At the Boer congress in Vereeninging in 1902 the Boer leaders complained bitterly because the British would no longer take their families into the camps.
Naswhan states that the Boer leaders even asked for their families to be mass murdered...
You are one really sick person.
I didn't Isegrim, I said they complained that their families were no longer being taken into the camps.
It's you who wishes to characterise the camps as centres for mass murder, in your usuall effort to "mormalize" the holocaust.
The camps had high death rates amongst the most vulnerable (ie children) due to disease. It was 19th century Africa, after all.
When the conditions in the camps became known, they recieved increased medical attention, food etc, and the death rate by 1902 had dropped to lower than the city of Glasgow.
The Boer leaders were asking for their people to be taken into the camps at this point.
It's a point of historrical fact, however you try to call me sick for repeating it.
Which of course was still pretty much standard tactics for western armies as late as the Vietnam war, with "protected villages".
That doesn`t make it any less of a crime - typical relativisation attempt from one of the most notorious online apologists.
"Protected villages"? The Mai Lai Messarcre comes to mind, a whole village was razed, all inhabitants killed.
No, the Mai Lai massacre was a massacre, not part of the policy of protected villages. BTW, what were the equivalent massacres during the Boer war?
But that doesn saves British guilt of the Boer war, for which the British goverment, the British queen, and some of the population REFUSES to apologize, in fact, some of them outright deny it happened.
Who denies the death in the camps during the Boer war?
The British deliberately killed hundreds of thousends of civillians during WW2 - French, German, Dutch etc.. They only didn`t kill more because they couldn`t.
Mass terror against civillian population as a way of war was an accepted tradition by the British during the Boer War and WW2. When they failed on the battlefield against able men, they started their sadisctic little games against women and children...
I think you'll find that was the Germans, Isegrim. I could trot out a very long list, if you'd like, but then you've already claimed shooting innocent civilians as reprisals was legitimate, haven't you? The massacre at Oradour was legitimate, according to Isegrim.
And as to illness, nearly all the victims in the camps were children.
OH, that would make it totally different, right ? "Those little nazi maggots... we sent them to hell for good!"
You are just utterly distgusting. "They were only children". Geez...
Where do I say they were only children, Isegrim? Making up quotes again, I see.
I said most victims were children, and pointed to the high infant mortality rate in Africa (especially before the advent of modern medicine)
It's worth noting that 4 times as many British soldiers died of disease as Boer women in the camps.
Another distgusting relativization attempt from Nashwan...
It's not relativization, it's point to the conditions that prevailed in Africa. If soldiers, who are invariably fit young men, died by the thousands of disease, it's not that suprising it afflicted women and children as well.
"The Welshman, Lloyd George, stated: "The fatality rate of our soldiers on the battlefields, who were exposed to all the risks of war, was 52 per thousand per year, while the fatalities of women and children in the camps were 450 per thousand per year. We have no right to put women and children into such a position."
More quotes from the neo Nazis?
The LLoyd George quote, if indeed he ever said it, ignores the deaths from disease of British soldiers, and overstates the deaths of Boer civiliains. Around 120,000 civilians were held in the camps, around 25,000 died. That's not 45%, is it?
Nice site Isegrim, a bunch of neo Nazis.
Nashwan`s "bunch of neo Nazis" :
No, Isegrim, the people who run the site. The people who call the Holocaust "purported" and "alleged", the people who call for the return of apartheid and blame Jews for problems in South Africa.
The guys who committed this are Nashwan`s heroes...
Isegrim, that was "committed" by typhoid, which killed the vast majority of the people who died in the Boer war.
This is most distgusting thing I have seen yet from you. I start to get used to your constant anti-israeli rantings even on these boards (whoever checks Nashwan`s post history here can see his attitude towards jewish people),
Please do. I don't like the policies of the current Israeli government, I do not blame the Jews for mistreating the poor workers, or deny the Holocaust. I also do not blame the Jews for the spread of Bolshevism, as Isegrim does.
According to the Simon Wiesenthal centre, approx 9,700,000 Jews lived in countries overrun by the Nazis. Nearly 6 million of those were killed. [/b]
Hmm... interesting... "nearly". Oh, that`s familiar. "Nearly. " It probably wasn`t 6 six million, perhaps only less... perhaps only half... perhaps it never happened.
No Isegrim, it's not me who is trying to dny or "normailize" the Holocaust. I am quoting from the Simon Wiesenthal centre:
"While it is impossible to ascertain the exact number of Jewish victims, statistics indicate that the total was over 5,860,000. Six million is the round figure accepted by most authorities"
This is code for bringing back Apartheid.
Oh really... England should pay compensation for something inhumen it commited.
They're not just asking for compensation, they're asking for the restitution of the Boer republics. Think there's much room for black people in a Boer republic?
Ind it very hard to see how Britain paying compensation for British committed attoricities and genocide would return the Apertheid... especially since it was the British themselves who invented Apertheid. The site itself condemns Apertheid BTW:
"The British system of apartheid, which they applied all over the world (for instance also in India, Australia and New-Zealand), had to be imported to control the mixed population. The first manifestation of this were signs reading "Europeans" and "Non-Europeans". No Boer ever regarded himself as a "European". Apartheid invoked racial friction and even racial hatred which has in no means abated to this very day, and the bitter irony is that the Boerevolk, who had not been in power since 1902 and who also suffered severely under apartheid in the sense that apartheid robbed them of their land and their work-ethics, are being blamed for apartheid today. "
Isegrim, it's a neo nazi site, they don't tell the truth.
Apartheid was created by the South African National Party (an Africaana party) after their election victory following WW2. South Africa was expelled from the commonwealth because of it.
From Wikipedia, the apartheid laws:
The principal apartheid laws were as follows:
The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act (1949)
Amendment to The Immorality Act (1950)
This law made it a criminal offence for a white person to have any sexual relations with a person of a different race.
The Population Registration Act (1950)
This law required all citizens to register as black, white or coloured.
The Suppression of Communism Act (1950)
This law banned any opposition party the government chose to label as "communist".
The Group Areas Act (27 April 1950)
This law barred people of particular races from various urban areas.
The Reservation of Separate Amenities Act (1953)
This law prohibited people of different races from using the same public amenities, such as drinking fountains, restrooms, and so on.
The Bantu Education Act (1953)
This law brought in various measures expressly designed to reduce the level of education attainable by black people.
The Mines and Work Act (1956)
This law formalised racial discrimination in employment.
The Promotion of Black Self-Government Act (1958)
This law set up nominally independent "homelands" for black people. In practice, the South African government had a strong influence over these bantustans.
Black Homeland Citizenship Act (1971)
This law changed the status of the inhabitants of the 'homelands' so that they were no longer citizens of South Africa, and therefore had none of the rights that came with citizenship.
This encompasses a kaleidoscope of lies. Apartheid was not introduced by the Afrikaner Nationalist Government (ANG) in 1948. Every aspect of the apartheid policy was introduced in South Africa by British colonial governments - pass laws, segregation in schools and sports teams, residential separation of races, political and economic discrimination against Blacks, and prohibition of interracial sexual intercourse. "
Isegrim, I find your confidence in Nazis not to tell lies disturbing. Try a google search for Apartheid, and you will see when it was introduced.
Of course, going by this site you love so much there was no Holocaust during WW2.
BTW, Nashwan naturally cut the sentence in half... do you know why ? He asked for examples of firing squads killing innocents.
Nope, I asked for the source for the British hanging Boer women from their trains.
Still not forthcoming, I see.
Ever wondered why Nashwan has a reputation for selective quoting ?
Whereas you are quoting a Nazi propoganda site verbatim