Author Topic: Abuse of Power??  (Read 3941 times)

Offline Löwe

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2003, 10:36:41 AM »

The name of the program should be changed to Whiners High I agree. However it's not just the Allies whining. In fact I'm suprised the BBS stays open, there seems to be very little constructive anymore. Just pissin, and moaning. I think coming to the aid, and defending your side, and your squads interest are the right thing to do. However you know Jester , and this is a game thats played with passion as much as skill. If he's guilty of anything it would be bad timing. Accusations of cheating or spiking the punch for the Allies are a little over the top don't you think?

I think everybody that wants to be a CM should get a chance. I don't think anybody could have that job long, and not get accused of being biased.

Splurts your right........... Fly , Fight, and Win, thats what it's all about.  It just seems too many people want to tar and feather every CM lately. I'd never take the job.

Offline scJazz

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2003, 11:02:01 AM »
Originally posted by LtMagee
(Although you may not have been in that area....) My god you are so F!@#$ funny, to set the record striaght, there where at least four Jg3 members on most of the day. I took the day off work. I decided to fly/drive some and logged on to Jg3 captureing bases and (or at least others) hitting HQ all F!@#$%^ day long.

For the whole F!@#$ week we have flown a great deal of the time with no radar.

1) I was one of the 4 or so JG-3 present in the A24 area most of the day. While a few bases were captured we were on the short end of the numerical superiority stick and conducting harrasment operations most of the time in question.

2) Jester even though only 1 axis flyer was in the area it is a duty of a CMs to notify ALL players of changes being made any time they are made.

3) Yes, I flew 1 mission toward the HQ. I did it at a time when I had to RTB an aircraft because I ran out of fuel looking for someone to fight. The overwhelming majority of Allied players at the time cruising around in GVs. I figured rightly that launching bombers would get them all out of their tanks and back in the air. I remind you all that if you don't like your HQ being blown to bits you can launch to stop it.

4) I don't beleive that on Friday afternoon when Axis HQ was blasted that there was this level of wailing and gnashing of teeth.

5) CMs if Strat is turned on and HQ is a valid target make certain that auto-convoy and player resupply is turned on and operating correctly! It would appear that it wasn't.

Offline wolf05

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #17 on: December 13, 2003, 12:47:54 PM »
Lowe, I am not accusing Jester of cheating, lets get that clear right now, the objection that I have was the way the reset was done.

The feelings of a lot of the axis players at this time is that YES, something is rotten in the CT, and as foulable human humans, a lot of conclusions are being jumped to, and nobody is willing to explain the reasons for all of the misshaps or BUGS!

There is a faction of players in the CT that do in fact believe that the tables are being turned against us. This was in fact an issue a few months ago when ACE108 was placed on probation for voicing his opinion on the matter. If you remember then, we all came to the aid of Jester, and not just because he was our CO, but because we knew him as a very fair individual.

Yes, right now I am very angry about this whole situation, and I still believe that it should have been handled by the book.
type the message in the GOD text that the map will be reset.
Give those of us that are engaged in battle the time to break off, land kills, or just get back to base and get ready for the reset of the map.

As for all of the other issues that are making the CT players fail to trust certain CT staffers, EXPLAIN WHY THINGS ARE HAPPENING THAT MAKE IT LOOK LIKE THERE IS FOUL PLAY AT HAND.

The members of JG-3 are not the ones that are accusing the CT staff of foul play, but we all hear the opinions of others on the matters that have been brought up in this now infamous discussion.

Don't just jump in and punish those with the questions, as that will not fix anything. Nor will it help your general membership have any faith in the voluteers that keep the CT going.

I for one have put a lot of time and energy into this game, and have tried my best to give our allied counterparts a very competitive foe to do battle with. I have also always tried to be a friend and respect all of the other pilots from both sides, though some of you have made this very hard to do at times.
I too would like to see all of the in fighting amongst us stop, as it is nothing but a waste of energy and time.

I have stood up for my squad, and the axis players as well and have relayed to all what the general feelings are at this point regarding the ongoing situation within the CT. For this I offer no apology.
If I have stepped on some toes or angered a few of you, well... I am sorry, but now you know how a lot of us feel.

I have already received a very nasty and scathing personal email from Jester on this issue with a nice little threat at the end that would lead me to believe that I am soon to be placed on probation, or banned from Aces High altogether for speaking out the way I have. If this in fact is the way it is to be handled then I will take whatever comes my way. I just hope that some of what I have said will make a few people open their eyes and ears and make sure that this kind of situation will never again raise it's ugly head.
That is all I have to say on this matter<>.

Offline shoppe

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« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2003, 03:53:06 PM »
I just read my email and had to read this from a senior member of AH???? Displays a certain lack of class if you ask me!

Also the reason Axis had numbers on the night in question was that Lokee and Mcgee went on a recruiting drive to get all allies to change to Axis and get a reset. Get you facts straight please!

Here is said letter.


     In the recent light of the shouting match on the BBS over what I
did in the CT the other night, it has really cut to the bone to hear my
ex-squad mates accuse me of all things, "Cheating" and then when I
explained what I was doing to be accused to my face of "Lying About it".
Especially since I did the same more often for the Axis players. Well
that is neither here or there. I gave you my reasons -  like them or not
is up to you. You pay your money so you got the right to ***** about
anything you want.=20
     I will give you credit 2851, that is the "NICEST" I have ever been
stabbed in the back! !  Twodogs, well words just escape me
there.......... guess no good deed goes unpunished.

     Since you think so "highly" about me, I have decided to remove my
name from the JG 3 Website and on my own site for the 322nd BG as ever
having belonged to the squad. Since Lowe and I left I have to admit that
JG 3 has improved in the CT and the squad seems to be doing well.
However IMO the "Character" of the squad has really went downhill.
Sounds like Storch is talking every time any of you get on Ch.1 or post
on the BBS. Might as well change the name to "JG 3 SLOBERDONKIES"  and
invite Shane to join and be the head Clown. It has always been my object
in any squad I have helped form that not only did we strive to be the
BEST but also to be a "Class Act." You guys have pretty much blown that
to HELL for JG 3. I can't complain too much about that though as I
turned over any command position I had with the squad for you to run as
you seen fit.  However, I really don't want to be associated with any
squad or any players like that.

     You know what is funny? I really got on Lowe's bellybutton when he sent
that letter to you guys when he left. Thinking back on it - you guys
probably deserved it.

So consider my Bridges with JG 3 & it's "members" not only Burned but
****ing Napalmed!  BURN BABY BURN!!!!

Happy ****ing Holidays! Hope you all get Crabs!  ;)

Offline skernsk

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #19 on: December 13, 2003, 04:24:50 PM »
Wow post an e-mail probably mean to remain private amongst you and the sender ... that is CLASS!  

I am unclear as to the problem?  you were in the air .. the map changed and you got shot down by ack?  

Here is a solution:

.. there is a series of buttons that you can hit that spawn you on the runway and you take off AGAIN!  Then you go and fly ANOTHER mission....

This thread has turned into nothing but a lynching by some of you.  It is over and done with and aside from a pissing contest this thread is done .. you got your explanation ..

Offline Mike_2851

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2003, 05:24:43 PM »

I started this and it is time that I ask it to end! As many of you will be quick to point out. It is not only I that started it, it is my squad that is continuing on and I should address it there. I have made an attempt to do so. But as any of you know I cannot impose my will on others, free will and opinions are to each their own.

I asked my question-got my answer-and issued my appologies for any misunderstanding or harm that the question caused.

This has gone far beyond any intention that I had. It seems that what I have done is break friendships, tarnished reputations and respect, that I hope is not beyond repair.

At this point-if it is not indeed too late I would like to say I am sorry for all that this thread has caused and I would like HTC to lock this thread and throw it away.

Offline Slash27

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #21 on: December 13, 2003, 05:40:56 PM »
Dont worry about it Mike. You had a question and you asked. I think you made yourself pretty clear.

You guys take this way too serious.

I was actually making fun of my self:D :aok

Offline shoppe

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #22 on: December 13, 2003, 07:06:00 PM »

that letter was sent to every member of the JG3 squadron, hardly what I would call private! And you are defending someone who hopes I get Crabs, I suggest you wouldn't know class if it hit you in the a**.

Offline tzr

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #23 on: December 13, 2003, 07:10:45 PM »
Originally posted by shoppe

that letter was sent to every member of the JG3 squadron, hardly what I would call private! And you are defending someone who hopes I get Crabs, I suggest you wouldn't know class if it hit you in the a**.

He didn't put it on the BBS....You did ...You should keep in the squad or on a personal level...NOT on BBS;) :p

Offline skernsk

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #24 on: December 13, 2003, 07:18:58 PM »
Originally posted by shoppe

that letter was sent to every member of the JG3 squadron, hardly what I would call private! And you are defending someone who hopes I get Crabs, I suggest you wouldn't know class if it hit you in the a**.

Once again shoppe things have gone way too far.  I feel that you crossed a line by posting that.  If you and your squad were sent that then keep it with your squad.  It does nothing but make you look bad airing 'dirty laundry'.

As for the crabs comment ..  I did not read that far.  I got pissed about half way through and made my post that you took offence to.  

I'm bowing out .. I aint got the time nor energy for a pissing match over something I could care less about.  I think that I'm more pissed to have wasted time reading and posting in this forum today ... wow is it a full moon or what?

Offline shoppe

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« Reply #25 on: December 13, 2003, 07:21:48 PM »
Fair enough Skernsk, I made my point, you made yours, no need for more.

Offline skernsk

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« Reply #26 on: December 13, 2003, 07:23:23 PM »
Rgr ..... :aok

Offline Jester

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #27 on: December 13, 2003, 08:49:31 PM »
Originally posted by wolf05
There is a faction of players in the CT that do in fact believe that the tables are being turned against us. This was in fact an issue a few months ago when ACE108 was placed on probation for voicing his opinion on the matter.

with a nice little threat at the end that would lead me to believe that I am soon to be placed on probation, or banned from Aces High altogether for speaking out the way I have.

In answer to First quote:

There is ALWAYS going to be that faction out there that think if they somehow lost, the game was rigged against them and because they are not mature enought to face this the "The Allies are Rigging it so they can Win" theory comes up. Seems not long ago the theme was the CT Staff was "Axis" biased. Same prinicipal as why Professional Wrestling is so popular. Some just got to believe.  :rolleyes:

For the record - ACE108 was not banned because he "expressed" his opinion but because he accused others repeatedly of rigging the game and threatened to "hack" them in retaliation.

In answer to the second quote:

You can come out from under the bed Twodogs - no one is out to get you.
When I said "I knew something you didn't" - I was refering to ME not to you.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2003, 08:52:49 PM by Jester »


Offline wolf05

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #28 on: December 13, 2003, 09:06:08 PM »
Oh Jester, I am not under the bed Bro, but just waiting to see where the chips fall. I was done with this until I read this, your last retort. For what it is worth, here is a copy of the email I have sent to Skuzzy on the matter. Cannot leave well enough alone can you. If I am in fact hung out to dry on this, for  speaking my mind and defending my squad with what we have found out over the last few days... Then so be it!

 Dear Skuzzy, the last bit of information I care to bring to your attention on this matter is the fact that right before the map was reset, LtMagee typed out in the text buffer saying "Hey JG-3...Check 6" and then all hell broke loose. If in fact the deck were not stacked against us, then why was Magee privy to what a CT staff member was about to do, and why was MaGees comment and the resetting of the arena going off like a well rehearsed plot to rub the event in our faces. We were also told by Jester in his response to the original question in this string that the allied members were outnumbered by the axis, when in fact it was the allied players jumping sides and doing all of the base taking, as there were a few JG-3 squad members present to witness the occasion. Jester has already told me that Hitech keeps a record of everything that happens in the CT for a specific map, and that the truth will come out. We all truly hope it does, for the simple reason of honesty, integrity, and fair play. My squadron has already expressed the fact to me that they now know that they will never again get a fair shake in the CT as long as Jester is in there, and Sir, I am afraid that I concur with them.
     I felt horrible of the events that have taken place up to now, and felt very guilty, and fully responsible for this whole episode. But as more members are stepping up and giving the accounts of what actually went down, the true facts of the incident are now coming out. We all find that maybe what we have all been fearing for awhile is truly justified, and our reasons of concern have been proven to us by the actions of Magee, the switching of sides by allied players to make it look like the axis outnumbered the allies and were milk running, and the fact that Jester has stretched the truth about what actually had taken place on the night in question to make himself look clean.
    It is not fair Skuzzy, and we are all looking to you to please straighten it out and bring some credibility back into the CT. I for one have always respected Jester, and never thought he was capable of anything of this nature, but with what is now coming to light, as well as the letter he shot off to JG-3, well I guess none of us have ever truly known him, and it saddens me, as I have truly considered this man my friend until today.
This will be the last you hear from me on this situation Skuzzy, and again, I am truly sorry that all of this had to happen. It has never been my intention to smear ones good name, but if the shoe fits...
It is also my hope that I am not the one to be drawn and quartered from this mess, as I was only reacting to what we all felt in our hearts and guts was a flagrant misuse of power, as well as a great violation of trust.
I thank you Sir.

Offline o0Stream140o

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #29 on: December 13, 2003, 09:19:41 PM »
Originally posted by Jester
For the record - ACE108 was not banned because he "expressed" his opinion but because he accused others repeatedly of rigging the game and threatened to "hack" them in retaliation.

Hummm, I never knew about this... I will have to look into it.