Author Topic: New Terrain Wishlist for Arena Admins  (Read 222 times)

Offline Mister Fork

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New Terrain Wishlist for Arena Admins
« on: November 25, 2013, 04:04:01 PM »
1. Ability to set 'sea state'.  Ranges would be 0-9 and would parrallel the real-world system:  Impact on ships would of course make taking off and landing on a tossing/turning CV 'tricky' but exciting.  
2. Ability to set a ground-level fog which an adjustable thickness and height.  Height max would be 500ft and visibility similar to current haze system.
3. Weather. Yep. Rain. Snow.
4. Lightening/T-storms.  Come on, I know you want them!

It's not to make Aces High like Microsoft Flight Sim, but more environmental settings will increase realism (and we have the most realistic prop MMO product), why not add cool weather? :x

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