Author Topic: Canadian Crack safehouse  (Read 1465 times)

Offline Pongo

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Canadian Crack safehouse
« Reply #60 on: August 18, 2004, 01:14:31 AM »
I didnt say you deserved it. I said that being a civilian doenst invalidate you as a war target in anyone books.
And obviosly bin ladin had decared war on the US.

That was clintons bigest failure in my mind. He never accepted that his country was at war.

Offline Rino

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Canadian Crack safehouse
« Reply #61 on: August 18, 2004, 03:24:52 AM »
Originally posted by Pongo
Have you seen the footage from desert storm of the phone companys getting taken down with laser guided bombs? Who works at the phone company?

Who works at the pharmicutical factory in sudan or where ever?

They targeted the Pentagon and the White house.

The trade center attacks were formulated to inflict maximum civilian casualitys which is a big difference from current US military stratagies I grant, but you know that civilian casualties will be accepted in any US military action. Yes they honestly seem to minimize those casualtyies. They even degrade thier military capability in pursuit of minimizing enemy civilian casualties while the terrorists attempt to maximise civilian casualties even amongst thier allies...

there are huge differences between the two sides of course. That is why the US has many many allies in the war on terror. But civilians dieing doesnt constitute the litnus test of good vs evil.

    Not to a Canadian apparently, one big difference you guys
seem to miss is that Saddam attacked Kuwait first.  Then Bin
Laden attacked the US first.  Then the US gave the opposition
many many months to cooperate before attacking, plus warning
of what was to come.

     Of course these little factoids mean nothing to you because
your hatred blinds you to the "other" side as surely as you
claim ours does for us.  I still haven't heard what horrible thing
the US has ever done to the muslim middle east to "deserve"
their hatred.  I guess buying oil and supporting Israel is akin
to pitchforking babies?
80th FS Headhunters
Proud veteran of the Cola Wars

Offline Jayclark

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Canadian Crack safehouse
« Reply #62 on: August 18, 2004, 10:47:09 AM »
That was clintons bigest failure in my mind. He never accepted that his country was at war.

I agree with you on that.

Offline Pongo

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Canadian Crack safehouse
« Reply #63 on: August 18, 2004, 12:00:57 PM »
If I were to answer your question you would attribute it to hate and hate me more. If you really seek to know how 911 came to pass and how such hate came to be focused on your country then you can find out very easily.

Offline SLO

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Canadian Crack safehouse
« Reply #64 on: August 18, 2004, 03:44:43 PM »
Originally posted by Rino
Not to a Canadian apparently, one big difference you guys
seem to miss is that Saddam attacked Kuwait first.  Then Bin
Laden attacked the US first.  Then the US gave the opposition
many many months to cooperate before attacking, plus warning
of what was to come.

     Of course these little factoids mean nothing to you because
your hatred blinds you to the "other" side as surely as you
claim ours does for us.  I still haven't heard what horrible thing
the US has ever done to the muslim middle east to "deserve"
their hatred.  I guess buying oil and supporting Israel is akin
to pitchforking babies?

You are protecting your OIL INTERESTS, you supported the Mujahaddin WITH BIN LADEN as a member, you supported SADDAM HUSSIEN, you attacked a SOVEREIGN NATION with the excuse that it was an IMMINENT THREAT to you Country and to your countries INTEREST.

15 of the TERRORIST were from Saudi Arabia, SA deserved to get its prettythang kicked, but no, INTEREST are more important then the truth....and trust me, IRAQ was an excuse too further your interest in that region of the world.

so spare me your one dimensional vision would ya, its pathetic.

Offline Torque

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Canadian Crack safehouse
« Reply #65 on: August 19, 2004, 05:22:48 AM »
Canadian Crack Safehouse, uh-oh...does that mean Rush LimpJaw will be vacationing in BC?