Author Topic: Operation "end this week early"  (Read 2605 times)

Offline AcePappy

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« Reply #60 on: May 26, 2004, 03:47:07 PM »
Well Hawk... Personally, I am not trying to offend you in ANY way possible. I like you as a friend, and as a former (CO) but, you have gone out of line by calling everyone, including i, "women", that was kind of insulting on your part to all of us who don't like to have to chase someone down and land in their ack and watch them laugh while we get mad. This Setup is ok. I don't much care for PTO Setups, I never have. I think they suck personally, But i do Understand that you "Blue Boy" Squadrons out there, I'm not insulting you guys", like to fly your USN Planes now and then. It is not often that we get to see the USN Squadrons fly their designated aircraft. I respect the fact that you guys have it this time. More Power to you. But.... on another hand, I do "NOT" like the fact that, just because your ranked #1 which means BS too many people due to the fact not all of us care about the ranks in this game, have the right to hord the CV packs to yourself. Yes, we sunk your CV's last night, (That was us in JG 54) who sunk those damn CV's. I don't mind CV's being in the game, they provide a nice target to sink now and then. But you have to look at one thing Hawk. Who likes it when the guy you are chasing down, runs right to his CV ack, knowingly that you will not continue the chase because you know for a fact that the ack will chew you up. I know I have run to ack a few times in my flying sorties, but that is when i am totally out-numbered and at a complete dis-advanage point. The CV groups just have way too much ack on them to be firing at us. It just gets lame seeing a CV with unrealistic features to it. I respect keeping the history of this setup to it's fullest, well trying to atleast. But the ack just gets old after time and time again m8. Like I said, i could be totally wrong, then yet offensive, but this is just my humply poor ($0.02 Cents) that i am putting in. P.S. This is your setup Hawk, your squad should just be happy that your flying your F4U's, despite the plane set abilities. :)


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« Reply #61 on: May 26, 2004, 03:50:00 PM »
Bring the Chog and -4 back.  it's criminal not to.

Offline Löwe

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« Reply #62 on: May 26, 2004, 04:16:33 PM »
There is no excuse not to use the Chawg or the Dash4. They were there historically , they should be there for this setup. I know some of you have mentioned that it's unbalances the CT............. Pfft...

 There are no dedicated IJ squads in CT. The majority of the IJ pilots are usually Luftwobbles , who spend the week furballin, and trying to just have a good time.

I dont see how the Chawg or Dash4 are going make it a bad experiance.You pretty much have to dodge em, and try to get em to bleed down their speed, just like any other Corsair.

There seems to be plenty of Axis lately, it's not like a couple of
years back when there would be 20+ Allied, and 5 or 6 Axis during a PTO. How can you justify giving the Luftwaffe 262s, Ar234s, and ME-163s, but cant give the USN/USMC/ RN guys their late war rides?:confused:

Offline Grits

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« Reply #63 on: May 26, 2004, 04:36:34 PM »
Originally posted by Löwe
I dont see how the Chawg or Dash4 are going make it a bad experiance.You pretty much have to dodge em, and try to get em to bleed down their speed, just like any other Corsair.

Yup, in the future just put them in if they fit the time period, you have to dodge them all anyway, dodging a -1C or -4 is no worse than a -1 or -1D.


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« Reply #64 on: May 26, 2004, 04:54:01 PM »
Bring back the hawgs


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« Reply #65 on: May 26, 2004, 04:55:00 PM »
Did I mention that the Chog and -4 were conspicously absent??

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #66 on: May 26, 2004, 05:01:55 PM »

Offline CurtissP-6EHawk

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Re: Damn....
« Reply #67 on: May 26, 2004, 05:24:34 PM »
Originally posted by AcePappy
Well Hawk... Personally, I am not trying to offend you in ANY way possible. I like you as a friend, and as a former (CO) but, you have gone out of line by calling everyone, including i, "women", that was kind of insulting on your part to all of us who don't like to have to chase someone down and land in their ack and watch them laugh while we get mad. This Setup is ok. I don't much care for PTO Setups, I never have. I think they suck personally, But i do Understand that you "Blue Boy" Squadrons out there, I'm not insulting you guys", like to fly your USN Planes now and then. It is not often that we get to see the USN Squadrons fly their designated aircraft. I respect the fact that you guys have it this time. More Power to you. But.... on another hand, I do "NOT" like the fact that, just because your ranked #1 which means BS too many people due to the fact not all of us care about the ranks in this game, have the right to hord the CV packs to yourself. Yes, we sunk your CV's last night, (That was us in JG 54) who sunk those damn CV's. I don't mind CV's being in the game, they provide a nice target to sink now and then. But you have to look at one thing Hawk. Who likes it when the guy you are chasing down, runs right to his CV ack, knowingly that you will not continue the chase because you know for a fact that the ack will chew you up. I know I have run to ack a few times in my flying sorties, but that is when i am totally out-numbered and at a complete dis-advanage point. The CV groups just have way too much ack on them to be firing at us. It just gets lame seeing a CV with unrealistic features to it. I respect keeping the history of this setup to it's fullest, well trying to atleast. But the ack just gets old after time and time again m8. Like I said, i could be totally wrong, then yet offensive, but this is just my humply poor ($0.02 Cents) that i am putting in. P.S. This is your setup Hawk, your squad should just be happy that your flying your F4U's, despite the plane set abilities. :)

1. Whats the diff between me calling you guys women and you calling me a boy? They are both insults even when I am kidding ;)
2. Rank is dough. I did it just to take the fleet. This actually benifited both sides. I kept the fleets ack away from you guys(saturday or sunday? night) and kept "OUR" F4U-1D CV out of harms way. I kept all of them from getting sunk by keeping some idiots from beaching all of them for no reason. I had planed on a mission for thursday of the actuall theme but I'm not flying any more. I have done nothing anyone else has already done, I just put myself in the spotlight. Kinda like the news media does to some folks. Gets things blown out of prportion.
3. The rest is basicly what Lowe, Arlo and Grits said in the above posts from them.

oh, and #4. Remember the running stuff when you are in ur 190 and climbing in ur 109s vs the spits? IN the ETO its always the slower spit vs the faster 109 and 190s or even me in the 262 or 163 ;) but we cant even have the Chog or -4. The F4U vs A6M5 alone for a few days would be no different than you guys getting the 262 and 163. There are a lot that will still fly the F4F and F6F.  Sure the spit can hold its own as well as the F6F can its own but thast not the point. In normal CT Furball situations the F4U is too much to be slowing down just so the 400mph zeke or corvett N1K2J can get ya. Down right silly to slow down in it. Plus it takes forever to get altitude in it. Even in WWII it was not smart to fly it below 10,000feet. Those who did were down right called stupid! (Not a quote of corse)

Two years ago I came to AH to fly the F4U. When I came in I saw lowe and ended up joining the axis side. After that I came back allied to help form another P-51 squad. When that split up I decided to do what I had always wanted to do to begin with. With all this negativity against the PTO maps, I decided to no longer play Aces High. I played WarBirds for four years and didnt fly the F4U. I waited too late and couldnt play WBsII for the same reason a lot of you guys cant play AHII. I was told AH was not as computer demanding as WBSII so I gave it a try....the rest was just explained. I came here to fly the F4U. The majority of you guys are now anti PTO (as stated in recent posts) plus the Other F4Us will no longer be implamented in the CT as per Souless remarks (but not quoted) in this maps details. Oh yeah, in warbirds I always flew the A6M3 no matter what. I always ended up flyinh against the two best F4U pilots in the game. Thier names were --free-- and --trip--. Frankly, I now fly the Corsair as free did against works!

Enough is enough. My b1tching always just comes back to bite me in the prettythang. At least this time some of my friends actually backed me up a little and I thank them for that. You probably would have backed me up untill you went axis. Thats life :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: May 26, 2004, 05:31:55 PM by CurtissP-6EHawk »

Offline Mister Fork

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« Reply #68 on: May 26, 2004, 06:07:52 PM »
Don't worry Hawk, after speaking to Pyro a week ago he stated the Ki-84 and Ki-100 + another medium bomber are his top priority to even out the Japanese set, He-111 and Do-17 for Germany,   Pe-2 for Russia + possible bomber for Russia.  

With an evened-out PTO including the Ki-84 or 100, I'm sure they'll give any F4U a run for their money and balance out future  setups to include more blue birds.

Besides, it's just a @#()$#*%#@# game anyways... :D
"Games are meant to be fun and fair but fighting a war is neither." - HiTech

Offline Grits

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« Reply #69 on: May 26, 2004, 06:13:39 PM »
Dont leave Hawk, just take a break. We need all the regular CT squads to stay together, including VMF-312. 312 is just starting to gel, you have a good core of guys to build a squad with, dont leave them now. I have helped some of your guys in the TA because I know both sides have more fun if the fights are better. Take a month off, dont fly AH, dont look at this BBS, nothing. Do fun family oriented stuff and come back later, it will be OK.

As I have said in other threads recently, I have made a decision to stop all seriously meant watermelon talking. Sure I will talk friendly trash to Bug, Storch, Arlo, You and others, but I will no longer make any serious negative comments to or about anyone, or any future planesets. OK, maybe I will still talk trash to O-lag, but thats it.

From now on I am going to keep negative stuff to myself and just shut up and fly.

Offline Slash27

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« Reply #70 on: May 26, 2004, 07:26:13 PM »
The CV groups just have way too much ack on them to be firing at us. It just gets lame seeing a CV with unrealistic features to it.

What do you base this on? WW2 footage looks like Jap attackers were flying into pure hell to get a crack at CVs. Anyway, Im all for turning off the puffy flak. Try it for a while and see if it improves game play. Remember one thing about the CVs too. Its the only thing the Allies have unless they take some ground.

Offline CurtissP-6EHawk

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« Reply #71 on: May 26, 2004, 07:34:49 PM »
Originally posted by Slash27
The CV groups just have way too much ack on them to be firing at us. It just gets lame seeing a CV with unrealistic features to it.

What do you base this on? WW2 footage looks like Jap attackers were flying into pure hell to get a crack at CVs. Anyway, Im all for turning off the puffy flak. Try it for a while and see if it improves game play. Remember one thing about the CVs too. Its the only thing the Allies have unless they take some ground.
Its the only thing the Allies have unless they take some ground.

I said that earlier too. They think the fleet ack is bad but so is....wait, the real "Ackinawa". The mainland has awsome ack. You guys only have to worry about the fleet ack. The small island ack aint cheese!

Offline Grits

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« Reply #72 on: May 26, 2004, 08:43:40 PM »
Just for the record, I think all ack is bad, fleet, land, manned, M16's and Osti-spumanti's,  all of it. :D