Author Topic: Confessions of a WW2OL cynic  (Read 4179 times)

Offline Kirin

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Confessions of a WW2OL cynic
« Reply #45 on: June 24, 2001, 08:29:00 AM »
Never said HTC promised anything they did not give - AH was missing features to be more complete, as it still does. AH one year ago was different from what we have now and still we pay the same price. Was the AH 1.0 the product we pay 30 bucks for and everything after that is free supplement or is the current state the product we get for 30 bucks and we payed more (relatively seen) for the first version to get this one complete? Honestly, I don't care! As long as I enjoy the product I pay for it!

I don't think the RATS want(ed) to cheat their customers nor did they lie deliberatly. Things just didn't go as well as planned and the mistake they made was to give out too much information too early (besides releasing too soon). HTC have much more experience in that department and now we all know why the answer is always "2 weeks" and why they only give away little information about future features. Better say nothing than a word too much. That's how you have to treat an immature audience. Because those people gonna pick on every word u once said and point out every detail that didn't go like advertised. Those people like to flame others on the boards and want to have everything for free.

Well, I am not one of them. I have good hopes for that special game and I trust its makers. Both HTC and the Rats put tremendous effort in their products and I don't think either of them wants to cheat their customers.

BTW, I am no cheerleader (by my definition of it) but being called it by people who fulfill that definition better!

Cheerleader: "X is the best, the others are all crap" "You say Y does this better, you are an idiot" "No, X is perfect, there are no errors in it" "If it's like this in X - it must be right"
Real men fly Radial!

Offline Fatty

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Confessions of a WW2OL cynic
« Reply #46 on: June 24, 2001, 09:49:00 AM »
Kirin, I'm not overly concerned/excited/yawning over wwiionline.  I hope it survives a year or two til it's good enough for me to play it.  On the other hand, to have post after post after post praising its greatness on the Aces High boards is getting old.

I think WWIIOnline in its present form quite simply sucks.  It's not worth my time to even play for free.  That's my opinion, and I'll put it in a thread on these boards when it's been brought up so many times I can't ignore it anymore.  You won't, on the other hand, see me going over to the WWIIOnline boards posting in thread after thread about how great Aces High is either.  You(all) will find you'd have about as much success as Rip when he gets on an AGW kick.

Offline Swoop

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Confessions of a WW2OL cynic
« Reply #47 on: June 24, 2001, 11:53:00 PM »

WW2OL has a bug regarding USB devices.  Do you use any other USB devices in addition to the stick?  If so, unplug everything that's USB b4 you run the game (if you've got a USB mouse you're screwed), make sure only the stick is plugged in and it should work fine, you can re-connect any other USB kit you have once the game is loaded and it'll work.

Now my turn on WW2OL......

The flight sim part of the game sucks.  Totally.  Flight models are plain weird, the gunnery will ruin your aim in Aces High and the view system sucks soooooo bad I dont wanna talk about it.

However, the ground war is damn good.  Anyone who's seen WW2OL at a decent res will agree the terrain at ground level just looks superb.  From 10,000ft it looks bloody awful though......visual range of the ground is about 10 miles which gives the world a 'cut off' look.  Also, visual ID range for other aircraft is absolutely poxy, no range markers but I'd estimate the icon switches on at about 3,000ft away, which means absolutely NO-ONE gets any alt in WW2OL....cos they wouldnt see a damn thing.  All air combat is at low level.......

Anyway, back to the ground war........damn they've done a good job on those tanks.  Driving and gunning is just soooo much fun.  Troopers are little anemic but you do get cool this one:

I spawned in Chimay as a British SMG soldier, there was an A13 cruiser just leaving so I sprinted alongside and hopped on (ya gotta get a lift, can take an hour to run between towns) but instead of heading for a German held town this guy headed for the German firebase a few miles north east of Chimay.

Well, we got there (another infantryman had jumped on as well) and as soon as we came around the treeline a pzr put an AP shell into the tank we were riding we jumped off again quick.  Just then a German Trooper came running out of the barracks.....dont on one knee, raised my SMG.....bam bam bam.  One dead trooper.  Well cool!

The other infantryman with me ran up to the panzer and emptied him SMG clip into the drivers view hole and the panzer just stopped.....didnt even shoot anymore.  

Our tank still had it's gun so the tanker destroyed the FB with HE shells, then began to open fire on another panzer a little north east.....which returned fire, trouble is the first round musta been a HE shell cos I got wounded.  The whole screen turned red and I collapsed in game, then slowly came round.  Seriously cool.

Now right behind where this FB was was a big tree and some tall grass, so me and the other bloke crawled into this grass and let the tank battle carry on.  So there I am, lying under this tree waiting to die.......but the bleeding stopped!  All this time I was talking to the other infantry fella, I said he could have my tobacco tin after I was gone.   ;)  and then took it back cos I was gonna live.  lol

Anyway, so we're camped out in the grass next to a road when I spots yet another panzer coming to the road, he turned onto the road and looked like he was gonna drive right past where I was hiding......great, raised my SMG again, hoping the commanders hatch would be open......but no, this damn panzer stops right in front of me and does a right turn, damn thing almost ran me over!  :-)  A trooper jumped down off the panzer, he got shot in short order.   ;)  Then we emptied SMG clips into the view holes of this panzer.  

This went on for a while, until the germans realised that anything that went past this treeline got taken out and there were no allied tanks they shelled the crap outta the treeline with HE shells.  Didnt last long in that.  :(

But it was seriously cool while it lasted.


Offline AKSWulfe

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Confessions of a WW2OL cynic
« Reply #48 on: June 25, 2001, 07:35:00 AM »
Originally posted by Cobra:

Maybe, but you should not be so humble about your contributions to some locked threads

Yeah man, I never did like friendly banter anyway.

For those that don't get it: If you are taking me seriously you really aren't playing with a full deck of cards.

Offline AKSWulfe

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Confessions of a WW2OL cynic
« Reply #49 on: June 25, 2001, 07:37:00 AM »
Originally posted by Kirin:
One for SW: You remember the SS squad in AH? And how people defended its right to be here?? It's mostly credit to some german pilots that the name was changed!! There are morons in every game - and if you look at some of the "RL off topic"- threads there are fascistoid tendecies on this board that I fear more than someone called "Jewkilla" (poor idiot)...

Yeah I remember that "Waffen SS" squad, but I recall most people being against having a squad name like that. Especially since it doesn't pertain to anything we do here (no foot soliders... hence no Waffen SS).

Of course there are always going to be idiots, but I think that person that lead the "Waffen SS" in AH didn't stay for much longer than a month.

Offline Wanker

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Confessions of a WW2OL cynic
« Reply #50 on: June 25, 2001, 10:21:00 AM »
Swoop said  
WW2OL has a bug regarding USB devices. Do you use any other USB devices in addition to the stick? If so, unplug everything that's USB b4 you run the game (if you've got a USB mouse you're screwed), make sure only the stick is plugged in and it should work fine, you can re-connect any other USB kit you have once the game is loaded and it'll work.

Oh hell, I do have a Logitech USB Marble trackman for a mouse.

But I'll try your workaround, I have other mice laying around. Thanks for the tip, mate!  :)

Offline Nifty

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Confessions of a WW2OL cynic
« Reply #51 on: June 25, 2001, 01:07:00 PM »
Originally posted by banana:
Swoop said  

Oh hell, I do have a Logitech USB Marble trackman for a mouse.

But I'll try your workaround, I have other mice laying around. Thanks for the tip, mate!   :)

My saitek and ch pedals are all USB and they don't have any problems with the game at all.

Flight model sucks without a doubt.  I held a 5.5G flat turn for over 2 minutes, dragging 3-4 109's.  They were almost using the same turn radius and rate as I was, at least that's what it looked like from my view.  Didn't seem they were turning wider, but faster, than I was.  Seemed like they were at the same speed, on the same path, as me.  Point is, 2 minutes of this with no E-loss??? puh-leeeeeze!!!!  I can't even pull a 5.5G flat turn in a Spit V on AH without some serious speed, and when I do, the E bleeds quickly!  In WWIIOL, you only lose E when you chop the throttle and lower the flaps and gear.  You lose speed in the vertical, but you're completely retaining E in the form of altitude.  There's no loss of E, you can do infinite pure vertical loops it seems.  I guess they only are modelling gravity, and not drag in normal flight.  Only thing non-arcadish about the flight is taking off/landing in a Spit (109's seem to be infinitely easier to take off) and needing to trim the aircraft.  They need to make some modifications before flying is realistic.

Actually, playing WWIIOL has improved my AH gunnery if anything.

Oh, and if this is considered cheerleading for WWIIOL...   ;)  I'm just telling it like I see it.  The game -is- fun, just flying isn't very realistic, so I tend to do infantry and tanking more than flying.
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline Swoop

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Confessions of a WW2OL cynic
« Reply #52 on: June 25, 2001, 01:57:00 PM »

the bug only exists if you're using a USB keyboard/mouse.  I use a MS-PP2 USB stick, no problem at all cos I dont use any other USB devices.

As for E loss, yup, you're right.  Cept when I set up for landing (140mph, close throttle, gear down, flaps down - and I NEVER use flaps in a spit) I over shot the field cos after 1/2 a mile with full left rudder I was still going 130mph. E loss?  Bollocks, there isnt any.


no worries mate, anything else just ask, been a beta tester since last July.   ;)


[ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Swoop ]

Offline mx22

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Confessions of a WW2OL cynic
« Reply #53 on: June 25, 2001, 03:34:00 PM »
Originally posted by SWulfe:

Yeah I remember that "Waffen SS" squad, but I recall most people being against having a squad name like that. Especially since it doesn't pertain to anything we do here (no foot soliders... hence no Waffen SS).

Of course there are always going to be idiots, but I think that person that lead the "Waffen SS" in AH didn't stay for much longer than a month.

The problem with Waffen SS squad was not the name as some of you are saying now, but rather a squad comander playing nder "Zemke" nick or some other name of the Allied ace.
