Author Topic: What kind of a sissy would fly a "perk" plane?  (Read 888 times)

Offline RAM

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What kind of a sissy would fly a "perk" plane?
« Reply #60 on: January 10, 2001, 02:27:00 PM »
Lazs, one of the first so-called "sissies" will be you, when the Chog is perked.

Offline Mayhem

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What kind of a sissy would fly a "perk" plane?
« Reply #61 on: January 10, 2001, 02:34:00 PM »
Originally posted by RAM:
Lazs, one of the first so-called "sissies" will be you, when the Chog is perked.

See told ya all he was a member of the evil chog hate group!

Remember even chogs need love!

Mayhem 33rd S.G.
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Offline StSanta

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What kind of a sissy would fly a "perk" plane?
« Reply #62 on: January 10, 2001, 05:43:00 PM »
tsjhooks need to be burned and destroyed.

And then put together and burned again.


9./JG 54 "Grünherz"

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Offline Tac

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What kind of a sissy would fly a "perk" plane?
« Reply #63 on: January 10, 2001, 06:14:00 PM »
"BTW TAC IF you would stop trying to HO the chogs you might not die as often"

Im not THAT crazy. I only HO bombers  

Compare the 1 ping you hear from getting hit by 1 bullet .50 cal to the 1 ping you hear when you get hit by a chog cannon (well, if you manage to hear it amongst the *CRACK* of your plane breaking into pieces). A spraying .50 cal will only injure you or whack a vital part if you're really out of luck. A hispano round will break the part of the airplane where that vital part is.

Akdejavu, you missed the point again. Its not SKILLED pilots im worried about in the chog. Its those who dont ACM or are interested in anything but spraying the air and getting kills. Just tonight over A8 I saw 2 such planes smacking planes outta the sky in extreme angle shots... one ping is all they need. I LOVE to face skilled pilots like Citabria and *brrr* CavemanJ in any other plane.. I know my chances of survival are quite limited, but at least I know they will ACM me.

"When jumping into a furball with 30 planes of wich 8 are F4u-1Cs, I don't focus only on the 1Cs knowing the rest are not a threat. In the current furball that is the MA... everything is a threat."

Yep, they all a threat, but them chogs and n1k's will be the ones getting most of the kills, as they just spray in general direction and *taadaa!* one kill. How many times have you been in such a furball, following someone, while his wingman is on your 6, you see a chog stalled or falling (without a tail or wing) but firing like mad. One ping and not only does the chog get a very undeserved kill, but also steals the possible kill of the wingman of the guy you are following AND completely spoils the entire ACM scene you had going with those 2.

In short, the sole reason WHY you are paying for this game is taken from under your feet thanks to a chog gone postal.

"why your airplane ended up in front of theirs in the first place", that indicates they did some ACM'ing. If by chance I fly in front of them, they would kill me just as any other plane would.

""thank you for showing me what it was really like to be on the toejamty end of the suypply line in WWII" "


Chogs are evil and must be destroyed... and perked. squeak all ye want, if you really need to kill something without ACM'ing go play QUAKE.

Offline Nash

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What kind of a sissy would fly a "perk" plane?
« Reply #64 on: January 10, 2001, 06:23:00 PM »
sigh.... Are you done, Tac?


Offline Tac

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What kind of a sissy would fly a "perk" plane?
« Reply #65 on: January 10, 2001, 07:10:00 PM »
The chog is perked now, the N1k I predict will follow. I rest my case sir <S> *grin*


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What kind of a sissy would fly a "perk" plane?
« Reply #66 on: January 11, 2001, 10:08:00 AM »
ram.. I don't think I will use the chog when it is perked.  I don't use it at all now.  I fly the D and hellcat but... I have had a freind put in a new modem for me and the fifties have been improved.   The D works fine for me now.  I like the ammo load of the D.  I will be bummed tho that I can't jump off a carrier or a base in a chog to kill ground vehicles or pt's or something.   I never saw any big deal with the plane but it looks like it is a matter of usage.

It's not anything special in my opinion but if it is so unbalancing numbers wise then just get rid of it.  Period.

"Perking" solves nothing except frequency.   Those that get killed by it (any perk plane)will still whine no matter the reason that it is in the arena unless.....  It is in an arena or an area that is full of equally (or percieved equally) deadly planes.

An RPS has it's problems too.   People will lose interest when they can't fly their favorite ride for any length of time no matter how short.  

The perk system will be a confsing mess custom made for animosity.   Uber rides of varying degrees will be scattered around the arena at all times.   Newbies and infrequnt players will care not a whit how much you "earned" the perk plane you just killed their Spit 5 with.   They will only know that some people get great planes and others don't.   All they will see is an arena filled with disparity...... And.... They will be right.

Early, mid and late war areas in the same arena but in different "areas" seem to be the only answer to me.  It would be fair and it would be fun for ANYONE and it would solve the problem of what to do with each new plane as it is introduced.

[This message has been edited by lazs (edited 01-11-2001).]

Offline Wanker

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What kind of a sissy would fly a "perk" plane?
« Reply #67 on: January 11, 2001, 10:56:00 AM »
I have had a freind put in a new modem for me and the fifties have been improved.

So all that whining you did about how the .50's were porked was really a hardware problem on your end? Hehe, maybe that should be a lesson to you about going off half-cocked before you have all the facts in. Kinda like this whine, Lazs.


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What kind of a sissy would fly a "perk" plane?
« Reply #68 on: January 11, 2001, 11:36:00 AM »
banana... i have said all along that i felt that the problem with the fifties, FOR ME, was, my connect, dispertion or both... I have also said that I didn't really care why there was a problem only that there was and that was the reason for my picking the C over the D.

The fifties work well enough for me now.   I am glad no matter what the reason.  The chog seems no more uber flying against it in dhogs than it did when i was flying a chog.  

It was never uber and seeing less of em is a non issue for me.

Perking planes however is not a non issue.  I did not sign on to everquest my way up to whatever it is they do.  

most will notice nothing about the system except that they are being killed by uber planes (real or percieved)that are unavailable to them.  

I think you will see less of whatever the current demon plane is but you will also see less players.