Author Topic: AH fun has dissapeared  (Read 6305 times)

Offline StSanta

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« Reply #75 on: August 30, 2000, 11:31:00 AM »

Odd, I never can keep up with 51's at altitude, but in the G10 I am (sometimes) able to do so close to the ground.

The tiffie is another deal. I mean, the guy didn't have much alt to work with but very quickly he was up to full speed, and not even a powerdive from my side did much good.

Sorta makes me wish it was German. Basically an A8 with high deck speed.

JG54 "Grünherz"
"If you died a stones throw from your wingie; you did no wrong". - Hangtime

Offline Minotaur

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« Reply #76 on: August 30, 2000, 01:30:00 PM »
Originally posted by Mighty1:
Guys the reason Ram can continue these post is that WE respond to them.

Mighty1 out!


I also take it that RAM has either calmed down (if that is actually possible) and/or has sobered up.  His more recent posts seem drastically diminished in volume and content (amazingly that now seems possible).

[PowerWhine] and [/PowerWhine] functions, for this BBS, seem to be in full effect and working properly.  That, at least, I am glad to see!  

The Wrecking Crew

"Mino I love you man but that is a bunch of baloney."

Offline Cobra

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« Reply #77 on: August 30, 2000, 01:42:00 PM »
I think you are right, and this cooling off period cannot be tolerated or allowed to continue.

Soooo, with that in mind..........SPIT XIV!!!


[This message has been edited by Cobra (edited 08-30-2000).]

Offline 214thCavalier

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« Reply #78 on: August 30, 2000, 02:28:00 PM »
Jig have you ever checked out the Tiffies roll rates ?  they are abysmal so its no surprise you could outroll me even so that first kill i did put some bullets into you now whether i deserved the kill or somebody else did ? i guess i mebbe got a proximity kill.
But was it a HO kill ?  No
As to second kill again it was not a HO kill yes as i said before i picked you off while you were fighting another plane, but my point is whats wrong with that ? The MA is supposed to be a team game and we were there to attack your base and knock you down not to hold off and wait just because you wanted a nice friendly 1v1 with another plane ! If you want that do as i do go to TA or free player games.
I notice you did not deny you were fast closing from my right and not far below me tho as i rtb, of course turning to try to follow me blew any E you had and chance of catching me but if i had stayed i was gonna be dead meat very quickly.

Btw i fully expect to be killed many times by both of you during my stay in AH and i may well gnash my teeth and kick toejame outa the cat but i sure as hell will not shout DWEEB or HO DWEEB all over the channels or pollute this BBS with crap like this thread.

May i suggest to anybody wanting to take a turn as a trainer that posting threads like this where you whine and act like an infant is not likely to make the HT team think yea he's the sort that we want to represent our company.

Nuff said besides this threads getting too big to load comfortably  

Offline Jigster

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« Reply #79 on: August 30, 2000, 02:41:00 PM »
Originally posted by 214thCavalier:
Ok RAM or should i call you GOD ?  
Apparently you know everything about all the other planes position and E.
But by your own admission earlier your own SA is so bad that your all the time getting pounced by superior numbers, so i hardly think that makes you an authority on how i see the tactical situation from my plane.
Bottom line is i got out of what was gonna be a very bad situation, the Tiffie was there and closing fast 90 deg on my right wing about 1 k below me, as it was by blowing straight thro he still got as close as 3k, now with you about 3 k on my 6 that would have been suicide for me to try any  sort of turn move to engage you, i could see it but i guess your SA is definitely lacking. Another point as i extended south of 26 for another attack run, oops sorry i forgot when others do it its not extending its "running away" i could see the last of my team mates going down smoking. When i came back north i was alone.
As for killing Jigster in a HO well yea i guess it was kinda if its the plane i think it was, i believe he was a P51 fighting one of my team mates and as i came in i was lucky enuf to catch him climbing and filling my sights with a lovely plan view, so yea i filled his cockpit full of lead i guess some of it passed through his virtual skull and exited from his arse so i would call that a HO shot  
Ram as for saying i should have tried to zoom away and come back and fight, you have already stated in your earlier post that you consider it ok to disengage when low on fuel, so whats the problem here i have said i had 25% and that tiffie sucks fuel bigtime on full throttle as it was i ran outa fuel trying to get onto the refuel pad.
For me i made the correct call to exit when i did.
Even if i did have the fuel to fight should a tiffie enter into a Zoom fight with a 109G10 ?
Lets see Tiffie loses E BIG time in turns and climbs, and 109G10 climbs like a lovesick angel.
Guess i still made the correct call for me, sorry RAM but thats one easy kill that you missed and no matter how much you whine you cant change that.
I suggest you play the game to your rules RAM hoping for easy kills, and dont attack others for daring to fly differently to your plan.
Oh yes i just noticed a 10k cushion to work with ??  HAHAHA
Think back RAM when we flew  HO it was just that, you slightly below me i would say less than 500ft thats no cushion at all against the best climbing plane in AH.
Lastly i fly other ladders than AH and i am known for avoiding HO shots because if your staying to fight its usually the worst way to open, but if your blowing on through it may put enemy off enuf to gain vital seconds, in your case it sure did rattle your cage  
Anyway i wonder who would be more at fault the guy who takes the offered HO shot or the target who did not take steps to avoid it ?
But then that would assume taking a HO shot is wrong, aaaah wait we want realism i hear you cry! Well for some in WW2 and still today a correctly executed HO attack is perfectly viable. Its a lottery sure but still they did it.
I guess i should add the ritual insult now but theres no point really, i will just say many people told me what a tosser you were and altho i try to keep an open mind it seems you are determined to prove them right.

Damn this is nearly as much fun as flying  
I guess RAM thinks so too as he seems to get involved in quite a few of these  

Btw Cav I never got closer then 6k. Dunno what the heck you were seeing but your memmory ain't to good  

And to paraphrase your own words...Tiffy is burns to much turning and climbing.

So here I am just lifting off, meanwhile yer streaking by at max speed I just happen to get a glimpse of the icon before your out of dot range. At which point ede, in a 109 dives in and we have a terrific turn fight, and I win later by making a 90 degree deflection shot with one hispano hit that rips both of his stabilizers off  

Needless to say I was nowhere near ya, just to clear that up.

Tiffie has a nice intial turn rate, good for about 2 quick revs (and if ya need more then that with 4 hispanos ya got issues)
Better to die and learn what don't work then to run away and never learn. All within that scope of unlimited lives, yanno. But then again that's just my personal philosophy.

I are dweeb.  

- Jig

Offline RAM

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« Reply #80 on: August 30, 2000, 02:52:00 PM »
Originally posted by Minotaur:

I also take it that RAM has either calmed down (if that is actually possible) and/or has sobered up.  His more recent posts seem drastically diminished in volume and content (amazingly that now seems possible).

Not near. I am not calmed down, and I dont drink, not out of weekends, I mean.

I simply get tired of seeing a MA full of dweeb fights, stupid tactics, and boring action. And worse still, of so many people approving it.

 I dont like to fight the odds, if you want a Main arena full of stupid idiotic pseudofights ending in abnormal HOs is what you'll get, regardless of what I say or do.

 I know it, but sometimes I simply refuse to accept it without protesting, and a thread like this happens. And I always end being flamed. You know what? That I dont mind a F*** Ratz prettythang.

The day that this turns into something I cant stand I'll be gone. And It wont be long after it that many people will go too after me. I am warning-People who wanted A LOT to fly Aces High online now say they wont pay for such boring experience-But noone wants to listen.

Originally posted by 214thCavalier:
May i suggest to anybody wanting to take a turn as a trainer that posting threads like this where you whine and act like an infant is not likely to make the HT team think yea he's the sort that we want to represent our company.

I am working on a new squad that will train ,and ready, newbies to survive in MA. So I will be a trainer on my own way, I dont need an official title from HTC, nor I dont need the lack of paying during 6 months that it is attached to it (and that is the reason for many people wanting to be a trainer).

I want to train people because I love it and I will do it in TA as I do right now and I will start doing it,with the new squad, in MA too.

So I dont mind what I can seem in BBS or MA. I dont need the official training title to do it. And I dont mind if I am given it or not.

Clear? well.

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 08-30-2000).]

Offline Jigster

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« Reply #81 on: August 30, 2000, 03:12:00 PM »

Originally posted by 214thCavalier:
Jig have you ever checked out the Tiffies roll rates ?

Yes I have. I out rolled ya because I was missing a wing. Helps the roll velocity yanno?

 they are abysmal so its no surprise you could outroll me even so that first kill i did put some bullets into you now whether i deserved the kill


No, you didn't. I kept right on rolling into the ground after ya flew by and you got a proximity kill.


or somebody else did ? i guess i mebbe got a proximity kill.
But was it a HO kill ?  No

I never said it was a HO kill. I never whined about. Not a word, now did I? I could care less about front quarter gunnery shots. The only person I ever say anything to about them is Kbman. And we have a mutual agreement that I'm just jesting  

I'm trying not to preach my flying style on anyone, thought I made it clear that was merely my own feelings toward taking another's kill.


As to second kill again it was not a HO kill yes as i said before i picked you off while you were fighting another plane, but my point is whats wrong with that ? The MA is supposed to be a team game and we were there to attack your base and knock you down not to hold off and wait just because you wanted a nice friendly 1v1 with another plane !

Yanno you outta re-read my post. Notice I said I have NO, none what so ever, problems with this! But it is my feeling, and mine alone that this constitutes reaping an easy kill from another countryman. I do have a serious problem about dying without giving a good account to myself. But then again that's because I'm a dweeb. And I now I've sure been squeaked at before when I happened to "help" another country man that didn't ask for it.


 If you want that do as i do go to TA or free player games.

I have dweeby ethics and I know this. As I said, I have no problem with the way the arena play is...sheesh.

Besides I'd rather fight 2 and 3 vs just me, but danggit it's hard if they engage at seperate times. Oh well. I was just kinda pissed because of your remarks about "poor SA".


I notice you did not deny you were fast closing from my right and not far below me tho as i rtb, of course turning to try to follow me blew any E you had and chance of catching me but if i had stayed i was gonna be dead meat very quickly.

Come on dude, I had just brought the wheels up when you came into dot range. I was headed NE when your icon showed up. I never got closer then 6k, and that was because you were flying perpendicular to me.

I hate to say it but, sheesh, If your worried about a Tiffy that's 5k below you and still climbing when your going all out level, AND outrunning a 109, maybe you do have a few issues  

At that point ede, and some other Knight dove in, the other kept on to 26 and ede and I had a wonderful fight all the way to the deck, where the Hispanos won out over his G10.


Btw i fully expect to be killed many times by both of you during my stay in AH and i may well gnash my teeth and kick toejame outa the cat but i sure as hell will not shout DWEEB or HO DWEEB all over the channels or pollute this BBS with crap like this thread.


And neither do I. I dunno what the heck ya read outta my post but it's like your trying to pick a fight with me.

I was just trying to clarify what happened, and I was kinda joking in my other post if ya didn't pick that up. I guess not  

May i suggest to anybody wanting to take a turn as a trainer that posting threads like this where you whine and act like an infant is not likely to make the HT team think yea he's the sort that we want to represent our company.

Nuff said besides this threads getting too big to load comfortably    

I'm gonna have to make bigger disclaimers I guess. [sarcasm] [irony] etc.

I get shot down. ALOT. Learn and re-spawn yanno.

But, it's pretty obvious you weren't paying much attention (eh no biggie, show how big a dweeb I am, paying attention to a game) a therefore don't have much right coming in and insulting somebody about it. If it weren't for that I never would of responded in the first place.

I try and do everything light-heartedly, albeit with alot of sarcasm mixed in, and conduct myself in a proper manner.

Then again maybe your not responding to me and I'm totally off.

Either way, I am the silent dweeb.

- Jig

[This message has been edited by Jigster (edited 08-30-2000).]

Offline Jigster

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« Reply #82 on: August 30, 2000, 03:22:00 PM »
That's still a childish attitude Ram, but nevermind  

- Jig

[This message has been edited by Jigster (edited 08-30-2000).]

Offline 214thCavalier

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« Reply #83 on: August 30, 2000, 04:13:00 PM »
Jig i really wished i had taped this because i really saw you at 3k, who knows why we saw it differently but i am not gonna argue with you about it, with all the lag and connect problems people seem to be getting with AH these last few weeks it probably had some part to play.
I am also well aware of the advantages and disadvantages of various airfoil designs and there affect on roll rates, (even with part of a wing missing) again this is an example of people jumping to conclusions and assuming somebody they do not know is a "Newbie" or a "Dweeb". Whilst on that subject i guess my comments about lack of SA where uncalled for as i was not in your cockpit or flying your plane and therefore not qualified to comment.
For some reason you seem to think i was afraid to stay and fight ?
Hmm not so lack of fuel and a possible case of 2v1 with me flying a brick was the only reason to rtb.
But i guess nobody else goes rtb when fuel dictates.
Anyway you did assume all the comments were aimed at you which they were not, my error for not posting specific replies i guess.
Maybe i need to ref each phrase as you do but then Ram and you "probably" have more experience at this sorta thing.
Jigster i have no issues with you or the way you have behaved at all, at no time have you even mentioned the word Dweeb or complained of HO shots or tried to insult me, well apart from assuming i dont know about the effect a shortening of a wing has on roll rates  
No matter what has gone before i will still leave all disagreements behind me here in this BBS, i will kill or help anybody in the MA as the game dictates regardless of who they are without any apologies or name calling.
Ram to finish i respect your desire to help and train people to fly in AH and i wish you luck with it, i checked out the thread but decided against posting any sort of msg as i thought your reply might spoil the thread.

Yea i know you dont give a Ratz As_s what i think  

[This message has been edited by 214thCavalier (edited 08-30-2000).]

Offline Jigster

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« Reply #84 on: August 30, 2000, 08:05:00 PM »
Well I basing that on the P-38 only gaining a signifgant roll gain at very high speed where the boosted ailerons come into play. P-38 is a big bellybutton plane that needs alot of inertia to get it rolling, where as the Tiff is pretty much better through the whole envelope  

- Jig

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« Reply #85 on: August 30, 2000, 10:12:00 PM »
all I know is every time RAM posts a lot in a topic I end up through no fault of my own reading the topic twice just by virtue of his need to quote every word everyone posts in his own posts.

it's kind of annoying  
Its sickening. I am tired of no skill HO dweebs (not that I've died this way a lot lately, but only to see people trying it sickens me), of no skill running guys, of no skill ack huging guys, of no 6 call guys (just got a 6 call...when I had no wing  ), of lack of teamwork (tried twice tonight to put up a mission, only 3 people answered out of 34), of lack of fun.
This is not what it used to be. I loved this sim because the challenge it was to fly against wonderful sticks. Now for each good pilot there are 4 dweebs that only know to HO and run.

This is getting very tiring. I have been having the same feeling for 3 months, and the only thing that keeps me flyin AH is that I love the sim itself.

But I dont like the way it is going. Each day I see more noskill moves on AH.

Now flame on me guys. Start to say that to come from 10K above and HO me is a valid tactic, and that running when you have 5K of altitude advantage is OK,that the 6 calls are my responsability (even when I am clearing another guy's 6) ,and that is their money and so they can fly like they want (Damnit it is MY money too, and I dont like to pay to spend 15 minutes after a running dweeb in the hopes that he will try at least to do ANYTHING to get me!!!!).

I know friends that tested the 2 week trial 5 months ago (more or less)...they loved AH because the challenge and fun on the MA. They couldnt afford paying it then, but 2 of them payed this month. I have been emailing them because I only saw them online 4 or 5 times , and they say that the AH they knew is no longer what it used to be,and that they wont pay for another month to be bored.

And I agree with them. -RAM

Pilots are getting more and more comfortable with the furball till you die method of gameplay. Hardly any planned missions anymore. People who knock down fields end up calling for C-47s that never show up.
We need to get historical scenarios going so we can have an alternative to the MA.


I'm having just as much fun as I did when I first signed up back in march. Yup arena has changed, it's become a lot more hostile. It's also become a lot more target rich. It's also become a lot more competitive. It's also become a lot more fun, I think. Of course most the times I fly I'm with a wingman or my squad.. so I don't worry much about someone coming at me head on. Quick jinx, throw his aim off. Now what's he aiming at? Nothing cuz my squad just killed him. hahahaha seriously it is funny :-)
Survival+Aces High MA=YOu need a wingman


Become an Instructor!
Help these new people to flight and fly. Teach the new people about calling 6. Show them how.

The influence of one good instructor will have a domino effect.

Lead them...follow them...or sit on your hand and whine about them.
Well, I have to agree with you to a point, RAM. I too was tired of all the HO PRO's. But, once I realized that they weren't going to fight the fight my way, I decided to beat them at their own game. I just had to adjust my thinking a little bit as to what was "Fun".
Now, while I'm becoming more and more active in the Check six, Snapshot and TOD events in the SE arena, I am having more fun in the MA by fighting "their way". HO's are pretty tasty, once you aquire a taste for them.

"Air combat is like sex: When it's good, it's really good. And when it's bad, it's still pretty good."

Originally posted by AKSeaWulfe:
Survival+Aces High MA=YOu need a wingman

Originally posted by Ozark:
Become an Instructor!
Help these new people to flight and fly. Teach the new people about calling 6. Show them how.

The influence of one good instructor will have a domino effect.

Lead them...follow them...or sit on your hand and whine about them.


Tried to be one in last call for instructors. Others were selected instead of me to be instructors, so I didnt sit in my hand, exactly.


 or a real fast plane.

Originally posted by Spatula:

You say no-one organises raids anymore, well it only takes one person to organise, and since you think there is a lack of it, and your experience, you'd make a great organiser.
If someone organises a well planned and executed raid then people will join in.
The biggest mistake is the bungled 1st raid attempt and then the tireless hour that follows of acks going down, fighters vultch, goon turns up, something goes wrong, so more bombers come, then fighters rtb, ack comes up, the cycle continues again and again. People waste hours trying to capture one base.

People need to post (and there use to be some) of good raid or base capturing tactics and strategies.


No no no, you got me wrong. I DID post 2 raids on A30 tonight. wasted effort because first time only 2 people answered and second one only 3 did it. Believe me, I know how to plan a good raid over a base. The problem is that people dont want to be part of them.

planned 2 attacks yesterday. Thanks god Funked ,hizakite and Asmodan were online. Without them we wont had been able to launch them. We captured one base "in extremis" (  Asmo), and then we failed in the next one (a 190 got 2 jabo p47s because my computer locked when I was in his six )

But today...  and other days...

Ahh nevermind...
but... ya know, I always see the guy that goes HO as dead, just an easy kill in most cases.
Yesterday I had a great 51 vs 190 fight, we each had 4 or 5 opportunities to take the HO shot after rev'ing, but didnt. Rather both trying to get position, I had a blast! Thanks HT!
Weak guns = boredom
If you know, one mistake and your dead. You stay alert. Not to mention you can win a gang bang, as the bangee.

I would like to see all the guns at least double there current settings. I think this would pick things up alot.

The impluse to HO go,s away, quite a bit, with the knowlege that death is automatic

Honestly, I'd much rather lose the good pilots who scream on the open channel at every poor guy trying to figure out which joystick button is the guns than the latter "unskilled HO dweebs" who do not take every loss as a personal insult and can roll with the punches.
They'll learn how to fly eventually, a lot faster than others will learn to relax.

Whoah... Damn. Well said Fatty.

Btw Ram, are you in a squad? Perhaps this would liven things up a bit for ya?

Lol most of the HO's dont have much skill. Fly the plane out of the HO and kill em. If thats all thay go for they end up with less E. anouther chalage can you live threw them. One other thing like Nash said, Find a wingman or a sqaud. RW helps a ton. Me and Zigrat have been winging here latly and been doing well together, I not in there sqaud but no matter. And one more thing Fly for the Knights thay usly have a few Missions going on. Or at least Zigrat will biuld em once in awhile. I have seen more Furballs here latly but its all just a faze. It will die and more Real fights will come back. I am starting to see more S events to. One more thing as long as it is Taking HT and the gang for this new update. We might all be rookies all over again . Releaning the planes will come into place, i feel once again. It will make my life more boring and many others if you take off. You have skill and as long as we get and keep people with skill in here than it will get better with time. Hang in there <<S>>

RAM the more I play in scenarios the more fun I have. My MA time is almost zero (squad night only most weeks) but I try to play every scenario that I can attend. And I'm having a lot more fun.
And the scenarios are only going to get better with the map editor, custom icons, CM tools, more planes, etc. A lot of the MA settings that make dweeb tactics possible will be changed for events. And in events everybody is working together towards a realistic military goal, not some points contest or vulch fest.

the Main Arena and Aces High are not one and the same to me.
MA is just a Free for all gangbang alt monkey ackhuggin vulch o rama type of place just like the MA in WB or any other flight sim.

I dont know ram. the guys killing me are usually ones I recognize HO or not.
Get a team you can fly with. I almost dont fly unless some guys I know are on.
Makes missions real easy too.

There are some basic flaws in the game that ruin it for all the experienced players.
1. resqawning queens-that dont mind dying 50 times in a row trying to get an HO going, there should be some kind of a delay or penalty for dying x many times in a short period. Base captures , I know all the hoopla about destroying all the buildings , acks , ect.. but lets face it one respawner queen and hold off 50 attackers , and people just get plain ol bored with that crap.

2.In an HO as long all the other guy explodes first , you dont have much to worry about, why is that ?. It does take 2 to HO , i only ho in an off angle shot which most turn fighters give up in trying to position themselves.

3. Not enough stategic targets that really effect the game play, and if they are hit they rebuild way to fast to help the attackers position in the overal arena.

4. Maneuver kills are just dumb , like posted in another thingy , if ya cant shoot em down ( like have proof ala ww2 with guncameras ) you shouldnt get a kill, there's too much sittin at bases collecting kills for free. I know the thing whre people think someone has augered just to avoid giving a guy a kill , but if you cant hit him with bullets you dont deserve credit for his flying faults.

5. Bombers are too accurate in bombing , which is only gonna get worse in next version with i hear that Lancaster is coming out with a 40% increse in bomb load. Saturation bombing should be the only bombing option at 26,000' or more.

6. Tooooo much information available in the game , with these small sectors with sector indicators and pinpoint onboard radar sets , it is basically a point your airplane in that direction and go ho whatever you find and wallah ! you win.

7. Perk planes would go along way in keeping experienced people interested and give the others something to strive for, and should probably be based solely on the kill/death ratio , say like it takes 20 kills (maybe make jets avail to those with 50 kills) and no deaths to obtain a perkplane, that way everyone if they really tried to avoid unecessary deaths by respawing alot or ho'ing alot can get their little hands on a perkplane till they die in it, and the perkplane should be repairable on the pad but maybe take like 20 mins sittin to repair.Maybe anyone with a 1.0 or less k/d ratio should not even be able to get a perk plane till 30 kills are obtained.

I feel that some changes like damage done to countries resources last longer , HO if both planes go down BOTH get credit , bombers become more like bombers of the era instead of laserguided bomb loads, radar is more accurate such as height of detection (presently radar detects everything from zero alt to 100,000')ect and basically get rid of the sector indicators and the inflight radar data on the clipboard,decrease the maneuver kill to 1k or less, make the airbses larger and fewer of them , and better protect the veh. net bases. And get rid of the vehicle blob that you can see from 20 miles away , which makes vehicles suicide missions only. I feel that some of these changes like respawning delays and some other stuff will make base captures alittle bit easier for a determined attacker but that will make the arena more fluid and will keep things interesting , instead of ones countries destruction or survival being determined by the others gangbanging it or not.

Screw using K/D. I don't fly for K/D. Points, baby, yeah. They should be worth something
I don't fly for points either, but hey, i get alot of them

The 5 mile IFF icons and the AWACS display are the big turnoffs for me in the MA.
The icons mean that every bandit in an 82 square mile area knows your plane type, range, and can estimate your closure rate and thus your energy state. And more importantly he gets an easy tally from the giant red letters, when any real pilot would be struggling just to acquire you.

And the in-flight horizontal situation display is something that belongs in an F-22 sim, not a WW2 sim.

I guess these things help beginners or something. I don't have an interest in playing in such an arena any more though. If I want that stuff I'll go play a space sim or a jet sim. Having that stuff in a WW2 sim makes as much sense as putting AIM-9 on a Spitfire.

And I won't even get into the B-17G and B-26 bomb delivery systems which outperform a B-2 with JDAM...

One incentive to win the war and not just vulch bases for kicks (which is boring after 4-5 kills anyways) is that the winning side all the players start out with a perk plane if they have been on that side for more than 72 hours or something like that.

7. Perk planes would go along way in keeping experienced people interested and give the others something to strive for, and should probably be based solely on the kill/death ratio , say like it takes 20 kills (maybe make jets avail to those with 50 kills) and no deaths to obtain a perkplane, that way everyone if they really tried to avoid unecessary deaths by respawing alot or ho'ing alot can get their little hands on a perkplane till they die in it, and the perkplane should be repairable on the pad but maybe take like 20 mins sittin to repair.Maybe anyone with a 1.0 or less k/d ratio should not even be able to get a perk plane till 30 kills are obtained."
Wow the Alt f4rs get the perk planes. That would be great.

What do you suggest take the place of the dar we have? WW2 pilots had some informantion about what was going on arround them.......

LOL, RAM. And you said look who's crying?
What? You want the other guy to hold still while you make the consumate kill? If you don't get the kill it is the other guy cheating or not flying to your standards? A little cheese with that whine?

You gotta earn it dude. It always takes two to HO. If you don't like and can't avoid that situation, then it is just your lack of skill. Perhaps the fun is gone because more and more in the arena fly better than you?

All the HO whiners are just hiding behind their inability to get the advantage to position for a deflection or 6 shot. Nothing more and nothing less.

Situation - two planes nose to nose. How did this happen? Who should turn away and allow the other (you) to take the shot? Obviously the other guy. It's always the other guy's fault. It's always the other guyt hat forced the nose-to-nose and not you isn't it? Waaaa.

You should practice. May I suggest the training arena?
Hmmm... not accepted as an instructor... Can't get people to follow your lead...
Anyone else notice a pattern?

Like someone said in the HO thread...I'll take the HO if I see the other guy trying to avoid it. This has always been the case for me.
OTOH, if I see they're positioning for the HO, I'll try to avoid it and hope they're a bad shot ..unless of course I'm too slow to move outa the way.

If a guy I'm fighting runs away, I consider the fight won and just say to myself "" and move on.

Only time I really get pissed is if I have to log off after a death..I hate that!


I have to tell you this:
I like your skills and you are an awesome pilot, but you lack all respect for others.
Ive been watching your unpleasant outbursts on the generalchannel a lot of times and poor guy that shoots the mighty RAM!!

The only way anyone could get you would be, according to yoursef:

1 A HO
2 Reciving no 6 call from your country men.

6 calls,if you are so dependent on others giving you 6 calls

A. stop flying 190 a8
B. Wing up with someone.

I can agree that the 6 calls arent what they use to be, still I am not getting as pissed as I used to either, when not reciving them.

I kinda got used to it.

You are a part of AH not being fun anymore, because of your bad temper and to much roadkill talk in the buffer.

Sincerelly Crabofix =<ISAF>=



I will run if I feel it is necessary to do so.

Until I see someone else's name on my AH credit card bill, I will fly the way I want to. Me being a 'so-called" dweeb? Yea. So what!

OH BTW Hang! THat Mustang website? I used alot of the photos in there to create a slide show for my screen saver. Just too cool! That Mustange is one purddy aircraft!!

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  posted 08-30-2000 11:31 AM              
Odd, I never can keep up with 51's at altitude, but in the G10 I am (sometimes) able to do so close to the ground.

The tiffie is another deal. I mean, the guy didn't have much alt to work with but very quickly he was up to full speed, and not even a powerdive from my side did much good.

Sorta makes me wish it was German. Basically an A8 with high deck speed.

JG54 "Grünherz"
"If you died a stones throw from your wingie; you did no wrong". - Hangtime

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  posted 08-30-2000 01:30 PM              

Originally posted by Mighty1:
Guys the reason Ram can continue these post is that WE respond to them.
Mighty1 out!



I also take it that RAM has either calmed down (if that is actually possible) and/or has sobered up. His more recent posts seem drastically diminished in volume and content (amazingly that now seems possible).

[PowerWhine] and [/PowerWhine] functions, for this BBS, seem to be in full effect and working properly. That, at least, I am glad to see!

The Wrecking Crew

"Mino I love you man but that is a bunch of baloney."

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  posted 08-30-2000 01:42 PM            
I think you are right, and this cooling off period cannot be tolerated or allowed to continue.
Soooo, with that in mind..........SPIT XIV!!!


[This message has been edited by Cobra (edited 08-30-2000).]

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Posts: 60
From:Peterborough UK
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  posted 08-30-2000 02:28 PM            
Jig have you ever checked out the Tiffies roll rates ? they are abysmal so its no surprise you could outroll me even so that first kill i did put some bullets into you now whether i deserved the kill or somebody else did ? i guess i mebbe got a proximity kill.
But was it a HO kill ? No
As to second kill again it was not a HO kill yes as i said before i picked you off while you were fighting another plane, but my point is whats wrong with that ? The MA is supposed to be a team game and we were there to attack your base and knock you down not to hold off and wait just because you wanted a nice friendly 1v1 with another plane ! If you want that do as i do go to TA or free player games.
I notice you did not deny you were fast closing from my right and not far below me tho as i rtb, of course turning to try to follow me blew any E you had and chance of catching me but if i had stayed i was gonna be dead meat very quickly.
Btw i fully expect to be killed many times by both of you during my stay in AH and i may well gnash my teeth and kick toejame outa the cat but i sure as hell will not shout DWEEB or HO DWEEB all over the channels or pollute this BBS with crap like this thread.

May i suggest to anybody wanting to take a turn as a trainer that posting threads like this where you whine and act like an infant is not likely to make the HT team think yea he's the sort that we want to represent our company.

Nuff said besides this threads getting too big to load comfortably

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From:Houston, Texas
Registered: Jun 2000
  posted 08-30-2000 02:41 PM              

Originally posted by 214thCavalier:
Ok RAM or should i call you GOD ?
Apparently you know everything about all the other planes position and E.
But by your own admission earlier your own SA is so bad that your all the time getting pounced by superior numbers, so i hardly think that makes you an authority on how i see the tactical situation from my plane.
Bottom line is i got out of what was gonna be a very bad situation, the Tiffie was there and closing fast 90 deg on my right wing about 1 k below me, as it was by blowing straight thro he still got as close as 3k, now with you about 3 k on my 6 that would have been suicide for me to try any sort of turn move to engage you, i could see it but i guess your SA is definitely lacking. Another point as i extended south of 26 for another attack run, oops sorry i forgot when others do it its not extending its "running away" i could see the last of my team mates going down smoking. When i came back north i was alone.
As for killing Jigster in a HO well yea i guess it was kinda if its the plane i think it was, i believe he was a P51 fighting one of my team mates and as i came in i was lucky enuf to catch him climbing and filling my sights with a lovely plan view, so yea i filled his cockpit full of lead i guess some of it passed through his virtual skull and exited from his arse so i would call that a HO shot
Ram as for saying i should have tried to zoom away and come back and fight, you have already stated in your earlier post that you consider it ok to disengage when low on fuel, so whats the problem here i have said i had 25% and that tiffie sucks fuel bigtime on full throttle as it was i ran outa fuel trying to get onto the refuel pad.
For me i made the correct call to exit when i did.
Even if i did have the fuel to fight should a tiffie enter into a Zoom fight with a 109G10 ?
Lets see Tiffie loses E BIG time in turns and climbs, and 109G10 climbs like a lovesick angel.
Guess i still made the correct call for me, sorry RAM but thats one easy kill that you missed and no matter how much you whine you cant change that.
I suggest you play the game to your rules RAM hoping for easy kills, and dont attack others for daring to fly differently to your plan.
Oh yes i just noticed a 10k cushion to work with ?? HAHAHA
Think back RAM when we flew HO it was just that, you slightly below me i would say less than 500ft thats no cushion at all against the best climbing plane in AH.
Lastly i fly other ladders than AH and i am known for avoiding HO shots because if your staying to fight its usually the worst way to open, but if your blowing on through it may put enemy off enuf to gain vital seconds, in your case it sure did rattle your cage
Anyway i wonder who would be more at fault the guy who takes the offered HO shot or the target who did not take steps to avoid it ?
But then that would assume taking a HO shot is wrong, aaaah wait we want realism i hear you cry! Well for some in WW2 and still today a correctly executed HO attack is perfectly viable. Its a lottery sure but still they did it.
I guess i should add the ritual insult now but theres no point really, i will just say many people told me what a tosser you were and altho i try to keep an open mind it seems you are determined to prove them right.
Damn this is nearly as much fun as flying
I guess RAM thinks so too as he seems to get involved in quite a few of these


Btw Cav I never got closer then 6k. Dunno what the heck you were seeing but your memmory ain't to good

And to paraphrase your own words...Tiffy is burns to much turning and climbing.

So here I am just lifting off, meanwhile yer streaking by at max speed I just happen to get a glimpse of the icon before your out of dot range. At which point ede, in a 109 dives in and we have a terrific turn fight, and I win later by making a 90 degree deflection shot with one hispano hit that rips both of his stabilizers off

Needless to say I was nowhere near ya, just to clear that up.

Tiffie has a nice intial turn rate, good for about 2 quick revs (and if ya need more then that with 4 hispanos ya got issues)
Better to die and learn what don't work then to run away and never learn. All within that scope of unlimited lives, yanno. But then again that's just my personal philosophy.

I are dweeb.

- Jig

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  posted 08-30-2000 02:52 PM              

Originally posted by Minotaur:

I also take it that RAM has either calmed down (if that is actually possible) and/or has sobered up. His more recent posts seem drastically diminished in volume and content (amazingly that now seems possible).


Not near. I am not calmed down, and I dont drink, not out of weekends, I mean.

I simply get tired of seeing a MA full of dweeb fights, stupid tactics, and boring action. And worse still, of so many people approving it.

I dont like to fight the odds, if you want a Main arena full of stupid idiotic pseudofights ending in abnormal HOs is what you'll get, regardless of what I say or do.

I know it, but sometimes I simply refuse to accept it without protesting, and a thread like this happens. And I always end being flamed. You know what? That I dont mind a F*** Ratz prettythang.

The day that this turns into something I cant stand I'll be gone. And It wont be long after it that many people will go too after me. I am warning-People who wanted A LOT to fly Aces High online now say they wont pay for such boring experience-But noone wants to listen.

Originally posted by 214thCavalier:
May i suggest to anybody wanting to take a turn as a trainer that posting threads like this where you whine and act like an infant is not likely to make the HT team think yea he's the sort that we want to represent our company.


I am working on a new squad that will train ,and ready, newbies to survive in MA. So I will be a trainer on my own way, I dont need an official title from HTC, nor I dont need the lack of paying during 6 months that it is attached to it (and that is the reason for many people wanting to be a trainer).

I want to train people because I love it and I will do it in TA as I do right now and I will start doing it,with the new squad, in MA too.

So I dont mind what I can seem in BBS or MA. I dont need the official training title to do it. And I dont mind if I am given it or not.

Clear? well.

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 08-30-2000).]

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Posts: 375
From:Houston, Texas
Registered: Jun 2000
  posted 08-30-2000 03:12 PM              

Originally posted by 214thCavalier:
Jig have you ever checked out the Tiffies roll rates ?

Yes I have. I out rolled ya because I was missing a wing. Helps the roll velocity yanno?

 they are abysmal so its no surprise you could outroll me even so that first kill i did put some bullets into you now whether i deserved the kill


No, you didn't. I kept right on rolling into the ground after ya flew by and you got a proximity kill.


or somebody else did ? i guess i mebbe got a proximity kill.
But was it a HO kill ? No


I never said it was a HO kill. I never whined about. Not a word, now did I? I could care less about front quarter gunnery shots. The only person I ever say anything to about them is Kbman. And we have a mutual agreement that I'm just jesting

I'm trying not to preach my flying style on anyone, thought I made it clear that was merely my own feelings toward taking another's kill.


As to second kill again it was not a HO kill yes as i said before i picked you off while you were fighting another plane, but my point is whats wrong with that ? The MA is supposed to be a team game and we were there to attack your base and knock you down not to hold off and wait just because you wanted a nice friendly 1v1 with another plane !

Yanno you outta re-read my post. Notice I said I have NO, none what so ever, problems with this! But it is my feeling, and mine alone that this constitutes reaping an easy kill from another countryman. I do have a serious problem about dying without giving a good account to myself. But then again that's because I'm a dweeb. And I now I've sure been squeaked at before when I happened to "help" another country man that didn't ask for it.


If you want that do as i do go to TA or free player games.


I have dweeby ethics and I know this. As I said, I have no problem with the way the arena play is...sheesh.

Besides I'd rather fight 2 and 3 vs just me, but danggit it's hard if they engage at seperate times. Oh well. I was just kinda pissed because of your remarks about "poor SA".


I notice you did not deny you were fast closing from my right and not far below me tho as i rtb, of course turning to try to follow me blew any E you had and chance of catching me but if i had stayed i was gonna be dead meat very quickly.


Come on dude, I had just brought the wheels up when you came into dot range. I was headed NE when your icon showed up. I never got closer then 6k, and that was because you were flying perpendicular to me.

I hate to say it but, sheesh, If your worried about a Tiffy that's 5k below you and still climbing when your going all out level, AND outrunning a 109, maybe you do have a few issues

At that point ede, and some other Knight dove in, the other kept on to 26 and ede and I had a wonderful fight all the way to the deck, where the Hispanos won out over his G10.


Btw i fully expect to be killed many times by both of you during my stay in AH and i may well gnash my teeth and kick toejame outa the cat but i sure as hell will not shout DWEEB or HO DWEEB all over the channels or pollute this BBS with crap like this thread.


And neither do I. I dunno what the heck ya read outta my post but it's like your trying to pick a fight with me.

I was just trying to clarify what happened, and I was kinda joking in my other post if ya didn't pick that up. I guess not


May i suggest to anybody wanting to take a turn as a trainer that posting threads like this where you whine and act like an infant is not likely to make the HT team think yea he's the sort that we want to represent our company.

Nuff said besides this threads getting too big to load comfortably


I'm gonna have to make bigger disclaimers I guess. [sarcasm] [irony] etc.

I get shot down. ALOT. Learn and re-spawn yanno.

But, it's pretty obvious you weren't paying much attention (eh no biggie, show how big a dweeb I am, paying attention to a game) a therefore don't have much right coming in and insulting somebody about it. If it weren't for that I never would of responded in the first place.

I try and do everything light-heartedly, albeit with alot of sarcasm mixed in, and conduct myself in a proper manner.

Then again maybe your not responding to me and I'm totally off.

Either way, I am the silent dweeb.

- Jig

[This message has been edited by Jigster (edited 08-30-2000).]

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  posted 08-30-2000 03:22 PM              
That's still a childish attitude Ram, but nevermind
- Jig

[This message has been edited by Jigster (edited 08-30-2000).]

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From:Peterborough UK
Registered: Nov 1999
  posted 08-30-2000 04:13 PM            
Jig i really wished i had taped this because i really saw you at 3k, who knows why we saw it differently but i am not gonna argue with you about it, with all the lag and connect problems people seem to be getting with AH these last few weeks it probably had some part to play.
I am also well aware of the advantages and disadvantages of various airfoil designs and there affect on roll rates, (even with part of a wing missing) again this is an example of people jumping to conclusions and assuming somebody they do not know is a "Newbie" or a "Dweeb". Whilst on that subject i guess my comments about lack of SA where uncalled for as i was not in your cockpit or flying your plane and therefore not qualified to comment.
For some reason you seem to think i was afraid to stay and fight ?
Hmm not so lack of fuel and a possible case of 2v1 with me flying a brick was the only reason to rtb.
But i guess nobody else goes rtb when fuel dictates.
Anyway you did assume all the comments were aimed at you which they were not, my error for not posting specific replies i guess.
Maybe i need to ref each phrase as you do but then Ram and you "probably" have more experience at this sorta thing.
Jigster i have no issues with you or the way you have behaved at all, at no time have you even mentioned the word Dweeb or complained of HO shots or tried to insult me, well apart from assuming i dont know about the effect a shortening of a wing has on roll rates  
No matter what has gone before i will still leave all disagreements behind me here in this BBS, i will kill or help anybody in the MA as the game dictates regardless of who they are without any apologies or name calling.
Ram to finish i respect your desire to help and train people to fly in AH and i wish you luck with it, i checked out the thread but decided against posting any sort of msg as i thought your reply might spoil the thread.
Yea i know you dont give a Ratz As_s what i think  

[This message has been edited by 214thCavalier (edited 08-30-2000).]

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Posts: 375
From:Houston, Texas
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  posted 08-30-2000 08:05 PM              
Well I basing that on the P-38 only gaining a signifgant roll gain at very high speed where the boosted ailerons come into play. P-38 is a big bellybutton plane that needs alot of inertia to get it rolling, where as the Tiff is pretty much better through the whole envelope
- Jig

Come on RAM its what you make of it. Sure things may have changed, but look on the bright side:
1. Newbies = new players, more players, good game growth.
2. Newbies = Silly moves => easy kills.
3. A changing environment, tests your adaptability.

You say no-one organises raids anymore, well it only takes one person to organise, and since you think there is a lack of it, and your experience, you'd make a great organiser.
If someone organises a well planned and executed raid then people will join in.

The biggest mistake is the bungled 1st raid attempt and then the tireless hour that follows of acks going down, fighters vultch, goon turns up, something goes wrong, so more bombers come, then fighters rtb, ack comes up, the cycle continues again and again. People waste hours trying to capture one base.

People need to post (and there use to be some) of good raid or base capturing tactics and strategies.

Fester was my in game name until September 2013

Offline Creamo

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« Reply #86 on: August 31, 2000, 12:13:00 AM »
No sh*t Cit, ya got a point there.  

Offline Vermillion

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« Reply #87 on: August 31, 2000, 06:43:00 AM »
Yes please learn to <snip> your quotes !!  

That way we can read the part that you considered important, without 5 billion other sentences

**MOL**, Men of Leisure

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« Reply #88 on: August 31, 2000, 06:50:00 AM »
Try to be nice to others and you will experience the same from them, ram.

Agree with the buff escort thing, but other than that i find my team to be very helpfull, nice and 6 call giving on most evenings.And the enemy isn't bad either.
If the 6 call or the help is a bit late, who cares, at least it was a try  


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« Reply #89 on: August 31, 2000, 09:25:00 AM »
Hey RAM IS nice.

He's a hotheaded, warmblooded Barce fan, that's all.

All southern Europeans are totally loco, emotional maniacs who go rampant ever so often.

Sorta charming  

JG54 "Grünherz"
"If you died a stones throw from your wingie; you did no wrong". - Hangtime