Oh, and what Thrawn said.
I will honestly debate anyone that has an actual desire to discuss, and I don't run from my viewpoint. OTOH, there is little reason to attempt to engage someone in discourse who has already displayed a marked tendency to mock everything counter to his/her current viewpoint.
Thrawn and I have often disagreed, but I can honestly say he has never stooped to cheap shots to win a debate. I have to respect that. There are lots of guys that give me total crap about my views, but I can take that because they can balance the crap with some actual logic. So what if we ultimately disagree? I still respect them.
Then there are posters that offer nothing but vitriol. Nothing short of total agreement with their viewpoints will avoid immediate personal attacks. This is your category, Frogman. It isn't likely we'll ever agree on anything, and as you don't tend to handle disagreement all that well, ah... why discuss anything with you? Of course this will undoubtedly be met by one of your witticisms, but then, you'd only prove my point by doing so.