Author Topic: Abuse of Power??  (Read 3915 times)

Offline kesolei

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #45 on: December 14, 2003, 09:37:25 PM »
I would just like to poke my head in from the viewpoint of someone who wasn't even there; and ask you all to take a step back and re-read this whole Golly-geened post.

Some of you look like Children. Not to say that that isn't normal, but hellfires... re-read this post and really LOOK at what you're saying.

Jester, in my experiances with him, has been nothing but a great guy. He'll clear your 6 when you need the help, he was always a class act on the radio and channels.. When it came to out of game stuff; he was a gentlemen. So he made a mistake by not announcing it. BIG DEAL. Its over and done with. Unless you're ready and willing to assume residence in your glass house, stop throwing stones.

I can't believe this thread has degenerated the way it has. Mike's original question about it was fair, I think. And the response he got was decent. It should have ended there, but no- the 4 year olds had to come and play in the sandbox too.

*just shakes her head* Some of you guys used to have class, and I was honored to fly with you. What happened?

Offline Löwe

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #46 on: December 15, 2003, 07:47:39 AM »

You know this is one of those things that got out of hand. I've stayed in it because I'm a friend of Jester , and didnt approve of him being flamed. I'm also a friend of Twodogs believe it or not. This thing is bad enough without some long ago  hash you had being brought up.

Your going to jump on a guy who is already engaged in a dissagreement , obviously upset, and having a bad enough time as it is. So instead of trying to help you figure it's time to pile on Twodogs.......... Go away thats being a chickens#*t.

Kesolie. Your the last person that needs to be saying anything to anybody involved in this.  Does your daddy know your on the computer again lil girl? Don't you have an 8th grade test of some kind to study for? Crawl back to whatever rock you've been under.

Offline wolf05

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #47 on: December 15, 2003, 10:56:02 AM »
Kegger, lol, you were removed from the squad for being an idiot. You loved to talk trash to everyone you came across, lol.
If you remember, the night you were removed, you immediately started talking trash to Jester, then jumped sides to come after him, and he flamed your fat mouth. Yeah BBBB, Kegger, or whatever you are now, you are a legend in your own mind. Go back to sleep.

And Keso, at just barely16 years old how worldly and adult you try to be. You have not been privy to all that has happened behind the scenes in this situation, so your 2 cents should be saved for milk money.
Poke your head somewhere else, like a school book dearie, and this time try to understand what you are reading.

Offline Slash27

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #48 on: December 15, 2003, 11:08:28 AM »
So what are you guys getting for Christmas?

Offline wolf05

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #49 on: December 15, 2003, 11:27:13 AM »
I,m getting a new keyboard, I've worn the letters off this one, lol.

Offline myelo

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #50 on: December 15, 2003, 11:28:52 AM »
I'm hoping for some new socks.
Bastard coated bastard, with a creamy bastard filling

Offline Kegger26

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #51 on: December 15, 2003, 11:30:49 AM »
Originally posted by wolf05
Kegger, lol, you were removed from the squad for being an idiot. You loved to talk trash to everyone you came across, lol.
If you remember, the night you were removed, you immediately started talking trash to Jester, then jumped sides to come after him, and he flamed your fat mouth. Yeah BBBB, Kegger, or whatever you are now, you are a legend in your own mind. Go back to sleep.

 Pull your head out of your bellybutton knuckle head. I wasnt "removed" I left, and jester and I still talk on yahoo. You have some issues you need to work out. You dont belong in this game. Find a nice first person shooter why dont ya.

Offline wolf05

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #52 on: December 15, 2003, 11:58:12 AM »
Ahhh, Kegger, you are right, you left because you were being told why you were getting removed from JG-3. That is the actual fact of the matter, lol. Forgive me for not getting the story straight.

Back then JG-3 really frowned upon text insults, and when you confronted P6eHawk about his warping, and continued to press the issue after being asked to cool down. Well, we had taken enough of your mouth.

You were asked by myself, 2851, as well as a CT staffer to please refrain from your insults, but paid no attention to our requests to let it go... Remember? Those are the facts of that situation.

After the incident you claimed that you recorded the whole thing, and that the truth would come out and you would be avenged.
We heard that one for a week or so, then poof... You were gone as BBBB, and back as Emptygun. Still waiting for your TRUTH on that one, lol.

What does it have to do with this issue, absolutely nothing.
What do you have to do with this issue, absolutely nothing.
What is between your ears most of the time, absolutely nothing.

Offline wolf05

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #53 on: December 15, 2003, 02:01:55 PM »
You know, I'll be the first to admit that this whole situation has gone way overboard, and now every idiot that can type has had to chime in to get their ya ya's out at JG-3's expense. Oh well, we are getting kind of used to that.

The question was asked, yet a truthful answer has not been given. Is there in fact an abuse of position and power? At this point in time, I just really do not care anymore. Feelings have been hurt, friendships broken, and we have now heard from quite a few that do not even fly the CT, or even have any stake in what is going. Enough is enough.

JG-3 is my squad and I am proud of each and every guy in it.
When you attack the squad or the members in it, you are going to hear from me. Sorry, it is just my loyalty towards this unit.

Lowe, I have said some pretty nasty comments to you this weekend, as we all have out of being hurt by each other. I think you really know how I feel though. When you passed the baton on to me and said I was the man to do the job, I did not understand what you meant until now. Thanks.

Magee, ya bastage... You know how to get to people, but you too have my respect. That does not mean I want to start having slumber parties with you or anything like that, but I do respect and enjoy fighting you.

As far as the AH BB is concerned, we are all guilty of turning it into a whole separate classless battlefield, and I for one am guilty and have absolutely no interest in being a part of it any longer. Not until it gets cleaned up and serves the purpose for which it was originally intended.

Offline Kegger26

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #54 on: December 15, 2003, 02:14:39 PM »
Still got it wrong there wolf.... but thats ok, it seems that if ppl dont see things your way, then they must be liars right? As for P6, I ended up flying for the 325th shortly there after. So this verbal abuse crap you are singing about is just that crap. You got upset because I didnt take orders from you. Then you went and tatle taled to Jester about the incendent after we agreed to let it die. Thus stabbing me in the back... you told jester a very one sided story. It was worked out in the end, and it was going to be let go, I told jester I was leaving becuase I couldnt trust you, to not tote alot of built up anger and frustration. He told me that you said you were dealing with alot of stresses at home. Well here we are nearly 8 months later, and you are still a *******, let me guess.... more problems at home... I ment what I said about finding a good FPS... here are some links.

 Storch, any time you want to find me.... I live in Hanover MD, my name is James Wells, and I am listed... ;)

Offline Löwe

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #55 on: December 15, 2003, 05:41:20 PM »
Twodogs. U Still Da Man

For Christmas I want Cable Modem , a Pentium IV,  and a 21"  monitor.

I think all I'm getting though is a  neck tie from the Dollar Store:(

Offline Arlo

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #56 on: December 15, 2003, 06:28:37 PM »
Originally posted by Kegger26

 Storch, any time you want to find me.... I live in Hanover MD, my name is James Wells, and I am listed... ;)

I hope you're not considered the smartest person in Hanover, Jimmy.  :lol

Offline LtMagee

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #57 on: December 15, 2003, 07:02:11 PM »
Back then JG-3 really frowned upon text insults, and when you confronted P6eHawk about his warping, and continued to press the issue after being asked to cool down. Well, we had taken enough of your mouth.

Damnn even I dont remember that:(  You guys keep records?

And what in the world did I miss with Kazoli? I always miss the juicy gosip stuff:(

I think I will go start watching "AS the World Turns" and "One Life to Live....maybe I will learn something!

Offline Löwe

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #58 on: December 15, 2003, 07:45:31 PM »
Originally posted by LtMagee
Damnn even I dont remember that:(  You guys keep records?

And what in the world did I miss with Kazoli? I always miss the juicy gosip stuff:(

I think I will go start watching "AS the World Turns" and "One Life to Live....maybe I will learn something!

Why yes we do keep records, in fact I have yours right here........... Your real name is not Bryan A-----, it's Byron Buttstone. You were not born in South Georgia , you were born in South London.

Your real parents Jagoff, and Unga , Buttstone were simple working class people.
 Your mother's job was a pile driver operator at a local slaughter house. It is rumored that she could kill a full grown steer with one swipe of her hammer.

Your father Jagoff , painted designs on the inside of chamber pots. Legend has it. He was so skilled , he actually duplicated the Mona Lisa inside a chamber pot while it was being used.

For a while you lived a simple ,yet happy life ,with your parents. Then things took a turn for the worse when you entered nursey school. You cried non stop complaining the other babys bottles were better than yours. The staff at the nursey did everything they could to try and appease you, yet you were never happy.

 Your biggest complaint was always the babies on the other side of the rooms bottles had better nipples with a higher rate of flow.
This meant they could drink twice as fast as you , crap before you did, and get to the best diapers first.

The final straw came when you snuck in just minutes before nap time , and swapped all the babies blankets around. In your haste you acciedently took two blankets for yourself. You may well have got away with it , but there was one baby with no blanket begining to cry. To hide your crime you stuffed the extra blanket inside your diaper. As the nurse searched for the blanket she noticed your bulbeous diaper. Thinking as usual you were just full of crap  she ignored you. So you got away with your little crime for a short while.

As we have all learned about you, a small victory was just not enough. You needed to punish the rich blanketless baby by taunting him and waving his blanket over your head screaming "WHO"S UBER NOW BABY?".

The commotion alerted the nurse who came in and gave the extra blanket to the crying baby. Not knowing you had hid the blanket in your diaper , the baby happily rubbed his little face with it .  Infecting his face with a bad case of your butt rash.

It took days for everyone to figure out exactly what happened. It so happened that the baby with the butt rash face was the son of the owner of the slaughter house.

 Once the truth was out your mother was immediatly terminated from her job. People shunned your father refusing to buy his chamber pots , he ended up carving the little designs in bars of soap. After months your mother finnally found a job gutting eels , down at the local fish market. Things were never the same, they could never recapture their original success.

Times were hard, food ,and clothing, for you was always in short  supply. So they ended up allowing a rich condom tester from South Georgia to adopt you.

Anything else you wanna know??:D

Offline LtMagee

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Abuse of Power??
« Reply #59 on: December 15, 2003, 08:08:10 PM »
I had no idea you have been talking to my mother. What else have you two been doing?.....POP!