approved for use in humans.8,9 Even though ivermectin appears to accumulate in the lung tissue, predicted systemic plasma and lung tissue concentrations are much lower than 2 µM, the half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro.10,11"

It may have some effect, but you're not really stopping the spread if all you're doing is inhibiting replication.  Viral shedding is still happening, which means the infected person is still able to spread it.  And, if it takes a 100x recommended safe dose to actually stop the virus, you are really messing with fire.  But, I expect that this response based in science will go over like a fart in a windstorm, because you already have per-conceived notions on this. 

I'm not saying it isn't worth studying, especially in concert with other therapeutics.  But, it's not getting us back to normality.

Back to normal? I dont want to die!
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 14, 2020, 07:20:48 PM
Without doubt!

Then there’s many things as such:

To quote Mark Levin -
“Fourteen months ago in the state of Pennsylvania, if you had voted by mail-in ballot, it would have been discarded,” Mr. Levin, who worked in the administration of President Ronald Reagan and was a chief of staff for Attorney General Edwin Meese, said. “If that mail-in ballot had been counted, it would have been fraud. Fourteen months ago in the state of Pennsylvania, if you sent in a ballot without a signature, the ballot would be discarded. If it was counted, that would be criminal fraud. Fourteen months ago in the state of Pennsylvania, if you sent in a ballot with a signature that didn’t match the signature that they had on file, that would be discarded. If it was counted, that would be criminal fraud.”

Mark levin had a great interview last night on life liberty and Levin with Peter Schweizer last night (who wrote Clinton Cash). Its really something everyone should watch if they actually care about the truth. They should also watch or read Clinton Cash so they can see what the clintons really did in Africa and Haiti among others. Too many people are just so arrogantly stupid.

Lets see them discredit Peter Schweizer LOL
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: TyFoo on December 14, 2020, 07:36:10 PM
Mark levin had a great interview last night on life liberty and Levin with Peter Schweizer last night (who wrote Clinton Cash). Its really something everyone should watch if they actually care about the truth. They should also watch or read Clinton Cash so they can see what the clintons really did in Africa and Haiti among others. Too many people are just so arrogantly stupid.

Lets see them discredit Peter Schweizer LOL

"Note to self"

Self - Everybody is arrogantly Stupid and Violator is not.  Got it. . . . .

I am not sure how all of us missed that. . . .  .lol
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Busher on December 14, 2020, 08:09:14 PM
"Note to self"

Self - Everybody is arrogantly Stupid and Violator is not.  Got it. . . . .

I am not sure how all of us missed that. . . .  .lol

Thanks TyFoo...
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: DmonSlyr on December 14, 2020, 08:12:15 PM
"Note to self"

Self - Everybody is arrogantly Stupid and Violator is not.  Got it. . . . .

I am not sure how all of us missed that. . . .  .lol

I never said I wasn't either lol  ;). Just go watch it and let me know if you aren't a little less arrogant after it?

Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Brooke on December 15, 2020, 06:41:10 PM
Not for nothing, but the single somewhat adequate N number (5600+)

What is adequate is determined how solidly a study is constructed and its resulting p value.

It would be nice if every study showed positive outcome.  But for most therapies tested in the real world, some studies will be positive and some not.  Then you look at the whole body of evidence.  Not just a few in vitro studies.  Not just one no-effect in vivo study.  Not when you have a bunch of positive-effect in vivo studies as well.

In the list of references, there are about 17 studies summarized in the tables.  Of those 17, it looks like one showed no effect, and the rest showed positive effect.  There are also other non-trial-type data that indicate positive effect.

The no-effect study was a compilation of data on several potential therapies.  For Ivermectin, it wasn't N = 5600+.  It was 561 people who got Ivermectin or Ivermectin plus Azithromax.  That study was a retrospective observational study, not randomized, controlled, etc.  We don't know if the people receiving treatment were similar to those not getting treatment.  We don't even know how much Ivermectin they got or when it was administered.  Also, the death rates were about 20% within 7-9 days for all groups.  That is surprisingly high and fast, so I wonder about the composition of patients.  I wouldn't dismiss this study, but it is not among the strongest of the studies listed.

At any rate, you first focused on the few in vitro studies to the exclusion of the more numerous and much-more-important in vivo studies.  Now you are focusing on one study that shows no effect to the exclusion of 16 (plus other data) that show positive effect.

The data -- taken as a whole -- supports concluding that Ivermectin is effective.

If more data comes in that changes that conclusion, then it changes that conclusion -- but so far, looks like Ivermectin is useful.

If I or my family got Covid, I would want Ivermectin.  Especially since, even if it didn't work, the risk of taking it is so low. The mainstream alternative is no treatment until you are in bad enough shape to need hospitalization.  You might have a different view for you and your family, which is OK for you.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: MORAY37 on December 15, 2020, 08:09:51 PM
What is adequate is determined how solidly a study is constructed and its resulting p value.

It would be nice if every study showed positive outcome.  But for most therapies tested in the real world, some studies will be positive and some not.  Then you look at the whole body of evidence.  Not just a few in vitro studies.  Not just one no-effect in vivo study.  Not when you have a bunch of positive-effect in vivo studies as well.

In the list of references, there are about 17 studies summarized in the tables.  Of those 17, it looks like one showed no effect, and the rest showed positive effect.  There are also other non-trial-type data that indicate positive effect.

The no-effect study was a compilation of data on several potential therapies.  For Ivermectin, it wasn't N = 5600+.  It was 561 people who got Ivermectin or Ivermectin plus Azithromax.  That study was a retrospective observational study, not randomized, controlled, etc.  We don't know if the people receiving treatment were similar to those not getting treatment.  We don't even know how much Ivermectin they got or when it was administered.  Also, the death rates were about 20% within 7-9 days for all groups.  That is surprisingly high and fast, so I wonder about the composition of patients.  I wouldn't dismiss this study, but it is not among the strongest of the studies listed.

At any rate, you first focused on the few in vitro studies to the exclusion of the more numerous and much-more-important in vivo studies.  Now you are focusing on one study that shows no effect to the exclusion of 16 (plus other data) that show positive effect.

The data -- taken as a whole -- supports concluding that Ivermectin is effective.

If more data comes in that changes that conclusion, then it changes that conclusion -- but so far, looks like Ivermectin is useful.

If I or my family got Covid, I would want Ivermectin.  Especially since, even if it didn't work, the risk of taking it is so low. The mainstream alternative is no treatment until you are in bad enough shape to need hospitalization.  You might have a different view for you and your family, which is OK for you.

No, I focused on what, as a scientist, is pretty much the most important part of the study.... the number of replications.  Of the rest of the studies you contained in that, ALL of them don't even equal the one 5600+ replicants that showed no plausible positive affect to the disease course.  You, explaining that away, AS A PhD, is very troubling. Checking a study's replications is the number one thing taught in graduate school, when weighting the plausibility of the conclusions claimed.  You can have golden p=values, but if you're making sweeping population wide conclusions from an N=100 study..... you failed at basic science.

Again, it merits some randomized study, due to the in vitro findings.  But, claiming Ivermectin is a miracle drug is plainly irresponsible.
Title: Re: Interesting Death Rate Report
Post by: Brooke on December 15, 2020, 08:36:01 PM
No, I focused on what, as a scientist, is pretty much the most important part of the study.... the number of replications. 

You can have a large-N experiment that is worthless.  You can have a lower-N experiment that is very solid.  Depends on the full set of details, which includes experimental design and underlying probabilities of the process you are studying.

Again, it merits some randomized study, due to the in vitro findings. 

There are randomized, controlled studies referenced in the document already.  More is better, of course.  In vitro is crap compared to in vivo.

But, claiming Ivermectin is a miracle drug

Here is what I claim:

I think Ivermectin should be widely used.  Right now.

Do you disagree with me on that?

If I or my family got Covid, I would use Ivermectin right then.

Would you?