Author Topic: New toys!!! But......  (Read 10021 times)

Offline Rich46yo

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Re: Re: New toys!!! But......
« Reply #210 on: March 01, 2008, 06:02:55 AM »
The more then better is always better. However if you sit and look at available airplanes, that are in the hangar already, one sees there are already 5 tools for every possible job. Especially since "most" people probably tend to specialize in 1 or 2 planes for each specific application. I generally fly 2 airplanes per app. IE: 2 for fighters, 2 for Jabos, 2 heavy bombers, 2 mediums. I do this to sharpen particular skills for an aircraft.

                       Really, in my opinion, we need plane sets filled out more so we can fly more historically accurate missions. Most of all axis airplanes.

Originally posted by redman555
Personally, i think more planes need 2 b added, i relize its not easy for the Hitech crew 2 do this, but it would just b funner with more planes 2 choose from.

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Offline OLtos

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Re: New toys!!! But......
« Reply #211 on: March 29, 2008, 10:39:04 AM »
Stale Game Play:

I think this is a function, partly mind you, of how long you have been playing the game.  It went very stale for me a couple of years ago.  But I never canceled my account so HTCreations has no reason to pay attention to the problem.  Still there are some things that would make the game more interesting, or just more complicated, I'm not sure which.

I used to be very interested in the performance of the AH planes vs the real ones.  So much so that I spent about a week in D.C. checking out the archives at Air and Space, and at the Air and Space restoration section at the Garber Facility.   In my discussions with those folks they kind of giggled at the idea of being concerned with, say, the top speed of an FW190A1 at whatever altitude.  They said that to try to nail it down to an exact "Mile Per Hour" was just silly if you are simulating a WWII environment.

That kind of blew me away so I asked why.  They said that in field conditions in WWII there were so many variables involved that aircraft performance could vary from the "paper" capabilities MINUS or PLUS! 20%!!!  That means that while whatever plane you pick might have a top speed of 400MPH at 20K on paper, in reality the same airplane, not just type but the very same plane, might be able to do 480 on one day and only hit 320 the NEXT! 

Variables to any give machine's performance could be anything from contaminated fuel to a mechanic with a hangover.  Dirt on the under side of a Cessna 150 can cost you 10 MPH off your top speed.  That's an 8% drop right there.  Or maybe you have a hot dog mechanic who really knows how to up the compression ratio on your engine or tweak the supercharger and suddenly your 190A type can out run a P-51. 

I think it would be a very "interesting" idea to have a random setting of that goes into effect each time you change airfields that scales the performance of the next plane you fly on a percentage scale +2, +1 0 -1 -2, with +2 = 20%  +1=10% etc. The fun part is you don't know exactly what you get untill you fly.  This would also end a lot of the arguments about "uber" planes.   Hmmm,  There could be ONE way for players to effect that variable, spend perk points.  20 perks to guaranty top performance.  EW this could get fun.

I think it would even be cool to have a "crew chief" who dialogs with you somehow who has mood swings that effect this variable.  So you have to negotiate with your crew chief to get him/her (imagine some greezy  babe giving you smack about wrecking HER plane!)  to work longer hours on your ride to keep the performance up.  Or, you get saddled with a doofus who cant turn a wrench.  Imagine quality of your ground crew depending on the % of the missions you land.  This would at least do something to emphasize survival as a game objective.  (sorry I'm free associating here. Still it could be a lot of fun.)

Interesting, but oh gawd what a hilarious pain in the butt.

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Re: New toys!!! But......
« Reply #212 on: March 29, 2008, 11:19:29 AM »
I actually played a sim game that if you bought the craft back beat up the crew chief would go nuts at you when you got out of the cockpit. It was funny watermelon :lol
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Offline 96Delta

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Re: New toys!!! But......
« Reply #213 on: March 29, 2008, 12:29:30 PM »
Aces High has become arcade-like IMHO: strategy, planning and cooperative effort
have gradually vanished in lieu of the 'quick fight' and 'wash, rinse, repeat' gameplay.
I have posted this lament before but I will say it again...Aces High has become Air Attack
with better eye candy and flight physics.  The game play is essentially the same...and
Air Attack was free.

But that's not a problem with AHII per se.
Its actually the players fault.  If the majority of players are content with
a game that is an arcade game, then thats their privilage.  My chief
lament with the current AHII gameplay style is that the game only doles out rewards
to the arcade-style, furball players and seemingly treats those with other interests
as afterthoughts.

Tell me again what all those bomber perks are for?

« Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 12:43:16 PM by 96Delta »

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Offline Shuffler

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Re: New toys!!! But......
« Reply #214 on: March 29, 2008, 12:38:28 PM »

Then you spend the next few minutes in the middle of furball latched on to the tail of an La-7 that is already being chased by 12 other players, in hopes of scoring that lucky shot and getting the credit for the kill..

Try going to the low number team.

Also if you don't like how AH is managed go elsewhere. No sense in wasting your money here in a boring old game. Better yet..... program your own game. Ah is built for many players with many styles. Not all will be happy, for those there are alot of other games to go play.
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Offline 96Delta

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Re: New toys!!! But......
« Reply #215 on: March 29, 2008, 12:46:34 PM »
Try going to the low number team.

Also if you don't like how AH is managed go elsewhere. No sense in wasting your money here in a boring old game. Better yet..... program your own game. Ah is built for many players with many styles. Not all will be happy, for those there are alot of other games to go play.

I'd rather stay hear and argue for a more complex and comprehensive game that
more accurately reflects all of the components of an air-ground campaign
and not yield to the 'if you don't like it leave' crowd.

Nice try Shuffler but you are going to have to do better than that. 
Try this, try forming a cogent and persuasive argument to the contrary. 
Thats called having an intellectual dialogue...are you up to that challenge?

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Offline Bronk

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Re: New toys!!! But......
« Reply #216 on: March 29, 2008, 12:58:25 PM »
I'd rather stay hear and argue for a more complex and comprehensive game that
more accurately reflects all of the components of an air-ground campaign
and not yield to the 'if you don't like it leave' crowd.

Nice try Shuffler but you are going to have to do better than that. 
Try this, try forming a cogent and persuasive argument to the contrary. 
Thats called having an intellectual dialogue...are you up to that challenge?

You tell em, best start grabbing all the 2weekers again to buff up LCA numbers. ;)
« Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 01:00:33 PM by Bronk »
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Offline Guppy35

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Re: New toys!!! But......
« Reply #217 on: March 29, 2008, 01:03:56 PM »
Aces High has become arcade-like IMHO: strategy, planning and cooperative effort
have gradually vanished in lieu of the 'quick fight' and 'wash, rinse, repeat' gameplay.
I have posted this lament before but I will say it again...Aces High has become Air Attack
with better eye candy and flight physics.  The game play is essentially the same...and
Air Attack was free.

But that's not a problem with AHII per se.
Its actually the players fault.  If the majority of players are content with
a game that is an arcade game, then thats their privilage.  My chief
lament with the current AHII gameplay style is that the game only doles out rewards
to the arcade-style, furball players and seemingly treats those with other interests
as afterthoughts.

Tell me again what all those bomber perks are for?

I think what you are waiting for is what CT is supposed to provide.

What you seem to want is to be able to get everyone to fight as part of an overall campaign.  Seems like the AvA is providing that right now too.

A lot of us who fly in the MA for the ACM and nothing else, have also been long time scenario players.  I love taking on a job in a scenario and making it happen.  In DGS my 'furballers' happily flew 2+ hour flights to protect bombers and didn't get sucked off just to fight.  The guys had a great time accomplishing it.

The MA isn't built for that.  Are you willing to limit heavy bombers to certain bases.  Are you willing to be given a job that doesn't give you the latest and greatest plane to fly.  Are you willing to do the dirty work while other guys get the 'glory' of the fight.  Are you willing to fly 2-3 hour flights with a big chance you'll get blasted out of the sky before you finish your job?

You talk about a wash rinse repeat notion in the MA.  Yep that's a good definition.  It covers base takers, furballers, milkrunners, vulchers, pickers etc.

Not everyone can commit the same amount of time to the game.  Some folks only have time to hop in for a few flights every so often.  Why should they have to be committed to a campaign that some guy who lives in AH can much more easily accomplish.

Again, I think CT will be, and Scenarios, the AvA all are there to provide you with 'the war' in a more complex fashion.  The MA will remain what it is because it's job is to accomidate all types of players with all types of interests and varying degrees of time and commitment to the game.  To ask that all of them play it one way, is rediculous.

Oops almost forgot.  FSO and Snapshots also are there to help provide that campaign type feel.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 01:05:57 PM by Guppy35 »
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Offline 96Delta

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Re: New toys!!! But......
« Reply #218 on: March 29, 2008, 01:21:04 PM »
You tell em, best start grabbing all the 2weekers again to buff up LCA numbers. ;)

Numbers are fine and growing..but those are only the
ones on our roster.  The LCA was never a rostered squad,
just an alliance.  Our true strength is 'classified'  :D

Thanks for your concern though.  :P

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Offline 96Delta

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Re: New toys!!! But......
« Reply #219 on: March 29, 2008, 01:23:29 PM »
Good post Guppy.
You make many valid points.

I have very high hopes for CT.

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