Author Topic: I have a question that might make u mad...  (Read 1431 times)

Offline Trip01

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I have a question that might make u mad...
« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2007, 01:02:03 PM »
Originally posted by zoozoo
Alot of my squeeker friends from 8 player now dont play the game anymore

You might have quite a hard time persuading people here that this is a bad thing ;)


Offline A8TOOL

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I have a question that might make u mad...
« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2007, 01:39:15 PM »
Originally posted by zoozoo
Alot of my squeeker friends from 8 player now dont play the game anymore because they got rid of it. Something should be done so that the people that cant afford the monthly bill have a way to still pay. :cry

Well the democrats are working very hard on that right now. By mid 2008 there should be  section8 sims and or internet gaming stamps provided. The quickest way for these squeekers to get back into the game might be to call their congressmen or child services but I hear some of these calls are being redirected to DCFS which might work out better for them and us as tax payers.

Offline BMathis

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I have a question that might make u mad...
« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2007, 02:34:37 PM »
Originally posted by A8TOOL
Well the democrats are working very hard on that right now. By mid 2008 there should be  section8 sims and or internet gaming stamps provided. The quickest way for these squeekers to get back into the game might be to call their congressmen or child services but I hear some of these calls are being redirected to DCFS which might work out better for them and us as tax payers.
LMAO Tool! Nice one...
B~Smooth Xtreme Racing (Retired)
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Offline clerick

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I have a question that might make u mad...
« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2007, 03:20:38 PM »
Originally posted by zoozoo
Alot of my squeeker friends from 8 player now dont play the game anymore because they got rid of it. Something should be done so that the people that cant afford the monthly bill have a way to still pay. :cry

Talk about a whiny sense of entitlement!  $14.95 a month11??  Not like any of his "squeaker" friends have real bills.

I'm gonna stop with that... so many ways to deal with that idiotic post; oh so many ways... :rolleyes:

Offline hubsonfire

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I have a question that might make u mad...
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2007, 04:08:55 PM »
Originally posted by zoozoo
Something should be done so that the people that cant afford the monthly bill have a way to still pay. :cry

:rolleyes:  Out of respect for Skuzzy and his rules, I will not post my thoughts on this.
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Offline TalonX

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Do it the old fashioned way..
« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2007, 04:12:45 PM »
Steal your parents credit card and sign up.  They probably don't look at the statement.  You might get  few months in and it will be a good lesson for your parents.

Just kidding...don't really do that.  


Forgotten, but back in the game.  :)

Offline BMathis

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Re: Do it the old fashioned way..
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2007, 04:38:14 PM »
Originally posted by TalonX
Steal your parents credit card and sign up.  They probably don't look at the statement.  You might get  few months in and it will be a good lesson for your parents.

Just kidding...don't really do that.  

OMG! :lol
B~Smooth Xtreme Racing (Retired)
Aces High CM Staff (Retired) [Koth, Xtreme Racing League]

Offline stickpig

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I have a question that might make u mad...
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2007, 05:55:05 PM »
Originally posted by SunBat
I agree and usually I do, but here is the problem I had with that original post...

I don't know his situation and do have sympathy for those that can't afford the game for whatever reason.  

BUT....  I DO think it is a little dodgey to log onto a forum that is created for a game that provides people's livelihood and ask for a referral to a competing game.  

The dude obviously has access to a computer.  He could google around and do some research and earn his right to his free game play rather than expect a handout on a competing website.  

If he's young, it will be good for him to learn now how to get out and create opportunity for himself...

Sometimes its more efficiant and to the point to ask out right for an answer.

So he googles.... finds a game he thinks compares tp AH... Now hes gonna ask for  an opinion of the new found game.  So now hes back at square one...asking a question.

Remember to Google first next time you have a question
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Offline Coshy

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I have a question that might make u mad...
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2007, 06:08:23 PM »
I've thought about it and have come up with the perfect solution to all the people that want to play AHII but cant seem to come up with $15 a month.

Have a baby!

Thats right, have a baby and you are guaranteed to get WAAAY more that $15 a month! Heck, you may even be entitled to a couple HUNDRED dollars a month, PLUS FREE FOOD!!!!!!!

All you have to do is pop a little 'un out, spend maybe 4-5 hours a day feeding, chainging and cleaning it, but the rest of the time you are FREE TO PLAY AHII FOR FREEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

Good luck in your new venture!

While this post was made in jest I do in fact know of a girl who had a baby just so she wouldnt have to work and would have more time to play an MMO. Sick.
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Offline ded

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Re: I have a question that might make u mad...
« Reply #24 on: November 10, 2007, 06:49:39 PM »
Originally posted by Austox
is there an downloadable game like this that has some kind of free mode like how ahII used to have 8 player???

sry i have to even ask but i cant pay the subscription...

You should look up il2.  It's not free however, you have to pay $10-50 for the game depending on which one you get.

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Re: I have a question that might make u mad...
« Reply #25 on: November 10, 2007, 07:07:45 PM »
Originally posted by Austox
is there an downloadable game like this that has some kind of free mode like how ahII used to have 8 player???

sry i have to even ask but i cant pay the subscription...

Download Warbirds. You can play online for about a month free, but if you don't want to pay a subscription fee, you can still play offline against computer drones, at several levels of difficulty, and in a variety of missions. That will teach you a lot about ACM, and the flight model is almost as good as AH and much better than IL2.

But when you get the cash, subscribe to AH2. It is  better than IL-2 in every way except graphics, and better than Warbirds in all aspects.  

Have fun.

Offline SgtPappy

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I have a question that might make u mad...
« Reply #26 on: November 10, 2007, 09:35:33 PM »
Air Warrior... a lot of the AHII crew talks about how they came from that game, and then moved to this game.

Since I predominantly fly the Spitfire IX and F4U-1A, I fly in their styles.
How do the AW Spits and Corsairs compare to the AHII versions (i.e. will I still have my full-flap F4U-1's turning like Spitfires and have my LF IX Spitfires zooming with Corsairs)?
I am a Spitdweeb

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Offline Bingolong

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Offline blkmgc

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I have a question that might make u mad...
« Reply #28 on: November 11, 2007, 05:14:12 AM »
I think Targetware is the only free to DL and play sim out there. But theres not many folks playing it. No real structure to the gameplay yet.