Author Topic: Bomb dynamics...or lack there of..  (Read 1489 times)


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Bomb dynamics...or lack there of..
« Reply #45 on: December 01, 2000, 03:24:00 PM »
LOL!  (rip)

Well I know that the majority of people dont fly buffs, but thats no real reason to totaly trash the bombs, for the few that DO fly bombers, dropping the bombs is the Apex of their whole flight.  I mean to fly all that way and then drop bombs that have no real modeling at all, no wonder not many people fly buffs.  Would you fly your fighter if when it came time to fire there was no muzzle flash and no damage modeling on the other plane no smoke no flying parts, nasty little yellow tracers, I doubt you would get much fun out of that..see my point?

Offline Toad

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Bomb dynamics...or lack there of..
« Reply #46 on: December 01, 2000, 06:45:00 PM »
No, wobble, I don't.

Thought you left?

Anyway, when one drops an AH bomb, there is flash, there is smoke, there is damage and flying parts.

For what appears to be the huge majority of buff pilots, that is enough.

For what appears to be an incredibly small minority of buff pilots, there seems to be a "lack of realistic dispersion." For <ahem> one of these folks, it seems to ruin the game, to the point of canceling the account.

As I said above, I'm sure HTC has made note of this and if they deem it a worthy change (worth the programming time) they'll put it in the "revision table" and eventually it will get done.

Until then, I guess I'll just keep playing.


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Bomb dynamics...or lack there of..
« Reply #47 on: December 01, 2000, 07:59:00 PM »
I was never in a "DO IT NOW" state of mind, i was just posting a "fix it" post like everyone else.  I dont care if it is fixed RIGHT now, i would just like the problem addressed whenever they get to it.  And i also think that if they made bomb drift an option and a few people tried it they would find it very appealing, of course its not for everyone, but what is?

What Im getting at about the dispersion crap is that inaccuratly modeled bombs for buffers is no less annoying inaccurate bullet ballistics would be for fighters, as far as "a minority of buffers caring about it" there are like 10 times more fighter pilots than buff pilots ( and thats a VERY modest guess) so of course your not going to see nearly as many posts.  what i was getting at in my last post was that when the one thing the planes is designed to do isnt modeled right (or at all) it takes away from the whole flight.  I dont want to press the whole bomb drift thing on everybody by no means, that is why i would like it to be a player/host forcable option.  You like ya dont like fine, ya can have either.  I know it probably wont be put in soon but i think it is a worthy addition in time.  And dont call me picky, I mean look at some of the other posts about modeling and such, for example.

"Explain me this coefficient of drag on P47 and F4"  
I dont even know what that really means!  
my point there is that everyone else seems to be interested in MAX realism, yet when i mention the totally unmodelled bombs, i get cold shoulder.  All i want is what all you fighter jocks all ready have  REALISM.


Offline Jekyll

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Bomb dynamics...or lack there of..
« Reply #48 on: December 06, 2000, 02:55:00 AM »
All i want is what all you fighter jocks all ready have REALISM.

Read more threads  


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Bomb dynamics...or lack there of..
« Reply #49 on: December 10, 2000, 02:05:00 AM »
Seen daisy cutters, 2k FAE  ,2k's , 1k's , #750's, 500 FAE's , #500's , #250's, 16", 8" , 5" ,430mm , 310mm , 220mm , 125mm , 120mm , 105mm , 90mm ,80mm, 61mm , 40mm, m79 ,rpg2 , m72 m26 , rocks,"chi-poppers",c4,c3,tnt,kinpks,dtcrd, tank flip 360 in the air under 1k's ,rail cars into confetti by #750's , never seen a open gun position or tin shed(hanger) live through a 1k or even a #500 dropped on it or right next to it. Remember what a puny little SCUD did way back when? or what a little truck full of weedfeed did in Ok city? Seems the ord in this game more like water-balloons.(excuse me I meant "sim") How about giving em more "punch" and less accuracy, lets face it you can drop a 1k next to a plane taking off and it might as well just be a bug hitting the windscreen....worthless. Hell , 1/2# of tnt the size of a small soup can can destroy ANY  car.


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Bomb dynamics...or lack there of..
« Reply #50 on: December 10, 2000, 02:55:00 AM »
good point carl, maby that why they made them so accurate?  although it would be kinda bad to try to fix one inaccurate model by killing another...I mean people keep saying do this to fix do that to fix..All ya got to do is make it REALISTIC to fix, not anything else.

Offline LePaul

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Bomb dynamics...or lack there of..
« Reply #51 on: December 15, 2000, 10:40:00 AM »
May I stick my neck out here on a different aspect of the bomb issue?

As an Osty that has been feed more than my fair share of Iron Pills....

1.  I know this would hit frame rates, but I'd certainly like to see a fabulous blast and mushroom cloud...I mean, we have glorious damage models on the bombers and fighters.  If you wound a ground vehicle with a bomb, we don't know it until we check the damage report.

2.  How about a thunderous BOOM, I mean, these things must make a helluva bang, right?

I'm just a little disappointed that if someone throws a bomb at you, a crater magically appears.  I'd expect one helluva blast, with the appropriate graphics and sound.

The real *high* for me with the bombs is jumping in the B-17, drop bombs and go into the ball turrent and watch the bombs hit..that's really the only explosions you see.

Sorry if this wanders slightly off topic.



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Bomb dynamics...or lack there of..
« Reply #52 on: December 15, 2000, 01:24:00 PM »
This is a great topic!  I can't take sides on the matter because I see many good points on both sides (accuracy vs. realism).  IMHO I would think that data on bomb range/deflection from various alts in RL could be modeled into the game BUT offset by taking into consideration the number of bombERs actually participating in a raid in the game as opposed to the numbers that did so in WWII.  There is a happy medium I would think, except for the lone buff pilot looking to hit every target he pickles on dead center.  In other words, up the effectiveness of blast range a tad, lower the precision quite a bit and leave it to a programer to find the middle line.

Offline LePaul

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Bomb dynamics...or lack there of..
« Reply #53 on: December 15, 2000, 02:28:00 PM »
I think it was Jane's F-15 that tackled something like this nicely...

You could install (and play) in Easy Mode or the higher, and harder, Realism Mode.

Perhaps, the default setup in Aces could be Easy Mode, and if those of us that want to crank in more realism can select such an option...

Just a reach to try to please both parties.


Offline Gadfly

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Bomb dynamics...or lack there of..
« Reply #54 on: December 15, 2000, 07:15:00 PM »
Common misconception:

Pickle barrel bombing in WWII.

Actual reason for lack of pickle barrel precision was not the bombsight, or the wind, or the slight imperfections of the bomb casing, it was because of the difficulty of navigation and cloud cover over target, as well the problems with identifying the actual IP and target.

In perfect conditions(like we have in AH), the norden was capable of pretty damn good accuracy, definitely in the pickle barrel range.


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Bomb dynamics...or lack there of..
« Reply #55 on: December 15, 2000, 11:15:00 PM »
Pickel barrel is one thing, the way it is now you can put it in a shot glass.  I know there arnt many bombers In MA but I like to fly H2H alot too and with just 1 bomber on a team there it can be DEVESTATING.  thats why i think you should be able to set "drift" if you are the host.  I.E. if you want the drift perfect and goofy like it is.  You type say..  .drift 0 (0 drift)  if you want a little drift type .drift 1 (drift of 1 foot for every 100 feet fallen) and so on and so on, that way the playes and hosts can choose and everyone can be happy.  hell why not make it a player option, if you want yer bombs to drift you can have it if not you can have the lazer bombs, having drift certinly wouldent give any advantage so just let people pick, that way everybody happy.  I dont know about anyone else but to me the Apex of flying a bomber is dropping the bombs and when its not modeled right (or at all) it really kills it for me.