Author Topic: You can tell there are new flyers online...  (Read 1647 times)

Offline Maniac

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You can tell there are new flyers online...
« Reply #30 on: August 24, 2001, 10:19:00 PM »
I will kill you all in my p51D.

Goodnight folks.

Warbirds handle : nr-1 //// -nr-1- //// Maniac

Offline Hajo

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« Reply #31 on: August 24, 2001, 10:26:00 PM »
Incase ya haven't noticed, the NiK and La7 aren't perked as is the F4U-C.  New flyers have no perkies to spend, and will prolly ask which plane easiest to get kills in.  Nik and La7 as well as spit are good choices for someone new, and they require no perkies as does the F4U.

Just a thought
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Offline Cobra

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« Reply #32 on: August 25, 2001, 08:16:00 AM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort:
I dunno, I see a helluva lot of N1ks and Spits in Knitland too.  I just want the developers to be consistent in their perk plane approach.  Pyro stated that the Chog was perked due to its popularity, I would expect him to be consistent when another plane type is overused, though I'm not quite sure how to pull up stats on the tours for % of plane use, so before I complain about 'no consistency', I'd like to see the numbers first.   :)

Sooooo...following this to its logical conclusion, eventually we wouldn't be able to fly/drive anything because take 1 and another becomes popular...take that 1 and another becomes popular....and so on.


Offline StSanta

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« Reply #33 on: August 25, 2001, 10:40:00 AM »
Rip is still mad about the chog being perked  ;)

I gotta say that I've found Knights to be the most fun to fight against - in my brief time as a rook, i primarily fought Knights. The simple reason: more varied set of enemies. Ran across the LW contigent and had some hairraising fights. Sure, there's plenty of N1K's and LA-7's, but the overall spread amongst planes was larger than in Rookland or Bishland.

Offline lazs1

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« Reply #34 on: August 25, 2001, 10:53:00 AM »
cobra.. perhaps not.   I am no fan of the idiotic perk system but...  If one (or two) planes is twice as popular as the next 4-5 down the list then perking it/them will make all the planes pretty even in popularity or at least 4,5 or more pretty close.  You will see a lot more variety but because you are saddled with and idiotic and unworkable "perk' system you will have an unfair and unfun arena.

We really do need to have either an "area" type arena or some form of RPS.   the idiotic perk system is really starting to come unraveled and the arena is stuck in late war forever with no way to change because of it.

And drex is easy to kill... I get him killed all the time.

Offline Tac

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« Reply #35 on: August 25, 2001, 10:59:00 AM »
Chog perked due to its 4 hispano cannons. I predict the new Hurricane will go the same way. Neither plane has "uber" flying characteristics, its the guns that make them what they are. Every time I see anyone whining the Chog is perked I tell them the D-hog is not perked... if they cant get a kill in a D-hog, an identical plane except for guns, then these people have a serious problem.. addiction to snapshot-spray kills.

N1k has uber (ufolike) flying characteristics and very good guns with lotsa ammo. And who said the n1k was slow? Those things keep near 400mph almost all the time..and they GET to 400mph in a slight dive real quick. I will film a LOT when new version is out, if the n1k is fixed, these films will provide hours of entertainment (if the n1k finally gets drag AND torque in its FM, its gonna be a laughingstock when the dweebs try the old 15g flat turn and zoom up to hang on prop trick.. it wont work mwahahaa) *fingers crossed* dinnae let me down on this HT  :D

Spits are great planes, but they do have their inherent weaknesses (zoom rate, climb rate, slow accel).

LA7.. monster engine and deadly in the hands of any mediocre->vet pilot. Very few weaknesses to exploit other than its ammo load and great speed and accel.

I too have noticed much more variety this tour. Heck, since the price reduction ive seen a LOT of P-38s, 205's and p47s. There are still an unholy amount of spits, n1ks and la7's (in any engagement they will be 70%+ of the population), but what can be done? Hope next patch fixes some plane's FM's and the new rides would add to the variety.

Offline shoppe123

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« Reply #36 on: August 25, 2001, 11:40:00 AM »
I want you people to stop talking about me  :p Anyway, I'd be much much less concerned with a dweeb, like me, coming at ya in a spit than a veteran.  :) As a dweeb I do like the spit. At this point you could give me an F16 and I doubt it would make any difference.

And it was nice to write home, and tell mama, I was a real pilet and had been fllllying! She was sad to hear I had died numerous times  :( She did send me a long scarf and leather helmet which should help. But I can get a spit off the ground, which I understand is an important step. The bad part about getting off the ground is the scenery. I really enjoy flying around looking at the scenery (which is very nice). Very distracting too. I also like to go high and watch other people fight, very informative. Good news for the hanger mechanics is my trigger button should last a very looong time.

Looking forward to the fw190 and bf109 which were planes I always enjoyed reading about. LP