Author Topic: Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut  (Read 5474 times)

Offline AVRO1

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #75 on: November 25, 2003, 09:23:35 AM »
Originally posted by muckmaw
The presidents approval rating drops every time a soldier falls in Iraq. Does this mean he should pull the troops out to save his political arnold or commit political suicide and finish the job we started?

You know as well as I do you cannot run foreign policy based on poll numbers.

Which does not stop politicians from trying.

Offline maslo

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #76 on: November 25, 2003, 09:23:38 AM »
IMAO straffo im IN :D

Offline Rude

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #77 on: November 25, 2003, 10:03:20 AM »
Originally posted by Pongo
Or. the US has behaved hatefully towards them and they are very rationaly responding in kind.'s always our fault...we're such a hateful and uncaring bunch.

Offline Rude

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #78 on: November 25, 2003, 10:09:16 AM »
Originally posted by GScholz
Those two attacks were terrorist acts. The 30 or so attacks on coalition troops every day are not.

Wake up Putz!!!

A small group of Bathists and TERRORISTS FROM OTHER COUNTRIES are bent on TERRORIZING innocent Iraqi's, NGO's and anyone else who might support the Coalition efforts.

This is not a national uprising fighting for their sovreignty, so stop apologizing for Sadam and those of like should be ashamed of yourself.

Offline mrblack

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #79 on: November 26, 2003, 02:24:25 AM »
Originally posted by GScholz
LOL no it is not me or my country that should me ashamed, well perhaps for not openly opposing this war. How do you know it is a small group of Baathists? Even the US forces there don't know who or how many they are, they don't even know how many groups there are or their objectives. Funny how you're mind is set on not only how many there are but on what their objectives are. Those that attack military personnel are not terrorists as defined by the UN and your own FBI and State Department. Sleep tight Putz, I don't expect you will awaken from you nationalistic, militaristic and simplistic mindset any time soon.

I'm sorry but what has been Norways contribution to the world lately?
Last I heard It was still just a little piss ant country where the Men are more atractive than the women :rofl
Hard to tell they both have beards you know.

Back to the subject What really has Norway Done for the world?
Can anyone Name anything worthwhile?????????

Oh thats right They have done NOTHING!!
So It's really easy to sit back and pop off about what other countries are doing when you'r own country Is to candy a ssed to do ANYTHING.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2003, 02:26:51 AM by mrblack »

Offline Holden McGroin

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #80 on: November 26, 2003, 02:51:12 AM »
Originally posted by GScholz
How do you know it is a small group of Baathists? Even the US forces there don't know who or how many they are, they don't even know how many groups there are or their objectives.  

I believe one can reasonably believe that Baathist hold outs are a large part of the remaining problem. Until recently, the anti-new-regime violence being largely in the Sunni Triangle, the base of support for the Baath party and Hussein.

The information I gather says that most of the acreage (or is it hectarage?) of Iraq seems to be much quieter than that central region.
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Offline Fishu

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #81 on: November 26, 2003, 03:02:20 AM »

When their bombs mostly kill innocent people, they're cowards.

Offline ravells

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #82 on: November 26, 2003, 05:14:36 AM »
Mr Black said:

I'm sorry but what has been Norways contribution to the world lately?

Last I heard It was still just a little piss ant country where the Men are more atractive than the women  
Hard to tell they both have beards you know.  

Well, there is this:

Denmark/Norway. Denmark and Norway are major donors of foreign aid, contributing almost one percent of their GDP in foreign aid each year, far above the 0.23 percent average for industrial countries.


and this:

It is 87 years since Roald Amundsen, on December 14th 1911, stood victorious at the South Pole. He had reached a goal that was the dream of many men. For the first time, human voices broke the awesome silence of the world's southernmost point.  

Norway produced the following people:

Ibsen, Greig, Thor Heyerdahl, Ernest O Lawrence (who invented the cyclotron) Earl Warren (yes that Earl Warren) was the son of a Norweigian immigrant, ...and Leif Ericcson (who discovered America).

All in all not bad for a country with a tiny population!


And finally this from the Norweigian prime minister to the Un shortly after 9/11:

As Norwegians watched television in disbelief, learning about the tragedies in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania, we felt anger, outrage and fear.

Outside the American Embassy in Oslo, crowds gathered in mourning.

They left flowers, candles and notes, creating a memorial to the thousands gone.  People talked softly, shook their heads, hugged each other, slowly realizing that something had changed forever.

As the first few days passed, shock gave way to sorrow, sorrow to sympathy, and sympathy to solidarity.

The sorrow over lives lost and a world gone, the sympathy for families bereaved and leaders faced with formidable tasks.

All of this gave birth to a new solidarity, a new unity, in Norway as in so many other countries.

The terrorists attacked an entire world, and as we have seen over the past twelve weeks, the entire world now fights back.

We pay tribute to the men and women of the United States military who are risking their lives in a fight for all of us.


Oh....and if you think that Norway doesn't have more than it's fair share of gorgeous women, you are probably blind or have a really weird idea of what beauty is.

Finally have a look here:

Where you will see that Nordic countries has been found to have the best standard of living in the world.

Not bad for a 'little piss ant country' eh, Mr Black?


Offline Holden McGroin

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« Reply #83 on: November 26, 2003, 05:23:05 AM »
Oh....and if you think that Norway doesn't have more than it's fair share of gorgeous women, you are probably blind or have a really weird idea of what beauty is.

Finally have a look here:

Where you will see that Nordic countries has been found to have the best standard of living in the world.

I checked out the link, no babes.  Where's the babes of Scandanavia link?
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Offline ravells

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #84 on: November 26, 2003, 05:33:11 AM »
Do a google :D


Offline Saintaw

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #85 on: November 26, 2003, 05:38:08 AM »
to homo erectus (aka mrblack)

i think a norwegian guy called "Leif Eirikson" discovered something called "Amheerka" (might be spelled differently, just making sure YOU understand).
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline Kirin

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #86 on: November 26, 2003, 06:09:14 AM »
Hey Saw - don't use latin words - MrBlack might misunderstand you on the "homo" part!! Oh, and errectus might make it even worse!


Let's see - what does Norway do...   living peacefully with its neighbours and the rest of the world... hmm - imagine everyone doing that - NAH - what a boring world!
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