Speaking of WIC, most stores have a list that says what is or isnt allowed for purchase
For example -
Milk one gallon
Peanut Butter
Cheese (bar)
SUPPOSED to be the cheapest of the items unless otherwise noted. (The PB can be Jif instead of the cheapest where I was). Here they come up with the most expensive milk (sometimes chocolate), Kraft deluxe bar cheese thats about $5, and some cereal thats not even allowed (lucky charms, count chocula, etc)
I tell them that WIC doesnt allow these, that you have to get the pre determined items thats posted on paper all over the store (and on their wic card). They all have the same reply "Every one else lets me get them". Needless to say, I dont budge. I have to go personally exchange them for the items that they are allowed to get while they throw a fit about it. They either shut up and deal with it, or they get mad and leave. I didnt care, I wont let them abuse WIC while I am on duty.
And foodstamps.........Soda x 6, ice cream x 4, tater chips x 4, candy, candy, Tbones, ribs, most freakin expensive items there are to buy. You are supposed to make that money last the entire month, not blow it all at once on the most expensive food (junk food) there is and then cry and whine because you ran out of food and foodstamps halfway through the month.
There are many people that abuse the system like above, but there are some that really need it. I even was on it off and on a few years ago because we didnt make enough money and needed a little help. We got about half what other people get and we made that last the whole month. Others with the same amount of people and double the money blow it the first 2 weeks. Aldi's, Save a lot, cheap food stoes, etc, you can make it last.
And cash link, Now thats a crock. What do they do with it? They get the cash off of it, and then buy cigarettes. Thats supposed to help with the bills, clothes, children's items. But NO, those deadbeat scumbags buy cigarettes with it. I cant do a thing about it.
Pisses me off
But needless to say I got out the the retail. It was either work there full time and not go to college, or quit there and get me a degree in something. I was a manager so it was either one or the other. I quit there and went back to college.