Author Topic: WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?  (Read 2674 times)

Offline gbleck

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #45 on: February 03, 2007, 10:07:18 PM »
Sounds like you ran out of gas.  The fule burn in the Early, Middle and Late arenas is set at 2X normal because the maps and flight distances are lower then real life.

Offline Sincraft

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #46 on: February 04, 2007, 12:51:04 AM »
well crap.  I'm sucking now.  My beginners luck is OVER.

I chase the multitude of bombers, get behind them and keep getting shot down.

I then try different angles etc, they just pwn me.  I don't seem to be getting hits today what so ever.  Very odd.

I was DEAD on a guy in a p51 and was spraying forever, from 1k our and up to 400 m out, and didn't land hits until I was dead on.  Conv issue?

What is the best distance to land hits that actually do some damage yet is far enough away that you don't have to be RIGHT on their tail?

Also, does it seem harder to land hits in zoom mode?  

Also hehe, is the p51 an OK plane to fly and get used to or should I ditch this thing as suggested above and grab those spits?  

Maybe I'm just too hungry for bombers but it seems other people are spraying a quick burst and exploding planes while I am barely landing a hit with a constant 3 second squeezes one after another after another.



Offline Raptor

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #47 on: February 04, 2007, 01:17:49 AM »
You have to get use to the Gunnery. While in the hangar you can adjust your guns convergence (how far ahead of you the bullets will hit at the same point). I have my convergence set to 650, even though I wait to shoot around 400yds. The closer you are the more likely you are to hit the enemy.
0 - 200: best chance of hitting the enemy
200 - 400: good chance of hitting enemy
400 - 600: depending on your aim, about half your bullets you fire will hit
600 - 800: starting to rely more on luck.
800 - 1000: you're waisting bullets

I fly a P38, which has nose mounted guns. Since I set my convergence to 650, and have nose mounted guns, I can get fairly consistant hits on planes flying level 800yds infront of me.

When I started playing AH, this is the list of planes I flew as my main ride.
P51D (because I heard so much about it and thought it was suppose to be amazing)
109G10 (I played AH1, very similar to 109K4 in AH2)
FM2 (turned well)
Hurricane Mk2 (turned well and has powerful guns)
P38L since AH1

I always preferred to turnfight, much more of an adrenaline rush than BnZ. These planes are good turning planes and are good to learn the basics with:
FM2, Spit5, Seafire MkII, Spitfire Mk 16, Hurricane MkII, N1K2J, A6M5B
But these planes are deemed "noob" or "dweeb" rides

My mindset was/is you fly one plane until you feel you master it and then move to a more difficult plane. I always wanted to prove I could outfly my opponents. Out turning a spit using a hurricane doesn't really say much because a hurricane will out turn a spit every time. Out turning a spit using a P38L says a lot more because a spit should out turn a P38.

At some point you will find that simply turning sharper than the other plane isn't enough, and you will discover ACM:aok

Offline Sincraft

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #48 on: February 04, 2007, 01:59:57 AM »
hmmm so what do you consider planes that more advanced people fly?  For example, what is the uncontested 'best' plane out there or is it just a matter or style?  Ok, style aside, you can bnz in ANY plane imo... turn fighting is great but if you get yourself into trouble, you need POWER to get away right!?  

I played ww2online and found many planes to be very wobbly while others were very tight in turns.  I also found their individual characteristics to be pronounced more so as you used them for what they WERE NOT intended for lol.

In this game so far, everything I have fly felt - almost the same.  Like the spit and the p51d and the p38.  But, it may just be me as I haven't become accustom to the feel as I am still flying newbie wild.  

Does this game go through any extensive research/physics/modeling in regards to 'reality' ?  I heard a few things about this game and it's powerful reality when it came to the planes and how they work.  With the exception of engine reliability to heat.

Also - do they go through any research and modeling when it comes to rear set armor? Can pilots get hit personally by bullets/flak?  

I REALLY hate the p51d's rear vision with that BIG seat.  Would be nice for protection from rear bullets if pilot damaged was modeled in this game, however if it isn't then - there must be a better plane to fly.

I noticed many of the bishops I was flying against were flying Germie planes.    They didn't seem to fair well with my allies flying against them in a turn fight however I don't know what my buds were flying.  

NEXT, I'm gonna play around with ground units.  I spawned a few AAA guns on ships and bases, fun.  Think I got a kill yesterday on one :)  

This game is much like ww2online.  Except there are no LAG SPIKES when you JUST get on someones 6 :)  

The graphics aren't as good with ground units.  In fact, they are shockingly poor but, I SERIOUSLY prefer gameplay and simulation over graphics, anyday.

Not to mention, I can actually play this game on my laptop!  Amazing.  truly amazing.

Offline Schatzi

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #49 on: February 04, 2007, 05:31:56 AM »
Originally posted by Sincraft
hmmm so what do you consider planes that more advanced people fly?  For example, what is the uncontested 'best' plane out there or is it just a matter or style?  Ok, style aside, you can bnz in ANY plane imo... turn fighting is great but if you get yourself into trouble, you need POWER to get away right!?  

There is no "best" plane... there is just a best plane for the task at hand. For new players, I usually recommend Spitfire MkVIII or MkIX, or if you absolutely do not want to be seen in a Spit, F6F. All three of those are not best at anything, but they have a good overall performance. And they can do both... BnZ attacks, and when you run out of speed, theyll be decent turnfighters too. And they are rather forgiving in handling - the odd mistake will not always get you killed immediatly. And no, you cannot BnZ in "any" plane... try a Hurricane or a a6m and youll know what I mean.

I feel its a common mistake to see the BnZ as the "easier" style. To make good BnZ attacks, you need to have a good grasp of ACM, need to be able to judge E states and relative positions very well. You also need to think a lot further ahead and the gunnery part of the equation is also harder then when saddled up in a TnB fight.

The problem with the "power" to get away from a turnfight easily is that usually that makes the plane heavier and the airframe adjustments to lower drag will generally end you up with a worse turner. Also, the faster youre going, the wider your turns are always going to be. There is one plane that might fit your criteria: the La7. Its a very popular newbie plane, as it is one of the fastest and had big cannons and good ammo. But if you do more then come in head on, guns blazing and extend out of icon range again, it is a rather difficult plane to fly - just because of the horse powers: Lots of throttle management and flaps are needed.

Another thing id like to say (and please dont take that as personal jab, its not meant to be): If you run from a fight every time you get in trouble, youll never learn to do anything else. Yes, you will get shot a lot at first. But only by DOING it can you get better. Im not saying up in the Main Arenas and fly into the thick of things and get killed again and again - that only leads to frustration, not learning. But take risks... who knows, maybe youll come out the winning end?

And dont forget the other Arenas. The Duelling Arena (DA) can be an enviroment where you can learn to "dogfight" one vs one, without having to fear that another jumps in on you. But note that its set up fights there, so please dont jump in on any fight without asking first.

Last but certainly not least there is the Training Arena (TA). IMO the best place to learn the basics (and advanced tactics for that matter) of fights. You can just come in there and ask on chat, theres usually someone there that can help you out. Its been a little hectic the last days, so you might need to have a little patience. Trainers and most other people are generally at A1, Bishop base in the main training zone. Same as the DA, the TA has - this time written - rules of engagement. You can find them on the Arena Message on your clipboard. Through our Trainers Homepage you can also set up scheduled training sessions with one of the Training Staff.

I played ww2online and found many planes to be very wobbly while others were very tight in turns.  I also found their individual characteristics to be pronounced more so as you used them for what they WERE NOT intended for lol.

In this game so far, everything I have fly felt - almost the same.  Like the spit and the p51d and the p38.  But, it may just be me as I haven't become accustom to the feel as I am still flying newbie wild.  

Yes, every plane has its characteristics and sweet spots as well as weak spots. You can get quick rundowns on the planes on Sodas Aircraft page, and detailed numerical performace comparisons on Dok Gonzos page, both are linked on the Trainers Homepage.

Id recommend you pick one plane you like to learn in and stick with it for a while, to get accustomed to its characteristics. Upside down, inside out, its weaknesses and strengths, what it likes to do, what it doesnt. How it stacks up against the rest of the planeset. When saying "turns well", you technically always need to compare it to your opponent. The Spitfire Mk16 for example: against the P51, it is the "angles" fighter, ie the much better turner, but slower. Against a Hurri, the Spit is the "Energy fighter" - turning with the Hurri would get it outmaneuvered and killed. (Always speaking similar pilot skills.... ive "outturned" many a Spit in a P51).

Does this game go through any extensive research/physics/modeling in regards to 'reality' ?  I heard a few things about this game and it's powerful reality when it came to the planes and how they work.  With the exception of engine reliability to heat.

Yes, very extensive research. HiTech is almost notorious about the planes performances, and always open for discussions if you bring up valid ressources. Check the Aircraft Forum :). Gun recoil is modelled, ie when firing the guns, youll slow down. That should tell you all :). The engine heat is not modelled for playability reasons. If you go too realistic, plane becomes too hard to learn and the "fun factor" will get lost. Its an everlasting heated discussion between the "gamers" and the "simmers" though.

Also - do they go through any research and modeling when it comes to rear set armor? Can pilots get hit personally by bullets/flak?  

Yes, plane armor is modelled, not only for the pilot BTW. Some planes get damage easier, some are more durable. And the pilot can be wounded. Youll have blood splattered on the cockpit and loose conciousness every now and then. Eventually, when you run out of blood, pilot dies and plane blows up. You can also get a "pilot kill" when shot in the cockpit. Plne blows up instantly on that.

I REALLY hate the p51d's rear vision with that BIG seat.  Would be nice for protection from rear bullets if pilot damaged was modeled in this game, however if it isn't then - there must be a better plane to fly.

Do you have your head positions set yet? The P51 has one of the best rear views in game with set views. Setting up your internal view head positions.

I noticed many of the bishops I was flying against were flying Germie planes.    They didn't seem to fair well with my allies flying against them in a turn fight however I don't know what my buds were flying.  

The German planes, especially the later war models 109 and the 190s arent amongst the best turner. Even though some pilots will speak up now that do unbelievable things with a K4 or a G14, but that are people that know the plane inside out and have exceptional piloting skills in it.

You can always check what your teammates fly by toggling the icon to "plane type" with ALT_I. To change back to normal icon mode, hit ALT_I again - check the text buffer though, so you dont end up in "friendly only" or "icons off".

NEXT, I'm gonna play around with ground units.  I spawned a few AAA guns on ships and bases, fun.  Think I got a kill yesterday on one :)  

This game is much like ww2online.  Except there are no LAG SPIKES when you JUST get on someones 6 :)  

Thats a VERY dangerous statement to make in here ;). This game revolves around the air combat. The ground part is only an addition, and youll soon find that its full of bugs and loopholes, since teh terrain and everything was created to be seen from above. Nevertheless, theres a very live "mud wrestler" part of this community - GVs can be a fun diversion any time.

That aside, do you still have warping issues? If yes, check out the stickies in Tech Support forum. You can also post there and holler for help any time... lotsa knowledgable people there.

The graphics aren't as good with ground units.  In fact, they are shockingly poor but, I SERIOUSLY prefer gameplay and simulation over graphics, anyday.

Not to mention, I can actually play this game on my laptop!  Amazing.  truly amazing.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2007, 05:46:25 AM by Schatzi »
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Offline Raptor

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #50 on: February 04, 2007, 03:02:23 PM »
Another note:
Make sure you check your flight preferences... DISABLE stall limiter. It may make flying a bit harder at first, but the stall limiter is a handicap. If you have it turned on, you will not be able to fly your plane to its full potential.

Offline Sincraft

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #51 on: February 04, 2007, 03:13:58 PM »
wow thanks for the EXCELLENT reply.  Very informative, thanks!

Very sick today.  10 years without getting sick and this winter I've been nailed twice already.  GRRRR

When I get some E, I'm gonna head down and try out the headrest thingy.  
Amazing that people probably don't realize how fun and realistic this game is and can be but the graphics don't tantalize people I guess.  I personally hesitated to download the demo even until I started reading the forums.  Graphics are NOTHING if you can't play the darn game!  

No I see no bugs as of yet.  And, the warping issue seems to go away when I get close up to the enemy.  I'm pretty surprised.   Although I can see warping as a nuisance if it gets ANY closer, I'll have to check those links out for testing or resolving the issues.

Offline Sincraft

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #52 on: February 04, 2007, 11:48:39 PM »
p51d is my plane for awhile.

I tried a couple spits that seemed like they were sitting on the tip of a needle in the middle and ANYTHING would make them flop left or right or, climb rapidly up.

Didn't want to mess with trim just about now.

I'm getting owned in the skies but just recently set my conv to about 400, 375, and 300 with my 3 sets of guns.

Strange however, and I wonder if this has been discussed which I am sure it has, but my bullets seem to be doing nothing.

I was behind a 190 and sprayed into his plane many times nicely, nothing.

Same for a yak.  This guy was flying a nice slow climb and I was bouncing them ALL over his plane.  Nothing.

I had more luck my first couple of days.  

I am getting close and far away, and getting nothing.  Trying from 800m at the farthest, but mostly around 400m and also I'm getting RIGHT on them with tricky throttle control against some of these guys that are throwing their throttle when caught and turning hard.  I've been RIGHT on these guys before and sprayed and gotten nothing.

Just wondering if these bullets on these planes are worth it?  Or, am I just sucking and not hitting the right spots?

I'm interested in some flight training and will probably take those offers up when they come about.  I have decent flying skills I think when it comes to keeping up with someone in a turn fight or chasing against ACM, but when it comes to being tailed or shaking an enemy, I am sucking.  

I am also lacky HARD in the scoring hits dept.  I've been on a planes six at 400-200 - 100 m for 60 seconds at times and let my entire load of ammo go before I actually see smoke or anything.  

And I'm not just spraying and praying.  I'm zooming and strategically landing my shots whenever I can.  

Ugh. hehe

Offline Raptor

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #53 on: February 05, 2007, 12:15:24 AM »
When your convergence is set up like yours it is harder to get quick kills. Instead of having all 6 guns on the P51 hitting the plane at once, only 2 at a time are. Try setting your guns to converge at one point (try 400). To practice your gunnery, you can go offline and up from any airfield and shoot at the drones circling the airfield. I am not sure if killshooter is in the default offline setup or not though, so when you go offline, switch knights or rooks.

Offline Krusty

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #54 on: February 05, 2007, 12:20:02 AM »
Damage also depends on range. Solid bullets (which the P51 uses) don't explode on impact. Almost all their damage is from smashing into the target. The further the target is (say, 600d or 800d, which is measured in yards distance), the less impact the bullets have. This is much more noticable on smaller guns like .303 cal or 7.8mm, but also does have an effect on 50cal as well.

When in doubt, get in close.

Note the distance you're getting most of your kills (record film and play it back if you need to) and set your convergence so all guns are at the same, and so that the distance is close to the range you're getting kills at. If it's more than 350 you might want to try working in closer, eventually (I mean over time, as you learn to shoot better)

Offline BaldEagl

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #55 on: February 05, 2007, 01:15:08 AM »
I usually set all my convergences to 650.  In a P-51 you can get a kill at up to 1000 yards with a sustained burst but 4-600 is a more likely opening range.  I've even managed a kill at 1000 in a FM2 with only 4 .50's.

If you like shorter convergences (It seems most do), the way your guns are set up seem too spread to me.  Try them at someting more like 400, 375 and 350 making sure the inside set are furthest out and the outside set are closest in.  That set up will give you secondary convergence points and, as you're distance to target changes you'll move through several convergences relatively quickly putting more bullets into the same spots faster.

Also remember your convergences are not only set laterally, but vertically to account for the arc of your bullets in flight to the target.
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline Schatzi

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #56 on: February 05, 2007, 06:20:13 AM »
Convergence - Schatzi
Convergence - Hammer
Convergence - Soda
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