Author Topic: US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now  (Read 2698 times)

Offline Cabby

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #45 on: April 20, 2001, 04:07:00 AM »

"the israelis will get what's coming to them......"

Where have i heard this before???

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Offline Swager

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #46 on: April 20, 2001, 06:40:00 AM »
If USA stops the support to Israel, won't Hollywood get shut down?

Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.


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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #47 on: April 20, 2001, 08:20:00 AM »
'the media and you mikod would have the israelis planting flowers and kissing babies. i however sympathize with an indigenous people who were swindled from their home. americans wouldnt stand for it - how can we support our governments advocacy of a nation of bandits?'

uh, wasn't that exactly how america as we know it was created? What happened to the indian tribes? Reservate time, baby.

I agree on that, the Israelis are using the religion (historically looking the same thing repeats with different countries so many times, it's getting dull) as the justification of taking the land of palestinians. Why is Israel surrounded by hostile nations? Because they took the land from them by force maybe?

Offline Eagler

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #48 on: April 20, 2001, 09:33:00 AM »
Nay, the Arab would would still hate us if Israel were there or not. Israel is our 1st line of defense against the nutcase terrorist and I for one support them to do our dirty work as the world opinion would be less than favorable (though they'd all breathe easier) if we sailed a cruise missile into the livingroom of every home of every active terrorist on file, which I'd support also. After a few dozen missiles, the rest would get the idea.

Instead of fighting why aren't the Palestine making do with what they have? Why do they continue to fight instead of grow? I think they'd do better if they asked for assistance with their economy to get themselves out of the stone age. I think they are just jealous of what Israel has done with itself just as they are of the US but disguise their envy by calling it a "Holy" war. Shame they are taught hate instead of love.

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Offline StSanta

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #49 on: April 20, 2001, 10:43:00 AM »
MrSid, Jews have been persecuted, murdered, hated and loathed for several centuries. They've been scape goats in european countries for a long time and suffered horrendous crimes.

After WWII, for understandable reasons, the victors felt guilty i gather and decided to use what colonial powers they still had.

Gave the Jews a small perch of land and said "now, defend yourself". They've done *exactly* that since then. In its short life, Israel has been through three wars of survival.

Compared to how tough they could have decided to be vs the Palestinians, they're really softies. Compared to how nations think such a situation should be handled (despite said nations not having a clue what the situation is like) it's a very rough and unfair treatment.

Compared to how its neightbors have handled such situations in the past, they're angels.

It ain't right. It's not right to collectively punish the Palestinian people for the cowardly acts of terrorism carried out by military extremists. It's not right to kill young children with rubber coated bullets. It's definitely wrong to surgically assassinate the political leaders of the other side. This we can probably agree on.

But what can the Israelis do? It is a democracy and barak pushed the peace VERY hard - so hard in fact that when Arafats organisation continued the Intifada to gain momentum at the negotation table, Barak lost his position. To a hard line right wing politician notorious for his involvment in a crime against humanity.

The current situation was quite predictable, and Arafat should have seen it coming. He got Barak out of office, and now has to deal with a right wing hardliner. When he finally decided to start working more seriously with Barak, it was too late.

So far israel has carried out assassinations on high level Palestinian figures through the use of chopper based weaponry. In the daily clashes, they've used rubber coated bullets against what they see as aggressors.

It's a combat situation - soldiers make mistakes, and shoot first and ask later. It is my opinion however, that the soldiers did not place 12-14 year olds on the front line - their parents failed to exercise the proper control or even condoned such activities. By now, everyone knows the drill. Israelis aren't surprised when one of their soldier gets killed, or when a bus load of Israeli civilians gets blown to smithereens. The Palestinians aren't surprised when yet another young boy gets killed while throwing rocks and molotov cocktails at agressive and probably scared Israeli soldiers. One must remember that every male in israel serves a mandatory three years in the armed forces. Some probably shouldn't be there at all, but necessity dictates such extreme measures.

It's not an easy situation. The Israelis might be (in our eyes) overreacting, but to their defense must be said that they tried the other approach. The Palestinians have once again resorted to "state" (or "authority in this case) sponsored terrorism.

While I feel for the Palestinian people, I do not for the terrorists. While I can appreciate the severity of the situation seen from the Israeli side, I do not condone it.

But I can understand it and Israel could respond in a much more brutal way, but has elected not to.

Von Santa
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Offline miko2d

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #50 on: April 20, 2001, 10:59:00 AM »
2. was a unified state - it was in fact proposed - ask some of your people who lobbied against it. it would be one state providing proportional democratic representation for each of the indigenous groups (christian, moslem, hindu, jew). sound familiar? kinda like....errr....i dont know...the u.s.? this of course was rejected by the jews - they wanted to boot the existing palestinians - plain and simple.

 Replace "U.S. in the above statement with "Germany of 1932" and check how that sounds.
 I bet that 1932 Germany was much more enlightened and had less persecution of jews then U.S. did in 1932.

 As for using money and infuence to affect the outcome of a democratic process - what's wrong with that?
 I think you are upset that jews have disproportionately more money and influence - well, that is what you get in a capitalist society if you  have a higher IQ and a tradition of learning and hard work. You do not get to have money in this society unless you produce and sell something other people need - products, knowlege or skills.


Offline Dowding

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #51 on: April 20, 2001, 11:25:00 AM »
StSanta, the British Empire had always promised to create a separate Jewish state within the Palestinian Protectorate, as it was. We actively supported Jewish paramilitaries in the Middle East right up until the advent of WW2. And frankly, any guilt Britain has regarding the holocaust pales into insignificance beside that of Germany.

If you want to learn more, look up the activities of a certain Captain Wingate, who was in Palestine in the pre-war years - he created special commando squads, hand-picked from Jewish and British units. Somewhat disgraced towards the end of his career due to his heavy handedness against Arabs. Interesting all the same.
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Offline Saintaw

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #52 on: April 20, 2001, 11:33:00 AM »
Santa, "defend yourself" is ok to me, as long as it's not comming with Heavy Armour against stones...

I understand the pressure with Syria for example, but what is happening in "Ghazza" is beyond what I can think rationaly...

Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline Staga

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #53 on: April 20, 2001, 11:49:00 AM »
Originally posted by miko2d:
I think you are upset that jews have disproportionately more money and influence - well, that is what you get in a capitalist society if you  have a higher IQ and a tradition of learning and hard work.

So you have studied that jews have more intelligent than Anglo- or AfroAmerican people? Should we call them UberMenschs ?

Offline Staga

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #54 on: April 20, 2001, 11:53:00 AM »
Btw Israel ppl have quite good K/D ratio against Palestinians; Its about 4/1 right now in this year.

Offline mrfish

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #55 on: April 20, 2001, 12:22:00 PM »
Originally posted by miko2d:

 As for using money and infuence to affect the outcome of a democratic process - what's wrong with that?


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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #56 on: April 20, 2001, 11:55:00 PM »
One thing is clear: Miko has no idea what democracy means.

Using money and influence to affect democratic decisions is widely known for the word corruption. Next Miko will ask: What's wrong with corruption? Lol.

One more thing: there must be a huge amount of fake americans on this bb, judging by the way they're spelling their native language.

*wobble, hint*  

Offline StSanta

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #57 on: April 21, 2001, 04:35:00 AM »
Saw, every army tries to make their soldiers life as safe as possible.

These tanks could easily wipe out large parts of the people doing the protests, but they aren't.

The protesters or rather individuals within that group, carry assault guns. Such guns can penetrate through soft vehicles quite easily. Against a tank, they're largely useless. Both sides know this.

If the tanks were employed in another way or if there wasn't gun battles every night, them being there might be an overkill. As it is, I don't think it is.

Just IMHO.

Offline Staga

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US Should Sever All Ties with Israel Now
« Reply #58 on: April 21, 2001, 05:46:00 AM »
I hope palestinians could have samekind of armament like Israel is using against them.
I would like to see Hizbollah using Bell Huey Cobra's rockets, missiles and 20mm cannon against Israel civilians and MBT's with green flag shelling Israel's villages.

This years saldo:
100 dead Israelian and 400 Palestinian.