Visit Chinatown(s) in SF and other places too and prove you’re not racist, because you know stopping incoming flights from China when it was certain the outbreak started there was xenophobic...
What was your stance in February on the travel shutdown?
Choosing to stop travel from one nation due to "a virus" when at least 30 others had reported outbreaks at the same time is exactly the kind of thing done for political points, not actions undertaken to actually control said virus. The horse had already left the barn.
Now, if you said the U.S. had attempted to halt all international air traffic in March in an attempt to isolate ourselves from it, the strict epidemiological case could be made. Of course, it never would have happened, but that's an exercise in "what if".
Stopping travel only direct from China when Italy, Spain, Great Britain, France, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Norway (and on an on) all have uncontrolled public transmission is as figuratively dumb as one government can get. Of course, containing the virus wasn't the point.... casting
blame and gaining points
politically within the base