Author Topic: A quick comparison of Aces High  (Read 3588 times)

Offline hitech

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A quick comparison of Aces High
« Reply #30 on: October 13, 1999, 08:32:00 AM »
Chester do you want an answere to that question. Or do you just want to continue squeaking because other people dont want to play by your rules?



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A quick comparison of Aces High
« Reply #31 on: October 13, 1999, 09:10:00 AM »
Are the planes in BOB gonna shoot little ping pong balls, like the ones in Flying Circus, Simguilds other piece of silliness??

Offline Westy

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A quick comparison of Aces High
« Reply #32 on: October 13, 1999, 09:38:00 AM »

 Ayefriggenmen HiTech.
 Cripes it's like listening a broken record.



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A quick comparison of Aces High
« Reply #33 on: October 13, 1999, 09:58:00 AM »
I,sir,would like an answer.Perhaps because i tend to be abrupt in my postings,i may sound critical.Let me assure you that im not a fault finding person in the least.I am however a flight sim player who has been running sim software since 1980.The current state of boxed sims is generally very good.The sim community had a GREAT deal to do with this evolition.Gamers demand,gameplay,imerision,re-play value in the sim genre.The current crop of on-line sims dont deliver this.I realize this game experance is in its incepeancy.I dont really forsee on-line gaming staying as un-organized as it current state.I feel as much right to ask of you as is demanded of others.Please dont feel threated by critics.You cant truly evolove in any endevor without their it feels good or not.........By the way, i think you guys are doing a marvolus job so. far. And my posts tend to be short because of a horrible shortcomming which makes alphbet letters hard to reconize...this post took over an hour to write


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A quick comparison of Aces High
« Reply #34 on: October 13, 1999, 10:39:00 AM »
What are you looking for in an online sim??
You want to be lead by the nose through some silly scripted missions?
You want to be force fed missions by some computer ai?

This sim has more going for it than ANY boxed sim!

Here you can organize your OWN missions, nobody tells you what to bomb, strafe, or who to shoot down.
Perhaps what you are missing is your own creativity to do things.
I have bombed factorys, strafed ack, escorted bombers to target, flown cap, fap and gone on patrol all on my own, I didnt need some ai guy briefing me on the days mission to do so.
That my friend is where the gameplay is!
If your sick of being disorganized then do somethin about it!! Form a squad and dish out orders and missions yourself.
If your sick of the low over the base furball then go someplace where its not happening!
Take off in a 17 from deep in your terratory, get it to 35k and bomb somethin!
Get with me if im online..hell, Ill give ya a mission!!

By the way, with the lack of gunners on the buffs, and the current (beta) state of the sim, not to mention lots of new guys just popping in to check out AH, dont you think most of us are enjoying the hell out of the furballs?? I sure am!
Give the sim some time to mature, and you will see some very organized squads doing things that will rival any boxed sim.
There will always be alot of guys that dont want to contribute to a squad, or anything else but a good ol furball and gettin their next kill. But there will be a core of players that are serious. These guys are what make things happen in an online sim like this one. Get with a good squad (once some get formed that is) and you will have plenty to accomplish and achieve.

We are in a state of war, Rooks, Bishops and the Knights. The battle has yet to begin in earnest. When it does im gonna be in the middle of it, enjoying every second.


[This message has been edited by Granger (edited 10-13-1999).]


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A quick comparison of Aces High
« Reply #35 on: October 13, 1999, 01:23:00 PM »
Apparently a lot of people here either don't remember or even know of a vaporware online sim called Tactical Aero Squadron (TAS), the person behind that farce sucked in a lot of us. He too claimed to be a exfighter jock AND that he owned a P-51.

Turns out neither was true, I didn't know it at the time but real exfighter jocks belong to a very exclusive club and claims to belonging to said club can be easily verified. (There's a bunch of 'em here at work).

It happened to the guy behind TAS and his house of cards fell shortly afterward.

So yeah, maybe when someone comes along with a  post that is poorly worded, misspelled, and makes obviously inaccurate claims and observations and comes off sounding like some 13 year old refugee from Fighter Ace, he just might get toasted a bit.

Anyone making inflammatory or false statements on  public internet forum is going to catch some heat, doing it in a specialized forum like AH is defiantly going to get someone singed.


I'm surrounded by idgits and mooks!

[This message has been edited by Tigger (edited 10-13-1999).]

Offline Horn

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A quick comparison of Aces High
« Reply #36 on: October 14, 1999, 09:34:00 AM »

(basking in the hate)

(feeling more 't home)

Offline Downtown

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A quick comparison of Aces High
« Reply #37 on: October 14, 1999, 11:21:00 AM »
Back to Dynamite Danny here for a tic,

I for one find it difficult to believe that he went through pilot training and they never discussed the possiblity of blackout/redouts during high G manuvers with him.

I find it difficult to belive because I used to go to the Airforce accademy all the time.
(My Daughter was born there, and my last knee surgery was there.)

I know that Blackouts/Redouts are something that the Plebes? (I forget what they call 1st Year Air Farce Academy Cadets (Zoomies?))
are trained and discuss much during their four year tenior at the Air Farce Academy.

I also know two F-16 pilots who said that it was quite easy to make yourself blackout in an F-16 because it was so easy to load and unload G Forces in the F-16. EVEN WITH THE G-SUITS.


If Danny Flew in a T-38 why does he think he was wearing the G-Suit?

I also know several people who got morale rides in F-15s, F-16s, A-6s, A-10s, F-4s, F-14s, and F-18s.  They all said that they had breif lapse of conciousness while the pilots went through their acrobatics, and they all lost their lunch.

I worked hard while in the service to get awards and recognition, all because I wanted the MORALE RIDE. Though I never did win one.

I know that the Grunting, muscle tightening, Muscle Strain, Etc.. Techniques are BRIEFED TO ANYONE WHO IS GOING ON A MORALE RIDE.

I Know that the Blue Angels, Thunderbirds, Chilean Halcones, French, Canadian, Russian, British, Etc.. Etc... Pilots use those techniques to help resist blackouts during high G manuvers during their airshows.


How could you be at the contols of an aircraft and not have heard this?  How could you have been in the Air Force and not have heard this?  HOw?  How? It baffles me, and I wasn't even in a flying carreer field?

P.S. There is an effect while parachuting called ground rush that creates a tunnel vision effect.  I am told that the tunnel vison is similar to a G-Force Blackout, except that with Ground Rush there isn't a black edge, its more of a heat/fuzzy type distortion.

I don't reccomned you get to ground rush where you get the tunnel vision effect.

"I could feel the 20MM Cannon impacting behind me so I made myself small behind the pilot armor" Charlie Bond AVG

[This message has been edited by Downtown (edited 10-14-1999).]

Offline SC-GreyBeard

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A quick comparison of Aces High
« Reply #38 on: October 14, 1999, 11:48:00 AM »
Response to FowlWing

No,, the little ping pong balls are gone..  
remember, that FC is only 2d, rather than 3d, and was a 1st attempt at a easily playable game. (which it is)

actually the graphics in BoB are excellant, and the way they've done the shells are exceedingly similair to what you see in AH.

As to flight modeling, I couldn't say since I know squat about that...

Ground strikes are really impressive, they even have the smoke trails over the wings as the guns fire.

Bits and peices fall off hit aircraft, and smoke trails are also very well done, from the black smoke of burning oil, to the whitish vapor of a fuel/radiator leak. The smoke effects are outstanding. I've seen a couple furballs that looked like old WW1 movies with all the smoke trails in the sky.  

Aircraft are a bit easier to see at close range in BoB than in AH, though is is easy to lose them when viewed against the ground, which also looks a bit like AH's ground when yer really low. (without the sheep, LOL)

In my opinion, BoB will be an excellant game.
As good as AH so far??, who's to say at this point in time..
the current alpha is basically just a video platform test so there are very few frills.

Flight Commander, Aces High
Skeleton Crew

[This message has been edited by SC-GreyBeard (edited 10-14-1999).]


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A quick comparison of Aces High
« Reply #39 on: October 14, 1999, 01:19:00 PM »
greybeard.......nice to see ya again.......i think all this cross over bashing is hurting this game..........seems the thing here is to bash other companies as much as you can.....well that doesnt fly with me i love flying is an easy game to play(and there is play to it not just fly and kill), lets face it most ppl are not into real modeling in there games.....i would never get off the ground in most planes....and i dont think many of you would far as ive seen this is a fine sim...but as chester said were is the game play????? all ive seen is alot of furballing at low levels.......and alot of people telling me how great this sim is and how every1 elses sims doesn't measure up to this one......... i was touting this game on the squad mgs board at F.C. and telling ppl to try it...... a game is only as good as the comunity of players that play it....and there are a lot of pilots on other sims that would be turned off from this game just by the msg. board...
 so long


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A quick comparison of Aces High
« Reply #40 on: October 14, 1999, 01:31:00 PM »
AND btw hitech said"Or do you just want to
                        continue squeaking because other people dont want to play by your rules?" to chester in his post.
 What are the rules in this game......are there any??? I don't see much of a code of conduct within the pilots???
 Do they have 1 and is it stated????
 This seems to be a great game but it needs
people to give honest critisism our it will pass just like all the others before it...
  and MAX wrote "Well 1Shot if you can name one sim that does not contain spite, arrogance, and hostility toward newbies and other pilots, i'm all ears" Max try F.C. new ppl are welcomes and made to feel right at home...and helped in many any way they need help in....Thier not treated as new meat...
"Cover your 6 or you might get stung"

[This message has been edited by Brig.Gen.STING-94TH (edited 10-14-1999).]

Offline Westy

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A quick comparison of Aces High
« Reply #41 on: October 14, 1999, 03:33:00 PM »
 Um <cough> GeNeRaL.

 This is a _____ (wait for it)______ hold on....

 .... beta.

 A very early .......beta.

 There is no gameplay yet. Not even sure what it is. But we don't obviously have it.
 So for right now I for one am enjoying the hell out of furballs. High. Low. One on many, many on one and many on many....
 And when scenarios come along I'll be on the first bus to em.
 So you, Chester and all the others asking, "where is the game play???" .... Well it's in the players hands right now and right now most folks are flying for fun, some are starting squadrons but most are trying to test the front end so the product can be developed.

 <steps off soap box.....remnants>

Cod I gotta lose weight...


[This message has been edited by Westy (edited 10-14-1999).]

Offline hitech

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A quick comparison of Aces High
« Reply #42 on: October 14, 1999, 04:52:00 PM »
Where's the game play.

Games can fall into mutliple classes.
Aces High and most other online flight sims
fall into the same class as most sports.

Sport's games typicaly have fairly simple goals with extreamly complex tactics and stratagies of acheviing these goals.

An example of a sports game is basketball. The goal is simple , score more points than your oponent by putting the ball threw the hoop more than he does. The stratagy, skill, and tactics to achive this goal people spend there lives mastering.

Aces High like basketball has a very simple goal. Inflict more damage on your opponent then he does on you by either bombing his buildings or shooting him down.

Aces High like basketball requires a lot of time to just learn the skill of flying the plane proficently.

After one learns the fundameltals of flying and shooting he normaly advances into thinking how he can best uses these skills by use of tactic's. When do I boom and zoom, When the best time to break. Whats a lag turn or lead turn an so on.

Aces High also has stratagy. What plane is best to fly in a given situation. Is it better to go fly a bomber and first go pound all there ground targets so we can have an advatage later. Is it better to mix a group of fighters and bombers in strikes. When should we go on the defensive.

The other things that that most games like basketball have in common with Aces High is that its not a game with out other people involved. Unlike box games aces high can not be played by yourself ,it's the compatition and uniquness of each game / sortie that makes it fun and has kept people playing online sims for a lot of years.

It all comes down to all HTC does is make the court and the rules. Its the players who make the game fun and exciting.


Offline CptTrips

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A quick comparison of Aces High
« Reply #43 on: October 14, 1999, 05:01:00 PM »
>I don't see much of a code of conduct
>within the pilots???

Bahahaaaa.  Oh gawd, not that again. ;>

My code of conduct is :

1. Leave no enemy alive
2. Leave no sheep unmolested. ;>

Now if they'd only get that damn ISDN line installed in my new apt.....

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline SC-GreyBeard

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A quick comparison of Aces High
« Reply #44 on: October 15, 1999, 02:20:00 AM »
Sting!!  <S>

Bashing?? what bashing?

granted my 1st post wasn't exactly a true comparison as the thread implies so I returned and gave my honest response to a question by FowlWing. (see above)

I happen to like FC very much.
I also happen to LUV Aces High.

As to game play here. This is only 3rd week.
Believe me, in the 1st three weeks of FC, there wasn't much of an "unWritten Pilots Code" in FC either. Nor was there much in the way of gameplay. That did not develope till a lot later.

As to game play here? I'd dearly love to see some escorting of unarmed b-17's..and C-47's ('specially since I'm a bomber jock, and my death/survival - mission ratio really suks...)

Believe me, it will come in time,, as will the "Unwritten Code"

BTW,, Best of luck in the squad wars in FC this weekend,,, I won't be there to ref this time.  <S>


Flight Commander, Aces High
Skeleton Crew

[This message has been edited by SC-GreyBeard (edited 10-15-1999).]