Author Topic: WWIIOnline wii be 9.95$ / month  (Read 2831 times)

Offline Kieren

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WWIIOnline wii be 9.95$ / month
« Reply #105 on: February 17, 2001, 07:53:00 AM »
pzvg, I think that is what the bulk of the posters are saying here. I know I haven't intended to "burn" any game.

Never said AH was the pantheon of adult play.
Never said WWIIonline wouldn't be fun.

What I said was you are going to see immature play there, too. My comments are directed at the "I-can't-wait-to-get-out-of-here-and-play-with-mature-players" type posts. BTW, Jekyll, do you really think the "quakers" (as we are so fond of calling them) won't fly? Do you really think there won't be a vehicle of some type that seems "wrong" in an overperformance kind of way? Has anyone ever found a sim where there weren't complaints of some kind directed at a particular aircraft? I haven't yet.

If those common-sense comments are construed as insults, I guess I am being insulting. I don't think it is much in the way of prognosticating to believe the way I do, however.  

Offline Esme

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« Reply #106 on: February 17, 2001, 08:11:00 AM »
Some of the folks here are clearly commenting about WW2OL without having followed its progress or looking over the sites relating to it carefully, not even to the extent of looking at the FAQs.

The MAIN problem with WB and AH is the underpinning gameplay or lack thereof, necessitating what some correctly refer to as "artificial" formal games being set up in order for participants to get anything like "realistic" combat situations.  I happen to like those formal games (like the WB S3s, SLs, EMCs, and the one Snapshot I took part in here) simply because for all their faults, they`re more to my taste than Main Arena weirdness.

Where  does the gameplay problem stem from? From games that try to instantly gratify the wannabe killer fighter pilots without having thought things through properly. Why do fighters exist? Because bombers and recconaisance planes exist. And why do THOSE planes exist? Because armies and navies and industrial centres belonging to the enemy exist. So, to create a realistic environment for the fighter pilots, you need to have reasonably realistic incentives to use bombers realistically, which means reasonably realistic targets for those bombers to attack, and recce planes can usefully be added into the mix, too.

Hyper-accurate bombing of point targets to close airfields so that paratroops can be dropped to capture them is so far removed from a realistic way to add in a ground war element as to be a joke. And so, short of people setting up formal scenario games in WB and AH, any claim to realism of the combat in those games is a sad joke. I`m not saying it can`t be enjoyable, and I`m not saying that looked at simply from a 1 vs 1 fighter viewpoint the FMs aren`t any good. They may be very accurate. But the millieu isn`t, and therefore the recreation of WW2-like combat isn`t.

Clearly, Cornered Rat have realised this, and so they`ve started with something that puts the air war in its proper context. It has the added benefit of appealing to a wider range of players than just flight sim addicts. Strategy gamers, land and naval wargamers, and yes, even quake-heads can be encomapssed, although the latter may well find they don`t progress very far in the game, though whether that will bother them is another matter.

Starting with the 1940 Blitzkrieg is IMO the most sensible thing CR could do. We emphatically do NOT need another sim that panders to wet dreams of the US Air force demolishing token foes in the Pacific and late European theatres. We do NOT need another sim that offers only token acknowledgement to the existence of any air forces other than the US, in fact. Nor that ignores the existence of the air war by night. Give AH it`s due, it`s done more than WB has on some of these things.

Starting with an early war setup and progressing by installments through the entire war, CR offer something for everyone - including early war enthusiasts, RAF enthusiasts, let alone L`Armee de l`Air ones (!), night flyers, etc. etc. If WW2OL succeeds, by the time it reaches 1945, it may well have wiped the floor with WB and AH. I sincerely hope that it doesn`t, simply because competition is healthy; I hope that AH continues to expand on its ground element, continues to add aircraft from the USSR, England, Italy, France (and lets have a LW bomber other than the Ju88, for heavens sake! Do217? (anyone who suggests He177 is a dweeb! ;-) <g> )).

It`d be nice to have a CHOICE of good flight sims that give you an environment where you can fly sensible missions. At the moment, bomber pilots are very badly catered for by WB (and I suspect AH, although I can`t be sure as I`ve only had the 2 weeks experience of it online), outside of formal games, and the reason is that they are generally seen simply as cannon fodder for the fighters, rather than as the main OFFENSIVE weapon of aerial warfare.

My best wishes to the AH team in their efforts to expand and improve AH and to bring teh flight sim community new and better features (I still LOVE those clouds! :-) )

CO, KG2 "Holzhammer" in WB

Offline Kieren

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« Reply #107 on: February 17, 2001, 08:27:00 AM »
There is not one thing wrong with the concept of WWIIonline as far as I can tell. I don't think many people would argue that.

Try putting six people in a room and ask them what good gameplay is. You might reach a consenus after a bit, though someone will not be entirely happy.

Now do that with 50 people.

Now 200.

Now 1,000.

Get the idea? I don't believe there is near that uniformity in the concept of what "good" or "smart" is. Note how derogatory monikers are applied to the style of gameplay we disagree with. "Quake-head" can hardly be construed as a compliment. Megalomaniac isn't a complement to the generals. We are dumping these diverse people into a huge human cocktail called AH, and look what happens. Think it won't be more of the same in that regard elsewhere?

I'm glad there will be another sim, how could I not be as a consumer? I am going to be laughing my butt off when I read the boards over there and hear the exact same complaints from the exact same people who make them here.  

[This message has been edited by Kieren (edited 02-17-2001).]

Offline Westy

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« Reply #108 on: February 17, 2001, 09:13:00 AM »
 EYE, time to back up your tripe kid. I call you names I think are very appropriate. They're not lies. Is Engish a second language for you btw??  You still need to show me how I 'dissed' KaK3, what other handles I go by and fyi, I have never run into you in the TA. Never.  Those must be your dreams.

 Jekyll "When AH debutted, the WB boards were full of "$29.95 will bring in the Quake-set". Well, they were right. And I said as much about a month ago in a public apology to Wardog.

 Jammer, I haven't made my mind up about anything all. I'm just speculating and discussing this based on seeing just what is attracted by OTHER $10/mo venues. You and several others who have posted seem to be speculating on wishes and hopes.



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« Reply #109 on: February 17, 2001, 09:28:00 AM »
kieren... common sense arguments are seen as attacks by some.  It is not hard to figure out why.

Offline Spitboy

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« Reply #110 on: February 17, 2001, 10:50:00 AM »
IMO, once again...for Raubvogel and others with the twitchy, knee jerk, self-offense, pre-emptive flame responses to any discussion of thier new found baby... (I suspect some of it is a triggered response by the chip implanted in the back of thier necks when they signed the NDA  )

Has it occurred to you that it's simply because they have seen and played WW2OL in its latest beta stages and actually have a REASON to be excited? That they know things you do not know, and have answers to many of the concerns you and others post regarding Quakers, arena populations, Napoleans, getting people to partake of missions, etc., but cannot divulge them yet due to NDA?  

Are those trees 3d or sprites? They looks like it is sprites.

Those are real 3D objects, seen in the same place by everyone. They have to be, since they afford cover. Just like the shrubs, hedgerows, power lines, etc. Hit one with yer wing and it's likely you're going down.

Spitboy -SW-

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #111 on: February 17, 2001, 10:59:00 AM »
I tried to get on the WWIIOnline site, but it still seems like it is having trouble.

Didn't they mention something about $10/month play some time ago?  And in the same discussion mentioned the possibility of tiered pay to play?  Like there would also be $15/month and $20/month accounts, with each accounts giving you access to more and more features of the game?  By features, I mean things like flying aircraft, not getting more weapons on a ground troop.

Have they stated that it will be $10/month for everyone to do everything?



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« Reply #112 on: February 17, 2001, 05:32:00 PM »
Westy you type nice!
Westy you fly poor!

Keep up with the shades posts. Character assination is the last resort for you.

I have seen enough of your posts to see the games you play.

I will post as long as you. I dont wear out.

You do realize i have run into you in h2h too? I was a nu XXX name. You were notever in a 47. I kicked your ass. Why do you think you have never had me hunt you in the ma?
Well my friend its because when we have met in h2h and in the ta our fights were a joke.

Your sa was poor,You tried aw style merges and as far as i could see generaly stunk.
This is fact.

When i visualize you i see a funny clown in his funny clown car p47! Painted bright colours with you hanging over the side yelling YEEOOOWWWWW!!!! Bottle in hand.


Offline Westy

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« Reply #113 on: February 17, 2001, 06:37:00 PM »
 Bzzzzt. Wrong answer. You're really starting to show how much you suck at making crap up EYE.  Never flown H2H either except once with Nuttz in one of his terrains a couple of months ago for about 20 minutes. Only flew in the TA once also, about 4 months ago for an hour, when the MOL squad got together for some personal flying and I never bumped into any EYE or Beurling there either. So keep trying EYE, your roadkill keeps on piling up while you continue to avoid and sidestep showing any validity what-so-ever to anything that you've dribbled so far.

Offline Fury

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« Reply #114 on: February 17, 2001, 11:47:00 PM »
Wow what a cool magic trick!  This post appeared here with 113 posts already made!  It's incredible!


LJK Raubvogel

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« Reply #115 on: February 18, 2001, 01:17:00 AM »
hehehe...amazing aint it fury?