Author Topic: Just Talk to Her Already  (Read 3625 times)

Offline GtoRA2

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Just Talk to Her Already
« Reply #195 on: August 17, 2005, 12:28:17 PM »
I will go back and read them.

I am man enough to admit when I am wrong.

The only point I have pushed is everyone has a right to spout their views. Ugly views or not.

I dont think I ever said or meant to say he was "wrong" just that what he was doing isn't that far from what they are...  and that using ones rights is not un-American, nasty and unclassy sure but not Un-American.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2005, 12:32:01 PM by GtoRA2 »

Offline Sakai

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Just Talk to Her Already
« Reply #196 on: August 17, 2005, 12:30:36 PM »
Originally posted by GtoRA2
 Have you read the thread? He may have some points, but he is damn hostile in making them. Calling people Un-American is pretty over the top in my opinion.

If that's over the top then you certainly have written your president, senators and congressmen to demand a cessation of such tactics in politics by the GOP?

Good for you.

The point being:  liberty is a trait that Americans espouse a belief in, ostensibly.  As is our constitutional right to redress, speech, and a resistance to tyrannical rule.

Following that line of thinking, attacking anyone who exercises their rights simply to support someone acknowledged as a liar to maintain thier abusive power is unamerican.

It isn't over the top, it is what it is.

In fact, whining about me saying it's unamerican is unamerican.  Leave my nation, you don't deserve to be american.

Have I made the point yet?

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Offline GtoRA2

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Just Talk to Her Already
« Reply #197 on: August 17, 2005, 12:33:40 PM »
Originally posted by Sakai
If that's over the top then you certainly have written your president, senators and congressmen to demand a cessation of such tactics in politics by the GOP?

Good for you.

The point being:  liberty is a trait that Americans espouse a belief in, ostensibly.  As is our constitutional right to redress, speech, and a resistance to tyrannical rule.

Following that line of thinking, attacking anyone who exercises their rights simply to support someone acknowledged as a liar to maintain thier abusive power is unamerican.

It isn't over the top, it is what it is.

In fact, whining about me saying it's unamerican is unamerican.  Leave my nation, you don't deserve to be american.

Have I made the point yet?


 You dont find this rude?

Offline GtoRA2

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Just Talk to Her Already
« Reply #198 on: August 17, 2005, 12:34:14 PM »
System issues repost.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2005, 12:36:39 PM by GtoRA2 »

Offline GtoRA2

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Just Talk to Her Already
« Reply #199 on: August 17, 2005, 12:36:13 PM »
Originally posted by Sakai
If that's over the top then you certainly have written your president, senators and congressmen to demand a cessation of such tactics in politics by the GOP?

Good for you.

The point being:  liberty is a trait that Americans espouse a belief in, ostensibly.  As is our constitutional right to redress, speech, and a resistance to tyrannical rule.

Following that line of thinking, attacking anyone who exercises their rights simply to support someone acknowledged as a liar to maintain thier abusive power is unamerican.

It isn't over the top, it is what it is.

In fact, whining about me saying it's unamerican is unamerican.  Leave my nation, you don't deserve to be american.

Have I made the point yet?


Your still missing the point, they are no less American then you because they dont think like you. Thats the point.

it is my nation, and their nation too. I have every right to any opinion I want.

Nice to see you want people you don't agree with to leave though.

Offline SaburoS

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Just Talk to Her Already
« Reply #200 on: August 17, 2005, 12:47:53 PM »
Originally posted by GtoRA2
So again she gets to ask questions because you agree with her cause but anyone who questions hers is un american?

Do I really believe in her cause? I believe she has the right to do what she is doing, nothing more. Reread my post(s).

Originally posted by GtoRA2
ALL I am saying is its not unamerican to question her motives.

C'mon dude, why is it even necessary for anyone to question her"motives"?
It has been more than simple questioning. It has been a public character assassination. Politically motivated by the Right.

Originally posted by GtoRA2
They have the right to do that just like she has the right to protest.

Because one has the "right" doesn't mean it has to be acted upon. The decent thing is to just let it die. Mudslinging and trying to have her fit into a nice labeled box isn't a good thing in my book. We need not be that sensitive that we have to label everything we disagree with.

Originally posted by GtoRA2
You believe in her, you believe bush lied.  Other do not believe that, they have the same rights you do and she does.  

I belive the Bush Administration lied. I've believed that from the beginning. I believe she is a parent in the anger stage trying to still cope with her loss, trying to find her answers.
Does she have the right to camp out and request her second meeting? Sure, doesn't mean she'll get it.
The President will meet her if his advisors feel it won't hurt him politically.
Right now, there is nothing he can say that will make him look good to her pointed, direct questions.
His advisors have directed the President to stay low key on this subject, as he should. His position is not defendable from that situation.

Originally posted by GtoRA2
Thats freedom, sometimes its ugly, but there it is.

Sure it is. but the choice on how ugly it gets is up to us as individuals, isn't it?
If you want to pat yourself on the back and say it's okay to drag that lady through the mud, by all means pat away.
Bottom line is, she has every right to do what she's doing. We don't have to agree with her, but we also don't need to exercise some character assassination as well.
It's all about the choices we make and the things we do.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2005, 12:50:23 PM by SaburoS »
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