Right, what i'm trying to do is get the money into the peoples hands. Remember, whatever % you would tax them(casino), a good portion of that gets eaten up by government bureaucracy, by the time it trickles down back to you, there is alot less to spend.
I'm not sure what you are saying on the winning, but if you mean the casinos are not making much because you win 96 dollars for every 100 you spend, then there isn't much we can tax, that laffer curve thing would apply?
But like I said, any money we could get out of them would be better served in the peoples hands as winnings, even if that money does not have to be reported, it gets spent in the community, buying power helps the economy and tax dollars get collected on what they buy. The less government has their hands on the money, the better. But if the government gets their way(and they will) they won't do it my way.