Author Topic: Yak-4  (Read 407 times)

Offline Hien

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« on: October 20, 2007, 06:15:23 AM »
I'm gonna post this here, since I am looking for information on this Aircraft.
Instead of randomly posting it in the Wishlist Forum (I like to know about aircraft I fly, not just scream 'DO WANT'), I have indeed done a search on the Aces High Forum for data on it, and have found none.   I have done some searching through google, but very little has resulted in telling me much more than...

'Development of the Ya-22/ Yak-2. Used more powerful engines than predecessors. Gunner/bomber position right behind pilot's, turret was conventional. It was a fast good-looking light bomber, but too vulnerable for ground-attack missions.
The few built were later used for night missions and high-altitude reconnaissance. '

I have read the Wikipedia page ( ) on the Yak-4, which though giving a good bit of performance data, and also the above information it seems to be lacking in my area of 'wanting to knows.'  I was wondering if any of you gents might know something about it.   It seems to have been produced in fairly small numbers though (90 total, by Wikipedia), which may be a large problem.

To make life a bit easier, some of the data I was looking for is speed charts for performance at altitude.  It appears by wikis stats to be a fairly fast (if fairly underarmed) bomber (though, who needs heavy defenses when you can get in and get out before they can get you?)  And it even climbs quite well by Wikipedias numbers (almost exactly 3000ft/m doesn't seem too bad to me.)  

I'd bet buckets to bolts the Recon version was modified to get the most speed, but I am looking for information on the Bomber version.  So, yeah.
Any help would be greatly apreciated.  

Offline gripen

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« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2007, 04:26:34 PM »
There is quite a lot pictures of captured Yak-4s from 1941 so apparently there were quite many of them in service. However, they had better ground attack plane (Il-2) and better bomber (Pe-2) so  there was not much need for the Yak-4. In Finnish front these were rare birds, mostly seen as recon planes even at late stages of the war.