Author Topic: New pilots: Go ahead and fly that Spitfire!  (Read 781 times)

Offline HomeBoy

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New pilots: Go ahead and fly that Spitfire!
« Reply #45 on: September 06, 2006, 09:16:57 AM »
Originally posted by Hawco
A couple of points, you can learn all the ACM you like and it won't save you half the time.
I'd say the 3 following things are essential to any new or vet pilot.
1. SA
2. Keep the guy below you
3. Alt= energy and energy= life
My 2 cents anyway

Out of all the words that have been uttered in this thread, these are the wisest (IMO).  Worth far more than 2 cents I think.

Actually, 2 & 3 are pretty much the same thing so I'd say there are two essentials:  SA and Alt.  Track IR goes a long way in helping SA, discipline and determination takes care of the Alt.

There's my 2 cents worth.
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Offline Clutz

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New pilots: Go ahead and fly that Spitfire!
« Reply #46 on: September 06, 2006, 11:36:08 AM »
New pilots: Go ahead and fly that Spitfire!

I was just playing on the Internet when I found this game about 4 months ago. I picked the spit for one reason and one reason only. When I was flipping threw the different planes to use, I picked the spit because it had a thin canopy and visually I could see the screen better. I picked the spit16 because I just figured it was a later model and therefor a better model. Logic told me to pick one plane and stick to it till I learned to fly. After two months I tried a 38 cause murdur and all those guys fly 38's but found out it doesn't roll very well and I use roll to help my SA (I fly upside down a lot). I went back to the spit.  About two months ago I got shot down by shawk 5 times in a row and he was in a spit16. When I get better I will try something else, maybe, but if it doesn't fly or if it doesn't kill as good as a spit16, I will stay with the spit16. Anybody got a problem with this? :)  :D  Also, If anybody can suggest a plane similar to a spit16 I would like to try that sometime soon. I just don't want to get something that is hard to fly because I haven't really learned to fly the Spit yet. I have spend most of my time so far trying to build my PC so I can get better game play (video card and all that jazz) and not so much time actually playing the game so far. :) :aok :) :D :)

Offline Logan6

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New pilots: Go ahead and fly that Spitfire!
« Reply #47 on: September 10, 2006, 04:08:12 AM »
good info here

Offline Lemoo

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New pilots: Go ahead and fly that Spitfire!
« Reply #48 on: September 12, 2006, 02:32:32 PM »
Fly whatever damn plane you want.

Makes a lot of sense to me. It is your $15.00 and like the old song says, you can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself.

Some days I want to knifefight, so I fly a knifefighter. Some days I am to drunk to go spinning around in circles, so to keep the cockpit clean and still have fun I play it safe, diving in at 400 mph or more to take a shot and run away like the coward that I am.

Other days I may be feeling goofy and I might want to utilize B and Z tacticts in a Hurricane, or try dogfighting with a P-51 loaded with very little fuel.

But none of the above really matters to anyone but me. I'm just glad that there is a sim for these wonderful, grand old planes that is always striving to get better. So have fun and like Mathman said, fly whatever damn plane you want.

Offline dhaus

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New pilots: Go ahead and fly that Spitfire!
« Reply #49 on: September 13, 2006, 06:07:19 PM »
I choose the plane based on whatever I want to accomplish.  I was surprised to see I had more kills in a 110 this tour than anything except the hellcat.  One tour my favorite plane was a 190 A-8.  In fightertown, I prefer the Spit 8, hurri2C or even an La7.   A squadie has actually landed kills in a 38G in fightertown (I always get my big fat butt shot off in those :cry .)  There are a ton of planes and each has its own quirks.  You have to fly them to learn how to beat them.  Once you learn a plane's strengths, you can predict what a pilot SHOULD do in it, assuming he will fly to its strength, and start to counter it almost before he does it.  It's your $$$.  Fly what and how you want.

Offline sgt203

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New pilots: Go ahead and fly that Spitfire!
« Reply #50 on: September 18, 2006, 02:37:21 AM »
Very good thread lots of good opinions....

In my meager opinion being very new to all this is:

1. Fly with what you are comfortable flying in

2. Fly what will accomplish the task at hand

I presonally like to fly spits for base defense purposes as I find im getting BnZ'd and vulched immediately upon take-off and need the low alt low speed manuerablilty of the spit.

I like to use La-7 when attacking opposing bases as it has the ability to carry ordinance to the target to assist in taking down opposing VH, and with enough help FH.

I use the F6F, F4U and Seafire for carriers ops (mission dependant).

To me it doesn't matter what plane you fly as long as the plane is a good tool for the task at hand.

After all we are all here to have fun :aok

Fly what makes you happy and enjoy the game!

Offline sgt203

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New pilots: Go ahead and fly that Spitfire!
« Reply #51 on: September 19, 2006, 02:05:35 AM »
I should have read what I wrote before posting I was too tired.

Obviously the La carrys little ord my bad, The typhoon was what I meant to put in but I do use both when attacking bases..

Just to correct myself before someone else does
« Last Edit: September 19, 2006, 02:07:55 AM by sgt203 »

Offline macleod01

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New pilots: Go ahead and fly that Spitfire!
« Reply #52 on: September 19, 2006, 11:33:02 AM »
Im a Spitdweeb down to the ground. I dont like the Spit 16, but Im a big fan of the Spit 1! Yes I know most people here are going to shout at me now, but its a really good plane if you get the hang of it.  Ive had several good dogfights in the TA wit it, probarbly both i would have won! The first was up against the Spit 16 and the second was Ledpig in his 38. I personally am quite proud of the fact that a Spit 1 could match a 38! So can we not leave off the poor Spitfires, for just a wee bit? PLEASE?
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