Still trying to adapt muscle memory to the new stick. Still used to trying to correct over-steering of the last stick. But its falling in place. Since I’m not fighting the stick so much I went back to manual trim adjustments, using more rudder and flaps.
The VKB NXT Gladiator base saw s the smoothest gimbal I ever felt in a stick. Virpil may be smoother.. For me, its perfect. I changed springs to #10, tweaked the analog damping, $120 was well spent.
Now if I can just work on my skills instead of fighting a stick.
Not that I would know ANYTHING about it <innocent smile>, if you flash your firmware wrong, here is the steps to clear the set the firmware back to default.
Disconnect the USB cable from the BB (Base), run the VKBDevCfg, press and hold the button on the BB, re-connect the USB cable to BB; when new device shows up in Device List release the BB button. Try to re-flash this way.