Author Topic: amnesty international has a problem with...  (Read 2500 times)

Offline Maverick

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amnesty international has a problem with...
« Reply #30 on: December 01, 2001, 12:25:00 PM »
Originally posted by StSanta:
Hm, the US don't know what to do with the POW's from foreign nations in Afghanistan. Rumsfeldt is on record saying that it'd be a good thing if they were all dead.

Like it or not, not all of the POW's were in the revolt. Rather indiscriminate use of firepower will kill a lot of those.

Killing of legitimate POW's who aren't resisting, who are bound, is generally not a very civil thing to do.

The rest of the arguments are really straw men: build them up and knock 'em down: it doesn't change the facts about gunning down bound POW's.

I sincerely hope that Americans in general do not condone the killing of POW's.


I agree with you about the idea of shooting bound prisoners. I have had a bad feeling about us using a "hands off" approach with the NA operations. I also realise that being to deeply involved will spiral us into a deeper conflict than we want.

I think we should have taken a more involved position on the subject of POW's. The whole damn thing at the prison is the result of ill or untrained forces trying to manage a POW center. Had there been a better than cursory visual search of the POW's there wouldn't have been many if ANY firearms on the inside. Failure to actively search the prisoners made it possible for them to have a substantial number of arms AND ammunition to carry out an attempted prison break.

U.S. troops are tought the 5 "S"'s for POW's. The are, Search, Secure, Silence, Segregate and Speed to the rear. The idea is to reduce the hazard to friendly troops, maintain positive control over the prisoners and get usefull information from them within the bounds of the Geneva Convention guidelines.

It seems obvious, at this preliminary stage, that the prisoners were NOT dealt with according to these steps. Had they been, there would have been no large resistance with weapons and no need to "repacify" prisoners.

Final note. Until we have an independant assessment, and maybe not even then, we won't know WHO was responsible for the deaths of the bound prisoners. This may have been carried out by the prisoners (the ones doing the armed revolt) themselves as a "lesson" to any who might cooperate with their captors. Depending on who we may have had in the area, we may never get an accurate asessment.


As for blur, his words are meaningless.

[ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: Maverick ]

[ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: Maverick ]
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amnesty international has a problem with...
« Reply #31 on: December 01, 2001, 01:49:00 PM »
Karnak all im saying is amenesty has a hardon to critize government"abuses", but I rarely see them complain or probe abuses done by thier little buddy buddy folksy freedom fighters and terrorists.

I hate to sound like Boroa here, but amenesty sure went like hell after Slobodan Milosevic for what his government did in osovo, but I dont recall them urging for action against the KLA, who routinly terrorized and murdered Serbs in Kosovo for years up unitil the war.

It just seems to me that amensty just wants to critcise governments or corporations and mostly turns a blind eye to human rights violations commited by "rebel" groups.

As for you blur......

Im temped to curse you out again, but I think Animal is right, you are pathetic, sad, actually quite ironic in a way and prolly no longer worth my attention.


My feeling about the planned attack on the prison is very simple. The taliban planned this attack before they surendered, they were not in fact POWs but still combatants. They started this pointless battle inside the prison and they lost. Many died, but quite frankly thats what happends when you go to war. Nobody was killing them in the prison, untill they started the attack.


Offline Daff

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amnesty international has a problem with...
« Reply #32 on: December 03, 2001, 07:12:00 AM »
"Karnak all im saying is amenesty has a hardon to critize government"abuses"" , but I rarely seethem complain or probe abuses done by thier little buddy buddy folksy freedom fighters andterrorists."

No?..go and check their website.

Have a look through the archive.
You'll see *everyone* gets the attention of AI, including their socalled "ittle buddy buddy folksy freedom fighters andterrorists"...and AI would stand up for your rights too, should they be infringed.

" but I dont recall them urging for action against the KLA,who routinly terrorized and murdered Serbs in Kosovo for years up unitil the war."

Did you recieve the AI newsletter? Just because the press doesnt report it, doesnt mean that AI doesnt call for action.

"It just seems to me that amensty just wants to critcise governments or corporations and mostly turns a blind eye to human rights violations commited by "rebel" groups."

You couldnt be more wrong. Again, I refer to their archive on their website.


[ 12-03-2001: Message edited by: Daff ]

Offline miko2d

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amnesty international has a problem with...
« Reply #33 on: December 03, 2001, 12:33:00 PM »
Why are some of you so worried if someone investigates whether US military commited war crimes?
 Are you afraid they would find war crimes? I seriously doubt it.
 Even if they find that we really do have some criminals in our military, isn't it in our interests to root them out?

 AI is not subcidised by the tax-payer money, is it? Let them investigate all they want.


Offline Udie

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amnesty international has a problem with...
« Reply #34 on: December 03, 2001, 01:06:00 PM »
Originally posted by SwampRat:

3 or 4    :confused:  hehe...dude have you any idea what how destructive 1 of those bad boys are??   :)  


 Don't they leave a 600yd squad (or round) crater ?  hehe with 4 or 5 of em that sucker would be about 20000 yrds deep  :)

 heheh actually the post was tongue in cheek I just forgot the smiley's.  Don't you notice the glaring contradiction?  Where I ask if we are a bunch of murdering madmen, then the next sentence say I would drop all those daisy cutters on em  :)  Though I must say it's a good thing I'm not in charge  :D