Author Topic: Don't Go The Route Of Wwiionline  (Read 2282 times)

Offline wheelz

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Don't Go The Route Of Wwiionline
« Reply #45 on: February 22, 2003, 12:45:44 PM »
"At its best, such as with Air Warrior or nowadays WW2 Online, it is the entire game. What a rush it is! "

"I think it's interesting that player versus player conflict has so far been generally limited to man to man in games. The promise of operational level player vs. player combat (e.g. countries) which affect the tactical level of game play is a very young field, started by Kesmai's BattleTech, I believe. As far as I am aware, only WW2 Online is currently working in this area; they are to be applauded for it."

"Just as many folks didn't think anyone would want to play a healer in fantasy online games I think you will discover a whole bunch of players will really enjoy being the supply guy in WW2 Online..."

--Rod HumbleExecutive Producer, Sony Online Entertainment (EverQuest)

Offline WldThing

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« Reply #46 on: February 22, 2003, 02:30:55 PM »

Flight model - Excellent.  Few sims force a player to interact with their aircraft with as much respect and awareness of its performance limitations as Aces High. Each aircraft must be mastered individually, and its strengths and weaknesses must be understood in relation to each of the other planes' capabilities in order to have any success in combat.  It will make a WW II scholar of you in short order.

Visuals - Everything is crisp, clean, and easily discernable from a distance. Successful dogfighting is aided by being able to quickly and easily observe the actions of your opponents, and the graphics allow this at very high resolutions with little performance loss.

Stability - The game has never crashed a single time on either of my systems.  Similarly, the actual network coding appears to be very efficient as evidenced by a distinct lack of "warping" and lag effects in the game.

Community - The price point of $29 monthly appears to be just right.  The game avoids punishing pay-by-the-hour subscribers for their enjoyment of the sim, and the slightly higher than average price ensures that only mature individuals with a genuine interest and dedication to the simulation are present.  Everyone appears to be equally helpful and knowledgeable, and even a quick read of the Hi-Tech Creations message forums can be quite an educational experience for the WW II aviation enthusiast.

One can only wonder what fruit the version after that will bear. HiTech Creations' toy box is deeper than we first suspected, and the bottom's not in sight just yet.

One can only wonder what fruit the version after that will bear. HiTech Creations' toy box is deeper than we first suspected, and the bottom's not in sight just yet.


This review was back in version 1.03....I wonder what they think of this game now.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2003, 02:33:27 PM by WldThing »

Offline wheelz

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« Reply #47 on: February 22, 2003, 05:02:24 PM »
$29??  :eek:

LOL...  I'm kidding, for I realize how much entertainment value you are getting for the money.

WWIIO is $12.95, I think, but to be honest, I'd pay what you are for the experience.

The person who posted above, the one with the imaginative name?  He went so far as to create a WWIIO sucks website, and if I'm not mistaken, even registered a domain for it.  He's pretty much a Troll Alpha male.  We are humored by him and his type, so I'm happy he's sharing himself with you folks also.  A good laugh is always welcome.  ;)

Now, I'd like to further clarify my posting here.  I am NOT knocking your game whatsoever.  As a matter of fact, I smiled today when I saw an Aces High commercial on Discovery Wings, during a show on the RAF!  It looked really good, and I thought about this forum.  Kudos to the makers of the game for marketing it in the EXACT way I've suggested many times to Killer & the Rats.

I sit here typing, surrounded by diecasts of WWII-era planes, and a Visual Encyclopedia of World War II sitting next to me.  I'm ONE of you, for goodness sake!  

Don't go knockin' my game, or I might come over to your game & show you how good fighting a 109E with a Hurri MKI every day makes you.  ;)

Offline WWIIOLSucks

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« Reply #48 on: February 22, 2003, 05:47:35 PM »
Sorry dumba*s but I'm not Blair or anyone related to him.  (For anyone who doesn't know, Blair is some loser who has an obsession with dissing WWIIOL on any and every website.  He has tried to grief the game out of existance, recruit others to help him, and runs various websites about it.  However, the last time I saw Blair was sometime in 2001 and he was screaming over the in-game chat.)  Until very recently, I supported WWIIOL on various websites.  I played that game from day 1, supported it through all the problems it had, and stuck around even though there were times that it was so messed up I couldn't play for months.

I've never run a website about WWIIOL.  The only website I've ever run did have a link to the main WWIIOL page and a comment saying it was a good game.   Needless to say that link has been removed.

If you're stupid enough to think I'm Blair or one of his alter-ego's, be my guest.  You're just another CRS mind numbed robot who couldn't think for himself if your life depended on it.

Offline Dowding

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Don't Go The Route Of Wwiionline
« Reply #49 on: February 22, 2003, 06:05:30 PM »
What's with all the 'Junior Members' miraculously appearing in a thread on another software site's forum, which mentions WW2OL? More than a little suspect.

Well lookee here:

Seek and ye shall find

BTW, AH is $14.95 now. Version 1.03, which as Wildthing points out was the version on which the review was written, was charged at $29 - but that was over 2 and a half years ago, when I started playing.
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Don't Go The Route Of Wwiionline
« Reply #50 on: February 22, 2003, 06:59:30 PM »
Originally posted by wheelz
Don't go knockin' my game, or I might come over to your game & show you how good fighting a 109E with a Hurri MKI every day makes you.  ;)

And I'll show you how quickly a P-38 will kill a Hurricane MkI :D

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Offline wheelz

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« Reply #51 on: February 22, 2003, 08:29:34 PM »
*glancing at Diecast of P-38 Lightning*


I've been pleading for that for sooo long in WWIIO.  The convergence of the MGs is what's killing the Hurries there.  The 109s & 110s are so much faster, and they have the nose-mounted 20 mm cannons that rip us to shreds.

Fortunately, we're getting the Hurri MKIIc "soon", so the Brit pilots aren't totally SOL.  Interestingly, they are also going to introduce a .convergence command that enables pilots to choose their own before takeoff.

Looking forward to that.  I might just have to try out this Aces High thing.  :)

Offline WldThing

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« Reply #52 on: February 22, 2003, 09:30:42 PM »
Im comin down from Erie to delete your WWIIO crap :D
About an hours drive for me lol

Offline wheelz

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« Reply #53 on: February 22, 2003, 09:57:28 PM »
LOL!  I was thinking the same thing.....  "He's within striking distance!"


You guys will have no problems with me.  It's the idiots like the person who posted above that make online gaming so.... juvenille.  Honestly, there's a real dearth of that type in WWIIO, and from what I'm seeing, here also.

Us "sim-types" are a unique breed.  Typically older, and more appreciative of the finer points.

I went to WWIIO from NASCAR simulations, and I was as hardcore as they come.  I managed to convert lots of those guys to appreciate the "sim" aspect of the game, as well.

Important:  I FULLY realize that, as a flight sim, WWIIO is lacking in many areas.  The visible damage model stands out as the most apparent lack, as compared to, say, AH, but more importantly, the damage to control surfaces is the most glaring lack in the FM.  Everything else is right.  It feels right.

Compression.  Structural integrity of wings.  These things need to be modeled yesterday, and they know that.

Where WWIIO truly shines is the ballistics.  Armor penetration, based on actual documents they've gotten ahold-of.  We're talking millimeters, here!  All these weapons are based on absolute facts they've gotten from their research, which has been extensive.  This is also true of the planes, re: the pilot armor of the 109 & cursed Ju-87.  With MGs alone, they are HARD to kill, unless you hit a fuel tank or the pilot.

I haven't meant to give a dissertation, here, but the game has real merit, as acknowledged by the guy who leads Everquest, the biggest money-maker so far with MMOLGs.  I look forward to where it will be in a few years.  ;)

Offline Denwad

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Don't Go The Route Of Wwiionline
« Reply #54 on: February 23, 2003, 12:29:58 AM »
AH is VERY cool, I enjoy it just as much as I do WWIIOL.

But to say that AH has better graphics then WWIIOL is just utter hoopla.

WWIIOL has made it very far, even I, a hard-core fan predicted it's death last year. I was wrong. WWIIOL has been chugging since 2001, and it'll keep going, because it is unique. How many games combine infantry, tanks and (not that good) aircraft into one package? Well, AH comes close, but lacks most of the armor and infantry. WWIIOL is like the wierd nerd down your street. In high school you make fun of him because he's almost a complete failure at everything, and after ten years he rubs his success in your face. This might not happen, but WWIIOL has gotten a few (mostly European) good reviews.

So, I won't bash AH, it has come a great way too. Anyone care to describe the bugs it had on release? Remember Everquest? It's diddlyING TERRIBLE release? Hell I remeber buying EQ half a year after it's release, and I spent two hours patching.

/cries in the corner about EQ....

flame on...
« Last Edit: February 23, 2003, 12:33:05 AM by Denwad »

Offline Midnight

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Don't Go The Route Of Wwiionline
« Reply #55 on: February 23, 2003, 02:24:31 PM »
Originally posted by wheelz
...  Interestingly, they are also going to introduce a .convergence command that enables pilots to choose their own before takeoff....

ROFLMAO... Aces High has had convergence settings for all guns since day 1.

Offline Denwad

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« Reply #56 on: February 23, 2003, 03:40:28 PM »
{don't take this seriously, it could be detrimental to your health.}

Well, WWIIOL has opening canopies, realistic Bf-110 tail gunner positions, He-111's, INFANTRY and movable AA guns.:p

Offline hitech

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« Reply #57 on: February 23, 2003, 04:18:40 PM »
I would say this thead has gone a tad off topic.
