Author Topic: remember the 109  (Read 4892 times)

Offline Howitzer

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remember the 109
« Reply #150 on: January 28, 2006, 05:34:05 PM »
Originally posted by Widewing
Back in August, AutoPilot, aka Ted Stryker, aka 1hunglo was upset when Silat was selected to the Trainer's Corps and he was passed over. TC asked for an opinion on adding Silat and to a man, every trainer agreed that Silat was an outstanding choice, a huge asset to the group. AutoPilot was unhappy and you can read his comments here.

This thread only confirms TC's judgement that AutoPilot, aka Ted Stryker, aka 1hunglo was unsuited for the position. Being a good Trainer is all about attitude, being patient, and being willing to donate your time helping others learn enough to enjoy the game and maybe even get good at it. It's not about self and it's not about status and it's surely not about slapping around noobs for ego gratification. It's about being a responsible representative of both HTC and the community of players. Trainers are often the first person(s) a new player encounters and the attitude displayed by the Trainers will make a lasting impression on a new player, both for good or for bad. I for one am damn glad that this character was passed over as his attitude is unacceptable as a subscriber, much less someone who will influence noobs. I'm very much disappointed by this sorry display of bad form.

My regards,


Speaks volumes for me, and not that surprising  =)