Author Topic: Remorse for virtual death?  (Read 4911 times)

Offline Am0n

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Remorse for virtual death?
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2001, 01:23:00 PM »
Yea they are Nifty, i fly in TOD every friday.

As i stated..
Originally posted by Am0n:
Im asking if anyone would be intrested in a system that promoted surviving the fight, not my system. That was just an example i thought of while typing up the post.

Offline Tac

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Remorse for virtual death?
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2001, 01:33:00 PM »
You should get no perkies for the sortie if you dont return home (land or ditch/bail in friendly territory).

For those that dont care about perks? Well, they will be facing those like them who dont care or be facing those with perk planes which did care. Fair deal imo.

Offline Kieran

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Remorse for virtual death?
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2001, 01:36:00 PM »
All I mean is this, AmOn- I don't care about points. If I decide to chase a particular person into the ack, I will. The point system will not prevent me from doing what I wish at that particular moment. OTOH, if this proposal has the slightest possibility of running people out of the arena, it is a bad idea.

In short, the very people you are trying to impact couldn't care less about the points for the most part. I also wonder why you can't do what you want already?   :confused:

Offline Rude

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Remorse for virtual death?
« Reply #18 on: December 10, 2001, 01:37:00 PM »
Dyin Sucks!


Offline Lance

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Remorse for virtual death?
« Reply #19 on: December 10, 2001, 01:41:00 PM »
I am sorry, but you of the death-is-undermodelled crowd will have to go to the back of the line.  

Those in the la-7-should-be-perked crowd, f4u-1c-should-be-unperked crowd, if-the-f4u-1c-is-unperked-it-ought-to-be-reperked crowd, every-plane-but-my-plane-should-be-perked crowd, the game-is-historically-inaccurate-because-I-cannot-duplicate-the-exploites-of-<insert-famous-ace-of-any-nationality-here> crowd, all-Luftwaffe-planes-are-undermodelled crowd, I-got-shot-down-and-its-obviously-the-result-of-a-fault-in-the-game crowd, make-AH-more-like-some-defunct-game crowd, the HOing-is-so-evil-that-I-support-the-implementation-of-forward-deflection-shields crowd and the you-jerks-in-this-community-just-don't-understand crowd have all been waiting for service for some time now :D

Put me in the death match column.

Offline MrLars

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Remorse for virtual death?
« Reply #20 on: December 10, 2001, 01:48:00 PM »
Originally posted by J_A_B:

Or perhaps create a small but REAL award for the pilot who has the highest K/D at the end of a tour (of course with a required minimum number of kills), something like you get to pick the map for the first week of the next campaign.


Anything of this nature is not acceptable IMO...since some people have the oportunity to fly well over 100 hours per TOD. This goes along with the misconception that the top scorers in AH are the best pilots...It just aint so!

Offline K West

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Remorse for virtual death?
« Reply #21 on: December 10, 2001, 01:59:00 PM »
About the only circumstances I show remorse over an death online is when the bastidge just plain pops and doesn't give me a fair chance at nailing them hanging in the silk.



(obligatory dumb topic hijack)

Offline Am0n

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Remorse for virtual death?
« Reply #22 on: December 10, 2001, 02:41:00 PM »
lol lance how long did it take to type that?  :)


You guys all crack me up, im laughing my bellybutton off.

very few want to have a intelligent conversation. The "dumb topic" you didnt have to respond to, im looking for those who care to add some spice to the game, the rest of you i could care less your opinions.

Im not trying to change your game, dont want anything for that matter. I simply just ask what could add the fealing of "i must survive this sortie", or do you people care to survive? if you dont care to live that is fine with me as well, death match is for you.

There is no need to flame my post, if you dont agree thats great im glad you can think for your self. I never once lashed out and said how much "AH sucks", "this must change now" or anything to that effect. As a matter of fact i love this game. But there is some things that i think could use some tweaking to make game play more enjoyable, you may think otherwise which i respect totaly.

Offline skernsk

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Remorse for virtual death?
« Reply #23 on: December 10, 2001, 02:54:00 PM »
Heh..Amon Lance is a fast typer..

We have seen topics like this in the past and it comes down to the individual.  Some don't care, some do care, and some "sometimes" care.

It really matters NOT to most.  I personally will fly to fight..then die.  Then I fly again..die etc.  I am not wanting to see changes so that it penalizes me for engaging and enemy and losing.

As for taking off of capped fields.  Drop the hangers and that problem is no longer.  Lately many people are focusing on the city...mena while all hangers are untouched and planes/vehicles are spawning like mad.

I don't see it as a problem.

Offline Eagler

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Remorse for virtual death?
« Reply #24 on: December 10, 2001, 02:57:00 PM »
as goofy as the rank system was in FA, we all strived to be generals  :)

Living should be rewarded, kill streaks too. At least with the asteriks(sp) by the icons, I'd know which niks to avoid  :)

One small change should be that your kill streak shouldn't start over just because you hop to another airfield. It should follow you as long as you continue to have safe landings.
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Offline mrsid2

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Remorse for virtual death?
« Reply #25 on: December 10, 2001, 03:00:00 PM »
I feel remorse after killing a newbie that I can see is taking his first steps in the flightsims. Sometimes I feel bad to give them the disappointment of being shot down.


oh well, that passes.. At least then when the newbie shoots me down. That won't take long. Actually I never shoot down newbies, I'm scared of them. They harass me!

Too much AH.

Offline Kieran

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Remorse for virtual death?
« Reply #26 on: December 10, 2001, 03:20:00 PM »
AmOn, could it be the only conversation you care to deem intelligent is that which agrees with you?

I heard your suggestion. You want some form of reward for living. Great, happy for you. You have that already in the perk multiplier.

You mentioned your distaste for people who defy the consequences of death by heading into enemy ack or dogfight near an enemy base. Fine. Don't do it if you don't like that type of play. Simple, see?

You mentioned having a low con, and "...It would make me think twice about chasing someone down and blowing my E if i new that if i died i wasnt going to get credit for the kill or even perks for it, if i was killed. But i understand that some could not accept that as inspiration to stay a live." The suggestion you mentioned is a penalty for not doing things the way you prefer they be done, pure and simple. This I always disagree with, regardless from whom I hear it.

Your problem is you want an incentive to stay alive in a fight. My problem is you want to drag me into your solution, despite my desire to do otherwise. If you can derive a solution that doesn't penalize me in the process, go for it, I'll support you. If you want to dictate how I fly, I say forget it.

Offline Am0n

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Remorse for virtual death?
« Reply #27 on: December 10, 2001, 03:35:00 PM »

I fly strait to the largest group of enemies and friendlies i can find, come in around 10k if im in my jug, hellcat, or zero (lower normaly in this AC). I to fly to fight and die if need be, im extremely agressive when i fly. To die for me is a chance to smoke a cig, drink a beer or hit my bong a few times. So most of the times, death isnt so bad.

But then theres also times when i will take time getting to a fight, comming in at 20k+ and taking my time in attacking a target, not just going balls to the wall bouncing them left and right.

so i can play both sides of the spectrum with out saying "my ways the best way" and never knowing what its like to play the other side. (furballer vrs surival fighter)

Maybe a noticable reward for suriving the sortie is a good idea, i thought the fear of loss of credit would do the trick but i see some dont want such extremes. Probably because they realize that they would loose half there kills if they done it intelligently and didnt die seconds later.

Offline mrsid2

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Remorse for virtual death?
« Reply #28 on: December 10, 2001, 03:36:00 PM »
Some people already do that, just look at Ypsilon. It seems he plays only for k/d - which is exactly what you seem to want.

If hanging at alt, never taking risks, letting your countrymen die below you - style of playing is your bag, go for it.

However I'm sure most of the players want to take chances and have fights against the odds. It tends to be more fun if you relax a little.

Offline Kieran

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Remorse for virtual death?
« Reply #29 on: December 10, 2001, 03:40:00 PM »

Come on, who isn't conducting intelligent conversation now?

You are thinking of yourself; I am talking about something that must be viewed from the larger perspective, i.e. the impact it could have on the player base. If your idea (or any form of what you have suggested) is implemented you will cause people to leave. Will you bring more people in with it than leave? I don't know, but it isn't my business that lives or dies on such decisions.

I challenge you to propose a solution that is not penalty-oriented. That would be a win-win situation, wouldn't it?