Who would have thought.
He came home from the war early, and then joined the Vets against the war, and gave a speech in front of a North Vietnamese flag! How scummy is that if he did do it?
He also wrote a book and the cover was pretty offensive, making fun of the Iwo Jima Memorial.
I got the info from this site. But I read the speech he made as well and it was pretty bad.
Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry The site implies that since he lost his first bid for congress he decided to go VERY left to get the hippy scum vote...
Is dean and kerry the best the dems can do? This ****ing sucks, where is someone who does not like Bush but does not want to waste his vote on scum supposed to go.
I edited this because in retrospect it was counter productive to what I wanted to talk about in this thread. If I offended anyone I am sorry.