How does the B-25C compare to the H in terms of maneuvering? The H moves around like a pregnant hippo, only chance in a dogfight is if I can get an angle on the first turn, otherwise the heavy nose makes it really tough to swing the plane around.
25C is lighter. I tend to use it when the latest carrier crew has killed the fighter hangers and all that's left are bombers. 25 fuel and no bombs, with those 8 50s in the nose. Someone starts shooting as they head in on me, I fire back. if not it's not quite an A20 but close. Best run was 3 F4Us downed and that was in a horde. Funny as heck to see another one run from me after that

To be fair they were not ACM guys, just trying to take down the town, but getting in a stall fight with any F4U in a B25C and winning, is good for a laugh