Author Topic: Illegal immigrants file suit  (Read 5986 times)

Offline Fishu

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #30 on: November 10, 2003, 03:41:12 PM »
Oh my what I started...

Offline Martlet

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #31 on: November 10, 2003, 03:42:56 PM »
Originally posted by capt. apathy
so walmart, and it's subcontractors forfit rights too?

this is a legal matter between 2 sides who are both criminals.  why should the law protect walmart from it's legal obligations,  those who worked illeagaly comitted one crime, where the employer comitted several(one for each employee).

at the very least they should be fined for the amount plus punitive damages.

even if the illeagals can't collect I think the offenders should have to pay.

I agree.  Walmart should be nailed.  I don't think the illegals should benefit from it, though.  They were working illegally.  The money the earned was earned illegally.  If you get screwed in a drug deal, you can't sue for the cash after you got caught.

Walmart should be fined heavily, though.

Offline mrblack

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #32 on: November 10, 2003, 03:44:17 PM »
You all should respect thos people, cuz they WORK HARD for his money. Thay have families to feed. If they hanging around Home Depot and waiting for job, thy are good guys who like to work.

Thats right.
My Dad had a Sod Farm when I was growing up and the only people who would do that kind of HARD  work was guys from Mexico.
And yes they where illegals.
But there were not any white boys that would or could do that kind of work.

I have the highest respect for the mexican worker!!
But we do need to clamp down on the borders becuase of 9/11

And unfortunatly the mexican will get the short end of the stick.

And as far as bringing law suites LOL Give me a break.

Offline SOB

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #33 on: November 10, 2003, 04:03:25 PM »
Originally posted by NUKE
That wouldn't be legal

Fortunately, Nexus is going to sell me your women, injured poodle, and the land under his casino, so it's all good.
Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!

Offline NUKE

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #34 on: November 10, 2003, 04:05:15 PM »
Originally posted by SOB
Fortunately, Nexus is going to sell me your women, injured poodle, and the land under his casino, so it's all good.

If he could somehow get you the legal documents, I'd say go for it. :)

Offline DmdNexus

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #35 on: November 10, 2003, 04:18:51 PM »
Originally posted by NUKE
If he could somehow get you the legal documents, I'd say go for it. :)

I'll start my own nation and print the documents, put a few signatures on it - voila! legal document!...
After all that's what America did. The only reason why Jefferrson paid the French for the Louisian territory... was so that they wouldn't fight ...

Here's some history for you... it was the Pope which divided Americas and made it "legal" for Europeans to colonize America, kill the inhabitants... take their gold... and rape their sheep. Yeah Jesus!

It was the dissolute Alexander VI whose Bull of 1493 gave Spain and Portugal the right for “barbarous nations (to) be invaded and brought to the faith”. He took it upon himself to divide the New World between Spain and Portugal.

Pope Alexander reportedly used the first gold brought from the Americas to decorate the ceiling of Santa Maria Maggiore. (Ref 2)

“Bound by papal edicts, bishops & missionaries found themselves to be an integral part of a political project of conquest and exploitation.”

All I need to know, now is.... does your poodle have a pedigree?
I need to know if he has accepted Jesus Christ as it's personal lord and savor... otherwise I will have to tortue it to convert it to christianity.... just like the Jessuits did to the native Americans...
« Last Edit: November 10, 2003, 04:48:27 PM by DmdNexus »

Offline Rude

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #36 on: November 10, 2003, 04:50:19 PM »
Originally posted by DmdNexus
The majority of judges are conservative... the majority of the federal judicialry was appointed by Reagan and Bush Sr.

If the Judges are too liberal for you.... you only have the Republicans to blame for it :aok

Rebulicans just changed the Senate rules to prevent the Democrats from filibustering... so now more judges will be appointed by whom? The conservative Rebulicans.

If the court system is too goofy for you who you going to blame?
Republicans have control of both houses, executive, and the judical system.

I guess it must be the Liberal press' fault...

Once again your facts are skewed.....all that you just wrote has nothing to do with the topic...this suit should not be allowed.

As to being hired and paid less than minimum....that also is false. Every large landscaping company in this country that you might see on a commercial sight hires 80% of their workforce from Mexico on 8 month work visa's....they are paid 8-12 dollars/hr.

Hardly taken advantage of.
Rebulicans just changed the Senate rules to prevent the Democrats from filibustering... so now more judges will be appointed by whom? The conservative Rebulicans.

I don't think that is accurate either, however, if it is....good.

Offline Mini D

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #37 on: November 10, 2003, 05:17:26 PM »
"If they are in the country illegally we should be able to treat them as badly as we want and there shouldn't be anything they can do about it."  Yeppers.  That's a great argument.... if you're a nazi.


Offline Elfie

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #38 on: November 10, 2003, 05:33:38 PM »
I agree. Walmart should be nailed. I don't think the illegals should benefit from it, though. They were working illegally. The money the earned was earned illegally. If you get screwed in a drug deal, you can't sue for the cash after you got caught.

I agree, Walmart SHOULD get nailed hard on this one. They are supporting people who came here ILLEGALLY.

Just for the record I am out of work because of Mexicans who are here ILLEGALLY. I am a siding carpenter. I Install siding on new homes. Most Framing contractors are using Mexican siding crews, paying them less than they pay Americans. When it comes time to do their punch lists (A punch list is things the jobsite Superintendent says needs to be fixed or changed), the Mexicans who cant read English and most barely speak any, cant understand what needs to be done so the Framing Contractor pays someone who does understand to do it for them. Because the Mexican crews get paid alot less the Contractor still comes out ahead after paying a punch carpenter to do their work for them.

I have no problems with immgrants coming here legally. Heck my grandparents on both sides came to America from Czechoslovakia. I do have problems with immigrants who are here ILLEGALLY. They take jobs away from LEGAL immigrants and American Citizens.
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Elfie

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #39 on: November 10, 2003, 05:40:50 PM »
Mrblack your dad still have that sod farm? I need a job bad :)
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline ramzey

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #40 on: November 10, 2003, 05:45:04 PM »
Originally posted by NUKE
The problem isn't imigrants, it's illegal imigrants. When people imigrated to the US, they used to be checked for deseases, they had have a skill and they had to come here LEGALLY

Do you get the concept of LEGAL?

And I mentioned the tent city for detaining anyone caught in the US ILLEGALLY. We have a tent city jail in Phoenix for minor criminals now.....what's the problem with building a few more for all the Illegal imigrants who are here breaking our laws?

I dont care that they are good people, I care that they come here legally.

p.s. Ramzy you are over the line calling me what you did.

ok i go to far with this nazi, IM SORRY

buy your idea is just stiupid
put people in to jail only beucoze they work illegal? and are in U.S illegal?

How about tents for people who overspeed or drive drunk? same level of crime? no thay are worse.

Was one men in europe and som smart in africa who try put people to tents.

Do you know how many work visas give U.S gov this year?
Do you know how hard is get  work visa? do you know how hard is get ANY visa to U.S? and how humiliating is that expirience?

come to Poland i will show you if you like to see it.

Are you denied this people have raight to improve his life?
Are you blame them for broke law only if they do it for his kids?
If they work, they know risk. If they work , they work for U.S paying taxes every day. Thay not brig money back to mexico,  or wherever.
Better is not have money form taxes payed by them? think pls
Without "grey zone" will be no "american style of life"

Som years ago somone "smart" try to provide prohibition, how its end?

Walmart hire illegal and against law, he will pay for this. Cuz he know what he do. Its only money and som wasted time in TV and court. Wichone cost your money form taxes, som lawyers and TV stations will earn som money.
Its america, here everything circling around  money ;-)

So, noone of they steal your job. Thay are outlaw, yes
Should you be outlaw when you overspeed , yes
You pay ticket, thay loose dreems

Offline DmdNexus

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #41 on: November 10, 2003, 05:47:50 PM »
Originally posted by Rude
I don't think that is accurate either, however, if it is....good.

Well that goes to prove you don't think just like all your other neo-cons and their posts.. they don't have a clue what's going on except for what their "approved" media out let chooses to tell them..

Here's the link... and guess what it's from a CONSERVATIVE NEO-NAZI news source too!,2933,102704,00.html

Also... the number of judges which were appointed by Republicans out number the number of judges sitting and appointed by Democrats.

The Conservatives have the Judiciary locked up...

Would you like numbers as proof?
How much of your foot would you like to eat on this one? I'll even give you a conservative source.


The Conservative Judges DON'T agree with Ashcroft and his mandatory minimums

Offline ramzey

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #42 on: November 10, 2003, 05:50:48 PM »
Originally posted by Elfie
I agree, Walmart SHOULD get nailed hard on this one. They are supporting people who came here ILLEGALLY.

Just for the record I am out of work because of Mexicans who are here ILLEGALLY. I am a siding carpenter. I Install siding on new homes. Most Framing contractors are using Mexican siding crews, paying them less than they pay Americans. When it comes time to do their punch lists (A punch list is things the jobsite Superintendent says needs to be fixed or changed), the Mexicans who cant read English and most barely speak any, cant understand what needs to be done so the Framing Contractor pays someone who does understand to do it for them. Because the Mexican crews get paid alot less the Contractor still comes out ahead after paying a punch carpenter to do their work for them.

i understand your point, but blame this peoples who hire unqualified labors. Blame people who like to buy cheaper homes. Ugly capitalists like to earn more for yourself

Offline mrblack

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #43 on: November 10, 2003, 05:58:45 PM »
Originally posted by Elfie
Mrblack your dad still have that sod farm? I need a job bad :)

You probably heard of it.
Richlawn turf farms.
And no he sold it years ago.

Offline NUKE

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Illegal immigrants file suit
« Reply #44 on: November 10, 2003, 05:59:38 PM »
Originally posted by ramzey
How about tents for people who overspeed or drive drunk? same level of crime? no thay are worse.


We do have tents for these people, a guy I knew spent 6 months there for DUI.

If someone knowingly breaks the laws to come to the US, I don't care why they broke the law, I want the practice to stop.

Yeah, maybe it's hard to get a work visa. Does that mean Mexicans get to jump in front of all the other poeple awaiting visas and just cross the border illegally?
Does the law mean nothing?

I have no problem with somenone coming here for a better life....thats what made this country great.

Allowing 2 million ( I thinks thats the number) illegals to flood across our borders a year is needs to be stopped. And since most Mexicans deported come right back, we need to figure out what to do about that.