Author Topic: "Suicide" Killers  (Read 1970 times)

Offline Tank-Ace

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Re: "Suicide" Killers
« Reply #45 on: January 10, 2014, 03:22:51 PM »
What's unhealthy for the game is taking away something that people like to do, especially when it does not really affect your gameplay.  If you take away what they like doing, that does not mean they are going to suddenly change and play the way you want or you do, they might just leave.  I'm not sure why you think bombing "inanimate objects" is bad for the game.  They want to do that, there are guys like me who will hunt them down, and there are guys who will help defend them and engage me.  Everybody wins.

In and of itself, it isn't bad. But when shooting buildings and ack starts to rival shooting at planes as the #1 feature of AH, then combat suffers, as the number of people participating in combat drops drastically.

The same occurs with attempts to mitigate the defenders in your base attack. In and of itself, it isn't a bad thing to try to increase the odds of your attack by reducing defense. It only becomes bad when it turns into an attempt to completely avoid any and all player-controlled defenses.

At some point, it ceases to be worthwhile for those seeking an actual fight to climb to intercept, or jump to defend the base. The guy either suicides into the radar, or has so much energy, he dies to the 1-2 ack hits he accumulates every pass. Or the guys attacking the base bail, or just try to hit their targets and run. And at that point, the game is impacted in a significant and negative way.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

"Once more unto the breach"